#i still love kc so much you wouldn't understand
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small-spark-of-light · 5 months ago
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ive been wanting to draw the skrinkles for so long!!!
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goodolddumbbanana · 8 months ago
I don't think a lot of people realize the reason why Sun acts nonchalant with Moon while just after the last episode, Sun just said out loud that he doesn't think his relationship with Old Moon is good.
Old moon, or Moon now, he is not an enemy or a stranger. He is his brother, the one who stayed with Sun longest, for better or worse, from the very beginning. They only have each other, and even if they fought a lot back then, they couldn't survive if one of them died. (Moon would go crazy due to KC, and Sun would get scrapped for him couldn't make enough money to keep the daycare float.)
Their relationship is horribly toxic, not because of how terrible Moon treated Sun, or how Sun completely relied on Moon, but also because Sun and Moon love and care for each other so deeply.
Surely, there were some moments when things got worse, but isn't any relationship end ups like that sometimes? That is what the victim of abused relationships, or from a family abuse always believes.
It is my fault. Maybe I have done something wrong. Maybe I shouldn't pushed him too hard. Maybe if I could control Eclipse better, Moon wouldn't be mad like that. I shouldn't break Moon's computer. It was not Moon's fault, it was his KC active. It was not Moon's fault, I am the one who did something stupid.
Because despite all of Moon's flaws, Moon was not entirely terrible with Sun. They still have a lot of good old dynamic siblings moments, and Moon always the one who fixes the mess Sun ends up (getting scammed from Monty) and sometimes, saves Sun from Moon's mess (Eclipse).
Moon was not only the one who hurt Sun, but he was also the one who saved and cared for him, the source of both his joy and his despair. And isn't it sad? When the one who loves you deeply is the one who hurts you most? The one who would sacrifice the world for you, is the one to make your life a living hell?
That's the reason why, a lot of victims from an abusive house, couldn't cut ties with their families, especially if the relationship is not built on thoroughly manipulation like Eclipse and Lunar.
We can see that, Sun at first, didn't even realise their relationship was bad. He has Earth, even the New Moon points that out for him, but he still stubbornly thinks all of this happened, (Lunar blew up, Eclipse took the star, Old Moon died) was his fault only.
It was not until when Sun distanced himself from Moon like for a whole year, and through a lot of therapies with Earth and New Moon, and with him hung out more with Foxy, Freddy, Lunar, Earth,... making him realise how awful his relationship with Old Moon.
And still, Sun can't help but love the Old Moon, but miss him. Because letting Moon go means cutting a part of Sun's heart. It means he is selfish, ungrateful, for abandoning the one who always was there for him, until they died. It means all of their love, all of their time they shared together was meaningless.
I think Sun realised how easily he can just to say fuck off with Moon and never let Moon walk into Sun's life again. Because Moon and Monty and the others, they will understand Sun's wishes (maybe, not so sure) . But then it would mean Sun would be alone. He already lost the Old Moon, then the New Moon, I don't think he has a heart to go through this again.
Across the multiverse, the tragic destiny of a Sun, if he is not dead, then he would be forever alone, distanced from the others.
Furthermore, even if you stand your ground and say I would never forgive my abuser, you can't just do it. It does not work like that. Either this abuser gets out of your life and you never see them again, or some of your behaviour is still exactly just like when you and your abuser still stay together.
It's kind of confusing explaining but for some people, their PTSD makes them do exactly what they don't want to. Like even scared and hated their abuser so much, but still the victims find themselves comfortable to hangout and cheerful around the abuser.
For example, you might have said you hated someone's guts so bad and how terrible they have been treating you with everybody around, but as soon as this individual shows up, all of your negative emotions are just gone, flushed away into the thin air.
Sun trauma dumps a lot. He is not aware of it, or it is not his conscious choice, due to how bad he has been treated by Moon and how he needed to suppress his feelings to keep Moon happy and stay sane, that... Make Sun's word seems contrary to his actions sometimes.
