#i swear i did a xenomorph desmond ask before
teecupangel · 9 months
Hello dear angle. I'm back with an ask that idk if it's wierd or not. Actaully I'm trying to start a fanfic about a civilizade xenomorph society and I'm turing everthing I like to these cute little parasites. So… I wanted to ask what do you think about an android Desmond with his three white xenomorph ancestors? I've read several comics and novels of alien and what I discovered was that xenomorphs were created to be a biological weapon. So I was thinking what if Desmond android was created by abstergo to controll the xenemorphs. He is like a queen to them because of the DNA they share. In this au the assassin-templair war is not still over. And even in the sky they are trying to take cotroll over the galaxy. What if Desmond works in one of abstergo's labs. Until he saw a xenomorph for the first time in his life. It was pure white with a strange looking mark on its forhead. Some thing about this mark was familiar to him which he didn't know why. The first time he saw it he felt a strong bond between them. He felt so safe around that monster. It felt like family. Like home. He put his hand on the glass. The creature came closer with curiosity and placed its hand where was desmond's. And suddenly something flashed before Desmond's eyes. A face. A man with white cloak that was standing there and staring at him in a kind smile. And then he was in the lab again. He stared at the monster and smiled. "Ezio. So it's your name."
I will leave it from here for you. I belive in you. You can turn this to a movie that worths watching. And mabey it's ezides? I love ezides fanfics and i don't know why. They're kinda apposite but still cute. Your blog is wonderful 🤩
(Thank you! While I cannot promise I can make this a movie worth watching, I will do my best to make this something monster fuckers would at the very least be curious about XD)
It’s not weird. I mean, I’m fine with weird ideas XD
Also, Alien is one of my favorite horror movies.
For this one, what if we just throw away Alien/Prometheus canon and spin this into another AU (mainly because this gives us an excuse to not use the canon explanation of white xenomorphs and the proto xenomorphs.
For this one, let’s set up Abstergo as being sorta in a decline after humanity decided to live among the stars. While they had been focused on profiting and trying to eradicate the Brotherhood, Weyland-Yutani slips pass them and became the juggernaut corporation that more or less controlled human settlements.
DESMOND was meant to be the prototype of an android line that should have exceeded everything Weyland-Yutani approved androids could.
But there were a bit of problem with DESMOND. For one, he appeared too cold, less expressive than the cheapest android and has a hard time understanding orders.
It was a failure.
So Abstergo had to pivot and create a new product. They manage to get samples of Weyland-Yutani’s ‘prized’ secret project and a basic ‘overview’ of what it’s meant to be.
Unfortunately, the samples didn’t have enough genetic information to complete their version and they thought, “Hey, you know what we have? The DNA sample of some dude that died during the 21st century! That might work!”
In their defense, the lead of the project, Dr. Vidic (relation to the late Warren Vidic is unknown), believed in this ‘rumor’ that Sample 17 is the golden ticket to Abstergo’s success. It was the key to the success of the Animus Project. Why not this project as well?
If the human DNA is unusable for this project, Sample 17’s Isu DNA might be what they needed.
For this one, they made three Prototypes to use for different ‘experiments’.
They were called Zero-One, Zero-Two and Zero-Three.
Zero-One is taken to the deepest part of the space station to be experimented on.
Zero-Two is kept in one of the more secured floors to be observed with limited ‘contact’.
Zero-Three is kept on stasis while Zero-One and Zero-Two are being ‘observed’. Once the observation period is over, Zero-Three will be eliminated and dissected to gather more data using what data they gathered from Zero-One and Zero-Two.
DESMOND has been turned into a messenger android, delivering devices and other items and acting similar to someone who takes picture of the person who took a package.
It was one of the few things it could do without having to be supervised the entire time.
It is during one of its delivery to Dr. Vidic that it sees Zero-Two.
There was something about Zero-Two that makes it feel something.
Makes him feel something.
Their first meeting ends with him calling Zero-Two ‘Ezio’.
