#i srsly love thyme
messedupessy · 4 years
i cant see the emoji on phone but hey square+thyme bc. yes 👀 -B☆
Heck yeah bb Thyme boi UwU ❤
I seriously love this boy, as unlike my usual fell snases, so is he not a overprotective dick with anger issue’s and what have you! He a very sweet young boy, who is all awkward and a bit grumpy, looks like a thug but is so very soft, got the whole bad boy who saves kittens from the rain kinda deal to him like he is just a very sweet and good boy, who is busy figuring out who and what he is and to get the help he needs to do and feel better, like he is just a really good sweet grumpy bean and I adore him.  
Send me a  🖊 + one of my characters, or just send in 🖊 for a random one, and I will answer with some gushing or headcanon’s whatever I feel like about them yes yes
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six-teenblue · 4 years
Okay not to be a hippie but herbalism is srsly changing my loife . Made a little tea bag of tulsi thyme and calendula and tied it around my shower head and bathed in it for the new moon and I literally feel so refreshed and rejuvenated ....... ready to take on the next few months of suffering....... thank you plants I love you
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shadowcraftgrove · 4 years
Plant growing from seeds for urban witches
Day 2/333
I’m gonna start this off with a warning that I am just a baby green witch with a little green thumb. This is my first year growing plants from seed all by myself. 
Here is what I did to get started and also *try* to be cost friendly. 
1. I looked at what plant hardiness zone I’m located in. This will let you know what plants you can and can’t grow as well as when times to plant and harvest. (this was a little heart breaking for me. I’m somewhere awkwardly between zone 4 and 3 but probably leaning towards 3). 
2. I look at what plants grow well in containers. This was also pretty heart breaking, but ultimately you want what will make your plants thrive. Herbs: How to grow, use. and enjoy herbs from your own garden by Publications International, Ltd. is a book that I love to use, but always refer to your instructions on your seed packet or the guide that your seed vendor gives you. 
Here are some herbs suited for container growth: 
Aloe, Basil, Calendula, Catnip, Cayenne Pepper, Chives, Geranium, Ginger, Horsetail, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Marjoram, Oregano, Nastutium, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Summer Savory, Spearmint, Thyme.
Here are all of the other ones I’ve personally reasearched if they can container grow & I currently am growing. (this includes some flowers). 
St. John’s Wort, Hyssop, Wormwood, Feverfew, Borage, Rue, Comfrey, Stinging Nettle, Dandelions, Milk Thistle, Morning Glories (pink variation), Morning Glories (blue variation), Mugwort, Shepherd’s Purse, Purple Basil, Echinacea, Horehound, Black Petunas, Chives, Plaintains, Sweet Peppers, Elderberries, pennyroyal, red clovers and sunflowers. (I haven’t planted the red clover or sunflowers cause I gotta wait till May). 
Elderberries are typical shrubs--I got these seeds for free from my vendor and their seed life span is only a year so I’m growing them for family and friends that can have them transplanted in yards. 
A lot of these plants can have deep roots, and so I understand that deep containers will be needed. I understand that $$$ is going to hurt a bit there. 
3. Buying Seeds. Check MULTIPLE local stores and online to find the best prices and type of seed that I wanted. This part is fun, but I ended up with 29 different plants. Yeah I bit off more than I can chew, but I’m out of a job until further notice so I have time. :)
I ended up paying probably...60 dollars on seeds. Obviously, you could always start out with 3 or 4 plants. That would maybe be 10 dollars. 
4. Containers, soil and storage. I could only dream for a proper seedling growing indoor greenhouse equippe with lights, but i’m not about dropping 200-400 dollars on that am I. I already owned this shoe rack (hence why one row is missing). But, i did actually order another rack because my cats are messing with the bottom 3 rows heavily. 
I ordered the Mainstays 10_tier Narrow Shoe Rack off of walmart. It is only available in stores or online for about 25 dollars.  
For the containers I bought  Seedling Starter Trays, 720 Cells: (120 Trays; 6-Cells Per Tray), Plus 5 Plant Labels off of amazon. 
