#i text to see if the sister can pray with me tonight bc then i can either 1)give her both cards or 2)give both of them their cards if
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as-dreamers-do · 3 months ago
my multi-layered plans don't always come off
but when once in a blue moon they do, it's the best feeling in the world
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prettyinlimegreenboots · 5 years ago
43? Bc I want to get absolutely emotionally wrecked??
Warnings: Arguments, minor cussing, and trauma related to an accident.
This is a LONG one - 2,505 words. Buckle in guys, this is a doozy!
“Are you leaving? Even without a goodbye?” His voice cut through the silence.
He looked up, even in the dark he was gorgeous and his heart stopped, but after what was said, he had to get out. “Haven’t we said enough tonight?”
“Yes but never did I think you’d leave.” Race crossed his arms looking at Spot. “You’re just going to quit when things get hard?”
Spot’s bag dropped to the ground, the sound echoing in the hallway. “Well you accused me of cheating on you so what else is there to say?”
“Nothing. But don’t leave. Stay in the other room or the couch. Just don’t walk out. We can talk in the morning, just stay here tonight.” Race stood his ground, heart conflicted with reaching out to him or being pissed off. Currently, he was a mix of the two.
Spot swallowed, not moving. “Give me one reason I should stay and not walk out that door and be gone forever.”
The silence hung in the air. The two looked at one another - they had been together for a little over 9 months and this was their first major fight. The honeymoon period was officially over.
“One reason is because I love you, despite what you may or may not have done.” Race swallowed the knot that was in his throat. “And I know you love me. Don’t walk out that door, Spot.”
Spot sighed. “I shouldn’t give into you, Race. You hurt me and I actually don’t care what you think at the moment. I do love you but right now I can’t stay here.”
“Spot, Sean, don't leave. Where are you going to go? It’s midnight and it’s raining.” Race took two steps forward, stopping suddenly.
Holding up a hand, Spot grabbed his bag, shaking his head. “You’ve said enough, Race. I’m leaving. I’ll text you when I get to Hotshot’s.” And with that, the door creaked open, before Spot stepped out. “I do love you but I just can’t be here right now.”
The door shut with a gentle bang, leaving Race all alone in the apartment. Only then did the tears start and didn’t stop until the phone rang an hour later.
“Is this Antonio Higgins?” A nasally voice asked on the other line.
Swallowing the knot in his throat, he nodded before realizing she couldn’t see him. “Y-yes.”
“Sean Conlon was just brought into Rush Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department and you were listed as his emergency contact.” She sighed. “You might want to get down here.”
He didn’t acknowledge her, just hung up the phone, shoved his feet into whatever shoes he could find, grabbed his keys before leaving the apartment. He took several deep breaths before getting into his car and making his way through the sleepy streets of the city.
Pulling up to the hospital, he haphazardly parked before making his way inside. He always hated hospitals, many years of being in the system and accidents. Usually Spot was by his side whenever he had anything medical done.
Walking up to the nurse’s desk, he cleared his throat, bouncing between his feet. “Can I help you?”
“I, uh, got a call about Sean Conlon.” He sighed, looking at the nurse with worried eyes.
She moved the computer mouse, checking her records. “What’s your relationship to him?”
“I’m his boyfriend and emergency contact.”
She nodded. “Okay. He’s currently in surgery. You can go up to the fifth floor waiting room. Just check in with the nurse at the front desk and she’ll let the surgeon know.”
“Do you have any indication of his injuries?” His eyes pleaded with her to give him any information.
She smiled sadly. “All the records say is internal bleeding, thus why he’s in surgery, and a broken arm. The surgeon will be able to tell you more in a bit.”
He thanked her before shuffling over to the elevators. He tapped his toes waiting. It finally came, slowly crawling to the fifth floor, every second feeling like an hour had passed. Checking in with the nurse, she directed him to the waiting room, telling him it shouldn’t be too much longer.
He fiddles with his phone, glancing up at the clock every few seconds, wishing time would pass more quickly. It was 3am so he couldn’t call any of their friends so that would have to wait.
Shitty infomercials were on the TV in the room, and even shittier magazines were laid out across the tables. Putting his head in his hands, he scolded himself. He should’ve done more to stop him from leaving the apartment. He grew up knowing that you should never drive when you’re angry. But he just let Spot leave. If the last words he would hear from Spot were that he loved him but couldn’t be around him 
.. no, he couldn’t think like that. He would be groveling to get Spot’s forgiveness for a long time but he was willing to do whatever it took.
He wasn’t a religious person but he prayed to whoever was listening. “Just make sure he makes it. He’s got too much life yet to live.”
Tapping his toes, he sighed, leaning his head against the wall, eyes starting to count the number of ceiling tiles. He got to 52 before the door opened and a middle aged woman walked in, giving him a sad smile. “Antonio?”
“Yes? How is he?” Race stood quickly, giving her a look.
She motioned for him to sit, sitting across from him. “I'm Dr. Stone and I performed the surgery. He’s stable. He made it fine through surgery. He had a lot of internal bleeding from where the steering wheel hit his chest. It’s going to be touch and go for the next few hours but if he makes it through that, I would say he’ll be alright.”
Nodding, Race bit his lip. “Can I see him?”
“He’s being moved to his room now, but a nurse will come get you in a few minutes to show you to his room. We’re not expecting him to wake up until at least midday but you’re more than welcome to sit with him.” She smiled softly, standing. “Do you have any other questions?”
Race shook his head, watching her take her leave. He sighed, finally feeling a sense of relief since he got the phone call. The time, 3:45am, would be burned into his mind as he looked around the small waiting room. Taking a couple of deep breaths, he let himself calm down, not wanting to be a mess when he finally got in Spot’s room.
The door opened once more, a new nurse propping it open with her hip. “Antonio, I can take you back to Sean’s room now if you’d like.”
He stood, nodding, as he followed the nurse through the bleak colored hallway. She paused at the door and gave him a smile. “He’s sedated. Dr Stone told you that he won’t be awake until midday but you can talk to him and he’s comfortable.”
“Thank you.” He mumbled, as she left him alone outside the door. Putting his hand on the handle, he hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door.
His breath was taken away by how still Spot was in the bed. Normally he was all over the place, never stopped moving, much like himself. But the blanket was tucked under his arms, a pale white cast on his left hand, and a white bandage on his forehead.
Dropping in the seat beside the bed, Race picked up his hand and laced their fingers together. “Oh Spot.”
The anxiety, frustrations, worry, and pain had all built up to the tears spilling down his face. Laying his head on the bed beside Spot, Race cried silently as not to disturb the sleeping patient. “I’m so sorry for everything - the accusation, not doing more to keep you at the apartment, for flying off the handle - I’m just so sorry.”
More tears fell until he fell asleep, comforted by the steady beats of the heart monitor keeping tabs on Spot’s vitals.
The next thing he knew, something was touching his head. It was more of a twitch than an actual poke but his eyes flew open, quickly remembering where he had fallen asleep. The sun was just peaking through the blinds as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Starting around the room, his blue eyes landed on Spot, who was still sleeping peacefully.
He sighed, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes found the clock on the wall. It was 7am. He sighed again, knowing he should let the family and friends know where they were and what had happened. A text was sent in the group chat before he locked his phone, not wanting to deal with it.
Just as he went to pocket his phone, the ringtone caught his attention, a special ringtone just for her. “Hello?”
“Got your text. How are you holding up?” Kat’s quiet voice came over the phone.
He shrugged. “I’m alright. Worried. It’s my fault he’s in here.”
 I doubt that.” She said, as he walked over to the window to look out.
Race sighed, leaning his head against the window. “We had a fight at midnight, I didn’t try hard enough to get him to stay and he was in the accident. My fault.”
“Bam Bam it’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself.” Kat wished she could hug him through the phone. “Do you want me to come sit with you? Do you need anything?”
He cleared his throat, glancing over at Spot’s still body. “If you want to come up, you can. I don’t need anything.”
“We’ll be up when Jack wakes. I’ll bring you some food, okay?” Her calm voice calmed him down.
Walking back to the side of the bed, he sat in the chair. “Alright, pebbles. See you later.”
“Love you Bam Bam. I’ll text when we’re heading up in case you need anything.”
“Love you too. Hey pebbles?” Race paused, thankful his sister was looking out for him. “Can you run damage control for a bit? Let the group know that he’s not really up for visitors?”
Her heart broke hearing him ask that. “Sure, I’ll let them know. Text me if you need anything.”
Dropping the phone onto the bedside table, he sighed, picking up Spot’s hand once more. He pressed a kiss to the top of his hand, before laying his head down on the bed. “Love you Spottie.”
His eyes closed, the rhythmic beeping, luring him to sleep once more.
The next time he woke up, it was the sunshine glaring through the window that woke him. The clock read 10:23. He sat up, stretching his back before looking at Spot. His face was scrunched up as if he was in pain. Grabbing his hand, Race stood over him. “Hey Spot, it’s alright buddy. You’re okay. Can you open your eyes for me?”
