#i srsly need to learn capping btw
iinkheart · 8 years
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             Oh, where do we begin?                                  The rubble or our sins?
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mayaillusion22 · 3 years
This is for the 500 followers game.
Thank you for doing this. It's so cute.
I love the idea.
My sister has 0° Cap Mars. Even the Cap Moon myself cannot handle her energy when it comes to work. I personally think if a personal planet is in 0 or 29 degree, it expresses itself the most.
I personally consider conjunctions with personal planets to 10 degree orbs. From my experience with a lot of ppl I know, it is effing true.
Im a plutonian with venus conjunct my scorpio Ascendent so I feel more related to my venus. I'm a woman btw. I feel like my pisces mars always stops me from being mean to ppl and I hate it.
Physical Attractiveness?
Taurus men with Aries energy.
Idk why but Taurus whether women or men is my soft spot. I srsly cherish them.
My question for you is...
My chart ruler pluto has only 1 aspect.
Pluto in 1H squaring 10H Jupiter in 5° orb.
I just wanna know ur personal view on this one cuz I feel like all the explanations online aren't really clear to me.
Sorry if I ask you too much. You can ignore some parts if u want to.
Again thank you for doing this.
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you soooo much ♥️
Jupiter square Pluto :
You have a fighting spirit. You might live by your own rules. This aspect can indicate someone extremely ambitious. You can feel like you have to have the “upper hand” intellectually. There is a lot of famous people with this aspect, however, this goes hand in hand with a troubled personal life and a string of broken relationships. You need to learn to balance work with personal life. You can feel like you can’t let go at times. If you learn to untie your self défense and realize that everyone who does not think like you or follows you is not out there to get you. Then you can grow into your true self. Don’t be too critical on yourself.♥️ Open up to others belief system. There may be a lot of tests and challenges in your quest for success. This is the nature of the square aspect. Some challenges would be really painful due to the dark and extreme nature of Pluto. There may be a lot of fluctuations in your financial situation. This inharmonious aspect causes friction between the inner and outer world. You might suffer from internal confusion. You are likely to experience a significant change in belief regarding the religious or philosophical belief system you grew up within. There may be events that bring about disillusioning experiences that will ultimately transform your perspective. Overseas travel and mixing with other cultures can really help you. Don’t be too critical on yourself. ♥️ There is a lot of positive outcomes with this aspect, but you have to be more open and ready to transform ( Pluto) yourself with the themes related to Jupiter.
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Pluto in the 1st:
Even if you are quiet, your presence is always noticed.
Your life would be constantly transforming.
You have the ability to overcome anything. Fighters and survivors. ♥️
You have an alpha personality.
You have a very straightforward and blunt means of expressing yourself.
You might judge yourself, before anyone else do that.
You can hide a lot of hidden anger.
I’ve noticed that you guys tend to walk like serpents.😬 Lemme explain. The hypnotic serpent that’s mesmerizing and magnetic that attracts everyone with their presence and eyes👀.
Your stare is seductive and erotic. Soooo intense and mesmerizing.😍
There is a possibility for natives with Pluto in the 1st house to have spent a difficult childhood.
A lot of these people might have suffered abuse or bullying from a young age. ♥️
You might have been isolated from others in your childhood, because of that, you’ve learned to be independent and to never trust others. Therefore, living in the shadows is quite natural for you.
There might be some emotional scars left from your early years. This can make you rather harsh and difficult to handle.
You might avoid physical exchanges. You hate when someone touches you without asking or telling you.
You can learn from every person, event, experience that you go through. You learn in order to better know yourself and master your own identity.
You don’t like to feel misunderstood. You can be very obsessed with «  studying » the trauma that you experienced through astrology or therapy.
When you desire something, you will do everything to get it. 💪🏻
You can even accidentally intimidate others, just by being present near them.
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Hope it resonated with you♥️.