Unreliable narrative symptoms.
No wonder why he seems to forgive Moon so quickly. He didn't. He just doesn't let his emotions get better of himself and for more worse reasons, seeing Moon make him regression back from where everything is good and cool and maybe not bad.
He still hates Moon, bitter of how Moon treated him. But Sun after trauma and trauma, has been so tired now. I feel like if Sun is a human, he just sleeps a day and never wants to get out of his bed.
Caring seems like a torture chores with Sun right now, and he now just lives out of his spite and hope nothing would go even worse.
I think if Moon ever goes bad again, it would be the last straw for Sun. Right now, Sun just seems unresponsive just because he is waiting. Waiting for when another shoe drops, waiting for Moon to snap again.
And when it happens, I think Sun will finally get a chance to cut ties of Moon.
Because for some people, even with someone who has long toxic co-dependent relationships, you only stay in that mess because you are caring and find something worth staying .
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maya-matlin · 1 year ago
Your answers to these asks are among the few highlights of my life, which is currently a trainwreck :)
Five Degrassi characters most fans seem to love who you don't like much?
Five Degrassi characters most fans seem meh on who you love? (Yes, you're totally allowed to list Zig here if you want to :))
Five canon Degrassi romantic ships most fans love that you don't like much?
Five canon Degrassi ships you love that most fans seem meh on?
Ten favorite friendships/platonic ships (ie siblings count too) of the series?
Aw, I'm sorry! 💖 Same, honestly. But I still appreciate the asks. :)
1.) Five characters most fans seem to love who you don't like much?
My main answer will always and forever be Eli Goldsworthy. He's still massively popular with his every indefensible action deemed "out of character" even though being shitty, controlling and misogynistic towards Clare is practically half of his character. I probably enjoy his character best in friendship scenes and as a supporting character than I ever do when he's the lead of a story line, and especially when he's a love interest.
Other than Eli, there's Cam. It's not that I don't like the character. I like him fine and have felt more positively towards him than I have in years. But, he's just some guy to me? Cam was part of an incredibly well written, emotional story line. Dylan Everett acted the hell out of it. But I wouldn't rank him anywhere near my favorite or even the best Degrassi characters. He served his purpose and overall, just wasn't fully fleshed out enough for me to have all that strong of an opinion of him. The worst of them though is Katie. I can't stand her and even though she's more divisive these days than popular, I still think she's more liked than disliked and I will never understand why.
2.) Five characters most fans seem meh on who you love?
LMAO I feel Zig is more love/hate than meh, but obviously him. There are very few fans who are nearly as passionate about the character as me, which is probably why he's constantly misunderstood. He's always been overshadowed by the much more popular Cam and Miles.
I'm just going to cheat and say five more instead of four. Dave, Marisol, Jenna, Ashley and Shay. All of them are either generally disliked or found "boring," but I'm a big fan of all of them and what they brought to the show. Dave never lives down his worst actions even though more than most characters, he actually tries to make amends and grew quite a bit during seasons 11 and 12. No one ever forgets Marisol's and Jenna's past as "boyfriend stealers", regardless of KC's culpability in that and how both became wiser, kinder, more giving people as time went on. It's actually ridiculous how Ashley being an occasionally moody and dramatic (really depressed, but it's not acknowledged) teenager is considered so much worse than literally everything most of the other characters were up to. Shay's kind of the same way, only mostly just overshadowed by Lola's popularity.
3.) Five canon romantic ships most fans love that you don't like much?
Miles/Lola, Cam/Maya, Eli/Clare, Dallas/Alli & Paige/Alex
4.) Five canon ships you love that most fans seem meh on?
Tristan/Miles (as always, it's complicated these days, but admitting you don't think Tristan is Satan himself and that their relationship wasn't a gigantic monstrosity is controversial, so obviously they belong here), Dave/Alli, Clare/Jake, Frankie/Esme (I don't know if this is true, but the general fandom is so negative about Next Class) & Craig/Ashley
5.) Ten favorite friendships/platonic ships of the series?
