#i swear antis are just fun killers sometimes
ididgettomeetyou · 2 years
all bad faith anti kataang takes are a product of people either being willfully blind to canon or only watching the crystal catacomb moment of zuko/katara and skipping the rest of the ep where.. her best friend dies/ watching tsr/ ember islands.. and nothing else.. like bro.. so many anti takes are easily debunkable if you watch canon
heck the whole aang only eats sweets in the cookbook proves he's a baby to slave momtara is a lie theres a part where toph complains about aang vegetartian meals i'll share that later.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 7 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №6
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This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
Heh, Killer found his lost family. I thought it was funny to depict him like that. To gather information, I use both English and Russian wikis on Backrooms. Level 2.1 is in the Russian version, but for some reason it's not in the English one. I won't be too accurate with the canon and will even take liberties with it. It's quite confusing and I don't want to get too tangled up in it, since my story isn't serious. I'm just having fun.
Shaking through a couple more rooms and turning into random corners, the group began to hear the sound of working machinery. Since there were no other landmarks, it was decided to follow the noise. Along the way, they encountered more strange inscriptions and drawings on the walls. Some were particularly interesting, and Dust even wrote them down in his notebook . It seems he gets some pleasure from working with paper and pen. Especially since the previous owner kept notes sloppily and confusingly, making it not always clear what was a note for later words and what was just random phrases or a list of necessary items (shopping list?). He also constantly mentioned other people, which sent shivers down their spines.
Apparently, people mainly lived in the Hub and in small numbers in some other levels and locations.
To get to the Hub, enter the Konami code at the entrance to level 1. You can also accidentally get there through doors on other levels.
Did this mean that the locals also mess around with files? What a headache .
The group decided to avoid people for as long as possible. Of course, Error wasn't particularly worried: he was capable of destroying AUs that were sometimes entirely made up of people. (Nightmare knew that sometimes it required several regenerations in the Anti-Void, but decided to keep that knowledge to himself) .
As they made their way to the rumbling machines, the Bad Guys noticed that the temperature of the air began to change: rising sharply above Hotland and then dropping to the coolness of Snowdin. Of course, for their magic bodies, this didn't pose any harm, but they had never seen such jumps in the atmosphere before. But it seemed to be a distinctive feature of the level they were moving through.
In one of the dark locked rooms, they came across a new type of creature. Their aura seemed quite familiar . They were clearly strange distorted monsters from the underground. Perhaps Snowdin's dogs or something similar. They didn't attack, but constantly wanted to approach and sniff, which made Error swear.
These speechless creatures got along well with Nightmare, through whose ability to suppress and ignite emotions, they could communicate with them in a way, instilling the necessary direction of thoughts and receiving an emotional response. Here, the Keeper of Negativity was in his element. It was only annoying that he couldn't feed on them: Smilers simply reacted to external irritants and were slightly smarter than amoebas.
However, according to records , these monsters willingly attacked humans, and humans were terrified of them. Dust immediately set about correcting the record about them.
Smilers Nasty things, but I've been lucky enough to avoid them so far. They say there's another nest besides the Hive with these creatures alien to our world. Researchers seem to suspect that they're really from another planet. Tips : - Maintain eye contact and slowly back away. - Be quiet and don't make loud noises. - Use Smiler Repellent. - Turn off all light sources you're equipped with. Prohibitions: - Panic and run away from the Smiler if it hasn't started chasing you. - Make loud noises.- Leave your light sources on. -------------- *are safe and friendly like dogs. Killer fit in well with their pack. They love light and seem to eat it somehow. Not so strange, after all, photons do exist.
They continued on with their entourage.
From the hot spots of level 2, you can get to 2.1 (nothing interesting, leads to level 3). Some doors here lead to level 3. A strange colorful curved door leads to 283 (DAMNED CLOWN HELL).
No one wanted to go to "Clown Hell", even though the notebook compiler had been wrong about the danger level of various phenomena more than once. But if the locations of this place were called "levels," then to get out of here, they had to go through all of them, right? It sounds logical.
The group still managed to get to level 3. Although it wasn't without problems. The notes spoke of two paths: accidentally through doors and through hot areas. They seemed to have used both at the same time.
Finding a place with high temperature or doors wasn't that difficult thanks to the group's overall number, along with the Smilers . Error preferred to simply stretch threads in all directions for some reason ( He won't get his glasses in this company ) . Then it was a simple routine of opening doors in the found "hot spots." Smilers couldn't open doors themselves, so it turned out to be impossible to entrust this to them.
During these searches, they found some office paper and a few spare pens for Dust. It seems he and Cross started communicating better with each other, working with the notebook and supplementing it with their observations.
Killer entertained himself by drawing various indecencies on the walls with the help of several aerosol paint cans. Horror also drew on the walls, but his actions were more practical and consisted of leaving marks on explored doors. Essentially, they were doing the same job, just in different ways.
Finally, behind one of the doors, there was a corridor of dusty brick, similar to the many Ruins of underground dungeons they had visited. Error confirmed that this was a transition to another level. He still didn't understand how to predict where they would end up, except through visual inspection of the passage. Along with his complete helplessness during his Loadings between locations, this drove him crazy. He had extremely high demands on himself. The only thing that slightly comforted his wounded pride in such moments was the hope and need for the gaze of others looking at him with a question.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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floofs-headcanons · 3 years
Bodyguard AU; Headcanons & Scenarios
Characters; Killer, Mihawk, Zoro
It would not be a lie to say that this AU is what made us want to get back into writing. We also had… way too much fun writing Zoros. Under the cut because it’s a long one, beware!
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You’re less than thrilled when the person that gets assigned to keep you safe is literally someone named “Killer”
Thankfully, you learn the same day that he was pretty much a sweetheart, contrast to his name.
You also learn much later on that he fits his name (and the title that people give him) very well.
Never judge a book by it’s cover, as they say.
Quiet, and it’s often times unnerving to not be able to read his emotions with the helmet covering his face, but we can work on that.
Outside of being your bodyguard, Killer’s helpful in just about everything. He helps you carry your items, even when you insist it’s okay, is quite knowledgeable and helps with work and projects whenever the occasion arises, and even cooks.
He isn’t anti-social but finds it a bit hard to be more casual with you considering the fact that you’re his boss. You’ll need to initiate most conversations.
“I said I don’t need to head to bed yet, it’s only 2:00 am!”
Sometimes he gets an attitude out of nowhere like he’s more of your mom than a bodyguard.
“Only two, huh?” You can often imagine how he’s reacting even when you can’t see his face.
It’s amusing when you make up a game to guess facial expressions.
He always wins, of course, and you’d swear he’s lying every time.
Perhaps saying that you were curious about your bodyguard was a little bit of an understatement.
And no, it surprisingly, was not his name.
Well, maybe just a little.
“It’s my duty to protect you,” he’s said that on multiple occasions, despite the fact that you two barely know each other. You understand, of course, that this was his job; what you didn’t understand was how he’d be willing to give his life for you, but not take off his mask.
“You really won’t take it off? Even just for a few seconds?”
“I’m sorry,” he sounded genuinely apologetic. “It makes me anxious when I take it off in front of others.”
With a sigh, you reluctantly stopped bothering him about it. Yeah, you were curious, but you weren’t willing to pry further after he’s explicitly said no. Though, it seems with the situation you’re currently in prying wasn’t exactly needed.
“Pardon me,” he whispers, lifting you up into his arms as bullets fly through the air. One of them gets the side of his head which nearly sends you into a panic, but thankfully you quickly realize it had only grazed his helmet’s latch.
“Killer-” you attempt to check for wounds as soon as he finds a safe space for you to hide but immediately silence yourself when you realize that his helmet was very much cracking and falling apart. With break-neck speed, you turn your head around, earning a confused sound from the male which stops the moment you hear the head protection completely break and fall to the floor with a heavy thump.
“Uhm,” you furrow your eyebrows, unsure of how you’re going to check for wounds now. So instead, you reach your hand up to your own head and gesture around the area he was hit. “Your head, are you alright? Are you bleeding anywhere?”
He’s silent for a while, and you could only guess he was checking himself. “I’m fine,” the blonde finally mumbles after a while. “Why aren’t you looking at me?”
“Because you feel uncomfortable showing your face around people, right? So I won’t look. I didn’t see anything, either.”
There’s silence for a little while, and in that time you’re left wondering if the people chasing you have given up by now. “It’s alright,” he finally says, perhaps a bit teasingly. “I think we have more pressing things to worry about right now.”
Well, to keep things short, you like the color blue a lot more now.
Maybe it was the fact that he towered over you at 6 foot 6, or maybe it’s because his eyes seemed to stare right through your soul, but this man was the definition of intimidating
The epitome of a professional.
It’s almost unfair how good he looks, really serving us the tall, dark and handsome as a full course meal.
In all seriousness though, it takes some time to get used to him and get a proper read on how he expresses himself. Mihawk reacts very subtly when he does, but being in his company teaches you the meaning behind the faintest quirk of his lips to the slightest curve of his brow. He’s not the most expressive, but learning these cues makes a whole world of a difference in understanding what exactly he might be feeling in that moment. 
Surprisingly very cheeky.
Buying him expensive, quality liquor tends to curry his favor. Wines especially. Perhaps he might even ask you to join him for a drink!
He’s good at his job- maybe a little too good. To the point he might even purposefully stir trouble just to have something to do. He’s a real fire starter when he’s bored and you unfortunately [or perhaps fortunately] have front row seats to the show. 
