#i sincerely don't mind and it makes me incredibly happy to see u enjoying my content and the content i rbed <3 <3
eggphcbe · 2 years
   i log onto here after a million years and see 99+ notifs owo
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simp4ace · 3 years
Hello, MikoYami here always a fan of your writing. I send a few of your headcanons to my friend for inspiration. If you don't mind me asking for a request >//< Law with a S/O who is jaded from love thanks to a few bad relationships in their past?
OMG u flattered me 😭😭😭😭 seriously I'm blushing rn *blush* 🥺 I don't think my writing is good enough to be anyone's inspiration but hhhhh thank you for your kind words </33333 and errmmm I seriously have no idea how it comes out so many words like this, my first intention was to write a short headcanon only. I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for....but I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do when writing this😞
Wc: seriously I didn't count but believe me, it's not that long (is it?)
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It's the same ending, every time. As if you are watching an old movie over and over, and your heart slowly grows colder each time another person walks through your life. It's all the same, they're all the same. You're exhausted, impatient, and fed up with these relationships that surely are going nowhere.
There must be someone, right? There must be the one, they all say that. The one who was only meant for you, you only meant for them, and your love has already been written in the stars from the very start. A love story where the red thread of destiny will never be cut.
Yet, the past relationships haunt you every night like a ghost, making it hard to open your heart to anyone else. Because at the end of the day, nothing is going to work out. Or at least, that's what you've thought.
Until you met him.
Trafalgar Law.
There's something about that man. Something special, more than just good looks or his incredible strength. You honestly have no idea what makes him stand out from other people you've met? Is it the way that he never says sweet words but only short, straightforward, and at the same time very sincere sentences? Or is the way he always silently pays attention to the smallest details; always notices even the slightest change in your emotions?
You don't understand. You just know, with him, everything happens as if it were the most natural matter in the world. No rush, no fuss, Law comes into your life quietly and unexpectedly. Just as the first warm breeze heralding the arrival of spring.
For one day, you realize that, somehow, his deep laughter seems to linger in your mind a little longer than usual; that even when you close your eyes, you can still clearly see those sharp golden eyes of his looking straight into yours as if they can see through your soul, and reach to the deepest place in your heart. And there's an awakening, ah, this is it. You fell in love again, you fell right into what you had run away from before. Again.
Terrified, you want to bury this feeling forever, want to forget it, to run away from Law, but the betrayal heart doesn't listen to your wishes. His presence is now something you crave for every here and there and his soft voice is the first and last thing you want to hear during the day. Oh, how you adore its silvery tone, adore how it sounds like music to your ears! That is why, when you hear that modulated voice you love so deeply telling that its owner has fallen for you, you, and no one else; it feels like hundreds of fireworks go off in your head.
"What-why-but-" Your thoughts are all messed up.
Law is sitting next to you, so close, that you can smell his scent wafting in the air. He repeats those three magic words again. And ah, you thought you were tired of that old phrase already, but when hearing them from Law, somehow, they sound perfectly fresh and vibrant, enough to make your heart skip a beat or two. However ...
Law waits patiently for your answer, and he's surprised to see tears streaming down your face instead of the happy smile he was expecting. Did he do something wrong? Worry and concern are written all over his face.
"What's wrong, y/n-ya? I-I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable."
No, you told him through the tears. It's not your fault, Law. It's just some...bad memories. It's just your own fear, that you'll lose him forever if you take another step in this relationship, just like before. And Law, oh he is the last thing you'll ever want to lose in life.
With a knowing look, his hand finds yours and squeeze it sympathetically. Law asks if you wanted to talk about it. If yes, he's all ear, if not, he'll still be here, with you, waiting until you feel comfortable enough to open up. He''ll wait no matter how long it takes.
"Because you are not only the one I love but also my crewmate, my family, y/n-ya. Your joy and pain are also mines, so please, let me share them with you."
Without realizing it, you find yourself opening up for the first time in forever. His words are like raindrops to your withered soul; if it's him, you feel safe enough to open your wounds one more time. To tell the darkness which you only dared to carry alone before.
Law listens carefully, his hand never leaves yours. It's been a long time since you had had a feeling that you were heard and shared. With Law, you know you're protected, no one will ever judge you; there's only love and sympathy here. Ending the story with a sniff, you say quietly.
"I love you too, Law. But I'm scared. I'm too jaded from love. What if-"
Law doesn't let you finish it. His eyes are locked on yours, there is warmth and solidity in them.
"It will be alright, y/n-ya. Everything will be alright, and I'll be the guarantor for our story."
And with that, you feel more courage. Right, maybe Law is not the destined person on the other side of the red-string, so what if that is the case? It doesn't matter, as this time, you will fight for him, for this relationship. This time you don't need a star to tell your story, you and Law will write your own romance and live with that.
"No, silly. Not only you. It's us."
Law smiles gently at you. He leans forward, and for a moment, you think those lips will cover yours; however, he just places a soft kiss on your forehead instead. Your heart flutters with affection. Oh, it's so Law, of course!
No rush, no fuss, that's how he comes into your life, and, that's how he'll write this love story with you ...
And I want to express my gratitude to @simpforroses, thank you for pointing out my grammar mistake and for your kind words it really means a lot to me!!! You're such a supportive and sweet friend!! I'm so glad that we've talked🥺💖🌹
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ceoofuwu · 4 years
𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 ;; 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘦𝘪𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰 𝘹 𝘧.𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒: 𝟏.𝟏𝐤
𝐀/𝐍: so this was supposed to be published on Kiri’s bday but, apparently, the writer’s block and my idiotic procrastination wouldn’t simply allow it... anyway, I hope you enjoy my comeback huhuhuuu!<33
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: you hate to leave your boyfriend unattended and allow his mood to crumble, but especially today...
