#i saw you retweet on twitter and got excited
sui-imi · 1 year
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(coughs) hi
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yaoisex · 5 months
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Chiaki's first photobook will be released on his 30th Birthday!! 🎉😭 (4/6)
Congrats!!!!!! I was so happy seeing that first thing in the morning!! He's also gonna do a signing session!
Look at those stunning photos!!! CHIAKI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
There was also a video and it made me choke. Because -
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AND, the best thing was Seii-chan retweeting Chiaki's tweet and talking with Chiaki on a thread during the whole day -
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Basically he was the first one to congratulate Chiaki, as "an old man (ojisan) with his arms folded behind his back", and asked: "sign (autograph) please". Chiaki replied quite coldly "thank you! There will be signed books and autograph sessions so be sure to check them out!" (I saw a few comments laughing about that, how he's always cold towards his loving senpai. You might also remember those photos of them where he's never done the heart gesture with Seii-chan and left him hanging lol). Then Seii-chan replied something like "Should I line up then..." and Chiaki replied "It's a joke, I'll keep writing!" AND SEII-CHAN REPLIED 😘.
AND SEII-CHAN REPLIED 😘. (yes, I said that twice).
THANK YOU SEII-CHAN! THANK YOU! YOU MADE MY DAY. Seriously, I kept checking Twitter the whole day and when he replied with that emoji I had to pause, go for a break at work, and scream internally into the void while shedding a few tears. I couldn't handle this. I kept recalling this and circulating this in my head the whole day. Seii-chan, I freaking love you. Thankyouverymuch.
Uemura Yuuto also commented on Chiaki's tweet:
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He said "I don't understand it at all, but I want to be a substitute for a horse!" LOL!!!! To which Chiaki replied "Seriously, why?!" and Yuuto replie "Maybe Chiaki-kun is such a prince that my horse blood got excited." XDDDD
That was HILARIOUS! He doesn't want to be Chiaki, he wants to be the horse Chiaki is riding! XDD (honestly, I felt that)
P.S I totally agree with that fan on Twitter. 100% agree:
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I hope Chiaki would give Seii-chan a copy of his photobook as a gift for a doting senpai, but on the other hand I REALLY wish Seii-chan would actually go to the signing session and be there with Chiaki (and also get a signed photobook on the way) ;D. GIVE US A SELFIE ALREADY I'VE BEEN BEGGING FOR YEARS!!
And NO, I did NOT forget my genius idea for a moment! I STILL hope and pray for a magazine cover/photoshoot of the both of them one day! (WHERE is the TWST anime??). And what gives me a glimpse of hope is the official TVguidePERSON Twitter account retweeting Seii-chan's retweet and also Chiaki's reply to him. Those are the crumbiest crumbs, but I'll take it.
To summarize - today was a good day. A great day!
Chiaki, I love you more than you'll ever know and I wish you'll continue to prosper and be successful in every way! <3333
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 7 months
I mean, seeing what the ISU Awards has become... do we really want Shoma (and Stephane) to be involved in that mess? It's so... self-celebratory, lol. The phrase "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine" comes to mind. Saw a FS fan who was at Zurich tweeted that the crowd don't even know or care much about the skaters when they were given awards... honestly even Stephane, a Switzerland citizen (!!!) chose to go to Tokyo this week to do dance classes and watch the Paris Opera Ballet. Anyway if people really want to watch a really good ice show, Daisuke's ice show KASSOUYA in Fukuoka was also running this weekend and they allow fancams... from what I can see on X/Twitter it's much better than AOI, sorry not sorry.
KASSOUYA seems indeed a wonderful ice show. The snippets look very cool. I wonder what brought them to allow fancams and if they keep it that way or only because they wanted to promote the show in sns 🤔 In Japan ice shows are growing. I am glad for every opportunity for the skaters.
In a way Shoma is involved in the award anyway. He was in the nominations, even if he didn't win. Not that this award has any sort of negative or positive impact on anyone really. I think Shoma would just deserve more recognition by the ISU. That's all, not that the award itself is worth anything. I guess nobody will be remembered for earning a skating award. Yet Shoma and Kaori not winning against Ilia when Ilia is here for two seasons and did get one title only feels odd. If it's solely on social media engagement well than Adam's backflip gained huge attention at Euros, Kaori's SP last season was literally retweeted by Janet Jackson herself, Livia Kaiser's FS was retweeted by Rachel Zegler and beside that it shows that ISU is not aware of what Shoma did for the sport. OPOI brought another crowd to figure skating. (SOI in the US just got canceled for the season for a lack of interest as it appears btw) But ofc this whole award show is playing into the hand of those ppl who always had a say in skating North America and Europe. Ilia's management is practically involved in the show, so winning an award two times in a row - one which was just invented for him last season - a devlish thought may come to mind 🙃
I think the crowd for an ice show is different than for a competition. At Nebelhorn Trophy usually the arena is more packed for the gala than for the actual competition. Those ppl there don't come bc of the names of the skaters, they come for a fun evening like going to the circus. I also went couple of times to Holiday on Ice, I was also at Disney on Ice (ice shows that come to my hometown are an easy choice to go to). At Holiday on Ice last year Papadakis/Cizeron were invited and I totally chose a date where they would perform in the show bc of them, however in the crowd most ppl didn't know who they were and didn't care. They liked their performance but you could see just a few excited fans. You can see by the reactions to the jumps (which are usually just doubles) that the cast performs there that ppl don't come bc of the sport but bc of the show. They would clap as enthusiatically for a double than for a triple. So I am not surprised the ppl didn't care much for the winners at Art on Ice, most ppl there probably didn't even know them but came for an ice show.
Stephane performed often on Art on Ice so I don't think it had anything to do with that, probably didn't rather fit his schedule. Makes you wonder though if he would have won if he would have performed there. Because very comically all winners were also present at Art on Ice...🙃
Maybe Shoma didn't win because he would not attend Art on Ice at this point of the season 🤔😂 just kidding...
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I am not against those ppl that won at all, even happy for Deanna Stellato Dudek, she deserves the world as a role model. Just being the only Pairs skater to even get anything is showing how much ISU cares for all disciplines. Also the nominations of most categories just show that ice dance and Pairs have no value.
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indestinatus · 2 months
Hi, different anon, i dont know who sent the others. i want to say some things but please don't take any of this in the wrong way. ive followed you for a long time, you're well liked and well respected in the tiva fandom for good reason however, i agree with the anon that there has been a change that has nothing to do with your life commitments (which im happy for you BTW!)
You said its overwhelming on twitter because of the number of people there now but this isn't accurate, if there were a large number of people being kind on there then there wouldn't be a problem but these people are continuously unkind to anyone who isn't in their "troops".
You reference "tiva fights" on twitter but i don't remember a time before the spin-off was announced that there was drama on this constant scale like this in the fandom. you say you won't support "content stealing or random rudeness" yet the only people you now interact with on twitter are the very people doing this (i think this is an issue the anon was talking about).
You say you've made real friends here over the years and that's true! but like the anon said its like you've dropped these friends and are only focused on the people who are intent on tearing this fandom apart for their own egotistical gains.
Your "new" friends have created nothing but trouble since they appeared when the spin-off was announced. they have been rude, insulting, belittling, condescending, aggressive etc towards anyone who doesn't share their mindset. they gang up on people who say one thing they don't like and are also attacking random people not in the fandom who comment on announcement tweets. either you don't know the full extent of the damage they've caused inside this fandom to people who are friends with you (which is fine because there are many people who can explain it to you), or you know what they've done to people and you simply don't care. i think the ambiguity of this particular part is unsettling people because it seems as if you're condoning what they've done.
I think you yourself are a really nice and kind person but the friends you've now got are affecting the way people see you. i saw also you had quote retweets from hawaii fans and that's because your new friends have done nothing but attack them for months, so now you are receiving it too because you associate with them.
Overall it just seems like there is confusion to you not talking to these new people at all to suddenly they are the only ones you talk to. I know you can't control what other people do but this is more of a reflection of what your friendship with them is presenting.
hello, anon. this ask has made me immensely sad.
first of all, who am I in the grand scheme of things. for you to be monitoring my activity and debating who I should be talking to like... I admit I am a person moved by fandom. In the ncis fandom, especially the tiva fandom, there are waves of activity both here and on other socials like twitter and instagram. I've spent almost 2 years not posting on twitter and only making content for tumblr, both gifsets and fics, and talking to the fandom in here. Likewise, when it's more active there I tend to float toward where people want to talk about it. And who share fandom content and who are actually excited about what I also share.