Quieter moments are hard to find in this hectic life, but he does like to read in that time. He’s a very well-read guy- even if he’s not the most chatty, he’ll definitely give you a solid synopsis of the book if you’re interested in reading it as well. Might even offer to discuss the book together once you’re done reading it.
Built incredibly different because man’s really knows how to get under your skin if he’s teasing you. 
Bastard [affectionate]. 
Your protector was definitely intimidating, that was for sure. If his height wasn’t enough to scare off people who were trying to hurt you, then his piercing, hawk-like eyes surely did the trick.
If it weren’t for the fact that he was actually quite kind and polite, you would have more than once mistaken him to be upset at you.
“Shh,” he quickly silences you, pressing your bodies closer to the side of the building.
‘No, no I don’t think I can be silent right now when you’re three centimeters in front of my face!’ You want to say that, but you know better than to talk back to this man. And given your position, you don’t think you trust yourself enough to not say something completely stupid.
Still, 'this is way too close!’
You don’t fancy being pulled into a dark alley and pressed up against the wall without consent, especially when he won’t even tell you what’s wrong. There was no way he was doing this just because, you knew better than anyone else who’s worked alongside him this man was as professional as it got, but being told to be quiet isn’t very reassuring.
You had tried a few times to get a glimpse at exactly what he was looking at, though with his arm basically caging you in you weren’t really able to see anything other than the fabric of his sleeve.
Finally, after minutes of what seemed like hours, he finally backs away, eyes slowly making their way to your form with a raised brow and you swear- you swear, you could see him quirk the corners of his lips.
“Are you alright?”
'No, Mihawk,’ you cover your face with your hands, nodding. 'No I’m not.’
This isn’t a situation you had expected your life to turn in but at least you had a lax bodyguard, who seemed more like a friend if anything, around at all times to keep you safe.
He’s a smooth operator when it comes to his line of work. From his appearance to his capacity to handle and get you out of a situation, Zoro’s the man. 
The absolute best when it comes to unhinged banter. You don’t really need to watch what you say with him and the petty arguments do add spice to even the worst of situations
Will absolutely 100% refuse to drink while on the clock. He’ll complain that he needs one, but will never actually go get one even with your permission.
Since your relationship is quite relaxed, he can be quite sly with his words sometimes and it takes a moment to set in because holy shit what did he say??? 
Will lug you around like a sack of potatoes if need be. 
The amount of concern and raw emotion that just spills out of this man when he finds you after getting separated. It’s like a crumbling dam at this point- he cares a lot and is more than willing to put his life on the line if it means you get out of there safely. 
Incredibly good listener, his advice can be...interesting, but you can always rely on him to lend an ear.
Will remember obscure things you’ve talked about once or twice and bring it up if you ever pass by a store or a billboard with said thing on it. Might even get something as a gift for you simply because he felt like it. 
You are his living gps, please help this man. 
Zoro was the perfect bodyguard- almost- perfect.
He was handsome and intimidating at the same time, yet easy to get along with. You appreciated the fact that he wasn’t so formal despite the fact that he was supposed to be protecting you- it made it easy for you to get along with one another and more importantly, relax. When you’re constantly being pursued by people it helped to not be constantly on edge.
Now, his flaw?
“WH-” a confused grunt escapes your throat, the two of you obviously not caring if the people chasing after you heard. With how many wrong turns he’s taken you were certain he’s unintentionally lost them by now. What does he mean which way is ‘back’?! Back is back! “Just turn around, dammi- NOT ALL THE WAY AROUND!”
‘This fool just spun a full three-sixty!’
Directions, perhaps the only enemy on earth that could stand up to this man.
You weren’t prepared for a shootout happening today in the middle of the street, but then again, no one is- besides Zoro. Before the first shot even rang out the male had swept you up into his arms and ran; you’ve always wondered how is it that even with one impaired eye he seemed to know exactly what was going around him at all times.
But that wasn’t important right now.
The sounds of shouting and shoes hitting against concrete had stopped long ago. The new problem is that now you were lost and he refused to put you down just in case they came back again, but also didn’t know his left from his right even if it would save his life.
“Zoro, I said put me down!”
“And I said no!”
“You’ve been running for half an hour, we’re in the middle of nowhere- PUT ME DOWN!”
This was going to be a very long day.
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screamin bout zi-o 36
i had fun doing this last week, so let’s make another screencap post! of course, i said that, and then it took several days to upload all the pictures because tumblr just stops fucking working sometimes. anyhoo! it’s yuko kitajima roast hour. image-heavy and spoiler-heavy, naturally.
so ginga blew everyone up and they ran away to a sewer it seems.
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honestly that theory makes as much sense as anything else on this booty ass fuckin’ kamen rider show
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i was just like...he isn’t
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but then he was
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swartz: she could step on me in those red pumps and i’d say Thank You
hora: i regret so much right now
uhr: *shonen anime character walking down the street pose*
then over quartzer plays and im starting to feel a little lost because i don’t get to hear about the episode according to woz’s book? hello??
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yuko’s still out gettin her spa treatments and shit, god only knows how she got the money for all that, and somehow she never crosses paths with the cops or anyone who recognizes her from the news?? uh
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honestly yeah?? a queen deserves to look GOOD. her theme music is eerily sexy, i need an mp3 of it right now
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don’t get me wrong, im well aware that swartz is being a suck-up to try and get yuko to help with his plan to seize ginga’s power, but damn im kinda shipping swartz with yuko now too...i mean, he WAS looking at her while doing the sexy ice cream thing last week. what flavor ice cream would yuko be? black cherry chip maybe?
(headcanon: woz tries apple pie ice cream and declares it a crime against both apple pie and ice cream alike--but he still eats the whole coneful)
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hora and uhr get ZA WARUDO’D down the stairs by swartz
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we were all uhr right here
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yeaaaaaah she just doesn’t want to fight ginga
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tsukuyomi’s a mood. someone put a band-aid on geiz’s forehead pls
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ok woz i get that if you’re looking for a despotic ruler to follow that yuko is likely a better bet than sougo, but you’re missing an important detail: if yuko actually had a shot at becoming queen of everything, she’d already have one of you in tow, and you would most likely hate each other.
...majou means “demon queen” in this case, not “witch”, right?
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aaaaaand this...is the moment when yuko started making me very uncomfortable. the way she responds: “yes...i do remember. it’s you.”
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and sougo’s face just lights up--my guy, she could so easily be lying. she didn’t say one thing about the band-aid or the playground or anything that’d indicate she’s actually sougo’s crush.
like...if not for the fact that sougo had such a crush on the seifuku girl, it wouldn’t be all that major a memory. it likely wasn’t for the girl in question--just a happy sunny day cheering up a lonely little boy. a beautiful memory, yes...but memories fade.
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can someone please explain to me why woz’s characterization is all over the place in kiva arc? are you pro-yuko or anti-yuko, woz? i don’t understand what’s going through his pretty head at all honestly. he gets pretty taciturn in the scenes he’s not inhaling pie, but then at times he seems to think yuko’s cool aaaaaagh i don’t know
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junichiro: meowing, just wanted an excuse to cook lots of food
sougo: “yay, uncle’s cooking!”
woz: [deadpan monotone] “yaaaaaaay uncle’s cooking...”
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ive had enough of this evil bitch honestly but when she points it’s still Good Shit
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ridiculous move name, but also an awesome move name
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and turning to stone to heal up while the sun’s clouded over? very cool
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i noped so hard at this part. like...i really do feel protective of sougo. yuko doesn’t give a damn about him, she just doesn’t want him to get in her way.
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nope. no. nuh uh. you two step away from each other right now.
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ok but in all seriousness, do you want time jackers? because, im calling it now, letting oma zi-o go in raw is how you get time jackers.
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yeah im pretty sure miho would’ve kept at it if she’d lived, and yuko...shes not gonna listen to sougo
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thank you for the much needed reality check furry man
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so she’s a...fu-joshi? 👀
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yuko wears such fabulous shoes
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was anyone surprised at this point that yuko was the real killer? i sure wasn’t. not after all the obvious lies.
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i love her leitmotif. i need it. where do i download
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hey kids! it’s time for *mashes play button* la-la-la lies! yeah, tell me that you love me! la-la-la-lies! look deep into my eyes! la-la-la-lies! say there’s no one else above me! i’m the king of fools, cuz baby, you’re the queen of actually very hurtful and manipulative lies!
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that’s such bullshit
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now im the last person to be like “don’t play the dead mommy card”--i practically keep that card in the hello kitty wallet my dead mommy gave me. but i bet you yuko’s mom is just fine (aside from living with the trauma of knowing her daughter’s a murderer and pathological liar).
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thank you tsukuyomi. god sougo really needs a chaperone with yuko around, he’s way too dumb and thirsty.
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GUESS WHO’S BACK. BACK AGAIN. fortunately, it seems swartz and woz have been just standing there watching him for the duration of the rain shower.
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lest we forget (because i didn’t screencap it), when zi-o took the brunt of ginga’s attack earlier, it sent him flying. now, that’s a human body, which has some ability to absorb force because it’s mostly pretty soft and fluid. yuko’s manhole cover almost completely absorbed this blast--she barely shifted her weight on impact. is it just that she’s THAT ripped? 
then The Boys rider kick ginga to oblivion. rip ginga, you didn’t have a personality or a character arc, we never even saw you un-transformed--you were just a cool looking plot device with pretty attacks. but for that much, we appreciate you!