In no order:
(1) Spinner/Jimmy
(2) Emma/Manny
(3) Marco/Ellie
(4) Zig/Maya/Tiny/Grace
(5) Drew/Adam
(6) Craig/Joey
(7) Fiona/Holly J
(8) JT/Toby
(9) Spinner/Jay
(10) Downtown Sasquatch (I'm counting the group as one)
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kmze · 10 months ago
I had to be the bearer of bad news for my sister who's watching vampire diaries for the first time and had herself pretty much convinced stefan was in love with caroline in 2×13 that she would have to wait until after s6 for them to actually be together.This made me think if they could have gotten together earlier than they did.I'm not saying in s2 or 3 because it wouldn't have made narrative sense for Stefan to fall out of love with elena and in love with Caroline but what if what we had in s6 would have happened in s5?Do you think they would have gone down with SC while Nina was still on the show or if network had not agreed to renew after s6?I vaguely remember someone asking plec if she would have if Nina had never left and she gave some really ambiguous answers like 'I don't know.I wanted since s2 but then Klaus happened'.I also feel they wasted so much time with Damon-Elena that everything else was neglected and they dragged the triangle beyond what they should have.
Totally understand your sister’s struggle Anon because that episode is what got me to ship them too! When I watched it live I remember how when Stefan was smiling at the girls all hugging Caroline and Elena mouthed “I love you” at him I rolled my eyes and said “god shut up” because it was then I realized I shipped Steroline and was annoyed Elena wanted to make it about herself. Stefan didn’t bring Elena and Bonnie to Caroline to get brownie points from Elena he was genuinely worried about her and he knew she wasn’t ready to let him in yet so he wanted to show her he cared about her and brought who he thought could comfort her.
I think late S5 was the absolute earliest SC could have happened but TBH I’m glad they waited until S6 and spent the whole season building them up because it made them a strong ship for the writers to care about. I know JP is kind of ambiguous with what she intended for SC when she says she saw their potential in 2x02 but I think she meant that she realized she could put them together while doing DE and then going back to SE like her and KW would have planned in S2. I know most shippers think it’s bad that she says “then Klaus happened” but Klaus happening was great for us and probably saved SC from just being a prop to reunite SE. Because Klaus being interested in Caroline made her stock rise to the point she wouldn’t be used as a prop, she was moving into Elena territory where the high-powered men were interested in HER. Tyler definitely helped as well because he was never in Elena’s orbit and he got powered up as a hybrid but Klaus was the main antagonist and a crucial part of the mythology and he only cared about Caroline. I noticed during my rewatch as soon as Klaus was interested in Caroline the writers had Stefan drifting back into Caroline’s orbit until 4x03 when they had that great scene and then the foreshadowing really started. At that point they knew Klaus was getting a spin-off so JP wanted to pause KC (4x23) and lay the breadcrumbs for SC and did that with “you’ll fall madly in love without even realizing it” (4x19).
Also knowing what I know now it would have been a DISASTER if SC was started in S5 because Dries was in charge that season and while I love S5 SC it didn’t have the narrative power to trump the OG ShowTP especially because at that point Caroline still saw Stefan in a bit of an idealized light. They needed that angst in early S6 where Caroline was shown as the one Stefan had to push away THE MOST. And that her giving up on him was what pushed him to admit he wasn’t okay, they even showed that Stefan could pretend with Elena in 6x04 but he couldn’t pretend with Caroline. I think Nina leaving gave JP the go ahead that she could do SC the way she wanted to and not as a prop (which I’m sure if what KW wanted and maybe that’s how they discussed it before he left). Then when she wrote Caroline’s speech in 6x07 that was the moment she basically decided she was rolling with them until the end.  
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