I talked about some stuff you allude to in this ask only in my private twitter which means you're one of my closest friends in the fandom, and it makes me sad. And no, I never categorized myself in any friend group. I don't take sides in fights inside a fandom (which, idk if you know this but the ncis fandom was really big in 2010s and every big fandom has fights and wow do I even need to talk about the drama back then) and if you monitor my activity so closely I think you also know I wasn't aware of the details of this until a few days prior. Since then, I've collected myself again and I haven't shared content I know is from other people whom I respect and I don't interact with arguments about cancellations and other drama like this. I hate it. I'm here to talk about fictional characters and share stuff I'm excited about.
that said, I haven't dropped any friends. I'm not inside any "new troops". from what I remember, I tried my best not to be "rude, insulting, belittling, condescending, aggressive" against anyone. My real friends from this fandom know who they are and we talk constantly, they have my private phone number and my personal instagram. we support each other. I don't know anything other than seeing a few friends talking about having their gifs been stolen (so no, it's not like "I simply don't care") but also idk if I'm interested in fandom drama. since then, I voiced my opinion about taking someone else's content as one's own and focused on making my own content again, sharing the ones I know are from people who created them and staying silent.
since the spin-off news dropped I've been overwhelmed with the number of new people who suddenly arrived in this fandom and also with the zero amount of time I now have to create fandom content about stuff I'm so excited about. I didn't even have the time to digest this news and am constantly bombarded with new things and no time to process them like I wanted to. no time to make the gifsets, fics, or talk to people like I did before and also who aren't as active anymore anywhere. it breaks my heart to be excited about stuff in a way my life doesn't allow me to be.
anyway, after this whole ramble, I hope you realize I hate fandom drama and that is why I post my content, voice my opinion, and make myself scarce. if you want to explain what happened or simply talk to me, feel free and I'm OK with being judged. but also I don't intend to be as active anymore currently because of things like these and asks like these from anons. I'm sorry. if anyone wants to talk about tony and ziva, let me know.
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spencerlouis · 2 years
Louis and Harry being a thing when they were younger but Harry had to move away. Skip to the present and Harry bumps into Louis who has gained a lot of weight.
Louis and Harry softly cried as they hugged each other goodbye. 
“I’ll miss you so much,” Louis whispered. 
Harry pulled back and wiped away his tears, “I will too. But don’t worry, we can keep in touch.” 
Louis nodded as Harry gave him one last kiss. 
Louis took a bite of his chocolate bar as he typed away on his computer. After graduating highschool, he had gotten a job as a writer and he loved it. He got to work from home and be creative. Louis sighed though, looking down at the wrappers that had piled up throughout the day. That was the only downside, Louis tended to snack quite a bit throughout the day and with the added effect of little exercise he had quickly gained weight. 
Louis ran a hand over his plump belly that was covered by a knit sweater. It had taken him a while to admit to himself that he was fat, for the longest time he had called himself chubby or ‘just a little bigger.’ But one day, after he could no longer fit in his largest pair of pants (that weren’t bought all that long ago) he had forced himself to stand on the scale. And as the number settled on 278, he could no longer deny it. He was fat. 
Louis groaned and opened a new tab, logging into twitter. The first tweet he saw had been retweeted by Liam, and it was by a name he hadn’t seen in a while. Harry Styles. 
‘So excited to be back home again!’ 
Next to it was a picture of Harry posing by the town sign. Louis’ cheeks flushed as he studied Harry in the photo. His curly hair was well styled, and his face was just as handsome as always, and his body. His body was lean, but muscular. He definitely worked out. Louis was pulled out of his thoughts by a text from Zayn. 
‘Lou, did you see Harry’s in town? We’re all meeting up to go out together, like old times :)’
Louis’ heart began to race, he couldn’t see Harry looking like this! Not when Harry was so fit. He didn’t want to be seen as Harry’s ex that got fat. But there was also no way Zayn would allow him not to go. As the pounds had piled on, Louis had become quite shy and self-conscious, but Zayn did not allow him to become a shut-in. He was always trying to build Louis’ confidence. 
“I look like a whale,” Louis whined as he studied himself in the mirror. 
Zayn had helped him pick out a sweater and a pair of jeans, assuring him he would look great. Louis thought he looked huge though. His thighs were thick and the jeans didn’t exactly hide that fact and his tummy pooched out and clung to the sweater. Though Louis doubted he would be able to find a shirt that didn’t show off his stomach with how chubby it was. Louis grabbed one of his chunky love handles and gave it a harsh jiggle. 
“Oh stop it. You look great,” Zayn said, as he fixed Louis’ hair into a fringe. “There is nothing wrong with your body and your face looks adorable, which is good because I hear Harry is single.” Zayn smirked. 
“Really, Zayn?” Louis huffed as he sat down, feeling his stomach bounce slightly, “I’m sure Harry would just love to go out with a guy who weighs as much as an elephant.”
“An adorable baby elephant,” Zayn corrected, giving Louis’ chubby cheek a squeeze. Louis groaned and pulled Zayn’s hands off his face. “Seriously, Louis. You don’t have to be insecure. Your chub is adorable.” 
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Louis brushed him off, taking one last look in the mirror and adjusting his sweater, “let’s just go.”
Louis stood quietly in the corner holding his drink. He just wanted to disappear, he felt so huge standing all by himself at a bar. Louis sighed and began walking towards the bathroom when he knocked into someone. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” a familiar deep voice said.
Louis looked up into beautiful green eyes that he would recognize anywhere.
“Louis?” Harry’s voice snapped him out of his trance. 
Louis blushed and ducked his head, as Harry seemed to study his body. Louis was filled with embarrassment when his eyes seemed to linger on his middle. 
Finally, Harry broke the silence, “it’s nice to see you, Louis. I’ve missed you.” 
Louis met Harry’s eyes and seeing nothing but genuinity and kindness in them, he replied, “I’ve missed you, too.” 
Weeks passed, and Harry and Louis had taken to spending lots of time together. All of their friends had started to side-eye them and one day Zayn brought it up to him. 
“So, are you and Harry dating again, or what?” 
Louis’ eyes flashed over to Zayn from the football game he was watching. “What are you talking about?” 
“You and Harry. You guys are always together and giving each other these love eyes. Has he asked you out yet?” Zayn smirked. 
Louis rolled his eyes, “no, he hasn’t,” and then more quietly he added, “and I doubt he’d want to.”
“What do you mean? You guys were perfect for eachother in highschool.” 
“Yeah, back when I wouldn’t crush Harry by sitting in his lap,” Louis gave Zayn a cold look, as if daring him to argue, “I highly doubt Harry wants to date a fat pig.”
Zayn gave Louis a sad look, “do you really think Harry is that shallow?” he asked him. 
“It’s not shallow to not want to have a boyfriend with a huge gut, Zayn,” Louis said, before he turned back to the game, signaling the conversation was over.  
Harry listened to Louis happily talking about a new movie he had watched. Some dark psychological thriller. He looked so adorable, his eyes lit up with excitement and his smile accenting his chubby cheeks. 
“Louis?” Harry said with a questioning tone, cutting him off. 
Louis gave him a confused look, “yeah?” 
Harry took a deep breath, he’d been wanting to ask for awhile and he just couldn’t take it anymore, he needed Louis to be his again, “Louis, we’ve been getting really close again. And I guess I was wondering if you would want to try… well, being boyfriends again?” 
Louis stared at Harry with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing. Harry wanted him? Like this? With a rounded stomach. 
Louis blinked, “I… are you sue Harry? I mean…” Louis glanced down at his belly, giving it a small squeeze. His eyes then darted over to Harry, staring meaningfully where his abs laid under his shirt. 
Harry’s eyes softened in realization, “Lou, I don’t care about that. You’re gorgeous no matter how much you weigh. Besides,” Harry pulled Louis close to him, causing Louis to blush as he felt his pudgy middle press up against Harry’s toned stomach, “I really like how soft you are.” Harry grabbed his love handles meaningfully, giving them a soft squish. Louis shyly smiled, as Harry leaned in to kiss him.
If anyone wants to send me chubby Louis Tomlinson or chubby Spencer Reid concepts, ideas, or requests you can. The only thing I don’t want is anything with full on s3x and outright f33derism. Any ship is fine as well.
Also feel free to ask me questions as long as they are respectful and send me any chubby Louis and Spencer fics you come across or write :)
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
You Are
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader
Summary: Florence assures you how much you mean to her and comforts you when your insecurities overload your mind. 
| Fluff & Angst | 1.9K | Cyberbullying, body shaming, name calling, swearing.
Y/BF/N (Your Best friends Name) 
Prompt 12 from my list: “I’m yours, in every way possible.”
AC: Comfort Flo? Yes please! 
*This is a request from my old blog*
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You were never one to let the talk of social media to get you down but sometimes it’s harder when you’re alone. Florence has left town for a friend’s birthday party. You couldn’t go with as you had promised your best friend that you’d help with moving apartments. She’s moving from a smaller one to a bigger one, she’s worked hard and you’re beyond proud of her. 
Florence and you have been together for two years now, fans and critics have been keeping tabs on the two of you since you both announced the relationship publicly. You were flooded with countless DMs on Instagram from fans wishing you both the best, some weren’t as impressed as others, but you brushed them off. Who were they to tell you who you should date or not? 