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swartz looks so pleased with himself. he must not have watched the preview for this episode.
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YOINK! gotta love how swartz doesn’t look surprised so much as puzzled.
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sure am glad kurowoz took his other self’s advice and kept an eye on swartz
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i love it so much how woz just has these magic scarf powers and it needs no explanation? hell, he can fly and time travel and make people fall asleep and he’s super strong too, with no explanation? and he’s the comic relief? ALSO HE’S REALLY HOT? woz is a being to behold honestly
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speaking of super strong and really hot, yuko is KILLING IT in that gown. i mean...i guess that’s the intention. killing it. cuz she’s a homicidal maniac. haha.
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she’s so good at pointing. yuko could be a prosecutor in shuichi kitaoka: ace attorney. (FUND IT)
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yuko throws her manhole cover at the boys (rude!) and next we see geiz holding it. a shame we don’t get to see him snatch it out of midair. or did woz catch it and just hand it to him? we may never know.
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zi-o. listen to geiz, zi-o. use the fucking watch. just use the watch, zi-o. you seriously plan on just letting another kiva go on a killing spree? do you not get by now what she’s capable of?
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thank goodness zi-o has his retainers to make wise decisions so he doesn’t have to.
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please note the placement of mars on ginga woz’s suit. very important.
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I Love You
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my favorite character gets a beautiful rainbow final attack. i feel so blessed.
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i mean...protecting all mankind would probably include protecting them from people like yuko. just sayin.
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is it bad of me that my immediate thought right then was “at least woz’s attack wasn’t what did her in.”
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this shot, especially in the context of the church, definitely gave me pieta vibes--albeit reversed somewhat.
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weirdly enough, woz does an outro instead of an intro this episode.
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at this point while watching, i said to shylax “you know what this calls for? pie!” but before i could finish--
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--PIE! cmon sougo, it’s time to gobble up your feelings!
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fucking woz, i swear, you have pie in your mouth and pie in your right hand and pie on your FACE and when your overlord expresses how miserable he is you just go for his uneaten pie with your empty hand.
...is it normal to eat pie like this in japan? because the only times i’ve seen americans make this much of a mess eating pie is when they’re toddlers.
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oh hey, what do you know? looks like sougo’s first love wasn’t a violent crazy person after all. she also wasn’t yuko.
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sougo’s just an idiot who will mistake any older woman who rubs him on the chin and calls him cute for his sailor girl.
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i blame joshua kiryu
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how eloquently this one line sums up not only kamen rider zi-o but kamen rider decade as well. that’s it, that’s the show. that’s the clusterfuck we will inevitably get whenever toei decides to make a kamen rider crossover.
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LOOK AT THIS! TSUKUYOMI REMEMBERED SOMETHING! who is she smiling at? is it her dad? is that swartz behind her?! omg baby tsukuyomi is so CUTE!
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“a team”. uh huh. is that what the youth are calling it these days? cuz when i was a wee lass, i believe they called it “fucking”.
so what have we learned this week?
very little about ginga
sougo does not remember faces all that well
before sougo dates ANYONE that person should be fully vetted by junichiro, geiz, tsukuyomi, and woz because CLEARLY HE CANNOT SAFELY CHOOSE A PARTNER FOR HIMSELF
i still really like yuko as a character, if not as a person. same as i enjoy junji ito manga, but would be very upset if most of it happened in real life.
swartz loves a woman who can kick his ass
what the fuck are manhole covers in this world
i can’t wait for baby tsukuyomi flashbacks! that, and more tsukasa.
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dcusrclicta · 5 years
Character Bios
Parenthesis means they have a Harry Potter AU verse 
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Name: Severus Tobias Snape Year: Cute. House: Slytherin Blood Status: Befouler Antichrist Eye colour: Cobalt nowadays Age: Old enough to say no. Birthdate: 1/9 Height: 6′7 Patronus: Horned Viper Description: I still hate my job. I still hate people. I’m just immortal now. Please leave my office & don’t touch anything on your way out.
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Name: Brittnay Matthews Year: College Junior (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 21 Birthdate:  6/15 Height: 5′5 (Patronus: Pitbull) Description: Cross me & I’ll hurt you. Otherwise I’m Brittnay Matthews you’re new best friend. People think I’m arrogant but in reality they’re angry I’m better than them. I used to go to Overland Park high school. I’m glad I don’t anymore.
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Name: Rhaegar Daeron Targaryen (Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Violet Age: 34 Nameday: All I remember was being born in the high summer Height: 7’1 (Patronus: Hungarian Horntail) Description: I’m believed to be dead. Walking about when one is believed to be dead is actually quite boring no matter how much it may benefit the Realm. I do admit I made. Many mistakes however in my defence not all prophecies are interpreted in a straight forward manner. I did better than any of you would have in the situation so save your criticism for until you watch a man identical to you get his chest caved in by a war hammer.
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Name: Lilith “Lily” Sophie Evans Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon/Witch Eye colour: Green/Blue/ Sometimes they go crimson. Age: Doesn’t matter. I won’t die. Birthdate: 1/30 Height: 5’3 Patronus: Bold of you to assume I have one  Description: My sister was right. I’m a freak. Even my parents saw something... Wrong in me when I was younger. They tried to pretend I was fine. ”Just a few odd occurrences here & there.” Until an older boy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself suddenly found that a hand could very easily be turned inside out. In the long run it was a good result. They found quite a bit of child pornography in his little hovel of a bedroom. My parents knew I did it but couldn’t quite figure out how until the Hogwarts letter came. They were both horrified & relieved. But to make a long story short. Once I met Severus Snape & we put our interest in the Dark Arts together... I got WORSE. & it felt good. I became addicted to the draw of dark magic, occult magic in particular & now Tom Riddle wants me to tell him what I said to Lucifer to get this new body. I might tell him if he begs in the right tone.
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Name: Brahms Hillshire Blood Status: Half-demon Eye colour: Green Age: 16 Birthdate: Don’t care Height: 5′11 Description: I’m a child serial killer. I want to play around in your innards. & blood. I want to play around in your blood too.
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Name: “Andrew” Antisepticeye McLoughlin Blood Status: Computer Virus Entity/Demon Eye colour: Lime Green Age: 29 (Existing for 3) Birthdate: 10/10 Height: N/A Description: It’s better if ya dun run. It’ll just drag et out. Plus sometimes ya lot chip my knife on one of yer stupid bones. & I dun really li’e runnin much ta be honest.
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Name: Chase Brody Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Blue Age: 29 Birthdate: 4/11 Height: 5′10 Description: Hey bros! I’m Chase! Uh, some of ya already know tha! Anti brought me here! He said it’d be fun an’ I trus’ ‘im! I swear ‘e’s actually always been kinda nice ta me! Besides the ‘ole threatenin’ the kids thin’ but we’re frien’s now! He says he’ll teach me how ta shoot a real gun someday!
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Name: Brian Griffin Blood Status: Dog(?) Eye colour: Green Age: ??? Birthdate: ??? Height: 6′4 Description: I used to be an alcoholic dog. Now I’m an alcoholic. Not much to say after something like that happens. I’m really confused to be frank. Maybe now I can actually get someone to take me seriously & publish my book.
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Name: Carlos De Vil (Year: Sixth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Half-demon/ Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 16 Birthdate: 3/20 Height: 5′7 (Patronus: Red Fox) Description: Hi, I’m Carlos & life is pain, only valid things in this world are only science & Evie Grimhilde, bye. Gemini De Vil is my midget brother who I love. Devil De Vil is my crazy ass dad. My mom is dead, thanks for asking.
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Name: Danny Flint Blood Status: Shade Eye colour: Grey Age: Old Nameday: ? Height: 5′4 Description: Being dead was less droll.  
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Name: Eileen Tabitha Prince Snape Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Poltergeist Eye colour: Black Age: Well. I died at 35 so let’s go with that Birthdate: 12/18 Height: 6’11  (Used to be 6'6 but I had this weird growth spurt two days before I died.) Patronus: Didn’t have one apparently
Description: … I really don’t have anything to say to you. I died, I decided I wanted to come back. Er. Awkwardly enough the old castle I was haunting is now inhabited by my son and his family. They’re all really bloody loud. No wonder the rest of the ghosts make so much noise back. And no. I have not introduced myself to any of them. I mean. Sometimes I talk to ‘em but I’ve never gotten an answer. Plus unlike most of the floating assholes here I’d much rather keep to myself, thank you.
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Name: Griffin “Finn” Merterns Blood Status: Human(?) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: 3/14 Height: 6′3 Description: Hey bros! I’m Finn, a radical kid that makes it his business to help people out and kickin’ monster tail! Mostly when I’m not doin’ that I’m chillin’ it up with my bro Jake in the tree house so as long as you’re not some wacko monster that wants to eat up my face you can swing by and we can fire up BMO or something.
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Name: Henry Harry Jameson Hook (Year: Slytherin) (House: Seventh) Blood Status: Half-demon/Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 10/23 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Savannah cat) Description: All it takes is one wrong look & I’ll EVISCERATE ya... Taken by Uma daughter of Ursula. Ya want me? Ya have ta ask her permission & pray she likes ya & is in a SHARIN’ mood. Jamie Hook is me mum an’ she taugh’ me all I know about bein’ scary. Me da??? He’s a dumbass.
