#i shouldve made them hold bobas or something
turtleducsk · 2 months
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gen z zutara out on a date🤭
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songlyricsstories · 1 year
Candy- Gaon <you guys were the #1 couple in school, you guys were the definition of couple goals. you loved him and he loved you. although you guys were together all the time, it made him tired and sad to compare your to other girls, he needed to let go. you do too>
This is no way representative of the way Xdinary Heroes act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised.~
You walked to your locker, holding your things in your hand. You had finished your classes and now its time to head home.
“ Hey y/n.” You hear a voice behind you
“Hey babe!” You answered without looking behind yourself. Gaon hugged you from behind.
“Soo, you up to a boba date?” He knew you were busy, but you loved boba so much. You didnt know what to say, you have a test tomorrow and need to study for it.
“Um, sorry.. i cant, i have to study for a test. Maybe some other day.?” You finally looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.
“Well okay then.. maybe i’ll pick up boba and take it to you?” He asked while looking at his phone.
“yea sure, how much is it?” You we’re grabbing your wallet right before he stopped you.
“Dont” he smiled
“my treat” he kissed you on the cheek
“bye, see you later!” he walked off and waved at you. You waved back, continuing to collect your stuff.
Later on that day, your friend texted you.
rin: Heyy girl, you never told me Gaon had a sister? lol hru i miss u <3
me: whatt? he does??
he never told me..
“hey, i miss you too” shouldve
been the first thing you said..😒
sorry, this is important
am I not important?!?!
yes but its different
anyways whos the
{ 1 attachment }
yea thats them, do
you recognise?
no.. hold up
you called Gaon for the truth, afraid what you might think it is.
“hello?” he picked up
“hi babe, um, rin told me she saw you at the boba shop. did you get me anything haha” you nervously chuckled.
“um actually, change of plans, i had something going on so my, um, sister, um, really wanted to hang out, so uh, imma be busy” That took long, you bit the pencil out of anxiety, your heart racing. maybe he does have a sister and is being a great older brother.?
“maybe i can jo-”
“no! its okay, shes having a hard time.. um she wants to be alone so.. we’ll be fine” oh
“oh, okay, i respect that.. um.. *you bit your lip, leg shaking* maybe another time i guess?”
“yes of course.. *silence* look, i gotta go, see you monday babe.. bye”
“bye, i love you-” i got cut off.. you went back and texted your friend.
follow them.
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