#i smashed canon mnaf together with my au and got this
authoramalgam · 11 months
I finally wrote the part two to something I wrote like... a few months ago or something, And I wanna post some of my bullshit. *vibrates like a jar full of angry hornets*
This was bullshit. All of it was bullshit. Ant knew it and Michael knew it. Scenery Saloon and Steakhouse. Emilia had set the entire place up as a trap for Dan. He would be arriving there tomorrow for this job that Emilia, using an illusion disc to appear as Ant, had offered him.
Even now the defunct circus animatronic, not bothering to use its human disguise, wandered through the building, making sure her trap was set.
And they couldn’t do anything about it. Ant knew why. If they interfered too early, and got Emilia's attention, their plan to permanently destroy their remnant and end Ronaldo’s Torment would be ruined. That didn’t stop Ant from hating this vehemently. To know his best friend would be going through this hell Again. Just as he was actually starting to get better again. “And you’re sure that that jail cell thing will hold up?” Ant asked dubiously. It felt too easy.
Michael frowned. Or at least he probably did. Him being some sort of an amorphous grey entity sometimes made it hard to read him. Occasionally he was able to take a different form. A yellow bunny looking thing, but he really despised the way it resembled Spring Bonnie, so he didn’t use it often. 
Ant had asked once why he was grey like that. Ronaldo was to blame, of course. Apparently Michael was the first he’d tried to bring back. It hadn’t worked properly, leaving his soul permanently changed, and when Michael started going against Ronaldo, he stopped trying to bring him back. Father of the century right there.
“It’ll work for a while.” Michael finally clarified.”If Emilia doesn’t try and sabotage it right off the bat. It should last until I figure out how to get that door in place.”
Ant’s ear twitched in irritation. “...Fine I guess.”
“Oh, c’mon, don’t be like that. Dan’s gonna be fine.” Michael tried to reassure him. “He’s gotten this far-” “Yeah and?! Everyone’s undefeated till they’re not Michael!” Ant snapped. “What if things go wrong? I can’t- I won’t let Dan end up like this.” Some wandering soul, another victim of Torment.
“Ant it’s-” Michael was cut off by what felt like a shock wave. Every single object in the room, from the chairs, the tables, the speakers onstage, and even the bottles in Bonnie’s bar all jolted. Half the glasses fell to the ground and shattered.
Emilia stopped in her tracks, green eyes glowing as she scanned the room.
In normal circumstances, Ant would wonder if that had been some weird earthquake, or if something had exploded, but this wasn’t normal. Ant was a ghost, if that had been an earthquake, he shouldn’t have felt it. And glancing at Michael, it was obvious he’d felt it too.
“What was that?” Ant asked, hoping the grey entity would be able to give some kind of answer, but he didn’t.
“I have no idea.” He sounded nervous. Nervous was never good.
Instinctively, Ant’s mind went to one place. “You don’t think Ronaldo-” Michael cut him off. “No. He isn’t even in town.” Yet. Supposedly he was headed towards the steakhouse. But if Ronaldo wasn’t behind the shock wave, what was? “I…” Michael was quiet, almost hesitant. “I think we need to check the salvage shed. Just in case.”
The salvage shed. It had apparently been near impossible to even build without being found by Emilia. Supposedly if they were ever able to trick her inside they may be able to drain away the remnant inside Circus Baby, putting an end to her, but that was a big if.
As Ant was about to leave and follow Michael outside, he glanced over his shoulder. Emilia had gone back to her wandering. A janitor was already sweeping up the broken glass. The animatronics were all stationary.
There wasn’t supposed to be a janitor here.
“Hey- Wait- Michael wait, there’s-” Ant chased after Michael, passing through walls until he reached the back of the building. “Oh my god how are you this fast?!” He hissed as he passed through the chain link fence and ducked between trees on his way to the salvage shed. “Hey!” He finally managed to grab Michael by the shoulder, yanking him back a bit. That was one of the neat things about being a shadow animatronic thing, he was way stronger than he had been before. Not strong enough to fully fight off Ronaldo’s stupid Nightmare thing, but at least strong enough to handle most other ghosts. “There’s a guy.” “A guy?” Michael deadpanned as he pulled out of Ants grip. “What do you mean there’s a guy?” He glanced around, checking the woods for movement.
“No. Not here.” Ant explained. “In the saloon. There was a janitor, and I know there’s no way anyone would be in the building right now.” Especially if Emilia was walking around without her illusion disk active, she’d kill anyone who saw her like that. “He was over sweeping up the mess at the soda bar but,” Ant paused. “He showed up right after that… whatever the heck earthquake thing. There has to be some connection.”