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thelonesomequeen · 7 years
These are OLD asks and we wanted to publish them to make sure our followers had a chance to voice their opinions. Please note that these are from our anons and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of us here at the blog. Have a nice day ❤️ Queen
"But I enjoy putting myself out there much more than I fear the consequences. I do have to learn to make sure that I'm taking that risk alone, and not dragging anyone else into it." so she loves the attention, too bad people only give a shit about you know because you drag chris name into every interview
Did you guys read Jenny's Marie Claire interview looks like we were right js ws fully aware of the dragging specially the one she got after giving vulture magazine she's always gonna milk Chris's name always
There she goes again. Marie Claire interview with Ms attention seeker. She spends the whole interview talking about not oversharing yet overshares the entire time. She even told the interviewer she doesn't mention Chris's name yet the references to him continue. No surprises here. Same pattern different day. She is trying to convince us (and maybe him) she's changed but I think she's just stating what people are advising her but not serious. She can't do it.
In the Marie Claire interview she doesn't actually regret what she said at vulture rather she blames the media for manipulating what she said (the irony). So now she's changing her approach to make it more about her and how she learned from the experience and the little fragile mouse grew from it. And btw it was the best relationship in the whole world and I'm beautiful because I was with him. But im not going to talk about that wink wink because I've grown. Ya know from when I dated Chris..
Oh she knows what she's doing she's a very cunning woman she always finds a way to talk about Chris and then put it on society and patriarchy
It still surprises me that no one asked Jenny why she talks so much about a relationship that lasted months (in the official version) and almost nothing about a relationship that lasted 9 years. I guess everyone just wants her to keep talking waiting if she will spill something worthy of gossip. And on that way, she keeps being relevant outside her niche. Congrats, Chris! You really helped her career. And welcome, Pascal!!!!!
eonline(.)com news/870744/here-s-exactly-what-it-s-exactly-like-to-date-jenny-slate-according-to-jenny-slate "Jenny Slate dated Captain America when she was fresh off her divorce from Dean Fleisher-Camp in 2016" srsly? Guess they're not done kissing her ass
"Girl as long as you keep talking about him that's all people will care about." She wants people talking about it. She's not important, she's not starring in great movies, most people don't give a shit to her new failed film, so she needs attention. She will use anything to get attention and play the victim at the same time. We know she's liar and manipulative.
The funny thing about Jenny is that she acts like she's Amal Clooney who the media keeps referring to as just "Clooney's wife" even when she's at important world meetings fighting for human rights. Jenny, if you stop talking about Chris then people will stop talking about your personal life. It's that simple! Look at all the articles about her from the dating announcement until her Vulture interview and few mention Chris. Now all of her articles mention him because she can't shut up about him.
I think people need to remember that the gap between his first relationship wiht Minka and getting the Cap role where the years he did a lot of soul searching and got into all his spiritual stuff. There were personal pictures leaked a few years ago that who him on his travels with Lyndsay Mckeon. He was definitely going through some growth during that time so not all his change can be put on post-cap years!
Yes! We agree! :D (English isn't my native language, and the limited space bugs me, so I don't get to express myself the way I want to.) The lack of communication, AS WELL as unwillingness to admit that the differences in baby related issues will have a negative impact on their relationship, are, I think, the biggest reasons behind so many failed relationships. I see a lot of my former class mates etc having kids bc "it's what you do" or "my bf/gf wanted kids", and. No. Not that. You do you.
What if Chris doesn't really want to be a dad, but because of how he grew up and his big family he thinks that's the only way to feel whole and accomplished? Many men are like that and then walk out on their families because they feel trapped or they shut themselves down because life is not what the packaging promised. Men's forums are FULL of this.
According to new research, there is no "biological clock". There is just an overwhelming need to have kids because all one's peers have them already. For women, it starts at 30. For men, in their forties. Chris still has time till the baby fever/panic hits.
(1/3) Regarding this whole "timeline" business, I actually think it's fair, to an extent-- for someone who makes it a big deal (and has spoken publicly) about how he wants marriage and kids, he's sure doing a shitty job of taking steps to accomplish any of that. Obviously it's wrong to say that he should be married already, or have kids already, etc., but when was the last time he was in an actual, serious relationship?
(2/3) I think it rubs people the wrong way when he speaks one way, and then acts completely opposite of that-- it makes it seem like it's all just an act to make people like him, rather than what he actually, genuinely wants. And if he doesn't actually want it, that's fine, just don't go around pretending. (For the record, I think he DOES actually want all of that, but is too immature/afraid of commitment. At some point you just need to bite the bullet...)
