#i super duper dont care what she thinks. but yeah. mom does. her family her choice its fine.
cute-chamomile · 8 months
I think coming out to my very old and super traditional grandparents should be worth it if it gets them to stop asking me and wishing that I'll find a groom, I think
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izzyfandoms · 5 years
Chosen - Chapter Five
(This is a Gender-Swapped Sanders Sides high school au)
SUMMARY: Logan Berry, Dee Ceite, Patricia Foster, Virginia Picani and Regina and Rena Prince are all 16-year-old high school students. They live relatively normal lives, with ordinary lessons and ordinary crushes and ordinary families, until one day a monster shows up and attacks them after class, and everything suddenly changes.
SHIPS: Moxiety, Logince, Dukeceit
WARNINGS: Sympathetic Remus, Sympathetic Deceit, swearing, siblings arguing, sexual implications
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @ajdraws0430 @phantomofthesanderssides @creativity-killed-thekitten @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game
CHOSEN TAGLIST: @coasting-on-a-wave-of-apathy @littlestr @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear
“And then Regina was like ‘what? I don’t have a crush on Logan!’ which is super silly ‘cos they’re so obvious and she’s told me that she likes Lo so many times!” Patricia rambled on.  
“Mmm,” Virginia hummed in agreement; she was painting Patricia’s nails with a pretty, dark purple nail polish. “It is pretty silly.”
It was Sunday, and they were currently at Virge’s house, in her room, sat together on her bed.
“Yeah!” Patricia blew a raspberry.  
Virge tapped her girlfriend’s knee. “Stop moving, you’re gonna mess up your nails.”
“Oh, sorry, honey!” Pat stopped moving. “Anyway, Logan totally likes her back, right? I mean, she’s basically told us. And Dee and Rena, too! They’re super-duper in love, I just wanna take their faces and smush them together until they get married and live happily ever after!”
“As entertaining as that would be,” Virge said, finishing Patricia’s left hand and moved to the right one. “We shouldn’t meddle. Let them deal with their own shit.”
Patricia tutted lightly. “Language.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Virge said. She examined her own nails – pastel blue, painted by Pat earlier – double checking that they hadn’t been damaged, though they were already dry. “You know I’m right, though. You’re always telling me not to interfere, no matter how often I want to tell them. They’ll figure it out on their own.”
Pat sighed. “Yeah, I know.” She then giggled. “Doesn’t mean we can’t still complain, though.”
Virginia hummed in agreement again, and the two sat in comfortable silence for almost a minute, as Virge finished painting Pat’s nails. Once she was done, the pigtailed girl looked over her hands appreciatively.
“Yay! Now my nails are your favourite colour and your nails are mine! It’s perfect!” Patricia giggled, beaming.
Her girlfriend gave her a small smile. “You’re adorable.”
Patricia giggled again, softly, a light blush on her cheeks. She leant forward, careful not to smudge either of their nails, pressing a kiss to the tip of her girlfriend’s nose. Virge waited a few moments, watching her girlfriend adoringly, before she pounced, the shorter girl falling back on the bed, the taller almost on top of her.  
Pat spluttered with laughter as Virginia tickled her sides, the purple-haired girl grinning mischievously as she did so.
“Ah, Virge!” Patricia exclaimed between laughter. “You’re gonna- you're gonna make me mess up my nail polish!”
Virginia finally stopped the onslaught of tickling, pushing herself up so she was hovering over her girlfriend, and shaking her head to get her hair out of her eyes.  
Patricia wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s neck, pulling her down to kiss her properly and closing her eyes.  
Virge kissed her back eagerly, her hands at her girlfriend’s waist. Pat’s lips were soft, as usual, and tasted vaguely sweet, like strawberries – she switched up the flavour regularly, so it was always a bit of a surprise. Virge’s lips, by contrast, were always slightly chapped, as she tended to chew them when she was especially anxious, but, in Patricia’s opinion, that didn’t make kissing her any less enjoyable.