Burying his face in his hands, Michael groaned. “Great.” Him being frustrated was pretty understandable. If this was another ghost suddenly popping up, it probably was, then they’d probably have to be the ones to deal with it. Before it decided to start trying to possess animatronics or actively try and interact with Dan. “Let’s just check this,” He waved a hand at the salvage shed. “Then we’ll go find out what this janitor guy is doing.”
Rolling his eyes a bit, Ant went along with Michael. Poking his head through the wall he was able to see the cramped room was unchanged. “Yeah. Everything looks-” “Shh!” Michael shushed him, pointing at the table in the center of the room. How Ant had missed it, who knows, but there was something there.
At first, he thought it was a dead body. A human figure slumped over, face in their arms. Almost like they’d fallen asleep or something. But they weren’t breathing and their skin was a sickly greyish colour. Then, its hand twitched. Blackened claws scraped against the wooden tabletop as the ghost raised its head slightly. A single bloodshot eye could be seen peeking out of the long tangled mess of greasy purple hair.
The room was dead silent. That is until the ghost stood up, its joints all popping and twisting as its body distorted. It towered over them, looking at the pair with an elongated smile seemingly frozen on its face. Not wanting to stare into its maddened eyes, Ant’s gaze flickered down towards the ghost's chest. It looked like it had been torn open. A jagged, ripped open wound that dripped with blood. There were what looked like glowing magenta wires wrapped around its broken ribs, pulling them even further apart. The wires wrapped around the entirety of the ghost’s torso and even parts of its arms and neck, digging into the skin. That had to be painful.
Letting out a quiet laugh, the ghost leaned in towards Ant’s face, barely a few inches from him. “My eyes are up here, rabbit.” A sickeningly familiar voice rasped.
A deep panic filled Ant. Like when you’re a little kid, terrified of the monster in the closet. Except the monster was real and right in front of him. “Ronaldo?!” He should be miles away, and his soul was trapped in the Spring Bonnie suit. So who, or what, was this thing?
The entity's eyes widened, its smile stretching just a bit as it tilted its head. “Oh.” It glitched. “Ant. It’s you.”
Ant stared almost helplessly into the eyes of the entity he could only liken to the devil itself. In turn, Ronaldo, or whatever this thing was that sounded like him lifted a clawed hand as if to grab him.
Then, there was a blur of grey from Ant’s left as Michael lashed out, his fist connecting with Ronaldo’s jaw with a satisfying crack. “Get away from him!”
The entity reeled back, clutching at its face. The eerie smile it wore never faded but it looked strained, and the look of surprise and  anger on its face belied its true feelings. “Rude.” It spoke like it was scolding a disobedient child. “Didn’t your parents ever teach you that hitting people is against the rules?”
Michael bristled with rage at Ronaldo’s mockery. His spectral form flickered and burned like an out of control fire. “Oh, yeah, sure Dad.” He spat the word like venom. “Hitting is wrong, but murder, that’s just fine by your rules, isn’t it?”
Ant grabbed Michael’s shoulder, just in case he tried anything stupid. Whatever this thing was, it was pretty safe to assume it was some sort of threat. Even now, the twisted figure glared at Michael, an unreadable expression on its face.
“Who are you?” Ant challenged it first, then rethought his question. “What are you?” It sounded like Ronaldo, and seemed to act pretty similar, but it looked nothing like him.
The entity flickered for a moment, glancing at Ant, then back at Michael. “...Hah…Hahahaha!” It burst out in deranged sounding laughter, its form flickering and distorting before it settled back into a more human-like form. The wires and jagged chest wound were gone, and its body was no longer twisted. He could almost be mistaken for a person. “Fun…” It drawled, completely ignoring what Ant had asked him.
“What. Are. You?” Michael repeated, louder, still infuriated.
Ant already had his own theory. This was possibly one of Ronaldo’s creations. Some sick experiment with Torment. Like the Nightmare. That didn’t explain why it sounded like him though.
“What?” It finally responded to the questioning. “What am I? What are you?” It countered, taking a step towards Michael. “I don’t recognise your face.”
Ant took a step back away from the approaching entity, pulling Michael with him. “I could say the same to you.” Michael just kept getting more irritated. “You’re avoiding the question.” He growled, crossing his arms defensively.
“Hahah…” The entity at least stopped walking towards them, but it still examined them closely. “Interesting. This is interesting.” It tilted its head as it again went back to staring at Ant. He could almost swear he saw a look of pity on its face. “Shadow Bonnie… Hmm.” Then, without another word, it turned on its heel and walked out of the salvage shed, passing through the door, heading towards the steakhouse.
Ant and Michael stood there for a moment, before their minds kicked back in and they tore after the rogue spirit. “What is that thing?!” Ant asked, hoping Michael may have some kind of answer. Of course he didn’t.