It took a minute but his eyes blinked a couple of times, before Race saw the warm brown eyes he had fallen in love with. “Hey, hey. You’re okay. You’re in the hospital but you’re alright.”
Race reached over and pressed the nurse’s button before running a hand through Spot’s hair. “Stay with me, Spot. That’s it.”
“What happened?” Spot asked, groggily, blinking his eyes due to the brightness.
Race pressed a kiss to his forehead, sighing. “We had a fight last night, you left the apartment and got into a car accident. You had some internal bleeding, broke your arm and did something to your forehead.”
The opening of the door caught their attention as the nurse walked in. “It’s good to see you awake, Mr. Conlon. Do you mind if I check your injuries?”
Race held back his eye roll at the stupid question - what was Spot going to say, no? Spot locked eyes with him and rolled his. “I’ll let Dr. Stone know you’re awake and she’ll be in shortly. Do you need something for the pain?”
Spot nodded his approval as the nurse pulled out a syringe and put something in his IV. She also adjusted his bed so that he was sitting up more and not flat on his back. “That should help with the pain but not put you back to sleep. Dr. Stone will be in shortly then we can get you some lunch.”
She took her leave as Race laced his fingers with Spot’s. He squeezed them before looking at Spot. “I’m sorry for the fight, accusations, all of it. I’m sorry for not stopping you from leaving the apartment. It’s my fault you’re in here.”
“Hey snookums, it’s my fault I’m in here.” Spot reached over and ran his hands through Race’s head. “I was the one driving the car, my fault, not yours. And I’m sorry for not staying. You were right, I was quitting when things got hard and I’m sorry.”
Race was quiet, processing the words Spot had said. He bit his lip. “What do we do now?”
“Let me heal and talk.” Spot squeezed their hands. “Let’s take it one day at a time and just communicate before accusations and everything gets out of hand, alright?”
Race nodded, a smile crossing his face for the first time since yesterday evening. “Sounds like a plan. I love you, Spot.”
“I love you too, Race.”
Spot looking over at him with a small smile. “Relax - everything is okay right now. We’re good, I’m about to get some food and you probably should too. Snookums?”
Race sighed, sitting back in the chair, a weight lifted from his chest. “What?”
“Why do you have two different color shoes on?” Spot chuckled, immediately reaching up to hold his side. “Shit that hurts.”
Race stood, dropping a kiss on his cheek before looking down at the blue Converse and the green Nike he was wearing. “You did just have major surgery. Of course it’s going to hurt. As for my shoes, when I got the call about you being here, I was just focused on finding shoes and getting here. I didn’t even notice they were different.”
“You’re a dork, Race but you’re my dork and I love you for it.”
Race leaned forward, putting his forehead against Spot. “Love you too Spottie. Get some rest. Kat and Jack will be up soon so if there’s anything you want, let me know and they can bring it.”
Spot’s eyes closed, a sigh escaping his mouth before he fell back asleep. Race sat down, glad that all was well for the time being and Spot would be okay.
Thanks to @thatsmycigarbutyoucanborrowit for sending in that prompt. So that was a doozy! Sorry for the emotional rollercoaster!!!
What did you think? Feedback and comments are always appreciated!!
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zukofenty · 5 years ago
day 25: mona lisa
➜ Summary: The one where Zuko and Katara make a pact to (fake) rush Asian Greek life because they were giving out free tacos.
“Whoever becomes an official sorority sister or frat brother wins!”
“Can the prize be health insurance?” Zuko doesn’t have the energy to muster his patented glare.
➜ Genre: Modern!AU, humor, FratBrother!Zuko, SororityGirl!Katara, scamming, dildo stealing 
➜ Words: 6.6k
➜ Warnings: they stay in an airbnb instead of a hotel bc who has the schmoney for a hotel roomđŸ˜©
AO3, @zutaramonth hi!!!
Zuko’s grabbing at Katara’s arm while she’s carefully sipping water (only water, she swears) out of a red solo cup. She’s in her “whore fit” (her words) with larger than life fake eyelashes that could propel her into the sky a la Icarus if she blinked a little too quickly. She was in the middle of readjusting her crop top for the umpteenth time that night, because of course she forgets her strapless bra chicken cutlet contraption at home, so of course she does the most reasonable thing and takes a regular bra and just tucks the straps in. Because as much as she is a proponent of #freethenipple, her nipples could probably slice open a radiator with how fucking cold Ba Sing Se was. 
 “Please take this shot for me,” Zuko reasons with her, trying to make it seem as though he was handing off a shot to a clueless lightweight sorority rushee he was hoping to nail later in the night. For reputation’s sake, Zuko could not afford to fuck up tonight. He was in too deep. “Please, my Pepsin hasn’t kicked in yet. Asian glow is not the look we’re going for tonight.”
 “I hate you.” Katara munches on her (free) taco, and effortlessly throws back the shot: no chase. Zuko looks back and sees active members of Pi Alpha Psi giving him a thumbs up, hooting, hollering, being dumb. One salaciously thrusts his hips to the beat of “Big Bank,” pathetically hoping he could emulate YG in support of Zuko supposedly getting some Deltas pussy. 
 Asian Greek life was fucking stupid. 
 Tonight was the night of the Deltas Sorority and Pi Alpha Psi Fraternity rush party, the most important party so far during rush week. Because Greek life was entirely stupid , of course they had to hold the fucking party on a Tuesday night, when Zuko had an econ pratice set to get done by midnight, and Katara needed to get to Ochem at 8am the next morning. It was their fault, really. A punishment from God herself (Rihanna) for trying to scam the Greek system. 
 It all started because Zuko and Katara had no fucking friends. 
 Besides each other, but that was also up for debate most days. Especially the days when Zuko would remind Katara whenever her foundation didn’t blend down her neck. He always thought he was being helpful. Katara’s long given up the urge to slit his throat. 
 After high school, when you still believed you were going to do something with your life and be important and make a difference and didn’t know about income tax, they had kept the dream of Ba Sing Se University alive while they attended community college. Uncle Iroh and Hakoda weren’t exactly rolling in tuition money, and financial aid was a stingy bitch. While Zuko had considered reaching out to his estranged father, the owner of a multi billion dollar pyramid scheme, he suddenly remembers the time his dad tried to burn his face off after a particularly heated episode of Maury , and then books another therapy appointment. 
 It was the top university in the nation, promising a gateway to accounting jobs and selling your soul to work for immoral tech companies to pay off your student loans in a timely manner. They had prayed for the day they could call the school home. The day they could leave their small town and finally make it in life. Katara and Zuko were inseparable growing up, even if at the surface they bumped heads. They were at each other’s throats whenever the going got tough, slinging petty insults at each other. 
 “I told you this was a bad idea. They don’t have fucking non-dairy options. Wait until my anus starts beatboxing in the bathroom in 20 minutes. Then you will see,” Zuko grumbled. Katara was always doing this, dragging their group of friends to “fun” places whenever Yelp sends her a notification a new restaurant opened up in their shithole of a town. It’s always some boba shop that was secretly a front for a Scientology cult’s money laundering scheme. 
 But Katara’s the only one who is able to scare Zuko (dairy induced) shitless. She’s always able to send him a glare that screams don’t you dare fuck with me, I know you masturbate to Hatsune Miku moan compilations. And he instantly starts sweating .
 At the same time, she was the only one to truly get him. Even if their friends were perfectly content to stay in their town, doing the same things, being the same people, Katara and Zuko always knew there was so much more out there. So much more to the world than what they had grown up in. So they kept the dream alive. Even if their friends had rightfully doubted them. No one made it out of their town. You find a partner from the same people you grew up with, have kids you grow to hate, hide your husband’s infidelity, and either choose from two options. Grow old with him and resent him and then have a kid to try to save the marriage. Or, go Gone Girl on his ass. 
 “Women really need to go back to poisoning their men. Like the good old days,” Katara’s eyes were narrowed into slits as she focused on taking clandestine photos of Mrs. Kim’s cheating, rat-faced husband. For a few months, she was under the tutelage of the town’s private investigator, June. It paid well, and she felt she was contributing to the feminist movement at the same time. 
 “Uh-huh, right,” Zuko eyed her warily. Dubbed lovingly “Katara’s Uber Driver,” he also got paid by June to drive the Nyla Mobile around during their late night ops. 
 He couldn’t wait to leave this shit fuck of a town. 
 While their friends and family were tearfully embracing them on their final days at home, a patented group hug forced upon them, they shared a secret smile. Their dream was coming true. They were going to a school in the city with minimized debt. Plus, though neither of them would ever admit it, they also had each other to rely on.
 “What the fuck do you need? I swear to Rihanna, you only text me when I’m trying to masturbate. Please, make other friends,” Katara nearly screams into the phone. Her roommate, Suki, groans at the volume coming from Katara’s side of the room, but doesn’t get up. Her stomach is still sensitive from the Blue Razz Four Loko she downed at some frat house Katara had to drag her back from. 
 Zuko had the decency to sound sheepish. “What are you doing tomorrow?” 
