#i still haven’t checked the new site where we can get the manga screens yet
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fruitysmellz · 7 months ago
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Saw this joke on Facebook and thought it fits these two. Can’t wait for them to come back this August 🥰🙏
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ryqoshay · 4 years ago
Tri-Arame: Sleepover Night
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~3k Rating: G Time Frame: During their 2nd year in high school Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: My µ’s muse is rebelling against the drama I’m trying to write for my PTX set. So here’s some more fluff.
Summary: Setsuna took a rain check on watching the anime series that inspired her Koppe Pan order back in Ne, Wanna Bite? Now it’s time to cash in.
“Uhm, Okaasan?” Nana asked trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.
Why had she waited until the last possible minute to ask permission? What if she was denied? She’d have to cancel the plans to which she had looked forward all week.
“Yes, Nana?” Mrs. Nakagawa replied, looking up from her paperwork.
“Would it be alright if I stayed at a friend’s place tonight?”
“Oh? Someone from the student council?”
“No, a friend associated with the student council who is assisting with a project.” Nana explained. “There is a lot of preparation work that still needs to be done and I wasn’t the only one busy with tests this week.”
It wasn’t a complete lie. Ayumu had indeed helped her with student council work several times. So had Yuu, for that matter, as well as several other members of the idol club. Usually, their aid was reasoned away by them simply wishing to assist a friend, as well as allow her to more easily participate in club activities. This often led to her wondering if they knew how much their help was truly appreciated.
As for the mentioned project… Well, the club did have a Live coming up. And a member of the student council was participating. Granted that member was her, but…
“I see.” Mrs. Nakagawa nodded. “Very well then.”
Excitement bubbled up within Nana, but she quashed most of it, offering only a polite smile. “Thank you, Okaasan.”
Her mother offered a similar smile in return. “Have fun tonight.”
“I will.” Nana said before turning and heading to her room to pack.
Setsuna was giddy with excitement as she undid her braids on the train. Her first sleepover with friends!
It wasn’t her first time visiting a friend’s home, but she hadn’t even done that in years. She had lost track of her childhood friends over the years, due in no small part to increasing expectations from her parents as she advanced in grades. The ban on her favored pastimes had been the final blow as she had to sneak around to continue to indulge, and that was best done alone.
Then she joined the student council and managed to become its president. Suddenly she had an excuse to stay out later or even just be out on weekends. She hated having to lie to her parents and did strive to be as truthful as possible, though she knew full well that a lie by omission was still a lie. But that had become her only way to become a school idol, to join the new club, to shop for manga and doujin and to hang out with friends.
And to spend time with those two.
Ayumu and Yuu had quickly become her closest friends after she joined the idol club. They had graciously given her an outlet through which to focus much of her enthusiasm for her hobbies. And this weekend they had agreed to marathon one of her favorite anime series with her. For the second time, Setsuna would be able have an actual conversation with friends about a beloved story, instead of just a one-sided explanation; the first being earlier that week as the three hung out together and purchased the latest book of Heavenly Life.
And she couldn’t wait.
Honestly, the train couldn’t arrive at the station quickly enough. And Setsuna knew she would have to resist the urge to run to the apartment complex where Ayumu and Yuu lived. For the sooner she arrived, the sooner they could start watching. And the sooner they finished the series, the sooner they could start talking about it.
“Ah, Nakagawa-san.” Mrs. Uehara said upon opening the door. “Welcome. My daughters said you would be coming.”
“Daughters?” Setsuna couldn’t help repeating. Did Ayumu have a sister?
Mrs. Uehara chuckled. “I’m sorry.” She said shaking her head. “It’s a bit of a habit of mine. But Yuu is over here so often that she’s pretty much family at this point.”
A tiny flash of envy shot through Setsuna. How nice to be so close to someone. And not just them, but their family as well. Perhaps someday she could be that close to someone, or someones…? as well.
“Ah, pardon me.” Ayumu’s mother said after a slightly awkward moment. “Come in. Come in.” She opened the door fully and ushered Setsuna inside, introducing herself along the way. “Forgive my asking, but do you prefer to go by Nakagawa-san or Yuki-san?”
