#i think he was my number one favourite hamster of all eight i had
szappan · 2 years
when i was about ten my hamster selymi was dying of either illness or old age or both and my mum gave me the task of transporting him into the bucket we'd take him to the vet in and i stared at him for long and dear minutes as he was breathing shallowly but otherwise unmoving on his side that was nearly devoid of all fur now on his bedding outside of his little house and i remember not wanting to touch him and i dont even remember why now because as i was looking at him in that moment even if death had nine good fingers on him he was my hamster and i could be and had to be more tender than ever before and this is why i can put any spider among the nearest available foliage today i think
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morgaanleah · 4 years
A piece of writing
I’ve been sitting here for over an hour trying to figure out how I could write my story, but I guess I’ll go with the flow and let my pen do the writing and my mind do the rest. 
There was this cloth, a plate white one, this cloth intimidated me, gave me nightmares, and made me wish my existence was no longer, it just sat there in my bathroom... glaring as if it knew I wanted to get rid of it. But I was scared it would choke me. Some nights, I would wake up and it sounded like it was screaming my name, it would just lay on my counter, I could feel the bad vibe it was giving me. After eight long sleepless nights of fearing it would come alive and kill me. I was prescribed sleeping pills so I would leave my zombie mode and stop scaring my co-workers. In the past, I’ve never been scared of anything really. Horror movies were usually my thing, I loved them! And let’s be honest, how does one that loves this type of movies have a sudden huge phobia of a cloth?! My nightmares continued, and with the sleeping pills, things got much worse... I was in such a deep sleep and my dreams were so dramatic, so real. I’d be running from the cloth, and it would catch me, choke me, and sometimes I’d see my own funeral. The cloth would be sitting by a tree at the gravesite, grinning with his intimidating look. I really disliked my nightmares, I guess you could say I hated them. One night I didn’t take a pill before bed, and I stayed up until four in the morning fearing the cloth would come get me, every little sound I heard, I cried a little more. The next five months were a drag, but I spent time talking to my pet hamster about my feelings and experiences, my stories scared the grains out of him because every time I talked to him, he would start running on his little wheel. After five months of that, I decided I needed to talk to a human about this, so I went online and found the number of a psychologist. My fiftieth visit was the worst, the doctor told me I should throw it away, but obviously she does not know what kind of horrible it is in my home. Yes I have considered moving, but that would be too much work. I’ve tried staying in a hotel, but it got too small and uncomfortable when the cleaning lady would come in and find me doing my jumping jacks. Every day when I would get home, I wanted to burn the cloth, it got me so angry sometimes when it would stare at me, I considered tearing it apart stitch by stitch, but the thought of touching that demon gave me the shivers. I began to get so crazy and have hallusinations, it was as if the cloth was slithering like a snake around my room and under my blankets. I screamed and stared my hamster a few times. I swear the cloth seemed human sometimes, that is how scared I was of this piece of crap. I was scared to watch television for I feared it. Finally after about four more months of trying to avoid it and hoping it would go away, I decided to get some confidence and kill the cloth once and for all. I got really drunk off a bottle of wine, I drank it so fast as if I was a dehydrated athlete after finishing an event, I guess I got too drunk for I blacked out and do not remember anything after 9 o’ clock. My mother called me the next morning explaining what happened. I danced with my hamster to Wiz Kahlifa, prank called my mother telling her I was going to pee my pants which explains why she came over and threw up my rice from my supper that day. During my day of a hangover, I realized I had wasted time and money doing so. But at least I forgot about the cloth for a night for my hamster became my favourite item, I must admit we had a very good night dancing and singing. I enjoyed the thought that while I was drunk, I didn’t think of that monster for at least twenty-four hours, so I decided to consider drinking more and more to erase the existence of that thing. My psychiatrist suggested I don’t do that and just get rid of the darn thing already, but I insisted I do this and forget about the demon in my home. With my mothers support of buying the alcohol and drinking it with me, the thought of the cloth had again disappeared. But the feeling the next morning was awful, and to get rid of it. I decided to stay drunk and keep drinking, and I did. I believe I got alcohol poisoning that morning and I woke up in the hospital and my mother was beside me with the same condition. That evening was the greatest though, my grandfather came and brought us iced caps from tim hortons, and got us out of the hospital, he dropped off my mother first then me at home. Again, I was left alone with that demon of a cloth in my bathroom. My sick feeling was not helping my fear, but I was quite fed up with that things evil glare and I just wanted it gone! So, I called my grandpa over to put the cloth into the washer and he did, I just washed it over and over, and soon it was so small, I don’t know how it shrunk, but it did! I grabbed it with tweezers and threw it away. It seemed so easy to do, and later slapped myself in the face for not doing that over a year ago. But now, I am living happily, singing in the shower and taking my hamster for daily walks, it’s the greatest. Yesterday, I wrote a goodbye letter to the cloth and left it on the counter in the bathroom.  
