#i still haven't gotten in the groove of their voices
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ell-vellan ¡ 1 year ago
Excerpt from Tav and Halsin?
Thank you so much for enabling me! This was so difficult to smooth out enough to post, and I still don't love it, but you did motivate me to flesh it out quite a bit! So I appreciate it :)
Below the cut: druid Safiel has a student/teacher type crush on Halsin. He only now remembers that half-elves age quite differently to full-blooded ones, and to his surprise, she's not the child he assumed her to be.
He had called her “child” unthinkingly, more than once, without even pausing to consider whether it was actually true. Perhaps he had spent too long in meditative solitude, or too many years in too small a circle, and not enough time in the company of half-elves. But only when she mentioned something lightly in passing about her mother being human did everything click.
Halsin had been brooding on this for days as they traveled, having gotten to know his fellow druid and her ragtag bunch of ill-fated friends as they trekked through the Underdark. Safiel had followed his advice to avoid going overland to the Shadow-Cursed lands, pleasantly surprising him. And she continued to surprise him. No one who was not a female drow went lightly into the Underdark, but she had trusted him – a stranger – on his word alone.
Her druidic upbringing seemed quite different than his own, perhaps due to her being but half-wood elf instead of full. But it had been something they had in common, and Halsin had surprisingly enough enjoyed their intellectual discussions these past days. Safiel was refreshingly even-tempered, calmly and happily willing to explore the ways their philosophies diverged without hurt feelings or devolving into anger. Her view of the druid’s purpose in the balance of nature was more liberal than his own, perhaps, but she spoke so passionately and elegantly, he even began to find some parts of his foundational, long-held beliefs soften to new ideas for the first time since their formation.
Her wisdom ran deeper than he'd assumed, disguised by an easy smile and an absolutely guileless demeanor, which hid the years of her maturity.
To his growing shame, Halsin realized that not only had he called her a child, but may have inadvertently treated her as one, as well. Perhaps what he thought had been good-natured discussions had come across instead as patronizing or condescending, taking on the role of teacher as he was so wont to do, towards an adult woman who did not want or need to be taught about her own beliefs. 
Abashed, he played back his earliest conversations with her in his mind. At the time she had seemed rather young. Her energy was that of an idealistic youngster, not yet browbeaten by the trials of life. And when it seemed that perhaps she was flirting with him during that party in the grove, he had written it off as youthful infatuation, or perhaps just the passing fancies common to young elves, and gently and politely declined to entertain them.
Halsin felt he had learned much about her in a short time. She talked easily and fondly about the exploits of her former life, gregarious and lively stories entertaining them at camp. While listening to her speak of the adventures she'd had before her unfortunate kidnapping, he realized that she was no eager innocent child, but a fully grown woman, and one with strong convictions – even if she didn't treat them with the solemn responsibility he did his own.
He needed to rectify this embarrassing misunderstanding immediately.
Halsin waited until they had a modicum of privacy, the others bickering with some minor squabble up ahead. She switched her gaze from admiring the glowing mushrooms around them to smile as he approached, and his heart pounded with a strange rush of nerves. “I must offer my apologies, Safiel.”
“For what?” Her brow furrowed but slightly, and changed her pace to match his.
“I realize I may have…inadvertently caused some offense.”
“What do you mean?”
Uncomprehending, she gazed back at him with those two-toned eyes – one blue as the sky, one rich amber of the earth – and momentarily forgot where he was going. “I fear I may not have treated you as I should. When we first met, I believed you to be...quite young.” He cleared his throat as she pressed her lips together, holding back a smile. “That is – I hope you don't feel as though I disrespected you on purpose. Sometimes at my advanced age, I feel as though everyone around me is a child. If I spoke down to you in our earlier talks, I apologize whole-heartedly. I'm rather used to taking on a teaching role with younger druids, but in no way did I intend to treat you as such.”
Safiel looked at him askance and then laughed musically. “Oh! Is that all? I'm sure in your eyes, Halsin,  we all seem like children – except perhaps Astarion. I didn't take offense! I'm rather hard to offend, actually.” 
Halsin smiled and gave a sigh of relief. “Well, then…I'm glad to hear it.”
Her eyes sparkled with a hint of tease, and to his surprise, he felt a strange response in him, almost like the fluttering of butterflies. “I kind of gathered, based on a few things you said, that you might think something like that. And it’s not even the first time I’ve been mistaken as a silly young girl.  I’m nearly thirty, for the record, which I’m sure is nothing to you! But no, certainly I’ve not been a child in a long while. Please don’t apologize. I actually found it rather endearing.”
Safiel beamed at him, laughing again when he chuckled and ran his hand over his face. By Silvanus, his face was flushed.
“You talk about yourself as though you're a feeble old man,” she teased. 
“Certainly I must seem so to you. A grizzled old elder who cannot stop speaking of things long past.”
“I see a man in his prime, as a matter of fact.” Her voice warmed like honey, and he shot her a look, finding a new light dancing in her eyes, mischievous smile twisting at her lips. “A man admirably dedicated whole-heartedly to nature. And a wise scholar from whom I’ve already learned so much. Please, don’t say you’re going to stop teaching me now…as I’ve enjoyed it quite a lot.”
She grinned at him, and there was nothing for it but to smile back.
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nerdygirlramblings ¡ 2 months ago
Off to See the Wizard (5)
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It takes you over an hour to get your brain online because after that talk at breakfast, John walked you to your office and kissed you. It was a kiss on the cheek, but still.
His lips.
Your skin.
Your brain short-circuted.
There was no way to deny it, even to yourself: Captain John Price was interested. In you. Romantically.
You try to shove the little gleeful voice - the one with crushes on all your boys - to the side so you can work. But she keeps chirping about the kiss. About how his beard felt, rough and soft at the same time. About how warm his lips were. About the promise look in his eyes as he pulled back and whispered, "'Til later, dove"
You finally put the kiss in a box of 'Things to Deal With Later' and focus on digging back through mission intel again. You flag two items to bring up with Laswell and a third to follow-up with John about. You're not sure how a closed door meeting with the captain will go after this morning's display, and you pray he's better at separating work and play than you.
You find your groove and are startled by a knock at your office door. You glance at the clock and see it's nearly 2. After being so rattled by John's admission, you'd gotten into the zone and practically missed lunch. You almost expect it's going to be one of your boys. You don't know if you want them to come to you or not.
You're surprised to find Corporal Avery on the other side. "Ma'am," she inclines her head politely. "Cap'n Price wanted to make sure you ate. Told me to help you find the mess and said to tell you, 'I know you're a big girl, but you haven't tried to find your way around on your own yet.' 'm supposed to let you lead and correct the path if necessary." She looks apologetic as she says it, like she understands the ridiculous nature of the command, but since it is a command, she's going to follow it.
You close up your workspace and follow the corporal into the hall where she lets you take the lead. You're loathe to admit you probably need the guide as the corporal corrects your directions at least twice. At least she's polite about it. "Almost got it, ma'am. Another trip and you won't need help at all."
Lunch is a quiet affair as most of the mess has already cleared out. Corporal Avery stays with you but tells you she ate with her squad earlier. "Don't want you to eat alone," she says. "Besides, I wanna make sure you've got the route between your office and food down pat as my guess is your barracks, your office, and the mess are where you'll spend time while the 141 is on mission."
You hadn't given much thought to what you'd do when the boys are gone, but it strikes you suddenly how lonely things will be. You only know your boys, and now Corporal Avery, but that doesn't leave much for socialization when they're away. "Hey, Corporal? Is there someplace on base - besides the mess - people hang out? Like, I dunno, a base rec room or something?"
She looks at you for a long moment, her brow furrowed in question before a look of understanding passes over her face. "Uh, yeah. There are a few. I'd be happy to show you where they are, introduce you to a few other soldiers and civilian employees." You smile gratefully at her, glad she picked up your subtext. "We can do it after the 141 are gone."
The latter part of your day is spent contemplating Corporal Avery's comment to you. You'd been a little surprised when she hadn't offered to show you to the base common spaces sooner, so you asked. She floored you when she admitted she could but "thought, what with them leaving, you'd like to spend as much time as possible with Captain Price first."
Are your desires, or his, that obvious? Certainly she'd seen the two of you together in the hallway that morning, but that couldn't have been enough for her to draw the conclusions she was drawing, was it? And if so, is she telling other people? Does the whole base know? Does the rest of the 141?
You know you're spiraling, but you can't seem to stop yourself. It takes a series of repeated knocks at your door and someone calling your name for you to come back to yourself. You see it's about 7:00 and expect this is someone - Corporal Avery or one of the boys - come to drag you to dinner.
You open your office door and see Simon standing in the hall. He's still wearing a mask, but you see enough of his eyes to tell he's smiling. "Evenin' luv," he says, stepping up beside you. "Ready for a meal?" You nod at him and start walking toward the mess, ready to show him you can find you way without getting lost.
As you walk, he matches your stride and casually drapes an arm over your shoulder. "Look a' ya, already a natural on base. 'S like you belong here." You beam at the praise and don't miss the way his arm tightens ever so slightly at his last comment.
"Like havin' you 'ere, luv," he says, so quietly you can act like you didn't hear it. And you're tempted to ignore it because that's a lot easier than dealing with what it might mean. When your silence stretches too long, however, Simon slows you both down. "D'ya like bein' 'ere?"
You give an enthusiastic, if non-committal, "Of course!"
"D'ya like bein' with me?"
You're almost at the mess, can see the door from here, but you stop dead in your tracks at his question. "What?" you squeak out.
Simon turns to look directly in your eyes. The emotion in his gaze is raw: desire, fear, vulnerability. He searches you long enough you feel he's looking at your soul. "I need to know, luv, if ya like me."
You try to go for a quip, but it dies on your lips. You whisper, "I'm not sure what you want me to say, Simon. I'm not sure what to do here."
He looks pained when he pleads, "Say ya wan' me like I wan' you."