 “I hope you understand, I am too tense right now to pretend I like you. Go. Make. Friends.” 
 Because Zuko is a fucking child , he starts groaning and Katara could hear him petulantly slamming his Amazon memory foam mattress with his fist. He’ll get angry that the mattress is preventing any real satisfaction from hitting it, and then hit it a few (approximately 3) more times. She hears the pounds, and smirks. She doesn’t know whether or not to feel disturbed that she knows him so well. 
 “I miss you,” he whines.  
 “I don’t.” 
 Zuko gasps dramatically. “How could you say that? Sandbox love never dies!” He wants to yell into the darkness of his room when she hangs up on him. It was valid, of course. But that doesn’t mean his feelings can’t hurt. He’s always sensitive during the Mercury Retrograde. 
 Being a transfer student is hard, as much as he hates to admit it. There’s only two years to pad your resume and make lifelong friends and learn how much cocaine is too much cocaine for your body. College was hard. While Katara’s roommate was able to introduce her to people and Katara made a group of friends almost instantly, Zuko wasn’t nearly as pleasant to be around. It wasn’t his fault he was nervous . When he’s nervous he looks more mean than usual, and his roommate, Jet, was wary around him since the day he moved in. He couldn’t even be mad when he spotted Jet hiding his box cutter’s accessibility. 
 “Katara!” Zuko rolls his eyes at her lack of response. “Katara!” He repeats. “I know you’re just listening to “Like a G6” on a 10 hour loop. Don’t pretend to look so concentrated.” 
 She glares at him. “Let me have this one thing to myself.” She still begrudgingly takes out her airpods.
 Katara wants to throttle his long ass neck. “Zuko, be honest with me.” 
 “Ok, yes! When you put your hair in a ponytail you look like a cage free egg.” Zuko stares at her in confusion when she starts playing with her hair. “What are you doing?” 
 “I’m trying to hand over my wig. You fucking scalped me, and I had nothing to say back. Just take it. You deserve it.” He smacks her hands from messing with her hair. Other patrons in the cafe near campus glanced over in amusement, as Katara pokes him in the neck and he yelps. 
 While he rubs at his neck to lessen the sting from Katara’s acrylics, she worries at her lip. “Be honest. Do you think Suki hates me?” 
 Katara slams a hand on the table, causing his croissant to quake in fear. “You’re supposed to be comforting and trying to console me! Do it over, say no.” 
 “Zuko, do you know how close I am to biting your nipple right off?” 
 He rolls his eyes. Katara specialized in empty threats (most of the time). “Don’t get mad at me just because Suki refuses to talk to you.” He relishes in her frustration. “Again, whose fault is it that Suki has to go to court for reckless driving?”
 “She was the one at the wheel!” Katara throws her hands to the air, before petulantly slapping them into her thighs, for emphasis of her point.
 Zuko pinches his nose bridge. “Well, you were the one who convinced her that she shit herself!” 
 Katara takes a neat, clean sip from her iced coffee before calmly responding. “She was the one doing 88 in a 65 trying to get to the bathroom. How was I supposed to know she did anal the day before and it was just cum!” 
 Zuko smacks his forehead in frustration after seeing identical blushes on the sea of patrons, now very much intune with the turn of the conversation. “You really don’t know how to act in public, do you? Like you think all the shit coming out of your mouth is important enough for it to just be said. You couldn’t have let that be a passing thought? Or learn how to fucking whisper?” 
 Katara sighs, closing her eyes and folding her hands over each other, because she’s dramatic. “All I had today for lunch was lip gloss. Let me be.” 
 “Again, if you, I don’t know, learned how to apologize to someone and admit you’re wrong then maybe Suki wouldn’t have hidden all your stress snacks. And, I don’t know. Maybe if you knew how to say ‘sorry’ she wouldn’t hate your fucking guts.” Katara simply turns her head into the air at Zuko’s words, refusing to acknowledge them. He’s itching to take a hit of his Phix with how on edge he was, and then remembers Katara had sold it on the school Facebook sell and exchange page as revenge. Apparently, Katara snaps if you send her one too many Tom Holland and Nicki Minaj fanfiction stories. Not that he’s speaking from personal experience. “You know what, you’re almost as stubborn as Wendy Williams when she refuses to pronounce Dua Lipa’s name correctly.” 
 She petulantly swivels her gaze to Zuko, nose still pointed to the sky. “Dula Peep is iconic for that reason.” She breathes out, letting her body go lax. “Please, shut the fuck up. I’m sad. Why would she leave me alone in the middle of the Mercury Retrograde like this? I didn’t think she hated me that much.” She drops her defensive stance, and rolls her shoulders, eyes focused only on the table. “I thought, what we had. It was real friendship you know? I made a joint for her using the orientation leader recruitment flyers because we were out of rolling papers. That’s true love. That’s sisterhood.” 
 “Please, I can’t poop right now! I can’t poop when I’m scared. I’m poop shy!” 
 Zuko audibly groaned. “Then why the fuck would you take a shit at my apartment? Yours is literally a 4 minute walk away, according to motherfucking Google Maps. 5 minutes if you use Apple Maps.” 
 “I don’t know, ok! I saw the baby wipes and I just kinda went with the flow, sue me!” Damnit, she knew she tasted real milk in her strawberry banana smoothie. God, the price of being ethnic in this dairy filled world. 
 “I called you over here to explain the plan! So I don’t bother you mid masturbation! And you just had to take a dump, didn’t you? On the plan, and my fucking toilet, too!” 
 She was weary after her back to back classes from 9-5 when Zuko excitedly called her up to come to his place. As much of a bitch baby Zuko could be, Katara tries to visit his place as much as she can. His apartment was just upgraded, meaning he had a state of the art microwave. One that doesn’t third degree burn her ham and cheese Hot Pockets, but rather cooks them perfectly to the tune of the package instructions, and makes them all fluffy and culinary excellence. Plus, he lives further from the heroin infested park she lived right next to, meaning his building smelt like a Clinique cosmetics counter (or: old lady) rather than pure urine like hers. And he didn’t have to run home in fear of being chased. 
 Besides, he’s all she’s got right now. He explained his plan as the roof of her mouth is assaulted by the gooey cheese of the Hot Pocket. Zuko eagerly handed over the flyers that were shoved into his hands as he was walking to campus. 
 “Do you see the funds these bitches got? We have to go! We need to become part of Asian Greek life!” 
 Although Katara did enjoy seeing the copious amount of free food potential, she was skeptical. “This is all free?” 
 “Yes, oh my god! Read the damn flyer! They’re living it up while we try to fit spinach in our budget to buy White Claw. Free alc, and free tacos! C’mon, we don’t even have to get into the sorority or frat. Just go through the rush process, and try to get as much free food as possible.” Zuko sits on his bed beside her, and even shakes her by the shoulders for emphasis. She swats his hands away while he chuckles.
 Katara side eyes him. “Aren’t you already behind on your lectures? I don’t know, do we really want to waste time doing this?”
 Zuko sends her a sheepish smile, but grabs her hand. For reassurance purposes, of course. “It’s just one week. Let’s just let loose. Maybe we could walk away from this with a few friends. So I don’t bother you mid beating your meat.” Katara can’t help but laugh. 
 On the first night, she was nervous. Zuko was clearly his indifferent self, but deep down she knew he was scared, too. Katara and Zuko weren’t exactly Greek life material . 
 “They thought you were hot, that’s why they flyered you!” Katara yelps while digging through his closet. Zuko ignores the blush growing on his face. “Let’s find a fit that emphasizes that bad boy aesthetic.” 
Katara never did anything half assed. That’s why if they were going to play hot, ignorant Asian Greek lifers, they were going to be the goddamn best. Academy Award nominated and then played by Scarlett Johansson in a biopic type of acting. 
 “What’s wrong with what I usually wear? Is the leather jacket not, quote unquote, bad boy enough?” Zuko runs his hands through his shaggy hair, which Katara had encouraged him to not style. She’d never admit it, but maybe her sexual awakening coincided with Zuko growing his hair out. Maybe. 
 “Yeah, yeah. Maybe to Tumblr , but not for fuckboys.” She groans because of course Zuko has good fashion taste. Maybe him being hot helps with how clothes looked, but they all screamed fashion and not basic fuckboy . Which was the vibe of the night. “God, do you have the entire Forever 21 Black t shirt aisle in here?” 
 Before he could retort, Zuko’s interrupted by Jet coming into their room to grab his dumb Hydroflask. It’s dumb because it’s so goddamn big, for no good reason. 
 “Hey, Katara,” Jet is smirking. Ew . 
 Zuko feels jealousy, the type that makes your body grow all hot and makes you want to punch a mattress and Jet’s pleasantly symmetrical face. God, why is he so fucking pretty? He reminds himself that Katara was entirely off limits , and schools his face. He gets these types of pangs of envy once in a while, usually during the Mercury Retrograde. Ever since they were kids, he knew Katara was going to be in his life forever. He wasn’t about to fuck that up. Not with emotions or anything. 
