#i slept siesta TWICE today
i can't believe i'm so very sleepy during the fiesta de la democracia
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superbadassnatural · 4 years
Special Treat
Summary: The trials of God have been taking a toll on Sam. Good thing Y/N is always there to take good care of her boyfriend. Square filled: Trials!Sam Pairing: Sam x Reader Word count: 2,320 Warnings: fluff, little angst, mention of weight loss, nudity A/N: This takes place in 08.20 “Pac-Man Fever”. Some of the lines are actually from the episode. This was written for @spntfwbingo​
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Sam dragged himself into the war room. Groaning as he tried to rub the sleep off his eyes. His hair was a mess and his eyes held an endless weariness.
He found Dean nursing his beer while he stared into the screen of his laptop. In front of his brother were you. Your feet were propped up on the table. Your eyes left the book in your lap as he entered the room.
“Look who’s awake,” you beamed, standing up.
“I’m telling you, give me five minutes with some clippers-” Dean said as he took in his brother’s state.
“Ah, shut up,” Sam ran his hands through his hair.
You walked towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist. Standing on your tiptoes, you planted a kiss on his jaw.
“Uh, what time did I lay down?”
“You took a siesta around noon,” Dean answered. “Yesterday.”
Sam’s eyes widened. He knew he had slept a lot, but he had no idea it had been this much. Dean tossed Sam a beer. The youngest Winchester didn’t move a muscle and the bottle shattered on the ground.
“I’m sorry, uh,” his voice was adenoidal. He wasn’t fine.
“Dean!” you scolded.
“That’s why we don’t have nice things, Sam.”
“Sammy?” you asked and he hummed. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he nodded before kissing the top of your head. “How are we on finding Kevin?”
“Look, man,” Dean started. “I’ve hacked into every security camera around Garth’s houseboat, Kevin’s hometown, where Mrs. Tran lived-“
“Nothing. We got nothing.”
“We should go out and search for him.”
“Sam, no,” you said. “Please, you need to focus on getting better.”
“I’m fine. I swear.”
“You’re fine?” his brother asked, his eyebrow cocked. “C’mere.”
You followed Dean to the shooting range. He picked his gun and fired three times at one of the targets. The corner of his lips turned down as his eyebrows raised.
“Alright,” he held the gun out for Sam. “You hit that target, we’ll talk about you getting back out there.”
Sam rolled his eyes, taking the pistol from his brother. He held with one hand, index finger on the trigger. He shifted in his place. Both hands gripping the gun tight and this time he fired. Twice. The bullets hit the brick wall. Sam sighed in defeat. You placed your hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly.
“It’s okay, Sammy.”
“You need to rest, man,” Dean sighed and scooped the gun.
“Why don’t you go to our room and wait for me, huh?” you suggested and he only nodded, heading towards the bedroom.
“This is not good,” Dean said once his brother was out of sight.
“I know. The second one hit him harder,” you breathed out. “You can go do the things you gotta do. I’ll take care of him.”
“If you need anything- if he gets worse, you call me.”
“I will. Promise.”
You made coffee and a sandwich for Sam. After placing them on a tray, you headed to your shared bedroom. Sam was sitting at the edge of the bed. His eyes staring ahead blankly. Even though the door was open, you knocked, startling him a bit.
“Sorry,” your voice was barely upon a whisper. “Brought you breakfast. I know you should be having lunch, but I think it’s better if you eat lighter things.”
He nodded before sitting back in bed. His back pressed against the headboard. You placed the tray on his lap and his lips curled into a weak smile.
“Thanks,” he said before taking a bite of his sandwich.
He ate in silence. He wasn’t okay, that you knew. Sam looked destroyed. The trials were wearing on him more than they should. You didn’t expect it to make such damages. Sam’s strong. He has been through so much throughout his entire life. It was rare to see him this tired.
“Hmm,” he hummed.
“How are you feeling?” you took the tray from his lap as he finished eating and placed it on the nightstand.
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not,” you shook your head, your hand reaching to his hair. “We both know you’re not fine. Don’t lie to me, Sammy,” you tried to say it as gentle as you could.  “You can lie to Dean all you want, but don’t hide from me,” your voice was barely upon a whisper. You didn’t want him to think you were scolding him.
“Y/N, I-” he sighed. He couldn’t bring himself to finish. He was too tired.