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Name: Karl Vreski (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 (Typically) Birthdate: 10/25 Height: 6′1 (Patronus: Jackal)
Description: I’m Karl. Lacrosse. Tacos. Boxing. American football. Whatever activity that involves either Hans Gruber or hitting something? I like it. Tony’s alright. Good brother at least. Not at all annoying like the normal younger sibling M.O. Far nicer than me. I’ll likely end up being a lawyer same as my father. Boring but Hans and I are already working at the damn firm so it’s an easy job. I’m sure Hans’ll come up with a more fun idea. He always does.
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Name: Tony Vreski (House: Hufflepuff) (Year: Seventh) Blood Status: Poltergeist (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 (Typically) Birthdate: 9/3 Height: 5′10 (Patronus: Rooster)
Description: I’m Tony… I uh. I play some football. Real football not American. I’m Karl’s younger brother and… To be honest Hans scares me a little bit even if we’re all like brothers… Uh more often than not I just go along with their crazy plans because. Well because my brother says it’ll be fun. And. It usually is. Even if some of it’s a little illegal.
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Name: Loki Friggason (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: God of Mischief & Chaos Eye colour: Green Age: Don’t be rude. Birthdate: Mind your business Height: 6′0 (Patronus: Corn snake) Description: I am Loki of Asgard. & I’m so fucking tired of all the gards.
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Name: Beverly Marsh Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/26 Height: 5′3
Description: I’m Bev. Looked into that stupid clown’s deadlights & lived. I’ll be a loser to the end & I’m honestly real proud of that. Losers have no where to go but up, after all.
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Name: Marceline Abadeer Blood Status: Vampire Demon Eye colour: Green Age: 1003, Approximately Birthdate: Unknown Height: 5′9 (Various) Description: Marceline the Vampire Queen, dude. Sure you’ve heard of me before so I wouldn’t be surprised to see you shaking in your boots right about now. Been traveling and terrorising the Land of Ooo for a while now though it’s nothing too irreversible. Mostly I’m just a radical dame that likes to play games as a very special someone once said about me.
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Name: Nathan Clarke (Year: I died in seventh) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: (Verse dependent) Poltergeist (Half-blood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 8/13 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Some squiggly thing I dunno) Description: Hi I’m Nathan & I wanna die... Haha gottem!
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Name: Richmond Richie Wentworth Tozier Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Caribbean Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/10 Height: 5′10  Description: I’m only afraid of werewolves & girls with eyes that are hard to not get lost in.
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Name: Robyn Black Robin Blood Status: Poltergeist Eye colour: Hazel Age: Hm Nameday: Some far off winter Height: 6′5 Description:  “The Gods above all knew his crimes The lord read off his lists The Gods above all knew his crimes The men's hands balled to fists His legs they kicked, they jerked, then slowed The crowd not once did cheer His legs they slowed, then finally stopped The crowd not once did jeer”
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Name: Sadie O’Connell Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: I don’t remember Height: 5′6 Description: I tried to kill myself over a boy who didn’t love me back. Someone brought me back & now here I am, I guess.
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Name: Scorpio Felix Sepelio Tobias Exodus Snape Blood Status: Vampire Eye colour: One is jade one is cobalt and they swap sides frequently Age: 91 Died at 36 and it’s been a while. You do the math, mate. Birthdate: 11/10 Height: 5’3
Description: Surprise bitches. I bet you all thought I was dead…In a matter of speaking that’s still accurate. The greasy little snot did indeed best me when I was human. I respect that victory &even though I miss them.. My children don’t need me. I wasn’t good to them when they did. I doubt they’re aware I came back and I’ll keep it that way for all our sakes. There’s no point in asking me how exactly I returned to life. I don’t know and I don’t particularly care. Maybe Hell just can’t handle me yet.
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Name: Thomas Marvolo Riddle Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon Fledging Eye colour: Blue Age: Rude. Birthdate: 12/31 Height: 6′4 Patronus: Hmmm, my little secret. Description: Join my cult. Satanism is actually very beneficial if you’re respectful. No. You don’t have to slit your wrist to join... Please. Stop slitting your wrists to join.
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Name: King Aerys Targaryen Second of His Name King of the Andals & the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms & Protector of the Realm (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human Mine is the blood of Old Valyria (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: Hm. Nameday: High summer.  Height: 6′8 (Patronus: Gila Monster) Description: Burn them all.
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Name: Ser Jaime Lannister (Year: Graduated) (House: Hufflepuff) Blood Status: Shade (Pureblood) Eye colour: Green Age: I’m dead. Sorry. Nameday: Does it matter? Height: 5′6 (Patronus: Munchkin Cat) Description: I stayed loyal to the Targaryens & they won. But I died when Robert Baratheon caved in Rhaegar’s chest... At least I got to watch him die for it.
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Name: Daenerys Visenya Targaryen (Year: Fifth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: 15 Nameday: During a violent storm Height: 4′9 (Patronus: Blue-tongued Skink) Description: My family’s way is fire & blood... But my heart sings a softer song... & I don’t know which way is right.
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sugaroons · 7 years
ghost!bts - hyung line
in honour of ghost month, i’m doing a (crack) bulletpoint fic set. some fluff, but mostly dumb headcanons about our favourite boys as ghosts !! 
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the dreaded laughing ghost on the fifth floor of the company's oldest building
he's the handsome guy in the old photos of the founders
lived a good, long life, but stays around to try and bother his friends who are still alive
you're the intern at work so they make you run around to find all the files
grumbling, you walk up the five flights of stairs because of course there isn't an elevator to the physical archives
and you're looking through the cabinets when you turn around and find the file on the desk
"thank god," you say, reaching over to pick it up
"no, it's just mr. worldwide handsome," a voice says
and there he is, the guy from the sepia-tone photos
you're startled for a moment and he's like, "well?"
then you squint, making a face
"you're more awkward-looking than I expected"
jin just waggles his eyebrows at you, striking a bunch of poses, blowing you a big kiss, and he's so silly you end up laughing
since you see him he follows you around
always in a three-piece suit because it makes him look “dapper"
he groans whenever you're eating something
"how delicious is it"
jin makes chewing noises and smacks his mouth and you make it a point to hide your food around him
you're in boring meetings taking notes and he's leaning against the wall trying to look cool
then a bug flies In the room and his screams are louder than the presenter's booming voice
and you look like you're laughing at fucking NOTHING because the bug keeps flying through jin and he's stumbling around the room, flailing his arms around
eventually you move up the corporate ladder and transfer to another company
and you miss seokjin for a bit
but when he appears at your desk whining about how lonely he was without you, you roll your eyes and try to find a lizard to scare him with
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spirit haunting the suspiciously cheap second-hand piano at the music store
you find a young man slumped over on the piano and try to wake him up
but your hand goes right through him and you scream a little
yoongi lifts his head up and curses, his face deadly (heh) serious
"what's a ghost gotta do to get some peace around here"
he's the piano's original owner and apparently a composer of some sort
won't shut up about how music is his first love
when he's not sleeping, of course
eventually warms up to you when he finds out you can play a little bit
"you're not shit" (and you know that's a glowing compliment coming from him)
one day you find music sheets under the piano's hood, and you try to play them while yoongi's not around
then he appears beside you, rapping, and you keep going because it sounds really good
and when it’s all over you look at him and say
“i didn’t know they were into rap in the 19th century”
yoongi is more or less a living pet rock tbh
now that you’re sort-of friends he has these weird hyper episodes where he makes faces
he pretends to be drunk every so often
you can’t get mad because he’s really funny when he’s being silly and it’s better than seeing him be moody
the best day you spend together is you playing the piano and him freestyling
when you save up enough money you buy the piano
“it’s the thought of your bed being softer than the music store floor”
and yoongi complains about having to live in your cramped up apartment but you know???? he’s secretly glad
yoongi’s your personal accountant now
your budget has never been more efficiently used
a good portion of it goes to scented candles bc apparently ghosts can smell burning things??? who fucking knows
but seeing yoongi enjoying fruity scents is enough motivation tbh
you end up moving a lot but the old piano is the one thing you never leave behind
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trickster spirit?
you meet him at a haunted house event
normally you’re a big scaredy cat but the tour guide in the haunted house makes you laugh at every scary thing
and when you’re outside congratulating the organizers for thinking of such a program they have no clue what you’re talking about
you’re walking to the next ride when you see him hiding behind a potted plant, clearly waiting to be found
“i’m your hope, i’m your angel”
and you mishear him so you call him hobi and that’s what sticks
hobi talks to you the whole way and you let him because he seems like a really nice guy
when you get to your street you tell him this is where you part ways
with a wink and a smile he disappears
while your neighbour’s lecturing you about being noisy you’re congratulating yourself for finding a real-life ghost in a haunted house
you dismiss it as a one-off thing but the next time you go to an arcade you find hobi hopping around on the old dance machines
“no tokens required,” he says, grinning
as a poltergeist he can sort of??? make things shake and rattle but no big movements
meaning he annoys your cat whenever he’s in your room
he’s a really fun ghost with a killer sense of direction
you’re new to the neighbourhood and he gives you a tour of the place, and beyond it
you ask him where he goes when he’s not with you and he shrugs
one day you see him at the amusement park talking to a little kid
turns out he visits all the orphanages and children’s homes nearby and checks if any of them can see him
he’s friends with so many children and they all laugh at the tricks he can do
when he sees you he’s not even embarrassed
he shows himself mostly to the lonely people, he tells you
you point at yourself incredulously
“ah, but sometimes i have to have fun, too”
hobi is the best anti-burglary alarm because he can nudge you just enough to wake you should anything go wrong
what an angel indeed
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age-old scholar ghost
you'll find him haunting the university library
you meet him when you hear someone repeating “shUT UP MALFOY” and you shush them
“wow you can see me?”
