#i started watching tpn right before s2 started airing so i got the joy of the first two episodes and then along the way i could feel
pawphin · 2 months
I read TPN after season 1 and it quickly became one of my favorite mangas and I was so read to defend post-S1 content from anime onlies bc I really do think it had interesting things to say even with the tone shift post-escape and then season 2 did THAT and I just. I can't believe it crashed and burned. It deserved so much better. Goldy Pond should've been adapted properly. We deserve better 😭😭😭
PERCY WE SO DESERVED BETTER IT HAUNTS ME EVERY DAY. as much as i DO have problems with post escape arc content in the manga i dont think they couldve done s2 worse. its like they literally looked at everything, all the fan reception, all the plot points that didnt make much sense and could easily be rearranged, and thought hmm how can we condense this in the most horrific and asinine way because we dont believe in a s3. how do we kill this ip as quickly as possible
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