“Sam, I’m not mad at you. I’m not,” you cupped his cheek and he leaned into your touch. His growing stubble tickling your palm. “I just want you to be honest with me. I know you don’t want me to worry, but if you keep telling me you’re fine, you’re only gonna make me worry even more. You don’t wanna worry Dean and that’s okay, but you can open up to me. Always. I can only take care of you if you talk to me.”
Sam swallowed thick. He didn’t want you and Dean worrying about him. You have too much on a daily basis that wears you out, he didn’t want to be a burden to any of you.
“It’s worse than I anticipated,” he confessed. “I thought it would be easier and that I could make it, but I’m not sure anymore. I’m tired of fighting. I want to end it and the only way to do it is by doing these trials,” he mumbled. “This whole thing is not doing any good to me. I know that. I can feel it. My body is weaker. I slept for almost twenty-four hours and I’m still tired as shit. I’m afraid I won’t make it. I don’t care about what happens to me, but leaving you and Dean? It’s the worst thing I could ever do,” tears welled in his eyes. “I know that I’m gonna make the world a better place by finishing these trials. It would be a dream come true not having demons walking among us. We could live more peacefully. We could even start our family, but- But I’m not sure I’m gonna make it, Y/N/N,” he sobbed, a tear rolling down his cheek.
“Sammy,” you engulfed him in your arms and allowed your own tears to fall freely. “Nothing is worth losing you. Nothing. I don’t care about the world being a greater place if that means you won’t be here to know what that feels like. I can’t afford to lose you. Not today, not tomorrow. Not ever,” you cried, pulling away so you could hold his face between your hands. His hazel eyes stared back at your teary ones. “I also know that if there’s someone capable of doing this, that someone is you, Sam Winchester. You are the strongest person I know and you can get through it. I know you can, but you don’t have to. Not if you’re not gonna make it or if you feel you can’t do this. You don’t have to carry this on your shoulders. You can lean on me. On Dean. We’re here for you and we’re gonna support you no matter what.”
“I know you will,” he nodded. “Can you not tell this to him? I don’t want him to worry.”
“Sam, Dean is always worried,” you chuckled. “But I won’t tell him,” you pecked his lips. “Right now, I think you could hop on that shower and let me take care of you.”
He nodded, standing up and heading to the bathroom. You picked his boxers and a pair of sweats for him, underwear and an oversized t-shirt for you. Sam stood still in the bathroom. You placed your clothes and turned the water on, making sure the temperature was right.
“Hey,” you approached him, your hands on his hips. “I got you, okay?”
Sam smiled before starting to undress. You did the same. Once his clothes hit the ground, you couldn’t help but notice he was skinnier. Sam always had a muscular body. He wasn’t that bulky, but he was toned in all the right places. You glanced away quickly and hopped on the shower. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable because you were staring, especially about his body. He took your lead and hopped in.
The warm water hit your back, making you relax instantly. You held out your hand for him, intertwining your fingers.
“C’mere,” you called.
He walked closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. Your body pressed against his, your arms around his shoulders.
“I love you so much,” you said.
“I love you too,” he pecked your lips into a chaste kiss. “More than anything.”
You melted into his embrace. Your head resting against his bare chest. He leaned, chin pressed on top of your hair. The water poured into both of you as you enjoyed each other’s company in silence. He tightened his hold on you, afraid you were going to vanish into thin air.
“I’m here,” you reassured him. “I’m not going anywhere. Promise,” he kissed your temple. His lips lingering a little longer. “Let me take care of you.”
Pulling away, you repositioned him. The water was only hitting his back now. His shoulders slumped as the tension started to fade. You reached for his shampoo and poured the right amount in your hand.
“Can you just, uh, lean a little? Or I won’t be able to wash your hair,” you giggled, earning a light chuckle from him.
He leaned, allowing you to reach for his head. You ran your fingers in circular motions as you massaged his scalp. He relaxed even more and a muffled moan escaped through the seam of his lips. His eyes were closed and he looked so delicate.
“Let your head fall back so I can wash off the shampoo,” you said, standing behind him. Your fingers running freely through his hair. “There you go.”
You finished washing his hair with his conditioner. You planted a kiss on his shoulder. Arms wrapping around his middle. His back flushed against your chest.
“You really didn’t have to do this,” he mumbled. His hands resting on top of yours.
“I know,” you pressed your lips to his skin again. “You’re always taking care of me and making sure I’m okay. Let me do this for you. You need it.”
You grabbed the loofah and poured soap on it before rubbing it against his back. You bathed his skin carefully not to make him uncomfortable. Once you stood in front of him, you noticed his blushing cheeks. The fact that even after five years dating — countless times showering together — you still get that reaction from him warms your heart. The water poured down, dripping on his skin and washing all the soap and some of his worries away.
