#i still have like. so many kipperlilly one shots i could write. there are so many aspects of her character i want to explore!!
maxdurden · 16 days
Kipperlilly for the bingo!
blorbo bingo!!
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we don't need to get into how much of my kipperlilly one shots were projection,,, tbh. and absolutely any angry teenage girl is a beast unleashed, to me. i simply cannot get into all my feelings about kipperlilly here,,, she's soo special to me actually!!! like i think teenage girls should be allowed to hunt their friends for sport sometimes. as a treat.
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So every summer I do a personal project of some kind. Because I need to have a work addiction to survive. And I think solidly with how much of a mess this last episode was, my personal project for this year is going to be just one giant fix it fic. I'm not even kidding. I'm not a very spiteful person. But with this episode and how much of a complete mess time quangle it was, I simply just, need something to survive off of about the rat grinders that isn't this mess.
Don't get me wrong! This episode had so many good parts. But 1. the last minute "Oh the rat grinders aren't actually completely evil. And removing their rage star fixes it all because sure yeah that's good writing right" 2. The fact that Lucy doesn't even mention KLCK 3. The weird, weird weird continuous virginity jokes. Kind of just. Huh. It felt like I was going through, at least five episodes worth of development within one episode and I think it's somehow both soured and made the season better for me. I'm like so deeply confused and also so deeply frustrated. I feel like I've been shot by a pirate.
Anyways uh, honestly I'm just going to start believing that, KLCK gets brought back later after they have the time and they have a really long and emotional discussion with Lucy about what SHE wants and whether or not she wants KLCK to be revived. Rotating a low polygon 3d model of Kipperlilly in my mind. I love you rageful girl
SOOO TRUE. if you do end up doing a TRG summer project i would LOVE to see it!!! UNQUANGLE THIS NONSENSE!!
But yeah, it's... well, I know I'm biased. I didn't expect an ending I'd like. But I was at least expecting an ending that was... competent...?
Like. As you said, the shatterstars being a complete mind control thing is such a hivemind. ALTHOUGH, all that being said, it also makes their brutal killing of Kipperlilly even fucking worse. Because we do know that she still HAD a shatterstar in her. Brennan specifically said that her shatterstar doesn't join the battle because of the way it was brought into her - meaning she does still HAVE one.
So she still WAS being fucking mind controlled. So according to this logic (which I do think is unsatisfying), her biggest crime was being 15 and asking to be made a part of a conspiracy to revive a god. Which isn't great. IT'S STILL NOT WORTH ETERNAL DAMNATION!!
The way Lucy was just a dead wife montage, even when she was alive... oh it's okay you killed my friends, they killed me to. It also contradicts with all of the rage star bullshit....? because it wasn't them who killed her. it was just a hivemind that took their bodies. i guess.
and the VIRGINITY JOKES. like...? i don't think of myself as a prude...? i do think that fantasy high has always been a bit weird about sex jokes, but it's usually been.. idk.. not so fucking rampant? if i wanted to be more erudite about this, i could absolutely make something about the fact that losing virginity is a status symbol for men and something that 'taints' you as a woman. but i don't know where i;d be going with that tbh.
anyway so true. i have one au where kipperlilly is sent to the seaside for her own mental health and one au where she's otome isekai'd. the house always wins for me.
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