#i say as if i didnt do 13 hour shifts three days in a row for weeks at one of my old jobs
unluckystreak · 4 months
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fuck-customers · 8 years
Longest day ever.
So this is a fuck managers and customers story. Now we will call this manager S. S called me 03/13 asking me if I wanted to stay till 4:30 instead of 2 03/14 now I didnt get the message till later and even then I had just worked three shifts in a row, two of which being open to close and I just really wanted to have a day to relax. So I get to work at 9:30and I check the schedule abd see I am there till 4:30. Now another association, N, sees me looking pretty pissy and asks whats up. After explaining she says S has done that to her before too saying she thinks you wouldn’t mind the extra couple hours. I tell the on duty manager and she asks me if I could stay and I ofc say yes bc the two other cashiers we have are not suitable for doing customer service. But like what the fuck? I could have had plans or something there is a reason I didn’t call back. Now on to the customer part. We are a semi high end retail store that sells food goods to clothing and furniture. We often get shoplifters and in those cases we call a dept 55 to whichever department they are in. One gets called to shoes and three associates are on him and I dont think much of anything because Im head cashier and putting people through. So my till is closest to the door besides jewelry whih is on the other side, a co-ordinator (my sister) is in jewelry covering a break and all of a sudden we hear through our headsets “He’s going for the door” my head snaps up as this asswad tushes through the door holding our shoes. I quickly apologize to the next person im taking and rush over to the door calling after him and my sister does the same. The little jerk off knows we can’t apprehend him so he just walks out like nothing. My sister tries to go see where he goes but no such luck. We cant even call the police as we dont have access to our own security footage and they won’t arrive for two hours regardless of then being not even six blocks away. Seriously fuck my manager and fuck shoplifters. Get a job or fuck off. We get in shit for this stuff man.
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