I also bought some labels, because with this many seeds...yeah labels are good. 
For soil, I used Jiffy Natural and Organic Seedling Starter Soil though a few of my plants did require more Peat moss, which I bought at a local nursery. I’m growing some edible herbs, flowers, and veggies so i wanted something well rounded and not geared towards one thing specific. All of the containers you see used two 12 Qt sized bags for 5 dollars each. 
5. Lighting. This one was a lesson learner for me. So, I live in nowhere South Dakota and we have had only 4 days full sun in 4 weeks. Yup. Seedlings need 8-12 hours of full sun to grow properly. I’ve had to replant a few trays because they got pale, thin, and limped over and died overnight from lack of light. I bit the bullet and knew I was going all in this year and bought some full spectrum plant lights from amazon. There are soooo many options, I would pick ones that work best for you. I bought a total of two and they cost 35 dollars each. Yikes. 
Increasing the lighting has made all the difference for many of the seeds. A lot of them require the seeds to be lightly scattered on the surface because they germinate with the sunlight. 
6. Planting your seeds. This was the hardest for me to do tbh. I wasn’t sure how compact the soil should be, how wet, etc. I also had some plants that required more steps before planting so take note of that! For example, morning glories need either a nick to the shell or to be soaked overnight before planting because of how hard the seed coat is. My comfrey was planted in cells, and put in a ziploc bag for 1 month to stratify. Stratification is when the plants need a period of coldness to emulate winter to then germinate. I also had to do this with mugwort and elderberry.
Date to Plant by: Always read how many weeks before your regions last frost you can plant the seeds. I made a chart with the plants and the dates they should be planted. Sometimes they can be 3-4 weeks before last frost or 6-8. My regions last frost is May 1st at the latest. 
Seed Depth: Pay attention to the depth of the seeds as well. Some required light soil and some require 1/2 inch and some just require to be loosely scattered. 
Number of seeds per cell: Now the spacing and # of seeds per cell is still something I need to work on. Most instructions for seed packets tell you spacing for out doors or when the seedlings get big enough and need to be separated. They also don’t always tell you the rate of germination. A long time ago when i started planting seeds, I would either only place 1 seed per cell or a shite ton. Now if you do 1 seed, and the germination rate is 75%, there is a chance it may not survive. If you do 10 seeds per cell, the plants will have spacing issues and some may die or it will be a pain to separate later. I did 3-4 seeds per cell depending on the average germination rate of the seeds. My morning glories had a really high rate so I did 2 seeds for cell. 
Soil tightness???: Early on, I used to press the soil in the containers and leave little to no air in the soil (oops). Now, how I prep my soil. I will pour the soil into a large bowl or container and pour in some water to moisten it but not soak it. I will stir it to break the large chunks apart with my hands and just pour them into each cell. Then I will take the container and tap it against the grow so that the soil will compact itself together, but it leaves space for air. Repeat. 
Watering: I personally duel wield two spray bottles of water and go ham over the cells, but it leaves so much pain in my wrists. I don’t use a watering can because it can mispalce your lightly scattered seeds or drown your really small seedlings. I even tried watering bottom up. That’s when I would dip the container in a bowl of water or even my tub (haha don’t do that srsly) and the water would come up from the bottom to water the roots. This was a pain in the booty and made a mess for me... if it was outdoors...sure. I will just spray them twice a day heavily. 
This is all I know for now, yall. I’ll try to keep everyone here updated on the progress. I probably spent $250 total on everything, but i’m also growing a lot. (^_^#) 
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santaprofit5-blog · 5 years
Crustless Asparagus Quiche + Weekly Menu
When my bestie was in town last weekend, I wanted to spoil the mama-to-be with brunch. I had planned a little something sweet and a little something savory – I know her style because it’s my own 😊 I even bought a new, beautiful quiche pan for the occasion – a scalloped edge, white, 10-inch dish.
Amazon lost it. I can’t knock on Amazon too much because seriously, Amazon is LYFE. But I was disappointed and my asparagus was looking a little sad by the time the dish arrived. And sadly, Kristen had come and gone, never having the quiche I’d planned for brunch.
