#i slept from 4-630 and from 9-12
yournameoverandover · 2 months
i have to go on my long run but i don’t want to :(
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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It’s to hot!! Today was a bit all over the place. Because turns out I did have work! Oops! Last night it was a bit hard to get to sleep because it was hot in here. But once I fell asleep I slept really well. Me and James woke up around 6. Sort of dozed and talked and complained about the heat. He had work at 9 and we spent some time just being together. He’s very sweet. He stayed as late as he could. Packed up his bag and tried not to forget all of his things. And headed out. I spent the morning just sort of chilling. I had breakfast. I put on comfy clothes. I tried to hot be so overheated. I went to try and find my bathing suit but the one I like is missing. I think I left it at my parents. So I tried on the ones I have. Tried to sew the one to make it better. Not super thrilled. If me and James do end up going swimming next week I’ll probably wear my one piece? Well see how I’m feeling. I went over to the art store and picked up wood for dioramas. But I headed home not long after that. At noon I was chilling and I get a call from my manager. Because I was supposed to be there at 1130. I read the schedule wrong. Shit. Form her call at 12, I got there and signed in by 1212. Im amazing. But man that was stressful. And I was way overheated. I did grab my embroidery so at least I had something fun to do. It rained a bit on and off all afternoon. I got drenched at one point. Which felt great. I got to talk to a couple of great people. A guest told me I was great. And a young woman told me I had a beautiful smile. I felt really sweaty but people were great. I did so much in my embroidery and got to tie lines and tell stories and really, besides how it started, it was an amazing shift. I was done at 330. And I went over to Starbucks and got a lemonade. I’m giving up soda for a while. I got James a frapachino and went over to Chesapeake to bother him. It was nice being on the boat with him for a bit. He kept complimenting me and that was sweet. It started raining and I got to watch him tell people lots of facts about the ship. I hung out for a while and tried to wait out the rain. But it wouldn’t stop and I didn’t want to bother him anymore. So I headed out. He told me to let him know when I got home and wasn’t dead in a ditch. On my way home I passed the arts high school dumpster and it was full of empty musical instrument cases. So I got a pair of violin cases. And a few tubes of paint! Neat! I got home and had a snack. Fed Sweetp and rested. Around 630 I went and worked in my studio for a while. Got my diorama started. Painted. Enjoyed the cool air. I have discovered that the living room a.c. is working. And I sent maintience an email about the other one. Now I’m making Mac and cheese and getting ready to go to sleep. I’m working at the museum tomorrow. Possibly til 4? My schedule was unclear but it’s learning about tours and I’m excited to do that more. I hope it’s easier to sleep tonight. And I hope you all sleep well too. Goodnight everyone.
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