And for the second time today, your brain simply stops responding.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10
Taglist: @blackhawkfanatic @starriestarlight @grayskel @mxtokko @imjustheretofightforlove @miss-vanta-likes-to-write @thriving-n-jiving @madsothree @silly-starfish @danielle143 @beelzebee @nova-willow-541 @alchemyfreak321
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delopsia ¡ 2 years ago
Conquer Your Demons | Rhett Abbott x Reader
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Word Count: 3,300 Cross Posted on AO3 Warnings & Notes: 18+, AFAB!Reader, demon!Rhett, food mentions, unprotected sex, blatantly defiling a church, cunnilingus, mild cum eating, post-coital cuddles. Usage of the Standing Amazon Position in the beginning (in case my description was too vague)🧡 Perry Abbott is on fire. Brief Summary: Fuck, you hope nobody comes to check in on how this whole cleansing process is going. Because there is nothing that can possibly explain the sight of a demon on his knees, eating you out on the altar. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm—"
"It's a little bit late for that, don't you think?" You hum, voice echoing, bouncing off the bare walls of this old, one-room church. Ricocheting through unoccupied, dusty pews and rattling up into the rafters. Built centuries ago, has been witness to hundreds of Sunday sermons, weddings, and funerals.
But never has it been witness to something like this. 
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"No, no, no, please," Rhett's sweaty chest heaves, keening high in his throat, your cunt clamping down around his twitching cock like a vice. His ankles quiver against your shoulders, fluttering like leaves in a bracing breeze. "I'll be good. I'll be good."
His tail thrashes between your legs, smacking against your thighs. Horns knocking into the wooden table as his head rolls back and forth, trying to shake you away like a bed dream. Skin glistening in the dancing candlelight, muscles rippling, flexing as he squirms. Your fingertips pinch at a soft nipple, awestruck by how his back arches, jolting up from the edge of the table. 
"You should have thought of that before you tried to kill Pastor Perry," your greedy hands run across his burning skin. Roaming the vast expanse of his upper body, tickling down his sides, feeling the subtle grooves of his ribcage. So perfectly compressed, knees mere inches away from being pressed up against his chest, powerless to let you have your way with him and his cock. 
Your shoes click against the floor as you raise yourself up, knees straightening to allow yourself the room to reach down to where your bodies meet. 
"That bastard had it comin'—aa!" His hissed words cut short by the gentle squeeze of your hand around his balls. A poorly concealed warning. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!"
And you really should be giving him more hell for that. Make him lay still while you press his pale knees into his chest and make him beg you to move. Completely, utterly powerless in this position. 
But you can't focus, not with the way the pale undersides of his thighs tremble beneath your palms. Already pushed to his limits, and you've just sunk down onto him less than two minutes ago. 
"Are you close already, cowboy?" You coo, squeezing the meat of his thighs in your hands, feeling how they flex in your grasp. 
His hair shakes as he nods his head with a whimper of a "uhuh." Those pretty blue eyes falling shut, breathy noises whittling out of his throat with every breath. 
For a demon, he sure looks like an angel. 
Sounds like it too. 
"But I haven't even gotten started with you yet," your words whiny, bottom lip jutting out to create a false pout, feigning disappointment. 
Stradling him in this position is difficult. Riding him would have been a much easier solution, and your knees surely would have thanked you for it, but there's something about this that has your heart speeding up. Rhett fucking Abbott. The deity that's been haunting Wabang for the past six years, on his back, thighs to his chest, whimpering as you begin to move. Working yourself up and down his cock that's peeking so prettily from between his thighs. 
Pearly white teeth glint in the light as his mouth falls open, unable to shut it. "Thank you, thank...thank—" your fingers delve between his lips. Unfearing as they spread out, dancing past razor-sharp canines. A short, hot tongue laps against them, twisting between each digit, sucking lazily.
"Look at you," you're musing aloud, unable to keep yourself quiet as you find your pace. Button-down shirt clinging to your overheated skin, sweat brought on by the way his leaking cock head drills up into you. The gentle curve allowing him to drag so wondrously against your g-spot, the little bundle of nerves tingling with every touch. "Aren't you supposed to be scary, cowboy?"
Those horns bump into the sides of the table once more, his head thrashing, unable to do anything more than just that. Tries to speak, but the fingers in his mouth muffle him, intelligible words vibrating through your hand and up into your arm.
"What would the townsfolk think if they saw you like this?" You're painfully aware of what your words are doing to him, those midnight blue eyes flashing open, only for them to roll back into his head. Such a sight that only serves to send a wave of heat between your legs. "The big bad demon, getting fucked in the only church in town?" 
Oh, how you can hear the town gossip now. The same gaggle of ladies, aghast as they discuss the sins committed atop the altar. Fanning their faces with their hands and speaking as if they are higher than thou.
Their loss. 
Because you are the only person who gets to experience this. 
The sweet burn in your thighs as you ride him, hips working in their favorite, languid rhythm. Your head fuzzy with the way his thick cock fills you, rubbing past every little sensitive area, nerves alight. Saliva coats your hand, shimmering beneath the candlelight like it's trying to put on a show.
"Baby, you're drooling everywhere..." pulling your dripping fingers from his mouth in favor of seizing him by the jaw. Two days' worth of unshaven scruff scratching at your skin.
Rhett's body jerks upward, snapping up into your cunt with a strength he shouldn't have. "M' gonna...baby..." His arms wind around his thighs, pulling them from your shoulders and up against his chest. Squeezing them tight, like he needs something to keep him from bursting. 
"Close already, pretty boy?" Dropping from his jaw, your hand roams down his neck. Doesn't stop until your wet fingertips find a dusky pink nipple, pinching it, if only to see him jolt.
Those pretty curls bounce as he nods his head, "Uhuh." So weak and breathy. Punctuated by a choked whimper.
"Come on then," taunting, fighting to keep your own voice level. You can already feel the way he's beginning to twitch inside of you, bumping up into those little nerves. "Cum in me like a good boy."
One of his hands snaps up. Clamping down over his mouth just in time to muffle what sounds like a squeal. Suddenly afraid to hear his own noises. Palm trembling like a leaf. Jittery. So out of control that there's not a bit of resistance when you reach up to pull it away. 
"You can do it, come on," you can't catch your own breath. Fuck, it's like he was designed to get you worked up. Your body hard to control as your walls flutter around his cock, spasming with something that makes your eyes unfocus. 
A cry catches in Rhett's throat. Cut off by the sudden convulsion of his hips, cumming with a silent noise that rattles through your ears. Familiar heat spills inside of you, his eyelashes fluttering like butterflies. 
Oh, he's so pretty like this. Face lax, almost peaceful. Until it's not. Scrunching shut, nose wrinkling, a string of confused whimpers sputtering past his thin lips. Because you're still moving. Bringing yourself up, only to sink back down on his softening cock, uncaring of the growing discomfort.
"What's the matter, cowboy?" You tease, your hands hooking beneath the backs of his knees, unwilling to let them fall off to the sides. 
"Can't," his voice unusually pitchy, "Sensitive—!" 
You can feel it. The way he twitches with your every movement. Too overstimulated to handle anything more but unable to wriggle away from it. His hands clamp down over top of yours, squeezing, needs to hang onto something. 
"You can take it," you don't know if it's meant to be encouragement or a reminder, but you're saying it regardless, "You've done it before."
That little bull tail of his is swishing between your thighs, smacking against the sensitive skin there on its own accord. He's lucky you can't reach down and squeeze it at the base, hold it down until he gives you what you want. 
There's a newfound ache in your knees as you begin to move quicker, chasing the feeling of his spent cock working in and out of you. Seeking that little spot that he's no longer hitting. Cum spilling out, running down your thighs, and falling to the hardwood floor.
"Baby, baby, please I—" his tongue loose in his mouth, "I'm—I'm sorry!" 
Too little too late. 
He should have thought of the consequences when he decided to knock that candle onto pastor Perry's coattails and set him ablaze in the middle of service. No matter how you twist it, such an act doesn't qualify as a mild haunting. A little something spooky that remains harmless. 
Your body twitches, exhausted muscles acting on their own accord. The blunt head of his weeping cock bumps into a familiar, sensitive spot. Has your pussy tightening around him like a vice, ripping that wail right out of his chest. 
"Gonna..." that deep voice of his babbles. His mouth still moving, but not a sound coming out. 
"Already?" Fuck, it's hard to feign disappointment when he looks up at you with those watery eyes. Tears welling but not quite spilling over. Not yet. 
Long gone is his composure. His ability to remain quiet. Reduced to breathy whimpers and grunts punctuated by the lewd smack of skin on skin. And maybe some of those noises are coming from you, too, because there's a rawness in your throat that wasn't there before. Gasping for air, can't seem to get enough of it. Sweat beading at your forehead. 
He knocks into that spongey spot inside by pure luck. Your dripping cunt squeezing him for all he's worth, eager for more, more, more. And he's got no choice but to lay back and give it to you. 
You don't realize he's cumming until you feel the pitiful twitch of his cock. His body going still as tears tumble down his flushed cheeks, decades worth of strong muscle contracting, back rising up from the table one more time. Mouth moving around the familiar shape of your name, but not a sound leaving his throat.
"Plaid," Rhett's voice cracks on the vowels. Shattering like glass. "Plaid, plaid, plaid—"
You're already pulling off of him. Numb feet stumbling as you finally, finally change your stance. Standing upright, soothing your clammy palms over his soft thighs. 
"Too much?" Something pops in your neck as you lean down to press a kiss to his knee, scarred from that time he got spritzed with holy water. So much for him being invincible.
His horns thunk against the edge of the table, eyes unfocused as he mouths something you can't hear. "Want..." but he doesn't finish his sentence. Leaving his thought dangling in the air as he squirms, sweaty skin gleaming in the light, fumbling up to his own two feet. 
"Rhett?" You don't understand what he's trying to do, but he's planting his hands on your shoulders and pushing you up against the corner of the altar. Uncaring of the way the sharp corner digs into your skin or of your repeating of his name.
"Want..." he repeats. 
Rhett's knees thunk against the floor, the deep noise shaking these old church walls. Nose bumping into your thigh as he leans forward, eyes closed, blindly nuzzling his face between your legs. 