 “Hey, Jet!” Katara chirps. She couldn’t help it, her pussy is weak for pretty men. She knew that look on his face. The eyes that roamed her body clad in the tight top and jeans that made sure her ass looked like she paid for it. Thank you, Fashionnova. 
 He gives her a hot guy half hug, and she’s melting. Calm down, girl Katara warns her pussy. “See you around. Zuko, I’m going to Target, do you need anything?”
 Zuko frowns at the sight of a fangirling Katara. “Nope.” Jet nods, and even offers up a smile. He hates that he smiles back. 
 Katara swoons. She flops on Zuko’s bed, eyes all dreamy and starry. “That’s the vibe you need to give off!” 
 “What, that I have HPV?” 
 “Exactly! See, that’s the type of fuckboy you need to be. You can have the same pussy clenching effect with the right, basic clothes. You’re hot, and you have a badass scar. You just need a striped Guess shirt and white Nike Air Force 1s to complete the getup.” 
 So, Zuko digs through his closet from his hypebeast phase to find a pair of white sneakers (“Reeboks aren’t basic enough!” Katara protests) and borrows the Guess shirt from Katara, and they were ready to scam.
 Fuck. The damn tacos. And then it was all you can eat Korean food. Then it was free avant garde ice cream at that one place that cost you an ovary to even sample the vanilla bean flavor. 
 The first night of rushing, all you can eat Korean food, and they were already putting on the pounds. 
 “ Holy fucking cheese dick! I think I gained the weight of a Kardashian ass filler in just today alone! I can’t breathe. Zuko, hold up.” She puts her hand out, halting their walk back to her place. “I need to unbutton my pants.” She had one too many plates of kimchi spam fried rice.
 Zuko burps graciously. Goddamn kimbap. He swallowed that shit whole, choking a few times throughout the night. “Me fucking too! Oh my god, I can’t breathe.” 
 “In through your nose. Out with your dairy shits.” 
 As soon as they got back to her apartment, they immediately reached for Lactaid, and then went over the events of the night. 
 “What do you think of Ty Lee? All the guys were drooling over her,” Zuko asks. Katara ditched her elaborate makeup, scrubbing her face clean and was in one of Zuko’s t shirts he’s long given up trying to get back from her. She’s twirling an expensive mechanical pencil between her fingers, the kind that has super precise lead and matches her pencil case and laptop. For the aesthetic. 
 “She’s the type of bitch to eat salt and vinegar chips at 9 in the morning.” 
 “What’s the difference between girls who eat salt and vinegar chips in the morning, and girls who eat Hot Cheetos in the morning?” Zuko’s scratching at his head, brain still foggy from all the Doritos he’s practically inhaled. He’s topless, and has one of the many sweats he leaves behind at Katara’s because their sleepovers were some of his favorite memories growing up. Even if they have to squeeze Zuko’s six foot tall ass in twin beds now. 
 “One has class. The other needs therapy.” 
 He squints from his spot at her desk, typing interrupted to push up his round glasses. “I see.” 
 “I saw you really hit it off with Mai,” Katara made sure to keep her voice even. “She was really into you.” 
 Zuko whips his head around to her. “Really?” He yelps. “Stay out of my business!” Katara throws her hands up in mock surrender. “...Did she say anything about me?” 
 “She said she was so tired of medium ugly frat brothers and that you showing up sent her cooch into anaphylactic shock,” Katara deadpans.
 “Really!” Zuko’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. 
 “No, she just said you were handsome. And then I told her ‘don't call him handsome unless he's about to hand some money over,’ and then she laughed and then thirst followed you on Instagram.” 
 Zuko scrambles to check his phone. “Oh my god, she’s so cute,” he whispers, eyes enraptured by her Instagram feed. Katara rolls her eyes when he jumps into her bed, knocking her work aside to shove his greasy iPhone 6s in her face. 
 Katara slaps it right out of his hand. “Ugh, not the 6s.” 
 Zuko practically melts. “You said she thinks I’m hot, right?” Katara pokes at a man tit before curling up at his side. 
 “You’re annoying.” 
 Zuko grabs Katara's hand, playing with the tiny fingers. “I’m adorable.” 
 She snorts. “You know, we should make a pact. If we’re getting this invested into the whole process. Whoever becomes an official sorority sister or frat brother wins!”  
 “Can the prize be health insurance?” Zuko doesn’t have the energy to muster his patented glare with Katara cozied up next to him. 
 The second night, ice cream night, and Katara was slipping. 
 “What do you usually look for in a guy?” 
 “I usually just look away,” Katara admits, shrugging. She doesn’t forget to plaster a well practiced, non threatening smile on her face. 
 “Preferred places for guys to cum?” Another sorority girl asks. Other rushees are nodding enthusiastically, carefully preparing their answers. 
 “To his senses,” Katara huffs. 
 “I usually like a backshot!” Ty Lee says enthusiastically, despite the other sisters eyeing Katara warily. Ty Lee insisted that Katara would be a good fit for the sorority. She looked like the only one on her side.
 While the girls were excitedly dancing along to the music playing in the shop, Katara’s eye twitches. It was the feminist in her. “If you still like Chris Brown, you’re ugly,” Katara is adamant, not relenting despite the incredulous, wide eye stares from the gaggle of sorority girls. 
 “Well, I guess I’m ugly then!” Mai yelps, hands crossed over her chest defiantly. 
 Katara smiles carefully. “You sure are, bitch!” 
 Fuck Katara was messing this up. She needed to make sure that they were convinced Katara was sorority girl material to move onto the next level of the secret invite only event. Fuck, fuck, fuck . 
 She wasn’t about to let Zuko win at anything!
 Mai squints at her. “Are you a clit being handled by a frat brother? Because you’re really rubbing me the wrong way.”
 Ty Lee gasps. “Please excuse her, Indica makes her grumpy.” 
 Katara glares. “None taken.” 
 She likes Ty Lee, that much she’s gathered. And, it seems as though Ty Lee had grown to like her back, making sure Katara gets enough ice cream throughout the night, even turning her head when Katara pulls out a Tupperware from her backpack to bring back the dessert to her apartment. 
 That was until Ty Lee remembered she had a flask hidden up her skirt, a necessity post fuckboy cheats on you .  “I-I just called to say I don’t miss you! And that your dick smells like a stapler that has been microwaved for 25 seconds. Like, you can block me all you want. But you can’t uneat this ass. Sorry, I don’t make the rules!” Katara does damage control, and dutifully snatches the phone from her hands.
 Crossing her arms like a mother disciplining her child, she levels Ty Lee with a concerned look. “What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
 Ty Lee gets up and stumbles on her way to hug Katara. “I can’t leave him! I love him so, so much. He’s my fucking ride or die, the Quavo to my Saweetie! The pitchy singing to my Selena Gomez! The Marlene to my Rosa! The badly glued fake eyelashes to my Asian sorority girl,” Ty Lee is crying and loud and her anime like tits are bouncing with every sob that comes. 
 Katara takes the flask of peach vodka from her trembling hands, and shakes the girl. “Look, bitch. You’re better than this.” 
 “No, I’m really not!” 
 Katara pokes the girl in the forehead. “Yes, bitch you definitely are. You’re a bad bitch that got adicktated. But that’s ok.” She tilts the red faced girl’s head back, making sure the cup of water goes down her throat. “So what if you fell in love a little? You’re in your bag bitch, you don’t need provolone smelling dick to dicktate your life!” 
 She rubs at her snot filled nose, and then wipes her fist on her mini skirt. “You really think so?” 
 “Bitch, I know so . Go be a slut, forget about Chan’s ass flake. Now hand over your phone. Drunk yelling over the phone is not the move for the night.” The other active Deltas sisters were running back from a group bathroom visit, after realizing it was Ty Lee’s bad decisions o’ clock . They came back to see the chastised girl determindly eating Ube flavored ice cream, without a phone to do dumb shit in her hands. Mai can’t help but start liking Katara. 
 The third night, and it’s the Deltas Sorority and Pi Alpha Psi Fraternity rush party, the most important party so far during rush week. IT was a slam fucking dunk. They had gotten catering from everybody’s favorite taco place at the Pi Alpha Psi frat house. And a fucking DIY boba bar. A boba bar! A goddamn boba bar. Katara had a ziplock baggie filled with the tapioca pearls in her left jean pocket. 
 All Deltas rushees were meant to be socializing with Pi Alpha Psi brothers. The active sisters were trying to see who were the classy whores in the group. They didn’t want admitted whores, just subtle ones. After fending off another medium ugly brother from trying to stare at her tits, Katara corners Zuko, who hands her another shot to take for him. “Why was that guy dressed like an uninvolved father?” 
 “What’s that supposed to look like?” 
 “Sweaty, and smells vaguely of disappointment.” 
 Zuko coughs. “I’m sad that hit way too close to home.” 
 Katara looks devastated for a split second, until Zuko starts laughing at his own joke. Then, she smacks him upside the head. “You know, you should be thankful for me. I got you looking exactly like a Pi Alpha Psi brother. Even down to the shoes.” Katara glares ahead. “God, I hate that we have to wear shoes on in this house. I hate looking at Haru’s Black Air Force 1s. Anything but those. Anything but those .” 
