#i still feel bad for jgy and xy but i dont have the same feeling for jun wu... like i don't really dont care about him
minsarasarahair · 13 days
Ohh.. Now I feel bad for Shen Jiu... Just because people would rather eat up a cartoon villain than a complex character. Tbh I prefer complex one because its more challenging in my brain and heart.
"I had a lot of ideas for the character of Shen Qingqiu. I had hoped to portray him as a well-rounded, three-dimensional character; he's scum, he's wretched, but he has reason to be scum, as well as a not-scummy side. But the readers didn't really buy it. As soon as I inserted signs of his development, they started griping in the reviews. So, I saw the winds weren't blowing the right way and immediately turned him into a tropey and wretched asshole. But really, he-"
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bottomlwjrights · 4 years
MO DAO ZU SHI REREAD:Thoughts™️....and Stuff
Chapter 37
Ljy volunteers to use his blood to summon more mannequins, after which a bunch of juniors start to volunteer theirs
Wwx is SO fucking cool....
Xy giving wwx advice while acting like xxc makes me sick, thanks
I hate how good he is at acting like xxc, he has wwx completely convinced
“Jin Ling laughed at him without holding back at all. Even Lan SiZhui couldn’t stop himself from bursting with a “pfft”. Speechless, Wei WuXian turned to look at them, and Lan SiZhui put on a straight face at once.” Jsnck i love lsz
God i feel so bad about sl and xxc, A-Qing too
“As the cultivator heard the sound, despite how his figure reeled and his hands trembled, he still attacked at Wei WuXian!He couldn’t be controlled. This corpse had a master!” This is still so chilling
...wwx rewarded the nether brawlers by giving them his blood 
“On the cultivator’s left chest, near his heart, there was a similar tearing, a similar thin, narrow wound. It seemed as if he died with a stab through the heart.” I fucking hate xue yang ☺️
“Wei WuXian pinched his cheeks and forced him to open his mouth. Inside, his tongue had also been pulled out from the root.” Hate him so much ☺️☺️☺️
Was lsz the only one to raise his hand from the lan clan? Is he the only one of the juniors that knew inquiry? Im asking for... yanno... reasons
“Xiao XingChen’s most intimate friend of cultivation, Song Lan?!” Yes that one, the one he gouged out both of his eyes for
“‘SiZhui, you’re the most sensible one here. Guide them a bit, won’t you? Can you do that?’ Lan SiZhui nodded. Wei WuXian added, ‘Don’t be scared.’ Lan SiZhui, ‘I am not.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Really.’ Lan SiZhui smiled, ‘Senior, you are so much like HanGuang-Jun.’” this exchange ko’d me, like knocked me clean tf out. Wwx reassuring him gently, lsz smiling and telling him hes not scared, lsz saying wwx is a lot like lwj 
“‘Us? How are we alike?’ They were obviously like fire and ice. However, Lan SiZhui only grinned in reply, and led the rest of the group out.” I am crying
“It is as though if either one of the two seniors are present, I will not need to be scared or worry about anything.” 😭😭😭😭😭
Hmmmm when did xy find out it was wwx????
Oh it was the whistling that made him suspicious, and then how powerful his Summoning of Painted Eyes was, gotcha
“When they were still alive, the person probably suffered from a lot of torture. It should’ve been rather painful. They probably committed suicide, so they probably don’t want to come back to this world. If a soul itself doesn’t have any desire to live, then it’ll most likely be impossible to save.” Yanno i dont think its ever explicitly talked about how wwx died, and im not trying to be angsty here, but his soul literally couldn’t be summoned, by anybody....
I hate xue yang!!!!!
Fuck you, dont give xy cute canines, he doesnt deserve them. Me and wwx however....
“I have a very famous friend. His acting is what I’d call excellent. I still have a long way to go.” Xy is literally talking about jgy right here
Xy made the nails that were controlling wn, which meant he put them in wn’s head, which means id like to resurrect xy just to kill him again
“Wei WuXian really couldn’t understand why strangers always had an inexplicable sense of confidence in place of him.”
