#i somehow only now thought to google what time corner stores close KJHDFJDF
Happy STS! 💕 How do your OCs start a regular day? How do they end it?
i’m gonna answer for the siblings from TIB for this one!
Teejay my fricken virgo wakes up nice and early to an alarm, gets his breakfast ready (and gets breakfast ready for his sisters who most likely aren’t awake yet), downs a cup of coffee, and jumps on his motorcycle to work (while stopping for another cup of coffee on the way). he ends his day by getting everything he needs ready for the next morning, and then maybe an episode or two of a show he likes before going to bed at 11, midnight latest.
Peach be like, “morning routine? morning? never heard of her,” and then wake up at 11 or, depending on how late she went to bed the night before, can sleep in until 2pm. she’ll grab something to eat then start working on her writing projects. at night she works at a corner store until 11pm, then she’ll come home and, depending on how inspired she is, can stay up into the wee hours writing. she’s one of us
Baby usually wakes up at around 8:30-9, has whatever breakfast Teejay left for her, and then starts studying for her online classes to catch up on the high school she missed. at night she sometimes joins Teejay to watch a movie before going to bed.
thanks for the ask!💕
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