#i subscribed to get a phantom of the opera mini
chicafinal · 5 months
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im painting a cornelius bust my brother 3d printed for me. the design was made by ryzar miniatures in case you wanna give them a follow, they have a lot of cool free designs and upload monthly miniatures for patreon subscribers
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey XXV
1201. Have you ever owned a record? >> Yeah, I own several records. 1202. In some states people want to make it a requirement that creationism (god made the world) be taught alongside evolution in high school sciences classes. What do you think of this? >> I don’t think it should be a requirement. I think the current evolution-based curriculum should be standardised, and teaching about the fact that creationism is a concept is something a teacher can do, if they’re so inclined to present that side of things. Even then, since creationism is not a true theory that has been subjected to the rigors of the scientific method and found viable, it’s technically not on-subject for a science class. So. 1203. Should evolution also be taught in religious establishments like church or temple? >> If the function of a religious establishment is to perpetuate the beliefs of that faith, and evolution doesn’t count as a belief of said faith, then there’s no point? That’s just not what a religious establishment is for. Now, if we’re talking about religious schools, then I guess it’d depend on whether it’s publicly or privately funded. I imagine you can make a publicly-funded religious school use the same curriculum as the public schools, but good luck getting that to fly in a privately-funded institution. In which case, like it or not, they get to teach what they want. 1204. Can a person believe in creationism and in evolution at the same time? >> I don’t know. There are a lot of seemingly-opposite ideas that a person can hold in their minds at the same time without their head exploding, but I’m not too sure truly believing in creationism would also allow one to recognise the validity of evolution. Or vice versa. 1205. You obviously like surveys since you are filling out a 5,000 question one. Do any of the following surveys sound interesting: The Doors/Jim Morrison Survey: They all sound interesting (except the WTC one, like, what...?), I just wouldn’t take all of them. Moving on. The David Bowie Survey: The Beatles Survey:  The Rocky Horror Survey: The Labyrinth Survey: The SLC Punk Survey: The birthday survey:  So this is love, the survey:  The heartache/break up survey:  Creationism vs. Evolutionism Survey: Opinion Survey: World Trade Center Survey: Halloween Survey:  Survey of Sin:  How evil are you? Survey: The Roaring 20’s Survey: Well, once, long ago, I created all those surveys. Now they are floating around in people’s diaries because the diary I had them in (Simply Surveys) was deleted due to disuse. >> Moving on.
1206. Who did you get this survey from? Say one nice thing about the person you got this survey from: >> Another survey-taker is taking it and I’m copying it from her blog. She seems like a friendly person. 1207. Here is a list of priorities… Love/sex Family Close friends School/learning Job/career Being true to yourself/self respect Honesty Aesthetics (beauty in the world) Creativity Patriotism Knowledge Wisdom Leading an exciting life Making a contribution to humanity Being rich Being famous Having power Justice/fairness World peace Accepting and understanding others Finding yourself Spirituality/religion Health Happiness What are your top three priorities from this list? >> Being true to myself, health, wisdom. 1208. Out of that same list what are your BOTTOM 3 priorities? >> Being rich, being famous, having power. 1209. How many hours of TV do you watch in an average day? >> 1 or 2 hours. Exceptions would be days like today, when I binge 6 episodes of a show in a row because they finally added the latest season to Netflix and I was excited off my ass. 1210. Do you want to have a car, a house and 2.5 kids? >> The house would be fine, I suppose, but I don’t care about the other shit. 1211. What song, CD, or band is a ‘guilty pleasure’ for you (meaning you know it sucks but you like it anyway)? >> There’s no such thing for me. I don’t even understand what “you know it sucks but you like it anyway” is supposed to mean. Either I like something or I don’t. 1212. If you were going to vote for a candidate for president and then you found out that the person you were going to vote for is HIV positive would that effect your vote and why? >> No. 1213. Have you ever had an HIV test? >> Yes. 1214. What time do you: Get up in the morning: Any time between 6.30a and 9a. Eat lunch: I don’t have dedicated meal times. Do something active during the day: If I don’t do it in the morning, shortly after waking, it doesn’t get done. Go to bed: Any time between 10p and 12a. 1215. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? >> I’ve ridden on them many times. 1216. When you hear the word ‘biker’ what kind of person do you think of? >> A person in leathers who rides a motorcycle. 