He reached for your shampoo and opened it.
“You don’t have to do this,” you stopped him gently. “I got this,” you grabbed the bottle from his hand. Sam couldn’t find it in him to protest. He knew it would be in vain.
He stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. You finished up quickly and hopped out, fumbling for your towels. One wrapped around your hair and the other around your body. Sam’s hands were gripping both sides of the sink. You figured he might have swiped a towel over the mirror because it wasn’t foggy anymore. You approached him, fingers tracing up his bicep.
“Everything okay?” you asked and he nodded.
You dried yourself and pulled up your panties and the navy blue t-shirt you had stolen from Sam. He dried himself quickly, putting on his boxers and his sweatpants. Then he shook out the excess of water from his hair with a towel while you brushed yours. You exited the bathroom together and headed to your room.
“Go get comfortable. I’m getting you a nice surprise,” you beamed.
His lips curled into a smile as he laid in the middle of the bed. You headed out of the bedroom for a minute and came back with scented candles and massage oil.
“You gotta be kidding me?” his eyes glistened, his voice filled with excitement this time.
“You got yourself a special treat tonight, Mr. Winchester,” you winked.
“God, what did I do to deserve you?”
You lit the candles and scattered them around the room, creating the perfect ambiance.
“On your stomach, sir.”
Sam flipped on his stomach, folding his arms above his head. A smile played on his lips. You’d do anything just to see him smiling. You moved on top of him before applying the right amount of the oil in your palm. You rubbed your hands together and started with smooth, rhythmic strokes throughout his back.
He let out a sigh the second your fingers met his skin. Tracing slow, circular patterns up and down the sides of his spine, you applied gentle pressure with your fingertips. Your hands reached for his broad shoulders, stroking, and pulling.
“Hmmm, this feels so good,” he moaned.
You smiled. His eyes were closed and he was allowing himself to relax. You used the heels of your hands to apply more pressure to his upper back. Sam melted as your fingers prodded into his skin, stroking. You took your time massaging your boyfriend. With every press and pull of your fingers, he relaxed a little more. He deserved to be taken care of. Sam was always so worried about taking good care of everyone else, he forgot to look after himself. Good thing you were there to do it for him.
“You’re perfect, you know that?” he mumbled.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you laughed.
“I would,” a chuckle left his lips. “I love you, Y/N, so much.”
“I love you with all my heart, Sammy.”
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I really enjoyed writing this one! Did you like reading it? I’d love to know what you think of this one. You can tell via reply, reblog or ask!
Sam Babes:
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jothebearfrance · 7 years
Markt und Schweine verladen
(scroll down for the English version: Market and loading pigs)
(bientôt: défiler vers le bas pour la version française: Marché et emparquant des cochons)
Da ich etwas länger geschlafen habe, als ich geplant habe, war ich nur für die letzten 2 Stunden auf dem Markt dabei. Victorien hat mich abgeholt, als er zurück zur Farm gekommen war, um noch mehr Eier zu holen.
Auf dem Markt habe ich geholfen ein paar Gläser mit Etiketten zu bekleben und Flyer zu falten. Dann bin ich eine Runde (eigentlich 2) über den Markt gegangen und habe ein paar Fotos gemacht. Nach einem erfolgreichen Vormittag auf dem Markt haben wir um 13 Uhr den Stand wieder abgebaut. Zurück bei der Farm habe ich noch beim Abladen geholfen und dann gab es Mittagessen. Nach dem Essen wurde, ist ja schließlich Sonntag, Siesta gemacht. Erst um 16 Uhr sind wir wieder raus gegangen und haben uns um die Tiere gekümmert. Ich habe die Hühner gefüttert, Eier eingesammelt, Brot für die kleinen Schweine eingeweicht und geholfen, diese zu füttern. Wir sind auch zu den Schweinen, die weiter weg bei den Schafen stehen, gefahren und haben diese auch gefüttert. Eine anstrengende Aufgabe, da auf Grund der Jahreszeit und des vielen Regens ist der kleine Feldweg unbefahrbar und wir mussten alles ein paar hundert Meter einen Hügel rauf schleppen. Oben angekommen hatten wir schon Angst, dass die Schweine ausgebüchst sind, aber sie waren nur sehr scheu und hatten sich in ihrem Unterstand versteckt. Selbst als wir ihnen ihr Futter verteilt hatten, sind sie immer noch nicht freiwillig raus gekommen und Victorien hat ein bisschen nachgeholfen. Sie haben dann zwar gefressen, aber sobald man sich bewegt hat, sind sie wieder davon gelaufen. (Eigentlich mehr gehüpft als gelaufen. Fast schon süß, so zwei Monate alte Schweinchen. Fast.)