“I don’t know.” The grey figure responded as he wove back through the dense trees. “Maybe someone's ghost, but…” He momentarily flickered, a visual indicator of his doubt. “My dad has to have done something to him. I don’t know what, but we need to stop him.” Before he got inside, before he did something drastic.
Yet as they passed through the back wall and into the steakhouse, they found no trace of the purple entity. Maybe it had faded, maybe it was simply hiding, maybe it was somewhere else in the building.
“Wh- Where did he go?!” Ant leaned into adjacent rooms, just to check, but found no traces of the thing nearby. “God- AAAGHH-” He yelled into his hands, doing his best to stay composed. “G r e a t .” That was just another problem to add onto the stack. Ronaldo, Emilia, weird Not Ronaldo, and whatever that tremor had been earlier. Though, Ant was fairly confident in his assumption that that ghost had something to do with it. “Now what?”
Michael seemed just as infuriated as Ant, and he flickered every couple seconds. “I don’t know.” He said after a long pause. “Whatever or whoever that was, it's hiding from us. We’ll just have to keep an eye out for it while we’re dealing with Emilia.” That was, in theory, all they could do. Trying to find a ghost that didn’t want to be found was a losing game, but it still was frustrating. Knowing something, especially something connected to Ronaldo, was roaming around freely, was stressful. There was no telling what it wanted, or what it was planning to do. It seemed safe to assume it wasn’t friendly though.
Ant groaned again, feeling almost defeated. “...Fine. Whatever.” This wasn’t ideal, but they could deal with it. Probably. Dan had certainly made it out of far worse situations. Like back at the foundry. One extra renegade spirit was not the breaking point. “Wait. That janitor.” The memory suddenly came flooding back to Ant. With all the panic about Ronaldo earlier, he’d completely forgotten.
“Oh. That.” Michael sighed, sounding worn. “We should go see what that was about, huh?”
“Yeah, we should.” Hopefully it wasn’t anything too terrible. Sometimes, just because of the supernatural influence over Fazbear entertainment as a whole, ghosts would just wander into establishments on their own. Like some kind of draw. Most were content to wander, many left once they’d satisfied their curiosity. The biggest concern was when they wouldn’t leave. Some, for whatever reason, would possess the animatronics. Even then, sometimes it turned out well. They would hang out for a few days, just wandering around causing minor problems. The violent ones though, they were an issue. Usually outside spirits weren’t too hostile, since their deaths weren’t caused by Fazbear entertainment, but occasionally, there were ones that just seemed to like raising hell.
Michael usually had to deal with these types of things alone, considering he’d been the only ghost strong enough to do anything, so there was at least one plus.
They made their way back towards Bonnie’s bar. Sure enough, even as they entered the showroom, Ant spotted the guy. He was just standing by the stage, looking up at Chica.
“Hey. Hey!” Michael cautiously drew closer, yelling a bit to try and get the ghosts attention. Ant followed behind him, but kept back a bit. He knew he wasn’t exactly a very friendly looking entity.
The janitor jumped a bit, then turned and looked over his shoulder. Now that Ant was closer, he could see just how bad a condition the guy was really in. His once blue jumpsuit was torn, dirty, and splattered with blood. There was what looked like a blanket wrapped around his arm and shoulder as a makeshift sling. Most noticeably, there was a screwdriver sticking out of his neck, and as he fully turned, Ant could see stab wounds in both his throat and just above his stomach.
“Oh… This… This isn’t good.” He muttered as he looked between Ant and Michael. He looked nervous.
Michael was the one to start talking. “Hey, we’re not here to hurt you. We just want to know what you’re doing here.” He raised his hands a bit in a placating gesture.
The janitor was still giving them doubtful looks, but seemed to calm down a bit. “Uhm… I…” He seemed hesitant about talking. “Who are you?” He was definitely avoiding answering questions. Not a great sign, but this guy seemed more confused or scared than outright hostile.
Ant took this as an excuse to interject, hoping that maybe it would make him seem less intimidating. “Well, I’m Ant, and this is Michael. We-” The janitors eyes grew wide as Ant spoke, and he clutched at his wrapped up arm. “Oh no. No no no no no-!” He turned, and Michael tried to grab him, but he’d already vanished within a second. “...That was weird.” Michael muttered, staring at the spot the spirit had just been a moment before. “Did you know that guy?”
Ant shrugged. “I don’t think so?” He couldn’t remember it off the top of his head. “Maybe he was freaking out about you?”
“I don’t know, but this is getting weirder and weirder.” He seemed tense. “Something is going on here. I don’t know if my dad or Emilia are behind it or what, but we need to be careful.”
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