You’ve spent less and less time on social media since being with Florence, that’s one of the things you’ve loved the most. Before you met her live was a tad boring and social media kept you entertained for the most part but being with Florence? She made you forget about the digital world. 
“Thank you so much for helping again!” Y/BF/N smiled as she let you into her now packed and boxed apartment. “You literally don’t have to thank me” you grinned. There was a moving truck parked in the street with the driver keeping watch for the two of you. You grabbed a box and started the day of labour. 
“How’s Florence?”  your friend of 10+ years asked. “She’s great, she’s got a few projects in the work that she’s excited about so things are about a tad busy” you explained with a smile. “That’s great, she loves work so I can imagine how excited she is to get back out there” 
“You’re telling me!” you giggled. 
After a few hours of taking boxes down to the truck then getting the bigger items ready for the next truck load of things before driving to her new apartment and unloading the truck it was time for lunch. A couple of sandwiches and cakes from the café would good you both well. 
Naturally you’d checked your phone as we all do. A quick scroll through Instagram before you opened Twitter. Your feed was flooded with new candid photos of your girlfriend, a smile formed on your lips at the sight of her. Then the comments started showing. 
“Flo is in her single hot girl summer I know it!” 
“Single Flo??!”
“Uhm, where’s Y/n?”
“If Flo and Y/n broke up I’m literally going to throw a party! I was getting so tired of those two”
“Y/n kicking herself for letting Flo walk around looking this good, I just KNOW it” 
Were just some of the comments that you saw, you ignored them knowing the truth of your relationship with Florence was strong and these people had no idea what you and Florence share. You focused on the good, some of your other friends tweeting memes that made you forget the comments you just read. You retweeted a couple, instantly regretting it as your notifications started blowing up. 
“@yourusername if you and Florence have split, it’s for the best. It must have been hard to keep thinking you were worthy of her” one account stood out to you. Stupidly you fell into the trap of looking over their account. How somebody would waste so much of their own time to create an account to direct hate at you was beyond you. They butchered your photos, cropped you out of candids with Florence along with personal photos you’d shared before. 
“How can Flo wake up to this everyday makes me sick!” one tweet read with an attached photo of you, a screenshot of a video Florence had posted of you pulling stupid faces at her while at a family event. Your heart started to break as you couldn’t control your thumb from scrolling further down. 
“Imagine being Florence have to be seen out with this whale looking human” read the tweet that hit a little harder than you thought. You’ve had insecurities about your body for so long and you were just learning to love yourself and see your self beauty as you are, but this tweet had all those negative thoughts running back. 
Then there was a mix of photos of Florence when she was in Ibiza with friends, “Florence and Will look more in love than her and Y/n ever had. Please let this happen!!” the account tweeted along with a thread of people they thought Florence looked better with. 
“Ready to get back to it?” Y/BF/N’s voice broke your attention, pushing your feelings to the side you gave her a fake smile “give me one second, I just need to reply to this message” you said. She nodded before grabbing a box. 
“Missing you darling, how’s the moving?” Florence’s text read. You didn’t notice it before. 
“Just fine. Super busy, talk tonight” you replied before turning your phone off completely. 
You helped Y/bf/n until everything was moved into her new apartment, it was around 9pm by the time you both finished, you stay back and helped her put her bed together, so she didn’t have to sleep on the hard floor. She was extremely grateful and hugged you super tight. “I know something has been on your mind today, but I really do love you and I appreciate all the help today” she smiled as you both pulled away from the hug. “I love you too and again, stop thanking me!” you chuckled, “I am however going to go home and shower” you smiled. 
“A shower sounds so good! Don’t let me hold you back” she laughed. You said your goodbyes and headed home. Turning your phone back on once you pulled into the driveway, 10 missed calls from Florence along with serval unread texts. The lights still on in the house but you couldn’t bring yourself to face her just yet. Hurt from the words you’d read but it got worse. More tweets, more messages drained you emotionally. Tears filled your eyes, your body slightly shaking from the physical pain you were feeling. You totally forgot that there were cameras for security purposes. One faced the main gate, and another captured the driveway. 
You broke down, tears running freely down your cheeks, your head rested on the steering wheel while you held your hands over your chest. A soft knock on the window of your car made you look up. There stood Florence with eyes of worry, she opened the door and kneeled, placing her hand on your thigh gently. 
“Baby, what’s happened?” she asked. You looked over at her, your eyes red and sore before you wiped your tears away only for them to return. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it” you cried. 
“Darling don’t give me that. What’s going on” Florence frowned with concern. Without speaking you handed her your phone. She punched in your pin code and was welcomed to the account that started your breakdown. She took a moment and scrolled through some of the vile things that were posted. “I know I should’ve read it; I know I should’ve just blocked the account but I just- “
“My love, look at me” Florence stopped you, placing your phone on the ground. You looked at her and snuffled, she cupped your cheeks and wiped the rest of your tears away. “This” she looked down at your phone then back to you “is pure bullshit. It’s crap, it untrue and all posted by somebody who has no idea who you are as a person” she started leaving one hand on your cheek, her thumb stroking your skin gently while her other free hand held your left hand. “Baby, you are so fucking beautiful, I mean that. Everybody has flaws but I love every single one of yours. I want you to know that I’m yours, in every way possible.” She smiled softly.
“You make me smile, you make me laugh, you bring me love and comfort, you are the sun on a stormy day, you are the warmth I seek when it’s cold outside, you are beautiful soul I give my all too. Theses mindless pricks don’t see the how special you are and that’s their loss. If they can’t see how beautiful and breath taking you are, they are blind.  I love you, do hear me? I love you, all of you, everything single part of you. I love you, only you” 
You looked into your girlfriends’ eyes and wondered how you could ever be so silly to question her intentions. You loved her so much and she loved you more than you’d ever know. You gave her a small nod, “I love you, I’m sorry” you spoke softly. 
“Don’t you ever apologise for the behaviour of others” Florence said before she kissed you gently but full of pure love. Showing you that nobody what anybody said, you were the one she loved more than people would know. “Now come inside, I’ve made dinner and I even got some of your favourite bath bombs to help relax your body after all that lifting today” she said before kissing you again. 
While you were in the bath after dinner, Florence took it upon herself to call out the trolls that made you question yourself. She never liked doing this but after seeing you so broken, she wasn’t having it happened again. 
florencepugh: I didn’t think I’d have to make this post again and repeat myself but some of you need to be told one final time. 
It is NOT your place to make my loving, beautiful girlfriend feel unworthy of my love. There is no need to be saying such horrid things about her. You don’t know her, you don’t talk to her, you don’t see her and you sure as well don’t feel the things she makes me feel. Y/n is my partner, my girlfriend, my sunshine, my darling, my love, you name it, she is my all. I love her. 
I don’t use Twitter and after today I am extremely grateful I don’t because the things that have been said there is sickening, disrespectful and disgusting. I’m not going to expose the account, but you know who you are. The things you’ve said do hurt, they do get read and they take a toll on not only the person you direct them too but those around them. 
This afternoon, Y/n came home and showed me what you’d said. I don’t know why you think you have any right think you know anything that goes on in my mind but let me assure you that waking up to Y/n every morning is a fucking blessing. She does this little nose scrunch before she wakes up that drives me crazy and oh lord, her morning voice? WOW! So, if that image makes you feel sick, I hope you’re next to the toilet, love. 
For those who do support my beautiful partner, please enjoy these series of photos and videos that are some of my favourites of her. It’s been over two years and I still can’t believe how lucky I am to call her mine! How lucky I am to hold her every night, kiss her whenever I feel like, show her off to the world. I’m so grateful for her and everything she does for me. Y/n, baby, I love you! 
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Taglist: @red1culous | 
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rosysugarr · 3 years
married people stuff
So. This is the fic that caused me to no longer be able to use twitter! I've been really scared of reposting it as such, but... hopefully, tumblr will be kinder to me than twitter was, since yall seem to have such a much more clear understanding of. Life in general, honestly.
Basically, the backstory is this: I wrote this in around April of last year, and posted it to ao3. It got a lot of really positive feedback, and I even talked about it and shared it on twitter itself, and likewise got positive feedback. So, happy with that outcome, I moved on, and eventually forgot I'd even written it.
Aaand then six months later, someone found it, saw my age on my profile, and made a callout post with several screenshots insisting I was being creepy and breaking the ccs' boundaries. That tweet got over 500 retweets before I was forced to deactivate my account due to the harassment I was receiving... plus, I was rapidly losing followers.
This was... a massive blow to me, because I'm an aspiring streamer, and I'd finally begun slowly but regularly gaining new followers and was a hair away from being able to become an affiliate when this happened. In one fell swoop, that callout tweet, and the reaction to it, caused me to lose followers both on twitter and twitch, to lose friends, and to feel like I'd lost my chance at being even a small streamer. All of my audience had been gained from twitter, a platform which I can no longer use due to a large part of the mcyt fanbase there now believing me to be some kind of creep. I was even accused of being an irl shipper over this fic, which... is silly, given the original description on ao3 literally stated that this was about the characters, and that I do not ship ccs or condone doing so.