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willow-salix · 5 years
Here's my offering for the first week of @gumnut-logic "FAB FIVE FEB". I used the prompt of "ball". Enjoy!
Selene yelped and ducked as the tennis ball flew past her head as she entered the kitchen. 
"What was that?" 
"Ball," John answered, his focus on his tablet. 
"Why did a ball just launch itself at my face?" 
"Sorry, Selly! Wasn't intentional."
"I thought I was safe in the kitchen," she commented to no one in particular as she carefully took a seat beside her spaceman and stole a sip of his coffee. 
"It's never safe in this kitchen," Virgil pointed out helpfully as he bit into a slice of toast. 
Alan tossed the ball again and Gordon caught it neatly, throwing it back. This went on for another few minutes, the ball sailing over the table at which they all sat, Selene flinching each time it came a little too close to her face. She watched them as she drank her coffee, thoughtfully provided by Virgil, trying to figure out why this particular activity was taking place at half past eight in the morning, it was way too early for that shit. Nope, she had nothing! 
"What are they doing?" she asked John, curiosity getting the better of her. 
"We're throwing a ball," Alan answered before John could. 
Well yeah, that explained it. She rolled her eyes at their lack of information. 
"How long for and why?" 
"Well, Alan found the ball under a sun lounger and he threw it at my head," Gordon took up the narrative. 
"Of course he did. So what, this is some weird retaliation on your part?" 
"No, me catching it and aiming for his crotch was."
"But I dodged and caught it."
"And you decided to move to the kitchen, when?" 
"Alan threw it back, aiming for my chest but I caught it and aimed for his foot, but he kicked it up and caught it again. Then we kinda just aimed at various body parts for a while before we got a bit tired and just started throwing it normally."
"And you were still outside at this point?" Selene felt a headache coming on and just about managed to dodge backwards as the ball skimmed the tip of her nose. 
"Again, why are you in here?" She threw her hands up in frustration, could none of them ever answer a simple question? 
"Well neither of us wanted to call time and be the first to give in," Gordon shrugged as if it were obvious, which, given how competitive all the boys were, should have been. 
"So you just kept going?" 
"Yep, it's been two hours now," Alan looked pleased as fuck with that statement. 
"And you're in here why?" 
"Because we got hungry," Alan tossed the ball to Gordon and quick as a flash, grabbed a slice of toast off Scott's plate and took a large bite, dropping it back down as Gordon caught the ball and threw it back. 
"You aren't even stopping to eat?" 
"No, that would be giving up, and Tracy's aren't quitters," Gordon bit off half a banana in one mouthful, his cheeks bulging like a hamster's. 
"You're so weird, all of you!" 
"What did we do?" John asked, having the nerve to look offended. 
"They're your brothers!" 
"Not like I made them this way," 
She couldn't even drag up the energy to argue his logic, really, what was the point? 
"I'm going to get some work done, someone call me when they're done."
"Why is it bothering you so much?" Virgil asked innocently enough, but she'd learnt never to trust them fully. 
"I…" damn this was going to be embarrassing, "I'm just not good with balls, or anything being thrown really."
"Why? What's wrong with us throwing things, don't you trust us?" Alan looked hurt. 
"It's not that I don't trust you, though I probably shouldn't," she ignored his outraged huff. "I just have an issue with it, that's all."
"An issue with us throwing a ball?" Gordon didn't look impressed. 
"Yes! Balls hate me, everything that can be thrown hates me. They literally target my head. I've been hit by basketballs, netball, tennis balls, a hockey puck, a football, a ping pong ball and a shuttlecock. Any time people are throwing things it hits me. Every damn time, so pardon me if I don't want a concussion on a Saturday morning."
Gordon sniggered and she glared at him. 
"Is something funny?" 
"No, well…" he paused to catch the ball and lob it back at his brother. 
"Spit it out. I know you have something to say, you always do."
"I'm offended by that."
"You can't be offended by the truth," John added helpfully. 
"I said spit it out!" 
