#i think about camilla being a flying unit while her siblings are riding units a normal amount
maligknightsthorns · 3 months
Angel on the Wing
Wyvern Rider Drabble
Line up the Nohrian Royals and one sticks out. She is missing the blonde hair of her other three siblings. She's a walking briar patch in her armor, covered in thorns and dragon's teeth. She's in the skies on a revenant wyvern, not on the ground on a horse. Her weapon is brutal, and it was not forged by the Rainbow Sage but by an ordinary Nohrian blacksmith.
She likes it that way.
She soars high above her siblings, keeping a careful eye on them. They can be separated from each other, but they're never far from her. She can hit who ever would dare lay a finger on any of them and be back in the skies before their foes had the chance to blink. She can guide her siblings back to each other, and united they are unstoppable.
Her joyful younger sister heals with her staff and her smile. Camilla keeps an eye on her the most, they all do. Elise is someone special, her laugh could make flowers bloom. Camilla won't forgive anyone who cuts her down, striking any foe that dares approach the youngest Nohrian with shocking brutality. Her axe thirsts for their blood.
Her valiant older brother leads them with his commanding presence and superb swordplay. Xander is more than capable of holding his own, but he's the crowned prince and his head is worth more to their foes than his body is. Her wyvern may be small, but her wings are powerful. She blows back the forces that gather to try and overwhelm him before sinking her claws into them and tearing them apart. What ever her wyvern doesn't catch, Camilla catches with her axe.
Her clever younger brother was forced to grow up too young. He switches from the court games to the battlefield with cool calmness that the rest of them cannot meet. He has a plan for the future that will help all of Nohr, Camilla will not let him fall before he has the chance to see that plan to fruition. Leo roots their enemies in place with his divine tome, and Camilla cuts them down with practiced ease as she weaves in and out of the suddenly appearing trees.
Camilla is different from her siblings. Even now at Garreg Mach, where they are free from war, free from Nohr, free to choose what they want, Camilla sticks to the skies to continue to watch over them. She favors the brutality and strength of an axe over the elegance and mobility of a sword.
And so long as she draws breath, she will be their angel in the skies.
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