That wet tongue licks a fat stripe between your folds, serves to stifle his whimper as he settles against you. Drool pours from his thin lips as he twirls over your clit, too lazy, too eager to spend his time working you up.
"Good lord, Rhett," your words carried by a whispy gasp, reaching down to grab hold of those study horns. None of this is what you had in mind, but as he peeks up at you, lips wrapping around your swollen clit, you can't bring yourself to care about what should have been. "Is this what you were wanting?" 
His answer comes in the form of big hands grasping the backs of your thighs, not letting you squirm away as he nuzzles impossibly closer. That tongue of his rubs back and forth, the scruff of his cheek rubbing against you. Tiny, wet sounds, viciously loud. 
Fuck, you hope nobody comes to check in on how this whole cleansing process is going. 
Because there is nothing that can possibly explain the sight of a demon on his knees, eating you out on the altar. His spent, soft cock resting against his thigh, cum staining the insides of your thighs. Your pants have likely fallen into the seventh circle of hell by now, never to be seen again.
That burning mouth of his sinks lower, tail swishing behind him as he pushes his tongue into you without warning. Unphased of the mess he's left there, languidly working in and out of your pussy, soft noises emanating from the back of his throat. The tip of his nose nudges your clit with each and every motion. Enough to have you squirming, pulling on his horns. Unsure of if you want more or less.
"Y'taste so good," he's speaking right into you, each syllable rattling up your fragile core. Fuck, fuck, fuck, when did his voice get so deep? 
It's difficult to miss that pleased grin, poorly masked by your dripping sex, as he pulls his tongue from you. Licking his way up up up to your clit once more. A dull tingle appears as he twirls over top of it, not sure if it's brought on by the act itself or the way he whimpers when your hips jolt forward.
"Cum on my face," he breathes, punctuated by an honorary pause to suck on that swollen little button once more. Can't keep himself away for more than a few seconds at a time. Such a simple thing that shouldn't have you trembling the way that it does. "Please cum on my face." 
Deep in your chest, your heart flutters. Weakly battering against your rib cage as that tingling spreads, skin pricking with it, a twisting heat blooming between your legs. And Rhett's pressing harder, whining your name, and it's too much. Too much. 
One, two, three more flicks of his tongue, and your head is tilting back. Pulling hard on those soft horns as you cum with a cry that rattles through every square foot of this old church. Hips convulsing as he licks you through it, oversensitive, but your head so far up in the clouds that you can't remember how to speak. 
Your lungs are burning.
So are your knees. Crumbling out from under you without warning or notice. 
The big arms that catch you are the only reason you don't hit the floor with an earth-shattering boom. Pulling you away from the cold hardwood and into a sweaty, sticky chest. 
Getting back up would be the wiser option; go back home before anyone decides to pop in, hoping for a glimpse of the supernatural, but you're all out of good ideas for today. Scooting until your back rests against the wallpaper-clad wall, welcoming a rosy-cheeked cowboy into your arms.
"I didn't mean..." Rhett's horns knock against your shoulder as he settles. Such pretty things, pearly white in color, once the classic steer shape, now cut short by the hands of his own kin. "Didn't mean to...I didn't think the fire would..."
"I know," you whisper, your hands curling into his hair. "But you can't be doing things like that, Rhett." He could use a good bath, but you hardly mind the salty bite of sweat as you press a kiss to his forehead. 
There's something sweet about the way that he squirms even closer, seeking refuge in the crook of your neck. Like he thinks that making himself small enough will erase the theatrics that was earlier today. The yelling. The screaming. The arguing over which hunter to call. 
Rhett's soft purr almost gets you to shut up. Almost. "Do you know how bad things could have gotten if they called the Tillerson Twins instead of me?" 
"Could move towns again," he murmurs like he's given this some thought. Has had plenty of time to, being locked up in this place all damn afternoon. 
"Yes, but what happens when someone realizes that the hauntings only occur where I live?" That's the last thing that you need. For someone to poke their nose where it doesn't belong and realize that these events follow your every move. Realize that you're actively working with a demon to make a living, scaring folks into paying your hefty fee to cleanse their home. 
"Ain't no-one fixin' to figure us out," Rhett's head tilts, leaning up to press a kiss to your jaw. The uneven edge of his horn bumps into your ear. Scratchy. "They think demons eat people, remember?" 
Your chest rises and falls with a giggle. "In some forms of the phrase, they're not wrong."
The whites of Rhett's eyes flash. Rolling back into his head. 
You hope they get stuck.
"Funny," one of his scarred hands raise, wiping at his chin, still soaked from his efforts. 
Without rhyme or reason, you're reaching out, taking hold of that strong, prickly jaw. Watching how he lets you tilt and turn his head, not the slightest hint of resistance. Your thumb presses against his lips, and they part, humming as you pin his wriggling tongue to the bottom of his mouth. Completely and utterly pliant.
"I say," speaking with your thumb still in his mouth, sucking on it during its retreat, "that y'let me haunt that cute lil' bakery down the road." 
"I'm not letting you rob a bakery blind," you groan, head thunking back against the wall. It always circles back to the restaurants and the cute little bakeries. Like he doesn't get enough from licking the cookie dough off the spoon and quietly bugging you for bites of the dinner, he said he didn't want.
"Come on!" There's that whine of his, batting those thick lashes up at you. If he could, he'd be forcing tears to well in those deep blue eyes. "We get paid, and we get free donuts!" 
Tempting. But contrary to the popular belief of the public, you still cling to a few of your morals. And that includes not causing a pastry crisis in Wabang."I'll buy you a dozen when I pay our rent tomorrow." 
With a huff, Rhett falls back into your chest. Dramatic. "Fine," but you can hear the smile in his voice. A little bit excited. 
You need to get going. The first of the birds are beginning to chirp, and with them, sunrise is sure to come. Bringing life back to the streets of Wabang and prying eyes who won't take too kindly to the swishing tail and short horns of a demon walking amongst them. 
But he's so warm. 
All swollen muscles and soft grumbles, snuggling up like you're his favorite pillow. Content to lay here forever, with his ear listening to the quiet thump of your heart and feeling your hands roam up and down his spine. And quite frankly, you're content to stay here too. Even if the hard floor is making your ass go numb.
"Your method could use some work," Rhett yawns, rubbing his cheek against you, trying to burrow himself closer, "my back hurts."
Well, in that case... "That just cost you a donut." 
His head snaps up. Eyes wide. "You wouldn't."
"I would," defiantly sticking to your guns. 
You have a half second to scramble to your feet before Rhett is pouncing on you. All giggles and empty threats as he fumbles after you, chasing your half-naked form down the aisle. Tearing around corners and ducking between pews, hastily searching for clothes that you don't remember taking off.
"I'm gonna get you!" Rhett's only got one boot on. The other flailing in his hand as he races out the front doors, hot on your tail. 
And get you he will.
If he can ever catch you, that is. 
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rimouskis ¡ 1 year ago
okay here are ALL the other music rec asks, all in one post!
@paintingtheice asked: song recs! the whole Commie Cowboy album by Pink Williams is great, but I Don't Know About You is one of my favourites! along that line, Draft Dodger Rag by Phil Ochs always makes me giggle :D
ahh I've seen this musician on tiktok!! I haven't heard the full album though, thanks for reminding me. I enjoy the old-school-country, political edge to it. bringing that political edge in, here's some music from 2016: "aquarius apocalyptic" by stop light observations
Anonymous asked: living room floor by sammy rae and the friends for the song game!!
nice, light instrumentation, unique voice. I like it! in return, I give you: "atomized" by andrew bird
Anonymous asked: this is about to be a mouthful but i’ve really been loving “rage against the dying of the light” by the world is a beautiful place and i am not afraid to die
loving the song name and band title, haha. and I like the groove of the song, too! it makes me nostalgic for this band, who my sister and I first found back when I was in high school: "bang bang" by hippo campus
@entzleboffin asked: Music rec: frown by mxmtoon. This song is such a bop
This is sweet! it actually reminds me of some of the kpop I used to listen to? saccharine, sweet, boppy. it's a feel good song, so I'm going to give you MY feel good song in return: "good news" by MUNA
Anonymous asked: For the music ask - Jailbreak by Thin Lizzy?
omg more 70s rock. delightful! here's some modern rock... "dim the lights" by mitchell martin.
@jayyynine asked: Song: tighten up - the black keys
I love the black keys! I hope you like this song in return: "strange" by stuck on planet earth
Anonymous asked: For the song ask - Never Say Never by Romeo Void. :D
this is so cool! I've never heard of this song or band. can I give you some laura jane grace in return?
Anonymous asked: Lol I’ve actually wanted to ask about that for a bit. I really loved 32 Days by Numblife from one of your edits and i wanted to ask if you got any recommendations
ooo thanks! that was from the teaser vid I made for my fic TKK. I hope you've gotten the chance to listen to both the playlists for TKK and its sequel. they both have more... thematically similar songs? but I love 32 days, it has such a unique sound. if you want similarly dark... this is less rockish, but still an intense song, I'd go with "parasites" by san fermin
...actually I'm going to give you two recs. here's the second one:
Anonymous asked: The Lathums - The Redemption of Sonic Beauty <3
this song was pretty!! in return, here is: "are you wanting it all" by youth club
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tamesg ¡ 2 months ago
Lunar New Year
The morning bell at Angel Grove High rings three minutes fast. It always has. I've worn grooves in my desk counting those minutes, matching them against heartbeats and footsteps and the time between disasters. My fingertips know every scratch in the wood, every mark of ordinary damage. Not like the marks on the walls outside - those tell different stories.
The clock's second hand catches fluorescent light like a knife edge, and something in my chest tightens. Twenty-seven hours until the Lunar New Year festival begins, and we haven't found all the weak points yet. Haven't mapped all the places where reality might slip.
"Hey, Bulk. Did you see them building the dragon?" Skull asks, his voice low. We're alone in the hallway - we're always alone when we talk like this. The smell of floor wax burns my nose, sharp and chemical. They always clean thoroughly after attacks, like they're trying to erase the memory of what the floors have seen. 