"I was only going to make a comment about how lucky my brother is."
"What? I am? Why?" 
"Because balls are attracted to her head." 
John snorted in amusement, but shut up as she glared at him. 
Alan tried to hold it in but failed, bursting into sudden laughter, losing control as he threw the ball and it veered towards Virgil. 
"Catch it!" Gordon yelled and Virgil rose to the challenge, catching the ball easily and tossing it back to Gordon. 
"You're in the game now, you can't leave, you're part of this," Alan declared.
"I'm what?" 
Gordon tossed the ball to Alan who caught it and threw it to Virgil. 
"You're part of the game, we decided outside that we're going for the world record, longest game of catch, they have the largest but not longest," Alan announced, proud of his idea. 
"I'm out!" Selene tried to get up but the ball whizzed too close and she shrieked, protecting her head. 
"It was nowhere near you," Gordon insisted. 
"Yeah, we wouldn't hit you with a ball, you can trust us."
"Not after that comment I won't."
She waited until the ball went winging its way back to Alan and ducked out of the way, crossing the kitchen bent double to avoid the projectile. 
"You're all crazy, I'm going to work outside in the garden where I can't be targeted!" She took off through the wide open doors to safety. 
"One of these days she's going to curse you, and I'll laugh," John grinned swiping at something on his tablet. 
"It's been four hours, surely it's safe by now?" Selene asked Armstrong, who declined to answer, not even bothering to open his eyes. 
"You're not helpful you know," she stroked his soft fur, warned by the sun. "You stay out here and keep baking, you're nearly ready."
She got to her feet, taking the natal charts she had been plotting with her to get John to help with. She laughed evilly to herself, help with, who was she kidding? She was going to make him do all of it. 
She peeked around the kitchen door, wary of any flying objects but found it empty apart from Grandma. 
"Is it safe?" 
"Yes, dear, I made them get out of my kitchen when they almost knocked over the mixer." 
"Wise decision," Selene glanced into said mixing bowl, seeing a number of eggs shells floating in what could potentially be cake batter but just as easily be wallpaper paste. She made a mental note to avoid whatever it was if it made it to the table. 
She gave Grandma a kiss on the cheek as she left, heading upstairs to the living room. There was no way they were up here…
"Aghhhh!" she screamed in terror as the ball hurtled towards her like it was shot from a cannon.
"Catch it, Sel!" 
She made a grab at it, fumbling awkwardly but managed to keep hold of it. Instinctively she threw it back in the direction it had come, then stopped dead. 
"You're in the game now," Scott told her, the look of resignation on his face telling her he'd been caught too and been drafted. 
"How did you get involved?" 
Scott shrugged, not really knowing himself. 
"I needed to pee and Scott stepped in, but then he didn't want to quit either, so he stayed," Alan explained cheerfully. 
"Oh, you didn't…"she shook her head in disappointment." I thought you were the sensible one?"
"How the hell did you guys even get up here with that thing?" 
"Carefully," Virgil answered from his spot on the couch, catching the ball Scott threw his way and tossing it to Gordon. 
"We went up a step at a time and threw it back and forth, but the rules are that you can't throw it back to the person who threw it last, not unless you're just joining, so we had to run around each other to get up them." 
"There's rules now?" 
"Of course there are, this isn't a game you know," Alan informed her haughtily as he caught the ball from Gordon and threw it back to Scott. 
"How silly of me to think you were just playing catch."
Scott threw the ball her way and she lunged to catch it, almost dropping it. 
"I'm so shit at this," she threw it to Virgil who caught it one handed, just to show off and threw it to Gordon. 
"Can't I abdicate or something and let John have my place?" 
"No, because I'm not stupid enough to get involved," her annoying other half piped up from his place of safety behind Jeff's desk where he had been quietly working. 
"You would if you loved me," she squatted in perpetration as Scott gently threw the ball underhand to her, giving her a sporting chance. 
"This is why you're my favourite," she told Scott as the ball dropped neatly into her cupped hands. 
"I thought I was your favourite!" Alan whined as she lobbed the ball at Virgil who was enjoying this far too much. 
"You were until you threw a ball at my head."
"Technically I'm her favourite," John commented a little smugly. 
"She doesn't moan when your balls go near-" 
"Shut up!" Selene threw a cushion at Alan, who caught it and frisbeed it at Gordon. 
"New projectile in play! Good idea, Sel, this'll shake things up a bit." 
"Oh my fucking gods! What's wrong with you lot?" 
