#i still get so angry bc ppl constantly judge me for everything
g0thsoojin · 2 months
#i know theyre just stupid entitled and arrogant assholes#who think they know me and anything abt my life but#i still get so angry bc ppl constantly judge me for everything#which is why i developed avpd in the first place lmao#but how can they say that im not even trying#i do. i exercise i journal i meditate. i beg for therapy (its almost been a year and still nothing lol)#i try. but avpd esp untreated avpd is actually a disability#ppl dont understand but avpd makes u passive and unable to do anything#even if my fav artist releases an album i procrastinate listening to it for weeks sometimes#ppl dont get avpd at all#i am a prisoner in my own mind and there is NOTHING i can do#i am in severe mental agony and pain bc of it#im scared bc im useless and worthless and cant take care of myself#but my mom's leaving me and im terrified of ending up homeless bc im not a survivor#im a loser pos nothing who is incapable of doing anything by myself#plus like yeah... my mom cant do any of this anymore and is close to breaking down#so im scared she'll just move and let me become homeless bc she feels so desperate and suffocated (not just by me)#i HAVE to get my shit together#i HAVE to do my assignments and pass my classes#and apply for university and student housing#and i HAVE to do this this year#it is so so so soon and im freaking out#im 25 and dont know how to be an adult#but im gonna be forced into that soon or i'll be homeless so im terrified#god... i hate everyone and i hate society bc in this world#you are all on your own#there is NO compassion or empathy or help#you gotta make it on your own otherwise you will die#and making it on your own with any kind of mental or physical disability or disorder or illness is so so so much harder#and ppl dont see or acknowledge that they just beat u down for not being 'strong'
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blackwitchspace · 1 year
Cw: Reflection, Meditation Afterthought, Long Post
Tw: De_th, Spirits, Veil, Supernatural
Since growing up, I didn't understand why I couldn't be up at night while everyone else was sleeping and the earth, at least on our side, was quiet and still. I would constantly ask my mother to put me in "night school" because day time really disturbed me lmao. During that particular time my premonitions were becoming more frequent, spirits revealed themselves more and downloads sounded like a static filled radio stations (on was still learning how to hone my gift) and I know people joke about "witching hours" but the energy is completely different around a certain time of night.
Witching hours, depending on who you ask, start around 1am but the Veil between life and death are it's thinnest between 3&4. Typically during this time the Spirit World is able to visit us a lot easier. The witching hour came from ppl assuming witches cast their spells in the blackness of night undetected 🙄 When certain religions like Christians refer to WH it's bc its believed that's when Christ died. Religious beliefs place his death at 3 pm, and because the "devil" works in inversions, the witching hour, or the time when we are farthest from holy power and supernatural activity is at its greatest, is 3 am.
I've had the pleasure of sitting with people as they cross over, a Death Doula of sorts, and it's usually around the 3am mark. My grandfather reached for me while taking his last breathe around 312 I was angry at him bc I'd just warmed up a quesadilla and was so looking forward to eating it. I was awaken from my sleep unable to breathe when my cousin expired from asphyxiation around 320. I thought I was having an asthma attack, we did everything I knew to do. Breathing treatment, cool air, nothing was working. I remember receiving a phone call about thirty minutes later that he was gone. He was in Cali and Me in Chicago but it felt like for that moment we were every where and no where together.
My earliest memory is of my father which I share often. Around 330 on the 4th of July. I was five. I woke from my sleep telling everyone he was about to d_e but the adults around me assumed it was a fever dream and gave me meds that put me back to sleep which I'm told it was a very active sleep. He succumbed to his injury soon after I settled. I was visiting Alabama at the time and he was in Texas.
Other than de_ath, spiritual downloads are easier to be received during this time and manifesting is also better (especially if you manifest simultaneously with a release/orgasm truthfully masturbation is a great spiritual tool).
