#i swear i'm a youngun
coffee-n-some-cream · 2 years
smashing tphones
Raph lands on the roof next to Casey and gives him a once over. The guy is doubled over, his hands on his knees, gasping. He pushes the hockey mask up, revealing a face that is tomato-red and covered in sweat. Raph smirks. You’d never catch any of his brothers looking like that after a run that easy. Casey catches his eye and gives him the stink-eye.
“Outta shape, Jones?”
“Fuck you, man.” Casey straightens and rolls his shoulders back, trying to expand his torso and give his lungs more room to expand. “Still not used to this… rooftop-jumping shit. My radius used to be….” He gulps, “way smaller.”
Raph snorts and gestures over the side of the building. “Your ‘radius’ used to be, uh, the alleyway behind your apartment, right?”
Casey manages a breathy chuckle and nods. “Yeah, pretty much.”
Casey’s apartment building was Raph and Casey’s meetup spot. It was where every night out patrolling and busting heads began and ended. The ‘began’ part makes a lot of sense. Need a rendezvous point of some kind. But the ‘ended’ part makes less sense. They didn’t need a designated spot to say goodnight at. Once they decided to call it a night, Casey could head home and Raph could find the nearest sewer lid. But the first time they went out and patrolled together, just a week after they first met, was one of the best times of Raph’s life. They were just… in sync! Like they could read each other’s minds. Don’t get him wrong, patrolling with his brothers was great. But with Casey, it was the most natural, most alive he’d ever felt. They were always on the same page. Afterwards, when Raph was breathless and couldn’t stop grinning, the last thing in the fucking world he wanted to do was crawl back into the sewers. So he ran back to the meetup spot with Casey, enjoying the breeze on his skin and the friend at his side as long as he could. And then, he just kept doing it. It was totally dumb and unnecessary, but he liked doing it. He kind of felt like he was walking him home, actually. Which makes it sound pretty dumb. But Casey’s either never thought about it, or it’s never bothered him, because he’s never brought it up.
Raph snorts again and hops over the edge of the roof. He lands on the fire escape that leads to Casey’s bedroom window and looks out over the poorly-lit alleyway. There’s a dumpster, a bike, a drain. It’s dank and smelly and a pretty ideal place to do some shady shit. Raph turns and glances up to see Casey peering down at him.
“You just used to sit right here all night?”
“Yep.” Casey jumps, and the fire escape rattles precariously as he lands. “For hours.” He laughs to himself. “I’d go back in and there’d be deep red lines on my ass. It was so dumb.”
Raph shakes his head and plops down. Casey does the same.
“What’d you do that whole time? Just wait for some idiot to walk by and do something stupid in front of you?”
Casey shrugs. “I drew a bunch o’ shit. Wrote things. Listened to music.” As he says this, he pulls out his phone and taps it on. “I’d stick my headphones in and just chill. Nothin’ happened, most of the time, so it was just me and my tunes.”
“Jesus, music on the job? Leo’d have kittens if I tried that. You can’t…” He gestures to the world around them. “You don’t hear what’s happening.”
“Yeah, also you can’t listen to a police scanner if you’re listening to music, but this was real early on. I was just gettin’ my feet wet.” Casey taps at his phone a bit until music blares through the shitty little speakers. Raph leans over and looks at the screen. Smashing Pumpkins. Bullet With Butterfly Wings.
Raph nods along to it and looks at Casey, who’s screwing his eyes shut and mouthing the words along with the singer. Raph plucks the phone out of his hand and scrolls through his library. Mindless Self Indulgence, Mötley Crüe, Korn, that kinda shit. Some 80’s songs too. Casey is watching over his shoulder as he scrolls.
“Yeah, what can I say,” Casey drawls, crossing his arms and giving Raph a shitty grin. “I’ve got good taste.”
Raph rolls his eyes, and he can’t help the small smile that tugs at the corner of his mouth. He doesn’t want to feed Jones’ ego, but the guy’s right. It is good. Raph listens to most of these bands, and he tries to make a note of the ones he doesn’t know so he can check them out later.