and that’s how you become friends with the world’s most introspective ghost
tries to do a socratic dialogue by himself all the time
he’s the best person to study philosophy and logic with
when you get drunk you go to him and he asks you about the stars
“naMjoON pls i’m crying about my grades”
ah, but really, he’s a good shoulder to cry on metaphorically and metaphysically
you can tell he really cares and that’s a comfort
namjoon’s made a bunch of friends over the years, mostly alumni who, like you, can sense the supernatural
occasionally you see him walking around with them
despite all that, namjoon can be really silly
he loves watching tv and the two of you often catch series on your laptop together
you realize namjoon can’t read books because he can’t flip through the pages
so you buy a small music player and store audiobooks in it for him to listen to while the library’s closed
“if you thank me one more time namjoon i swear i’m never coming back again”
a couple of weeks later he disappears for a while
but you realize he just needs some time alone to think about life, the universe, and everything
one day you come there super hyped and muttering a verse from the new kendrick album
and namjoon joins in and then starts adding his own verses
sheepishly, he says, “i’ve been thinking about it”
anyway eventually you have to graduate and namjoon is really bummed but he always tries to keep a smile on around you
those dimples are lying to you
but you take a job as a researcher at the university so you’re there all the time anyway
he knows where all the good books are so you’re in the best hands
all you have to do is keep the books and music on his audio player updated and you have one happy ghost assistant
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dredshirtroberts · 5 years
i sometimes hate not knowing what the fuck is wrong with me.
I’ve stopped going to the doctor for multiple reasons. One of which is that I simply cannot afford to see the doctor for even a basic checkup, let alone any tests they might need to run.
I mean, if they ran any fucking tests. They don’t, usually. I’ve heard that I just need to lose weight a bunch. I’ve heard it’s all in my head or I’m exaggerating how bad it is. If they do run tests, they come back negative for anything which is just unbelievably frustrating - especially when the test gets run again with no change. And again. And again. Can we try a different test? no because if it doesn’t show up on this test i keep taking it’s apparently not real so that’s fun.
They don’t say it like that but that’s the impression I get. So instead of wasting my time and my lack of money on being told nothing’s wrong with me, i’m just...not doing that anymore.
So OTC pain killers don’t work on any of my pain anymore - even though I don’t hardly take anything unless I’m unable to move. I’m not sure if it’s because the anti-inflamatory isn’t what’s required for whatever it is that’s hurting me, or if it’s because I’ve somehow managed to develop a tolerance despite not having anything for almost a year solid. 
A lot of the time my thought process is stuck on “why fucking bother?”. I hurt. All over. Everything hurts. I can forget about it a lot, because it’s constant and you can get used to constant. I’m not sure if it’s that it goes away and comes back or if it’s worse and I get used to whatever worse is, and then so on and so forth until I eventually become immune to pain. That’d be fucking wild wouldn’t it?
I’ve got brainfog like the fucking devil right now. Had it all yesterday too. Could be the time change, could be the weather change, could be my body deciding I’m to feel everything that I’ve been ignoring for the past several months all at once and my brain has shut down because it’s too much to handle. It could be a lot of things.
My joints are only getting worse. It doesn’t matter what I do or don’t do, they’re just bad all the fucking time. New ones are starting to develop issues. It all hurts, but the last time I got an xray for a joint I swear has beginnings of arthritis in it didn’t show fucking anything - that was one of the last times I got told I just needed to lose weight. I’ve lost nearly 20lbs since then, by the way, and everything hurts worse so that’s kind of fun.
I’ve struggled with my mental health and I’m having to try to decide which one is the culprit this time and address it before the other one kicks off in response because they’re fucking connected and I don’t know how yet. I’ve picked my mental health over my physical health so far because the psychologists and therapists don’t just write me off as fat and lazy. And again, I’m reaching that point of “Why the fuck should I bother?” with my mental health too because at this point I’ve managed to survive this long with my shitty brain, I think I can push through again. And again. And again.
It takes a little while and things get real hard but how the fuck is that different from how anyone else fucking lives? Shit gets hard. Just because I’m me doesn’t make me special when things get hard. Just because I hurt and my brain tells me I’m not worth the effort doesn’t make me a corner case. This shit happens all the time to everyone and it’s not fucking new to them. I can make it too.
And I realize that it’s incredibly hypocritical of me to say all that shit about myself and acknowledge that if anyone I knew said that shit to me about themselves I would get so defensive on their behalf it wouldn’t even be fucking funny. It’s not funny because I literally do that all the goddamn time. 
I wish it was dissociation because I can turn that into a fun adventure. I enjoy dissociation sometimes. But no, I’m struggling to string thoughts together, and my body aches all over. My joints are shit, my muscles are tense always, my tendons feel like rubber bands that have frozen and thawed too many times. I hurt. Physically hurt. But going to the doctor is a fucking joke because none of them take me goddamn seriously and I know why. I know why.
So here I am. In a lot of pain, unable to do fuck all about it, feeling like shit for a lot of reasons, my sleep’s been fucked because of it all recently, and that’s been a growing thing that I’m having to deal with. And it’s starting to get warm out which makes all of this part of my bullshit so much fucking worse. It’s like opposite normal joint and muscle issues.
Fuck it I’ll make it work but goddamn if it doesn’t suck so fucking bad while it’s happening.
0 notes
lydiastormborn · 7 years
title: keep the door open for me (1/2)
ship: jaykyle
summary: a chance meeting after years leads kyle to strike up a relationship he'd have never expected to have with jason todd. and, to his own surprise, he's more than just a little willing to keep it.
a/n: set in a pre-flashpoint continuity with some stuff taken from new 52. maybe kyle and jason aren’t as hopeless at developing and managing a relationship as one could think. (maybe.)
[on ao3]
Kyle hasn’t been back on Earth for a while and he misses it. Space is engrossing, of course, with how often there’s something that needs to be taken care of immediately before it escalates into an intergalactic conflict, but some time off sounds good. He’d go as far as to say he deserves it.
And considering it now, as he blocks an angry blow with a spiked mace to his torso, Kyle thinks he needs his vacation to start right at this very moment.
What he told Carol before she left to deal with another crisis was, “I will handle this,” and that’s how he ended up fighting an angry army on a planet which is far away from civilization even by his standards. A voice that sounds suspiciously like Guy’s keeps nagging him at the back of his mind, repeating, You always get into that kind of situations.
The worst thing, he can’t even argue with that.
All things considered, Kyle thinks he’s been handling himself pretty well up until now. Then again, there’s a limit of things he can have under control and apparently an upcoming decapitation is not one of them. Feeling exhausted, Kyle admits that his only coherent thought at that moment is, I really wanted to eat some enchiladas just one more time.
But then there’s a flash of neon violet and his would-be killer goes down. Kyle whips around and though technically he knows it can’t be Carol or any other Star Sapphire, even if only for the fact the violet beam was different, he’s still surprised when an arrow flies past his head and explodes further down the path, making the soldiers scramble and yell.
A shadow towers over him and Kyle squints as he hears a distorted, amused voice say, “I gotta admit, green trunks were okay, but I think white suits you in more ways than one, Rayner.”
It takes him a moment, but Kyle finally realizes that it’s Starfire and Arsenal (or is it Red Arrow again? -- he can’t quite keep track of Roy’s codenames) wreaking havoc among hostile forces as the Red Hood stands in front him and asks, in a tone that definitely suggests he’s smirking under the helmet, “Need a hand getting up, Lantern?”
Kyle has a feeling he’s not going to live this one down.
“It’s a nice ship,” Kyle says much later, after things are said and done, stepping into a control room after taking a hot, blessed shower aboard.
Koriand’r, floating slightly above one of the chairs as she’s eating something, smiles at him. “Thank you, I’m glad someone appreciates it,” she answers, casting a sidelong glance at Roy, who proceeds to jokingly shove at her.
“But we do,” he protests, crossing his arms over his chest. He seems to have changed out of his uniform only halfway and the effect is ridiculous. “It’s still in one piece. Give us some credit, Kory.”
“I will, once you stop trying to give it unnecessary boosts,” she replies dryly and looks over Kyle’s shoulder. “Stop frowning and finally come in, Jason.”
Kyle startles, starts to turn around, but then there’s an angry shuffle of heavy boots on the floor and Jason passes him by, a scowl on his face. As he takes a seat near the control console, Kyle notices he’s still in his Red Hood getup, sans the helmet, or a domino mask, for that matter.
“Are you annoyed because you didn’t get to shoot more aliens?” Roy asks, raising an eyebrow. “We thought you’d enjoy playing the rescuer part, considering…”
“Shut it, Harper,” Jason interrupts him decidedly, but with not much bite. His fingers run over the keys and he pulls up a screen with a map as Kyle concludes, coming closer. “Why the fuck are we headed back to Earth?” he asks, incredulous. “We left not even two weeks ago.”
“Yeah, but from what Kyle mentioned in passing, we figured he could use some time home,” Roy says.
“He can fly himself back there just fine,” Jason grumbles under his breath, glaring up at him.
“Thanks guys, that’s really nice of you,” Kyle answers, voice light as he pointedly ignores Jason. If he wants to be difficult, fine, Kyle isn’t going to indulge him -- though the urge to snap back is strong. Then again, when it isn’t around Jason Todd. “I wouldn’t like to impose or make you change your plans, though,” he adds, sitting down in one of the chairs.
