#i spent like 40 years trying to find a cuddling picture that didn't show skin BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY THERE'S DIFFERENT SKIN COLORS but i deadass
wonderlustlucas · 6 years
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warmth - wong yukhei
“I swear on my life,” he grins brightly, wrapping his muscular arms around your back and pulling you up beside him so you were face-to-face. It’s quiet again, and you find yourself once again tracing the outline of his face; his defined eyebrows, big doe eyes, his cheekbones, his chin, his lips—everything. “What now?”
“Well, we probably should have gone on a few dates first and fallen in love, even though I’m already full of adoration for you already, and then I would’ve asked you to be my girlfriend and then we would’ve had mind-blowing sex. But we kind of went backward and already had the mind-blowing sex, so how about grabbing lunch as our first date? I mean, even though you’re a younger girl.”
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