1217. Did your parents ever talk to you about sex? >> No. 1218. If your pet dies, you can now have it cloned for $50,000. How do you feel about this? >> This doesn’t interest me in the slightest. Also, where the fuck am I getting 50 grand? 1219. Are you or would you be embarrassed about buying condoms? >> I was never embarrassed about condoms. 1220. Do any of your clocks make an odd noise or play a song when the hour strikes? >> No. 1221. What are the things that make you go 'Hmmmm….’ (remember that song?)? >> I don’t remember that song. 1222. Are you a sinner? >> I imagine I would be if I subscribed to a worldview that included sin. 1223. Are you naughty or nice? >> --- 1224. Is belly-dancing sexy? >> It is. It’s also just pretty, and skillful. 1225. What celebrity would you love to be able to dance with? >> --- 1226. What is your favorite comic book movie? >> I don’t have one. Black Panther and Thor Ragnarok were cool. 1227. What movie would you recommend for couples to watch on Valentine’s day? >> --- 1228. Besides when you were little how many people have seen you completely naked and who? >> Quite a few people have. Not even necessarily in sexual contexts. 1229. Is sex something that should be treated casually? >> If that suits you, then sure. It doesn’t suit me, so I don’t treat it casually. 1230. Have you ever participated in an orgy? If no, would you ever consider it? >> No. I’ve considered it in the past, but I’m just not interested in outworld sex of any kind at this time. 1231. What song is in your head right now? >> The Shameless theme song, because I spent half the day watching that and the song is catchy. 1232. What was the best day of your life like? >> --- 1233. What are you all about? >> --- 1234. You have won a contest where you get all these great prizes but you can only keep one for yourself and must give the others away to friends, family or whoever. Which one do you keep and who do you give the rest to: A $5,000 gift certificate to radio shack: A brand new yellow jeep: An all expense paid vacation for 2 to Italy: Lunch with N'Sync: A lifetime supply of herbal essences shampoo: A $1,000 check: A palm pilot? An autographed picture of Shakira: Breakfast with kid rock: A shirt once worn by Jonathan Davis: One round of mini-golf with Sharon Osbourne: A phone call from Robert Smith: A brand new washer/dryer: Free medical insurance for 1 year: 1235. Who do you think you might have known in a past life? >> --- 1236. Do you take vitamins? >> No. I probably should. 1237. Do you prefer fake or real flowers around the house? >> I don’t care about having flowers around the house at all. 1238. Sometimes roses are pink, yellow, white or red. If you give someone a rose, does its color change the meaning behind it as a gift? >> If you know flower language, yeah. If you don’t, then I guess it’s just about colour preference. 1239. What’s the most deadly thing you can think of? >> Death. 1240. To-MAY-toes or to-MA-toes? >> I say it the former way. 1241. Out of all your friends, family and the people you know who is the most: Intelligent: Happy:  Miserable: Easily influenced: Cranky:  Bitchy:  Evil:  Nice:  1242. What’s the best live musical performance you ever saw? >> The only live musical performance I’ve seen is Phantom of the Opera, but I gotta say if that’s the only one I ever get to see, then that’s fine because it was amazing.
1243. Have you ever had a 'pregnancy scare’? >> Yes. 1244. Kelly Osbourne or Madonna’s version of “Papa Don’t Preach”? >> I’ve only heard Madonna’s. Or, I only remember hearing Madonna’s. Either way. 1245. Can you change a tire? >> Yeah. 1246. Have you ever put your fist through a wall? >> Nearly. 1247. When do you feel the most relaxed and able to be yourself? >> When I’m at home in my room and not having an emotional flashback or overload or whatever. 1248. Do you have a place that is your own where you won’t show anyone else? >> No. Not for a lack of desire, though. I just don’t know any place that I can keep that private. 1249. Are you a part of any teams or clubs? >> No. 1250. Is cheerleading a sport? >> It fits the profile to me.
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ttawoabw · 8 years
OwlCrate: January ‘Classic Remix’ Box
Okay, so if you don’t know what a book subscription box then;
Where have you been?
Check out my blog post about them HERE. (I really need to update this…)
As some of you might have gathered I am the sort of person that researches upcoming releases and tries to guess which books will be featured before I decide to order a box – or at least I’ve begun doing this and do not intend to stop.  This is a handy little practice that means I can better maintain my funds and spend less on books and book boxes so I can begin paying back the excessive amount I owe my mother.  But I didn’t need to do research to guess which book would be included in the January box, I knew, I had anticipated it since I first heard of it’s eventual existence, and I had a lot of hope for this box – I was a little disappointed with the overall contents of the box, but I’ll get into that throughout the unboxing and in my final thoughts.
As always OwlCrate has lovely Introduction/Information cards in each box that are surprisingly detailed.  I love this one!  And of course the box arrived in perfect condition and the packaging was excellent.
