#i sort of stole the format from @de-sire-blog :) sorry-not-sorry
pawfulsofmischief · 3 years
Intro and Masterlist
Hallo, hallo!! I'm Nova, a pleasure to see you on my blog!! <33 I'm a Wolfstar addict, Belladora ship captain, Marylily/Dorlene admirer, Ao3 author, Dnd player and furry digital artist. I also post the occasional drabble here on tumblr when I get hit with inspiration but can't make the fic long enough (for me) to post on ao3.
My dm's are always open if you want to chat!! I mean about anything, really. Just chatting, questions about anything, etc etc. I love talking to people, but I'm real bad at reaching out first. My anons are also open if you want to send me anything <33 (If you send hate, I will simply use it as an exercise into descriptive writing of ways to say 'fuck you', but go off I guess.)
Anyway, here's my fics for those curious!
Ongoing Fics
They Never Expect the Squibs (TNES) Planned to be a long fic, 75k+ at least. squib!trans!Regulus and genderqueer!Sirius are the main POV's, and there's lots of queer stuff planned. Possible violence, but no explicit smut planned. Mentions of past trauma. Updates every other Friday (bar any life issues).
Sirius only remembers glimpses of a sister he once used to have when he was tiny before she vanished without a word. Regulus first remembers the dingy orphanage, which he was rescued from by a wonderful, accepting couple that raised him as their own. Imagine their surprise when the two meet years later, in the middle of a raging war that was getting quite out of hand. They look almost identical, they could almost be twins. How are they supposed to handle a surprise sibling reunion when the world is crumbling around them? And how are these muggles managing to survive Death Eater attacks, and even win the fights while they're at it?
Freak Like Me (FLM) Also planned to be a long fic, 50k+ words at least. trans!Sirius as the main POV, with bassist!Remus and werewolf!Regulus as major focuses. Also very queer. Wolfstar and Jegulus + other pairs. Explicit smut planned, as well as mentions of past trauma, addiction, etc. Updates alternating Fridays with TNES and CitF.
They're still young, barely in their twenties, and they want to have fun in a world that's a bit shite. When Marlene drags the group to an underground, magical concert, they don't know what they're getting themselves into. Music, werewolves, and rebellion flood Sirius's life all in the course of one night. A bassist with golden-amber eyes and tawny curls, a familiar grey eyed drummer he hasn't seen in years, and a singer with the most obnoxiously pink hair he's ever seen. What could this band possibly bring into his life that wouldn't be worth the way the bassist makes his stomach flip and breath hitch?
Corruption is the flesh that covers every bone. (CitF) Definitely look at the tags before reading this one. James's POV with the occasional POV from Sirius. A dark!Marauders fic that will be filled heavily with dark themes with this such as explicit violence. Rosekillerstarchaser and Wolfstar pairings with other background pairs. Also baby Harry and Teddy (adopted, not with Tonks)!!
In the midst of a war, with a baby on his hip and best friends at his side, James Potter begins uncovering a whole treasure trove of things he never could have imagined. Lies, deceit, slander, and more. Things about himself and Sirius and Peter that they should have realized with the kinds of pranks they pulled, and things about Lily that disgust him. Perhaps they really are more suited for the Dark side.
Kind-Of-Sort-Of-Dad-Uncles MixedUpWritersFest collab with @therealrjlupin!! Wrong number texting fic. PoV swaps between Sirius and Remus.
Remus is more than excited for his kind-of-sort-of-son-nephew to be born and attempts to text Peter the exciting news! Except, it isn't Peter that he texts, it's some stranger who he continues to text because, well, they're quite interest, if a bit egotistical. Sirius winds up getting an unsolicited “in active labour” text one evening from a random number. They find it quite amusing and decide to keep texting this curious stranger that has gotten them so invested in this child they don't even know! Perhaps taking a gift to them in the hospital would be nice if they're going to be updated more.
Oneshots/others below the cut
Beggin' 5.8k words. NSFW Belladora (Bellatrix/Pandora) fluff and smut. The first half is smut free, with a bit of cute toddler Luna before the smut begins~
Bellatrix has just finished 'taking care of' a group of Order members with Fenrir and has found some distressing news. She returns home to her partner Pandora and daughter Luna later that evening, and Pandora soon helps her to stop thinking about it for a while.
