#i swear theres more Quarritch and longer chapters coming
ziteyra · 1 year
A good soldier
Chapter 4
Chapter 1 and Chapter 3
🐟 Synopsis: Lyle gets you to leave the facility with him and you find out a bit more about him and the others.
🐟 characters: Quaritch Recom, Waynfleet Recom (🥳)
🐟themes: same as the last chapter. A bit of cursing, roughing around but nothing serious.
🐠Note: i dont even know what happened hsgaddajh sorry i was gone so long! I swear ive got multiple chapters finished im just gonna post them one by one. Ahhh my Avatar addicition finally got the best of me. Love y'all 💙
Tagging: @babyduk213 💙and @skellie88-blog 💙
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Still in a kind of shocked state, you finally manage to free yourself from Lyle's grip while he carries you on his sacred mission to the outside gates. 
“I haven't even put on my mask.” you mumble while fiddling with the equipment, and your fully charged oxygen mask “What has gotten into you, Lyle?!” 
“Nothing little scientist, I just realized what a treat of a human we happen to have here with you. So much so that even the captain takes a liking to you. And even if I suddenly was possessed by evil spirits of bad intentions, admit it you like the idea of getting taken out of this hell hole by a strong soldier like me y/n?”
You need a second to answer, not only because you hate to admit that he is kind of right about your happiness regarding your escape from the facility but also because you clearly heard him say that even the captain would like you. And that was definitely something to stomach especially so early in the day. “ You dont mean our captain” you scoff at Lyles remarks as you finally manage to pull your Oxygen Mask in the right position and properly adjust it “ Id honestly expected him to rather go back to the jungle alone than admit something like that.” 
“Aww little scientist, don't think so bad of yourself. You didn't realize he liked you? Well, i admit it's kind of difficult to tell but in practice, it's nothing you should waste your energy on. And even so, you know he´d love going through the jungle all by himself and murdering every single living alien he finds. Especially in his new body.” 
You admit that Lyle’s knowledge of Quaritch's character might by far exceed yours but still seems not convincing in the slightest. Nonetheless, you don't even get time to focus on that thought anymore as you start to pass the final gates and checks of the facility and you realize that quite a few more people than usual have laid eyes upon you. Particularly at the final airgates, you can see quite a few of your colleagues eyeing you and your big blue escort as you prepare to enter the Pandorian wilderness. 
“Well, your little buddies definitely seem jealous of us y/n. As they should be huh ?” Lyles not so quietly exclaimed while you more and more wished a banshee would just kidnap you and take you as far away as possible. He gives you a little nudge and you can see how happy all the attention seems to make him. It was almost surreal seeing him like this since you couldn't really think of a moment outside of a battle where he seemed to be enjoying himself that much. But then again you knew so much and so little about this crew of recom soldiers who had thousands of research papers and articles written about them but still surprised you every new day you managed to work with them. That was probably the truest not for Lyle but for his captain Quaritchs. 
His stone-cold gaze still could not leave your mind even as you entered through the last metal door into the scorching sun of Pandora with Lyle by your side.
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ziteyra · 1 year
A good soldier
Chapter 5
Chapter 1 and Chapter 4
🐟 Synopsis: You'r little expidition with Lyle doesnt go quite as planned
🐟 characters: Quaritch Recom, Waynfleet Recom
🐟themes: same as the last chapter. A bit of cursing, roughing around but nothing serious.
🐠Note:Uhh im almost sorry for the little Quaritch were getting but i promise its not gonna be long. Love y'all 💙
Tagging: @babyduk213 💙
“Well if you reall ywant to help me with my research Lyle there are actually a few things we could do.” you say smiling down at your datapad, not really knowing what to expect the next few hours with him. “Actually we wouldnt even need to leave the grounds to conduct these. Some strength and dexterity tests would be in order as well as the usua-” you are abruptly interrupted by Lyle hitting you on the back and laughing out loud. “OH Y/N! We both know thats not why were out here. Now come on theres something i want to blow your little scientist brain with.” he says as he eagerly licks his sharp front theet.
Nothing about this makes your really excited. Neither the fact that youve been following Lyle for over twenty minutes through the jungle, that your shoulder still hurts from him hitting you and that he still refuses to tell you where you are going. Even your relieve about finally being gone from the dustfilled chambers of the compound seems to be blown away since you left both by Lyles rigorous speed but  also by the Pandoran Flora and Fauna for which you have to watch out every step your taking.
“I swear Lyle im not joking if you dont tell me where your going and how this has any effect on our scientific mission im stopping right here and now and let me get picked up by a helicarrier.” you shout at him having twigs and leaves stuck in your hair as well as sore muscles from trying to keep up with Lyles gigantic Avatar body.
“Oh dont be such a killjoy little scientist. I swear were almost there and you wouldnt wanna miss it. Even your favourit little Capitain comes here from time to time, its almost like our little secret.” he calls back at you, not even bothering to turn around, “ and if your really to tired to walk i can always just throw you over my shoulder again. Its what does savage Navi do with their woman anyway isnt it?”. 
As he laughs more then once about his own jokes, you give up trying to convince him. It was no use anyway threatening him and he probably even knew that no helicarrier would come out here just for you. 
Since Lyle clearly seemed to be eager on reaching his destination you start to wonder what that mysterious place might be. And sooner or later your thoughts drift of to Quaritch again and the fact that even he keot that place a secret. You almost feel something like jealousy again, about their sense of teamspirit in the phoenix project. They certainly seemed to be connected not just through their missions and training together.
You even catch yourself for a second thinking about life with them, as another Navi soldier fighting at the frontiers of PAndora when Lyles voice pulls you out of your daydreams.
“Well isnt that something worth your sweat!” he proudly exclaimed as you both enter through a small tunnel of purple leaves, what seems to be a big clearing with a big burned down tree in the middle. 
“Lopez and Prager discovered it on one of their little trips. You know you always tell us to get a bit more familiar with the local culture and i guess thats what we did.” Lyle grins at you.
Upon hearing these words you look back at him confused but once you get closer to the tree you realize that there once were Navi huts and building all around and inside it. Now taken back by the nature, overgrown and destroyed but still clearly visible with colourfull paintings and beads and even more of their culture hidden behind dirt.
“That wasnt you was it…?” you say as you stumble a few steps back realizing that you just discovered what seemes to eb the remainins of a small navi village.
“Oh sadly not no. No, as i said Lopez and Prager discovered it, already deserted by those tree people. We just set up a little outside base you know. Our basis on enemy grounds as you will. But thats not even the best, come on.” Lyle says proudly.
He almost has to pull you away from the tunnel, with you still being in somewhat of a shock. This was your first time seeing one of their villages for yourself, deserted or not. There was this strange eary atmosphere around the whole tree, you didnt notice it at first but now that Lyle dragged you along with him, around the gigantic treestump, you finally started to notice.
Rarely any birds could be heard across the camp and even the colourfull and almost always glowing Fauna of the jungle seemed to be dampened and grey.
Like it could be feel the life being erradicated in the village not sign of Life could be heard the further you followed Lyle. 
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