#i still have four of my lemon bro squad left
jedi-bird · 2 months
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Big avocado. Little avocado.
In March of 2023, I planted a hass avocado pit that had sprouted. In April of that year, it became a tiny little sprout that in less than a year had grown into a six foot tree. Now, just a few months past it's first birthday, it is at seven feet with several branches. It's growth is starting to slow down but it's now focusing on filling out.
This year, I planted a zutano avocado pit, just for fun. It took a few months, but it finally sprouted only to promptly die; thankfully a new sprout popped up two weeks later and kept going. It's made it just past a foot in height and is much slower growing, but seems pretty happy. I will be getting it a bigger, permanent pot at some point.
I love these stupid trees so much.
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