“Oh, uhm, actually,” She calls Yuu-san by her name, so maybe “Setsuna is fine.”
Mrs. Uehara smiled. “Setsuna it is then. I’ll go tell my daughters you’re here.” She laughed lightly again at her joke before taking a couple steps toward the hall. “Ayumu! Yuu! Setsuna is here!”
Before Setsuna could even finish removing her shoes, a twintailed girl was scampering around the corner.
“Setsuna-chan!” Yuu greeting joyously.
“I’m glad you could make it, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu added, following at a more modest pace.
“I’ll have dinner ready soon.” Mrs. Uehara said, moving toward the kitchen. “I’ll send your father to fetch you once he’s home from work, Ayumu.”
“Thank you, Mama.” Ayumu replied.
“Thanks, Ayumama!” Yuu added, earning a blush from Ayumu and a chuckle from Mrs. Uehara. “C’mon, let’s go.” Yuu then said, grabbing both Ayumu and Setsuna’s hands before leading them down the hall.
Yuu opened a door, pulled the other two inside and…
That was the first thought that came to Setsuna’s mind upon entering Ayumu’s room. The walls were pink. The clock and lamp on the headboard were pink. Pink curtains framed the balcony door, pink cloth decorated the shelves on the wall and a pink blanket covered something under said shelves. And what wasn’t pink was still some other light, fluffy pastel color. It was all… very Ayumu. Yes, that was the best description Setsuna could think up based on what she knew about her friend.
But beyond the cute colors, it was also very comfy, soft and warm. And welcoming. Setsuna immediately felt at home in the room.
Then her eye caught something. Or rather, a lot of somethings.
“They’re so cute…” She said, finding herself drawn to a display of plush animals.
“I know, right?” Yuu was the one to respond. “Ayumu wanted to pack them away because she thought they were too childish.”
“Y-Yuu-chan…” Ayumu protested.
“I should show you my collection sometime.” Setsuna said, resisting the urge to grab several animals and hug them, as she did not yet have such permission. “I have Kirara, Kyubey, Tamago Onsen, Dera Michimazzi, Kuroneko-sama, Sakamoto, Taroumaru, Ryo-Ohki…
Yuu started to chuckle. “Aren’t those all anime animals?”
“Yes.” Setsuna affirmed with a nod.
“I thought your parents forbid anime? I mean that’s why we’re having the marathon here, right?”
“Oh, uhm… my parents… don’t know they’re all from anime…” Setsuna admitted. “I haven’t told them, and they don’t seem to have looked into things online or anything. Posters, figures, and the like would be too obvious, so they’re the only merchandise I can display openly; I can pass them off as just being cute plushies.”
“Ah, I see.”
“And they’re not all from anime. I have Toothless as well.”
Yuu grinned. “A good choice.” She declared.
“Anyway, these are really cute too, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna turned her attention to the redhead.
“Thank you.” Ayumu replied. “You can touch them if you want, Setsuna-chan.” She added with an amused tone in her voice.
Was my desire that obvious? Setsuna wondered to herself. How embarrassing…
Setsuna swallowed down a blush and offered a smile instead. “Thank you.” She said, reaching for a pink rabbit to inspect. A pink bear had also caught her eye, but the rabbit seemed so Ayumu-like that she couldn’t help picking it over the others. It really was very cute, and she could easily tell why Ayumu liked it.
I wonder if there is one like Yuu-san here… Setsuna thought to herself as she continued to investigate the display.
“So, should we get a couple episodes in before dinner?” Yuu suggested.
“Yes.” Setsuna agreed enthusiastically, her attention reverting back to the original reason she was visiting.
“What site is the show on?” The twintailed girl asked as she sat down on a green pillow and opening what Setsuna assumed to be Ayumu’s laptop. “My parents have several accounts, so if its on one of them, I can sign in to it.”
“Actually, the series is old enough to be on the free sites.” Setsuna explained, choosing the blue pillow, and leaving the pink one for Ayumu.