“Don’t worry.” Roy waves a hand dismissively. “We’re just flying around now, the only reason we were near that planet was because Kory wanted to check it out for Tamaraneans, but I guess that ship has sunken,” he states, looking back to her.
She nods. “That wasn’t a good sector,” she says simply, a little disappointed. She looks at Jason then, adding, “Besides, it’s better to be around in case of an emergency.”
“I told you, unless the next call comes from Oracle, I’m not even gonna consider moving my ass anywhere,” Jason answers, having pulled up another screen and working on something. Kyle hopes he’s not going to break anything, with how unnecessarily hard he’s tapping the keys, but Koriand’r just raises her eyebrows. “Fricking Batman could ask us for help and I’d just laugh and flip him off.”
“You’re still mad about that time we got a distress signal from Dick and it turned out he was out of cereal, aren’t you,” she states. Roy snorts when Jason just straight up refuses to answer.
“If Oracle calls, you do come, even if only because it’s Oracle,” Roy counters. “Besides, if it was Batgirl or Black Bat, I know you’d come, too.”
“I resent that statement,” Jason replies without missing a beat. “They both can handle themselves just fine and I highly doubt they’d call us if they couldn’t.”
“Oh, ye of little faith,” Roy mutters with a smirk, sliding into a chair near Kyle’s as he massages his shoulder. It’s the one with his bionic arm, Kyle can’t help but notice. As if following his train of thought, Roy shrugs and says quietly, “It aches sometimes.”
Kyle doesn’t really have a good answer to that. He still finds this particular situation bizarre; he knew he was somewhat out of loop with superhero community on Earth as of late, but he really had no idea that Starfire, Arsenal and Red Hood, out of all people, teamed up, and it must have been a thing for some time now. As far as Kyle was aware, both Koriand’r and Roy always stuck with Nightwing and kept to hero side of line, rather than anti-hero. (Although, he also knows that after Lian’s death, Roy strayed off -- but it’s been a few years and Kyle doesn’t think it’s something he should bring up.)
Jason, however, well. From what Kyle glimpsed of his body armour earlier, there’s a red symbol on his chest that Kyle is just now realizing is probably bat-shaped, but that doesn’t give him much. In all honesty, he has no idea what Jason’s been up to lately and it’s not like he actually knows him all that well -- their trip through multiverse, as fun and life-threatening it had been, doesn’t really seem like a fair base to judge him upon. Many things went down back then.
He’s startled out of his thoughts when Jason suddenly gets up and stretches, an action Kyle involuntarily follows with his eyes. Jason smirks at him.
“You look like you’re about to fall asleep, Rayner. Tired much?” he teases.
If there is one thing, however, that Kyle concluded about Jason back in time and still stands by, it’s that he’s an asshole with a very punchable face.
Just as he’s about to retort -- because screw being a responsible adult, he’s on a vacation -- Jason suddenly drops something into his lap. Kyle picks it up and frowns.
“And this is…?” he asks suspiciously, inspecting from up close something that looks like a magnetic card.
“Key to your guest room or whatever,” Jason replies. “I changed the parameters because for some reason it was set to freezing and air conditioning was constantly on. No need to thank me. Don’t lock yourself in or out on accident because I definitely won’t come to your rescue this time,” he finishes with a flourish before walking out of the room.
“This boy,” Kory mouths to Roy, shaking her head.
Kyle is left a little stunned because, as off-putting and standoffish Jason’s demeanor just now was, he did something genuinely nice for him. And -- Kyle hates himself for forming the thought, but the damage is done -- he’s still good-looking, maybe even more than before. And that may prove to be a problem because, as much as he often felt the urge to punch Jason, he kind of wanted to kiss him sometimes, too.
And now, sitting in a spaceship with Starfire and Arsenal talking over his head as he grips the key in his hand, Kyle tells himself that this is definitely not a good time to revisit these ideas.
Four days, thirty sectors, an unplanned not-quite-crashing on a planet inhabited by big dinosaur-like creatures spitting furiously orange toxic venom, two near-death experiences and a very shirtless Jason passed out on his shoulder later, Kyle really regrets taking up this trip with the Outlaws. He didn’t sign up for -- whatever this is.
(He thinks Roy and Koriand’r know something is up and have way too much fun on his expense. Kyle is never trusting any of his rescuers again.)
Of course, just as they make it back to Earth, they receive a call from Oracle, the kind of “all hands on deck” one, as Gotham City is plunged into chaos by a massive Blackgate breakout. For all his swearing and complaining, Jason sprints into action with no time wasted, Roy and Koriand’r at his heels. Kyle considers it for a moment, pros and cons of showing up unannounced in Batman’s city, but because it’s apparently his life at this very moment, he descends to the dark and dirty streets as well.
Gotham is not very high on the list of places he wanted to visit back on Earth, not even remotely close to that, but he’s nothing if not flexible.
To their credit, the vigilantes he passes by don’t even question his presence here or act surprised -- although Red Robin almost crashes into a phone pole mid-swing when Kyle flies by, a fact he’s definitely going to laugh at Tim about later. Batgirl even shouts after him that he’s like “a White Knight people of Gotham deserve” and he could “give B a run for his money” as she viciously uppercuts a guy almost twice her size. It’s kind of a nice compliment, he supposes, but he doesn’t actually know her and he’s definitely not going to stand up and challenge Batman for her.
It takes them a while to contain the chaos and bring in the fugitives; by the time they’re done, Kyle examines himself on some rooftop to find lots of dust in his hair and a smudge of car oil on his glove -- how it got there, he’s not quite sure.
There’s a sound of a rooftop door swinging open and he hears, “All in one piece?”
Kyle looks over his shoulder to see Jason take off the helmet. The first thing he asks is, “Did you really take the stairs up here?”
Jason scowls. “No, I just dropped from the sky,” he says; to his credit, he doesn’t even sound winded. Still, Kyle stares and he sighs, relenting. “My grappling gun got jammed. High-class Bat equipement my ass.”
“Hmm,” Kyle mutters and shrugs, leaning against the wall. “I’m fine. Hasn’t dealt with an actual prison breakout in a while, forgot how hard it is to clean up.”
“Ain’t that true.” Jason pats a pocket of his jacket, a move suggesting he wants to smoke, but in the end, he ends up leaning against the wall next to Kyle with arms crossed over his chest. Kyle watches him from the corner of his eye and that’s why he doesn’t miss a wince at the movement.
“Are you okay?” he asks then.
“Yeah, some asshole surprised me with a crowbar to the ribs,” Jason replies, sounding surprisingly calm.
“I guess you showed him why it’s a bad idea?” Kyle risks asking in a similar manner.
At that, Jason smirks. “Was about to, but Robin beat me to it. Kid is quite proficient with a crowbar, mind you.”
This family, Kyle thinks, but knows better than to say it out loud.
“Shouldn’t you get those ribs checked out, though? Or like, get down there and help with damage control?” He points with his chin to the streets below them.
“Nah, too many Bat brats at once still give me a headache.” Jason glances at him. “Besides, I thought it’d be pretty rude of me to leave you on your own here.”
Kyle rolls his eyes. “Yeah, thanks, but I think I could handle myself, even in Gotham.”
“I know you can. That’s not what I meant.”
Now, Kyle turns to actually regard him. This past week was a pretty strange and confusing experience, and he would lie if he said he didn’t mean Jason by that. In many ways, he’s still like the guy Kyle took an immense amount of pleasure in knocking on his ass and bickering bordering on arguing, but there’s more to that. Kyle was surprised to learn that he can be a pretty good storyteller during makeshift dinners just as well as a quiet, almost soothing presence in the far and dark parts of the outer space -- and then, there are also moments like this, when Kyle has no clue what to make of Jason.
The atmosphere between them changes and there’s no mistaking it as Jason also turns to him and moves in closer. Kyle knows his eyes widen, but other than that, he’s very still, barely daring to breathe. Jason’s expression is unreadable like usually, but there’s intent behind his deliberately slow movements; intent and something else, something that tells Kyle that this is probably a bad idea and it’ll end up backfiring spectacularly in his face sooner than later.
And yet, as Jason pauses, his face still a few inches away from Kyle’s -- he’s giving him a chance to back out, he realizes -- this same, unspecified feeling is what prompts Kyle to close the remaining distance.
The kiss is… not what Kyle expected, actually. Jason’s lips are chapped and dry, just like he thought they’d be, but he kisses gently, with a purpose. Kyle is amazed and a little embarrassed at how easily he melts into it, sliding a hand into Jason’s hair; considering it’s them, he’d have expected to clash even during a kiss. Then, as if this wasn’t enough, Jason cups his cheek, putting his gloved thumb under Kyle’s chin to tilt his head and deepen the kiss. And Kyle groans and sue him, maybe he hasn’t kissed anyone in a long time, but this right here, it feels… good.
Jason sucks in a breath and breaks the kiss, leaning away a little to look at Kyle. His teal eyes are bright.
“You…” he breathes out, but doesn’t elaborate, and Kyle feels very smug about rendering Jason Todd speechless. It doesn’t happen every day.
Before he can say or do anything else, though, Jason suddenly straightens up and looks past Kyle’s head. He mumbles, “Son of a--” and takes a few steps away, picking up his helmet with a frown.
“What --” Kyle starts to say, but then he hears it, rustling of a cape. And, because Kyle can’t have nice things in life, there’s goddamn Batman on the rooftop with them.
