#i see a lot of ppl say ‘my smoothies at home don’t taste good like at smoothie shops’
sanctfy · 3 months
the key to making sweet smoothies at home is flavored yogurt
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Do Something
Idol: JiU (Dreamcatcher)
Prompt: Dreamcatcher highschool au where JiU is a nerd and shy kid and sometimes gets pushed around and fem reader is the popular girl but they kind of keep their relationship lowkey but one day fem reader overhears from her friends that JiU was getting bullied cos they saw JiU hanging out with f/reader and basically being mean, so one day fem reader shows up outside JiU’s class to walk her home and kisses JiU in front of the whole student body and basically tells ppl not to bully her gf or else
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: It has been a while since I was in high school, so I’ll admit that I had some trouble remembering what high school is like. Also, I used Jiu’s real name Minji for this scenario. I hope you all enjoy though!
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You liked to think that your school was one of the good ones. On of the few where most of the students got along and there wasn’t much bullying. But the reality was that, as a popular student, you just didn’t see things the same as the other kids. Soon after you began dating Minji, you started to realize that not everything was as you seemed.
“I’m used to it,” she’d said, shrugging and giving you an amused smile when you were surprised by the pushing around she received on the daily. “It doesn’t bother me anymore. Did you really not know that bullying was happening every day?”
“No,” you said, frowning. “I mean, I knew it was happening, but I never expected it to be so much....”
“It’s not like they’re beating me up or putting flour in my hair,” she pointed out. “Honestly, it’s mostly just the occasional verbal insult with bumping into me or pushing me away and excluding me. It’s not that bad.”
“It sounds bad!” Your heart hurt as you crossed your arms. You and Minji were a strange couple, you knew: the two of you only knew each other and started dating because she lived in the same neighborhood and the two of you saw each other before and after school every day. Had she lived elsewhere, the two of you would have probably never met. But still, you were surprised to see just how different her world was from hers. “You should let me teach them a lesson.”
“That’ll just make it worse. But thank you for being worried about me.” She smiled and touched your leg affectionately. “I really appreciate it. But just like you’ve become used to being popular, I’ve become used to being the nerd. It’s just how high school works.”
She was right. High school was like that, no matter how much anyone tried to stop it. But the knowledge that she was being treated this way still made your stomach turn. With a sigh, you leaned your head on her shoulder and took her hand. “I don’t like not being able to do anything.”
“I know.”
You hardly had any classes with Minji, so you didn’t see her much at school. The two of you would usually meet up outside and walk home together after classes ended, but otherwise, the two of you never interacted, always on different sides of the school at different times. So you had no idea what had been happening until a few of your friends approached you before your last class on a Friday.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” Bora looked serious, which either meant she was about to drop a terrible joke, or that something was going on. Behind her, Handong was biting her lip, and Siyeon was shaking her head, her arms crossed, which told you that something was definitely going on.
“What’s up?”
“Siyeon was just in class with Minji, and-.” Bora was cut off as Siyeon huffed and stepped forward.
“Some kids were making fun of her, saying mean shit. Apparently they saw you with her the other day, so they were telling her that she was too ugly to be around you, and asking how much she paid you to talk to her, or if you just pitied her that much. Then, when she didn’t react, one of them decided to trip her when she got up to answer a question on the board. She fell and got a bloody nose because she hit her face against the desk in front of her.”
You clenched your fist as anger and worry flowed through your veins, making you shake from the intensity. “I-is she okay?” You got out through your clenched teeth, and Siyeon nodded, rubbing her hand over her face.
“Yeah, the teacher let me walk her to the nurse’s office and it wasn’t broken or anything. But she nose have a bruise on her nose, and when class got out, one of the kids had the audacity to tell her that she looked better like that. I would have punched them, but the teacher was there.”
“Did the teacher not do anything about the trip?”
“Minji didn’t tell her that someone tripped her, so the teacher didn’t know, she just told the kids to stop laughing.”
“Of course she didn’t, she’s too nice.” You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. As much as you wanted to track the kids down and find them, you knew you couldn’t do that. Your status as a popular kid wouldn’t protect you from suspension. However.... There was something you could do and get away with when everyone knew you and your friends. It helped that Sua and Siyeon were known for being intimidating, and Handong, well....
“Want me to hit them?” Handong looked so sweet as she said it but there was malice in her eyes, making you laugh and shake your head.
“Nah. I’m not going to stoop to their level. Yet. But we should show them that we aren’t going to put up with this anymore. I have an idea.”