A lot of us are doing some sort of work on ourselves that include being comfortable with yourself as your personal gifts are introduced. Till this day I surprise myself being able to tell someone what I see in front of them while being no where near them. Admittedly it used to be scary bc I thought "there's no way this is for real" or I'd be afraid that I'd get judged and talked about (which is a story for another day).
I don't know what prompted me to share any of this, as you all know I don't tell y'all my business outside of sharing my shadow work journey but it's clear one of you needed it.
So the next time you're wide awake those hours, pray (talk to the Universe), meditate (listen to the Universe), then release (let go and allow things to manifest).
This also isn't an invitation to ask my for spiritual help, I'm not an adviser just a Veiled Bae sharing experiences.
I hope today brings each of you warmth.
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izukult · 4 years
sorry i can’t have you? one up me? so this playlist isn’t part of the matchups i’m sorry😞🤝
here you go IDIOT CHILD ( @rat-bastar ) being your friend is so hard 😁
choke - i don’t know how but they found me
ok absolutely your vibes. if you got the chance you would bitch slap me, we both know it. you big ol bully. this is the vibey pop ish version of a villain song and it’s such a hype song in my opinion idk
love me dead - ludo
we’ve established its a good song ok🤝. idk lmao play this while you’re thinking ab your friend OR her ex gf ;) as of my knowledge those the mfs you simp for or whateva LMAO
lemons (demo)
please. PLEASE THIS ONE IS SO OBVIOUS. you vibes. absolute you vibes. you @ me. you @ everyone. you play this on full volume while you try to convince yourself you hate everyone. you play this while judging every violin player ever. you play this glaring at maliek or whagever his name is. this song is you
piano man - billy joel
i saw this on one of your playlists lol BUT i feel like this is something you would blare on the bus or on your way to a fucking debate tournament you fucking loser
hesitation - hot flash heat wave
such a good song. this also feels like something you would listen to while you think ab other people. i dunno it’s got that sweet, sweet ‘condescending to hide real emotions’ energy and it’s vibey and it’s kinda sad yea
waltz #2 (xo) - elliott smith
don’t even get me started on how big of an elliott smith can i was. you def give him vibes but i mean that as a compliment?? i can imagine you with ur head down hands in ur pockets being all bummed out and angry walking up the hill to ur house idk that’s very niche oddly specific? i never really realized this song had BIG BIG BIG you vibes until i started typing this but i’m listening to the lyrics and it’s like describing you go off ig
everyone hates his parents - falsettos
i know you love falsettos and we both know we love to shit talk our parents so. it just seems to make sense. ALSO i feel like we would argue like marvin and trina or marvin and whizzer or marvin and anyone LOL
colorful penguins - we shore is dedicated
ok i know iM the one working, but this song please. listen to it. listen to the music. to the tone of voice. to the certain old tavern rustic vibe. that’s you. i cant rly describe it but the vibe of this song is your vibe
beachboy - mccafferty
well we have the shared mother’s name in the beginning there and that’s fun for me. also we know that i be smoking and yada yada and i know your friends do too and i feel like this song is just you dealing w ur friends dummy habits and angry fast sing
hannah - swmrs
something about this song just feels like a convo we’d have?? like in my head i can tell what you would say and what i would say IDK LMAO maybe that’s just me but it’s also a good song
problems - mother mother
this song. LMAOOOO. the way you constantly BULLY me i feel like this song is how you present urself to other ppl v some deep shit like how you feel ab urself idk i’m not ur therapist ur apparently mine w how much you be psychoanalyzing me🤨. ALSO you’d scream this dont argue w me
i love you like an alcoholic - the taxpayers
multiple things here. again those crusty cobblestone streets at night after it rains where someone’s getting murdered in an alleyway vibes that you give. and i feel like if u were ever like <3 at someone, this is how you’d feel idc bitch
seashore - the regrettes
i love this band sm pls i want to kiss her. ANYWAY feels again like a you @ the world song. you just feel like someone who would shove someone in a trash can if they said one wrong word about you & i rly appreciate it
gooey - glass animals
this song feels like something that would be on a playlist with “i know this:” and i thought you’d like those vibes. sorry for the peanut butter reference