Die letzte Arbeit des Tages war 3 der großen Schweine zu verladen, damit Victorien morgen gleich ganz in der Früh zum Schlachten fahren kann. Meine Aufgabe war die leichteste, ein großes Pressholzbrett festhalten, damit die Schweine nicht davonlaufen können, sollte eins Victoriens Griff entkommen. Rémis Aufgabe war schon etwas anstrengender, denn er musste das Brett halten, dass Stall und Anhänger getrennt hat und ordentlich dagegenhalten, wenn ein Schwein gerne durch gewollt hätte. Victorien hat Leistungssport betrieben. Dreimal einn50 kg Schwein einfangen und in den Hänger zerren, während es sich mit aller Kraft wehrt. Beim Letzten hat Rémi mit angepackt, da Victorien sonst wahrscheinlich die Kraft ausgegangen wäre. Als die Schweine sicher verladen waren, habe ich denen, die im Stall geblieben sind, noch Brot gegeben und dann Feierabend gemacht.
Zum Abendessen gab es heute Crêpes mit vielen verschiedenen, richtig leckeren Marmeladen. Zum Nachtisch gab es keinen Käse. Ich war schon fast geschockt. Eine Woche lang gab es nach jedem Mittagessen und Abendessen Käse! Ich bin aber froh, dass es keinen Käse gab, denn ich war schon wirklich satt und hätte aber definitiv trotzdem noch welchen gegessen, hätte man mir einen angeboten. Also gab’s für mich nur eine Banane zum Nachtisch. Mein Körper wird es mir wahrscheinlich danken.
Das Wochenende war schön entspannt und ich habe das erste Mal in den drei Wochen, die ich in Frankreich bin, etwas Ruhe gefunden. Es gab zwar trotzdem ein paar neue Eindrücke, aber keine so extreme (aber schöne!) Reizüberflutung wie die Wochen zuvor.
Morgen wird mein letzter Tag bei Victorien und Rémi sein, am Dienstag geht es weiter in die Nähe von Tours, zu meinem letzten Gastgeber auf dieser Reise.
Market and loading pigs
Since I slept a bit longer than I planned, I was only on the market for the last 2 hours. Victorien picked me up when he came back to the farm to get more eggs. On the market, I helped put labels on products and fold flyers. Then I went around the market (twice) and took some pictures. After a successful morning on the market, we demounted the stand again at 1 pm. Back at the farm, I helped with unloading and then we had lunch. After which, it’s Sunday after all, we had a siesta. Only at 4pm, we went out again and took care of the animals. I fed the chickens, collected eggs, soaked bread for the little pigs and helped to feed them. We also drove to the pigs who are farther away with the sheep and fed them too. A strenuous task, because thanks to the season and the rain, the small dirt road is impassable and we had to haul everything a few hundred meters up a hill. Once at the top, we were afraid that the pigs had escaped, but they were just very shy and had hidden in their shelter. Even when we distributed their food to them, they still didn’t come out voluntarily and Victorien had to help a bit. They did eat then, but as soon as we moved, they ran away again. (Actually jumped more than ran. Almost cute, the two-month-old piglets, almost.) The last task of the day was to load 3 of the big pigs onto the trailer, so that tomorrow morning Victorien can drive them to the slaughterhouse. My task was the easiest, holding a large board of plywood so that the pigs wouldn’t be able to run away should one escape Victorien’s grip. Rémi’s job was a bit more demanding because he had to hold the board that separated the stall from the trailer and had to use a lot of force every time a pig tried to get past him. Victorien basically did competitive sports. Three times catching 100 pounds of pig and pulling it into the trailer while they tried to get away with all their strength. Rémi had helped with the last one, otherwise Victorien would probably have run out of energy and lost his grip. When the pigs were safely loaded, I gave some bread to those who stayed in the stable and then quit work for the day. Today, we had crêpes for dinner with many different, really delicious jams. For dessert there was no cheese. I was almost shocked. For a week there was cheese after every lunch and dinner! But I’m glad that there was no cheese, because I was already really full and would have definitely still eaten some, would it have been offered to me. So I just had a banana for dessert. My body will probably thank me. The weekend was very relaxed and I had some quiet time for the first time in the three weeks that I have been in France. There were some new impressions, but not the same extreme (but nice!) sensory overload like the weeks before. Tomorrow will be my last day with Victorien and Rémi, on Tuesday it will head to somewhere near Tours, where I’ll be staying with the last host on this trip.