“Oh, alright, uhm… here.” Yuu slid the computer over.
Setsuna started typing in the address, though as she did, she noticed both Yuu and Ayumu moving their pillows to either side of her. “Hm?” She hummed quizzically as they sat down.
“Since this is one of Setsuna-chan’s favorite series, she should have the best view of the screen.” Yuu answered before she could actually give voice to her question.
“But I’ve already seen it…” Setsuna rebutted.
“Setsuna-chan is also our guest and should have the best seat.” Ayumu added.
“Oh, uhm… alright.” Setsuna conceded. “Will we all fit?” She noted the tiny table did not have room on any one side for three people.
“It’s fine if we do this.” Yuu scooted in until her shoulder touched Setsuna’s.
So close… Eh? As Setsuna’s focus was on Yuu, Ayumu slid in from the other side, though not quite close enough to touch like Yuu. Setsuna wondered how red her face was as she quickly typed the title of the anime and found the first episode.
Setsuna was very much not used to watching anime like this. For so long she had watched alone, hiding from her parents and anyone she worried might not keep her secret. But this was simultaneously comforting and distracting.
Distractingly comfortable… Was that even a thing? While most of Setsuna wanted to pay attention to the anime on screen as the opening title began, there was no denying the part that wanted to focus on the surprisingly soothing warmth radiating from her two friends. She had only sat this way with her parents as a child, and the frequency had decreased dramatically as she grew older and her parents became busier with work.
As Setsuna felt her heartrate start to return to normal and the heat dissipate from her cheeks, she started to settle into the idea that this was a nice arrangement. She could get used to watching anime like this. She could probably even get used to Ayumu leaning in closer.
Yuu giggled, bringing Setsuna’s attention back to reality.
Ah yes, the protagonist’s introduction. Definitely a humorous moment, but there were funnier scenes yet to come, even in the first episode. What would Yuu think of those? Well, they did intend to talk about everything afterward, so perhaps she should just enjoy the show for now.
Setsuna relaxed and turned the entirety of her focus on the anime.
Setsuna startled at the sound of knocking on the door. She turned her head to see said door open and a man she assumed to be Ayumu’s father poked his head into the room.
“Ayumu?” Mr. Uehara spoke. “Your mother sent me to say that dinner is ready.”
“Thank you, Papa.” Ayumu responded, starting to get up.
The man’s gaze shifted. “Hey, Yuu.” He greeted with a smile. “And… Setsuna, was it?”
“Yes.” Setsuna replied, getting up as well before bowing. “It is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for having me tonight.”
“The pleasure is ours.” Mr. Uehara’s smile grew. “Ayumu and Yuu have told us a lot about you. It is nice to finally meet you.”
Ayumu-san and Yuu-san talked about me? Setsuna hoped it had been at least more good than bad, though judging by both Ayumu’s parents’ actions towards her thus far, that had been the case. And that realization caused warmth to spread through Setsuna’s chest.
Setsuna couldn’t help smiling as well as she followed the other three out to the Uehara dining room.
The notification chime sounded on Setsuna’s phone as she got out of the bathtub. She padded one hand dry on her towel and unlocked the screen to find a message from Rina. The first-year was inviting the school idol club second-years to join a game she was playing. Well, except Ai, though Setsuna assumed she was already playing. She tapped the link so the app could download as she dried off, deciding the game might make for a fun activity to pass the time while Yuu and Ayumu took their turns bathing.
A few minutes later, Setsuna padded down the hall back to Ayumu’s room, already fully engrossed in the game’s tutorial.
“Yuu-san, Ayumu-san, this game… oh…” Setsuna cut off as the other two girls looked up from their own devices.
“It’s fun, isn’t it?” Yuu grinned as she set down her phone and stood before heading toward the door.
Ayumu had also put down her phone and traded it for a hair drier. “Come have a seat, Setsuna-chan.” She motioned to the pillow she was in the process of vacating before kneeling behind it. “I’ll dry your hair for you.”
“Oh, I can do that myself.” Setsuna declined. “Thank you for the offer though, Ayumu-san.”