"They're bored," Scott shrugged as he threw the ball to her then caught the cushion from Gordon. 
"No shit." Selene caught the cushion he tossed her way, which was much easier than the ball, and whipped it to Virgil, who grabbed the corner and sent it hurtling at Gordon with barely a pause. 
"How much longer are we going to be doing this?" Selene complained as she caught the cushion and threw it to Virgil then caught the ball that came next, grabbing it with both hands against her chest before taking aim to continue the round. "How long have I been here?" 
"Two hours and nine minutes," John helpfully informed her. 
"It feels like forever! You guys have to be near a record by now."
"We're not quitting, we'll keep going until the ball touches the floor," Alan insisted. 
"This is your fault, blondie!" 
Alan bowed regally then straightened and deftly caught the ball and tossed it to Scott in one easy motion. 
"Show off," she once again fumbled the thing. "I hate this."
"Yet you keep playing," John pointed out. 
"If you ever want your balls to get any attention again I'd shut up, dude," she warned him, giving him a squinty eyed death glare. 
He snorted, unconcerned. "You'll crack before I do." 
"Like hell I will!" 
"I can spend a month in space, you'll be grabbing my butt within a week."
"That's the last time I let you near my chest balls for a very long time!" she caught the ball and threw it at his head. 
John automatically caught it before it hit him in the face and then realised what he'd done. 
Alan cracked up laughing, just managing to catch the cushion that launched at him.
"You're up, bro!" Scott grinned gleefully as John hauled himself up and threw the ball at Virgil who caught it and tossed it to Gordon. 
Scott passed the cushion to Selene, who caught it and passed it on. 
"I knew you couldn't resist us!" Alan crowed joyfully as John moved to stand in the growing circle. 
"This is ridiculous," he caught the cushion that sailed over from Virgil's direction. "This isn't even a real game." He threw the pillow at Gordon who got fancy and caught it with his eyes closed.
"This ball has been thrown continuously for thirteen hours," Alan told Kayo proudly as she appeared in the room.
"Thirteen hours? Is that what you've done all day? All of you?"
"For various lengths of time, yes. Some of us were unfairly attacked," John looked pointedly at Selene who stuck her tongue out in retaliation.
"Why is there a couch cushion involved?"
"Selene threw it at Alan's head," Scott informed her.
"And she threw the ball at John because he thinks that she wants his butt more than he wants hers," Alan caught the cushion and threw it to Scott then caught the ball as it flew his way.
"Here, catch, you can play too!" he threw the ball to Kayo.
"No thanks," she ducked and they all watched in horror as the ball sailed over her head…
"G-Grandma says that dinner is read- WOAHH!" Brains' eyes grew wide behind his glasses as the ball hurtled towards him. He panicked, stepping back out of the way, his hands coming up to protect himself, face screwed up in terror as the ball neared.
"Catch it, Brains!"
"I...ca-can't!" Brains shrieked and they all held their breath…
A mechanical beep sounded and suddenly the ball was plucked out of midair.
Brains huffed out a sigh of relief, lowering his arms to smile at his saviour.
"Th-thanks M-MAX."
"MAX," Alan called, waving his arms to get the robots attention. "Throw it back!" He held out his hands, ready to receive the ball.
MAX chirped happily and wound his arm up.
Alan hunkered down, flexing his fingers.
MAX swung his arm back and let go, the ball sailing behind him as he followed their instructions to the letter, throwing it backwards.
"Are you guys coming to dinner? Look, I made a lovely-"
They all gasped in horror as the ball landed in Grandma's cake with a wet splat.
Alan dropped to his knees in disbelief, his head cradled in his hands.
Gordon wailed in sorrow as if he'd ripped his favourite shirt.
Scott sagged in relief and flopped down on the couch.
Virgil just stared, feeling the same sense of loss the younger two did, since he'd been in there the longest.
"Thank God for that," John sighed, immediately leaving the circle to go to his desk.
Selene looked over at the ball perched on top of the mound of cake, frosting and fruit.
"What?" Kayo asked from the safety of Virgil's piano stool where she had retreated.
"Well, technically the ball didn't hit the floor…"
Grandma yelped as both Alan and Gordon launched at her, grabbing the plate of cakey mess and raced down the stairs.
"We can wash it off in the pool!"
"I'm out!" Scott escaped to his room.
"I need food," Virgil vanished after him.