Anyway. All that to say, posting this is the scariest fucking thing I've done in a long time, but... I think, maybe, I'll be okay sharing it here. Maybe it'll help me feel a little less shit about the whole ordeal.
(And, by the way, if you'd like to help me start rebuilding my attempt at a streaming career, my channel can be found here; I'll be streaming from a brand new lore-based SMP in the near future, and stream other games as well. I'd appreciate it if you gave it a look!)
So, without any further ado... here is the fic, and I hope you enjoy it.
married people stuff Rating: G (there's not even any swearing, this thing is clean as a whistle.) Summary: c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo share a moment, and some shiny new feelings, while building the Bee 'n' Boo hotel.
"I think we should do more married people stuff."
That was absolutely the furthest thing from... well, anything that Ranboo was expecting to hear Tubbo say, and it made him pause, the heavy block of glossy yellow terracotta in his hands slipping just a bit as he turned to look down at him. The other boy's expression was almost comically thoughtful, dark hair in his eyes and his lips pursed as he considered... something. It was an expression that Ranboo knew all-too well, and generally couldn't help but feel a mixed surge of anxiety and amusement at the sight of-- it generally lead to either a bizarre declaration not unlike the one he just heard, or some exciting new idea.
"... what do you... mean?" Ranboo's voice was cautious, his words carefully-chosen, as he returned to his previous task of carefully fitting the block into the intricate pattern on the floor of their new hotel, shifting it to ensure the lines flowed together as intended.
"Well, y'know," began Tubbo's response, and Ranboo braced himself for whatever would come next almost instinctively. "Like, married people... there are things that married people do, right, that is like... expected of them, you know?"
"... uh-huh." Well, if he hadn't been worried about where Tubbo was going with this before, he certainly was after that remark. "Tubbo, I don't know... what you're--"
"No no no, like... erm, nice things, I think! You know? Like when they give each other flowers and stuff." Tubbo shrugged his shoulders as he went to one of the storage chests in the center of the growing hotel, and Ranboo couldn't help but chuckle as he dug into the dirt foundation, clearing space to put down another block of terracotta.
"So, you want me to give you things. Tubbo, we already do that."
"Well! No, come on--" Tubbo had to raise his voice to be heard over his husband's rasping bursts of laughter, his face flushing at being called out so bluntly. When the taller boy turned to glance at him, it only made him laugh that much harder, the sight of Tubbo's face lit up pink in offense, his round face pulled into a sharp frown and bottom lip stuck out. "Aw, come on, Big Man!"
"It's fine, Tubbo, it's fine!" Ranboo tried his best to recover his composure, though laughter still bubbled just beneath his words. He peeked into his inventory for something, quietly looking over the contents; after a moment, he pulled out a single, freshly-cut pink tulip, and he offered it to Tubbo, a smirk tugging at his odd face. "Here. Is this what you wanted?"
"... well, it's not all romantic now!" The smaller boy continued to pout, even as he reached out to accept the flower, holding it carefully in his dirty hands. Ranboo couldn't resist the urge to lean down, to slip his fingers into Tubbo's hair, petting him affecionately, and he tilted his head up to peer at Ranboo's face from beneath his bangs, dark eyes round as he considered him.
"Awww..." Ranboo did not sound sincere, not in the slightest, and it only drew a darker flush from his husband, who... despite his best attempts, couldn't resist smiling at just how silly the whole conversation was.
"I really mean it, though. We should do something romantic together."
... wait. Was... he being serious? Ranboo paused, blinking down at him in growing surprise, his own mismatched skin starting to warm up at the implications behind the words.
"Are you... I mean. Do you... want to do something... romantic, Tubbo?"
"Yeah! I mean, I did marry you!" As if it should be obvious.
Oh. Oh.
Well. The beginnings of a flush that had been mere pinpricks at Ranboo's face before bloomed into something much more obvious at that, and for a moment, Ranboo found himself unable to string words together to respond. Tubbo, his best friend... wanted to actually get romantic with things? Sure, they were married, but it had been for tax reasons, right? He hadn't actually planned on things being like that... right?
Or... had he just been oblivious the whole time?
The way Tubbo's face scrunched displayed very clearly that "oh" was not the response he'd been hoping for.
"What? Did you not know that marriage is somethin' people do for romance, Ranboo?"
"I-- no, I know that, I just--!" Oh, god. He straightened, hiding his face in his mismatched hands, suddenly at a loss of what to do or say. "I just didn't-- I-I thought..."
"... I mean, yeah, like... yanno, taxes and all that, but like... you've seen the movies, right, Big Man? Things happen sometimes!"
At this point, Ranboo could no longer tell if Tubbo was making his request out of genuine interest, or out of some kind of idea of "this is how things go, this is how it goes in the movies." He sighed, running his hands down his face.
"... Tubbo." His voice was lower, just a little bit more firm. "Are you asking about romance because you saw this happen in a movie once, or because you just... want... to be romantic... with me?"
"Ermm... both of them, I imagine," was the reply, marked with an innocence that sat squarely at odds with anything Ranboo knew about the former president, and he couldn't help but smile. How very Tubbo.
"... so, you do... want things to be... romantic, with us?"
Tubbo was quiet for a beat longer that time, letting the words hang in the air, his gaze drifting back down to the flower still clutched in his hands.
"... yeah, I think so!" And then his gaze was, again, lifted back to meet Ranboo's, and there was a bright grin on his face, and Ranboo could feel his face heating up all the way to the edge of his crown.
"... ah." The Enderman was quiet for a long moment, his hands nervously lacing together in front of his chest. "... so..."
"Aw, come on, what are you bein' all awkward for? We're already married!" Ah, Tubbo was clearly aware that things had turned back in his favor, the sight of his tall husband visibly flustered emboldening and endlessly amusing to him. He grinned, rocking up onto his tiptoes to be closer to his eyeline-- not that it made much difference, all told.
"I know, but..." Ah. Oh no, what should he do now? He'd never really... been very good at romance. He'd never really had much of a chance at it before. And now, here he was, with a husband standing before him, expecting to be wooed, he supposed, and how on earth do you even do that?
"Come down here!" Suddenly, Tubbo was reaching out, grabbing a handful of Ranboo's tie, and the taller boy was shocked, unable to do anything to resist being pulled down to his husband's eye level. Tubbo simply grinned at him, seemingly proud of himself.
"See? That's not so hard, now, is it?"
Ranboo couldn't help the laugh that broke loose from his tightened throat.
"-- is this what married people do, Tubbo?"
"Well, it's not my fault you're all the way up there. I had to get you down here somehow."
"You did. Well, here I am."
And then, without giving him a moment to respond, to process what was happening, Tubbo leaned in... and pressed his lips against the other's. It wasn't a good kiss, or an experienced one, or even really all that romantic... but it was indeed a kiss, and, for a second, it was enough to make Ranboo's entire mind freeze over and stop, his breath hanging in his chest.
And then it was over, and Tubbo just smiled sweetly at him, and Ranboo was certain that he had never turned that particular shade in front of anyone before.
He cleared his throat.
"... oh!"
"S'that all you've got to say, big guy?" Tubbo didn't seem hurt, although something questioning hung just beneath his smile-- was that alright? Should he have done it? Did he mess something up?
"... Tubbo..."
Ranboo sighed; he leaned down more properly, reached in with his hands to cup his husband's face, and this time, he kissed him first. And it was better. A little bit, anyway. He'd only seen them do this in movies, but... he had some idea of what to do, at least.
When he pulled away, Tubbo's eyes were closed; he hummed in his throat, and then he opened them, gazing up at Ranboo with a grin. One of his hands lifted from holding the flower to lay over one of Ranboo's own.
"You hopeless romantic, you."
As if he had any room to speak.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Tues 11 May ‘21
Louis saw us all coming up with wacky theories about what the BMG announcement might mean and came to tell us what’s going on… wait no he just retweeted the same article from yesterday with the partnership wording! Haha, but in seriousness while I know not everyone agrees I think it’s pretty clear at this point that BMG is his new record label. The tweet he posted was captioned with another easily misconstrued statement, THANKS FOR THAT LOUIS, but I will repeat what I said yesterday, which is that by far the likeliest explanation of his announcing to a fandom that’s rabid for label news that he’s joined a label is that- it’s his new label! And all the evidence I see supports that. The post he retweeted said (in the words of Music Week) “After five One Direction albums and one solo LP with Sony Music and Syco, now Louis Tomlinson is officially an independent artist with BMG”. Some believe this means he’s NOT signed to BMG but is putting out his own album and simply using them as a distro; I personally would say it seems pretty clear at this point that that simply refers to the fact that BMG are, as a label that isn’t one of the Big Four, considered an independent label, making Louis, as someone on their roster, an indie artist- like the tweet said. If he’d gone rogue and started his own label there would be articles everywhere about it and that article would have talked about it (instead headlines read “Louis Tomlinson Signs Record Deal With BMG”), plus we have plenty of quotes that would be frankly odd if he weren’t signed to BMG, such as the vice president of A&R at BMG UK, saying "We are delighted to welcome Louis to BMG. He is already busy working on new music, and we are excited to join him on the next phase of his extraordinary career,” a BMG sales manager saying “BMG will have the new album” and referring to the fact that they’ll do promo for it (in a DM conversation that actually appears to be real, unlike SOME going around today), and Charlie Lightening posting “Congrats @louist91 on the new deal with BMG UK excited for LT2, gonna smash it lad”.
