#i spent an abnormal amount of thought on this maybe so god bless
himawanai · 1 year
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her: you better not be 4K First Person Introspective fic about Ishmael's brain demons towards Faust and everything that's happened to her
me: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48570391
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lupusxdei-a · 5 years
self para: birds of a feather
It turned out that there was no easy way to do it. Nari could have rehearsed it all she wanted - she could have spent hours practicing in front of the mirror, imagining that the person in the reflection was not herself but the tall, strict figure of her father as he listened intently to what she had to say (as a matter of fact, she did try this at some point, but just picturing Minjoon in that mirror made her nervous), or she could have rolled over in her bed at night, going over all the appropriate and effective ways to speak with her dad, but none of it was going to prepare her for what she was supposed to tell him and what she wanted to ask him. Hi, pops, how are you doing, you see, recently I met this amazing man and he's a student, you know, and they're gonna be on a break soon so we wanted to make good of the holidays and I was thinking if we could borrow the keys to the mountain house, it's nice there and we could go ski? Make good - what was that supposed to mean? No, don't be a dumb ass, Kim Nari, that sounds...Well, it doesn't sound like something you want to say.
Hi, dad - I got some days off and I wanna take some friends up to the cabin...No. Minjoon would know she was lying, he read her like an open book. She had learned it from him, after all - the art of hoodwinking and how could a student ever fool their teacher? She needed to be honest and open about it - that was what she was supposed to do. That was what she always did with Minjoon, with Pride who loved her more than he would ever want to say out loud. And it wasn’t like she was running off to Las Vegas to elope with an angel or some other kind of nemesis of a demon. It wasn’t like she had got herself knocked up and was now seeking a blessing. It wasn’t like she was about to do something reckless, or ruin her life. She wanted to go away with a boy she loved and Nari couldn’t see why Minjoon would say no.
Hi dad. His name is Baylor Park. I know, I haven’t told you much about it yet, but honestly, I haven’t had the chance. I wanted to ask...you know that—
In the midst of her rushing thoughts, Minjoon opened the door of his condo and Nari found herself blurting out a “Hi, dad! I’m here,” before she could realize just how stupid that sounded. Of course she was there. She had called him that very morning and told him she was coming; and she had knocked the door at noon sharp, just when she said she would come; and she was standing right there in front of him, so of course she was “here”.
“I can see that,” Minjoon said with an amused tone of voice and let her in.
After taking a deep breath, Nari walked in and tried to act as normal as possible - she removed her shoes and hung her coat, she then proceeded right into the living room and, to her disappointment, found no sight of Taemin or Hoxmarch. If either of them had been there, she might have found some comfort, an anchor of a sort, or more courage to just get right the Hell to the point, but she was alone with Minjoon, and his oppressive presence had already started to take a toll on his fidgety younger daughter. Her dad was, she noticed, oddly quiet at first. He had disappeared off to the kitchen as soon as she made herself comfortable, and he came back several, abnormally long minutes later carrying two bottles of soju and some peanuts. He placed them on the table, pulled in his armchair and then sat right down, crossed his legs, and then popped the bottles open. “Well?” he asked while handing her one. “I didn’t expect to see you before the New Year.”
“Yeah, me either,” Nari said while taking the bottle. She had last seen her dad a day after her birthday - it had been three days ever since. The year was almost over, barely a couple of days separating the world from the next decade and while that seemed to fill everyone else with a healthy dose of anticipation and enthusiasm, Nari remained indifferent at the prospect of fireworks and sunrise-watching and welcoming the new rotation around the Sun. She looks at the soju bottle before taking a small sip, savoring the flavor. “I-uh guess I wanted to see how you’re doing? We didn’t catch up all that much the other day.”
Minjoon takes a slow sip from his own bottle, then lays it on the table and grabs some peanuts - about half a handful - and starts to clean them one by one. “I’m always doing the same, you know that. Questioning my damn existence with all the brothers - and sister - festering in my vicinity and seeking cheap, short thrills. Same old. same old.”