“Are you sure?” Ayumu seemed confused and… disappointed? “I’d be happy to do it for you, Setsuna-chan.
“Ayumu just wants an excuse to play with your hair, Setsuna-chan.” Yuu chuckled.
Setsuna startled. She hadn’t realized Yuu was still in the room, apparently having stopped to watch. In response to the teasing, Ayumu’s cheeks flushed and Setsuna imagined her own were close to matching.
Although, why was she declining anyway? Memories of the braided bun lesson from earlier that week were still fresh in Setsuna’s mind had certainly caused her to want to accept, and yet she hadn’t. But accepting wasn’t forcing those desires on Ayumu or inconveniencing her or the like. Ayumu had made the offer.
“A-Alright…” Setsuna said after an awkward moment before taking a seat in front of Ayumu.
“Back in a few.” Yuu tossed over her shoulder as she left to head to the bath.
Ayumu flipped on the hairdryer and began running her fingers through Setsuna’s hair to spread out the strands for easier drying.
For her part, Setsuna was just about to relax into the session, when her phone pinged. She checked the screen to find Rina had sent an in-game gift. She accepted excitedly and began to play again.
“Uhm… Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu said after a moment. “I don’t mind if you play, but can you stop moving around while you do?”
“Oh… uhm… Sorry, Ayumu-san…” Setsuna replied, chastising herself for being rude while her host provided a wonderful service. Still, it would also be rude not to use Rina’s gift to the fullest, so she resumed her game, but made sure to remain still for Ayumu.
Setsuna stared up at the ceiling, laying on her back on one of Ayumu’s guest futons. As sleepy as she felt, she was still buzzing a bit with lingering excitement from the events of the night. The three of them had successfully powered through the entire season with a few breaks for snacks and stretching before spending the next couple hours talking about the story. It was well past midnight, but it was the weekend so they could sleep in late in the morning before having a late breakfast, or early lunch, before Setsuna would head home to study.
Or perhaps… maybe she could study here? She had brought her books, even though she didn’t really expect to use them. And she really liked the welcoming atmosphere of Ayumu’s room, though really her apartment and family as a whole, if she was being honest. However, she didn’t want to impose by overstaying her welcome, and she certainly wasn’t going to just invite herself to stay. Still, it was a nice idea. Perhaps someday…
“Yuu-chan?” Setsuna heard Ayumu murmur, distracting her from her thoughts.
She heard the mattress shift and turned her head to see Yuu’s silhouette sliding under the duvet. She couldn’t quite understand Yuu’s response, but both girls in the bed fell silent after.
Strange. While it didn’t surprise Setsuna that a dating couple would share a bed, she couldn’t help wondering why Ayumu would bother setting out a guest futon for Yuu. Or question Yuu joining her.
Perhaps they were hiding the fact that they were dating and setting out the futon was a visual prop to convince Ayumu’s parents? No, that didn’t seem right. Neither Ayumu nor Yuu seemed the type to hide much, if anything, from their parents. Unlike Setsuna herself… Also, if Yuu’s parents were anything like Ayumu’s, Setsuna believed they wouldn’t have much of an issue with their daughters dating. The Ueharas already considered Yuu part of their family after all.
Were they, perhaps, not actually dating? That would explain Ayumu’s protest. And knowing Yuu’s casual approach to personal space, it wouldn’t surprise Setsuna in the least if she just did as she pleased. And Ayumu would let her. Still, that didn’t seem quite right either. Setsuna was fairly certain they were a couple. Their close bond was obvious to anyone who spent more than five minutes with them.
In any case, whether they were dating or not really wasn’t any of Setsuna’s business. So perhaps pondering the possibilities was inappropriate.
What was far more worth her mental energy was focusing on memories of how much fun she had this evening. For the first time, she had been able to not only watch anime together with friends, but also talk about it with them. All in person. Not over the internet. She had shared a meal with her friends’ family and gotten to know them a little. Setsuna couldn’t remember the last time she had gone to bed feeling so welcomed, accepted and… loved? Was that the right word?
