#i see theres another life series but tbh im fixated on que smp and jerwee
rainia · 11 months
i log onto this site for the first time in weeks just to look at some Ashey Winters fanart as one does, and that one post has gotten like 10k more notes wtfffff gurl rip my notifs hahahahah anyways I hope you’re all doing good on here,,I partied too close to the sun it would appear, turns out 4 parties in 10 days is too much for my weak lil self and I’ve spent the last few days sick in bed o7 on the mend but goddamn. Also I was gonna post about the pd epilogue because it was perfect in every way but yeee I was too sick to post hahaha in my past life i think I was a sickly victorian child who died of the mild cold or perhaps i was a hedgehog too sleepy and content for capitalism and its dastardly ways
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