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alanaparliament · 7 years
Panama to Colombia
Hello from the Cartagena Aeropuerto! We made it safe and sound across the rough seas from Panama to Colombia (although I did not think we would during some points). I’m going to rewind to Panama City. Our days there were very chill, just as the rest of Panama had been for us. For the last two nights we stayed in a really nice hotel called the Tryp by Wyndham. It had a pool, a steam room, a sauna, a buffet breakfast, and a nice room for us to organize our things before our big 5 day sailing trip. I bought a GoPro before leaving the city because Eric’s had stopped working as long ago as Costa Rica. We really wanted one for the boat, and for the rest of South America - and I’m glad we did as I have some amazing footage to show you! On our final day in Central America Eric and I ventured to the Panama Canal to see the famous Miraflores Locks. There was an interesting museum; but what we were most interested in was getting to see the canal in action with a cruise ship! I’m glad we left the hotel for that. The rest of our final night was dedicated to packing and getting ready for the early 5am bus pick-up.
Sailing Day 1:
‘The 5am bus pick-up and the windy road to the boat day’
I really didn’t need to get motion sick before going out on the water, but that drive did it. We were taken out to our beautiful catamaran “The Santana” by a small boat and were greeted by our friend Greg - the Captain. After organizing passports and assigning beds (he gave Eric and I the biggest one closest to the back - thank god), we were sailing around the San Blas Islands. While we were sailing, a pod of dolphins started swimming right in front of our boat! They were jumping and playing and keeping up with us. I love them! Our first stop wasn’t too far from our take off point, and it was paradise. We parked in front of a tiny 400 meter long Island covered with Palm trees and white sand. After a beer or two Eric and I went for a snorkel. We saw huge starfish, a mini lobster, a mini eel, and several fish. It was pretty good for our first time in the water. After that it was dinner and socializing with our new friends (17 of us in total).
Sailing Day 2:
‘The oh my god I can’t believe I got trapped on the reef twice day’
We woke up, had breakfast, and did a short sail to our next stop in the San Blas. Greg parked the boat in front of two small islands perpendicular to each other. This is where we would spend the day and night. So we hopped in the crystal clear water and began our snorkelling adventure. The water and the reef at this location were breathtaking. Eric and I were so into what we saw that we didn’t realize we were being pushed towards to the shallowest part of the reef. There came a point where the sharp coral was only inches below us, and the breaking waves only pushed us further onto it. We were both at a point where we were literally stuck on the reef and we couldn’t make our way back to the deeper water. It was very painful as the waves hit and my body was scraped up against the rock. Our only option was to walk along the coral to the shore of the beach. However, there were sea urchins everywhere! Every step was a gamble of stepping or not stepping on the spiky creatures. Not to mention the waves didn’t help with balance. Someone from the shore threw me his fins so I could walk to the beach. Eric did it barefoot, and luckily we both made it. However, I had massive scrapes, scratches, and sea urchin sores on my arms and legs. It was not fun. After that traumatic experience, we walked the length of the beach in search of a different snorkel destination where that would never happen again. So after a few pictures and one of Eric’s famous backflips we went back into the water at the tip of the island. Well, guess what happened? Everything was going smoothly until I got to the point of the waves hitting the reef. The water started getting shallower and shallower, and I was carried to a point on the reef where I was trapped again. This time I had a major breakdown because again I was getting tossed on top of the rocks. I caught my balance, sat on the reef and cried. I didn’t know what to do or why something so stupid happened twice within an hour. Again, sea urchins surrounded me, and my only option this time was to get past the breaking waves to the deeper water which seemed impossible. Eric swam over and talked me through it. I slowly made my way to him and somehow made it out of reef prison. Once we were in the deeper water, we were able to snorkel along the reef and not over top of it. It was so amazing, and near the end of our experience a beautiful eagle ray joined us. He glided around us and with us for about 15 minutes. Thank goodness for the GoPro and the footage we got of him. After that we swam back to our boat for lunch. Then Greg took our group to the other island where we hung out for the afternoon. We played beach volleyball, swam in the ocean, and enjoyed each other’s company. Then it was back to the boat for dinner. Lobster dinner. Fresh lobster dinner. It was probably the best lobster I have ever eaten. After dinner half of our group went to bed and half of us went back to the island for a bonfire and some coco locos (rum filled coconuts). On the mini boat ride over a another pod of dolphins decided to join alongside. It was dark, but Greg had a flashlight so we could see the dolphins playing. The bonfire that night was fun. It was very chill, but a great way to end a beautiful day.
