#i think eventually she would end up just destroying starclan in a rage and calling it a day
cloverrallover · 1 year
okay so lately I've been thinking abt a hollyleaf au where she WAS born with powers but isn't the third, or at least wasn't meant to be :3 kinda like she strongarms her way into having the special qualities she always wanted, that her siblings and bloodline seemed to hoard so obsessively. I'd like to think her power would have something to do w her word being believed as law (inspo bluejump they r so cool) and starclan using her as a sockpuppet :3 they shape her into everything they want, just as they do with the others (although they're less hands on w the Three), but eventually blah blah stuff with Sol stuff with leafpool The Gathering and Ashfur etc etc :3 if anybody wants 2 hear morre abt it lmk.....
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