#i started a new Kuwaiti series though
moondrama · 2 years
I come back on Tumblr after several weeks and find tonsss of bots have started following this account lol. It is both annoying and funny to me.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
👁 Sun 01 Nov ‘20 🍼
After yesterday’s amazing show (the timey wimey of which was even more wibbly wobbly than we thought- it was only an hour late in SOME markets, there was just a big confusing daylight savings time fail in the announcements), today Liam’s Halloween merch is making quite a splash! There's a mask with his name in a spooky gothic font with classic flash tattoo style doodles, including swallows, a microphone, an eye, several skulls, a weird tongue looking thing, and some lyrics! His T-shirt design is also Halloween themed (or, like - Dia de los Muertos themed, which is different) and has a large skull covered in purple and yellow roses (and patterns), his name, another eye, cobwebs, lightning bolts, and some more swallows. There are indeed designs on the merch that match up with many of Zayn's tattoos but honestly that line art eye looks as much like MY eye as it does Zayn's. I feel like a comparison to Zayn's eye TATTOO would have been more convincing, but that wasn't the conjecture! Meanwhile Zayn and all six of his eyes (tattooed, real, and glasses) were seen again! Twice in ONE DAY, truly a holiday! Late in the day yesterday we got one last treat (or trick, depending on your perspective) from Gigi: a family zelfie of her, Zayn and zaby X in their family-of-geeks costume...oh wait no that's their actual identities! Their costumes were Gigi as not just a videogame character but a specific variant suit (Zero Suit Samus? I guess? *shrugs as if I know what I'm talking about*), and Zayn in his full Slytherin uniform including a jumper and thick glasses he'd left out of his earlier post, smiling down at the zaby in his arms (tiny hulk!! uwu) with a soft happy face. You'd think this would generate discourse, and it has, but mostly people are busy arguing about whether Z is a Slytherin! Messing with peoples' sorting headcanons is no joke, it's an even more surefire way to get the fandom fired up than babies and girlfriends.
A receipt has circulated wildly from an Kuwaiti man who describes an encounter with Louis from Vegas in like 2016 or '17 it seems like. He says Louis walked up to him randomly, touched him and complimented his beard (lol), and then walked away again. A few days later they ran into each other again and Louis (and Oli!) passed by him and - yup! Louis touched his shoulder, complimented him again, and asked if the man remembered him. The guy was like, ‘uh, yeah dude, it's been like a day,’ and then Louis disappeared into the party once more like the vision he is. Our hero was then like, ‘who WAS that man’, googled him, and figured out that yes, he'd been hit on TWICE by an international superstar. In my head, I imagine Louis flitting around being very charming, capturing people’s attention, then leaving just as quickly as he came, leaving Oli standing there smiling awkwardly. Anyway in slightly more professional Louis news:  Lyric Drop 2 has been pulled from Louis’ merch store (that was REALLY limited edition, huh?). This means the next single for release is We Made It, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for rainbows! An A&R Sony manager (Micheala Lundin, who previously worked on Louis’ team at Syco) celebrated Two Of Us’ milestone - it reached 100 million streams on Spotify! Her instagram story tags the people involved with the making of the song and says, “This little baby reached 100 million! 🌟...Will always be a special one! Pop perfection by my favorite legends”. Same, though it always makes me cry! And, in other Louis things that make me cry, Reverse Rett (a charity that works to improve the lives of those touched by Rett syndrome) - which  Louis donated thousands of pounds through an art fundraiser in 2016 - has revealed that he has quietly been supporting them by donating auction prizes ever since. I have a lot of feelings about this, and I’m always floored by his consistent and continued kindness, though I definitely shouldn’t be at this point. 
Drip, drip drip it goes - the news, I mean, but I can see why you might think it would be milk! GQ posted a Golden picture of Harry on instagram (from the video, but also a good description of the picture itself), and the comments are really something else! “Didn’t know my dude was a C cup,” said one guy. “Is my dude lactating,” asked another one. And the band Cannon announced that they would start their “Covers by Cannon” series with a cover of Golden, and Harry, apparently lurking around insta, liked the post: I hope this means he's seeing the GQ comments too cause that's the real entertainment of the day! And finally, Instagram Issues Curse strikes again: “did Niall just post something on ig and deleted it?” and to which Niall - always creeping around in his mentions - replied, “Yeh I think so...I can’t see it on my story”. Well, neither can I, so I can’t tell you what it was (:/), but I’m gonna be keeping a closer eye on his insta in the week leading up to the show! 
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