Sailing Day 3:
‘The we’re not actually leaving for Colombia today because of the wind so everyone gets a bonus Day day’
Greg asked if it would be okay if we stayed where we were for one more night instead of hitting the open water that day. We all cheered. I went for a little snorkel by myself that morning (making sure to distance myself from the shallows of the reef), and came across an octopus! It was so interesting to watch him camouflage to whatever colour surrounded him. He put his defence up when I put my GoPro in his face, so fair enough. I felt so lucky to see him so close! I wanted Eric to see, so I swam back to the boat to get him. A group of us went out together in search of the creature but couldn’t find him. We came across a neat looking sting ray, but that was really it for animals we saw besides fish. We went back to the boat for some lunch, then Eric and I decided to go on a big snorkel expedition the other way along the reef and island. We geared up and were in the water for about 2 hours. The reef was absolutely stunning. We saw a trunkfish (like a box fish), a stonefish, and a massive pufferfish. By the time we got out of the water onto the beach we had goosebumps even though the sun was blistering hot. We were definitely in the water too long. We were pretty tired out, so swam back to the boat for an afternoon siesta. That evening we were invited back to the Island for another bonfire with another boat. So off we went to meet a whole new group of people and kind of celebrate my birthday. It ended up being another great night.
Sailing day 4:
‘The it’s my birthday, but all I want to do is die day’
I took a gravol in the morning thinking it would save me a little bit. Well I was wrong. I slept a lot of the day, but the ocean was so rough, that when I got up I couldn’t hold anything in. I threw up about 7 times while I was awake. I couldn’t eat anything, or move. I literally felt like I was dying. It was horrible. Eric was feeding me pills (which I threw up), and food (which I threw up), and water (which I threw up). Thank god for him looking after me and watering me like a little plant he was trying to bring back to life. But I just couldn’t. I slept as much as possible to avoid the feeling...
Sailing day 5:
‘The shit we still have about 24 hours of open water sailing, I’m going to try to sleep for 23 of them day’
Yep. We were still on the ocean every time I woke up. I had to plan my bathroom trips, and when I would try to eat something, and when I would drink water as not to become dehydrated. I mainly slept though. A lot of people slept. It was like the rocking of the boat put everyone to sleep. There was a point where I got up and watched the sunset and actually appreciated being at sea. But that lasted 20 minutes tops, because I felt nauseous right after that. So I slept.
Sailing day 6:
‘The I’ve never been more relieved to see a city skyline and hear the drop of an anchor day’
It was 5am, and the rocking of the boat stopped. My head was still swaying, but I was so happy to see the skyscrapers of Cartagena line the bay. We wouldn’t get off the boat until about 9am, so I went back to sleep. They fed us breakfast that morning, and once Greg sorted out immigration we were free! I stepped on the land and felt so dizzy, yet was so relieved. Eric and I went to our air bnb right away. It was a nice apartment in the city with AC, a shower (thank god after 6 days), a kitchen, and laundry. We spent our first day in Cartagena doing laundry, cooking, and re organizing our things after being on the boat. That night our group met up in Old Town at a bar called the Black Parrot so we could have a few drinks together and get our passports back. Lewis (the cook on our boat) baked me a birthday cake and everyone sang! It was such a nice surprise and I felt pretty special. After the birthday I had puking on the boat, I was so happy to be celebrating with everyone in Cartagena.
Overall, I am glad I did the sailing trip from Panama to Colombia. It was an experience of a lifetime, and the time spent around the San Blas Islands were amazing. I really liked our group as well. The people were awesome - passengers and crew. However, I don’t think an open water sailing trip on a boat that size is in the cards for me again. I am realizing more and more that I am not a boat person. I’m not “motion” person really. Rollercoasters are sliding down on my list of things to do as are sailing trips. It’s all good now! We’ve been in Colombia for 3 days, and are currently flying to Medellín (I’ve left the airport and am on the plane). The past couple days in Cartagena were good. Eric and I explored a Spanish Castle (more like a Fort), went to a museum, walked around the old town, ate the food, met up with friends, and really enjoyed the scorching hot city. Our next stop is the home town of Pablo Escobar! Like I said we’re all caught up on Narcos, so I’m excited to explore Medellín.
I should go now, the motion of the plane is making me a little dizzy 😉
AP 💕
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