We ended up at a gourmet donut shop instead. Oops. I blame Amazon for that one. Srsly.
But as difficult as bypassing donuts can be, it’s a lot easier when you have something delicious planned for breakfast. Bonus if it can be reheated for a quick-and-easy option during the week. I microwaved my quiche slice at home this morning and brought it to work to eat while I got caught up with emails. My kind of Monday morning!
Plus, one my new year’s resolutions was to be more creative with fruits and vegetables (tune into episode 20 on Dietitians Dish to hear Gina and I give updates on our resolutions and set some new goals for the second half of 2019!) and I’ve always been one to say that if you can start your day with vegetables, you’re ahead of the game. I mean, how many people can say they regularly eat vegetables for breakfast? Not I!
And so this quiche is just perfect – plus, any morning I can start my day with a Swiss or Gruyere cheese – it’s bound to be a great day! It’s my absolute favorite and Aldi now sells it shredded. YASSS! Low carb-ers, gluten-free friends, and those who love asparagus…enjoy!
Crustless Asparagus Quiche
Author: Nicole Morrissey
Prep time:  10 mins
Cook time:  60 mins
Total time:  1 hour 10 mins
Serves: 6 large pieces
15 asparagus spears
6 eggs
1 cup 2% milk
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp white pepper
¼ tsp dried thyme
1 cup shredded Swiss or gruyere cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mist a 10-inch pie dish with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.
Cut woody ends off of the asparagus spears. Take half the spears and cut off the top 4-5 inches to use on the top, if desired. Cut remaining asparagus into 1-2 inch pieces. If your asparagus is thick, halve the asparagus to create 2 thinner stalks before cutting into smaller pieces. Sprinkle the smaller pieces into the bottom of the dish and reserve the 4-5 inch pieces.
In a medium bowl, whisk to combine the eggs, milk, salt, pepper, and thyme. Pour the egg mixture over the asparagus in the dish and sprinkle with the shredded cheese.
Top with the 4-5 inch asparagus spears in a star-burst arrangement.
Bake quiche for 60-75 minutes or until golden and eggs are set. Allow quiche to cool for 10-15 minutes before cutting.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ⅙ quiche Calories: 172 Fat: 10.8 Carbohydrates: 4.3 Sugar: 2.8 Sodium: 247 Fiber: 1.0 Protein: 12.8 Cholesterol: 195
Weekly Menu: June 30th – July 4th
Sunday: leftover tacos for the girls; leftover sweet potato and BBQ chicken for me
Monday: Caramelized Pork Tacos with Pineapple Salsa
Tuesday: Out? It’s my birthday so we’ll see 🙂
Wednesday: TBD – I’m off for the day so I’ll probably plan something before the fireworks
Thursday: cookout – just not sure what yet!
Be well,
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Source: https://preventionrd.com/2019/07/crustless-asparagus-quiche-weekly-menu/
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messedupessy · 4 years
Ok so, got a ask from @matronofthevoid for the ask thingie I am doing, where she asked what my skeleton boys would be dressed up for Halloween, and I got hella lot of boys and this is hella long so decided to make a separate post with it yes xD 
I am skipping the seafell and seaswapfell bros, also the genderbent versions of them seaswap boys aka Bon and Nessie, as I srsly dunno what they would be pft, but let’s see...
Swap bros: Stretch I can’t say as that will be spoilers for the Halloween pic I got pft, but his bro Berry totally a sexy fireman just because he can, he gotta be matching his bro because that’s the way they roll.
UT bros: know this has been done before but Sans is dressed in a suit with a note stuck onto his chest with the word apology on it, yes he is a formal apology and Puffy if you read this yes this is inspired by your pic from ages ago. Papyrus is dressed up as Mettaton obviously, his box form that is, which he has worked weeks on perfecting! He technically could had just went with his old armor since that was a old costume he made before reaching the surface, but since he worn it so much it was time for a change, and what better than his favourite sexy rectangle?
