#i should start buying animage again......
crehador · 1 year
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animage june 2023 ✧ psycho-pass providence ✧ acrylic stand
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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AnimagiC 2023 Updates
Sorry for the lack of updates on this one. I had honestly given up on going to the convention quite soon after the initial excitement of the announcement had settled. I realised that I definitely wouldn't be enjoying myself at an event like that so there was no point in even considering it. In retrospect, I'm kinda glad that I gave up on the idea since their program isn't too exciting. The official program (DOWNLOAD PDF pamphlet HERE) has been released a couple of days ago and it honestly leaves a lot to be desired.
As expected, Yuki Kajiura and FictionJunction are the main event with their 20:45 show on Friday evening at the convention's biggest hall, Mozartsaal. The 30-minute concert will take place right after the big opening ceremony so I imagine the hall will be incredibly crowded. Since the opening ceremony also includes an introduction of all the major German and Japanese guests, you should definitely be there for that as well if you want to catch a glimpse of Yuki and the girls before the actual live show.
Interestingly enough, they don't have any activities scheduled for Saturday. The main event on Saturday is dedicated to SACRA MUSIC with ASCA and ReoNa being the biggest names among the appearing artists. In some way, shape or form they are both YK/Kalafina adjacent so this could be interesting to fans.
Then on Sunday, YK and FJ are once again the main event since they get to perform at 16:30 in the big hall right before the closing ceremony (for which you can expect them to make an appearance as well).
I'm surprised there are no panels or signing sessions planned for them but then again, I feel like those are not really a thing any more at AnimagiC. Only a couple of high-profile guests have a proper signing session scheduled, the rest of them won't even be present for the "autograph-handover".
If you have already secured a ticket and are planning to go, this post is of course not meant to discourage you. I'm sure their performances will be pretty epic and totally worth the ticket price. Especially for those among you who won't get the chance to travel to Japan any time soon. The pre-sale for tickets has closed a while back but if you live nearby, you could always try to buy tickets on the day of the event. They end the pre-sale early to have enough tickets available for the on-site sale. However, that's not to say that the tickets won't sell out quickly once people start arriving so you better get there bright and early. Sales start at 9:00 on Friday (long before the convention opens its doors to visitors which is at 13:00).
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YKL#18 Rehearsal Pics
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Animage June 2012 - Maeno Tomoaki (Yuuichi), Ohara Takashi (Kyousuke) and Terasaki Yuka (Tenma)
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Full scans can be found at: http://inazuma.pmsinfirm.org/?p=238
Translator’s Notes: Another one aimed at @aishakami because YUUICHI! I swear I like him more every time I see him. Even if his story makes me want to cry. He would be the best boyfriend. Having Terasaki here was cute and she lightened up the interview, but I would have liked to see an interview about just the brothers too. It’s the second and maybe only other one I found with Yuuichi’s voice actor.
I think it’s so cute how Ohara refers to Yuuichi as Nii-san.
Sharing the Same Dream
‘My decision is to give soccer back to you.’ Entrusting his future dreams to his younger brother Kyousuke, Yuuichi accepts his fate of his legs being injured. Those calm eyes are overflowing with a love for soccer. In Chrono Stone, the Tsurugi brothers’ bonds are presented in a way that you’ve never seen before now. Let’s look back over this dramatic arc!
First of all, congratulations on Inazuma Eleven GO winning first place during the Anime Grand Prix.
Terasaki: It’s amazing!
Ohara: Wow!
Maeno: Thank you so much!
Terasaki, Ohara and Maeno: Wow! (applause)
The second series Chrono Stone has finally started, and Tenma is still Captain?
Terasaki: That’s right. Personally, even now he still wants to call Shindou-senpai Captain… Even in the first episode he had to remind himself ‘That’s right, I’m the Captain now…’ (laughs) Come on, Tenma! (laughs)
What is your impression of the story?
Terasaki: It’s very different from the Inazuma GO we knew up until now, and it feels like a completely different show is starting (laughs). Since the same person involved with the music from Endou’s story is participating, the atmosphere of the BGM is also completely different. But since the story progresses so quickly, I’m a little worried wondering if the kids can keep up… (laughs) There’s so much plot it will fill your stomach right up!
Ohara: The show is different in a really good way. The first series had a slow start, but this time everything changes suddenly and things keep happening very fast.
Maeno: It’s even more super dimensional than before.
Ohara: Now it’s sci-fi.