chicago - flipturn
you feel like someone who would let me play flipturn and pretend to hate it cos you pretend to hate everything i do but actually vibe w it so
everybody loves raymond (except for me) - mookamay
this is the girl i was tellin u ab who wrote the songs ab me YEA THIS IS ONE OF THE SONGS AB ME SO I FIGURED YOU WOULD APPRECIATE A SONG THAT WAS KIND OF A SLIGHT TO ME SO LMAO I PUT IT ON THERE. basically this is a song ab someone literally getting tired of ME so yknow felt fitting 😁‼️ (this one is mostly a joke and i will probably take it off the playlist but it still stands)
power over me - dermot kennedy
you seem like someone who would listen to dermot kennedy which is fair bc i used to scream this shit in the shower i would just have a lil concert and you give me the same vibe this one isn’t that deep
ghost duet - louie zong
lol some serotonin. just this playin in the background while u game
iris - the goo goo dolls
just a rly good song. just a rly good song that fits ur vibe. also if u were ever in love i also stand by saying you would listen to this & think ab them
dream sweet in sea major - miracle musical
if you were ever listen to “soft music🥺✊” this would be your version of it
bs - still woozy
I TOLD U TO LISTEN TO THIS AND I DONT THINK YOU DID YOU BITCH SO NOW I WILL FORCE YOU. also i have brown eyes so basically this is everyone including u @ me it’s ok ur human u can’t be blamed for acknowledging my charm ;) 😁🤝
paper thin hotel - matt maltese
you just seem like someone who would listen to him during a depressive episode
troubled mind - cannibal kids
cant find the right words for this one but like gives me you trying to be there for someone and coming off as apathetic and someone not knowing how to be a proper friend to you and yall just space vibes yknow what i mean?? Idk
bloom (bonus track) - the paper kites
if you and a girl (strictly a girl idc that this was written by a dude no fucking guy gets this song) were in love. like in any way. romantic love, platonic love, competitive love idgaf i just feel like THIS has the vibe for u
kill the director - the wombats
i got the blues - big bill broonzy
i dunno this ones just a banger
dirty imbecile - the happy first
this is you having a breakdown. that’s all! thanks queen!
under my skin - jukebox the ghost
very similar to lemons but also different?? you getting pissed at everyone but having a select couple ppl you cherish 👍
song for me - greer
where do i START? you not properly voicing emotions ? preppy pessimism ? dissociation ? vibing ? teen angst ? good vibes ? in love w ideas ?
my explanations aren’t as good as urs but also i’m cool so 👍 ur welcome you’ve been blessed by a personalized playlist from ME 🙄🙌 not from no bitchass capitalist anime character 😐
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alemanriq · 5 years
Same anon here I'm not a hater or trying to be rude, That's just what i felt from your posts and that was just my opinion about what a shipper means and I'm not into veteran ships at all and i don't consider my self a shipper either. Personally I think if i like a relationship between two characters, that doesn't make me a shipper. I have to clarify that bc ppl assumed that I'm attacking you.
I’m sorry that happened. I personally didn’t feel it as an attack, so I remained neutral (I commented that they shouldn’t assume you were an angry shipper or something but just someone who didn’t say things right). But I still think your perception of shipping was (is?) wrong or at least the way you worded the conclusion you came to after reading a short urban dictionary definition, anon. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t rub me the wrong way (I did feel misjudged…again) but I explained why as decently as I could.
You did say “1.from what you said, you are not a shipper, 2.you see LH as a brotp in canon, 3.you don’t want them to get together in a romantic way” and that sequence of assumptions is wrong because these three statements are not consequent. I probs wasn’t clear enough but I will make an extension of my former explanation here:
- You can admit two characters have a brotp bond in canon, while still wanting or wishing they’re together, or just imagining that there’s a remote chance they could develop a relationship, or even just acknowledging a relationship is not possible in any way and still liking to imagine them together. Do you see what I mean? that is what makes you a shipper; not the fact that you think a couple has, how do they call it, “canon proof” or the highest of possibilities; if that was the case, how would you even call people who ships crackships? crackshippers? is that a term? haha.