Nari snorted. “You haven’t come to the races lately, what’s up with that?” Already, she had started to relax. She could practically feel the knots in her muscles releasing, and her body becoming lighter as she grabbed for some peanuts as well.
“I’ll come when I come. They’re not going anywhere. You don’t have to work today?”
“No,” she shook her head and began to munch on the snack, avoiding eye contact still. “I took a few days off from the repair shop, but I may pick up some shifts at the bar, I’m kinda low there.”
“Kim Nari,” Minjoon suddenly says, shifting in his seat. As soon as he calls out to her, she looks up at him finally and when she does, he locked her in a stare-down, with no intentions of letting her gaze fall away from him. “You didn’t come here to shoot the breeze, so why not just get to it.”
“Does it have anything to do with Whatshisname?”
Ever so slowly, Nari felt at least a part of her color fade from her face. She stopped chewing and swallowed thickly, watching Minjoon’s face intently. He was definitely talking about Baylor, though she had no idea how. Had Hoxmarch spilled the beans finally? No, probably not. Right? Was her dad upset, indifferent or pleased? She had no idea, could have been all, neither or any one of those. “Baylor. His name is Baylor. How did you...?”
“When I came to your place, I saw a lovely pair of a man’s gloves in the hallway and I’m sure you don’t own those. Plus, that whole place smelled like what might be a human, though I’m not willing to bet my life on it. It also smelled like cologne, slightly.”
“Kyungsoo was there on my birthday, you know, it could have easily been him.”
“Are you being a smart-ass right now?” Minjoon asked, his voice devoid of any tone or emotion, and frankly, this startled Nari more than it would ever scare her had he went off on a shouting rant. Minjoon rarely, if ever, shouted though - as a matter of fact, Nari had never once heard him raise his voice at her, yet there was always something eerie about how flat and icy his intonation could get, how bereft of any emotion or tangibility it could become that she would have preferred him getting aggressive or loud over that at any time.
“I’m...I’m not being a smart-ass.” She lets out a sigh and finally moves a bit on her seat. Before then, she was frozen, unsure what to do with her own body. She swallows the rest of the peanuts in her mouth, and washes them down with more of the alcohol, downing a handsome amount of it before she can bring herself to speak again. “I was going to tell you but calling you and saying Hi dad I have a boyfriend now sounds kind of weird, don’t you think?”
“You called me when you beat the crap out of that girl back in middle school, saying Hey, dad, uh, I broke someone’s nose. Do you really think news about someone you’re seeing is worse than that?”
“No, I,” touche. She really did do that. So, why had she hesitated to tell him about Baylor? She was confident that he would like Baylor - and possibly vice versa. Hell, even Changseon liked Baylor, which was, admittedly, a thought she needed to keep to herself. Minjoon couldn’t know, not yet, what actually happened three weeks ago. “Look. He’s a really great guy. His name is Baylor Park. He’s a med student. He’s American, actually, but he lives here right now. Long story. But, he’s really...great.” She was becoming nervous again, as evidenced by the way her hands began to slowly fidget. “You’ll really like him.”
“Maybe I will. I mean this is the first time you’re actually...dating, isn’t it? So, not like I have a banana for scale, anyone to compare him with,” Pride’s voice softened by now and he was back to shoving peanuts in his mouth and nibbling them.
“Now you’re being a smart-ass. Or just an ass.”
“I’m often told that.”
“Well, um...School holidays are coming soon and we wanted to do something with it, you know? Before he’s drowning in his studies and I have to continue working as hard as I usually do.”
“Is he human?”
“And- What? No, he’s not.”
“What is he?”
“He’s a...mutant.”