“Wen Ning is not a thing.” From wwx himself, people
Maybe if you wanted xxc’s soul, you shouldnt have, idk, forced him to kill innocent people and his best friend against his knowledge and drove him to suicide, just a thought, Xue Yang
Lwj is strong
“Before he finished his sentence, a white-robed figure descended from the sky. Bichen’s icy blue glare swept at him.” Lwj desending from the sky looking like an angel 
(chapter 38 & chapter 39 below the cut)
Chapter 38
“Surrounded by an ambience of frost and ice, Lan WangJi stood in front of Wei WuXian.” 
“The glare of the sword that he pulled from his sleeve was grim and dark. As it was wielded, it almost seemed to emit a black aura, creating a stark contrast with Shuanghua’s silver radiance.” 😩 Jiangzai 😩
Gotta give it too him, xy is a talented swordsman
So does wn feel pain or does he not feel pain, pick one
“‘Good. If anyone doesn’t listen to me, I’ll feed him congee again.’ The few boys who had encountered the taste pretended as if they were vomiting.” This interaction....
Lan WangJi, you’re so cool 😩
Jl’s admiration for his senior cultivators is just..... so cute
“‘Hmm. He’s good. Of course. He’s really good. He’s the best.’ As he talked, he couldn’t help but break into a smile.” Stoooooop
God wwx just shouting to lwj that hes gonna leave, and its up to him now, and lwj just agreeing, wwx laughing....like the trust, the belief in the other’s abilities, the ease with which they communicate even in tense situations
“Why did you two not say ‘I’m worried about you. I’m staying!’, ‘Go!’, ‘No! I’m not going! If I’m going, you’re going with me!’? Is it not a must?” Ljy really knows what’s going on between them, why else would he say something like this???
“It’s a waste of time. I believe that someone as reliable as HanGuang-Jun will definitely be able to deal with it.” Aknfnc like yeah lwj is known to be strong, but wwx completely trusts in his abilities, like he’s not overly worried or protective like a lot of partners tend to be, he just trusts him
“With both of his feet together, he tried to jump outside. However, since the threshold was too high, he failed every attempt.” This is hilarious, and the juniors thought so too
Wwx respects non-cultivators
A-Qing grabs xxc’s face and cries when his coffin is opened 😢
Interesting that wwx invented Empathy, a way for you to...well empathize with spirits in a way that you couldn’t before, and people still think it’s an evil method 
“Wei WuXian stared at the bell for a few moments. Sensing that he looked a bit off, Jin Ling asked, ‘What?’ Wei WuXian replied, ‘Nothing.’” Wow.....that hurted
Hmmmm hate xue yang
“Since they felt the same things, it was as though the squeeze landed on Wei WuXian’s body. Instantaneously, Wei WuXian felt as if a blanket of goosebumps climbed over his heart. He wanted no less than to slam the man into the ground.” And if he could’ve, i bet he would’ve
Oh, Xiao XingChen....
Chapter 39
He’s so kind...
Actually A-Qing was 100% in the right, she should have kept that mans money
Have i mentioned how gross it is that a grown man groped A-Qing, who wwx describes as looking no older than 15 years old, because its gross
It makes me so fucking angry the things xy did, and the reason he was so good at imitating xxc
“Although she didn’t know whether he was dead or alive, most likely thinking that it’d be a drag either way, she obviously didn’t want Xiao XingChen to find the person.” A-Qing...
“Of course, a dead person was less of a hassle than a living one, so A-Qing couldn’t wait for the person to die.” Alfnfjfkb A-Qing wtf.... 
She was right though, i wish he would’ve just died too but here we are
It shouldve been A-Qing getting that piggy back ride
Xxc deserved so much better.....
Xxc is so sweet, it makes what happened to him even worse
Xy having a casual conversation with xxc and making him laugh is actually making me sick
A-Qing is smart to be wary of xy, to eavesdrop and follow them
I hate Xue Yang!!!!! So much!!!! He’s pure evil!!! Hes not evil in a fun way, hes for real evil, causes-suffering-for-entertainment type evil!!!
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