#i say this like im not *always* thinking about soriku haha
verathena14 · 9 months
girl hlep im thinking about soriku again
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blowingoffsteam2 · 6 years
real talk, do you think we are being too hopeful with sora/riku? i really fear they will brush the obvious riku being in love with sora under the rug to focus on more sora/kairi. and i love kairi but i feel at this point she wont get any better development. if they cement the sora/kairi and real riku/namine its gonna break my heart. like i always have my canon but im weak like that.
If you had asked me before kh3, I would have said not to get hopes up too high.  I don’t think it was wrong to be hopeful about good soriku moments, but actual heavy canon hints?  That, I did not see coming.  But now, I think it’s okay to have some hope for the future (I know I’m feeling very hopeful right now haha)  It’s always good to have some doubt too, and know that even if it never happens we can still have fun and enjoy it.  But with the secret ending basically implying something of a DDD part 2, I would say buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride.  In a very good way.
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