The feeling of his T-phone being tugged out of his belt stops him cold. “What’re you doing?”
Casey pauses and eyes him, holding the T-phone casually in one hand. “Looking at your music.”
“No.” Raph reaches for the T-phone, but Casey holds it away from him. Raph swallows and thinks for a second, then says, “I don’t have music on my phone.”
“You- what? Bullshit.”
“No, I really don’t, I-”
“No, no, I saw you with headphones in the other day while you were at the punching bag, listening to this little thing. You totally have music.”
“No, that wasn’t- It wasn’t- It was a podcast.”
Casey cocks his eyebrow. “A podcast.”
“Nothin’ wrong with podcasts, asshole.”
“You were head-banging and whisper-singing to a podcast, huh?” Casey mimes the action, scrunching up his face and nodding his head.
Raph works his jaw, eyes glued to the T-phone. “Just-” He makes a grab for it, but Casey holds it away from him.
“Woah, buddy! Chill there. I showed you mine, you show me yours, that’s how it goes.”
“No it fucking does not, give it back, Jones!” Raph leans around him and snatches at the phone.
Casey lurches back, swiping through the phone as Raph reaches his (annoyingly shorter) arms around him. “I’m just lookin-”
“JONES! Give. It. Back.”
“Just a sec-”
“It’s MY phone!”
“I just wanna-”
Raph sees the music library pop open on his screen and every cell in his entire body is screaming at him to STOP THIS NOW, so he lunges forward and smacks the phone out of Casey’s hand. They both watch in mute horror as it falls over the edge of the fire escape, down, down, until it shatters into pieces against the pavement.
“Fuck.” Raph lets out a breath. “Donnie’s gonna be so pissed.”
Casey just turns and stares at Raph, and with Raph leaning over him like this their faces are very close, so close, and Raph can’t move all of a sudden, and-
Raph screws his eyes shut and leans back, rubbing a hand over his face. Casey’s laughter drowns out the Smashing Pumpkins still blaring from his phone.
“You listen to fucking Enya?!”
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
To the mountains! For Hero Training, assumedly! And Ageha focus~! This is great news for me but Tsubasa will be in terror.
How many episodes in are we? 11? Hm. Quite the milesttone.
-"Oh fuck you're Ageha!"
-The awkward preteen boy's worst nightmare. An affectionate college student cousin!
-"Shonen." Hey, at least it ain't that other sho word. That'd have been a massive red flag.
-So, Mashiron's surprised to see her... does this mean Ageha let herself in?
-The awkwardest pair!
-Oh my God, she's singing the theme. ...sort of.
-"We obey the speed limit~! And we make sure to use proper turn signals and understand the right of way~!"
-Sora's appropriately in awe of this rolling metal death trap.
-Really Ageha? A fucking Hummer? What do you even need it for? I realize you're training to be a daycare teacher, but like
-Do younguns really need such a big-ass car like this?
-Mount Raso!
-Oh, he looks familiar.
-"Boy" she says. Is she Kratos?
-Ah speaking of whom, I've recently considered watching Stargate SG-1 for Christopher Judge.
-Do it for Ozone Baby.
-Sora-chan really wants to run up that mountain!
-Hey, Mashiro! You gotta take this chance! Your very own Brokeback Mountain remake!
-Carry the baby along~!
-"A true knight is never weighed down by his burdens!"
-Man, you know Tsubasa'd stand in the middle of a blizzard in those shorts and deny being cold.
-Tatatatatatatatatatatatatatata! Huwata!
-Athletanu Kiourse~!
-She been knew.
-Holy shit, this course!
-He did it!
-Beautiful yet hidden...
-That was an
-Oddly intense closeup.
-Ooooh, cable car.
-"Move along, boy!"
-Aaaaand he's had enough!
-Impersonating officials! Yet more to add to Kabaton's rapsheet!
-"Hey there, Tsubasa-kun! You remembered to pack some ice right? Mashiro's a little sore winded!"
-Well, he seems to feel a little more enlightened.