 The fourth night and they had successfully scammed the Greek system. 
 “Zuko!” Katara screams, bursting through his door without preamble. “Look what Ty Lee sent—wait a minute. What the fuck are you doing?” She pauses in shoving the phone in his face to see him face down in his calculus textbook. 
 “I’m trying to find a natural way to stay focused.” 
 Katara crosses her arms. “Have you considered adderall?” 
 Zuko snorts, clearly annoyed. “That’s literally prescription meth.” 
 “And what about it?” She slams her body, face first into his bed. “‘ Hey get ready tomorrow because we have an exclusive, invite only clubbing invite and the girls and I really really want you to come! ’” Katara reads the Instagram message verbatim from her phone, her chest swelling with unbridled pride. “I deserve an Academy Award.” 
 Zuko plops his body right on top of hers, relishing in how she groans under his added weight. “Run me my Golden Globe because according to Chan, my ‘ass better be ready to get nasty at Club Nyla .’” 
 “Shut the booger sugar up!” 
 So (on a Thursday night ) Katara and Zuko crowd in the party bus the generous Asian Greek system had funded in the name of “cultural bonding.” She can barely breathe, tits pushed in the most fuckable way possible, and she feels her face heating from the shots forced down her throat because her (potential) sisters had insisted on heavily pregaming. 
 While the frat brothers were perfectly content to sitting and not making any sort of movement whatsoever in the name of looking cool , the girls on the other hand were having the time of their lives. 
 “Oh my fucking god, for the last time Ty Lee, I cannot join the grind train, I do not have mental stability to keep my balance and shake my ass at the same time,” Katara lightly chastises, shoving the drunk girl gently off of her. Ty Lee simply shrugs, and then continues to gyrate on the gaggle of girls. The music was pounding, everyone was sweating from the amount of unrestrained dancing happening, and Katara’s pretty sure some girl just bruised her pussy after accidentally smacking it (hard) on the bus’s stripper poles. Disco lights bathe the entirety of the vehicle, enveloped in the screams and squeals of Asian girls trying to twerk and scream along to lyrics at the same time. 
 It was pure fucking chaos. But so goddamn fun . The girls kept constantly grabbing her hips in an attempt to yike on her helpless ass, which Katara abruptly stopped by flicking off their hands. All to the tune of “The Box” by Roddy Rich. 
 “Let me hear everyone loud and clear! ‘Fuck 12!’” Katara screams to a crowd of bewildered frat brothers. 
 “Katara, no,” Zuko’s laughing too hard, the alcohol making him feel lightheaded. Heavy rap music permeated the walls of the bus, and he feels a headache building. But he feels a little better seeing Katara having fun, nearly choking to death after taking a hit from some brother’s joint. 
 “Don’t laugh, I don’t smoke that often!” She insists. 
 Zuko throws his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close to him. “If you die, at least it was in a party bus while Travis Scott was playing.” 
 “I’d rather die in an Acura!” Katara yelps, getting up in mock frustration. While Zuko is simply losing his mind at her attitude, she accidentally stumbles as the bus comes to an abrupt stop, and lands in Zuko’s lap. 
 She’s chortling, moving about to get up. Zuko tries his hardest not to let his heart pound impossibly loud. 
 After IDs were checked, and a Drake song was forcibly requested by the obnoxious group of frat brothers, the clubbing event was in full swing. Yet, it paled in comparison to the fun and chaotic energy of the party bus. Frat brothers were attempting to dance, Asian girls were trying their hardest to twerk. 
 Katara is doing her duty as the most sober one out of the bunch and pushes random guys away before they could grab at her sisters’ hips. “You know, God gives flat asses to his strongest soldiers,” she mumbles, lips dangerously close to his ear. They were sitting down in the private seating area near the dance floor, exhausted beyond belief and watching the sorority girls’ attempts at clapping what little cheeks they did have. 
 Ty Lee clumsily grabs at Katara, screaming about having to piss and call her ex. Her cue to save the day. She gives Zuko an apologetic look, and whispers “I’m gonna win” before grabbing Ty Lee’s hand. 
 While he’s checking on his Neko Atsume cats, Chan’s Pepto Bismal smelling self is sidling up to his side. “Bro, you should fuck her. She’s got amazing tits.” 
 Zuko smirks, before schooling his features. That was already an observation he made when he was 16. Nice try, fuckboy. Chan continues, not caring if Zuko responds to him. “Pound that pussy like rent is due tomorrow! You have to get at that big, fat, moose sized pussy at the Airbnb we’re headed to after this.”
  Ty Lee is blubbering, snot running freely down her face as though she was a 5 year old at Chuck E. Cheese realizing they didn’t have enough tickets to afford a beaded necklace. “Every time he goes down on me, it feels like my pussy’s getting colonized. Is that what love is supposed to feel like.” 
 Katara paused in rubbing her back. “Oh my god.” 
 Ty Lee grabs at Katara’s shoulders, toilet and unsteady stomach forgotten. “Please, for the sake of the female population. Fuck Zuko. We need to know if he’s packing that schmeat.”
 Katara gasps. “No fucking way, we’re just friends!” 
 The inebriated girl clutches Katara’s face in between her sweaty palms, lowering her voice in a volume she thinks counted as a whisper. It was more of a scream than anything else. “We always try to get the hottest rushees to fuck each other at the Airbnb. Then, you’ll definitely make it into Deltas. Because if anyone deserves to throw that neck back on Zuko, it’s you.” 
 “Well gee, thanks. I’m touched.” 
 “Moan harder! Don’t sound like I’m forcing you to fuck me! This isn’t no 90 Day Fiance shit! I thought you were an actor. Where is the commitment to the craft? You sound like you’re a dying tractor. Do better!” Katara continues jumping on the bed, trying to emulate a good old fucking. Zuko breathes in, before an unrestrained groan comes from his lips. Katara’s cooch instantly quakes.
 Their shoes were off, at her insistence, sheets already strewn about to make it believable. She could hear the snickering behind the door she’s triple checked to make sure it was locked and unable to be seen through the keyhole, her thong shoved in front of it to ensure their privacy.  
 “Zuko, Zuko, Zuko!” she pants, makine her voice sound as fucked out as possible. “I can’t!” 
 He continues smacking his arm, trying his best to replicate the sound of cheeks being clapped. “Baby, yes you can. You’re taking me like a fucking champ.” 
 Katara almost couldn’t hold back her giggle. This was all so fucking ridiculous. Taken straight out of a Larry smut scene. But they had a job to finish, a lifestyle they needed to live out, a pact to win. She whines, he lets out a moan. They bite their fist before they lost their minds and ruined the scam. She could imagine the title to their terrible porn video: college girl takes BEC (big emo cock). 
 “So, so good!” Katara made sure to make her voice sound as strained as possible, jumping even harder on the mattress. Zuko is ashamed to say his dick twitched in his pants the slightest. “So goddamn big. I feel so full!” 
 “Thanks for thinking I have a big dick,” he mutters, before letting out another wanton cry. 
 “Please be quiet!” Her little faux whimpers are simply killing Zuko, a blush creeping on his neck. He may or may not be jerking off to a sound now burned in his memory. 
 “Ready for the grand finale?” Zuko’s bewildered, pausing in his erratic jumping on the mattress. Katara jumps as hard as she can three times, before landing a punch square into Zuko’s stomach. It’s unexpected, and he doubles over, wheezing and pathetically gasping for air. 
 “Baby, cum in me!” Katara mewls, a devious smile on her face. 
 Zuko frowns, rubbing at his sore stomach. “Really? You’re that invested in this role? You would hurt your bestest friend in this world?” 
 “Shut up! Let me bully you.”
 They leave the room, ensuring their hair looked as disheveled as possible, clothes put on backwards, and Katara’s lip gloss smeared across his face. It tasted like Starbursts and scams. 
 The pair were suddenly enveloped in violent cheers. Muscled frat brothers were taking their beefy arms and slapping Zuko’s chest in celebration. Zuko could see Katara blushing, acting bashful and even tucking a strand of hair behind her ear for emphasis. He rolls his eyes, and deftly decided his heart was indeed forever stolen by the bat shit crazy bitch. 
 “My man!” Chan howls, grabbing Zuko in a signature bro hug. “Any other Deltas you want to raw dog tonight?” 
 Zuko’s gaze was focused on Katara’s smiling face. “This dick belongs to one woman.” 
 They sorority and fraternity wearily climbed back into the party bus in the wee hours of the morning, needing to make the trek back in time for classes. Everyone was to stop by the Psi Alpha Psi house to collect their stuff, and then make their way home. 
 Zuko’s nodding off, too tired to continue breathing when Katara pokes him expertly in the arm. “What?” 
 “We’re going to steal the house trophy when we get back.” 
 He gasps. “Not Beatrice.” 
 “Yes, Beatrice!” 