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"What's all that commotion about?" You asked as you entered the living room, where some of your classmates were.
You weren't sure what they were on about but, whatever it was, Kirishima didn't seem too content or uplifted about it. But you weren't letting anything ruin his mood.
Not at a day like this.
"Is this your fault, blondie?" You demanded, eyes narrowing to a deadly glare towards a calmly seated Bakugo, as you took your own seat beside your boyfriend.
"How many times do I have to tell you to fucking stop calling me THAT, idiot?!" Bakugo protested, his anger naturally taking over his features.
"Hey! Can you please calm down?! There's no reason to fight at a time like this!!" the redhead interrupted in his attempt to cool things down, yet also managing to gain your attention.
"Everything's fine. No one is to be blamed, we were just talking about... manly... stuff..." he explained, clearly not willing to get into too much detail.
You giggled and lightly pinched his cheek in response, "You and your manliness..."
"You shouldn't try to make me throw up, really." Bakugo commented upon rolling his eyes in irritation.
"Cell phones exist for a reason, Bakugo..." Denki mumbled without raising his gaze from the phone screen, giving the example of indifference for the other blonde.
Bakugo responded with a murderous look, while you shifted yours to Kirishima. You truly felt like you had to cheer him up somehow, so you dived in his welcoming embrace and buried your face in his chest, taking in all the wonderful, manly smell of his.
"What now?" your pitiful, innocent eyes met his crimson ones, struggling -- and probably succeeding -- to show him what you needed and consequently forcing a light shade of red to make an appearance to his cheeks.
One arm was suddenly wrapped around your fragile form, while another went to your soft hair and gently started to stroke it. His moves were filled with fondness and his built body was so welcoming, what with the warmth it emanated and all this incredibly magnetic aroma... your eyelids were beginning to feel too heavy for you, as you were listening to his steady heart beat and were concentrated to the way his chest rose and fell...
You thought you were in your bed, securely tucked under the sheets, especially when Kirishima placed a loving kiss on the crown of your head. You even forgot the others were there, as your boyfriend lulled you to sleep and your entire form was practically melting on his.
All that, until a certain someone decided to speak up.
"Did she really come all the way here just to sleep? Tsk, she's an idiot all right..."
"You're just jealous, like everyone." Kirishima retorted, not pausing any of his actions for a second.
"Everyone would want a girl like Y/n..." Sero admitted with a little blush on his cheeks, that unfortunately, you couldn't have seen.
You were thankful that you could feel the chuckle that emerged from Kirishima.
Several minutes of silence passed, which really impressed you, but since your purpose for coming was indeed not simply falling asleep and you were curious to see if the others were actually gone or simply maintained the peace and quiet, you made the decision to timidly open your eyes and speak.
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"What's the time?"
"It's nearly midnight... the others went to sleep almost an hour ago..."
So I had actually been sleeping?!
"How long was I asleep?"
"Long enough..." Kirishima said with a yawn, his eyes clearly set to fall shut at any given moment. You genuinely felt bad that you had made him wait so long and lose his sleep for nothing basically.
"Kiri..." you almost whined, earning the redhead's attention, "I'm sorry..."
"You don't have to--"
"The original reason for my coming here was because..." You bit your lower lip, before offering him a sincere, love-filled look, "...I wanted to make sure that I'd be the first to wish you a happy birthday..." you confessed as your naive orbs locked with his surprised ones.
Strong arms were tightly folded around you, securing you enough as to ensure you could never escape. A familiar warmth was embracing you, flooding your senses with a feeling of acceptance and pure love. The most beautiful hug in the world, a hug the spoke of admiration, respect, love without conditions and limits.
"I love you."
You turned to look at the screen of your smart phone, as the notification sound resounded in the empty room.
00:00 PM.
"Happy Birthday, Kirishima baby".
If only you could feel how he felt upon hearing that simple yet meaningful phrase coming from your lips. How his heart almost jumped out of his chest as his veins pumped with adrenaline and his mind flooded with all the love he held for you. How he thought that you were no human but a god-sent angel, a blessing in disguise and at the same time, a goddess in front of his two red, adoration-filled orbs.
Of course you couldn't know, but you could certainly get an idea, a small fragment of what he experienced, when he grabbed you by your delicate face and kissed you with all the passion he was practically drowning in.
That moment felt so precious to you that you didn't even care about his sharp teeth acting a little uncomfortably to the passionate lip-lock. Because that moment was different; both your hands were needier than usual, searching feverishly for the warmness in each other, your lips and tongues dancing and exploring with insatiable hunger, your bodies aching for one another to the point it was hard to breathe.
And when you felt Kirishima's pointy teeth grazing the crook of your neck, and his hungry lips trailing endless paths of kisses, you couldn't contain the inappropriate sounds emerging from your vocals.
"Do... do you want to go to my dorm?" your boyfriend asked while still holding you in his arms, his expression still as naive as possible.
"Do you want to...?"
"Only if you are ready, Y/n." he replied firmly, honestly not caring at all if your response was coming out negative.
You were. Besides, you had already discussed this a lot of times, not only with Kirishima but also with your friends, and one thing you could agree on was that it's not something one can plan. If you felt ready, you should proceed and not double think anything.
With a curt nod, you swallowed and answered:
"I'm ready."
Without a second thought, the red-haired hero picked you up in his arms and carried you to his dorm. Needless to say, Kirishima had received the best birthday gift he would have ever wished for...
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Hope you enjoyed! Leave a heart, comment, reblog! 💕
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