Maeno-san, your Yuuichi has had a big role, hasn’t he?
Maeno: Since I used to be a member of the soccer club, I was really delighted to be part of a series about soccer. But since Yuuichi’s continually been in the hospital, when I heard the story in season two about the parallel world, I thought ‘Does this possibly mean that now Yuuichi will be able to play too??’.
Terasaki: Yuuichi-san fought with the Tenmas!
Maeno: My dream came true!
Ohara: Parallel world Nii-san looks like Kyousuke.
Maeno: Since this Yuuichi is from another dimension, I was told to play him completely differently. I was told to play him ‘Not with the gentleness you’ve played him with up until now - this time let’s make him wild.’
Ohara: At the beginning, when Tenma found Nii-san, he mistook him for Kyousuke.
Terasaki: He did!
Kyousuke’s existence wasn’t touched upon in the first two episodes.
Ohara: When his name was finally said, I felt happy that I was remembered.
What kind of existence do Yuuichi and Kyousuke have with each other?
Ohara: The five year age difference is biggg. But for Tsurugi, the age difference doesn’t matter and I think he thinks that soccer is something he plays with his big brother. That’s what soccer is to Kyousuke.
Maeno: For Yuuichi, Kyousuke is his one hope to fulfill his dreams that he couldn’t fulfill himself.  He probably sees him as ‘another me’.
It was funny when Kyousuke’s talk with Yuuichi went down a bad road, and straight away he announced ‘I’m going to get water,’.
Ohara: He couldn’t think of another reason (laughs).
He still hadn’t told him what was doing on inside his heart, and he felt nervous.
Ohara: That was probably it.
Maeno: Even if Yuuichi says not to worry about it, he probably still feels the guilt of his brother’s injury is his own. It’s a big burden for a middle school kid to carry.
Ohara: I don’t think the feeling of guilt will ever completely disappear. I mean, it is a horrific injury.
Terasaki: Yeah. It’s probably the reason Tsurugi’s personality became distorted (laughs). But even though in the Parallel world Yuuichi isn’t injured, his upbringing still goes wrong.
Maeno: That’s because only one of them can go and study soccer abroad. He wanted to go too, but he gave it up for his brother.
Terasaki: He tried to act cool about it.
Ohara: Yeah. Kyousuke and his brother should have had a serious conversation about it. While drinking sake or something!
Maeno: They’re under age so that’s impossible (laughs).
Terasaki: I wonder if either way there’s no solution for both of them to play soccer…
Maeno: But being able to play soccer with Kyousuke for just a little bit brought Yuuichi enough happiness.
Terasaki: He said ‘Just one last time…’ It was a painful but wonderful scene.
Ohara: For me, on top of understanding the whole situation, I wanted to play soccer with Nii-san!
Maeno: Yeah.
Terasaki: But if Yuuichi-san works hard at his physiotherapy he’ll be able to play soccer someday. Seems like someone paid for his operation.
Maeno: I wonder who that could be?
His name wasn’t said, but there was someone who paid the fee.
Terasaki: It was definitely Seitei - Gouenji-san. Speaking of which, seems like there was something up with Fifth Sector’s financial affairs. There was a big problem! That’s what Hiroto-san and Midorikawa-san said. Could it be that money was then given to Yuuichi?
Maeno: Was that what happened?
Ohara: The money will go a long way. Thank goodness. If it’s going to Nii-san, everything will be OK!
Terasaki: Fifth Sector were cruelly threatening Tsurugi, so they deserve it! (laughs)
By the way, Kyousuke went in and out of Yuuichi’s hospital room a lot wearing that spiky-looking outfit.
Ohara: And Nii-san didn’t pay any attention (laughs).
Terasaki: He probably thought it was just the latest fashion (laughs).
We thought he was ordered to wear those clothes as a Seed, but in the Parallel World he also wears those clothes, so they must be of his own choice.
Ohara: Probably (laughs). Weren’t there juvenile delinquent shops that used to sell clothes like that a long time ago?
Maeno: There were indeed.
Ohara: Scary people would gather together, and there were really scary-looking shops. And they sold loads of scary-looking uniforms.
Did Kyousuke buy his clothes in that kind of shop?
Ohara: But it looked expensive. Not something a first year of middle school would be able to buy? He possibly stitched it together himself (laughs).
When I saw the brothers’ heartbreaking exchange in the script, I cried
Yuuichi’s words like ‘The current me who is able to play soccer has to disappear’ and ‘I have no regrets and my wish came true,’ leave a deep impression.