His Ezio.
DESMOND starts visiting him whenever he has the chance.
And Abstergo sees this all.
Hard not to considering the floor Ezio is in is covered in surveillance tech.
Dr. Vidic thinks this is a good thing.
DESMOND can communicate with Zero-Two. With enough time, DESMOND can be used to control Zero-Two.
Control an army of them.
So he takes DESMOND under his wing and starts to supervise the meetings.
The tried and true method of carrot-and-stick.
With DESMOND being the carrot.
During that time, the team in charge of experimenting of Zero-One fuck up big time.
Maybe they didn’t take in consideration the idea that Zero-One would use its acid blood to destroy its cage.
Maybe they underestimated Zero-One’s intellect and it manages to get them to open the cage by pretending to be sick or dead.
Whatever the reason will be, the end result is the same.
Zero-One kills the team that has been experimenting on it and starts to hunt down everyone in the Space Station.
During this time, Dr Vidic gets the idea of hunting Zero-One using Zero-Two.
And he does it by having DESMOND become bait because he knows Zero-Two will protect DESMOND.
He didn’t take in consideration that DESMOND’s connection might not be exclusive to Zero-Two alone.
So when DESMOND sees Zero-One, he sees him about to kill another Abstergo personnel. The personnel begged for help but DESMOND simply stood there.
Dr. Vidic thought (as he watched the feeds from a drone) that DESMOND is doing as ordered, to find Zero-One and to place himself in danger until Zero-Two gets to his position (Zero-Two has been fashioned with a device that would push a strong sedative inside him in a push of a button, deliberately placed in a part of his body that he cannot use his acid blood to dissolve it)
Zero-One kills the personnel and starts moving to DESMOND’s position on all fours. A predator slowly making its way to its next kill.
That’s when Dr. Vidic sees DESMOND take a step towards Zero-One and reach a hand.
Without any mirror, DESMOND touches Zero-One as he says, “Altaïr?”
“You want to kill them all? Okay.”
“… We can do that.”
Unorganized Notes:
They take Ratonhnhaké:ton out of stasis during Altaïr’s rampage and DESMOND stays with him because he hasn’t gotten used to moving yet and is the most vulnerable of the three.
Considering it’s me, I would suggest we just turn this into all three main couples (AltDes, EziDes, ConDes) for triple the ‘fun’.
They feel a connection to DESMOND because he is created to be a complete copy of Sample 17 with an android body. Technically, his ‘genetics’ is more or less in that ‘white fuel’ he creates himself and a bunch of 1s and 0s makes up Sample 17’s entire DNA.
In a more… ‘strange’ level, they feel a connection to DESMOND and DESMOND feels a connection with them because they’re the closest species to one another. Both created from Sample 17.
If you want smut in this one, well, they see DESMOND as their Queen and they have the instinct to mate with their Queen because Sample 17’s genetic code had a hardwired ‘order’ of needing to reproduce sexually. (to create Desmond Miles but the order is still there). Otherwise, they feel the need to protect DESMOND and to satisfy his every desire.
The xenomorphs take one more and more characteristics of the ‘target’ ancestor in terms of personality and habits. On the flipside, DESMOND starts acting more… ‘selfish’ the longer he stays with the three.
This would end with the space station succumbing to the xenomorphs but Dr. Vidic manages to send out an SOS before he dies.
This is the part where we can focus on developing DESMOND’s relationship with the xenomorphs (insert smut here if you want).
Then… an Abstergo rescue ship is pinged on the radar and… more cannon fodders as well as the possibility of finally leaving the space station.
The twist is there’s an Assassin aboard the rescue ship and this Assassin would get in contact with DESMOND and realize who he is based on because the Brotherhood never forgot Desmond Miles. (this gives us the chance to make this either (1) DESMOND and the xenomorphs joining the Brotherhood for a sorta morally gray good guys scenario or (2) they kill the Assassin and go on full on corrupted “the world against us” setup)
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