More to the point-- why do people want so badly to think he ISN’T signed with BMG? This is GREAT NEWS!! They’re an indie (what everyone has wanted for Louis forever), and they were founded specifically to give artists more control than the majors (after splitting off from Sony; they were more or less founded as a direct push back against Sony’s business model), but they’re big enough to give him the support an artist of his size needs, which would be very hard for him to pull off running his own label-- I’d much rather see him putting his energy into writing songs, touring, making documentaries, and running his management company, rather than doing his own promo and wrangling with distro deals and shit. He should be signed to a label to do that work for him! And BMG seems like an awesome choice! But the weird ideas out there just continue right on-- not just people saying he’s not on a label, but also others, who don’t think him being on a label completely unconnected to Sony will be able to prevent Sony from dropping a piano on Louis’ head like the moustache twirling masterminds they are er sabotaging BMG somehow (the whole point of them being an indie is that this shouldn’t be an issue?), and such amazing takes as “louis has signed to a queer label” (evidence? “we just know that they are queer”; an actual dialogue from tiktok), are unlikely to be affected by any number of facts, as are the twitter folks getting excited about him ‘unfollowing’ accounts he never followed to begin with (Syco etc).
Anyway Louis, on a roll of giving us what we want today, also gave us a VIDEO with his HAT OFF! I don’t even care that it’s a silly ad (for samsung), or that he trimmed his luscious locks a little, it’s Louis! Talking and stuff!! Showing off his still wonderfully long hair all pushed up and back! Gorgeous, amazing, perfect… and yes I am ignoring the slides and socks thank you very much, though I will mention that they are literally exactly the same as Harry’s slides and socks. He also followed BMG, one of his (no doubt many) NFT trading profiles was found (@LT282828, LMAO), and new shows are being added as the tour dates finalize (though ticketmaster showing a Harry date for the same day/place as one of them was a glitch, we don’t have Harry’s updated dates yet)
And speaking of Harry! MP filming was indoors today, so Harry was only seen walking to his car, but he showed up at the Brits!!! In an amazing geometric patterned (or, uh, “macro framed sequence print” I GUESS) brown and tan suit (that clashed just HORRIFICALLY with the neon pastel Brits décor and his award, I fucking love that) and a cute lil handbag and sneakers to accept his AWARD for Best British Single!! (For Watermelon Sugar oddly, but hey a wins a win). CONGRATULATIONS baby and WOW great to see him! He popped in with pal Tomo Campbell, last seen by us when they drove to Italy together last summer. He thanked “my fans, for being so generous to me, always, and everyone in my life who has my back, thank you so much I love you.” Question, did he make the choice to swap out the pink and yellow award he was handed onstage for the blue and green version he had later? Either way, lol. Lots more people will have nice things to say about him now with this high profile win, but even before that people were gushing about him-- Joshua Bassett came out as queer by calling Harry hot (”I guess this is me coming out”), we got Billy Porter on the Brits pre show carpet saying, “I am seeing change! You know Harry Styles on the cover of Vogue Magazine that is change. You’re welcome!” and someone from his recording studio telling us he “was very nice wasn’t he, he brought doughnuts for the assistants and gave everyone a lift home. He came into reception and offered to make everybody a cup of tea,” awww Harry! Lift home from Harry, that’s my new meeting-one-of-the-boys goal.
Niall wished “everyone involved at the Brits” good luck, and Liam wished an NFT creator luck on his sale.
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
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“i'll take your word for it and no one else's.” [lee jeno]
SUMMARY | maybe snooping through your friend’s phone wasn’t that much of a good idea. or maybe it was. either way, you didn’t regret it. PAIRING | lee jeno x reader GENRE | friends to something, fluff, lots of bickering JHDFJ WARNINGS | swearing, invasion of privacy (LMAO idk) WORD COUNT | 2.1k TAGLIST | @danishmiilk​ @lucyinthesunshinee​ @sehunniepot​ @nct-writers​ @czennienet​ @neowritingsnet​
a/n: i didn’t think i’d turn another one of my dreams into a fic, but here we are HAHHAHA i tweaked a few bits and pieces to make it work (setting + added some dialogue + changed the ending because i WOKE UP before it could finish hmph) but please enjoy this unscheduled fic!! <3
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early summer afternoons were warm.
bright rays of the sun were showering on your skin as you lounged on the park bench, hot enough to make you feel the season but not too hot to singe your skin. it was the perfect weather to waste the day outside, and your younger brother and cousin decided to haul you outside so they can play basketball at the park.
but you didn't know why your friend jeno decided to come along.
"your brother messaged me," he grinned at you, plopping down beside you with a long, refreshed sigh. a towel was slung around his neck and he used it to wipe the sweat on his face. "what? why are you staring at me like that?"
"since when were you close with my brother?"
"am i not allowed to be friends with the little guy?" he joked, but apparently he took the unamused look on your face completely the wrong way. "oh my god, are you afraid that he'll take all my attention away from you?" to further tease, he brought his smug face closer to yours that was dumbfounded in shock, his stupidly irritating smile moving in closer.
sometimes you wondered if this was the same boy who helped you cross the street the first time you met.
but you loved him nonetheless.
"like hell i want your attention," you sneered, lightly shoving him away with a glare. he only laughed at your display of annoyance. "go back to playing with the kids or something, you goof."
the never leaving grin in his face seemed brighter against the sun, and he playfully ruffled your hair before running off to disappear into the court.
"as you wish, m'lady."
you let out a huff of air, rolling your eyes as your cheeks were involuntary tugged upwards, prompting a smile to form on your lips. you brought your hands to your hair, fixing the mess that jeno left with, and your gaze landed on the phone he left beside you. the screen flashed on. someone was calling him.
brows knitted together, you picked up the ringing phone, unable to recognize the caller id. you brought the device to your ear, standing up walking towards the court— you figured that you'd just answer whoever that was now and just pass it on to jeno once he was at reach.
"oh, hello there!" there was a pause from the caller "is lee jeno around, miss? would you mind giving the phone to him?"
the voice was that of a middle aged woman's, but it wasn't someone that you recognized. you assumed it was a relative of his or something because you'd know that this was his mom if it were her. "ah, give me a moment! i'll just look for him."
your feet stopped at the edge of the court, the sound of a ball bouncing into the concrete jarring against your ears. not bothering to look at the scene in front if you, you covered the mic with your hand before deciding to shout.
"jeno! someone's calling you!"
there was no usual prompt answer from your friend.
"he's not here!"
the loud voice of your brother answered instead, causing you to narrow your eyes into the court scene with a tinge of confusion masking your expression. there was indeed no mop of blue hair within the area, and you were only confused even further.
"where did he— aish, nevermind."
scratching your head, you swiveled your heels and decided to just head back to the bench. "hi, sorry. i'm not sure where he is right now. so if it's fine with you, can you call him again later? or maybe i could just tell him to call you back when he returns?"
"oh, then can you just relay this to him? it won't take that long, i promise."
you inwardly sighed, but agreed nevertheless. oh, you were definitely gonna ask him to treat you and the kids dinner later. why the fuck did he just disappear like that? now you were responsible for memorizing whatever this woman was telling you (apparently it was about an architecture summer program he was interested in— the lady was a head from his department and she was just calling to tell him that he was accepted. she says she'll be forwarding more details later through text).
"alright, thank you! i'll be sure to inform him when he gets back."
the call ended, and you groaned. you were about to close the phone, but then all of a sudden a notification appeared with a quiet ding!
[haechan 🌟 liked your retweet.]
[ohhh shit why do i feel like i know who this is.]
you knew that you shouldn't be snooping inside your friend's phone. you knew that you shouldn't be invading his privacy no matter how enticingly juicy the bait was. you knew that it was flat out wrong. but—
"ah, just a peek," you clicked on the notification. "payback for making me deal with his stuff."
a hint of excitement rushed through you. jeno never told you his twitter. actually, you didn't even know he had one. he was always buried with studies, sports, and friends so you didn't expect him to keep up with social media— this fact enough was surprising, but the moment the screen finally loaded the tweet
you were even more surprised than you were a few seconds ago.