The two teenagers pulled apart immediately, their heads turning sharply to face the door, which was now open. Virginia’s eleven-year-old sister, Anne, was standing in the doorway, making a grossed-out face. She was wearing one of her sister’s old black-and-grey hoodies, and she had eyeshadow smudged under both eyes – she'd never admit it, but she was absolutely copying her older sister’s style.
“Get out my room!” Virge screeched, turning red. She sat up and grabbed one of her pillows, chucking it at her sister.
Anne dodged the purple projectile and ran off, laughing. “Mom, Virge and Pat are kissing again!”
“Leave them alone, Dear,” Emily half-scolded from across the hallway, though she was still smiling pleasantly. This was honestly the harshest she ever got with her daughters. She walked up to Virginia’s bedroom door and gave the two blushing teens a slightly apologetic smile. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” She teased, shutting the door.
“Mom!” Virge whined, before turning back to her girlfriend. “I’m sorry my sister’s such a brat.”
Patricia poked her shoulder teasingly. “Don’t be mean.”
Virge rolled her eyes, but pressed a reassuring kiss to her girlfriend’s forehead. “I’m not being mean; this is just what it’s like having a sister. Ask Regina or Rena, I’m sure they’d agree.”
Pat pouted a little at that. “I wish I had a sister. You’ve got Anne, and you’ll probably have Dee, too, soon.”
“You can bond with Logan about it, I guess,” Virginia shrugged.
The pigtailed girl gasped, her eyes brightening. “Logan can be my sister, then!” She pulled out her phone, careful not to mes sup her nail . “I’m gonna go tell her, right now.”  
I should’ve muted this chat.
Patricia, you now have my attention.
Your my sister now!!!!!!
Also, what?
We do not share any parental figures; how can we be sisters?
God ofc you use perfect grammar in texts ilysm
What do ‘ofc’ and ‘ilysm’ mean?
it means she wants to fusdjjkfhfjshfkldjfdkshfjdhfdjfhsdkhfksdlfhsdfh
oops guess renas been murdered
Ignore her
Regina probably just tackled her
ur right!!!!!!!!!!!
gina did take my phone!!!!!!!
but I took hers and now im locked in the bathroom!!!!!!!!
i can say whateva i like!!!!!!!
Oh dear
using my admin powers for good
“Virge!” Patricia exclaimed, poking her girlfriend’s shoulder disapprovingly.
“What?” Virginia shrugged. “Do you want to hear everything Rena has to say about what Regina and Logan wanna do with each other?”
Pat wrinkled her nose uncomfortably. “Well, no... but it’s mean to remove them!”
“Fine,” Virge sighed. “But if Rena starts talking about sex, I’m going to remove her again.”
rena if you talk about anything inappropriate from either your phone or reginas im blocking both of you
I finally got my phone back!
And I agree
Pls don’t do that  
what counts as inappropriate tho
anything that would upset pat
“I’m going to fight her.”
“Honey, please don’t.”
Patricia, what was it you were trying to tell me at the start? Your statement about us being sisters was factually (and grammatically) incorrect.
Were the only people on the chat without sisters!!!!! That means we should be sisters now so were not alone!!!!!
*We’re and *we’re.
And that does not make sense.
Besides, Dee doesn’t have any siblings, either.
She and Virge are gonna be sisters soon right!!!!!!!
And youre my sister now sorry I dont make the rules!!!!!
*You’re and *don’t.
You were the one who made this chat. You do, literally, make the rules.
(just go with it)
There was almost a minute of no texting, though everyone appeared to still be online, and Patricia shifted closed to her girlfriend in the interim, practically seating herself in the taller girl’s lap. Finally, Logan started typing again.
I’m going to spam you with heart emojis now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, don’t.