Hell's Welcoming 12.9k words. NSFW Priest!Remus just got dropped into hell and is welcomed by Devil!Sirius in a way that surprises both of them ;) Beginning of a series of stand alone one shots that build on each other
Remus has spent the last forty-some odd years as a wonderful priest, following his vows to the letter and working to help to make the world a better place. He believed he would walk through the pearly gates of Heaven when he finally met his end... Except that's not at all what happens. Rather, he wakes up and soon finds he's been dropped down to Hell without a second glance. Sirius has been doing their job as the Ruler of Hell extremely well for centuries. So they'd seen plenty of souls that would theoretically go to Heaven be dropped down to Hell simply because 'God' doesn't want them. None have ever been like the priest that landed on his desk one evening just after his death, though. Remus and Sirius come to realize this arrangement is perfectly alright with them, however.
Special Nights 9.8k words. NSFW trans!Sirius ends up in a weird mutual masturbation situation on accident with James and Remus... It works out very well in the end
Remus came back for sixth year hot and of course Sirius noticed it. He managed to get through the first week just fine, he distracted himself well enough to not indulge in fantasizing too much. Until they go to bed early, high off adrenaline from a good day of pranking and he just wants to sleep, but he also keeps imagining Remus. Then he hears a moan from somewhere else in the room. From James's bed, in fact. But that's just the beginning for our delightful Sirius.
Gender Adventure 3.6k words. trans!James helps gn!Sirius come to terms with who they really are and protects them when needed. Second part will come out... eventually :D
When Dorcas comes out as nonbinary in the beginning of fourth year, it kick starts Sirius's thoughts into his own gender identity. With the help of best mate James and his wonderful parents, as well as wonderfully accepting friends, Sirius starts the journey- or adventure, as one may call it- into figuring out what it all leads to.
Coffee and Tea 888 words. Real simple Harry and Draco bump into each other at a coffee shop.
Harry's there to just get his morning tea, like he does most days. He isn't, however, expecting to hear the one voice he'd never thought he'd hear again. After all, who would have expected to find Malfoy in a muggle cafe of all places?
A Very Sassy Potter
748 words. Possibility of more in the future. Harry is a sassy Slytherin and he talks back to Snape in the very first potions class of first year.
Harry has grown up not taking any shit, so when Snape comes at him trying to make him look stupid, Harry shows him he's far from it.
Love of a Mother 3k words. Molly Weasley focused, multiple pairings mentioned. Tells a story of how Molly protects all the kids she can through the war~
When Molly Weasley sees Vernon Dursley and how he treats Harry, she decides to take Harry instead. She gives him a home and family, and against Dumbledore's wishes, doesn't let him go back to a place such as the Dursleys. When Narcissa comes to Molly with a request, she takes Draco in with open arms. She gives him the kind of love Narcissa was never able to while around Lucius. Molly loves her children, she just wants them to be happy.
Yule Ball Confessions 3.7k words. Drarry fic with vague Pansmione. Pansy and Hermione are fed up and make the boys dance at the Yule ball together.
Harry takes Hermione to the Yule Ball, but he doesn't quite realize that she's up to something. In what seems to be a coordinated plan with Pansy Parkinson herself, Hermione manages to somehow convince Draco bloody Malfoy to 'teach' Harry to dance... Which somehow leads to something highly unexpected?
On hold/Being rewritten
Another Black Sheep 79k+ words. 5 chapters so far. Currently being rewritten very slowly to be more cohesive and shite. trans!OC + twins focused. It follows their time in school and beyond during the war. Regulus lives, as do Sirius, Remus, etc. This was the first fic I wrote after coming back from a long ass hiatus and jumping from Wattpad to Ao3.
Fox Black has always been a bit strange. Ever since he was little he stood out. Auburn hair, always playing in the mud, and quite loudly wondering why daddy was always so mean about blood status. Of course, he was also once known as Vulpecula Bellatrix Malfoy, eldest child and sole daughter of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. But he's always been trouble for the Malfoys, and that doesn't stop when he gets to Hogwarts. Instead, it gets worse, as on the very first train ride to Hogwarts, Fox meets a pair that became the most unlikeliest friends for a Malfoy: Fred and George Weasley.
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