 “Why do you want a $9 dildo from Amazon anyways?” 
 Katara sighs. “I overheard them this morning. The Deltas and Psi Alpha Psi. They were running through photos of girls and guys that rushed that didn’t make it through the process. And they were so fucking mean , Zuko. Like I almost cried, and they didn’t even roast my ass. Like Co-Star level bullying. They don’t deserve Beatrice. We do.” 
 “So, bet’s off?” He cracks his knuckles in anticipation. She simply nods. 
 “You bitch. You didn’t have to slam me so fucking hard!” Katara reprimands. Zuko silences her with a passionate kiss that has every emotion she could possibly feel tingling throughout her whole body. She’s pushed up against the fireplace, clutching the wall behind her as though finding something to grind her against Zuko’s fiery passion. They were simply mimicking the rest of the group coming back, girls pressed against the frat brothers, trying to make the most of their remaining high instead of heading to class. 
 They pause to take a breath of air, (they could hear Mai mock gagging in the back) before sending each other a secret nod. 
 “You feel that pucker in your asshole? You know shit’s about to get real,” Katara says in a low voice. 
 Zuko’s slamming her against the fireplace once more, this time Katara’s hand now finding contact with Beatrice herself. In a flash she’s shoving the phallic toy in her jacket, sprinting for the door. 
 Chan, eagle eyed as ever, and experienced in the art of recognizing dildo thievery, instantly shoves Ty Lee off his lap. “Don’t you dare take the fucking house trophy, bitch!” He barely finishes his sentence, before he’s shoved to the ground by an enthusiastic Zuko, who grabs Katara’s hand and breaks into a run. 
 They run, run, run until they reach Zuko’s apartment, collapsing on the patch of fake grass at the front of the building. He still has his hand intertwined with hers, her other hand having a vice like grip on the sex toy. 
 “You know what, I don’t care about making other friends. You’re all I need.” 
 “I know.” Katara can’t stop the smile from growing on her face. 
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deansoutros · 8 years ago
Black [M]
A/N:sorry it’s l8 don’t hate me. also, I’M SEEING DEAN IN 2 DAYS AHHHH! ANNNNDD this is in honor of my bff’s bday! happy birthday sis <3
characters: dean x oc, zico x oc, crush, rome’
genre: angst(ish?), university au
rated: m, violence, (mentions of) abuse (physical and physiological), sexual content (not in this ch) tbh i’m thinking of changing this bc it’s more DEPRESSING than anything else
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chapter 5:
my head was everywhere and nowhere all at once. the streams of tears on my cheeks were pushed off by the wind. I took a deep breath and brought my knees up to my chest. the water was flowing quicker than usual and the creek was higher too. the rain had increased the water in the creek. I grabbed a branch laying on the dirt and started playing with it. the sun had already set and I had been here for a couple of hours. it was friday night so no one was on campus. across the creek was the building I basically lived in, the physical science building. I had never seen it at night, it was a newer building so it looked nice. the lights gave it life.
I focused on my breathing as I took in the sight before me. our campus had a creek that ran through it and only now did I notice it’s beauty. the 5 hours I had been sitting here I questioned all my actions. after leaving and making a scene at the boy’s place, I came here. all I could think about was how the hell I would be able to face him again. I couldn’t grasp why he would go back to her after everything she’s done. was she right? no matter what she did, did he go back to her every time? I felt like the past four months had meant nothing to him. his actions said differently but maybe I misread them. I hated myself for allowing myself to fall into this mess. I wasn’t even mad at nayeon, she did what I did to dean. I had called my sister earlier and basically ranted to her.
“do you want me to go? actually don’t answer, I’m on my way. I’ll be there tonight just tell me if I should meet you at home or elsewhere. we can get a hotel too if you feel uncomfortable going home”
“jaeju, I know I never do this but
please come. I need someone. I’m so lost I don’t know what I did or what to do about it”
the drive was about 5 hours from where she was attending university but nonetheless, I knew she would be here in a heartbeat if I asked. I decided to wait here until I got the text that she was in town which should be anytime soon. I didn’t want to walk home alone and at night either since I had left my car back home.
I felt a drop of liquid hit my cheek and for a moment I thought I started crying without realizing it but then another one hit my nose, then my shoulder and before I knew it, it was pouring. I got up and climbed my way out of the creek, quickly moving to the open overhang of the physical science building. by the time I got there, I was drenched and so was my cast.
“fuck” I uttered, trying my best to dry it up and avoid the water that slipped through the open slots above me. I didn’t even have a sweater on or anything. my phone buzzed and I slipped it out of my pocket, praying it was jaeju.
Dean: that overhang is open, it’s doing nothing
what? I immediately looked up and around me. I didn’t see anyone but he had to be here, how else would he know?
Dean: can’t see me?
normally I would feel scared by now but it was him, he was playing mind games now so I would go to him and then he’d make me weak and I’d fall into the trap again.
“fuck off” I spat out.
Dean: the more wet your cast gets, the more likely it is that you’ll get a hard one again
“what do you want?!”
Dean: you know where it’s dry? where we used to meet every Tuesday and Thursday after your lab.
that was around the corner of the building. I wasn’t able to see if there was anyone there since I was at the entrance but I knew he was. I looked down at my cast, I managed to keep it pretty dry despite the fact that it was still pouring on me. I refused to go to him so instead, I decided to head to the library on the other side of campus. I put my phone away before holding my arm against my chest and preparing to run across to the next building.
I looked back at the corner of the building before rushing to the building next to it. the sole of my shoe slid against the puddle on the pavement and led me to the mud now formed along the side of the creek. before I was able to slide into the water a familiar set of arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I didn’t even have to look to see who it was.
he pulled me away from the mud and as soon as we were on pavement again, I ripped his arms off me.
“why are you here?!” I yelled. I looked up at him and he took his jacket off, putting it over my shoulders and propping the hood up over my head. I saw his eyes, they were glossy, red, and a little puffy. he had been crying too.
“because you’re here” he replied calmly. I was too cold to refuse the jacket that still carried his warmth and scent, the scent that had brought me comfort for so long. that scent alone brought back so many memories, good and bad. a drop hit my cheek but this time it wasn’t the rain. looking at him like this made me lose all my words. I couldn’t talk, all I could do was look at him. he brought his hand up and cupped my cheeks, wiping away the tears that streamed down using his thumb but he kept his hands there. he stepped closer, inching in on the space between us and before I knew it, I felt a set of lips press against mine. my eyes instinctively fluttered shut and for that moment I forgot everything. our lips fit like they were sculpted for one another. his were soft and plump, moving gently and slowly like I was the most delicate thing they had ever touched. our lips created a bridge between us and I felt every emotion pass from his body to mine. despite how upset I was towards him, I reciprocated his actions. the kiss was sweet, so sweet I could taste it. I could stay in this moment forever. for once I felt something I hadn’t felt before. I felt complete.
I brought my hands up to his chest and carefully pushed him back. he was soaked and dripping in water. his lips immediately moved to my forehead, pressing a kiss against it. I felt shivers running up my spine both from the cold and his touch. he circled his arms around me and pulled me against his side as he started walking. before I could even voice myself, he read my mind.
“the car, we’re going to the car because it’s cold and you’ll get sick. I won’t take you anywhere you don’t want me to, in fact we’ll stay in the parking lot. if you want to go home, we will. if not, we’ll spend as long as you want here”
I didn’t argue, allowing myself to be drifted off. part of me felt stupid, like I caught the bait but the other part knew that the kiss wasn’t just a kiss. it felt different from any other kiss to me and I hoped it did to him too.
we sat in silence for a couple of minutes. I knew he was giving me space until I was ready to talk or until he knew I was ready to listen. he reached for my hand and I allowed him to take it, lacing our fingers together. he ran his thumb back and forth against mine before breaking the silence.
“I’m not with her” I didn’t move. “I won’t lie anymore. ever since the day at the emergency room, she hasn’t stopped texting and calling me. I didn’t reply until she started to talk about you. she was watching you for a while and when I found out, there was no way in hell I would allow it to continue. so I gave her what she wanted” oh god, I felt my stomach basically drop to my ass. I didn’t know what was about to come out of his mouth but half of me assumed sex while the other half assumed a relationship.
“I gave her money to leave us alone but mostly to leave you alone. I don’t want her around you, not because I’m afraid she’ll hurt you. I know you can step on her in a second. she’s a toxic person and you’re not. you’re genuine and caring and loving and exactly the opposite of her. what I hid earlier from you when you saw my phone was her texting me that she got the money. nayeon saw us downtown last week because I met up with her to come to that arrangement. I told her I’d give her whatever she wanted and that’s what she chose” I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know how to react. my brows knit together in sadness as I turned to look at him. he had a half pressed smile on his lips and his hair was still dripping water on the seat.