- Just like no one should assume that you ship two characters just because you enjoy their canon interactions (really people, don’t do this), no one should assume that I don’t want two characters to end up together just because I don’t see all their interactions as romantic. I repeat, there’s non-romantic ways to perceive love between two characters. Is not that the latter applies to me anyway because I’ve always made my ships have tints of romance from time to time in fan content as far as I remember 😅 (since 2013-ish), is just that, from experience, I know that the term “shipping” has become an umbrella term for some, given that they do have an emotional attachment to a relationship between two characters, but just don’t feel the need to see them doing conventional romantic things (I think that’s why the last part of the wiki article adds that it can also be used as a friendship term)
Now everyone can be certain that you didn’t mean to label someone, but you were rather…analyzing? based on your knowledge from personal experience…or formulating a question? maybe? xD; I’m not sure but it was definitely not the first thing it was just a logically wrong thing to say. The one thing I know is that I cannot undo other people’s reaction to your words, and again, I’m sorry about that. Also, this is up to you, but I’d like to know who you are (to apologize once again lmao orz) and talk more in private too; just because we don’t like the same things is not reason to be scared of each other (not saying you are, but just in case hjdhads).
I’m not saying people jumping at your words was right, but I wasn’t surprised at that reaction either. I didn’t tag my ask bc I knew backlash would still come for both of us, one way or another. I’m not tagging this one either.
You probably didn’t know this, but believe it or not, that wrong perception of shipping is exactly what extremist fans use as an argument to invalidate people like me; people who doesn’t want to engage with one side of the fandom, and tries to get the best of every thing they enjoy, even if, to said extremist people, one “cancels” the other. (i.e. shipping two ships that share one character)
I know I’m about to be redundant, but no one has the right to define what we ship or not / to assume what we will defend or not, based on our likings or a bunch of comments/interactions with other fans without looking at the whole picture first (unless I constantly and actively show an obsessed and openly biased attitude, that is). I say this because it’s been relevant to me for the time I’ve been around. Others that “sTay iN thEir LaNe” (can you hear how dumb this term sounds to me) think everything is fun and games for people that stays in middle ground, when in fact it is a nightmare 😂 it doesn’t matter if you do 100 arts or reblog 100 posts of ship A, foolish fans will always see only the last time you gave an opinion of something you don’t like about A or an A shipper that makes all of other As look bad, or see that you’re not enabling all of As attitude as bad as they might get, or they will only look for the times you talked with someone that is known for hating A (yes, people who likes different things can have thoughts in common too, go figure), or the last time you gave a like to a person they don’t like, or how you didn’t defend an A person when they got into a fight with a B person, or look for the last time you shared something in favor of ship B or C, lots of other reasons to start jumping at you and labelling you as a hater, hypocrite and biased person, because that’s obviously way easier than looking at everything else before judging someone. I think this is what just happened with you and your ask too, not to mention this ask came in a bad timing, you were misjudged too and I apologize…I will just stop talking and keep apologizing lmao.
