#i still can't believe this matchup im losing my mind
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black-and-yellow-bracket · 2 years ago
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olivenight17 · 5 years ago
Liv I feel like sending in a matchup!! Pls don't worry about rushing it!! Aside from things you already know about me, I'm bi, an aggressive 5''2 shorty, INFP with a 100% on the introvert, I'm lonely and can't make meaningful connections, short temper, can get distant, I seem cold but I can be a sweetheart, I put others before myself all the time, really insecure abt everything, the rare times I talk I want it to be meaningful, im a gemini and finally, I'm dead set on sth once I make it my goal!
Ahhhh, I’m so happy you decided to send one in! Firstly, you’re a mood because ooooof same, our only differences are I’m an aries and I tower over you at 5′8 lmao. Now, I could have gone with Keigo... but that’s the obvious choice and who would I really be if I made things easy for myself?
Also, remember sea anon? Twas me, I was really debating who to match you with and Sirius, for some reason, struck my mind. But then I went “Hey, she is one watery lady and would probably be the type to go all romantic walks on the beach or want to go sailing and not everyone likes water. I don’t know if Lily likes water, I know, I’ll just anonymously ask her cause I sneak!” And, for other reasons as well as the one that you’re not the biggest fan of water, I decided against matching you with her in the end anyways.
For now though, I give you... well actually your other favorite character lol and best girl Nejire!
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- Oh wow, opposites truly do attract, don’t they?
- While you’re 100% an introvert, she’s 100% an extrovert and I hope you can handle it!
- But in all seriousness, she gets that you’re an introvert and she’ll try her best not to rope you into extremely draining social situations. And she’s usually pretty good with it, the most you have to handle is just the big three all at once lol
- She saw you probably standing a bit away from the others and in her mind went “Wat. She’s too adorable to be standing alone like this, this needs to change.” And then went bouncing over to you, all friendly and smiles.
- Honestly, all of those negative things you think about yourself and how lonely you are? Straight up prepare to never feel that way ever again.
- She will be your personal cheerleader from this point forward and she won’t take self deprecation as an answer because she knows you and how wonderful of a person you are!
- You say you can’t make meaningful connections, well that’s about to be hecka false because Nejire is all about making those meaningful connections, so not only do you have one with her, you’re gonna have some with the rest of the big three and on top of that, Nejire’s just gonna help you make connections. The great thing about having a social girlfriend is that she can actually help you with social things! (And now I’m jealous because ah that’s what I need crap-)
- She can help you with the distance thing too, if it is a thing that you want help with. Just simply because she... won’t let you. She tends to keep the ones she loves close to the heart and it’s honestly really hard to shake her off. I mean, you’d have to go detective levels to be distant and remain distant because she just doesn’t let it happen.
- But if it’s a case of “I’m really drained socially please I need a break.” She’ll get you, and she’ll back off. Though she’ll text you every few hours to see if you’re still in charging mode, unless you specifically say that you’ll tell her when you’re feeling a bit better.
- And, while at first I thought Nejire might not be the best with short tempered people, I realized she’d probably handle it like a champ! She’s just such a bright person the anger doesn’t really affect her, so if you snap she just tilts her head like “Hey, you seem upset. Are you okay?” She’s more concerned than anything, unless you’re getting angry over something small like... I don’t know, losing at Mario Kart? That’s trivial enough I think lol, if it’s something like that she just laughs because she finds the anger hilarious
- Oh, oh, and you wanna know the best part about this matchup?
- She can’t technically make fun of you for being short!
- I mean granted, she is still two inches taller, but if she teases you for it, you can shoot right back because you’re both in the same boat. Also, I mean, more convenient for the both of you when you wanna kiss, no one needs a ladder, we’re good here. (okok, no more short themed sentences, I love you, and any of these kinda jokes are an example of my love!)
- Though Nejire is quite bubbly, she does know how to have a meaningful conversation, it’s usually when you’re both having quiet time somewhere and cuddling. The mood is just so relaxed you both can really get to talking. But let’s be honest, anything Nejire says, is what she means. If she didn’t believe in what she was saying, she wouldn’t be saying it, she’s too honest for that.
- Loves your determination to get things done! She’s quite the determined person herself, so really, you two make the greatest go-getter couple ever!
- Really, your INFP personality is kinda perfect for her.
- On one hand, your ability to focus and see the bigger picture is great, while she’s serious and focused with villains, it’s a bit harder for her to have that same focus with other aspects of life. You being her anchor is great and she’d really be appreciative of the fact you can keep her steady.
- On the flip side, she loves your caring personality. You genuinely like to help others and every time she sees you doing so her heart gets a little more soft because wow did she fall for one amazing and sweet person... even though you like to hide it at first. You’re both very loyal to each other and wouldn’t betray the other’s trust.
- Overall, you have a very well balanced, understanding, and just really loving relationship because you value the other so much and you would both honestly do anything for each other.
I hope you enjoyed, Lily!
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