“I’m sorry you had to be the first one to say I love you and I’m sorry it was in the way it was. I’ve never felt this way about anyone and if I’m being completely honest, it scares the shit out of me. you weren’t wrong and you didn’t mistake my gestures. you’re not a toy, you’re my person. and you aren’t the only one who feels twelve. if I could express how I feel when you fall asleep in my arms you would see how childish I feel but there truly aren’t any words for it. I can’t fix your broken wrist but,” he reached into his pocket, pulling out a string of silver with a pendant in the middle. he held it up and my lips curled into a smile. “I can fix your broken necklace
and your broken heart”
he leaned over, circling the necklace around my neck and adjusting the pendant before pressing a gentle peck against my lips. I brought my hand up, tracing his jaw. I had never seen his features this close. his tattoo reached up behind his ear, his eyes sunk in ever so slightly and he had puffy under eyes from the countless nights of staying up studying. his lips were perfectly sized, plump and smooth. he noticed me staring and smiled.
“I love you” he murmured. I looked up into his eyes, they were filled with passion. there was no way he couldn’t see my heart beating out of my chest.
“for once in my life I will take zico’s advice. be mine chaeyeon. let’s make this real. I can’t live without you yelling at me for stupid shit or hitting me when I fuck up on a chemistry problem so stay by my side. I won’t let anyone come near you, I don’t care what I have to do. just, please, be the reactant in my mechanism” up until the last part I was melting. he tried so hard with that science pun that it made me burst in laughter.
“aw fuck, was it that bad?” he asked.
I nodded, sliding my hand down and around his neck.
“I’ll think about it” his face fell instantly but he pretended to be okay with it.
“I can work with that!” he exclaimed.
“it’s a yes if you buy me food”
“what do you want? I’ll have a restaurant opened just for you if it’s closed. I’ll buy you the most expensive meal on this planet if you want that”
I was amused by his response. it felt like this was a new dean. he wasn’t afraid to tell my how he felt anymore and I liked it. I was about to reply when I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. I pulled it out and read the text.
“shit I forgot”
“what is it babe?” that word made my heart skip a beat. he had used it before but the context was different now and I hated that I loved it. I gently squeezed his hand, using my other one to buckle my seatbelt.
“my sister is here”
“your what is where?!”
my sister”
“you mean the sister you spoke to earlier, the one who said she would murder me if she ever saw me..” he made me question how long he had been watching over me for.
I nodded, signaling him to drive. he hesitated, tapping his foot and biting his lip. I rolled my eyes and lightly punched his shoulder.
“man up, she won’t kill you” he exhaled a sigh of relief but I could tell he was still nervous.
“I don’t want to, I’m scared”
“you’re such a baby. go on, go home” I pointed at the door to my left. he looked in its direction, debating whether he should take his opportunity to flee.
“no, I’ll meet her. I want to meet her” he uttered. my lips curled into a smile, reaching for his hand. he gladly extended it out for me and intertwined our fingers together. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and opened the door. jisu and my sister, jaeju, were on the couch talking. they had always gotten along really well. the moment they saw me they stood up but their expressions changed when they noticed dean following behind me.
“uh, jaeju, this is dean” my lips formed an awkward smile, hoping she wouldn’t be too hard on him.
“it’s nice to meet you!” dean extended his hand to her but she just looked at him, crossing her arms over her chest. I walked over to the bathroom and quickly brought back a towel, tossing it over dean’s hair and gently drying it off.
“drinks anyone?” jisu attempted to lighten the mood, making her way to the kitchen and pulling out a case of beer from the fridge. she didn’t even like to drink, what the hell was she doing?
I pushed dean toward the couch and took a seat next to him. my sister sat on the other couch, her eyes almost piercing holes through him.
“listen, I know you aren’t very happy about this,” I motioned at dean and I. “and you’re probably confused but I will explain later. since you’re here for the weekend lets plan something and you can get to know everyone”
“who’s everyone?” she asked.
“well there’s crush, christian, zico and of course dean” jisu walked in, handing each of us a bottle of beer.
“oh, I really want to meet zico! from what you tell me, he’s so sassy it’s great” she said as she took a sip of the drink.
“let’s go out tonight!” jisu yelled across the world. I hadn’t gone to a party in a while but I felt like my cast prohibited me from doing so. I turned to look at dean, taking the edge of the towel lying on his shoulders and wiping off the water dripping on his neck.
“what do you think?” I asked.
“I don’t think you should go out while you still have that on your arm babe”
“babe?!” jisu asked. “I fucking knew this would happen, I need confirmation so I can receive my $150”
what?” dean asked.
“they all betted
on us being together or whatever. jisu said before the semester ends and I guess now they all owe her $150” dean’s expression was priceless. he looked horrified, offended and happy all at once.
“okay wait what? didn’t you just tell me you didn’t want to see him ever again? and why didn’t you tell me about the bet jisu?” jaeju questioned. dean and I stayed silent, avoiding eye contact with jisu or jaeju.
“amazing” jisu said before grabbing a couple of beers and heading out the door.
“where are you going?” I asked.
“to get my money!” I sighed, waving her off.
“can I talk to you chae?” jaeju asked as she stood up, heading to the entertainment room. I got up and dean tugged my hand.
“it’s fine, I’ll explain it all just stay here okay?” he nodded, releasing me. I followed after my sister, closing the door behind me.
“the fuck is happening?”
“okay I know you’re confused so I’ll clear things up”
“please do!”
“while I was waiting for you, it’s a long story but basically dean was there the whole time and he told me everything. he came clean. he paid her to leave us alone, he’s not with her. I feel bad that he felt like he had to do that” jaeju remained unamused. I whined and tugged at her sleeve.
“he confessed his feelings and it made me all giddy inside but I didn’t show it. don’t hate him, he did it with good intentions and I really like him. jaeju,” I pulled her closer before whispering. “we kissed”
“so? you act like you’ve never kissed anyone”
“ok bitch listen up, this wasn’t just a kiss. it was like in the movies. it was raining and you know how they put fireworks or whatever, yeah well that didn’t happen but I did feel, I don’t know. I felt special. this is so fucking cheesy it’s nasty but it felt so
right? I can’t even explain it”
“okay shut up! I get it, stop being gross. fuck it’s so weird to see you being so girly with these feelings. I don’t think you’ve ever been this smitten before” a look of disgust crossed her face and I shoved her shoulder.
“be nice, please. he was really nervous for obvious reasons but he wants to get to know you” she rolled her eyes before giving in.
“fine, fine whatever” I smiled, dragging her out of the room.
jaeju had agreed that she wanted to take advantage of the weekend here to meet everyone. her first mission was a party. everyone had already been at the boy’s place pregaming so we followed after jisu. my sister and dean had talked for a bit and I could tell she had lightened up and I knew she didn’t think badly of him. all she did was put on that persona to scare him and it worked. it was amusing to see dean scared of something so I kept that one to myself, he didn’t have to know that she didn’t hate him.
“ayy! look who finally joined the party!” a drunk christian hollered as we walked in.
“okay shut up ugly ass. first of all, this is my sister, jaeju” I pointed at her and she smiled at everyone.
“take a seat” zico motioned to the couch and my sister sat next to christian. they began drinking and talking. I overheard bits and pieces about anime and dramas. christian was such a big drama nerd but you would never guess it by looking at him.
dean took a seat on the other couch, tugging me onto his lap. immediately the screaming began and I slid off his lap.
“FINALLY” zico yelled, raising his bottle. everyone raised their drinks and crush stood up.
“to the second stupid couple of the day!” he said before they all agreed and drank. I looked at dean confused. he pointed at sochi then at zico.
“you missed it” he said. “I mean I missed it too but he texted me. they got their heads out of their asses finally” he took a drink of the bottle in his hand and set it down on the table, tossing an arm around me and pulling me closer to him. i took a sip of my own drink as I looked at sochi and zico. they looked so different. the black cloud floating over them was gone. I looked around at everyone, having a good time, screaming, laughing, talking, whatever they were doing, they were happy. when I looked back at dean, his gaze was still fixed on me. his lips instantly turned into a smile and I reciprocated it.
“you’re so cute” his cheeks were flushed and that’s how I knew he was drunk. I pressed my lips together as he began playing with my hair. he leaned down, leaning his forehead against mine. I could smell the alcohol radiating from his mouth and I was beginning to get lost in his eyes before being interrupted.
“alright alright, it’s 10pm why are we still here?!” crush howled.
“let’s go!” they all replied. jaeju looked at me, asking for permission. I nodded and she grinned.
“let’s go chae” jisu called. I shook my head and raised my cast to her.
“aw cmon! it’s not the big one anymore, come with us babe!” zico reached out for my hand and I kicked his.
“never mind stay here bye” he said. I laughed and so did dean.
“good job” he said. zico rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys. everyone was heading out, each one trying to pull us out with them. it took a while for them to leave since they were all begging us to go too but we just wanted to be alone tonight. once they left we picked a movie and I laid down, resting my head on dean’s lap. he continued playing with my hair as we watched the movie although he was watching me more than the movie. this was a new feeling. I felt as if nothing had changed but at the same time it felt like everything had changed. his touch was different, his eyes were different, everything was different but in a good way. he leaned down and let his body go limp above me. I groaned and pushed him off, leaning to sit up on the couch. as I was stretching, his arms circled around my waist, tugging me close to him. soon, I felt his plump set of lips against my jaw. the action caught me off guard and I shoved him off a little harder than I intended. his arm hit the edge of the table and he groaned in pain.