Okay I won’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate to interrupt
But my mom just got a message from Remy
Apparently, she and her parents are inviting us (and Mr Thomas) and any of our parents who know about the monster shit (her words not mine) to this fancy party at her place next Saturday . We need to dress kinda fancy, like dresses or fancy shirts and trousers, as it’s like tradition or something to hold these parties for each generation of chosen ones
Mom says she can tell any of your parents who don’t know the truth that you’re all at my house
But she also recommends you tell your parents whats actually going on
ew party
ew telling dad the truth about the monsters
I didn’t think you were one to shy away from the truth, Rena. Wouldn’t it be easier to be honest with your father?
normally i wouldnt care
but if dad finds out about all this he could get all protective and shit and try to stop us from fighting monsters and all that other ‘dangerous’ stuff
Ugh, I can’t believe I acc agree with u
Im still tryna figure out how to tell my moms!!!!!!!  
I might ask Miss Emily to help me but idk
she would she loves u
Wait lol pat arent you at virges house rn why r u texting  
Because I love all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before you speak
Is it appropriate?
then dont
dee can u get ur mom to text my mom the details  
Mine, too, please.
Me and rena will have to ask dad later hes busy rehearsing lines rn
acc hes probs just txting the dude he went out with yesterday lmao
he wont tell us anything bout it and got kinda awkward when we asked bout the guy he went out with
so im assuming they fucked
I hate you so much
Stop saying that
Fight me
One day Im acc going to fight you and it is going to be brutal
i will win
Hey now!!!!!!!
No fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
“This won’t end well,” Virge said dryly, rolling her eyes.
Patricia hummed quietly in agreement, her brow creased. “I wish they wouldn’t argue so much, it makes me sad.”
Her girlfriend opened her mouth to respond, but she was cut off by the bedroom door opening again. They both turned and watched as Emily stepped inside, giving them a smile.
“Patricia, your moms are here.”
“Oh, okay!” Patricia pocketed her phone and wiggled out of her girlfriend’s lap, jumping up and stretching. She took a step in the direction of the door, before pausing. She glanced up at her girlfriend’s mom with a slightly sheepish look. “Um, do you think at some point you’d be able to help explain the chosen one stuff to my moms? I’d like to tell them, but I’m not sure they’d believe me straight away.”
Emily’s expression softened; she put her hand on Pat’s shoulder supportively. “Of course, dear. In fact, I’m having dinner with Harriet on Wednesday. Would you like me to tell her then?”
“Yes, please! That would be super helpful, thank you!” Patricia beamed. She then turned on her heel, back to her girlfriend, and leant forward to kiss her quickly. “Bye, Honey! I love you so much!”
“Love you, too, Pat,” Virge responded softly, a little embarrassed that her mom was there to witness this, but still smiling slightly.
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limoncitamia-blog · 5 years
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HELLO EVERYONE !! My name is Alara, and i am super duper excited to be here and play honey léon for you all!! below the read is just some backstory / headcanons about honey for plotting and to just talk about ! I will also provide some potential connections for honey too soooo yeah!! just give this post a like and i will be in your inbox ready to plot!!
Honey was named after the comfort food that aided her mother during her pregnancy. Especially after her father liked the idea of her daughter being as sweet as the condiment. So Honey was born with her cry being drowned by the sound of laughter from her family in the hospital room.
Honey had lived in Argentina for over 9 years, going to public elementary school there despite the immense wealth her family owned from the agriculture business they were heavily involved in. Honey’s usual days involved walking to school with her cousins, attending school from 7am to who knows when (release time was different depending on your grade), and then doing any extra curriculars before returning home at around 3pm with the delicious aroma of dinner made by her beloved uncle and father. they would enjoy their bottle of beer while the mothers both did the chores of the house or watched tv on the couch. 
Honey had always loved her education, she loved learning and she adored her projects for class and presenting things to her classmates to teach them something. 
However, at the age of 12, Honey had been sent to a private Academy in New York City for the sciences after her parents realized that she could very much prevail in life more than they could ever. They only wanted the best for her, so she spent what would have been her middle school and high school years in New York, United States as a transfer student at the Academy of Sciences. She would always travel back to Argentina for Christmas Break and Summer Break, sometimes even bring some friends from her time in New York.