The first thing I saw in the packing worms was this The Little Prince inspired tea by First Edition Tea Co. which I think is cute but as I am not a tea drinker and no one in my household drinks herbal teas I shall be gifting this to a teaholic friend for her upcoming birthday.  It’s mint and rose flavoured and was created exclusively for this OwlCrate box.
The next item hidden in the packing worms was this open book soap by TeaSoapBooks.  The scent is inspired by The Secret Garden and it is scented with white tea and berries.  I don’t typically use bar soaps (they carry a lot of germs and usually leave my skin either dry or with an oily residue) but this soap does smell nice and I’m willing to give it a try.  It was made exclusively for this OwlCrate box but they have heaps of others open book soaps and bath salts inspired by literature so be sure to check them out!
The next thing I pulled out was this double sided bookmark which says ‘Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.‘ which is a quote from Slaughterhouse Five – a book I have not and will not likely read.  But I love this quote and the bookmark, made by the talented Lexy Olivia, is stunning! Again, it was made exclusively for this box and is not available anywhere else – a running theme with this box.
Up next we have something that, though cool and pretty, is completely useless to me.  A desk calendar, designed by Obvious State.  Each month features a unique print with a quote inspired by 12 different classic children’s stories.
January: Peter Pan “Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?“
January: Peter Pan “Would you like and adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?” February: Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland “Where childhood’s dreams are twined in memory’s mystic bond.” March: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz “The north and south winds met where the house stood.” April: The Call of the Wind “Old memories were coming upon him fast… stirring the realities of which they were the shadows.” May: Anne of Green Gables “To sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine.” June: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn “It did seem so good to be free again and all by ourselves on the big river.” July: The Secret Garden “It was the sweetest, most mysterious-looking place any one could imagine.” August: Treasure Island “Hang the treasure! It’s the glory of the sea that has turned my head.” September: The Wind in the Willows “And still, as he looked, he lived; and still, as he lived, he wondered.” October: The Time Machine “Looking at these stars suddenly dwarfed my own troubles and all the gravities of terrestrial life.” November: The Jungle Book “We will leave the lights of the village and go to the low moon.” December: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea “If one’s destiny is strange, it is also sublime.”
As I said I don’t have any use of a calendar such as this but the prints are lovely so I’ll cut them out and stick the ones I like around my room.
Next up we have this magnet of The Phantom of the Opera designed by Sweet Sequels.  I love The Phantom of the Opera and so does my mum so this magnet now lives on our fridge.
Something to know about OwlCrate is that they don’t typically include promotional stuff but I am so glad they included this promotional mini poster for Wires and Nerve – I love it and I love the series and I can’t wait to read the graphic novel following Iko (I just have to properly read the series…).  This is the kind of promotional stuff I like and enjoy hanging on my door.
Something OwlCrate has included in all their most recent boxes is a collectable pin that matches the introduction card.  I’ve been thinking of putting all my pins on a book bag, but I’m unsure- until I decide I have very little use for the pins but they’re fun to get.
  And this month’s book is….
Roseblood by A.G. Howard.  This is an atmospheric and dark romance set in the tunnels of Paris.  It is a modern-day retelling of The Phantom of the Opera and I am so excited this exists.  The Phantom of the Opera was the first musical I saw live, I was 13 and instantly fell in love with the dark tale.  Back then I didn’t understand the dark themes, it was just beautiful music and costumes.  But in the past 8 years I have come to understand that the Phantom is a tale of obsession and possession and is in fact not a love story.  I love how dark it is and I’m so excited to read this retelling.  I’ve already started a bit and it’s stunning, it’s so descriptive and the writing almost makes the music come alive and take hold of you as it does to Rune.  I’ve also been loving the subtle nods to the original story that only people who have seen the production or movie (or even read the book) would pick up on.  I can see how those who haven’t had a prior introduction to this tale could become confused or not really click with the story but I love it and can’t wait to continue.
In this modern day spin on Leroux’s gothic tale of unrequited love turned to madness, seventeen-year-old Rune Germain has a mysterious affliction linked to her operatic talent, and a horrifying mistake she’s trying to hide. Hoping creative direction will help her, Rune’s mother sends her to a French arts conservatory for her senior year, located in an opera house rumored to have ties to The Phantom of the Opera.