"They're using bamboo for the spine this year.”
I nod, feeling the familiar ache in my shoulders, the tension that never really leaves. We both know what bamboo means: hollow spaces, joins that can split and grow, segments that could become vertebrae if something decided to make them real. I've watched them working on it after school, their hands weaving paper scales over the framework. Each scale overlaps the next like armor waiting to harden, and my stomach churns with the memory of the last time paper decided to become something else.
The late bell rings. Neither of us moves. Through the classroom window, I can see Tommy checking his communicator. The motion is familiar, practiced - a twist of the wrist that shouldn't mean anything but means everything. Behind him, Kim is braiding her hair, fingers moving quick and sure. Ready to fight at a moment's notice, though she'd never admit that's why she does it. Jason stands near them, one hand resting on his backpack strap, body angled toward the door. Always ready. Always watching.
Sometimes I wonder if they know we watch too. If they understand that someone needs to be ready in a different way.
"Three exits," Skull mutters, more to himself than to me. "Four if you count the windows, but the drop's bad on this side." His fingers drum against his leg, counting exits, counting seconds, counting the space between now and whatever comes next.
I touch the wall beside us, feeling the paint beneath my fingers. Smooth in some places, rough in others. The school has been destroyed and rebuilt so many times that the layers of paint tell stories - if you know how to read them. This section is newer. Three months old. The old paint burned away when that fire-breathing thing came through. Sometimes late at night I can still smell the smoke, still feel the heat of it in my bones.
Down the hall, a janitor's cart sits unattended. The mop handle gleams wetly in the fluorescent light, and the sharp scent of disinfectant mingles with floor wax. I catalogue it automatically - another potential barrier, another tool for directing crowds. In Angel Grove, anything can become useful when the time comes. The lunch bell will ring in fifty-seven minutes. By then, we should be in position. Hundreds of students flooding the hallways at once - it's always when the crowds are biggest that things happen. Ready to create the kind of chaos that helps people find their way to safety.
Some people think we skip class because we're lazy. They don't understand that practice takes time. That being in the right place at the wrong time is an art. That sometimes the only way to help people run is to give them something smaller to run from first.
My chest tightens again as I watch Trini hurry past, carrying something that looks too much like a science project. The air feels heavy, thick with possibility. With waiting.
That's the worst part, really. Not the knowing, but the waiting. The space between normal and whatever comes next.
We've gotten good at filling that space.
The paper lanterns arrive in boxes. Plain cardboard, water stained at the corners, marked "FRAGILE" in red letters that blur in the morning mist. I watch the volunteers unpack them from our spot behind the dumpster, my shoulders already tight with remembered transformation. Next to me, Skull's breathing has that shallow quality it gets when he's counting something only he can see.
"They're using metal wires this year," he whispers. His breath fogs in the air, little clouds that dissipate too quickly. "For hanging them."
I remember the Halloween masquerade, how the real monsters moved through the crowd of fake ones. How we learned that sometimes the scariest thing isn't being able to tell the difference - it's realizing there might not be one. Every festival since then, I find myself watching the costumes, the masks, the decorations. Waiting to see which ones decide to stop pretending.
The volunteers string up the lanterns anyway, unaware. Their ladders scratch against the pavement, leaving little white marks like scars. I've mapped Angel Grove by its scars - the places where monsters have stepped, where battles have burned the earth, where transformations have left their signatures in concrete and steel. Sometimes I dream about them, these patterns written in the city's skin. Sometimes they almost make sense.
A box falls, spilling tissue paper across the ground. Red sheets flutter like wounded things before settling. One skids toward us, sliding across a drain cover. My hand jerks back instinctively - we both remember what came up through those drains last spring, how the metal covers flipped up like coins in an invisible slot. But it's just paper today, thin enough to see through, delicate as skin. I pick it up carefully, and for a moment, I imagine I can feel a pulse beneath its surface. My fingers remember other moments when seemingly harmless things became something else. The weight in my stomach grows heavier.
"Look," Skull says, his voice tight.
Across the street, they're assembling the stage. The wood is fresh, unweathered. Strong enough to hold dancers, musicians, performers. Strong enough to hold whatever else might decide to use it. I count the support beams, calculating load-bearing weights, potential stress points. Places where transformation might begin. My mouth goes dry with the taste of fear.
"Too many shadows under there," Skull says. He's right. The space beneath the stage is dark, intimate. Perfect for hiding. Perfect for changing. We both remember what came out of shadows at the masquerade, how darkness can become solid, can become hungry.
Tommy walks past the stage, Kimberly beside him. They pause, looking up at the half-strung lanterns. I watch Tommy's hand move toward his communicator - an unconscious gesture, like a man checking his pulse. Kimberly's fingers find the end of her braid, and I remember how she looked that night, when the monsters finally showed their true faces. How she disappeared into the chaos, and how moments later the Rangers appeared. Some patterns you can't unsee, once you start looking.
"We should check the parade route again," I say. My voice sounds strange in the morning quiet. "Count the drain covers."
Skull nods. His face has that distant look it gets when he's remembering something he'd rather forget. We both know what can hide in plain sight in Angel Grove. What can wear a mask until it decides not to. The memory makes my joints ache with the need to run.
Above us, the lanterns sway gently in a wind we can't feel. Their shadows dance across the pavement, making patterns that almost mean something. I try not to look for too long. Some patterns are better left unread, even if you can't stop seeing them. Even if they're the only thing keeping you alive.
The dragon arrives in pieces.
I watch from the school roof as they unload it - segments of bamboo and paper, wire and glue, all precisely labeled and organized. No crooked pieces. No hints of wrong growth. My fingertips remember other things that grew in Angel Grove, how even the simplest plants became suspect. How we learned to watch for certain patterns in leaves, in stems, in the way things reached toward the sun.
But this dragon shows no signs of wrong growth at all.
"They're not even arguing about how to put it together," Skull says. His fingers drum against the roof's edge, counting seconds or heartbeats or something else. I've stopped asking what he counts. Some patterns are personal. "Everyone just... knows what to do."
He's right. Below us, the assembly team works with mechanical precision. No dropped pieces, no confused instructions, no moment where the head ends up where the tail should be. Just smooth, efficient construction. The sound of their tools carries up to us, too regular, too rhythmic. Like a heartbeat that's forgotten how to skip.
I press my palm against the roof's surface. The tar paper is warm from the sun, sticky in places. It remembers summer, remembers melting. Remembers the time those vines burst through it, reaching for the sky with unnatural hunger. The repairs always leave traces, if you know where to feel for them.
"Tommy checked his communicator six times during third period," I say. "But it never made a sound."
Skull's counting fingers go still. "Kim's wearing her hair down."
We both know what that means. She always braids it before a fight, always prepares. But today her hair hangs loose, unprepared, like she's trying to convince herself nothing will happen. Like she's forgotten what happens when things grow too perfect in Angel Grove.
The dragon's head goes up first. Paper scales flutter as they lift it, catching sunlight like signals. Like warnings. I find myself counting the scales, trying to see the pattern in their arrangement. They've used gold paint on some of them, creating designs that almost make sense, almost tell a story. But there's no hidden meaning, no secret growth. Just paper and paint and precision.
"The crystal shop closed early," Skull says suddenly. "Packed everything up. Like they know."
Below us, Billy walks past the growing dragon, his scanner hidden badly behind a textbook. He stops. Looks up. Frowns.
"No readings," I say, though I'm too far to see the scanner's display. I don't need to see it. The way his shoulders tense tells me everything. Nothing growing wrong. Nothing growing at all.
The dragon is almost complete now. It looks perfect. That's what scares me most.
In all my years of watching things transform in Angel Grove, I've learned one truth: nothing perfect stays perfect. Nothing beautiful stays still. Everything grows, changes, becomes. Sometimes wrong, sometimes right, but always something.
Except today. Today, the dragon is just paper and bamboo and wire. Today, the patterns we've learned to read like breathing are silent.
Today, everything is wrong because nothing is wrong at all.
The lanterns come alive at sunset.
Not the way they should - not with tentacles or teeth or sudden malevolent awareness. They come alive with simple electricity, plain bulbs burning inside red paper. Their light falls across the crowd in gentle waves, turning faces rosy, peaceful. Normal. The normalcy settles on my skin like fever sweat.
A family stops beneath the nearest lantern. The father lifts his daughter for a better view. My hand twitches toward the cart we positioned earlier - good for blocking, for directing flow, for giving people something to run around. The mother takes a photo. I count the steps between them and the nearest exit. Twelve. Too many.
I feel Skull's fingers press against my arm, counting. One Mississippi, two Mississippi... He's timing the space between Tommy checking his communicator and Billy glancing at his hidden scanner. The gap keeps getting longer. Wrong. My throat tightens with each passing second.
A group of teenagers poses with the dragon. My eyes track the shadows behind them automatically, measuring depths, calculating hiding spaces. One girl drops her phone. I flinch toward her, ready to use the moment, to start the practiced chain of chaos that would clear this area. But she just laughs. Picks it up. The moment dissolves unused.
"Even Ernie's wearing a nice shirt," Skull whispers. His voice catches like he's trying not to laugh, or scream. "Ernie never wears nice shirts to big events. Not since the punch bowl incident."
He's right. Ernie stands behind his temporary booth, serving drinks in actual glasses instead of plastic cups. Each time one clinks against another, my muscles tense for action that isn't needed. The sound echoes wrong in my head - not like breaking, not like warning, just... glass against glass.
The dragon moves through the crowd, carried by dancers who smile and wave. Their movements are precise, practiced. No missteps, no moments where the bamboo spine might crack and spark and become something else. Just paper scales catching light, gold paint throwing back reflections that mean nothing at all. My fingers find the nearest pole, testing for vibrations that aren't there.
Zack leads another dance routine. The crowd parts for him, their movements liquid, natural. My body shifts automatically, widening the gap, creating a path that no one needs. Skull's breath catches - his cue to start screaming coming up, passing by, fading unused. All our preparations, all our practice, all our perfectly planned chaos... dissolving like smoke.
"Look," Skull says.