Terasaki: That was heartbreaking!
Maeno: Yuuichi really is an understanding kid. For the sake of his brother, he throws away his beloved soccer for himself - what a choice for an 18 year old to make.
Kyousuke: I really want Kyousuke to hear those words!
When Tenma returns to the present he hears Tsurugi say ‘This is the soccer club, obviously,’.
Ohara: Considering how much trouble he’d been through, it’s not ‘obvious’ at all, Tsurugi! (bitter laugh)
Terasaki: But Tenma was so happy. ‘Finally soccer has returned!’.
Ohara: I was happy too when that scene came. I was happy to say ‘obviously,’.
Yuuichi’s words from the first series were also heart-breaking. When he learned Kyousuke was cooperating with Fifth Sector, he said ‘Did I ask you to do this? Did I ask you to make my legs better? Even once did I ask you??’.
Maeno: That scene was complicated. Then afterwards he says ‘You betrayed the soccer we loved so much! Get out of here!’, which I had to retake so many times. It couldn’t be too rough or too gentle - it was a difficult performance.
Ohara-san, you said before that when you saw episode 17 on air that you cried.
Terasaki: Like when Tsurugi felt if there’s any way to heal his brother, they could play soccer together again…
Ohara: I cried at that!
Terasaki: Me too!
Maeno: The Ultimate Thunder scene.
Ohara: Actually while I was reading the script for episode four of Chrono Stone in my house, I cried a lot. Nii-san, nothing about you needs to disappear! Nii-san, hurry up with your physiotherapy!
Terasaki: Even if it takes some time, he’ll definitely be able to play some day!
Ohara: He should get some super special medicine from the future.
In the future, fusion can happen too (laughs).
Ohara: If that can happen, his injury can definitely be healed!
Terasaki: But you really can’t interfere with the past and future, that’s the rule.
Maeno: What about if Kyousuke Mixi Maxes with Yuuichi’s aura? That way they could both play soccer.
Terasaki: That’s right! Then they could do anything. (laughs)
Ohara: That would be fun (laughs).
The song where the Tsurugi brothers sing in harmony
The Tsurugi brothers get a character song on the Inazuma original album ‘We share the same dream’.
Ohara: We recorded it at the end of last year, when it was really cold.
Terasaki: Their voices really came together. At first I couldn’t tell who was singing what.
Maeno: We’re told quite a lot that we sound alike, so as long as we play brothers that’s a good thing. We recorded separately, but ended up harmonizing well.
Ohara: Nii-san was first. The first time I heard him sing, I thought ‘Nii-san can sing!’ and I became moved emotionally.
Maeno: Well, the tune and lyrics are wonderful, so I’m very grateful for that.
The picture on page 15 was drawn while listening to the character song.
Maeno: Those two before Yuuichi got injured. That’s really nice. I also played younger Yuuichi.
Ohara: I think it’s cute how only Kyousuke’s face is covered in mud. But his brother’s face is clean.
Maeno: I wonder did Kyosuke fail at Bakunetsu Screw again?
Tenma, Kyousuke and Yuuichi have all been influenced by Gouenji.
Maeno: They have. The two brothers talked about how they want to be like Gouenji when he played in matches.
Terasaki: And Yuuichi-san was wearing his collar up, trying to copy Gouenji.
Maeno: Too bad the Tenmas uniform had no collar, so he couldn’t wear it up.
Terasaki: I’m sorry! All the same, Tenmas’ uniform had a refreshing design! (smiles)
Ohara: It looks like a pack of beer.
Maeno: A big ‘Ten’ (*kanji for the TEN in Tenma’s name) is written on it.
Incidentally, is there any way for Kyousuke to be raised without straying from the right path?
Ohara: For sure, no matter what happens he goes down a bad path (laughs).
And if he doesn’t meet Tenma, it’s no good.
Terasaki: Right! He has to meet Tenma! (laughs) In any timeline, they definitely meet.
No matter how they meet, Tenma and Tsurugi will become friends.
Terasaki: Yes! As long as they have their feelings towards soccer, I think they’ll definitely become friends. Even Kyousuke from the Parallel World hadn’t completely given up on soccer. No matter how much things change, there are some things that will never change.
Ohara: Let’s make that today’s proverb!
Akiyama Kantoku said that Tenma and Kyousuke were friends from since they first met. But it was different from his friendship with Shinsuke or Shindou.