Minjoon raises an eyebrow. “So, he’s mortal?” A mutant? What was that supposed to mean? Was he born a human and then mutated into something else or was he born into it? Or was he...created...Minjoon felt like someone splashed him with a bucket of cold water when he thought of the word “created”. Could this boy have come from that strange and unknown mutation the immortals had caught wind off some decades ago? Could it be the same gene that Lust himself had hooked his claws in two decades ago? The mutation that had...No, impossible. It was a coincidence, it had to be. Where was that brat of Lust’s anyway? Whatever was born out of that union, whoever ran around the world with Lust’s gene in them, remained off radar God knew how and Lust was unwilling to tell a soul where the half-blood was.
“He is. I guess. That’s beside the point right now. What I’m trying to ask you is-”
“Does he know you’re not quite mortal yourself?” Minjoon’s questions came one after the other, without much break or predictability, and Nari was increasingly frustrated with it, her thoughts getting sent off the rails constantly.
“No. Yes, I don’t know!” she lets out an exasperated sigh. “Dad, will you listen to me for a moment?” It was a sensitive subject, one that Nari wasn’t ready to even think about more deeply. Her being...mortal or immortal, no one knew, and Baylor having a potentially normal lifespan was a topic, and issue, for a whole other chapter and she was far too scatter-minded and evasive of the topic to even approach it with Minjoon.
“I’m listening. He has holidays soon and you two want to make good of it.”
Make good of it. Nari gave Minjoon a deadpanned look. She really should have just used the word herself, clearly. “Yeah,” she hears herself say. “It’s holidays, so I was wondering...Do you have plans to go to the uh...mountain house?”
“No. Taemin and I are going to Oahu next week.”
“Lovely! Do you think you could, uh...borrow...me...the...keys?” There’s a timid, embarrassed even, smile on her lips as she asks him, and the moment the words leave her mouth her cheeks and ears start to become burning red.
There’s a heavy moment of silence between father and daughter. Nari thought that if she tried hard enough, she would be able to hear Minjoon’s heart beat, or the next-door neighbour breathing from how deafeningly quiet the condo had become, but the spell is broken quickly when Minjoon’s mouth curls into a mischievous smirk and he un-crosses his legs and lets out a little cackle. “Sure. Nari, as much as I hate to admit it, you’re an adult. You can do whatever you want, with whoever you want, but honestly, I’d much prefer if I know where you are while you’re doing it. At least in this case.” Baylor Park, American, mutant, the words are still going through his head. There were no such things as coincidences in this world, he thought, yet...he was willing to entertain this one if the universe would allow him. “You are planning to introduce us, aren’t you?”
Nari’s body becomes lighter than before as she heard his approval and she is able to laugh a little as she nods, in excitement. “Of course I am. As soon as....Well, I don’t know, how long you staying in Hawaii? Maybe after the winter break, I’ll bring him over to Lady Xian for a dinner, how does that sound?” And as long as Hoxy doesn’t tell him that he has already met Baylor, this should work real fucking swell.
“Frankly, I’m a bit offended Kyungsoo got to meet your beau before me but I guess I can let it slide this time,” Minjoon says leaning back against his seat. “I trust you know what you’re doing.”
The redness in her head increased, along with the heat, and Nari coughed a little. She reached for her drink and took a big sip before nodding. “I do, yeah.”
“I meant...what you’re doing, regarding him. And you.”
Oh. She looks up at Minjoon, her eyes filled with a kind of melancholy. “I think that I do. It’s too early to talk about some things. I’m just twenty-two, he’s just twenty. We’ve got a life ahead of us.”
“I suppose you do,” he shrugs. “Hey, I didn’t know you were into younger men.”
“Dad!” Nari reaches for a small, decorative pillow and throws it right at his face, though Minjoon catches it before it ruins his perfect hairstyle.
“What?” he asks through another chuckle. “My vessel is also...was also younger than your mom, so I see where that comes from.”
“You’re fucking gross.”
“Yeah...” He offers his daughter an adoring smile. “I’m told often.”