Kimberly stands by the stage, her loose hair falling around her shoulders like a surrender. She's watching the dragon dance with the kind of intensity I usually see just before things go wrong. But nothing goes wrong. The dragon stays paper. The lanterns stay lit. The night stays perfect.
Tommy appears beside her. Their hands don't move to their communicators. They don't tense for action. They just... watch. Something in my chest cracks at the sight.
A child runs past with a sparkler, trailing light. I map his trajectory, calculate impact points, plan diversions that won't be needed. My body knows these moves like breathing. The sparkler goes out. Nothing happens.
"Maybe," Skull starts, but doesn't finish. His fingers press deeper into my arm, counting nothing now. Just holding on.
Above us, the lanterns sway in a wind that feels too gentle, casting shadows that mean too little. The festival moves around us like water, like time, like something we can't control anymore. Jason stands near the dragon's tail, arms relaxed at his sides. No leader pose. No readiness. Just... peace.
We've learned to read Angel Grove like a book - every crack in the sidewalk, every strange shadow, every pattern of destruction and rebuilding. We know when to run, when to scream, when to make ourselves useful in our useless way.
But tonight the book is blank. The patterns are silent. Our bodies move through routines that find no purchase, like throwing punches at fog.
And somehow, that feels more like the end of the world than any monster ever has.
The morning after feels wrong in new ways.
I watch sunlight crawl across my bedroom ceiling, marking patterns that don't mean anything. My muscles ache from tension rather than running, from waiting for chaos that never came. Somewhere in the city, cleanup crews will be taking down lanterns that never transformed, dismantling a dragon that never lived.
Just thinking about it makes my throat tight.
School is worse. Skull meets me at the entrance, dark circles under his eyes matching mine. His fingers keep twitching, counting seconds or disasters or possibilities that didn't happen. The hallway stretches ahead of us, empty of threats, full of nothing at all.
"I checked the news," he says as we walk in. "Three times. Nothing."
I nod. I checked too, scanning articles about the festival's success. Words like "peaceful" and "perfect" jump out like accusations. They're calling it the best festival in Angel Grove's history. Like that's a good thing. Like that's not a warning all its own.
In class, I watch Tommy's communicator stay silent. Watch Kimberly's hair stay loose. Watch Billy's scanner stay hidden. Everything is normal, and nothing will ever be normal again.
During lunch, Skull and I sit at our usual table. The cafeteria feels too quiet, too still. A plastic fork falls from someone's tray, and we both jump. The sound echoes wrong, empty of meaning or warning. I find myself counting the steps to the nearest exit anyway. Fourteen. Too many, or not enough anymore.
"We should practice anyway," Skull says suddenly, his voice too loud in the quiet. "You know. Just in case."
I understand. We need the routine, need to remember what we're supposed to be. What Angel Grove is supposed to be. My body still knows the moves, even if the reasons have gone silent.
So we do our act. We cause our practiced chaos. We play our parts. A perfectly orchestrated moment of imperfection in a world that's become too perfect to trust.
But now we know. Know that worse than any monster, any transformation, any pattern of destruction and rebuilding, is the possibility that one day it might all just... stop. That one day, Angel Grove might forget how to change.
I touch the cafeteria wall, feeling for the familiar hum that isn't there. Skull's fingers tap against the table, counting nothing.
Above us, fluorescent lights flicker in patterns we can't read anymore.
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katsukikitten ¡ 2 years ago
Imagine betting your life on a hanafuda koi koi game and winning, which is no surprise you always win. You haven't been beaten once since you turned sixteen and now a decade later the gambling on the game has gotten you far.
So when the cruel Oiran of the house asks you to play a high stake game and you win she doesn't particularly like that.
Asking you to play own more round but against her brother. If you win you get to leave this place debt free.
"And my friend? I want her to be debt free as well."
Before she can agree to the condition her brother crawls out of her spine, twisted smile on his face that makes your blood run cold.
"That's fine but if I win I get to keep your pretty little friend and my sister is free to do with you as she pleases."
"That's fine. I won't lose." Your friend is gripping your bicep, it's unbelievable what you'll wager. She isn't sure if this is a skewed kind gesture or if betting your own life has grown boring.
This is a game of strategy, wits and a lot of luck. You had an abundance of all three but especially the luck.
So when you barely lose by a point in the sixth round, by a boring chaff no less while you were building a up the five lights after so dangerously declaring koi koi in the last round.
He sets his cards down on the silky play mat with a sharp toothed smile.
Your friend shaking you now, her nails biting into your skin as you stare at the board. You hadn't lost, hardly anyone paid attention to their chaff stack when the game was neck in neck.
But he did.
And you cannot imagine your life any worse than it is now. To become the Oiran's play thing or worse from the rumors you heard that were confirmed by the look of her skeletal brother.
Still you look up the malnourished man, the demon's yellow eye twinkling with kanji and mirth. Smug smile on his lips as he hunches over the board long fingers reaching out for your friend who tries to hide behind your shoulder.
"Double or nothing." He laughs at your suggestion, it echoes around the small room and it feels as if teeth are scrapping over your bones.
"What left do you have to give?" He grips at your cheeks, smashing them together and causing bruises to bloom.
"I'll bring more people here for you. I'll lure a demon slayer."
"Don't." Your friend hisses, "Please."
Still you stare at him and that's longer than any normal human ever could. His frown quickly morphs into a grin before he leans closer, looking over your shoulder a moment to spy tour friend he's had his eye one. His free hand going to his throat to scratch deep grooves in his skin as he thinks.
"Fine, but even if you win, the two of you will still have to stay. Still indebted to the house. Since it's double or nothin. Remember? "
"I am aware of what double or nothing means. Let's sweeten it, when I win, you cannot harm myself or her." You pass the wooden cards to your friend to shuffle before lying out the top three.
"It ain't a matter of when you when, it's when you lose."
You heart soars win you turn it over and pick a card from March and when he turns his over it's god damn January.
He deals, he goes first.
This time, it's obvious, he isn't planning on toying with you as he did before. This time he's leaning more towards strategy while you rely heavily on your luck. Not knowing the demon has been forced to play by his sister for centuries. So your skills were in their infancy, although impressive. No one had ever beaten his sister aside from himself.
Still luck was never on his side, so he didn't plan to give you breathing room. Getting a fine set of blue poetry slips, three lights and declaring in his gravely voice "Koi koi."
He watches your face morph anxiously, you had nothing, hardly anything for one point and he already had the card he needed in his hand for four lights.
Laughing as he watches your face fall, scoring thirty points in a matter of thirty seconds. Quick to start the next round, barely fighting back his quest for a cherry blossom viewing as you completed your red slips. Giving you an easy five points.
The fourth round you Koi Koi recklessly and he easily ruines your 20 points with his one with a completed set of boar, deer, butterfly.
By the fifth round you've barely one again by two points and by the sixth he sees the sweat on your brow and that of your pretty friend.
He watches you, biting your lip and it's funny how much it reminds him of taking a life. Like a fight as he watches you desperately claw at the inevitable, you and your friend would soon be theirs as they pleased.
But you get two points on a measly set of seeds. Although you were set up pretty evenly, it was risky with what he had set up as well. A needing four more to complete a chaff or even two more poetry slips to win the round by one point.
"Koi koi."
"You love to push it don't ya?" He laughs again but you're focused, feeling desperate and a bit lucky. Drawing the cards you need as he's having to place on the board, matches becoming more difficult this late in the round.
And somehow in just a few easy moves you do it. You score 38 points.
Beating him by five by the end of the sixth round. Jumping to your feet with a shout and he pulls out a blood scythe. Slamming it into your silky play mat and pulling it to him to count.
"Never. A deals a deal even to a demon." You laugh loudly and your friend clings to you with shaky hands. You collect your cards and mat from the demons relieved that they cannot harm the two of you.
At least until your next game of hanafuda koi koi.
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transfennecbuddy ¡ 3 years ago
So I've just gotten to listen to CircusP (who apparently goes by VocaCircus on YouTube? Just in case someone looks them up and gets confused) and even though I haven't listened to a bunch of their songs, I'd just like to highlight Enough, their most recent song (since August 4th). Like, my god. It's really good. I can't put it into words as well as the last one cause the last one was really good musically and this one appeals to me because of the words and emotion.
But the music is so good too. The Vocaloid voice threw me off at the beginning just like it always does, but there's a certain quality of it (that I don't know the name of) that made the lyrics near the end hit harder, like the singer was on the edge of tears, they were so emotional. (Like, if someone did an animation to this, that would be the point where they'd draw their character crying and singing desperately, clutching their chest as their words hitched, or screaming and pointing angrily, or breaking down on the other side of a door, kind of emotional.) And that last chorus, where the singing is interrupted by moments of quiet counting (like peace but not)? I love it so much, the song already made me feel sad but that drove it home so much more.
Also the whole song has a quiet groove to it, like you're still sad but it's irresistibly groovy nonetheless. (The second chorus in particular feels like it should be the basis of an animation meme. If it isn't, someone should definitely make one based on this!) And it just builds to the end so well. Plus, the counting pauses the groove just enough to be super interesting while also making it more irresistible!
All in all, VERY good song! I love it. I definitely won't be able to listen to this on repeat unless I want to be sad, but it's still very much being added to my Vocaloid playlist. And thanks to @bothersome-edgar for recommending CircusP to me! I'm really glad I didn't miss out on this song, and I'm definitely gonna listen to more of CircusP's songs in my free time!
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sakuric ¡ 4 years ago
study dates -> akaashi keiji
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synopsis!the love you felt for keiji was growing bigger and bigger, suffocating you more and more each day, but you still didn't let yourself confess. all it took was rejection to finally word how you feel about him.
pairing!keiji akaashi x gn!reader
warnings!slight cursing
gen taglist! @graykageyama @elixhirs @soranihimawari @admiringlove @softieynnie
a/n!hello babes :3 this is a short? not rly drabble dedicated to my dear sam @admiringlove , and every akaashi stan reading !! this wasn't proof read, but i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
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you were in love. in love with a boy whose presence made your heart skip a beat. in love with a boy whose hands are gorgeous, but he hides them everytime someone, who isn’t you, around him. he's a boy you've been in love with for a long time now, yet you can't gather the courage to let yourself tell him.
