#i stopped by a local bookstore today and bought god bless you dr kevorkian the sirens of titan and bagombo snuff box
loiteringdiligently · 2 years
loving the vonnegut posting!! if i may be as curious to ask, what are your favourites by him? 🍊
he would’ve been 100 years old today!! ive only just started getting into his works but I’ve read a few of his books for classes before: slaughterhouse five and breakfast of champions, the most obvious ones, and I really enjoyed them. i love how he wrote about a lot of difficult subjects with such warmth and humor while also not pulling any punches.
i just finished welcome to the monkey house and “d.p.” almost made me cry. a couple of other highlights for me out of that collection are “report on the barnhouse effect”, “the kid nobody could handle” and “epicac”. i also enjoyed the collection of his commencement addresses; ive been meaning to read the third edition.
“a man without a country” is as relevant as ever.
what are your favorite vonnegut books? which should i read next?
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