[@markly tweeted: "it's kind of funny how sometimes we just meet random people at the most random of moments and you don't expect it but they just end up sticking by your side until now"]
[@leejeno quoted: "yeah. a few years back, i saw this girl while i was walking. it wasn't the usual path that i took to school. i saw her having trouble crossing the street because there was a dog hanging around (she's scared of them) so i decided to help her. she couldn't even look at my face back then out of embarrassment but earlier we were calling until four in the morning. if i took a different path that day or if i didn't help her, i don't know how i'd be like right now because she's become one of the most important people in my life."]
your heart skipped a beat. two beats. three. it was running a mile a minute and you could barely even breathe to catch up.
[@do0 replied: how are you two right now?]
[@leejeno replied: "we're good haha. i'm going with her and her brother to the park later. we're still really good friends.]
[@leejeno replied: but i'm not sure if i want things to stop there."]
"hey, sorry for running off there. i went to get some— whoa. whats up?"
oh my fucking god.
you shot up, eyes wide, and you automatically turned off the phone. broken stutters left your lips, as the leaping of your heart to your throat prevented you from saying even a semblance of a coherent sentence. all you could think of when you met his worried gaze, the way he rushed to your side to check on you, was the last thing you read. your grip on his phone tightened.
but i'm not sure if i want things to stop there
you were gonna fucking lose it.
"hey, are you okay?"
quick, gentle hands landed on your cheeks, fingers brushing against your skin like a match igniting a flame. you nearly got lost and tongue-tied all over again, but you quickly slapped his hands away in a scolding fit. "jesus christ, i'm fine. you just surprised me. are you a ghost or something?" you glared at jeno, but it only lasted one second because you couldn't bear to look at him without your insides going crazy. because of that, your eyes flicked to the plastic bag he dropped onto the bench. he brought you something to eat.
"a-and before you ask—" you defended yourself indignantly when he didn't even accuse you of anything. "i wasn't snooping. the school called. it was about your summer program. you got in."
"oh? they called already?" you nodded. "ah, let's talk while walking— the kids are mad because i only got you food. they're asking me to buy the entire store for them to compensate," he released an airy laugh. you mentally scolded yourself.
keep it cool. you repeated the mantra inside your head as you strided beside jeno, your brother and cousin racing ahead of you. street lights were lighting up and the sky was fading into the night. cool cool cool cool cool. keep it cool.
the walk to the store felt way too gruelling than it normally would. it wasn't even that far. you told jeno everything the lady had told you, including the more detailed texts that she'd be sending later on. you thought that he'd be a lot more excited after hearing— he was interested, after all. but to you, he just seemed dismissive. "should i go?" he mindlessly asked.
"what are you talking about?" your brows furrowed. "yeah, of course. you wanted to, right?"
"but it's gonna last an entire month this summer," he yawed, stretching out his arms and hooking you by the neck, causing you to halt and stumble into him. you held back a squeak, and he looked at you, eyes gleaming with curious anticipation. a car sped by. "you still want me to go?"
those damned words that you read echoed inside your head again. you wondered if it resonated into the fucking nerves of your heart, as well.
"i—i mean," you stammered. "it's only one month. and it would also help you a lot in the future, right? you'd make a lot of connections during the camp. so yeah, i do want you to go."
he blinked at you. a hum sounded from his closed lips. he let go of you and resumed walking. you gaped when he left you behind.
was this karma?
"hey, what the hell?" quickly, you caught up to him, grabbing onto the sleeve of his shirt so that you could hang on to him. "why are you being sulky? i didn't do anything wrong!" technically you did do something wrong, but he didn't have to know that.
"you said you wanted me to go."
"you're a baby," you scrunched your nose is disapproval. "i only said that because you said you wanted to go."
jeno abruptly stopped. maybe you were causing a scene in front of all the passersby, but you really didn't give a fuck anymore when your head was in a looped up mess. all thanks to your extremely difficult friend who apparently doesn't want to just be your friend. you swore that he was driving you insane on purpose.
he pulled out his phone and faced the screen to you. your sweat dropped.
[@leejeno replied: but i'm not sure if i want things to stop there."]
"even after reading this," he started. "you still want me to go?"
he just had to be so fucking sharp. well, you weren't exactly slick either. maybe he saw a glimpse of the screen before you got to turn it off earlier. heat started to rise from your neck into your face, a grinding mixture of embarrassment and desire to be hit by a moving truck afflicting your nerves. why were you the one suffering? shouldn't it be him?
he hummed, turning off his phone and shoving the device into his pocket. arms crossed, he leaned in to your face, bearing a look of feigned innocence. "but you said i'd make a lot of useful connections."
"you can make those anywhere."
"and it's only a month, right?"
"that's thirty days too long."
"oh, come on!" you exclaimed, balling your fists in vexation. another car sped by with an accompanied honk. jeno simply wore a look of faint amusement at your little outburst. "i don't want you to join your stupid summer program. happy now?"
"well, if you say so."
you stared at him. he patted your head, eyes disappearing into a pair of crescents with a smile.
"i'll take your word for it and no one else's."
you were left frozen and dumbfounded in the middle of the sidewalk as jeno brazenly spun his heels to chase after the runaway kids that went before you— literally leaving you behind. letting a curse slip past your breath, you also went after them. he was definitely driving you insane on purpose.
sometimes you wondered if this was the same boy who helped you cross the street the first time you met.
this was one of those times.
"you said you weren't gonna go, you asshole!"
"payback for snooping through my phone!"
but you could still love him nonetheless.
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© hannie-dul-set, 2020.
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naptoons · 3 years
Hey girl, I was wondering can I request a nick imagine where you guys are dating and you go on live reacting to their new song Stars 😭😭🌟🌟
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☆.。.:* Stars ~ Nick Mara .。.:*☆
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⦿ Synopsis: You go on live and react to prettymuch’s new song called “stars”
⦿ Theme: Fluff
⦿ Warnings: fluff / crackhead.
A/N: hello darling! Sorry that this took so long college is really draining every ounce of me. I hope you like it!
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Laying on your bed getting ready to take a nap your phone vibrated against the nightstand, almost sliding off the surface onto the floor if you didn’t catch it. Your Instagram and Twitter blowing up with mentions, begging you to react to prettymuchs new song. The boys completely left you in the dark about their music purposely to get your raw reactions, you haven’t been seeing the promo for it or heard a snippet as they usually let you, this time around they wanted you to be watching from a distance. Turning on your computer you wait for it to load. As it’s doing that you turn on the lights to fix your hair before you’re live on Instagram.
“Hi, everyone how are you?” You ask seeing all the comments asking about you. “I’m good, I’m kinda excited y’all, this time they didn’t show me anything I even tried to give Nick the puppy eyes it failed completely” you giggle, you turned to the computer typing in youtube.
“How’d you guys liked the new song? What was your favorite part?” You moved a piece of hair from your cheek and placed it behind your ear. When you looked back to your phone you saw Nick's comment ‘damn you looking beautiful 🥵’ “nick! calm yourself, but thank you, baby, I was just about to fall asleep until I saw a notification about your new song, you're a terrible boyfriend” you joke to him.
For a few seconds you read other comments laughing at one in particular ‘how dare he that heathen do this to Queen y/n off with his head!’ , you cover your mouth as you laugh your laugh increases by the followed comment ‘y’all Nick is only 5’8-5’9 if y’all don’t just chop them ankles with a scooter’ you wipe your eyes from crying of laughter.
“Bro beanz, y’all are funny as hell. Do y’all got a vendetta against Nick?” Pausing the video you read some more comments ‘this is why he barely come online, we bully him like he owe us money’ , giggling you place your head on your stomach “right! Y’all bullying him like he stole something from you, give my baby a break” you joke, “alright let’s get my raw reaction of ‘stars’ by pretty much, I already know it’s going to be good, they’re talented individuals”
Nick comments ‘don’t compliment me after you just let me get dragged on national tv, I know this gonna be on Twitter 😒’ leaning close to the camera you smile “don't worry I'll retweet it as a memoir” looking at your laptop you place your fingers on the spacebar “okay ready? In three...two...one...” pressing the spacebar.
Zion appears first and you comment “look at the long-legged human” going into Zion's verse you're mesmerized by the transitions “the transitions are so smooth and clean, y'all look good in y'all outfits” you watch Austin slide into Zions shot and start his verse “aww Austin looks so cute, it's still strange seeing him without the long blonde” looking back for a second at your phone you see nicks comment ‘i know damn well you saw me in the music video where my compliment mamas😒’ pausing the music video you lean back on the headboard “I only saw you for two seconds! What can I compliment you on? Your lighting speed?” you joke, he comments back immediately
‘I'm very much hurt. I'm in my feelings’ you laugh before telling him you love him, getting into pre-chorus you watch the three of the dance hyping then up you pause the video again “the part where Edwin said ‘girl you're an angel’” you try to mimic his hand gesture before laughing “that shit was clever, Nick teach me this dance?” you ask him
‘What's your favorite scene so far?’ , “I liked the scene with Brandon in the plants, and the beginning with Brandon, Austin, and Edwin when they had the glasses on” looking back your head slowly starts moving to the rhythm of the melody.