"hello, y/n. are you ready to study?" akaashi asked, sitting down opposite of you at the table. you were doing your study session in the library, as you do every week. although bokuto, akaashi's friend, once joked that you two go out on study "dates", but neither of you found it funny. and it made you worry, why akaashi didn't find it funny. of course, he doesn't usually laugh at bokuto's jokes, and he usually answers with a snarky remark, but he stayed quiet that time.
"l/n?" akaashi waved a hand in front of your face, causing you to flinch out of your daydream. "oh, uh, yes i'm ready." you smiled softly, opening your biology book, but akaashi noticed something wrong.
"you sure? we can skip today if you want."
"oh, no, akaashi, it's okay. i'm okay." you gave him a soft smile before continuing to read. "so what i'm thinking is-"
"what i'm thinking..." akaashi interrupted, a hand slid across the table to close your book, his deep emerald eyes gazing back at your own. you gulped, swallowing any sign of anxiety that could be visible. but it didn't help, akaashi knew you well, and he knew how fidgety you get when you’re anxious for something, so when he saw you anxiously play with your nails while waiting for him, he knew something was up. "is that we can continue this later. do you want to go out with me, y/n?"
as the words left his mouth, your body stiffened, your breath came to a halt for just a moment, and your palms started sweating heavily. "like- like on a date...?"
"yes, y/n, like on a date." akaashi let out a laugh, mumbling "cutie" before sitting back in his chair. "i'll let you think about it, and if you say yes, i'll see you tomorrow at eight pm, by the crooked tree in the campus park, deal?"
the next evening came faster than expected. and you weren’t really confident with your choice to go on the date akaashi suggested. what did you have to wear? did you have to bring anything? was it a friendly date? the answers to these questions were too unknown to you, but nonetheless, you couldn’t disappoint your best friend, right?
“i was thinking you forgot about the date.” akaashi’s voice ringed in your ear, your body shifting immediately towards the origin of the sound. your eyes scanned his body; a university hoodie, a pair of black, skinny jeans, and his beloved converse shoes. you swooned over how he dressed, for the study sessions he’d wear a beige button up with a sweater-vest on top and some formal, checkered pants. but for afterschool chats and hanging out, he dressed nearly opposite.
“are you alright? why are you not saying anything…”
“you.. look nice.” you mumbled, stepping closer to him, in hopes that your anxiety will calm and let you speak the words you wished to say.
“thank you, y/n. you look nice too.” he smiled softly, his emerald orbs scanning your face for any discomfort. akaashi was good - he was good at identifying different emotions of people, even if there was the slightest change in a person's body language, he could already identify why and what they felt. he was also good for you, and you knew if he’d reject you, he’d try his best to continue being friends without it being awkward for you.
“akaashi, why did you ask me to come here?”
“i wanted to tell you something.” keiji extended his hand towards you, waiting for you to grasp it. he loved when you held his hands, and you’d do it quite often. akaashi never let anyone hold or look at his hands for too long, and he had opened up about how he’s insecure about his hands, their shape and form. that time, you comforted him by planting a small kiss on each of his fingers, saying his hands were perfect the way they were. you intertwined your fingers with his and started walking.
you wondered what it was that he wanted to tell you, what was on his mind this exact moment. you sometimes wished to be able to read people’s minds, just so you could figure out what goes on in that pretty head of his. and maybe, for your own good, what he thinks about you. these emotions flooded your mind like a flood after a rainstorm, and akaashi noticed. he stopped in his tracks, covered your eyes and mumbled ‘were almost here’ as he stood behind you. you two walked for a while, akaashi mumbling a few words into your hair as he led you further. your mind started racing with a million thoughts an hour as you wondered where he had taken you.
“okay we’re here,” keiji announced, removing his hands from your eyes. you turned around to see him smiling softly at you, as he stood in front of the object he wished to show you. you tried to get a look at it, but akaashi forbid you from it. “remember when you showed me that flower, in our biology textbook?” you nodded your head, anticipating what the boy had planned.
“i did some research and i found out that the flower is right next to our main campus,” akaashi moved so you could finally see what he brought you here for. and then you saw it… the bright lilac flower staring back at you. a laugh mixed gasp left your lips as you walked closer to the delicate flower, your fingers carefully tracing the petals. “and i also found out that it was planted here on exactly your birthday. so i think i’d like to call it the y/n flower.” you giggled and turned to him with a smile painted on your face. as your arms embraced keiji in a warm hug, you mumbled a small ‘thank you’ against his warm skin.
a week had passed and akaashi wasn’t seen, to you at least. you saw him in the halls and tried to catch up to him, but he’d walk away without letting you even say hello. you’ve had enough. what did you even do wrong? you two just hung out later after the date, he gave you a book he really liked and said there was something special in it for you- wait. the book… you haven't opened it yet, and maybe the important thing was why he was ignoring you.
as soon as the class bell rang you ran out of the school building and jogged across your campus. thankfully, it was your last class of the day, so you didn't need to rush. except you did, you wanted to fix this, you wanted to find out what went wrong.
you attempted to unlock and open the door to your dorm, but the door seemed to give you a middle finger and decide to not unlock. fuck it’s the wrong key, you thought and clumsily fumbled with the multiple keys you had. as if the day hadn't been horrible already, you dropped the keys.
��fuck!” you exclaimed, feeling tears prick your eyes. you quickly grabbed -hopefully- the right key and unlocked the door. you had never gotten in your dormitory as fast as you did now. without taking any notice, you quickly speed-walked to your bookshelf.
The picture of Dorian Grey, by Oscar Wilde. was the name of the book Akaashi Keiji gave you. it was one of your favourite books when you had read it in highschool, yet you haven't picked up a copy of it ever since. you flipped over to the page where a small blue sticky note marked. you opened it to find a highlighted quote, and another sticky note writing something underneath it.
“You are a wonderful creation. You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.” y/n, have i not been obvious enough? I have tried to show you that I love you. maybe my cheeks weren't a bright enough shade of crimson when you kissed each pad of my finger on both my hands, maybe i didn't use my body language enough. Bokuto says that for a genius I am truly stupid. and I cannot help but agree. i hope, that instead of study sessions, we could go on real study dates, as a couple. but i’ll ask you this later. I love you, l/n y/n. please tell me you do too.
that was it. that was enough to make you realise what you had done and why he was ignoring you. you hadn’t told him.
“hey, y/n.” spoke akaashi, seeing you the next day after your date. you smiled softly at him and greeted him with a hug.
“hi, keiji. are we going to study today?” you asked, tightening your grasp on the straps of your black backpack. you noticed how akaashi’s hands twitched, he was going to hug you, or maybe hold your hand, but he restrained himself.
“i.. uh.. i have to go, y/n. see you around.”
he had expected you to open the book as soon as you got home, and didn't think about the fact that you wanted to give all your time and attention to it. it didn't make sense. it didn't make sense how all this time you expected to be rejected by akaashi when you’d confess (which you thought about never doing), but you unknowingly rejected him.
once again, your body worked faster than your brain could register and you were right out the door, on your way to akaashi’s dorm.
“y/n? what are you doing here?” keiji asked, his head slightly tilted to the side, signifying that he was confused. he was wearing that gray university hoodie of his and some black sweatpants, and you swore you had never wanted to embrace someone in a hug as much as you did now.
without even saying anything, you embraced his lips in a passionate kiss. akaashi’s mind raced with multiple thoughts, but nonetheless his warm hands travelled to the groove of your waist. you two made out with the open door for about two minutes until either of you realised it was even open. akaashi thanked the gods that no one saw and that bokuto wasn't over at that time, because he would've made funny remarks, that neither you or akaashi would've found funny.
“i love you too, akaashi keiji. i’ve always loved you.” you smiled after you two caught your breath. “i read the highlighted page, and i’m sorry that it took me so long. we could've avoided the whole… ignoring that went on if i had opened it sooner and i- i love you, akaashi.”
“i know you do, y/n. i love you too.” akaashi smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. “how about a study date at the library?”
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Š all work written by sakuric is not to be posted on any other writing app or website without notice. if it is found to be reposted without consent, rightful action will be taken.
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allsassnoclass ¡ 3 years ago
hello helloooo can i ask 20, 23, 24, 44 and also i didn't see this question but (if you want) tell me something about your favourite fic of yours, posted or not! -taylor<3
@squishmichael hi taylor! thank you for stopping by, love to have you here
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
“You know, the guy who choreographed this went on to direct the High School Musical movies.”
Ashton glances at him, face glowing white in the TV light.
“You’re shitting me.”
“I’m not, I’m dead serious. Kenny Ortega, look him up."
i love kenny ortega. big fan of that man's work. saw the opportunity to name drop him in this wip and had to take it
23. Single or multi POV, and why? Single! it's just cleaner and easier for me to keep track of, plus that way I don't have the added pressure of making each voice feel different (which is less of an issue in 3rd person than it would be in 1st, but can still be an issue). I do have two ideas where multi POV would benefit the story! but i only really like multiple POV when there's a point to it, otherwise I prefer sticking with one POV (unless it's a bonus scene from the other character's perspective that I write afterwards, because those can be fun)
24. Poetry or prose, and why? Prose! I can write poetry, but I don't think I'm overly good at it, and it doesn't come easily to me the same way that prose does. I enjoy reading both, but overall prefer prose.
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. this wasn't a piece of feedback, but rather a little piece of advice I saw on tumblr. basically imagine your writing like a water faucet. if you haven't written in a long time there's going to be some gunk in there, and you have to turn on the tap and let the water flow for a while before it gets to the nice, clean water you like. when you restart writing after a long time away, it's not going to be perfect! but you need to get that gunky stuff out before you can get back in the groove and actually write well.
Bonus question: tell me something about your favourite fic of yours, posted or not! well, I've already talked about puzzle pieces extensively in many contexts lol but!!! a little fun fact about my current favorite wip is that it was inspired by something you said in response to an ask from monse once many many months ago, so do with that info what you will!