“I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean to!” I reached for his arm and knitted my brows together in guilt. he looked up at me before charging towards me. I ended up pinned against the couch with my arms over my head as he tickled the life out of me. my screams and laughter filled the room and his followed after. I managed to bring my leg up and push his hips, forcing him off me.
“STOP!” I yelled, trying to regain my breath. “try that shit one more time and my foot will go up your ass” his arms flew up in surrender.
“yes ma’am!” he made his way back to the couch as I grabbed the remote, turning off the tv.
“it’s only 11 why are you turning it off” he asked.
“shut up you weren’t even watching”
“yeah I was too busy staring at you” I maintained a blank expression even though inside I felt giddy and childlike. my hand immediately went up, smacking his arm.
“you’re ugly, shut up” I uttered. he just smiled, staring at me for a second. just as I was about to hit him again, he quickly leaned over, planting a quick yet sweet peck against my lips. my eyes widened slightly and he got up running away. I ran after him, following him into his room. I felt like I was a child at the playground chasing her crush around.  
when I entered the bedroom, I didn’t see him. I swear I saw him go in but he was nowhere to be found.
“dean..” I called out. there was no answer so I checked the closet. I swung the door open to the empty closet. as I was about to make my way to the door I felt something grab my foot and I fell to the floor. luckily I landed on something softer than the hardwood floor, dean. he caught me, enveloping his arms around me.
“clumsy?! you grabbed my foot. where the hell were you even hiding?” I asked.
“I was right here!” his mouth opened to form a wide smile that soon turned into chuckles. I pushed myself off him and climbed onto the bed and under the covers.
“get out of my room” I mumbled. I heard him get up and felt him climb up behind me.
“excuse me this is my room”
“it’s mine now” I felt his arms slither around my waist, pulling my body close to his. his chest was pressed against my back and I could barely feel his heartbeat. I flipped over, pushing him onto his back. my head rested on his chest right over his heart. it was soothing. his arm wrapped around me and mine around his torso. a kiss was pressed upon my head and I hugged tighter.
“you’re right, everything mine is yours now” I slipped my leg between his, tangling them together under the covers.
“hold up, you never bought me food” not even half a second went by before he tried to get up but my hold around him stopped him from doing so.
“let go I have to buy you food right this instant!” he growled.
“shut up you can buy me food tomorrow”
“no, I can’t wait that long. what if you meet someone before I buy you food? I can’t risk that shit chae, lets go” once again, he tried to get up but I clung around him.
“dean stoooop” I whined, tightening my hold.
“this is a matter of life and death” he sounded so serious but I couldn’t help but laugh. he stayed quiet and I stopped laughing when I looked up at him. he was actually serious.
“I’m being serious. I don’t want to wait anymore. I don’t want what happened today to happen again because I’m not being clear about my feelings. I know we’re never serious but I love you and you know that and-“ I cut him off by leaning up to press my lips against his.
“you talk a lot and worry a lot. you want a clear answer though and that’s fair because that’s what I wanted from you and you gave it to me. so I’ll give you one too. yes.” he just stared at me in confusion for a second before realized what I meant. his eyes lit up and his lips curled to form that smile that warmed me up on the coldest days. his body relaxed again and he scooted closer, returning to our position. my head rested on his chest as my finger traced random shapes on it. yet again, he pressed a kiss on my head, uttering a ‘thank you’.
“chaeyeon my girlfriend” I heard him whisper to himself.
“what?” I looked up at him, amused by his joy.
“nothing babe” he smiled. we remained in each other’s embrace for a while eventually drifting off to sleep.
“christian hurry up bro” dean yelled from the door.
“I’m fucking hungry, go without him” jaeju commented from the couch.
“no no I’m here lets go” I threw a piece of popcorn at dean and another at christian.
“we’ll be back with the food, tell everyone to be here in 10 minutes” dean leaned down to press a peck on my lips before he exited the door.
“nasty” jaeju said. I grabbed a kernel, throwing it at her.
“shut up you hooked up with his friend”
“ONCE. shut up bitch” she raised her hand to smack the side of my exposed thigh. I winced, kicking her.
I picked up my phone, texting our group chat.
Chaeyeon: food in 10 bitchez
Zico: be home in 5 min with sochi
Nayeon: coming
Jisu: nayeon wait for me
last night, when dean and I stayed home and everyone went out, they all came back drunk as fuck. we chose to ignore the noise and continue sleeping but christian’s room is above dean’s and we heard, well stuff. it wasn’t until the next morning that I saw my sister coming downstairs that I figured it out. the walk of shame.
I had kicked dean out of his own room and dragged jaeju inside, forcing her to tell me everything. she hooked up with christian that night and slept over but she slipped out of bed before he could wake up. surprisingly, I was more amused with the situation than anything else.
               “do you like him omg”
               “what? no it was just
in the moment”
               “okay but you have to admit he’s hot as fuck”
               “okay maybe a little”
“a little?! bitch he’s gorgeous. his tattoos make him even hotter. damn I’m a little jealous now”
               “what?! you have dean fuck off”
               “defensive, nice. you like him”
               “chaeyeon shut the fuck up”
               “yes master”
               “god you’re annoying. so
what’s his type”
“ahh! okay he’s very sweet and quiet just like you except for the sweet part. he’s also very affectionate but I’m sure you already found THAT out” she hit my shoulder.
“well, he was. but it would never work out between us, I live really far away”
“so?! if you think about it that’s a good thing. you leave tomorrow night so just get to know him more. I’ve only seen him hook up with girls but from what dean’s told me, when he likes someone you can tell right away. if he likes you he’ll keep in touch but for now just have fun” she rolled her eyes, groaning.
“why did I even come, you’re fine”
“shut up bitch you got dicked down hahaha”
“I fucking hate you”
what a liar. she took my advice and later that day christian texted her. they had gone out bowling in the afternoon and now we were both on the couch waiting for dean and christian to bring home dinner. sochi and zico had been out since the morning and nayeon and jisu had been in the library studying. crush never came home but zico said he went to some girl’s place.
nayeon and jisu walked in a couple minutes after the guys left. nayeon didn’t even hesitate before making her way to the kitchen. we were all comfortable here despite the fact that none of us actually lived here.
“what are they bringing?” she asked.
“korean food for once, I’m craving ddeokboki”
“nice” jisu said as she took the control from my hand, flipping through the channels and taking a seat on the other couch. I threw a pillow at her and she caught it. jaeju sat up, grabbing her phone.
“it’s been like 20 minutes where are they” I checked my phone too. dean hadn’t texted back since they left.
“maybe the food’s just taking a while” nayeon hollered from the kitchen. I called dean but it went straight to voicemail. I got a horrifying feeling in the pit of my stomach but I convinced myself that it was just me overthinking things.
“I’m sure they’ll be home soon, someone text zico and ask if he’s on his way” I said.
“he’s said they’re pulling up right now” jisu replied. I looked at my phone again, texting dean.
Chayeon: are you on your way home? (4:45)
Chaeyeon: deeeaaannn (4:51)
Chaeyeon: dean answer (4: 52)
Chaeyeon: where are you (5:01)
I tried calling again but I was sent straight to voicemail for the second time. zico and sochi walked it. sochi went straight to the bathroom and zico took a seat next to me on the couch.
“sorry we’re a little late, are they coming?” he asked.
“yeah I think it’s just taking a while for the food”
“did you call him?”
“yeah” he read my expression in a heartbeat.
“let me try” he pulled his phone out, dialing the familiar digits. I could barely hear but, I heard the voicemail message. now I was about 2 seconds from freaking out. this wasn’t like him.
“don’t worry I’ll call christian” yet again, he dialed and the same message ringed in my ears. zico’s arm wrapped around me and he rubbed my shoulder.
“hey they’re fine, they probably just don’t have signal. it’s only been half an hour and bad news travels fast okay?” his lips pressed against my forehead and I nodded, fiddling with my phone in my hands. I tried to keep my mind away from bad thoughts by watching tv but I couldn’t do it.
10 minutes passed then 20 then 30. they had been gone for over an hour but zico kept reassuring me that I was overthinking the situation. my phone started vibrating in my hands but the number was private. I didn’t even think before answering.
“is this park chaeyeon?”
“yes, who is this?”
“I’m with mercy west trauma center. a young man and his friend have been in a car accident and this was the number I was given as a primary emergency contact. unfortunately, neither one made it. I’m sorry for your loss. we did everything we could. we understand that is going to be a tough time for-” he kept talking but I couldn’t recognize any words, it was like everything around me went silent. I couldn’t breathe and I felt the tears building up in my eyes. it felt like everything was happening so slowly and quickly at the same time. everyone was circling around me but I couldn’t hear any of them. I dropped my phone and pushed everyone away from me, sprinting out the door.
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