#i still have a lot of notes in the inbox to reprocess and sort
thirium · 2 months
didn't realize how late it got, or rather how early it is, but started on reorganizing my obsidian vault now that i can focus mainly on it!
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incoherentham · 7 years
Strategic Review - Late July 2017
Every month or so I do a review of how my life is going. I’m posting these here now
Discovered I like pink moscato
Modified my review system with robustness and decomplecting in mind
Made a bunch of prediction-bets with myself, won a few against Lauren
Cleared out my old anki decks
Studied derivatives and parallel programming
Redeveloped some appreciation for the beauty of math
Housemates came back from their trip and started being awesome and making delicious food all the time
Made homemade sushi and soup
People came over to hang out with me and be social experiment test guinea pigs
Found some new avenues to work on mental health stuff
Confused about effects of supplements
Realized I'd forgotten a whole lot of stuff about R and data science
Worried about maximizing fun and The Culture(tm) at the upcoming CFAR alumni reunion
Pissed off at self-proclaimed Hufflepuffs
Wisdom teeth removal held up in insurance snafu
What’s on my Hot Loop:
Supervised Goals
make predictions
strategic reviews
generate + benchmark plans
daily Inboxes
roll to check daily
catchup periods
pulse prn
weekly redraw
track episodes
blocks for EMDR
track bunnies
dedicated rfis blocks
dedicated blocks for TF
paper catchup
dedicted blocks to notate
do visualizer
Decomplect - Who, what, when, where why, how
Basics of reasoning - Do the most important thing first, Feedback Loops / Go play outside, Trust your instincts
Track Hours usage
Weekly Predictions roundup every friday
Group tuning
Circling - stay present, authentic
Track speaking time, interrupts
Gmail inbox
Feedly Newest
Anki new/due
Speak slow, simply, loud
Curiosity mindset
Writing Code
udacity course
programming guide
runtime api docs
Low-Level Programming cards
ML papers cards
Tensorflow cards
I approve of the algorithm that is you
Level Grinding
ML papers list
Sort probationary clothes
Listen to Stanford human behavioral biology lecture series on youtube
Parallel programming book, grokking 8086 architecture
Minutiae to absorb
Cooking chemistry facts/vocab from Kitchen Mysteries book
httpd how-to
types of cache associativity
derivative rules
bash shortcuts
info about dropout
what different bid/at betting spreads mean
ML datasets
deep Learning companies/groups
ML algorithms
parallel programming
eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy
intuitive explanation of sines and e
the *music plays* song
set & predicate logic notation
look at the first sharp to figure out the key on sheet music
where things go in my anki decks
file transfer over netcat
how to spell bureaucracy
estimated impact of repealing ACA
translate between orders of magnitude difference in terms of time
Misc scraps
weekly timeboxing summaries
a generator of short intimacy-building exercise (they wound up taking like an hour tho)
I am still looking for people who want to try these out
notes on intentionally building positive self-concept (h/t Kaj Sotala)
a list of awesome public datasets
a list of genetic modifications to consider, from kanzure on hackernews
notes from cryptocurrency talk
R anki cards I want
ideas for a general programming-language cheatsheet anki card template
complecting analysis of my meta/review system
things I want to have 1 or 2-syllable codewords for with my partner
misc sociological studies
meetups to maybe go to
interesting machine learning papers
news feeds I want to keep an eye on
math-heavy papers to attempt reading
website to let you draw a symbol and find out its latex code
how to make cake mix cakes awesome
how symptoms of personality disorders show up (link)
quick breakdown of supplements
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