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unholyhelbig ¡ 4 years ago
[A/N: I finally updated "Dead Ivy" after a good year. Here is Chapter one if you haven't checked it out yet!]
Beca could feel the soil beneath her fingertips. It was soft, freshly overturned, and in a way, comforting. She was careful not to let her knees touch the ground- not privy to the dark stains that would splay against the fabric. The tree stood tall above her, stretching its large oak branches towards the pluming blue sky. A nice summer breeze tussled her hair, and she was sure that if she breathed in, she would smell freshly cut grass and chlorine from the neighbor’s pool.
The treehouse had long since been torn down to make room for her mother’s garden. Something that stood at the end of the fenced in yard. For a while, she grew tomatoes and zucchini. Beca could still remember the first red bulb that poked its head from the dirt. They made a salad from store-bought spinach and divided up the little thing, no bigger than a golf ball. It was still the best tomato that Beca had ever had.
She sighed at the hand that squeezed her shoulder gently. Her father smelled of aftershave and bourbon. His tie wasn’t fastened all the way to his white button down, and he had strung his suit jacket over his arm. He held a sad look that was shielded by the sun as Beca squinted at him. She pulled herself to her feet, feeling the age of her aching bones as she stepped back from the large oak tree and stared up at the branches.
“Do you remember when I fell out of this tree and broke my arm?” She asked.
Her fathers’ eyes crinkled at the memory as he gave her a sad smile. She had needed him to run beside her when he first took the training wheels off her bike. She had needed him when she learned how to drive and took out the Johnson’s mailbox. But when she dropped from a higher spot in the oak tree and felt something audibly snap, it was her mother that came to the rescue.
She had been clipping up sheets to the clothesline, claiming that the summer air was always better for stuff like that. A beautiful woman that would beam endlessly and cradle Beca in her arms with her stormy eyes and eerie calm. Beca needed that right now. Needed it to get through the handshakes and the hugs. The baked goods and casseroles that people deemed necessary when something like this happened.
“I do.” He chuckled wearily, “I got a call at work that something had happened. You scared the hell out of me that day, kid.”
Beca snorted at the nickname. She and her father had gotten along significantly better since she moved out on her own- took up a place and a prominent career across the country in Los Angeles of all places. She had, of course, taken time off work to come back for the funeral. To pull into the sleepy little Georgia town with a giant oak tree that shook in the summer breeze. She squinted at the bark, at the carving so crudely made by a grooved pocket knife.
The second half was etched in different handwriting, something more elegant and thought out. It was funny, really. When they were kids, it was easier to think about the future in terms of relationships. Of course, they would always be with one another- they wouldn’t fathom being apart. But then college. Careers. Plane rides. Marriage, kids, and divorces. All inevitable. All anything but forever.
“She still lives around here, you know? Owns a little café in the far side of town.”
“That so?”
He grunted and sniffed away any feeling that still leaked in his voice. No one would question them for standing out here- but they still felt obligated to go back inside the old farm style house with the wrap around porch and the honeysuckle bushes. Beca didn’t know how he could still live here. “Yeah. You should pay her a visit while you’re here. I bet she’d like that.”
Beca simply nodded and let the tips of her fingers trace of the words that had been weathered over time, but they were still there. They had stood the test of time, unlike her treehouse. Unlike the little plants of tomatoes and zucchini that had rotted away to decaying vines that stretched like deadened ivy up the side of the fence.
“Right. Well, we should probably go back inside. The quicker we talk to everyone, the quicker they can go home and mourn their memories.”
It was a grim thing to say, but it was the truth, so her father let the words die in the air before sliding on the suit jacket to cover up the sweat stains against his dress shirt. She let her hand fall and looped it around his arm like he was escorting her down the carpeted floor of a chapel on her wedding day. Instead of white, she dawned black, though. And so, did he.
She thought that drinking and sadness walked hand and hand. It was why the only two bars in town did so well on any given night, and if things were bad, any given day. The other place, the snake eye, had karaoke on Friday nights and Beca didn’t think she was well equipped to listen to TLC, so she chose The Red Sun instead.
There were repurposed Christmas lights strung against the bottom of the counter, hot to the touch. A low rock ballad cracked over the loudspeaker. She wasn’t sure if the jukebox that changed light settings every few beats actually had a purpose or if it just ate up quarters. Either way, Beca Mitchell was in her own world.
She tilted her head back and let the bourbon burn on the way down. A nice and subtle sting that washed the taste of stale crackers out of her mouth. It was the only thing in her stomach- despite the spread that was now packed with tin foil in the fridge. Her father was drinking too, she was sure, at home in his study. The house was too quiet for her, though.
Beca felt a twinge of guilt in her gut.
She had ignored the last call from her brother. She was in the middle of the meeting, and at the time, the buzzing of her phone sounded louder than anything else in the world. She flushed instantly and clicked the side of the device before staring back down at her notes and sunk further into her seat.
He had died the next day, she had forgotten to call him back. A car accident and a drunk driver. Which, she supposed, defeated the purpose of being here- in this stupid some-hazy bar with nothing but time on her hands. She considered switching her flight to something earlier. But then reconsidered as quickly as the thought entered her mind. Her father needed her, at least for now.
“Beca Mitchell?” The voice startled her, it broke through the garbled focus of the next song. She blinked a few times and turned her head to the side. Stacie Conrad. She looked older, wiser even, but maybe that was the glasses. The smile on her face aged her, but in the best way. Still impossibly attractive, and confident, it seems. “Is that really you?”
“As I live and breathe.”
She winced at her use of words, but Stacie didn’t seem to notice as she quickly wrapped her in an awkward hug, Beca still half-sitting on a bar stool. Still, she craved the embrace and hugged back naturally.
“God, how are you?” She pulled away, “That’s a stupid question… I mean, as well as you can be, I hope.”
Before Beca could answer she lifted her hand in the air and signaled the bartender, the woman busied herself with preparing Stacie’s usual and pouring another sour edge of bourbon into Beca’s glass. She wasn’t sure if she would drink it or not, but she appreciated the sentiment behind it. Stacie settled into the seat next to her.
“I’m doing fine,” She finally managed, earning a detrimental look. “As well as I can be.”
The bartender set two glasses in front of them and Beca wrinkled her nose at it before focusing her attention on Stacie, the way her own drink looked like radioactive fluid. It was always the fruity things that packed the most punch. Not the gritty glass that she would be nursing for the rest of their conversation.
“I’m sorry to hear about him, you know.” Stacie finally said after a beat of silence.
Beca simply nodded. She was numb to the situation at this point. Her whole body felt like a lead pipe. She and Jason didn’t get along too well. He traveled the world and she resented him for that. But they played nice during the holidays and smiled for family pictures. He got divorced young, married even younger. It still ached her whole entire being.
“You and most of the town,” Beca chuckled dryly, begging for a change of subject. “I haven’t seen you in what? Eleven years?”
“Twelve. God, we’re old.”
She was thankful that her high school friend could take a keenly dropped hint. The two of them encircled the same click during those years. It was better than giving in to the southern tenacity of it all. They would smoke behind the bleachers and drink if they were feeling lucky. They usually were.
Beca caught a glimpse at the wedding band that took over Stacie’s finger. It was simple, not overstated with large diamonds. A simple one that was surrounded by two smaller stones. She smiled “You’re married now?”
She took another gulp of her fruity drink and hummed in response, instinctively twirling it around her ring finger. She got a goofy grin on her face and twirled slightly to make eye contact with Beca. Sure, she had seen the social media posts. The cute announcements and the picturesque scenes.
“Happily, at that, we invited you to the wedding, you know?”
“I know, I know. And I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.”
“S’alright,” Stacie said with a beaming smile “Rose loves the panini press.”
Beca scoffed and picked up her glass, chancing a sip of the molten liquid. It hissed as she swallowed, and she blinked away the residual prick of pain that collected behind her eyes. Stacie glanced behind her at the group of girls that she had come in with- doctors like her, she supposed. They all had that tired professional look that the woman beside her carried.
“Listen, uh, how long are you in town? I’d love a chance to catch up in a setting with better lighting.”
“A couple of weeks, at most. We have to settle his estate.” She grimaced at the technical term. “I’ll be around.”
“We’ll catch up, promise?”
She gave Beca a squeeze on her shoulder and a sympathetic smile, but she didn’t say it again and Beca was thankful for that. She watched as Stacie went to the four other colleges that were in her inner circle. They all asked questions and cast wary looks her way- she lifted the glass and gave a smile before turning back to the bartender. She was cleaning out a glass and eyeing her.
“Promise,” Beca mumbled, tipping her head back the rest of the way, finishing the glass of bourbon she hadn’t even ordered.
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its-toasted ¡ 4 years ago
The very long answer to why I've been writing again lately
You know the NBA commentator Beau Estes? No? Word that makes sense. Well he's an A1 dude who has narrated the NBA top 10 nightly highlights for a very, very long time. Since or soon after I heard NBA 2K07 playing on the Best Buy PS3, and it said Dwaaayne Waaaade to applause, and I started watching Wiz games with pa, and caring about shoes, and wanting to go outside.
I swear every single week I think about something and I'm like goddamn I'm getting old and I hate it. Anyways the NBA top 10 roundup is what your average modern sports fan with short attention span loves to see. I say sports fan and not basketball fan because everyone who loves sports loves basketball. Or at least appreciates the finesse enough to peep the highlights sometimes. That's hyperbole but not much. I digress again.
What moonlight-meister Beau gets paid to do is simply sit his ass down and talk about what he sees, but really deliver it freestyle. The purpose is your entertainment. But it's different than generic commentating, which is what everyone else does. Beau whips up a storm of wordplay and rhythm and rhymes and freshly baked bars every night. He speaks the language of basketball so naturally, has a great time doing it, and developed such a loyal audience that he became the NBA Rhyme Guy. I stamp it's been over a decade and he still crushes.