Way to ruin a moment.
“Hood,” the man says pointedly, probably glaring at the discarded helmet in Jason’s hands, because secret identities and stuff.
“B,” Jason replies stiffly, his jaw clenched just a little too hard.
Kyle can feel Batman’s gaze flicker to him for a moment, but the man doesn’t address him; that’s good because Kyle doesn’t think he could bring himself to look him in the face right now. He knows himself; it wouldn’t take the World’s Greatest Detective to figure out what they’ve been up to just moments before from his face alone.
“All escaped prisoners are accounted for, except for two, but Gordon’s men are on their trail as we speak. Five civilians are dead and nineteen are in Gotham General.” Batman pauses for a moment and adds, sounding less official, “The woman you saved in Old Town only has a mild concussion and some bruises and scratches. She agreed to talk to the psychologist.”
“That’s good,” Jason says, his reply still curt, but some of the tension in his shoulders dissipates.
Batman continues, “Several prisoners are in… less than decent shape --”
“Don’t look at me like that,” Jason interrupts, hackles rising again. “I kept shots to kneecaps and shoulders just like you always damn tell me to. Not my fault if they lost too much blood by trying to get back up.”
“Actually, I was referring to the man you and Robin apprehended near Crime Alley,” Batman replies, sounding a little exasperated.
Jason blinks and snorts. “Oh, that one was all the brat. But don’t be too hard on him for it.”
“Hng.” The cape rustles again as Batman comes a step closer. Jason doesn’t back away, continuing to stand his ground. And then, in a voice that catches Kyle off-guard, Batman asks, “Are you alright?”
Jason shrugs one shoulder. “Nothing a pack of ice and a couple of painkillers won’t fix.” He looks Batman in the face and comments, “You, on the other hand, look like crap in need of three days of sleep, at the very least.”
Batman barks a laugh at that, if Kyle’s ears are not deceiving him. “A fair assumption,” he says. And, after a beat, “Thank you and the Outlaws for responding to the call, Jason. I know we haven’t parted on… the best note when you left recently.”
Suddenly, Kyle understands Batman’s strange behavior -- he’s simply being awkward, trying to find a middle ground in talking with Jason that won’t end up in an argument. That’s what hits him the most; that Bruce is trying, making effort, and Kyle suddenly feels bad for unintentionally intruding on this conversation and just waiting for him to leave, so he and Jason can get back to other things.
(He also thinks about his mother and wills away the tears before they can come.)
“You don’t know--” Jason starts, sounding ready to go off, but his eyes flicker to Kyle and he bites the inside of his cheek. He settles on, “Yeah, okay, B. We’ll talk about that thing another time.”
“Alright.” Batman nods and then turns to him. “Kyle.”
This time, Kyle faces Batman, feeling eerily a lot like he had in his early days as a Lantern. “Uh, hello,” he says, cringing inwardly; he even sounds like a complete greenhorn.
Seemingly unphased, Batman continues, “Thank you for your assistance as well. I’m not sure how you ended up… tagging along, but your help is appreciated.” After a moment, he adds, “Also, I had no chance to congratulate you on becoming a White Lantern. I believe the ring is in good hands.”
The only alternative to openly gaping is stuttering out, “Thank you?” which is not much better, but Kyle thinks he’s justified. He hopes it’s only the exhaustion that makes Batman so forthcoming because he honestly doesn’t know if he could get used to it in a long shot.
Batman nods at them one last time and approaches the edge of the rooftop. Before firing his grappling hook, however, he turns his head and says, “Alfred’s birthday is next week.”
Jason sighs, but it sounds fond more than anything. “I know, I know, I read the groupchat sometimes.” There’s an expectant pause and he adds, “I’ll be there. Most likely.”
“Okay,” Batman says and like that, he’s gone again.
Jason makes a face and runs a hand through his hair. “Could’ve gone worse,” he sums up thoughtfully.
Kyle is still in shock, stuck on being congratulated by Batman. “Did he-- I mean, he really just did--?” he asks, turning around, but then there’s a clatter of the helmet falling down and Jason is next to him, pushing him against the wall.
“Now, I believe we were getting somewhere before being rudely interrupted,” he says with a grin. And a part of Kyle -- a rational part -- wants to protest, considering who was with them mere seconds ago because that’s just like playing to get caught, but another part of him doesn’t really care.
“That we were,” he agrees and they kiss again, this time less gently, with more heat. Kyle knows Jason’s probably still strung-up, working through the tension from the encounter with Bruce, but he doesn’t really mind; this feels a little more like what he imagined, and it’s enough to shut down any unwanted thoughts, at least for now.
A few days later, as they’re eating breakfast outside of a cafe in Paris -- Kyle really needed that vacation, alright -- Jason announces out of the blue, “You know, I had a crush on you back during our nanoverse trip.”
Kyle chokes on the croissant he’s eating. Jason only glances at him above the rims of his sunglasses with a smirk.
Glaring back after taking a sip of coffee, Kyle says, “Stop joking around if you don’t want me accidentally dead.” Jason frowns, staring at him, and Kyle pauses. “Wait. You weren’t joking?”
Jason shakes his head and replies dryly, “I thought it was pretty obvious, actually.”
“But…” Well, doesn’t that put some things into perspective. Kyle is still confused, though. “I thought you were being an ass towards me because you had a crush on Donna and we had history, and all.”
Jason sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “To be fair, who doesn’t have at least a little of a crush on Donna?” Kyle can’t really argue with this one. “And I had a huge crush on her back when I was still running around in scaly pants. Besides, she’s been one of the very few people who didn’t condemn me for coming back different.” He sounds a little bitter, but not angry.
“You two still in touch?” he asks, curious despite himself.
“Sometimes.” Jason shrugs and chuckles. “The last time I saw her, she helped the Outlaws get rid of a cursed artefact stuck to Roy’s quiver. It was pretty funny, I guess.”
Kyle hums and clears his throat, “So… about you having a crush on me… care to elaborate on that?” he asks casually.
Jason grins and leans closer in. “Wouldn’t you like to know, Rayner,” he stage-whispers into Kyle’s ear, “especially now, when you’ve got the real thing going on?”
And Kyle thinks, To hell with it, and kisses Jason, because well, since this is a real thing, he totally can, right?
Apparently not having expected that, Jason makes a surprised noise in the back of his throat and backpedals abruptly, knocking the table and spilling the tea all over himself.
“You little--” he hisses, grabbing a handful of napkins to wipe himself with, and he’s so red in the face. Kyle knows people are staring at them, but he can’t stop laughing, even as Jason continues to chew him out, “You can’t just do that in public without a warning, I fucking swear-”
“So, making out on Gotham rooftops where any vigilante can see us is fine,” he says, when he manages to catch a breath, “but giving you an innocent kiss in a cafe is too much? Wow, I really can’t believe I used to think you were intimidating.”
“Shut the hell up,” Jason grumbles, unamused, “and bring me more napkins.”
Vacation with Jason involves stopping some more or less petty crimes -- and even toppling a corrupt local government one time -- and lots of lazing around and kissing, which Kyle isn’t opposed to at all. But all fun times must come to an end eventually; Kyle has his Lantern duties to get back to and the Outlaws are about to embrace on another trip. It ends where it began, in Gotham, as Jason complains, getting ready for Alfred’s birthday party.
“Alfred himself would never force me to dress up,” he mutters, smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt in front of a mirror in the hallway of his apartment. Kyle is surprised he owns a mirror, actually, almost as surprised as he was when Jason didn’t just bring him to one of his many safe houses, but his actual, lived-in apartment.
“Isn’t he your butler? Doesn’t he kind of… does these things, actually?” Kyle inquires, leaning against the backrest of a couch.
“Yeah, but that was when I was a teenager, and a legal entity, and all that. Technically, they can’t make me do anything now.”
“Sure,” Kyle agrees, not bothering to hide a grin as he glances to the table where, neatly packed, there’s a cake Jason baked himself, his contribution to the party. Kyle was pleasantly caught off-guard when he learnt Jason can cook; actually, he made Kyle probably the best enchiladas he’s ever had, only later admitting to using a recipe he remembered from his childhood.
“Not a word,” Jason warns, giving his hair one last ruffle before turning around. “Okay, how do I look?”
He isn’t dressed up, per se; simply wearing jeans without knife holes and oil stains on them, and a long-sleeved white shirt which probably was crisp once upon a time. As far as Kyle’s aware, he’s also going to wear his less dirty biker boots and a leather jacket -- which is not far off from how Jason usually dresses. And yet, Kyle lets himself stare a little.
“You clean up nice,” he says eventually.
Jason cocks an eyebrow. “Hm, haven’t heard this in a long time.” He glances to the window and sighs. “I need to get going soon. I shouldn’t be late, considering I’ve got the cake, and all.”
And that’s the moment Kyle… well, dreads isn’t the right word for it, but he’s feeling vaguely disappointed and unsure where they stand with each other. These recent weeks have been nice, especially since their unplanned kiss on the rooftop and everything that followed. Kyle isn’t stupid; he knows Jason enjoyed that time as well, but it may be just that, with no intention of following up in any way.
“Yeah, well. I guess I’ll be leaving soon, too,” he says awkwardly, after a beat of silence.
Jason looks at him for a long moment before walking over to grab a notebook and a pen from the drawer. He scribbles something down and, once he’s done, rips the page out, giving it to Kyle.