You could hardly sit through class, constantly fiddling with your fingers and looking at the clock. When the bell finally rang, you jumped out of your chair like a bullet, leaving faster than you’d ever left before. The usual people who turned around to try and talk to you watched in shock as you left without so much as a wave, only one thing on your mind.
Thankfully, Minji’s class always got out a little bit later. You arrived at the door to the classroom just as the class ended and everyone started packing up. A few students stood up and startled, surprised to see you standing by the door, your arms crossed and your shoulder pressed against the door frame. Whispers rippled through the class and students turned one by one to look back at you, but your eyes were only on one.
As Minji turned around, you felt the anger build up again. Sure enough, she had a small bruise on her nose. Her eyes, though, were wide, before her shocked expression melted into a soft smile. She picked up her things and walked to the door as the rest of the class watched.
“What are you doing here, (Y/N)?”
“I came to pick you up. That’s more romantic, isn’t it?” You frowned as you brought your hand up, your thumb gently touching the bruise.
“Siyeon told you what happened,” she said, leaning into your touch ever so slightly.
“She did. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Better now that you’re here.” Her smile didn’t falter and, at her words, you smiled affectionately as well, moving your hand up to tuck her soft, now purple hair behind her ear.
“I wanted to make sure you were okay. Let me take your books.” As you dropped your hands to take her textbooks, you could hear the whispers in the classroom.
“What’s going on?”
“There’s no way they’re dating, right?”
“I mean, they look pretty close right now.”
“How did that happen?”
With a sigh, you put your arm around your girlfriend’s shoulders and smiled slightly when she blushed. “Can I ask you something crazy?”
“Sure,” she said, standing her own against your charming gaze.
“Can I kiss you?”
“To make a point?” She was teasing you, biting at her lip, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well, that too, but also because I want to kiss you right now.”
“Go ahead, then.”
It was weird, kissing at school. But you could get used to it. Her lips were just as soft as always, and she tasted like the smoothies the two of you had gotten for lunch. It wasn’t a long kiss, but enough to make a point and give you butterflies, and as you pulled away, you smiled at her.
“By the way, I think you’re way out of my league. I think you’re beautiful.”
She flushed again, pleased by your praise. Even if she said the words didn’t get to her, you wanted to make sure she knew that you loved every part of her. “Oh. Thank you.”
You kissed her forehead, just because she was so cute and it felt right, before you turned to the rest of the class and put on a fake smile. “What, you’ve never seen a couple before? I hope you’re all treating my girlfriend well. She’s part of us now, you know.” The thinly veiled threat made a couple kids clear their throats awkwardly, and you made a mental note of the ones who did. “Have a great weekend, then,” you said in a fake cheerful voice as you took your arm away only to grab Minji’s hand instead and lead her away.
As the two of you walked down the hallway towards her locker, she turned and looked at you. “Thank you for what you did, back there. I don’t know if it’ll make them stop, but I appreciate you sticking up for me.”
“I had to do something,” you said, squeezing her hand and shaking your head. “It made me so mad to hear that you were being treated like that. But even if those kids are stupid enough to risk becoming social outcasts, I doubt they’d want to face off with an angry Siyeon. Or any of the other girls, for that matter.”
“True.” She laughed softly and leaned into your arm. “You know, I could get used to this. I like walking through the halls with you. Even if a lot of people are looking. I like being with you.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you grinned, looking over at your beautiful girlfriend. You really loved her so, so much. “I could get used to this too.”
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peachyteabuck · 6 years
fool outta me [bucky barnes x reader]
summary: bucky and you finally have a conversation about your feelings after you catch him getting jealous about your friendship with thor
pairing: bucky barnes x writer!reader
words: 2080
trigger warnings: some teeth rotting fluff. talk about personal insecurities. allusions to previous and future sexual contact without much specifics. mentions of an unspecified childhood trauma
notes/other: hi hello i know i’ve been writing a lot of fluff n stuff. i will get back to fics abt two or more ppl just fuking rawing each other soon. dw. 
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You and Bucky have been dating for awhile. Not a long time, but awhile. You hadn’t officially moved in together yet (you still paid your half of the rent for your shitty apartment), but you still often slept in his room in the Tower. You’ve had sex, but had never gotten too adventurous. It’s good, Bucky and you are happy. You’re in love. No need to push it, no need to talk it further, no need to complicate things.
You’re sitting on the couch, reading some book about the gendered politics of crafting, when you hear a loud crash in the kitchen. The others are all in other places at far ends of the Tower, and you’re pretty sure Natasha went out to get coffee. But any of them in the kitchen on the common floor? Without you noticing? Nope. Not possible.