"What just happened?" Brains asked in bemusement as Grandma trailed after the younger two, yelling that if they took that cake into the pool she would make them eat it.
John slipped his arms around Selene's waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"That was sneaky," he kissed the side of her neck in just the right spot, knowing it would make her melt. As predicted she shivered in response, leaning back against his chest.
"Want to escape while we can?" he nuzzled his nose into the dip beneath her ear.
She grinned, tipping her head back to look at him.
"Is that a bat in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?"
"Want to find out?"
Selene turned in his arms, ignoring the gagging noises coming from Kayo, and wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on tiptoes to steal a kiss.
"You know what?" she mumbled against his lips.
"What?" he whispered back.
"You can go play with your bat and balls on your own, because Tracy's don't quit and you said I'd crack first."
She released her arms from around his neck and sailed out of the room to the sound of Kayo's hysterical laughter.
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space-x-cowgirl · 5 years
Y’all are gonna hate me for this but I’m bored
1. Name: Ashley.
2. Nickname(s): Ash, Stinks.
3. Birthday: June 26’th.
4. That makes you (age): 21.
5. Where were you born (city): Manchester NH.
6. Location right now (planet :lol:): My moms apartment.
7. Shoe size: 9 1/2.
8. How many piercings?: 1.
9. Tattoos?: None.
10. When you wake up you're: Bitchy.
11. When your about to sleep you're: Restless.
12. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
13. Chinese sign: No idea.
14. Righty or Lefty: Righty.
15. Innie or Outie: Outie.
16. School: I graduated high school from Pembroke Academy.
Section Two: Looks
17. Nationality: White.
18. Hair colour: Black.
20. Weight: 120.
21. Height: 5’4.
22. Braces? No.
23. Glasses? Yes.
Section Three: Private Life
24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? I have both.
25. If so, who? None ya.
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? N/A.
27. Who has a crush on you? Hopefully my girlfriend and boyfriend.
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Yes.
29. Who was your first kiss: Ben Krygeris.
30. Who was your last kiss: Tristyn.
31. Are you a virgin? No.
32. Ever had a threesome before? Yes.
33. NQ- Every been swarmed by ladybugs?: No
34. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
35. Broken any hearts? Yes.
36. Got your heart broken? Yes.
37. Ever liked a friend? Yes.
38. What happened? He liked me too but it didn’t work out.
Section Four: Past Relationships
39. How many relationships have you been in? Like 10.
40. How many were serious enough to count: 3.
41. Who were those serious ones: Evan, Austin, Tristyn.
42. NQ- Who used to be your best friend: Tianna.
43. What made them different: She was there for me through. Very hard time in my life.
44. What happened: I had a thing with her brother and when it didn’t work our she cut me out of her life.
45. Best boy/girlfriend: Current.
46. Worst boy/girlfriend:. Not answering this.
47. Ever been kissed: Duh?
48. Who do you want back: My cat.
49. Who do you regret: Losing my cat.
50. Why?: I miss him more than anything.
Section Five: Favourites
51. Song: Degenerates by A Day to Remember.
52. Movie: The Little Mermaid.
53. Food: Chicken.
54. Drink: Pepsi.
55. Store: None.
56. Television show: Rugrats.
57. Holiday: Christmas.
58. Book: The Glass Castle.
59. Ice cream: Mint.
60. Sweets: Anything chocolate.
61. Crisps: Cheetos or smart food.
62. Type of music: All.
63. Artist: None.
64. Word: Penis.
65. Time of day: Night.
66. Dressing: None.
67. Alcoholic drink: I don’t drink.
68. Colour(s): Purple.
69. Piece of clothing: Pj’s.
70. Character: None.
71. Smell: Any cleaning product or gasoline.
72. Shampoo: Idk.
73. Soap: Idk.
74. Smiley: 🤷🏻‍♀️
75. Board game: Uno.
76. Sport: None.
77. Number: 48.
78. Quote: None.
79. Animal: Cat, Sloth.
80. Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio.