“This is how to find and contact the ship, although I’m not sure if we’ll be going into space any soon,” he explains. Then, he points to the bottom of the page and adds, almost tentatively, “That’s a number for a phone I’m least likely to get rid of. If you wanted to, um, hang out again. Or something.”
“‘Hang out or something’? Really, Jason?” Kyle laughs, even though he clutches the piece of paper in his hand tightly.
Jason is looking everywhere but at him, expression pinched, “I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, okay?” he mumbles and Kyle knows how much this confession costs him. His face softens.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven’t done this in a while,” he says, but actually, Kyle feels like none of his past relationships have prepared him for this… thing he apparently has going on with Jason Todd now. He’s kind of going in blind, but he doesn’t want to turn back. “It might be some time before I get around to calling, though. Because, you know. Phones and outer space don’t really mix.”
Rolling his eyes, Jason tells him, “You’re a weird one,” but it sounds quite fond, and kisses him. Kyle relaxes almost instantly, trying not to think about how long it will probably be before he gets to do that again, instead choosing to focus on the softness of Jason’s hair or how good it feels to trace the line of his sharp jaw.
And then, there’s a soft thud on the floor.
They jump away from each other and Kyle doesn’t know what he expected, but a short girl with watchful eyes, dressed all in dark colors wasn’t that.
“Cass!” Jason hisses and okay, it figures she’s one of the Bats, Kyle hasn’t even heard her sneak in. “Did you just come through my window in civilian clothes again?”
She shrugs. “Better than the stairs,” she says, her voice quiet and level. “Came for you. To make sure you don’t… change your mind at the last second.”
“I’m positively thrilled by how much you all trust and believe in me,” Jason scoffs. “I made the cake, did you really think I would bail out?”
She shrugs again and eyes the box with interest, coming closer. Then she turns her gaze on Kyle and he tries not to twitch; it feels like she can read straight through him.
“You’re a White Lantern,” she says then. “Helped us last week.”
“Um, yeah, that’d be me, I guess,” he agrees and oh, how is he realizing just now that this is Black Bat, one of the best martial artist in the world and probably the most likely person to take over as Batman, he has no idea.
Jason sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Kyle, this is Cass, my sister on a good day.” She punches him in the side and he makes a face. “Anyway, Cass, this is Kyle, he’s…” Jason trails off and Kyle can’t really blame him.
To his surprise, Cass grins. “Nice to meet you,” she says before turning back to Jason and patting him on the cheek. “It’s okay, little brother. Your secret friend is safe with me.”
Jason makes a frustrated sound. “Could you not call him that? It sounds creepy.”
“I will get going,” Kyle announces, before something even more embarrassing happens. “It was nice to meet you, too, Cass, have fun at the party.” He makes eye contact with Jason and offers a smile. “I will see you around?” he didn’t mean to make it sound like a question, but it’s too late now.
The corners of Jason’s mouth turn up, just slightly, and he answers, “Yeah, I guess you will.”
Kyle doesn’t leave immediately, though; he listens to Jason and Cass bicker on the way out of the building (“What do you mean you didn’t drive a car here? I told you my other motorcycle is in repair right now, do you really want us to drive to the Manor on my Red Hood bike with Alfred’s cake, no less?” to which she nods and Jason swears, and says, “I’m calling Steph.”) and he laughs silently.
For a first time in a long time, Kyle is actually looking forward to coming back to Earth.
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acuppellarp · 7 years
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Welcome to A Cup-pella, Ace! We’re excited to have you and Jackie Puckerman in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Ace + She/Her Age: 30 Timezone: CST Ships: Jackie/Chem Anti-Ships: Jackie/Forced
Full Name: Jaqueline Ruth Puckerman Face Claim: Zendaya Age/Birthday: 21/November 20th Occupation: College student, part-time dance teacher, forward for April’s Showers. Personality: confident, stubborn, loyal, flirty, suspicious, compassionate Hometown: Detroit, MI Bio:
Some might have figured Jackie’s life was already written in stone the day she was born. Soon to be young single mom who’d gotten pregnant by some dick (literally and figuratively), moves back home with her parents to inner city Detroit to have her baby. You just pictured this kid’s life, didn’t you? Think you have it figured out?
Pamela Barrett moved to New Jersey when she was 18, mostly just so she wouldn’t spend her entire life in Michigan like the rest of her family, but partly because she thought proximity to a city like New York would have to mean dreams coming true. She was actually pretty naïve about the whole thing, that’s definitely something Jackie didn’t inherit. Pam in fact didn’t really have any big dreams, at least not what the average capitalist American would think of as big. She wanted to find love and live in a fancy house and raise brood of kids. That’s what happened when you went to New York adjacent, right? Wrong. What happened was Pam moved to a city where she didn’t know anyone with very little money and no direction at all. What she found was a waitressing job and a two-bedroom apartment with 3 roommates. Pam didn’t find true love; she found a man who claimed he was in an unhappy marriage with a woman who didn’t value him. Things don’t usually turn out exactly how you imagine.
After a few years of swearing, this time, things were truly over in his marriage, Pam found out she was pregnant. Of course, because things weren’t bad enough. She told him, and he reacted how she’d expected. He told her to get rid of the baby. He was a married man and couldn’t take care of it or her. Something inside the woman hardened. She hated herself for loving him she’d hated herself for being the other woman, she hated herself for living in this fantasy world she’d created in her own mind. It was time to grow up, and quick.
Pam packed up and moved back to her childhood home with her less than ecstatic parents. They provided her a roof over her head but not much else in the way of support, but at least her daughter would grow up in home with family around.
Jaqueline Ruth Puckerman was a self-reliant kid, you had to be when your mother worked so much that you only saw her when she was waking you up in morning, throwing food in front of you before heading off to another shift, or on a rare occasion kissing you goodnight. The whole living with the grandparents thing didn’t work out. The arguments and judgement got to be too much, so Pam worked hard to make sure they had a roof over their head, food on the table and whatever luxuries she could provide her daughter. Jackie was good with being on her own, she could get into whatever she wanted and there was no one around to bother her or question her, because who really cared what she did? Sure, her mom loved her, but she was never around, and her dad, well fuck him. Jackie had a picture of him she found in her mom’s drawer when she was 7 and she’d just sit and stare daggers in it praying he get some form of mutated killer chicken pocks or something.
Jackie ran the streets and got into trouble on a regular basis, it was called having fun people, until one day the little girl walked into the wrong house at the wrong time and got herself hurt. Pam knew her daughter was a handful but she didn’t have the time to watch after her like she should. She just hoped things would work out until she got a call from the hospital.
Jackie hadn’t wanted to move to New Jersey. All of her friends were in the D and Detroit Coney’s were definitely better, she didn’t care what anyone said. Also, there was the fact that this is where the donner and his ‘real’ family lived. Unfortunately, it turns out being 13 meant you had no say in where you lived. Pam had a plan, and some old friends who were going to help her open up her own dinner, which was great accept running your own business didn’t help with the whole spending time with your kid thing. It was good thing Jackie was used to basically raising herself by that point.
After a few months passed and Jackie had successfully charmed and/or pissed off the locals, she needed a new project. She decided she’d find her ‘dad’ and tell him just how much she hated his stupid face, that seemed like the most productive thing to do with her non-school/non-dancing time. The searched turned up someone unexpected, a sister. Jackie had always made a rule to distrust people first and ask question later, and Naomi Puckerman was no exception. Plus, she figured any spawn of the man who crapped on her mother’s heart was probably not to be trusted (she, of course, didn’t see the irony of that thought process at the time).  Puck more than proved herself to be someone Jackie could count on, but she still to this day wonders when the other woman is going to change, turn into someone who just disappoints her like everyone else. Until that happened though, she liked having a big sister. It’s sort of nice having a person around who cares about your well-being.
Jackie never considered herself particularly smart but she knew how to study hard when she needed, because bad grades meant no dance and that wasn’t an option. Bad grades also meant no girls, and who could live like that. Pam wasn’t exactly the most present, but she still knew how to keep Jackie in check when it was really necessary. Her mother had put the idea of college in the girl’s head from a very young age. She didn’t want Jackie to end up like her. Her daughter would have aspiration much greater than she’d had, and that’s something that stuck with Jackie. So, there were just no bad grades.
It turned out that the ever none presence of her mother somewhat worked to her benefit. When Jackie received a partial scholarship to Tisch, she’d been grateful for what she got but wasn’t looking forward to trying to figure out the loan thing. It was then that her mother told her that she wouldn’t have to, it was a huge relief.
Trying to juggle school, work, soccer, and her social life gets to be overwhelming sometimes and Jackie doesn’t handle stress in the best ways most of the time, but she’s getting better. It’s all about growth, right? She’ll have the whole ‘life’ thing down by the time she’s 35. Jackie figures as long as there is dance and women, there is always a temporary solution to any problem, and that’s good enough for now.
Pets: No. Commitment is an issue and pets are no exception, but one day she’ll get that bearded dragon.
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
Twitter name/twitter URL/description: JackieP/@jpboogie/JP from the D. Dancing Babe-magnet Extraordinaire. Get at me.
Five latest tweets:
@jpboogie: Dafaque is wrong with people stepping on my sneaks like they’re gonna buy me new ones @jpboogie: When she gives me that look like she knows what time it is. 😏 @jpboogie: I’m the shit. This has been an accurate tweet. @jpboogie: Why do I keep watching ThisIsUs like I like crying #thatpunkish @jpboogie: When you’re killing the game on the stage and on the field. #dontHatecongradulate
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