At RoseBlood, Rune secretly befriends the masked Thorn—an elusive violinist who not only guides her musical transformation through dreams that seem more real than reality itself, but somehow knows who she is behind her own masks. As the two discover an otherworldly connection and a soul-deep romance blossoms, Thorn’s dark agenda comes to light and he’s forced to make a deadly choice: lead Rune to her destruction, or face the wrath of the phantom who has haunted the opera house for a century, and is the only father he’s ever known.
Something extremely cool to note about this copy of Roseblood (not sure if it’s just those included in OwlCrate, just hardbacks or for all) is that the text is all red!  I will say that when I come across italics (which is frequent because all French is in italics and they’re in France) the red text does blur a little to me, but I don’t even care.  This is something I’ve never seen before and it fits so well with the story.
And of course a letter from the author to us subscribers is included in each OwlCrate box.  This is one of the things that initially drew me to OwlCrate, I love reading about what inspired the author.  I love reading their passion for their book and I think it’s such a special thing to have – especially when it’s a book that means a lot to you.  A signed bookplate was also included, which is as always awesome.
Dear OwlCrate Reader,
While re-reading The Phantom of the Opera in preparation to write RoseBlood, I was once again struck by the Phantom’s loneliness: being rejected by so many because of his gruesome appearance, something he couldn’t control or change. Any of us can relate to rejection.  In high school, I was too introverted and shy to fit in.  My clothes weren’t cool enough, and neither was my beat-up Datsun.  But there were other classmates dealing with far worse: a girl who’d been in a car accident that left her with brain trauma; a boy who walked alone to school each day in a worn-out jacket, even when storms or snow weighed heavy on his shoulders; kids no one talked to due to rumours surrounding them. I defended that injured girl once when she was teased for being different, and it felt so good to step outside of my own problems and stand up for someone else; even though several classmates shunned me for it.  That shining moment made such a positive impact on my life, that when it came time to build on the Phantom’s story, I wanted to give him a chance to embrace altruism. to step outside of his bitterness and help another human soul.  However, there’s a sacrifice involved, as there was when I stood up for my classmate. I won’t tell you if the Phantom does the benevolent thing and finds peace; you’ll have to read RoseBlood for that answer.  But what I will do is challange you to look for opportunities when you can set aside your own fear of rejection to help another person.  There’s nothing more rewarding than being a friend to someone who feels alone, even if it’s only for one shining moment. Wishing you happy reading and courageous living, A.G. Howard
  Final Thoughts:
Okay, so odviously I loved the book and the related items (the letter and signed bookplate), the Wires and Nerve mini-poster now lives happily on my bedroom door and I do enjoy collecting beautiful bookmarks.  But to be honest I wasn’t that over-joyed with the main three items included in this box.  It isn’t that they’re bad quality or anything like that; they’re just not things I really use.  As I said I’ll give the tea to a friend, test the soap out and use the pictures from the calendar as art but I felt somewhat let down by the contents of the November box as well.  Primarily the inclusion of tea.  I know a lot of people really enjoy getting tea in their book boxes, but I really don’t like that it’s included to the extent that it is.  Also while I think it’s cool that OwlCrate have included something they’ve never included before (the soap but also the calendar) I know there are people who have sensitive skin or are vegan who may not be able to use the product.  Although everything individually is good the combination of them is kind of a let down.  I’m not upset that I got the box, I feel the value of the book with the signed bookplate and author’s letter is equal to the total price of the box (minus shipping) but I have felt somewhat let down by OwlCrate these past two boxes.  I’m thinking of giving OwlCrate a rest for a little while (unless the theme matches a release I’m eagerly anticipating) so maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder? (The break from OwlCrate has nothing to do with feeling disappointed, but more to do with the fact that I owe my mother A LOT of money and I need to start saving for my license and a car…)
Just as I’ve said I’m thinking of giving OwlCrate a break; the theme for February is ‘Run Away With the Circus‘ – if you’re part of the book community you can probably guess what the book included will be and you know that it is a highly anticipated novel for everyone.  And the two sneak peek’s we’ve been given are both from artists or companies that I look forward to receiving products from, so that’s promising.  I think you can still order this box, either as a subscriber or as a single purchase.
  You can order your Owlcrate box HERE for $30 USD (not including shipping). If you want to check out past boxes you can click HERE and HERE.
  My Links:
Goodreads : Becca Winter
Instagram : becca_theory
Twitter : @Becca_Theory
Facebook : The Troubles And Woes Of A Bookworm
The opinions expressed in this review are mine and mine alone.  This post is not sponsored I paid for the box myself.
Book Subscription Box Review: OwlCrate OwlCrate: January 'Classic Remix' Box Okay, so if you don't know what a book subscription box then;
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