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didoublez · 6 years
Rewired, Part 1
I didn’t believe in vampires, until I had sex with one that is. Yes, I know how cracked out I sound and if I were you I wouldn’t believe me either, but I know what I felt and I know that I wasn’t dreaming, even if I was a bit out of it. You see, I know the difference between reality and fiction. No matter how much I try to convince myself, the bottom line is that my body hasn’t been the same since my encounter with Jay When I say Jay, I’m going to assume that you know that I’m talking about Jay Park. Sometimes, mostly outside of the States, he’s called Park Jaebeom. Eh, I call him Jay because that’s what I’m comfortable with. Anyway, after about a month of convincing, my roommate and I convinced our parents to let us fly up north to a Jay concert and a mini summer vacation. They got us a hotel in Baltimore, added a ridiculous amount of money to our bank accounts, and let us do whatever we wanted as long as we promised we wouldn’t get in trouble. The concert wasn’t for a few days after we got to B-more, so we spent a couple days doing tourist stuff. We went through the aquarium, hunted down the Ace of Cakes shop, and ate sinfully good pasta and Black Out cake at the Cheesecake Factory. We went over to Annapolis and walked around downtown and hit up a couple of the monuments in DC. Finally, it was the day of the concert and we headed to the venue early, determined to get as close to Jay as was humanly possible. There were maybe twenty people in line ahead of us, but they looked like lightweights that we could easily push through. We took turns going to the bathroom, or grabbing something to eat, and even knocking out for a little while until the security team started letting people in. Like I said, it was easy to push our way to the front and it helps that my home girl can move grown men out the way when she’s determined enough to get somewhere. We danced and jumped around for the opening acts, excitement building as time grew ever closer for Jay to come on stage. The announcer couldn’t even say Jay’s name before the venue exploded in applause and screaming, which only increased when the man himself came on stage. I fell for him right then and there. He wasn’t overly costumed, although I kind of knew he wouldn’t be because he’s not really the flashy type. Simple, sophisticated swag-a black V-neck short sleeve shirt that showed off his glorious tattoos and dark jeans slung low on his hips with just a hint of his black and red boxers showing. Perfection is the word that comes to mind. He opened his mouth and I swear I felt like I was listening to Heaven’s angels. I had a quick conversation with God, thanking him for blessing us with this gorgeous, talented specimen of a man and apologizing for all the dirty things I was going to be thinking about said gorgeous, talented man. After saying “Amen” in my head, I turned back to the performance. I caught Jay’s eye whenever he came near our side of the stage. I vowed to never wash my hand when he touched it. I was completely mesmerized and I made sure to burn every moment of the night into my brain so that when I got old I was sure that the only two things I would absolutely never forget would be my name and seeing Jay Park live. Being Jay Motherfucking Park, there was a surprise for us half way through the show. A chair was brought out to the middle of the stage and while he took a moment to catch his breath, he asked for a volunteer from the audience. My arm shot towards him before he got the sentence all the way out his mouth and my roommate and I vied for his attention while he chuckled at all us screaming fangirls. Finally, he got up and after a little bit of teasing he picked. You know he picked me, right? I mean, there wouldn’t be much of a story here if he hadn’t. Anyway, I made my way up to the stage and sat in the chair. “What’s your name?” “Harley,” I answered. He gave me a half-smile and I thought he was going to make a Joker reference but he didn’t. “Harley, have you heard my new mixtape?” “Of course,” I said. “Who hasn’t?” A cheer went up from the crowd at my reply. I grinned at Jay who was grinning back at me. “So, you know this song, right?” The music started playing and my eyes widened when he started to sing directly at me. Yeah Oooo Check it out Let me come on over I'm gonna put you on a sofa And do just like I told yah And work that body right Oo shawty I know that you've been naughty So get up on my lap And work it work it Twerk it oh twerk it He did a little body wave at every ‘work it��� and ‘twerk it.’ He walked to the front of the stage and sang before coming back to me. He pulled his shirt off amidst thunderous cheers and handed it to me while continuing the song. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him as he worked the stage and my hormones to the max. In the room in the bed, We do what we do In the shower for hours, We do what we do On the sofa on the floor, We do what we do Girl anywhere you want, Girl we do what we do At the end of the song he came up to me in my seat and took my hand, kissing the back of it. I thought I was going to melt into a puddle when I was able to think straight and after giving him back his shirt (I was made to. Please know that it wasn’t willingly), he gave me a brilliant smile before I went back to my place. When the next song was about to start I realized that he’d slipped a piece of paper into my hand. There wasn’t much on it, just a name and a number, but I immediately recognized it for what it was. I stuffed the invitation to his room into my bra and went back to enjoying the show. My feet hurt, my throat was raw, and my head was pounding but I hadn’t felt more energized in my life. That boy put on an amazing show. I pulled my friend to the side while we waited for a taxi and showed her my note. She immediately told me to go, noting that I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t. I was glad that she talked me into it, because although I knew it was an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I was still a little hesitant. Not that I was doubting Jay, but I knew I could have ended up on First 48, or on the back of someone’s milk carton. Even though it was late, we both left messages for our parents telling them that we’d call them later, that we’d had an amazing time at the show and we were heading back to the hotel to go to bed. It technically wasn’t a lie. Jay just happened to have been staying in the same hotel as we were, I just wasn’t going to bed just yet. I knew that it would probably take a while before Jay got back, so the two of us went to our room and showered. My roommate threw on her pajamas and fought to stay awake with me as I tried to find something cute and sexy, but not hoe-ish to wear to Jay’s room. I finally decided on something, changed, and waited another thirty minutes before heading to room 420. I stood in front of the door for a while trying to get my nerves together. I realized I was never going to not be nervous, so I raised my fist to knock on the door, only to have it open before I could actually touch it. I took a deep breath and walked into the room. There was music playing and Jay was standing right there waiting to close the door behind me. He welcomed me into the room and I followed him through the suite. We stopped in a living room area and I saw two glasses chilling in a bucket of ice and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. “So you just knew I was going to show up?” I joked. “Nah, I'm not that cocky, but I was hoping you would. Help yourself.” “Thanks, but I don’t drink and I’m allergic to strawberries.” “That’s no problem. You can have whatever you want.” “To be honest, I’m too nervous for anything extra.” I don’t know what possessed me to be so honest with him. Maybe it was the way his eyes sparkled at my confession. I felt compelled to tell him whatever he wanted to know. I wanted to do whatever he asked me to. I shook my head, amazed and a little scared by how intense things had gotten from just one little sentence. “You don’t have to be afraid. I don’t bite…much.” “That was so corny,” I burst out. “It’s the truth,” he said. He sat down and motioned for me to sit on his lap. For a moment I hesitated, but I heard my roommate threatening me in my head so I walked forward with confidence I didn’t know I had. “See, this isn’t so bad, is it?” he asked. No, it’s not bad at all, especially if what I’m imagining is actually about to go down I thought. Jay chuckled. “We can do all that and more. I’m yours until the sun comes up.” My head snapped back to get a better look at him. I was pretty sure that I hadn’t said that out loud but he’d answered anyway. What the actual hell is going on right now? “Your fantasies are about to come true,” he answered my unspoken thought. I tried to get up, but he had my waist in a vice grip and I couldn’t escape. “There’s no turning back,” he told me. He smiled and his canines glistened in the light, pearly white and unnaturally sharp. It was shocking, but somehow I wasn’t as nervous as I was before. Jay raised an eyebrow at me. “What’s wrong with you?” “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. I was a little bit offended. I mean, he was calling me abnormal on the downlow. “I just showed you my fangs and you didn’t scream or curse, call a holy name, start praying…your heart rate didn’t even accelerate. This isn’t the kind of reaction I was expecting.” I shrugged. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m not scared.” As I spoke I realized it was kind of true. It was more hot than anything and I guess that says more about me than it does about him but whatever. “I’m curious. If you expected me to go running and screaming why did you call me here?” It was Jay’s turn to shrug. “I felt drawn to you since the concert. I could feel you in the crowd if that makes sense. I had to have you.” “And if I hadn’t shown up here?” He gave me a cocky half-smile. “There was no doubt that you wouldn’t be here.” “I thought you said you weren’t cocky.” “I said I wasn’t that cocky. There’s a difference.” “Shut up and kiss me,” I told him. I bent my head towards him and he met me halfway. I moaned when our lips connected, the feeling more intense than I thought should have been possible. He had me melting with just a kiss and I was damn curious to see what the rest of night was going to bring if just a kiss had me feeling like this. “Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable,” he said breaking away from me. I got up and then followed him to the bedroom. He looked at me and winked and suddenly I was standing naked in the middle of the room. I can’t say that it wasn’t a cool effect as I watched the same thing happen to him. I had a hard time not looking down, especially when I could see his eyes darkening right in front of me. I looked down and swallowed hard. I was definitely in for something tonight. “There’s no going back you know,” he said. “And once we do this, your life is going to change forever.” “Ha!” I scoffed. “You sound like one of my romance novels. What are you trying to say? I’m going to have sex with a vampire and turn into some kind of sex junkie? Am I going to get bitten and be magically allergic to the sun for the next few days or something?” “It’s not that, it’s just that…no one else is going to be able to make you feel the way I’ll make you feel tonight.” “I don’t believe you.” “I know you don’t. You’ll believe me soon enough.” He pulled me into him and we landed on the bed. I sank into the soft mattress while he climbed on top of me. We kissed again, more feral than the last time, and I felt him nipping at my bottom lip. He pulled away and looked down at me. It felt as though his gaze was going straight to my soul. I shivered uncontrollably. “It begins now,” he said cryptically. I wanted to ask what he was talking about but my voice was caught in my throat. He lowered his head and placed his lips against my temple until it felt hot. He pecked a small trail down to where my jaw hinged and waited until it heated there too. I was confused and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what was going on. He continued the process down to the pulse point in my neck, licking and sucking there until I arched off the bed. Instead of going where I thought he would, he kissed down my arm Gomez Addams style, placing a wet kiss against my brachial artery. I felt like every place he went to was on fire. He made his way down my body, between my legs, but turned instead to nip at my femoral artery. “What are you doing to me?” I managed to say. “I’m rewiring your system,” he said simply. I could feel his breath against my core and I moved my hips forward just a little, trying to entice him. “What does that mean exactly?” “Just what I said earlier-you’re never going to feel this way with anyone else.” He punctuated his statement by pushing his tongue deep inside me. I can’t even tell you what kind of sound came out of my mouth because I don’t know either. Jay laughed at my reaction, then went back to devouring me until I was begging him to just stop and let me breathe. “Don’t tell me you can’t hang,” he said, sitting up and looking at me. I tried to glare at him, but it was taking most of my energy to get my breathing back to normal. “I can hang. I just-I just need a minute,” I said. I sounded lame to myself so I can’t imagine how I sounded to Jay. “It’s only going to get better from here.” He positioned himself above me, his thick arousal pulsing against my thigh, the head of it rubbing teasingly against my entrance. I whimpered, begging without words for him to just fuck me into oblivion. He must have read my mind because he laughed and pushed into me. “Shit…” I said as he sank into me. It was like we were made for each other, the way he slid in. I could feel myself tightening around him and I don’t remember ever having sex feel that good. I bit my lip as I got used to him and then nodded when I was ready. He pulled all the way out and then half way in, again and again and it did nothing but