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whiskeyhavoc · 7 years
List of Fucked Up Behaviors I Bet McCree Got From His Time In Deadlock
ALright this is mostly a list of shit I think McCree would have displayed mainly in his early Blackwatch days, it’s in no way concrete or comprehensive so feel free to question or add on to it I love hearing other ppls headcanons
Very little emotional control. I feel like Jesse would have been SUPER defensive about the littlest things, probably had a very short temper, but also that his anger faded very quickly bc he got used to suppressing it when it wasn’t convenient to the point that its actually became difficult for him to sustain it for very long; also, though, that he acted on his anger pretty quickly and impulsively for a long time
Food hoarding, especially high-calorie snacks and stuff with a long shelf life. He was prob food-insecure for a good portion of his childhood so this one just makes sense to me
If he doesn’t know how to do something, he figures it out on his own or it doesn’t get done. He will not ask for help at the risk of seeming incompetent or vulnerable, but also this backfires because if you don’t know how to do something in Blackwatch it’s typically something real fuckin important
On that thread, gets really anxious if he doesn’t know how to do something he’s been told to do because a) he expects some type of negative consequence unless he figures it out, b) he doesn’t ask for help because he never considers it an option. Sorta of the mindset of “everything is a test and I don’t wanna find out what happens if i fail”
I never really vibe with hcs of him being really uhhh.. openly frightened or anxious due to someone’s behavior? If I know anything about being exposed to a hypermasculine and hostile/violent environment for any amount of time it’s that you learn to hide your emotions pretty damn well.
“Good Luck! My Real Emotions Are Behind 7 Proxies! (And Buried Under Years Of Repression And Trauma!)
Tries to be outgoing and friendly and get on the good sides of as many people as possible because he constantly expects the backstabbing and underhanded agendas that were common in Deadlock and people are marginally less likely to kill you in your sleep if they think you tell a good joke
Reads people, like, scarily well. Can spot someone being fake-friendly from 30 miles away. Generally a great judge of character but undersells his own ability
If someone with any amount of power over him is mad about something he did/something he caused to happen, he goes very still and quiet and generally tries very hard to look appropriately sorry while simultaneously trying to not look terrified. Bc he is terrified! He fully expects physical punishments for mistakes, if they’re big enough to cause someone to be legitimately angry then he expects Real Bad Shit
Sees favors and gifts as debts to be repaid or tools of manipulation
is SUPER POSSESSIVE of his stuff. Gets extremely upset at anyone touching or moving his stuff w/o permission but depending on the person will also be too scared to tell them to fuck off (eg if gabe was going thru his stuff he’d just sit silently fuming and anxious as hell but wouldn’t say a single thing bc That’s The Commanding Officer”
Scorns and fears authority simultaneously. He’ll be a smartass if he thinks he can get away with it or if he can tell that the other person is in a jokey mood but at the same time he’s constantly terrified of punishment.
ill prob add more as i think of them but uhhh take this 
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bakukirikami · 7 years
I'd like to request all the angsty headcanons please
GOD ok this ask is over a week old but im finally ready 2 deliver
under the cut bc this is literally 2k of bakukirikami angst hc’s
not rlly super angsty but he’s rlly touch sensitive
mainly bc of the sludge villain which. makes sense
the first time kiri and kami swings an arm over his shoulder he flinches To The Max and they’re shocked bc angry baku just jumped away from them
though it’s good for the beginning of their relationship bc it helps them realise and understand it
they both ask him first if they can hug him and tbh for the first few seconds baku doesn’t know what to do
eventually he hugs them back and Gosh it’s such a good feeling
he feels a little calmer and he just relaxes and shit he feels gr88
he doesn’t even mind if he tells anyone else abt hugging them bc he’s just so glad that he feels safe being held by someone
tbh it’s not easy to overcome something like that? esp for baku, he’s so used to having control that the sludge villain really hit him hard.
the first time they share a bed together baku’s in the middle although he’s the tallest.