Terasaki: Probably. At first Kyousuke probably thought ‘Why does he like soccer so much in that way?’ and was a guy he 100% hated.
Akiyama Kantoku said they became friends from the second Kyousuke beat Tenma up with that ball.
Terasaki: It’s kind of cool.
Ohara: In contrast to his words ‘I hate soccer!’ he actually loves soccer.
Terasaki: ‘There’s no way someone that good at soccer can hate it,’ is what Tenma believed. No matter how badly he was beat up.
Maeno-san, you’ve played a few other roles up until now.
Maeno: I have. For Mannouzaka I played Sakazaki Mugen-kun who uses Boomerang Feint. And the first time I summoned a keshin was particularly memorable, with Teikoku’s DF Ryuuzaki Ouji-kun. With Ryuukishi Tedis he won against Shindou in a one-on-one fight, and I feel like even out of all the Seeds, he’s at quite a high level. In the end Kyousuke and the others may have broken through with Ultimate Thunder, but he seems like he still had fight left in him.
Speaking of season 1, the Seeds weren’t given help.
Terasaki: I’m worried about the future of those kids. I want to think they can enter Gouenji-san’s Soccer Education Program. During the three months after Holy Road, wouldn’t a lot of good things have happened? I wonder what happened to Hakuryuu too?
Ohara: Me too. When he was asked ‘What are you going to do now?”, he said ‘Start soccer over from scratch,’ so I think Hakuryuu is definitely enjoying playing soccer somewhere.
Terasaki: Maybe he’s teaching soccer to kids.
Ohara: At God Eden when Tsurugi and Hakuryuu met and parted ways, a flower bloomed - seemingly as a symbol for them.
Tsurugi said to Hakuryuu ‘Playing soccer with you was really fun.’, which felt good to hear.
Ohara: Even though he said some awful things to the Seeds at Mannouzaka (bitter laugh). But I think he meant his words to Hakuryuu from his heart.
By the way, since Tenma finally joined his beloved Raimon soccer club, he might as well start doing some proper activities with the soccer club soon enough.
Terasaki: Yeah. Not a revolution, but just normal, fun soccer (laughs). But it’s thanks to all his trials that he managed to grow as a person.
From now on, what character would you like to interact with?
Ohara: I want to see Kyousuke talk to Sangoku-san!
Seems like you want him to teach Kyousuke how to cook.
Ohara: Cooking would be fine - anything would be fine! I just want him to talk to Sangoku-san! He’s never had a decent conversation with him even once. There’s not many scenes of Kyousuke just have normal conversations with his teammates.
Terasaki: In today’s recording session, Aoi said ‘Tsurugi-kun!’, which felt refreshing. Like, oh you’re going to call him Tsurugi-kun now? (laughs)
Ohara: I want to talk to Aoi-chan more toooooo! In the ending theme HAJIKE YO isn’t Kyousuke carrying the cooler box as he walks beside Aoi-chan? I want to see something like that happen in the show too.
Maeno: I want Yuuichi to interact more with the Raimon members too, but I wouldn’t mind if something happened while he’s in hospital either. Since Shindou-kun and Taiyou-kun were in the same hospital, I want them to talk.
Taiyou and Yuuichi are probably acquaintances.
Maeno: Taiyou was playing super dimensional soccer in the little hospital garden. I would think that Yuuichi probably saw him, and became interested.
Terasaki: I want Tenma to become closer to his teammates, one by one.
Ohara: Like Sangoku-san.
Terasaki: Of course, it would be good if his relationship with Fei becomes stronger, but his teammates are important too. For example, I want him to talk more to Kurama-senpai, Hayami-senpai and Hamano-senpai!
Ohara: I want to see everyone’s bad sides too. Their worries and dark parts of themselves.
Terasaki: Yeah. Everyone’s just so diligent and hard-working.
Ohara: Don’t you kind of want to see them fight?
Terasaki: I do! Like if Shindou-senpai and Kirino-senpai fight.
Ohara: Huh, those two? That would be a shock. What kind of fight?
Terasaki: I have no idea but I want to see it!
Finally, please leave a message for the fans.
Maeno: Personally I’m happy that Inazuma GO can be a part of Animage Grand Prix history. As for the story from here on out, even the cast have no idea.
(All together they burst into laughter)
Maeno: It’s a series that hides infinite possibilities, so I’m happy just supporting it.