tease me. I started crying and cursing, trying to get him to go harder or faster but he ignored me and kept doing his own thing. I stopped fighting it and he rewarded me by pushing in to the hilt. “Jay…faster, please,” I begged and for once he obliged. His pace increased and so did my moans. Not only was he hitting every spot I owned but I could already feel the tell-tale signs of an orgasm building up behind my bellybutton. “You know it’s not going to be that easy,” Jay panted out. Before I knew what was happening, the feeling was gone. I didn’t know what to do with myself but I watched as Jay put his hand to my pelvis, never stopping moving within me, and an orange dot appeared on my skin. It was intriguing and I didn’t know what to make of it, but I chalked it up to the magic of Jay Park and his awesome vampire skills Without warning I was flipped over so that I had to catch myself on my elbows. Jay’s hands went around my waist and I was pulled into him repeatedly. I felt like a shish-kabob, just being speared by him. Every piece of me, from the roots of my hair to the soles of my feet, was pulsing with desire and the need to release. I was begging again although I’m not quite sure what I wanted anymore. “You ready?” Jay said in my ear. I nodded, still unsure of what was happening. His right hand went under me to the spot that had come up before. I could feel my womb heating up and then I was seeing stars and the moon as I came so hard I couldn’t even speak. My body felt like it was tingling all over and I was vaguely aware of Jay calling out my name and collapsing on top of me before I blacked out. When I came to, Jay was laying beside me with that smirk I’d come to love. “What just happened?” I asked hoarsely. “I marked you,” he said. “Meaning…?” He chuckled. “You’ll find out soon enough. You should get back to your room now.” I was still slightly out of it, but he made my clothes reappear and I took it as a sign he was serious so I left without another word. I let myself into my hotel room and went back to sleep. It wasn’t until sometime after noon when my roommate woke me up. “So…how was it?” I opened my mouth then closed it again. I wasn’t sure how much I should tell her, but I knew I damn sure couldn’t say anything about the whole vampire thing. I wasn’t exactly sure that part was real either. “It was…amazing, spectacular, mind-blowing…do I need to keep going? The boy can put down.” “Come on, tell me details!” “I can’t do that,” I said. “I don’t kiss and tell.” “Then skip the kissing part.” I glared at her and refused to say anything about it. We spent the day in the room because I really wasn’t up to walking around. Sometime that evening, someone knocked on the door and my roommate came back with a note for me. Thanks for last night. Yes, everything you think happened did, including all the supernatural stuff. It’s a perk of being like me. I didn’t mean to wear you out so much. Yes, I know what you’re thinking even if we’re not near each other. Like I said, I rewired your system. You can’t shake me, no matter what. No one else will ever be able to make you feel like I did. You’re mine now- Jay I didn’t know what to make of it, but I tucked the note into my journal and didn’t think about it for the rest of my trip. So, you’re probably wondering what I meant in the beginning about my body being different since my Jay encounter. Let me explain about that now. About two or three months later, I hooked up with an old boyfriend. We were both single and horny and we ended up having sex. I remember him being kind of good, and while he was slobbering all over himself, I couldn’t even enjoy it. I was trying to figure out was wrong with me and I chalked it up to maybe I was just not into him like that anymore. I had an idea, and after a bit of whore-ish behavior my conclusion was that Jay really was a vampire. He’d rewired my system to respond only to him in sexual situations. I still wasn’t sure, so I turned to the internet. I swear you can find anything with a little bit of time, patience and inprivate browsing. My suspicions were confirmed and I groaned in frustration. How could he do this to me? Not that he isn’t fucking gorgeous but to make it to where I couldn’t get off without him…that was just cruel. As if a gift was being sent from whatever saint listens to sexually frustrated females, my message alert when off and in my email was a complimentary ticket to the next Jay show, with airfare and hotel included. At the end of the message, after the small print were the words: I told you, you can’t shake me. I’m the only one you’ll need. I marked you. You are mine. Yes Jay, I thought, I’m yours.
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