Finally nicks part comes up and you start giggling “baby you're so handsome you know that? Like you are, I want them glasses” you stare at the screen with puppy eyes, waiting for his comment to appear. You click his name and add him to the live.
“You're beautiful mamas,” nick says looking directly into your eyes “stop, you give me butterflies, but who told you to look so handsome? Those glasses I need them” you look at him as your smile slowly creeps up on you
“Why are you smiling?” you ask him
“Because you're smiling” rolling your eyes you look back at your laptop “baby this song is so good, reminds me of early 2000s I don't know why” clicking the space bar you countined watching the video. “WHY IS EDWIN SHIRTLESS?!” you scream while laughing at the same time “that caught me off-guard, Edwin really said ‘imma flex real quick’” nick laughs in the background as you finish the video.
“Oh my God, why are you so cute? Did y'all see his smile at the end? He's so precious” you look at the screen reading more comments.
‘Nick has such a supportive girlfriend🥺’ “always, but I just really love this song! It's finished and I wanna listen to it again, ugh I wish the song was longer” nick smiles looking at you with loving eyes “what would you rate the song baby?” looking at him you pretend to be thinking hard.
“Hmm, if I have to rate it. It would be a ten out of ten, I like it. It feels so much like the early 2000s but still pretty much, y'all really going into y'all r&bmuch stage”
“That's the plan baby”, sighing you close your laptop before smiling “I'm so proud of y'all, you guys get to put out music a bit more freely and you get to experiment ugh I'm excited for yall”
“You're so cute mamas, come open the door I'm outside,” he asks, leaving your phone in the room for a second to answer the door you see nick with yellow flowers in his hand and a gift bag. “For you mamas” grabbing the Items from his hand, he places his hand on the small of your back as he locks the door. Looking in the bag you see the glasses along with constellation-covered self-care items.
“Our manager and I went out to find some things for you, I wanted to fit the theme of the song” walking with him into your bedroom he waves at the camera “hey everyone”
“You didn't have to get me anything, thank you baby” nick leans over and kisses you delicately “thank you so much, guys, what was your favorite part?” you ask everyone. Nick wraps his arm around your shoulder leaning your head on his chest. He kisses your temple making you smiling at him.
“Oh yeah! Brandon with the fire around his feet was cool! I liked that too” you chatted with beanz for a while before you felt your body getting tired. “Okay guys, I'm going to bed I'm really sleepy, so good night or morning wherever you are, I'll talk to you all soon bye” ending the live you lay on top of nick smiling.
“You make me so happy” nick comments moving the flyaway hairs from your face. “You make ms happy too” nuzzling your nose in his neck he holds you tight wrapping you guys in a blanket. “I'm taking you out on a date today, because I've missed you so much, work has been stressful but knowing that you and beanz loved it, makes it all worthwhile”
Kissing his chest you snuggle closer to him “i love you” “i love you more”
* 。·:*:·゚★,。·:*:·゚☆ *·゚゚·*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿
Have a galactic night, you beautiful supernova🌙🖤
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vrishchikawrites · 2 years
Hi!! I’m a mdzs fan mainly on twitter and recently discovered your fics and I loved them so much especially the phoenix wwx one 🥺💕 I couldn’t find you on twitter so I thought you were one of those authors only on ao3 until I saw a tweet about your meta on tumblr lmao (had completely that tumblr exists as I’ve not been using it for a long time I’m so sorry 😭😭😭) and I basically went on a binging spree of your meta till like 3am 😂 Really love your meta and thoughts as well 💕
Hi same anon who binged your meta I couldn’t fit what I wanted to say in one ask 😅 But yeah as I was reading your blog yesterday I saw you saying you like veppam poo rasam in one of your asks and I was like omg you’re Tamil 😳🤯🥺 I’m Tamil too haha I’ve seen Indian fans of mdzs but never Tamil fans and I got so excited when I found out you’re one on top of writing such wonderful fic and insightful meta 🥺😆 If you’re not Tamil then hahaha jokes on me 😂 But still nice to see a fellow Indian 💕
I am on Twitter but there I mostly retweet stuff and sometimes get into some arguments, lmao. I am DeeVrishchika there. Also yep, I am Tamil. I know a few amazing Tamil MDZS fans too. Some of the best people ever.
I am glad you liked my fics and rants on Tumble, lol. I hope you had fun! <3
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friendlypetdogg · 2 years
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× Unspoken Words Are Poggers Ones - TommyInnt X Reader ×
"𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡, 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨. 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨, 𝙄 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣. 𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨, 𝙨𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝘼𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙣."
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2
"𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙬."
Finally you got home from school, since you did all your work already, you could easily hop on twitch and stream. First you had to retweet back to Tommyinnit.
Twitter - y/u/n tweeted something!
@Tommyinnit  Ello sir! I'm y/u/n or also known as y/n. Yes I am a woman and I am so sorry for my viewers to ruin your stream! I can scold them for you :) anyway please enjoy your day!
You logged into twitch and launched Minecraft plus twitch. Your stream started and your timer was counting down. You began posting on your socials about going live, with many excited comments and viewers in chat you were prepared.
Someone Donated $5.00 to you!
"Aww thanks to whoever just donated the $5.00, that was sweet!"
You grin and end the timer, you begin your intro to your stream and sped typed any thank you's for donations or to answer any questions people had.
Tommyinnit donated $20.00 - Say Wilbur Soot Is Not Poggers
"Oh my god... is that really you Tommy-? Well I guess Wilbur Soot isn't poggers then!~"
Your chat was going insane over the donation you just received, but so were you.
"Tommyinnit thank you so much for the $20.00, it means the world to me that you saw that, chat don't take that to harsh please but still thank you so much. Actually- wait hang on before we start playing Minecraft- I'll be right back."
You went to your closet and grabbed your guitar and some cosplay that was laying on your counter in there.
"Chat we're not gonna play right now, imma give you a make-up stream for the time being!! I got the best cosplay I can do >:)"
You grabbed the black and white face paint you had, with your make-up pens and eyeshadow, with some blush and your props. You changed your music to MCYT songs such as "Life By The Sea" "Your New Boyfriend" and a few others. Even if you didn't know the tunes you still loved the lyrics.
"yo credit to the dream smp for these songs lol, and who wants a gif of Tommyinnit, Hey mods please put a poll up for chat to vote."
A poll went up and everyone mostly said yes. So you added a gif of tommyinnit in the corner of your stream.
You began your make-up, painting your face like Ranboo.
Tommyinnit Donated $10.00 - istg I would punt you if I could for that gif you got
You're silently wheezed while doing your makeup, causing a bit to smeer.
People started wheezing in chat, spamming the LOL emote.
"Alright almost doneeee"
You were nervous, you put up a green screen behind you so no one could see your background , since you had makeup on ( a ton ) your face couldn't be recognized.
"guys this will be the very first face reveal!!! Please know this might take a lot of courage! "
You turned on your camera and waved shyly at the screen.
You smiled and grabbed your guitar, then typed something into your text to speech.
"Alright I got a song to play"
You began playing the song, it was "Your New Boyfriend" by Wilbur Soot. So many viewers in chat went freaking crazy over it. You checked the time and saw that it was 3:00pm, you only had a hour and an half  before your brother came home.
"Alrighty! I hope that was good, but for now... lets play some bedwars!"
For the next 1.5 hours you played Bedwars before calling the day quits.
"Alright lovelys I have to go, I hope you have a good day!!!"
You quickly turned off the PC and sat on the couch waiting for your brother to get back.
" Y/N!! Where the heck are you! Istg if your streaming again."
You patiently waited for him but you felt stomps towards you. So you looked behind you and saw your brother looking upset at you. You tilted your head at him and questioned him. He looked at you, he began yelling but you couldn't understand him. You pointed at your phone, gesturing for him to text it to you. He grabbed a book and threw it across the room, you rushed to your room, locking the door behind you. He began pounding his door, he soon gave up and texted you he was going out with his girlfriend. You sighed and went to the mini fridge in your room. You got the f/d out of there and began chugging it.
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It Takes A Village Chapter 11
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Chris Evans X Pregnant!Daughter!Reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?
Chapter Summary: it's been a week since you posted that photo and the media has been going crazy.
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: parent insulting kid (I don't know if you can classify what she said as mental abuse) Teen pregnancy, media being stalkers
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After you small freak out your dad and you both sworn off social media not wanting to see all the rumors from the press and really you just needed time. Your dad didn't give you a second to over think, having you help him with anything really. It wasn't till you were at school talking with your friends that you found out everything the press was saying.
"How are you so calm? The press has been going crazy spreading rumors about you!" Marcus was the first to bring it up.
"I haven't been on social media lately or really my phone, what have they been saying?" You asked scooting over to look at his phone which had an article up about you and your pregnancy.
Avengers star Chris Evans' 15yr-old daughter Y/n Evans pregnant with twins?