he’s been so long without proper touch and kiri and kami really just wanna make him feel loved
at first it’s Too Much Touch and he feels really trapped but his bf’s really did some research abt touch sensitivity and they figured out how to calm him down
he sleeps really well when he’s in the middle bc he knows that he’s literally surrounded by love
he’s the last of the three to wake up in the morning and when he does he can just hear kiri and kami whispering about how much they love him so he buries his head in his pillow and kicks them both so they don’t see him smiling and blushing
eventually after a REALLY LONG TIME he does end up trusting 1a so he doesn’t really mind if they know about his touch sensitivity
there’s nothing wrong with it ofc he’s not any less of a hero it’s just another part of him
but if anyone from another class/in general mocks him about his flinching he will try to explode him and it takes kiri and kami 43 tries to get him to calm down
he finds it really irritating ofc bc he wasn’t always touch sensitive! fuckin sludge villain
when he goes home to visit his family he brings kiri and kami home to meet them
mitsuki hasn’t seen baku in ages so her first instinct is to hug him which is p normal for a mom imo
he flinches for a second and then he realises this is my mom she literally has baby soft skin she can’t hurt me before he relaxes
she still notices his flinching bc she’s his fuckin mom so she asks kiri about it later bc he seems like a good lad
kami overhears and helps explain
later when they’re trying to go to sleep they tell baku and he just shrugs bc he doesn’t mind. he’s getting used to it now
sidenote bakugou’s family fucking love kiri and kami
when he finds out ragdoll lost her quirk he gets a few nightmares about losing his own quirk
makes sense tbh bc the majority of his confidence and arrogance stemmed from his Super Awesome Quirk
usually ends up with him waking up really sweaty and holes in his blankets from uncontrolled explosions during his sleep
he goes to the bathroom to cool off and he stares at his reflection a lot and constantly reminds himself that he’s not going to lose his quirk he’s not he’s not he’s not
what happened to ragdoll isn’t going to happen to him he’s okay
when/if kiri and kami find out they’re shocked again bc they’re not used to insecure bakugou
however they do reassure him a lot that he’s not going to lose his quirk
they remind him a lot that nightmares don’t make you weak at all
he doesn’t usually say anything but if he does it’s usually just “yeah, yeah, yeah, i know.”
“thanks dumbasses”
his dreams usually rotate between hero dreams and fluffy dreams abt his bf’s so the first time he has a nightmare he’s super pissed off bc! He’s strong he shouldn’t be getting nightmares
kami and kiri are Best Bfs they buy baku all might merch when he’s feeling Bad
right so listen up kiri’s rlly insecure about his quirk in general so like after baku got kidnapped he really beat himself up about it like A LOT A LOT
his updated hero costume has sleeves from a few of the scars he gave himself during that time
bc of his quirk he rlly doesn’t need armour or anything so everything when they tell him he can upgrade he goes
“fuck i need to hide these scars”, thus, sleeves
during the hero license exam arc kami’s confused bc why the fuck would kirishima, whos ((pretty much)) made of steel need s l e E V E S
kami doesn’t question it tho bc who the fuck is he to judge. kami’s costume is literally just a cool jacket and pants w/ lightning bolts
baku (and everyone else) doesn’t really notice bc theyre used to kiri’s Extra As Fuck costume
anyway eventually bakugou and kaminari are going to end up seeing his scars, whether on purpose or not
when kiri explains baku’s first reaction is just anger bc not only does he think he’s the reason for all might’s end, but he’s thinks that it’s his fault kiri hurt himself
its no one’s fault of but neither of them know what to say but they just both hold kiri really tightly and at that moment, that’s all he needs
sunshine kid needs to stop bottling things up blease kiri
spends half of his time in class overthinking about things
he wants to make everyone happy and please everyone but kiri u can’t do that you gotta make yourself happy first
after he, baku and kami get together he talks a lot abt his insecurities and he feels so liberated honestly its a good feel u go kiri 👏👏
they’ll be in bakugou’s room watching a movie and as soon as the credits start rollin he exhales and sits up straight and just Starts Talking
bakugou and kami don’t interrupt them, they just let him talk and as soon as he’s done kami cuddles him and drowns him in blankets
baku does His Thing but kiri still knows he cares so he smiles really fondly at baku which makes him blush bc kiri has the nicest smile!
eventually kami will make bakugou cuddle w/ them
they all sleep a lot better that night.