82. Vegetable: None.
83. Fruit: Apple or grapes.
84. Place to be: My bed.
85. Thing in your room: My bed or my Xbox.
86. Gum: Juicy Fruit.
87. Shape: None.
88. Country: USA I guess.
89. Mall: None.
90. Car: Jeep Wrangler.
91. Boy's name: Oliver
92. Girl's name: Aela.
93. Family member: My mom or my sister.
94. Restaurant: Poor Boys.
95. Movie place: None.
96. Person to go to the movies with: None.
97. Noise: Paper crinkling.
98. Brand of shoe: Vans.
99. Brand of clothing: Idk.
100. Body part of a chicken: Not sure.
101. Swear word: Fuck.
102. Month: May.
103. Possession: Phone I guess.
104. Team: None.
105. Season: Spring.
106. Radio station: None.
107. Magazine: None.
108. Favourite grade: None.
109. Least favourite grade: 9’th.
110. Teacher: Mr.Millete.
111. Least favourite teacher: Mrs.cunningham.
112. Subject: History.
113. Subject to talk about: Video games or cats.
Section Six: Family
114. Who's your mum?: Michelle.
115. Who's your dad?: Eric.
116. Any step-parents?: Yes.
117. Any brothers?: A half brother.
118. Any Sisters?: A sister and a step sister.
120. Coolest: Me.
121. Loudest: Me.
122. Best relative: My gramma.
123. Worse relative: My stepmom.
124. Do you get along with your parents? Yes.
125. With your siblings? Mostly.
126. Does anyone understand you? My mom.
127. Do you have any pets?: 5 cats and 5 dogs, and a hamster.
128. If so, what kind and name? For cats it’s Jack, Sophie, Pizza, Opie, and Tig. For dogs it’s Piper, Duncan, Bree, Bean, and Lily. And my hamsters name is Sherbet.
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: N/A.
Section Seven: School
131. Are you still in school? No.
132. Did you drop out?: Yes.
133. Your current GPA: No idea.
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: Bought.
135. ABC's?: Yes?
136. Favorite class: History or pottery.
137. Play any sports at school?: Basketball.
138. Are you popular? No.
139. Favourite memory: my last day when I dropped out.
140. Most humiliating moment: Ehen I got stoned and beat a girl up.
141. Most funniest moment: Not sure.
142. Most scared moment: When a kid brought a gun to school.
Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear
145. Chicken: Tendies.
146. Dog: Cat.
147. Christina Aguilera: Familt Guy.
148. Ricky Martin: Nothing.
149. 50 cent: Rapper.
150. Poop: Pee.
151. Beach: Sand.
152. Desert: Cookie.
153. Water: Hot.
154. Osama: Bin Laden.
155. Love: Hate.
156. Your little brother: Cute.
157. Butt: Hole.
158. Clowns: Ew.
159. Wonder: Cool.
16o. Brown: Black.
161. Banana: Yummy.
162. Sex: Cool.
163. Parents: Love.
164. Homosexuals: Good.
165. God: Teal.
Section Nine: Do you believe in
166. God: Yes.
167. Heaven: Yes.
168. Devil: Yes.
169. Hell: Yes.
170: Boogy man: No.
171. Closet Monsters: No.
172. Fortune tellings: Yes.
173. Magic: No.
174. Love at first sight: No
175. Ghosts: Yes.
176. Voo-doo dolls: No.
177. Reincarnation: No.
178. Yourself: No.
Section Ten: Do you
179. Smoke: Yes.
180. Do drugs: I smoke pot ocassionaly.
181. Drink alcohol: No.
182. Cuss: Constantly.
183. Sing in the shower: Sometimes.
184. Like school: No.
185. Want to get married: Yes.
186. Type with all of your fingers: No.
187. Think you're attractive: No.
188. Drink and drive: No.
189. Snore: When I’m sick
190. Sleep walk: No.
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: Yes.
Section Eleven: Have you ever
192. Flashed someone: Yes.
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: No.
194. Told that person how you felt: Yes.
195. Been arrested:. Almost.
196. Gone to jail or juve: No.
197. Skateboarded:. Yes.
198. Skinny dipped: Yes.
199. Rock climbed: No.
200. Killed someone: No.
201. Watched porn: Yes.
202. Gone on a road trip: Yes.
203. Went out of the country: No.
204. Talked back to an adult: Yes.
205. Broken a law:. yes.
206. Got pulled over: No.
208: Cried to get out of trouble: Yes.
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes.
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No.
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: Yes.
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: No.
213. Moon someone: Yes.
214. Shop-lifted: Yes.
215. Worked at McDonald's: No.
216. Eaten a dog: No.
217. Give money to a homeless person: Yes.
218. Glued your hand to yourself: No.
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: Yes.
220. Had a one night stand: No.
221. Smoked: Yes.
222. Done drugs: Yes.
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: Yes.
224. Slap someone for being stupid: Yes.
225. Had cyber sex: Yes.
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