Brace yourself, we shifting. That's pretty close to what I do as a marketing writer. A lot closer than the commonly associated assumptions. I mean I'm still writing cohesive professional narratives, but the difference is I take my time writing on pages. And the objective is not only to entertain, it's to offer you, the reader, a thing. I haven't always been proud of the things I've offered you, but my work situation changed a few months ago. Now I'm trying to give you damn good things. Our business model is built on providing such great value for free that people of all kinds of businesses choose to work with us. This is the rundown of what I do -- I write about dope things we've made or dope things others are doing to engage or teach or help you. It's also to make current events and educational resources and boring numbers make you smile. It's not bad work.
We shifting again. Before I'd gotten this job, I straight forgot that I was a good writer. It truly didn't feel that way for years because of the content I was hired to create. My first two gigs over two years had me pitch you wishy-washy things. Things that shined more on the surface than they should've suggested. My job was to sensationalize a bit and convince you to click or buy. AKA bag your money. And I came up as a journalist in school so my identity was a mess. It was tough to fade but it paid. A few months ago I was over five months deep into a job hunt. I find a media company that I've been reading from since mid-college and they have a witty-smooth brand voice and they want someone who finesses language. A fresh three-page google doc sample and a handful of interviews got me an offer. This company has great things and wants to share those great things to attract great people and I said yes.
Whether I'm writing an email to a million or a poem to a few, the creative process is so much the same. My day job these days is still creative writing, just with a different voice than I'm used to. One that I'm growing fond of. I didn't know this rant was gonna end up explaining why I mean it when I say I'm good these days. Why my head is finally at peace enough to make poetry again. Cause for quite some time it felt like I trapped myself and it was a long positive feedback loop of anxiety. And it made some people I love give up on me. And it made me kinda cold. Thank God for my brother man. And that's not blame that's just how you can't help but feel sometimes. These days I'm working myself back into a groove and feeling half-sunny again. I'm good.
It's not exactly that this job makes me happy. I have security, and it's a great fit, and I can maintain my own process, but work is still work no cap. It's that I'm starting to thrive again. Landing this job reminded me that I'm okay, in the best way at the right time, you know? Like the world is still for me and there are still places out here for me. And peace of mind is for me too. And good things are coming.
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lesbeet ¡ 6 years ago
hey so im that anon who asked about writing like a day or two ago and i just wanted to say that you saying "please don't quit" really made me feel better like. even if I still haven't quite hit the writing groove im Getting There and i just wanted to thank you
i'm so glad!
honestly ime, most of the time, the more blatant confidence someone has in their writing abilities, the worse they probably are.
it's sad, and obviously there are exceptions, but the majority of good writers i know think they're much worse than they are, and the majority of bad writers i know never realize how bad their writing actually is
and i think it's because the best way to be a good writer is to be a good critic--not in the sense of criticism, but of scrutiny. good writers understand subtleties about language and about storytelling because they've figured them out, by studying the works that already exist, including their own.
even if it's hardly more than a vague gut feeling, a writer of any level who genuinely wants to improve can usually identify their own writing strengths and weaknesses. and the reason so many good writers have voices unique to them, distinct and signature, and/or styles of storytelling, is because those are the elements those writers paid attention to most while analyzing any other writing they'd seen before.
based on the amount of time you've been working at it, i'd have to guess that you have at least a cursory notion of what you'd like to improve. (if not shoot me an IM and we can chat about it!). if so, that tells me that at the very least you have the eye of a discerning reader, which is crucial to any sort of deliberate honing of the craft of writing.
from there, read! read your own stuff, taking note of what you think works and what you think doesn't. read anything and everything you can get your hands on. advertisements, weirdly enough are a wonderful source of verbal and linguistic data, as well as information on storytelling: they select each and every word, image, song, etc with the explicit purpose of selling you on something. you don't have to make it a formal thing, but refrain from skipping the commercials every so often and pay attention to what you're seeing and hearing. what did they want to make you feel, and which strategies did they use to accomplish that (if they accomplished it?) take a few seconds to think about an ad you see in a magazine, or even on a billboard. if you work at it, you'll find yourself with boundless, totally free information about what it takes to make someone buy a product, which is exactly the job of a writer: to sell your story. to make it real and believable. to make people care.
but also: movies and tv shows! personally i think i've learned a lot more about storytelling from film and tv than from reading, if only because it's a more passive medium which leaves your mind more room to wander, and because it's much easier to remember details about a 90-min film than a book it took you a week to read, yknow?
my point is that if you have even an inkling of what you want to look for, the world is bursting with information, with examples, with explicit analyses (which should never be taken absolute fact!). once you can identify and make distinctions between different strategies, you'll be able to start practicing them in your own writing. you'll find what you excel at and what you need to work on further, as well as what you personally like and dislike, as least as far as within your own style.
and from there it's just endless editing and tweaking and honing until you die dndjdkakzldksskdjdk
but yes, PLEASE DON'T STOP WRITING, whatever you do. it sounds like you have something things that you need to say, and you should give the world an opportunity to hear them!
this answer has waaaaay gotten away from me lmfao, but i hope that advice was helpful in some way.
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dzpenumbra ¡ 2 years ago
Alright well... over the past few days I have been followed by 12 bots. And I just tried to do my civic duty and report these things... and... I can't really find a good way to do that. I mean, the thing that made the most sense was "impersonation". Because, you know, they're not actually people, and they steal people's likenesses for profile pictures - which is surreally creepy, I mean honestly, imagine running across a profile that wasn't yours that had your face as a profile pic, good lord my heart goes out to those people, that's haunting. But Tumblr won't even let you file an impersonation report unless you are the person in the photograph. Is this a thing where fucking idiot teenagers cried wolf too many times? This shit is out of control.
I mean, for me it's just obnoxious, and super depressing, but for a site as a whole it's just a really fuckin bad look. Just sayin.
Okay. I'm done talking about that. XD Today was... unexpectedly productive.
I woke up early, like 6 hours of sleep early. Like my essential oil diffuser hadn't even gone into hibernation mode because it hadn't finished its 6 hour shift yet. I woke up and went back to sleep a few times, tried to browse social media to reset the vibes. It's just a comfort thing, again my dreams haven't even been bad, just vivid. But I'm so fucking useless to the world when I first wake up that I don't even have the wherewithal to remember to write my dreams down. I remember reflexively trying to capture highlights when I first woke up, but it was like trying to hold water in trembling hands or something. I guess I'm just out of practice. I need to get back into doing a pre-sleep mantra kinda thing to remind my subconscious to practice, every second counts when it comes to dream recall.
When I finally got up for real, I got kitty some food, got some breakfast and decided to start recording for a new Rimworld series. Yep, a new project. Another one. And a fucking movie, to boot. So the concept is to take a playthrough and record it, paying close attention to story points the best I can and trying to get good cinematic shots. I want to do a sorta... RP playthrough, voicing over the main character through the form of a journal or log or something, recalling her story. Or someone reading her journal or something. That part I won't be able to figure out until the story is over. But I'm doing the new DLC and I'm playing the Sanguiphage scenario, but with a bunch of mods for more immersion and personality. And I plan to do a movie of it, rather than do it episodic like my last one. And very in-character. I think it'll come out pretty cool, time will tell. It's a good longer term project because I can do other projects while it plays itself in the background.
The first playthrough was a bust, it went south very quick and the story wasn't really interesting. The setup was amazing, but they just got taken out by wildlife in the first week so that was like... bummer. So I did yoga, showered and went skating. Skating was pretty sick. I got a few 3 shuvs pretty clean, I got a standing still heelflip (which I haven't gotten in probably 2 years?), a moving kickflip and found this... I don't know what it was, some kind of big metal cover on something? I packed snow around it and set up a ride-on grind and it slid okay. I got a 5-0 across the whole thing, it was like 8 feet or something. But... yep, there's a but... I tried a boardslide, and I really was hesitating for a while because I didn't know how it was gonna go... and there was a big screw thing poking up that I didn't see... and it tore up the bottom of my board pretty bad. And now there's a big groove in it and it just... killed all my speed. Even on flat. Even on hills. I'll see how much tuning it up will do, but to be honest, it's really deep. So... fingers crossed, we'll see how that goes tomorrow.
Came back, made buffalo chicken pizza, which came out really good. Did all the dishes and cleaned the counters. Killed it. Played/recorded a new Rimworld playthrough over dinner and it looks promising. When I was getting a little... bored of it... I had something pop into my head. I don't know how I got to it but... when I was packing, some random dude sent me a message on Reddit. He was replying to a post he put up 9 FUCKING YEARS AGO. He was requesting a Baroness tab, back then I did full-band tabulature, transcribing by ear for every instrument. You know, as educational tools, so people can learn how to play the songs they love. That's how I learned guitar. My acoustic case is still full of printed out sheets of tabs, like dozens of them. This dude wanted me to tab out Mtns. (The Crown and Anchor) by Baroness, off Yellow, and I didn't know the song well. But I took it on. I remember doing it, and getting really close to finishing it. Then I'm guessing my life went to shit, because I never sent it to him. And that harddrive is now pretty much fucked. Pretty sure, not really brave enough to try to get shit off of it again.
So... I had a thought. Why the hell am I putting in effort to make Christmas gifts for people who treat me like garbage? Why don't I give this a go, make a special gift for someone who obviously really cares about this song so much that they're going to follow up on it almost a decade later. And I did. And I fucking hyperfocused on it the way that only transcribing music and super inspired art can do for me. I sunk into that for probably 3-4 hours? Lost all perception of time. I transcribed most of both electric guitars and bass, drums are gonna be tomorrow along with the acoustic and lead guitars. I'd say the bulk of it is done though. Pretty cool feeling. It's been a while.
So, I'm gonna drop the tab to that guy on Christmas, and he better have Guitar Pro because I really don't feel like doing any of that .gp5 conversion or - god forbid - make it a pdf or some shit. I mean, I can if I have to, but like... I put a lot of work into getting the sound right, you know? They're kinda meant to be experienced in Guitar Pro.
So yeah, that was pretty much my day. Now it's almost 3AM again. And all the snow is disappearing. But it's okay, I have plenty of really cool shit to do.
Kitty is calling, bed time.
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