It was during this time that Honey started to suffer from immense home sickness, priority change, and soon a lifestyle change she hadn’t expected. Honey is someone that has to find herself in a place she can call home, but all the travelling she did and then the occasional times she wouldn’t go back to Argentina created a sense of wandering for the young woman. she couldn’t call argentina her home anymore, and she couldn’t call new york her home either. 
Honey was conflicted for a while for what she wanted to do, since she didn’t enjoy ‘wandering’ and she very much just wanted to stay in one place for a while. when she graduated, honey took a leap year (or two) and stayed in Argentina, working to save money and rediscover her old childhood home once again in hopes it was just a case of being too far away for too long.
Honey wasn’t happy, simply because her constantly changing lifestyle had soon left her unsatisfied with Argentina or New York as her home. She relied on her grandparents a lot to guide her through life, and they had told her to travel the world and indulge in the wanderer lifestyle for a little bit. The United States and beyond seemed to be a place for her to call home, so they encouraged her to go scouting universities in the U.S. and see where she felt more at home. Soon, she ended up in san fransokyo at the walter elias university. she had spent a week there, and found that this was meant to be her home. 
Honey didn’t hesitate to apply for the closest semester she could be admitted into and she got accepted thanks to her amazing results in her entry exams and her standard tests. She lived in the dorms, before finding her own apartment and now lives happily by herself while working as a waitress / server / hostess / secretary and going to school at the same time with her best friends in the world. 
Honey is currently studying biochemistry in uni, though she has considered expanding further in the chemistry department since it’s one of her favorite subjects. 
Honey is lowkey self-destructive but nobody quite knows it? she is very much in love with the feeling of being thrilled or excited or surprised. she absolutely loves roller coasters, she loves plane rides or helicopter rides, she likes driving fast and she loves testing her boundaries with her science experiments. it was something she could easily satisfy in argentina but in sunnyside, she has to try just a bit more to get that little high she gets a craving for.
in order to not really push herself too much and end up in a bad scenario, she also has ways to kill her energy down. exercising, studying, working, or going out dancing. honey isn’t someone that just gets down and twerks and does all that. HOWEVER, HONEY IS KNOWN FOR TURNING HEADS AT HER SPANISH CLUBS AND DANCE NIGHTS! She knows how to move her hips, flip her hair, spin and to dip to be rather enticing!
honey’s fashion taste is very chic, indulging that side of her since she isn’t ashamed of being girly and she very much doesn’t mind showing it. pumps, heels, platforms, converse are all the same to her. skirts, pants or skorts are the same to her. as long as she looks cute / hella good, she is a-okay! which doesn’t help her rather attractive self because she is ONE HOT MOM FRIEND!
Honey is someone who feels very deeply, and often seems rather sensitive. however, it just helps her be more empathetic than sympathetic for her friends. yes, it is sympathy most of the times but with the way she feels it, the way she processes the information and feels for those around her, you would think she went through it herself. it makes her rather good at knowing what to do and what to say. though, she has to learn to follow her own advice (especially since she carries some very present unresolved feelings about tadashi’s death). 
Honey is very much a DIY queen / a homemade queen. very much a mom. she likes cooking, she likes making things, she likes taking care of plants, she is just very much doing things on her own terms and not just buying things done. like IKEA is probably her favorite thing in the world. 
so i’m just going to list some wanted connections / relationship labels i would absolutely love for honey! if you want to take part in it, then do shoot me a message!
Platonic Connections ; clubbing / dancing buddies, a spanish squad cx, tutor / tutee situations where honey is the tutor or where honey is being tutored in something, co-workers / club members ! i haven’t placed honey working anywhere specifically but customer service / the secretary business sounds good for her so who knows! apartment neighbors! also, exes that are on good terms? people honey finds intimidating? people who have made honey swoon? after all, she does have a type LOL!! People who honey has to be a little more patient than usual. 
Also, i would love for Honey to have some people she has gone on dates with, or people she has had a crush on, or people who have or had a crush on her! 
also, we dont even have to have these labelled connections. human relationships are so complicated, i’m sure we can come up with something!
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