#i see this phenomenon so much i feel it's like. surface level low effort diversity points
darcyolsson · 3 hours
watching emily in paris and there's this weird phenomenon happening to camille which i see in shows all the time these days which is technically not queerbaiting but something vaguely reminiscent of it. camille is a very important, three-dimensional character, but then when she finally gets to have a relationship with a woman (which was hinted at/joked about in earlier seasons), it's not nearly as fleshed out as the straight relationships around her. and it's not necessarily about her being queer because there's many important queer characters in the show and it's not really about it being two female characters either because at there are so many female friendships which are genuine and important, including the one between the main character and camille, which could be argued centers a man but in the end still is a real friendship which is significant to the show. so while there get to be fleshed-out queer characters who have fleshed-out relationships with people of the same gender, the second those relationships become romantic they become undeserving of the same treatment. what is that called
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