(kiri’s in the middle)
used to get a lot of shit @ middle school during The Edgy Phase
filed his teeth in anger
vowed to be the nicest person he could be
he doesn’t like thinking about it a lot but he definitely thinks it made him a stronger and better person
got mocked a lot abt his quirk bc it wasn’t “flashy enough” ://
this is already canon but he cried when meeting tetsu for obvious reasons
STILL CANON but best bros w/ tetsu
he talks to tetsu abt their quirks a lot
tetsu is a Comfort Buddy
initially tetsu doesn’t rlly understand why kiri is upset about the lack of originality of his quirk, but once he does understand he’s very comforting
of the two, people say tetsu’s quirk is more unique because he’s transforming his body from flesh into steel, whereas kiri’s is flesh into harder flesh
(this is p much why tetsu initially has difficulty understanding)
tetsu reassures kiri a lot tho and in the end they always feel a lot better about their quirks
once or twice tetsu mentions it to kami and bakugou
out of the blue they’ll randomly compliment kiri and his quirk and he’s super happy
they never say anything to kiri about tetsu but kami and baku are really grateful that he told them
forever upset that he won’t meet crimson riot
mmmMMMKAY maya has some angsty kami hc’s here in case u havent seen them yet but ITS MY TURN NOW
super pissed off bc of how he always gets called stupid and dumb!
yes he doesn’t have the best grades but can you stick a knife in a toaster without dying? no? didn’t think so
whenever anyone is a dick about his intelligence he gets really pissed and starts shooting tiny sparks out of his body
when he came to UA he did that a lot less tho
but he does it most often around jirou
(at UA its usually her being a dick)
once she pushed him a lot and he nearly did fry her
kiri had to calm him down and hold him back
when he was little and figuring out his quirk he accidentally fried his favourite book and he cried for ages
got yelled at by teachers as a kid by teachers for accidentally short circuiting the building
bc of this he doesn’t like loud shouting a lot
he Will Flinch
especially when he goes to UA and when all might teaches
nothing wrong w/ all might ofc but his voice is really loud i’d flinch too
like he knows all might’s not going to hurt him but fuck it sounds like he is
after a while all might is the only loud adult voice he can deal with
he doesn’t really want the teachers to know bc its sorta a sensitive topic
when/if kiri and bakugou find out they won’t force him to tell anyone, they’ll just help him cope with it and comfort him
scars on his limbs from not knowing how to use his quirk as a kiddo
constantly terrified of losing control over his quirk and hurting ppl he cares about
idk i think that’s already canon but it’s important bc !! he actually likes the people at UA and he doesn’t want to hurt him
craves affection and attention all the time
he doesn’t need to be the center of attention at all, he just wants to be noticed and would rather not blend it
it’s not like he would go out of his way to stand out though, he just wants to be liked for who he is
it helps him a lot w/ his self confidence since he’s so used to him and his quirk being shoved aside (a result of the backlash of overusing his quirk) 
will cover up his pain or hurt with a joke because he like other people seeing him helpless
always stressed on how to be a better hero
runs his hands through his hair a lot
on bad days he’ll pull at his hair
bakugou and kirishima can tell whenever he’s feeling more upset because they’ll notice random strands of his hair floating around
a short attention span
it contributes to his “bad grades” and he hates himself for it
literally when he figured out just how short it was he electrocuted a couple trees because he was so pissed off
his parents gave him a really old record player for his dorm at UA but it broke when kiri and bakugou were having an arm wrestle in his room
dunno why they arm wrestling in his room BUT THEY WERE
he’s upset for ages bc that’s what reminded him of home
tries every possible way to fix it
he’s not even upset with kiri or bakugou he’s just. Empty
kiri and even bakugou apologise a lot and they actually feel awful for ages
at some point they buy him another one
ofc they know they can’t replace the other one but what else can you do
can’t go a day without someone insulting his hero costume
cries when he can’t buy a new video game and starts shooting sparks if someone else in 1a has it but he doesn’t
he gets really insecure about his body randomly, especially when he compares himself to bakugou and kirishima
but he wouldn’t mind being a little stronger but boi gets distracted all the time
but its obviously different bc ofc baku and kiri use their whole body to fight, but kami doesn’t need to do that
that being said, he doesn’t really want to be Super Buff either
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