(3/3) Also, I think Clooney is a really bad situation to compare this all to-- if I'm remembering correctly, Clooney never (publicly) wanted kids, and I think it was said that one of his previous relationships ended because of it. He met Amal, he (seemingly) changed his mind/his perspective changed, and everything fell into place. That's not the same as Chris, who has from the beginning been open quite open about wanting kids, wanting a woman who (paraphrasing) wants to be a mother, etc.
OMG MP and Ariel!!! I was with you guys in thinking Jenny might pull a trap baby on Chris. I was super worried about that TBH. If he's stupid enough to give her another round like he does with everyone else she still might try it. I hope and pray he isnt that dumb or desperate. And dont fall for her obvious attempts at reaching out in the media. Dont call or text her man! Let her keep looking like the desperate clingy ex that cant let go.
In his last interviews, he said that he wants to be a father, but that he doesn't want to put the horses in front of the wagon. He said that a lot needs to happen before that happens, the relationship and the person will need to work for the day that he decide to have a family. He sounds more conscious about it. He doesn't want kids just to satisfy a desire.
I highly doubt Chris will go back to JS. I don't think he'd go for "easy" like I hear people say about her and Minka. Why would a guy who's good looking, a pretty good guy (not perfect), has money, has friends to get set up by, etc. have any issue getting tail or an actual gf? I think the JS era is over. And kids? If ppl and media actually listen to him he wants them, but wants to do marriage first. I think focusing on career (Broadway yay!) and Dodger is healthier right now. Good vibes.
I'm not a fan of Minka's but she was smart enough to never talk about the relationship and that seems to be where Chris draws the line since he still went back to her regardless of how many times she called the paps or used a Captain America phone case to bait fans. She knew he was the one with fame and money and dutifully towed that line for years so, while I'd unfortunately never put it past the two of them to get back together, I think he's happily finished with Jenny and her antics.
That old post you linked to about how trash Jenny is doesn't even have screen shots of all the times the #feminist darling called other women a cunt for eating a strong-smelling sandwich on the plane or wearing blinged out flip flops, or that time she called a guy a choad for having the audacity to wear a fedora, or the many many times she made fun of someone's mental health, like the lady who was singing to herself. And how in her show she made fun of Shirley Temple possibly being abused...
Speaking of Ilaria - from Tom & Lorenz: "We have been trying FOREVER to dance around our real feelings in re: the matter of Miss Jenny Slate’s style choices. It’s time to just cut through the noise and bullshit and state things clearly. Sweetie? NO. Absolutely not. Under no circumstances. Not even a MODEL could. Put it back. Start over. Let’s ask some hard questions." Ouch! Slate is in a skirtsuit, but it's wearing her, again. Ilaria's strong suit (PUN ALERT) is clearly men. **Kanye shrug**
I don't know if I would agree that ilaria is great at styling men, I was just looking at her Instagram and that pic of James van der beek in the red linen suit and gray boots 🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻. There are some other questionable looks but that was a major NO for me. She must hate him. lol
That's what I mean by she is drowning in the clothes because they aren't tailored to flatter her body. Her dresses are too long and there is too much fabric so that's why it looks like the clothes are wearing her. Her hair and makeup especially for tonight's event looks like she rolled out of bed, they try the messy natural look and fail every time. Her face looks flat she needs concealer, some blush and a little color on her lips. I agree she has had better looks in the past. 1/2
2/2 I'm a hairstylist and makeup artist myself I also do a little styling so I know the client has final say. The team should also advise the client on what looks best for them and what will look good on camera since they will be photographed and it is their work that she is promoting. Like I said before her face looks flat there is no dimension and she looks old and tired. I'm not saying she needs a ton of makeup but definitely more then that so the camera will pick it up.
Does ilaria just dress every guy in the same blue suits? She dressed Armie Hammer and Ali fazal in the same Burberry suit, for the SAME EVENT! Also that same event saw Jenny in a grey striped outfit. Have you seen it? It's horrible and ill fitting, and looks like a random piece of cord is tied around her waist. She also looks like her hair hasn't even been combed never mind styled!
It's me or since she is a A+ actress for magazines (because for the rest of the world and galaxy it's not the case) JS became more narcissistic than before with pics of her doing the model actress who she critized when she wanted the role in gifted?
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