-Intrepid mountaineer, Tsubasa Yuunagi!
-Ohhhhhh, that's the wing! From Sora's old notebook!
-"You're a speedy son of a bitch, aren'tcha kiddo?"
-Battle time!
-"Oh wait, hang on, I gotta back up..."
-I'll give Kabaton this, those Ranborgs sure are fast.
-"LET GO, YOU SON OF A BITCH! ...Wait, no, no, no!"
-"You went along with it, didn't you? :3"
-This is a level of embarassment Wing has never felt before in his entire life.
-Oh hello girls. I... almost forgot about you two!
-Double Cable Run~!
-PreCure Double Kick!
-Down he goes~!
-Oh damn, he went and done it.
-"Thanks to the boy~!"
-Well, that is quit the view.
-Rasogoro swag.
-This might be your last chance, buddy.
-Cure Yell! ...Hana, baby, did your model always look like that?
-Butterfly, I swear, you need to come in soon or I'm gonna shit
-A house
-The ultimate showdown! The battle that defines generations of martial arts! Cure Sky's Sky Land Divine Fist and Kabaton's... Hmm... Underg Style Sumo? Nah, that seems a bit too easy...
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alwek · 4 months
So, language, I love it! Altering my lexicon though, that's a tricky one. I was raised to believe it is not the word that hurts but the way it is said. Probably not the best way to think of slurs, and I avoid them when I learn about them, but still... I get hung up on "retarded"
And I think, it's a regional thing maybe? I've been trying to ask as many people around me of various walks what they think about the word, started doing that after seeing that one Helluva Boss joke.
I always ask question when something confuses me, and the word "retarded" becoming a slur seemed strange to me because I'd never heard "retarded" be used in a way more hateful than say, calling someone a bitch. Where I grew up "retarded" was just "really stupid" and yeah, I know that's the whole reason it became a slur, but also where I'm from "autistic" was used as a slur for stupid. Y'all down south, you seem to have used "retarded" the same way we used "autistic." A theory currently gaining strength in my mind as I find more and more people who agree that "retarded" isn't really so bad.
And yet, I tell people online "retarded is really more of a swear" and I get met with all the same reasons people from my region used "autistic" as a slur. And I can't figure out a way to say why they're wrong. And I think it's just straight-up cultural difference at play. Canadian bush communities are certainly a different breed.
No matter how hard I try, I can't get myself to stop saying retarded as a casual swear. I went so far as to try and find people around me to confirm "retarded" shouldn't be said, and yet, everyone else I ask says the same thing.
"Retarded? A slur? That's fucking retarded." And even occasional "that some autist shit" added to the end by especially the older and younger generations. Did not expect the younguns to puck up using "autist" like that but here we are.
I dunno. Maybe I'm just fuckin retarded. I am autistic after all, and all my bullies sure loved to remind me.
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
babysitting anon again. one of them was drumming on my shoes (dirty vans, I shudder to think of the grime) and now my ears are bleeding to Alvin's and the chipmunks version of who let's the dogs out. I'm dying but hey, it should be worse. Lovejoy is next I think but which song?
oh god i pray for u. i recommend taunt, that one doesnt have any swearing if those kids are younguns
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cheshire-noir · 3 years
Well... we can get up to all kinds of trouble if y'alls game!
I like racin n ropin on my 5T-33D... (we call em "steeds" cuz that's what It looks like) I could take you ridin sometime... the wind an the sun feels nice!
Also, I like drinkin an dancin at the pub. Throwin darts an shootin games of 8-hole. Not very fancy, I know... but I'm always a gennelman, treat you really fine! Swear!
But if you like to be quiet an peaceable, I can take you out where there's no people... just the grass n rocks n canyons... like the ranch was... We can go lookin for critters and maybe see some younguns!
♤ Cowboy
*hesitantly hooks an arm around yours* 
I’d love to watch you throw darts sometime! And I love a great round of...8 hole? That’s like Billiards right? I feel like I can never hold the stick right and my shots go all over the place! Do you think you can teach me sometime? 
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