Surely, she didn’t mean to imply that she went to bed at home feeling unloved. She knew her parents loved her, even if their way of showing that love was apparently very different than Ayumu’s parents. But even having only been in the Uehara home for not even half a day, she felt loved here. They were all so kind and Setsuna hoped she could come back and experience it all again.
Setsuna closed her eyes, allowing her mind to begin yet another replay of the day. Sleep would come eventually, but right now she was content just being this happy.
Author’s Notes Continued in Followup Post
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hydrus · 7 years ago
Version 309
os x
I had a good week with a bunch of unusual work.
tumblr GDPR
When GDPR hit, tumblr introduced a click-through page for all European Union and European Economic Area users. Unfortunately, this page applies (likely unintentionally) to their old JSON API as well as regular pages, so it broke the current hydrus tumblr downloader.
I have written a simple 'login script' to perform this click-through manually, so if you are an EU/EEA user, please hit network->DEBUG: misc->tumblr click-through. The magic cookie you get lasts a year, so we have plenty of time to come up with a better solution. I understand this click-through event is linked to tumblr logins, so as I roll out a proper login system, we'll have more control here.
I live in the US, so testing for this was not super convenient. It appeared to work for a couple of EU/EEA users, but it may not for certain countries or may suddenly no longer be needed if tumblr changes how or where it applies to their CDN. I don't know enough about the implementation or the law's details to know for sure, so please send your feedback. This--and any other sites that might be forced to switch in the coming weeks--is likely something we'll just have to keep a continuing eye on.
video thumbnails
Videos (but not gif yet) now generate their thumbnails 35% in by default! You can also change the 35% value under options->media. You should see far fewer black-frame thumbnails for your videos now!
This was a highly requested feature. While I had originally planned to wait for a full overhaul of the system that would introduce animated thumbnails and maybe even an 'interestingness' scanner to pick the 'best' frame and discard blank ones entirely, after thinking about it more and talking with several users the past few months, I decided to have a brief look at the actual code and saw I could hack in some simple support. I cannot promise it works for files with unusual/inaccurate frame counts, so please link/send in any video files that error out.
I will eventually write an automated maintenance routine to regenerate all your old videos' thumbnails (and some other stuff that still needs a rescan) in idle time, but if you can't wait, turn on help->advanced mode and right click the selection of files you want to regenerate--there should be an option at the bottom to reparse and rethumbnail them.
downloader stuff
I've added parsers for inkbunny and gelbooru 0.2.0 (by default in the client, that means rule34.xxx, tbib, and xbooru), so they now support drag-and-drop and, for gelbooru, parse a little more info than before.
The multiple watcher now has a pause button, better sorting, and will prefer to accept url drag-and-drops on the current multiple watcher page, if multiple are open but one is currently selected.
The way the client performs its 'Have I seen this URL before?' test is now much more strict. False positives should now be far less common when some booru attaches a bare username/artist twitter/patreon/whatever URL as the source for a file. If you have been hit by this, let me know if it all magically fixes this week if you 'try again' the affected URLs, and if it doesn't, please let me know the details. I am still working on this and will roll out more tools to control url-checking behaviour.
Advanced users: The HTML parsing formula's tag rules can now search for tags that have certain 'string' content, like 'Original image'. This is very helpful in certain situations--check out my new gelbooru 0.2.0 file url content parser if you want to see an example!
siblings and parents logic improve
Much like the video thumbnails above, I decided to hack-in some better sibling and parents logic this week rather than wait for a neater complete overhaul.
So: now, if you create a new parent pair c->p, c will now also get any parents of p, and and parents of them (i.e. grandparents are now added to children recursively). Also, if you add a sibling pair a->b, a and all of a's siblings will get all the parents and grandparents (etc...) of b and b's siblings, and vice versa. Basically, parents now add recursively and all the siblings get all the parents they are supposed to. It isn't perfect yet, but it is better.
And again, I expect to write a maintenance routine in the future to retroactively fill in the gaps here.