Fell bros: Edge, if he isn’t too busy, which he might be unless someone drags him away from his work, is dressed up as Gomez Addams, there is no other costume he could possibly wear. Red is a lazy helicopter tomato who don’t really do the whole dressing up shit, so he will just put a pair of devils horns on his head and call it a day.  
SF bros: Scratch has worked like a mad lad on his costume, it is all made from... well scratch, and he has worked on it for literal weeks, a fancy af gothic vampire with a fluffy skirt, lace, buttons, ribbons, so many details, got like claw gauntlets and everything, it looks like some sort of cosplay with how detailed it is but it’s just a costume and he is very proud of it. Rus is dressed up as a literal trashbag, he just got a stinky old paper bag from the trash and poked some holes in it, put it over his head like the trash he is. 
Seaswap bros: Pass is a ninja because it is ironic as fuck, because Pirates VS Ninjas baby. Boney is dressed as the painting “the girl with a pearl earring”, with his own little twist to the rest of the outfit since you can only see the top half of her body. 
3in1Tale aka G bros: you would think Fraktur would dress up as Dr. Frankenstein since he is a mad scientist just like him, but no, Dr. Frankenstein is a sniveling little piss baby, the creature on the other hand, now that’s where the good stuff is, so yes he is dressed up as “Frankensteins monster”, though mixed with a scientist bc he can’t let go off his mad scientist aesthetic. Gans is dressed like that meme the “how do you do fellow kids” one, not on purpose though he was aiming for a skater because skating is cool, it’s hip, sadly he can’t skate to save his life.
SF KH/Purple bros: Mauve is too busy been aggressive and feral to dress up, dressing up in costumes and such things are beneath him. Cash dresses up as a drug dealer.... which he already is, he is technically not dressing up at all he is genuinely just been himself but “pretending” to be selling drugs, that might be real, is probably real, by opening his hoodie and be all “wanna buy some drugs?”. Their underground to start with isn’t much up to celebrating these sort of occasions.  
MessedUpTale bros: Pop is dressed up as a proper knight, using one of his old armours he used to use back before he ended up underground several hundreds of years ago. Tycoon or just Ty for short, well he is a king so he just switches out his crown for a burger king crown, at first at least, with the help of Pop and some of their friends they end up changing his costume into a literal grandpa, with a beard and everything, because he likes to joke that he is one, so why not dress up as one.  
Underlöst bros: Velvet is dressed up as Lady Gaga from the BLACKPINK music video Sour Candy, the black one with straps and like buckles, with a blonde wig and everything, as BLACKPINK is his fave band and he loves Lady Gaga. Bin couldn’t be bothered to put any sort of effort into any sort of costume, so Velvet had to do it for him, so he dresses him up as a wizard, but a sexy one, sort of, Bin is not really working it like Velvet had hoped but it will do.  
Easeswap bros: Mello is dressed as a cute and very comfy bat, but it’s also like sexy it’s like kinda like a massive hoodie rather that gets cut off at the knees, kinda like a hoodie dress, with bat hears and wings as the hoodie arms, he is very cozy in it. Dex is dressed as a werewolf, as it was the best and simplest thing he could get his hands on, but also like sexy. 
Fellswap Gold bros: Vin sadly did not have time to dress up or even celebrating Halloween whatsoever, his job is extremely demanding and he rarely got any free time, but if he had gotten a chance he would had dressed up as a old time gentleman. Mocha is a bit too socially inept and anxious to go out and celebrate, but his fave online multiplayer game, he dressed his character up as a punkish pumpkin man. 
Easefell bros: Thyme procrastinated af on his costume, so he ended up having to buy something simple to dress up as, and ended up as Raphael from TMNT, it’s kinda shitty and bad quality but it works. Pepper haven’t really gotten a chance to dress up properly before, yes he have once or twice dressed up for parties when he was more in his teen years but they used to be like not that good and... very slutty. He was tempted to just go with a pair of bunny ears and call it a day as he don’t have time for this, but ends up going with something more proper anyway, and dresses up as Sandy from Grease, the black outfit she wears at the end. 
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