Ohara: It’s thanks to everyone that we were able to come this far. Thank you so much! In the new series the cast has expanded, which makes it even more fun.
Terasaki: Receiving first place means that this series is really loved. With everyone’s support, we as actors will work our hardest to makes this series a high level. We won’t let you down! Thank you for everything!
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niuniente · 7 years
Hi Niu~ I wanted some advice when it came to traveling to Osaka, Japan. Out of all cities and towns, Osaka is a favorite of mine and I am going to be taking my best friend to see what I consider to be my second home. Any advice you have when it comes to saving money (whether it be in food, transportation, souvenirs), especially because we are both food fanatics and anime geeks
Here’s a little list I wrote for two of my friends. This is overall info of Osaka for traveling with some extra I added here, so that’s why the text is a bit jumpy. This is also written in a way that someone who knows nothing of Osaka can read it and get some help, so ignore the spots which you are already familiar with. - Buy souvenirs and basically anything you need from 100 yen shops. Biggest brands are Daiso and Seria but individual 100 yen shops exist, too. For example in Dotonbori road there’s big Daiso as well as in Tenmabashi mall. You can get anything you can imagine from 100 yen shops, however, only Daiso has food, drinks, snacks and other edible items.- For cheap manga, DVDs, CDs, art books, magazines and such go to BOOK-OFF. One is also located in Dotonbori road. Prices start from 100 yen, but usually one manga book costs around 300-400 yens. - For new manga books, magazines, art books and such, go to Kinokuniya. There are many in Osaka so check your closest one.- You can often find cute famous series fan stuff from LOFT department stores. There are two big ones in Umeda and one smaller one in Namba (at Namba,  take metro exit 5 and turn right towards OiOi store, cross the street and turn again to right from in front of OiOi.)- You can buy a day metro pass from any station. From Monday-Friday it’s 600 yens and on the weekends 800 yens per day. With that you can travel as much as you can with metro for one day (24 hours). - If you don’t want metro day pass, at least buy yourself Icoca card from the airport (from train ticket machines) and load money on it. If you already have some Japanese travel card, you don’t need to buy Icoca. Nowadays all Japanese cities’ travel cards are valid in whole Japan. Just load money on it.- For manga, anime, doujinshi and such you need to head to DenDen Town. Go to Nippombashi station and take exit 5 and head away from the big bridge before you toward Ebisucho metro station. K-Books is something you two should see (2 floors fan items, 1 for cosplay and 2 for doujinshi!), and just nearby it there’s also Animage store. Note that fan stuff in Japan is expensive! Some stores in DenDen Town sell used fan items, kinda like collector items and such. 
- Namba walk. It has one floor (basement floor) nothing but food, and rest of the floors are full of anything you can imagine. Get off from subway at Namba station and take exit 35 if I don’t remember wrong (don’t worry; at the subway platform there’s a yellow exit map which shows in English which exit you need to take to get to Namba Walk).
- Tenmabashi (Keihan) City Mall. This has multiple floors and there’s lovely Daiso and absolutely gorgeous small shop, which sells anything traditional in there. It’s a bit pricey but perfect if you want traditional items. The mall is next to a river so you should have nice views from it, too. There’s an entry to the mall directly at Tenmabashi subway station. Purple Tanimachi Line goes to Tenmabashi (station T22)
- If you like things like Rilakkuma, Gudetama, Miffy, Sanrio ect. there’s Kiddy Land in Umeda. 
- Shitennoji temple flea market is open every month on 21st and 22nd day. People go there to sell their old items, and there’s plenty of antique, kimonos, ceramics and food. It’s beautiful place and worth of taking a stroll there. Visiting the temple itself cost a few hundred yens, but you can bid your offering, go to pray and buy omikujis outside (note that omikujis here are in Japanese only; in Fushimi Inari you should be able to get translated omikujis). Entry to the flea market is free.It’s a short walk distance from Shitennoji-mae Yuhigoaka station, on the purple Tanimachi subway line (station T26)
- Uneda Sky Building has a cafe at 44th floor and I think you should be able to go there for free if you want to take a look at Osaka. Seeing the Sky Building itself costs. It’s located in Umeda, near the central railway station. There’s an underway passage outside which goes in front of the Umeda Sky Building.
- Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan is the 2nd biggest aquarium in Japan. The entry fee is 2 300 yens. It’s located in Osaka-ko harbor area. Take a green Chuo Line (subway) to Osaka-ko (station  C11)- There’s Gudetama cafe in Umeda 😃- There’s a very long shopping street going through Dotombori road (with the famous crab statue and the runner picture). Get off at Namba subway station and walk north to Shinsaibashi subway station. This street has high class department stores and shops but also Daiso, Book Off, Disney Store and Sanrio Store. You can get some high quality Japanese candies and snacks, also fresh taiyakis here, from the basement food floor of Daimaru department store (also big department store Takashiyama has wonderful selection of everything you can possibly need, especially for food! You’ll find Takashiyama at Namba subway station; there’s direct entrance to the department store from the station)I hope this helps! Ask if you need any more info!
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xdontdreamitx · 8 years
You know you are addicted to Yuri!!! on ice, when...
the license plate of the car ahead of you shows "VIE-YA", but your brain translates "VITYA" you shall decide a color for a car and instead of "Mamba-Green" you understand "manga-green" (and have all your favorite YOI mangas/doshis in mind) you sign up almost immediately to Crunchyroll Premium after watching the first few episodes in December You are envious of your 3. grader because he is visiting the ice rink with his class you decide to take your kids to the ice rink after that, even if the last time you stood on blades was like 25 years ago. you mull over that even in your age (like 41ish 🙈) it is never too late to learn ice skating properly and check the homepage of the local skating club for lessons after 3 weeks of waiting for your Redbubble order of two YOI mugs you slightly get antsy and choose to create a mug yourself (which luckily arrives within a week), and you finally end up with three new Yuri on ice mugs. 😇 (Oh well, I won't complain 😃) you order two YOI shirts even though you are not "fairy-sized" and indeed, only one fits almost. Still they are great for wearing inside. you purchase the YOI soundtrack as soon as it comes out, even if it is mostly written in Japanese than in English and you now have problems to find it on your iPhone. 😎 (Hooray for playlists!!! 🎼) you have more than one (like four now at least) YOI playlists on your phone to match repectives moods. you not only own the digital version of "Oh! Sketra", but now the CD as well. you feel the need to own the just released Yuri on ice Bluray (in Japanese only), even if you don't speak a word Japanese . (Well, that's not true, I now know "gomeng", "ganba" and "odosa") you check for airings of the current championships and subscribe to EuroSport in order to watch them. Unfortunately, the airing on E1 and E2 isn't in such a great quality (404 on my iPad, quite a lot better on iPhone), but than you discover that there is in fact an ISU channel which airs it LIVE, and that in a higher resolution as well. YAY!!!! --> So, of course I am mainly interested in the men's program and get up at 3 am in the morning to watch their free skates live for four hours. Thank god it was Sunday. 😇 (Ice dancer and pair skates were also great.) #4CC #4 continents championship 2017 you start reading fanfic. Like... for the first time ever. And you notice: "Hey, they are great so far (after reading 10 different ones)! I won't ever buy a book again but will read through the whole archiveofourown first!!!! Please send me to an island with only my kindle and a charger so I can read for WEEKS without disturbances!" you realize you not only ship Victuuri, but Otayuri as well in the fanfic department. (I'm dying. #more than he bargained for fanfic #bell toll fanfic) you don't watch any real TV anymore but YOI for the nth time. On Crunchyroll to adore the original voices and on funimation when you want to skip subtitles for once. On at least a weekly basis... you purchase Animage February 2017 magazine just to have a poster of YOI and two nice folders, but you can't read shit because it is in Japanese only 😭 you start looking for the music sheets of the anime and after not playing the piano for one year you feel the urge to learn "airport reunion/marriage proposal" now, like RIGHT NOW! Of course this doesn't start too well 'cause I have to learn all music notes again, but I am getting closer. you purchase the music sheets of "Agape" and "Yuri on ice" from amazon.co.jp because you can't get them in your country and are at least able to "read" them. Though it will take quite some time to learn those, as my playing is just good enough for "home use" you hope you purchased the music sheet book from YOI on amazon.co.jp, because sometimes the google translations are quite funny and you can't be sure what you get. 😉 Well, guess I will find out the next days. (YES, it arrived and is exactly what I wanted! ❤) you should change your iPad PIN, so your kids don't stumble accidentally over your pictures folder, which contains a bit... um... more NFSW pics recently. 🙊 you start following ice skaters/ISU/magazines on social accounts you have a note of all future championships this year so you won't accidentally miss one your dashboard is YOI only and the most happiest place on earth 😍
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