Linux stability
I have put a bunch of time into improving Linux stability, which has, on-and-off, been randomly horrible since the wx update. I haven't caught everything, but I think things are better. Please continue to give feedback--whether you notice any difference at all, and if any activity in particular is still likely to cause a crash a few minutes later.
full list
wrote a fix for the tumblr GDPR issue under _network->DEBUG: misc->do tumblr GDPR click-through_. you will also get a popup about this on update
the tumblr downloader will try to detect the GDPR problem and present a similar popup guiding you to the GDPR click-through solution
the client and server now generate video (but not gif yet) thumbnails 35% in by default. the client can now change this percentage value under options->media. this was highly requested and was being put off for a longer rewrite, but I figured out a simple way to hack it in. please let me know if you get failures
on adding a parent, all files with the child tag will now also get all applicable grandparents (with no limit on recursive generations and dealing with accidental loops)
on adding a sibling, all files with any of the siblings will now also get all applicable parents and grandparents for the whole group. a maintenance call to retroactively fill in the sibling/parent gaps that are now filled will also come soon
this logic still does not apply in cross-service situations, which _will_ likely have to wait for a big data/gui overhaul and us figuring out what we actually want here
added a simple pause/play button to the multiple watcher
if the multiple watcher is set to catch watchable url drag and drop events and the current page is a multiple watcher, this current page will catch those new urls (as opposed to the _leftmost_ multiple watcher)
improved some thread unpause logic which was failing to lock pause during 404 status
the multiple watcher should now ignore case when it sorts by subject
added url class and file page parser for inkbunny (so this site is now supported in drag and drop!). it fetches creator tag, some artist-made unnamespaced tags, source time, and md5
added file page parser for gelbooru 0.2.0, which by default works for rule34.xxx, tbib, xbooru but certainly should work for a bunch of others. it fetches source time and source url
html formula parsing rules can now additionally test the tag 'string' using a standard StringMatch object. this greatly helps to parse otherwise indistinguishable 'a' tags that have string 'Original image' and so on
the 'have I seen this url's file before?' pre-import test is now much more strict and will cause fewer accidental false-positive 'already in db'/'deleted' results:
the url pre-import test now does not trust source urls if they do not have a url class
the url pre-import test now no longer trusts urls that are supposed to only be mapped to one file but are actually mapped to multiple
this url pre-import test now treats url-classless original post urls and intended file urls with a special level of trust
urls are now stored in the db in a more powerful and in-future easily searchable way--your db will take a moment to convert to the new format on update
did some prep work for multi-file post urls (like pixiv manga) but did not have time to finish it
the filename tagging options panel (in the 'add tags based on filename' of file import dialog and import folder dialog) now updates its tags/list 0.5s after the last change event, which means typing on a giant list will not cause megalag
improved stability of some client-screen coordinate conversion
misc bmp handling stability improvements
improved some parsing ui stability when example data gets set after the dialog is closed
improved some misc dialog close stability
converted all but one final ui update timer to the new job scheduling system
there are still problems with linux stability--I will continue to work on it
an ugly (but basically harmless) shutdown exception sometimes caused by Animations being a bit slow on deleting their underlying bmps _should_ be fixed
the export files dialog now generates its paths in sort order, meaning (1), (2) de-dupe filename suffixes should now be generated nicely in order
the network domain manager should now always chase API URL links to get the right parser
made some 'the db is broke, let's try to fix it' tag recovery code more forgiving
misc improvements to some media indexing backend, which may fix some unusual session ghost files
fixed the 'sure it is ok to close this importing page' dialog to also veto on a 'cancel' event, rather than just a 'no'
added a guide to database_migration.html on how to move the db from just an HDD to straddle both an SSD and HDD.
cleaned up the help->debug menu a bunch
added run fast/slow memory maintenance calls to help->debug->data actions
misc cleanup
next week
I would like to take the week from the 6th to 13th easy so I can shitpost E3, so I'd like to concentrate on tying up loose ends. I'd love to get pixiv manga pages working along with other multi-page Post URLs like tweets and Artstation posts--I did a little on this this week, but then ten other things like GDPR swamped me.
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