Good news is, you trust Tony enough to not allow some stray or burglar to come and kidnap you, so you decide to investigate. You keep your hardcover novel with you to act as a makeshift weapon...just in case.  You’re expecting a rat, or maybe some sort of ghost, possibly a dog no one thought to CC you on the email about - definitely not the god that’s been spooked by a a Nutribullet plastic container thingy that’s fallen from a poorly-stacked cabinet.
“Thor Odinson,” you groan, grabbing and gently placing the large smoothie-thing (oh god, what do you call those things anyway? Do they have names?) in the sink. “You scared the shit out of me!”
He looks sheepish as he explains. “Sorry, my lady. It looks like someone in this residence didn’t put…” he gestures to the object. “That away correctly.”
“It’s fine.” You half laugh, half sigh as you go to hug him. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
Thor chuckles. “It has! Please, sit back down. I’ll be there in a minute and you can tell me everything I’ve missed!”
You smile, nodding and going back to your place on the extremely comfortable couch. Ever the gentleman, about two minutes later he hands you your favorite mug - a baby blue one with cursive gold lettering that says “flight” with little birds on it- with your favorite tea inside. It’s warm under your hands and provides a relief to the ache from holding the book.
“An apology - for scaring you like that,” Thor tells you as you blow lightly at the steam from the beverage.
Again, you smile. “Apology accepted.”
The conversation between you two flows beautifully. You two talk about this and that: about your writing and his kingly duties. About your new book deal and his universal travels. It seems ludicrous, comparing your lives. But he seems genuinely interested in your life - just as you are his.
Book long forgotten, it seems like hours later when Bucky enters the floor with Natasha and Sam in tow. They’re all chatting about some new upcoming training technique they’re going to try with some of the subordinates. Once they all see Thor, they greet him with the same grand gestures and loud voice they’ve always seemed to use with the equally grand and loud god.
Well, except Bucky. He greets only you and only you with his signature peck on the lips, sitting beside you and pulling you into his chest. He’s showered - thank Gods - and he smells like the body wash you bought him. The honeycomb is calming and comforting, much more so than sweat and adrenaline and whatever else got stuck to him.
“How was the workout?” You ask.
He shrugs when he answers. “Good - the usual.”
You roll your eyes. Bucky may not be able to see it with the angle you’re at, but he knows you’re doing it anyway. “Always so descriptive,” you tease. He smiles, welcoming your chide remarks.
Thor watches the pair of you. You can tell Bucky notices, but neither of you really say anything. He had a habit of staring at things while on Midgard, it became a habit after one-to-many all-too-forward inappropriate questions, mostly made while in public (Why does that woman have a metal bar through her ear? He asked in a coffee shop. Why would anyone want to build a bear, especially little children? He texted you when he went to the mall for a first time. Why does this text end in an eggplant? He questioned when he picked up your phone and accidentally read all of your notifications).
It’s no biggie - at least not to you, so you badger Natasha about her postponing a girls’ night. Bucky, though, doesn’t take his eyes off of the God. He watches Thor with his assassin’s precision, and you choose not to comment.
Soon, your conversation with Thor picks back up. The whole time, Bucky’s muscles occasionally tense. For awhile, you ignore it; You know better than to push anything, so you drop it from your mind for the time being. Later that night, though, you bring it to the surface again as you get dressed for bed and Bucky brushes his teeth.
“Sooo…” you begin, leaning on the doorway to the bathroom.
Bucky spits the black (charcoal was Steve’s new thing, and Bucky’s always willing to be his guinea pig) saliva into the sink. “What’s up, babe?”
You shrug, attempting to remain nonchalant. “What was with you while I was talking to Thor on the couch earlier this afternoon?”
Bucky immediately denies his actions. “Nothing, it was nothing.”
You scoff. “I’m a retired interrogator for the United States Navy. You can’t knock me off your path that easily...James.”
Oooooo, full first names are coming out now. This is getting serious.
Bucky scoffs, too. Yours was serious, though. The one he does is obviously an attempt to mock you. “And I was interrogated for like, seventy years. You can’t crack me that easily.”
You stare at him via the mirror, blank-faced. “Really, you’re pulling the Winter Soldier card?”
Bucky shrugs, finally wiping off his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You don’t budge, metaphorically and literally. “You’re deflecting and you know it.”
He just grumbles something unintelligible and brushes past you, huddling under the thick comforter on his side of the bed and turning off the lamp on his nightstand. Bucky’s acting like a small child who just got told he can’t go over to his friend’s house on Saturday because he has to get up early for Sunday mass. Luckily, the only more stubborn person on this Earth besides him (and Steve) is you.
Plus, you babysat until grad school: you know how to handle petulant children. You turn off the rest of the lights and snuggle into bed right beside him, curling your arms around his middle - just like he loves it. He’d never admit it, but James Buchanan Barnes (World’s longest serving POW, Winter Soldier, Veteran, Avenger) absolutely adores being the little spoon.
When he settles into you, you know you’ve got him right where you want him. “You know, if you don’t want to talk to me, I could just give Wanda the go-ahead to read your mind and spoil all of the pranks you were planning to play on Sam…”
He flips over and gasps. “You wouldn’t…”
“And I won’t!” You assure. “You just have to tell me how you feel.”
“Ugh,” Bucky exclaims dramatically. “Talking about emotions.”
You snort a little, kissing his warm, sweet-smelling shoulder. Damn, you really know how to pick a body wash.“You knew this was going to happen! My mom was a social worker, you can’t hide that part of me for long!”
He growls, then sighs. “Fine. But turn over.” You start to question him, but he cuts you off before a single sound can leave your lips. “I can’t have you looking at me while I say this.”
Listen, you bargain with yourself. You got him to open up! That’s great. Let him do it in his own way. Being the loving girlfriend you are, you flip over and face the wall.
It’s a few pregnant moments before he starts, but when he does - he can’t seem to stop. “Look, I know...listen. I was super like, sauve and stuff...pre-war and shit. Talk to Steve, he’ll tell ya. But being under mind control for a Nazi organization doesn’t really like, help your self-confidence, you know? When I met you, it was hard. I remember you, at that party. You looked...oh god, you looked so good in that velvet pantsuit. And those heels! When Natasha introduced us, I legit almost fell over,” it takes every ounce of all willpower you have not to giggle. You remember that day so vividly: how much your bra hurt, what the champagne tasted like, wanting to jump Bucky’s bones the minutes you saw him. Everything, you remember everything. “And then Natasha threw, like legit threw all of your books at me once we got home. And I read all of them. Several times. It was just...I remember I wrote down all of my favorite poems and like, read them every chance I could get. I just, you’re so articulate, the way you use your voice, the way you write. I was...floored. Still am. I just, you never cease to amaze me. And I remember the first time we slept together, and your dirty talking - god. I wanted to stop fucking you so I could write down everything you said. I’ve just never, I’ve never met anyone who could manipulate the English language like you can.”
You wipe a tear from your eye. God, what a fucking charmer. No wonder you let him get it on the first date.
“You’re so...like, you’re like some Greek statue. Carved from perfect marble and so precious. Sometimes I want to touch you make sure you’re real but I don’t want to smudge you, wreck your beauty. And I’ve always felt like...remember that poem, from your second poetry book. The one about trauma from your childhood?”
You sniffle. That poem, that’s the one he talked to you about on your first date. Normally you felt so uncomfortable when people complimented you, but with Bucky it felt so natural. “That my trauma felt like the jagged edge of a rock at the bottom of the pond; ever present but with no exact location until it was too late.”
Bucky picks up, still facing away from you. “Yeah, I just...I never thought anyone so fucking amazing could love someone like me. It felt like you were a shooting star that somehow fell in love with some stupid cliff’s edge, or some other shitty rock or something. I don’t know. I just...I’m worried that you’ll see me like I see me, and Thor is like...the hottest person ever. He’s just as bright as you are...at least, I don’t know, I remember you and him talking about your writing’s allusions to mythology and I had no fucking idea what you were talking about and I just...I don’t know. I love you, I love you so much, and I’m trying everyday to prove that to you. But I just, I’m not sure how to do that properly, so sometimes I-”
You don’t allow him to finish his sentence. You surge forward, your salty tears mixing with his as you kiss him. Bucky kisses back without hesitation. Both of you are reluctant to pull away, but oxygen cares not one bit about how in love two people are.
“I think dating a writer rubbed off on you,” you whisper, lips still almost touching his. “Because those words...fuck. If you keep talking to me like that, we’ll never be able to leave this bed again.”
He laughs, deep and husky. “What can I say, I’m a changed man. First the loofah and that body wash, then the yoga, now this…”
You bark out laughter, then sigh happily. “If Thor would make you crack like this I would’ve invited him to Midgard a long time ago…”
Bucky jabs his fingers into your side, tickling you. “Don’t even joke about that! I’m trying to be tender here, and this is how you treat me?”
You kiss him again, smiling. “Aw, my love. How ever will I make it up to you?”
He taps his finger to his chin for a moment, then flips you over so that he’s on top of you. “Oh, I think I have a few ideas…”
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