"All kinda of stuff they have even been trying to figure out who the father is!" Oscar told you.
"Here look at this one." Liam handed you his phone.
"In one of the teen's most recent posts on Instagram, it revealed she's now living with the actor. In this post showing a photo of her, Evans, and their dog Dodger. She said: "Nice to be home with Dad and Dodger. Living here full time the last couple weeks has been great!" Then last week she posted this photo of herself with a tiny baby bump with the caption: "As my last post as cause many questions maybe this with clear some things up. Two new Evans are. due in November. I prefer not to go into detail about anything about me being home or about the babies or their father, I just prefer the media and my dad's fans staying out of it. I hope you all can respect that ." In it, she mentioned two new Evans. So from this, we take she is having twins. But who is the father? It is unknown right now to us and possibly the Evans family that could be why they didn't tell us in this post. No one in the Evans family has said anything new but Chris Evans Ex-wife, M/n M/l/n has taken to Twitter and said: "Flaunting the pregnancy is no way to treat this I can not believe you are my daughter I raised you better then that." The teen doesn't have a twitter so we assume she has not seen it. Many fans of Chris Evans have made posts sharing their support for the family and how they are excited to know more about the babies. While a majority of them are not approving of it."
You read over the article then your mom's tweet shocked at her words. You knew she wasn't supportive but to be going so far to make a public post on Twitter. You didn't care about the rumors sure got overwhelming but you were more then used to them. You weren't used to your mom doing it though.
"Guys! Stop it you idiots. She was obviously ignoring social media for a reason." Leah said taking the phone from you glaring at the boys.
"You good?" Naomi asked you.
"Yeah..." You mumbled starting at your food.
You walked home from work staring at your phone, trying to decide if you break the no social media thing. Your dad would never know. You did you opened Instagram and began to scroll through the notifications you got, you noticed that the post announcing that you moved home had all of the comments about your pregnancy as you didn't turn off. You scrolled through few, a lot of them were insulting you and the rest were showing their support, you liked the ones giving you support but did your best to ignore the hate. You sighed before going on to check Jake's page to see if he posted anything. He didn't all his posts were with your old friends, and some new girl you didn't recognize. If you had a Twitter you would've checked it but you didn't. You looked up noticing you were home and closed the app before quickly walking inside. You didn't say anything as you took your shoes off and headed for the stairs.
"Sweetpea! How was work?" Chris asked from the kitchen counter.
"It was good." You exclaimed from where you stood.
"Come here bubba. Tell me about your day." He said, you reluctantly went over and began talking to him about work. "How school did something happen?" He asked noticing how you didn't mention a single thing from school not even a funny joke one of your friends told you.
"I broke the no going on social media thing..." You mumbled.
"Sweetpea." He sighed. "Why?"
"Marcus asked how I was so calm with rumors going about me from the press... And then Liam showed me an article and it had something mom said about me in it and I-i just needed to know..." You mumbled leaning your head on the counter as Chris stopped doing the dishes drying his hands before going to sit on the stool next to you grabbing his phone.
"What did she say?" He asked rubbing your shoulder.
"She said she couldn't believe I'm her daughter and that she raised me better... Dad... Do wish this didn't happened?" You asked looking up at him tears in your eyes.
"Sweetpea... I do wish you could have had more time to grow up before this... And I do wish your mom didn't say what she said... But if this didn't happen you wouldn't be in my house right now would you?"
"I guess but... You and mom said you didn't want to be grandparents for a long while and in less then nine months you'll have two grand kids." You mumbled wiping your tears away.
"Bubba it just makes me feel old that's all. I'm proud you're my daughter..."
"Nope nope I'll ground you if you keep talking like that." He warned. You giggled. "Now dinner will be done in an hour go do your homework and stay off your phone of I'm taking it." You nodded going to your room dodger behind you. He let out a sigh pulling his phone out and going to twitter. He sighed again.as he went to your mom's twitter page first thing was the post. He retweeted, "Big words for the person who kicked her out." Then he put the phone away and went back to cooking dinner.
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries @uniquebeautyqueen
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Sorry, This one's gonna be a long one cause nobody I know in real life cares about kpop.you don't have to answer, it's just a rant😅. But the way my heart dropped while reading all the debunking evidence in the link you sent.
I only got into kpop like a few months ago but of course past scandals pop up and like getting into stray kids obviously you discover the woojin scandal. For some reason that case and soojin's case are just haunting (maybe I'm too emotional).
And honestly it's frightening and sickening any random person can ruin some else's career simply because they have decided they don't like this person, or were bored. And they delete their accusations online and even say they were bored which is just psychotic behaviour.
What's even worse than that is it actually works! They do manage to hurt an idols reputation forever. Like yeah others say SM might be working behind the scenes and will eventually take action, but while they silently "work behind the scenes" an idol's carefully crafted reputation gets publicly destroyed. Idk if the situation will be resolved this year but the blatantly racist remarks, cyberbullying and "jokes" will follow lucas for a long time and it's just so frustrating to watch.
Why is it so easy to screw over an idol. As if idols don't go through enough from their own companies, fans, general public(being overworked, or ignored completely, extreme dieting not allowed to date or behave like a human with a personalitysometimes)...like the least they can do is publicly protect their idols who make them money. Writing an apology letter and disappearing cannot work every single time. "If it isn't broke don't fix it" well this method is horribly broken, find a new formula. Why hire lawyers for a company and not publicly make statements about investigations and taking action whether it's true or false?? Isn't that the normal thing to do?💀💀
It's just such a 180 for an international fan because cheating and bullying, while absolutely bad are not incentives to cancel someone over.
And hate the fact that fake r*pe and SA allegations get the spotlight and get heard whole real victims are attacked, made fun of or simply ignored. These topics are serious yet are dismissed and someone lying about it just makes them into a bigger joke and harder for victims to get some justice. Really just hate how warped it all is in general, not just in the music industry.
It's also weird because now that I hear it's common for someone to come out with someone when nct plans to release something, I'm more anxious than excited for nct 127's comeback but I hope it successfully happens. And I feel like wayv will still exist because of the SM schedule you also posted (bless you for continously having links and posts and giving us hope it might publiclyand drastically change by Decemberor even next year).
It's just overall frustrating I guess? Because liking SM foreign kpop idols seems to be more of an emotional rollercoaster ride than anything (e.g💀they seem to be locked up in the dungeon , looking at you winwin and shotaro). Like SM is terrible at promoting their idols but wow it's even worse for second gen idols and foreign idols. That's why we love the SM artists not the whole company itself because music companies all over the world are just....wow to say the least.
In conclusion, I just hope lucas is okay and that when things get publicly cleared he'll still be the loud, chaotic talented guy he is. And that when he comes back he isn't bullied or attacked for still being in nct, wayv and superm. Too many antis are enjoying being on the bandwagon when it comes to nct.
Aww, anon, I want to give you a hug...
I agree with every single thing you said.
I'm glad the links and stuff I post make you feel better, I spend a lot of time on Twitter and reddit looking for stuff and checking for updates.
The thing about those antis that are saying those things about Lucas (and will keep saying them regardless of what is proven) is that they were never really fans. They were the people who claimed to be fans and then made colorist "jokes" and insulted him and when they were called out for it, deleted their tweets and just retweeted those things on priv...
From now on regardless of what happens the truth is that most of these people will keep believing that he did these things. I saw a Woojin TikTok today (it showed up on my fyp) and half the comments were questioning why he could continue his career, completely ignoring (or just bring new fans and going by what they hear from other fans) that he has been proven innocent by the Seoul police department....
I hope Lucas's is ok, and that things can go back to normal soon.
(sorry if I sound weird I just got my 2nd shot of the vaccine and it gave me a killer headache)
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warmau · 4 years
☆ ko-fi request: meet-cute!au sicheng
there are a lot of things you want in this world, but in this moment you’d have to say the one thing you really really want 
is marshal
as in, the animal crossing villager, marshal.
and someone with the twitter @ weeberbestboy has him,,,,,
you stare at the screen and think - should ii send them a dm? what if they think im weird because im not their mutual? what can I even offer for him?
you look at your inventory in game and see that you have 5 nook mile tickets and some turnips
you sigh and decide its now or never so you send the messege
a moment later you get a notification and stare down at it - almost jumping off your bed with joy
weeberbestboy: sure! ill trade him for the nook mile tickets. here is my dodo code, come get marshal!
you: ok! whats your island name so i know it’s the right one?
weeberbestboy: wayv island, my ingame name is sicheng 
you immediately run to the airport - gleeful and giddy and put in the code
before you know it you’re on island and bounding behind sicheng’s avatar that brings you to marshal’s front door
it’s just a dumb game but you cant hold your excitement, typing out 
omg i cant believe im getting marshal, he’s literally my dream villager!!!
sicheng’s little character strikes a thinking pose before typing back
he’s cute, but im more of a bird villager guy
really? all i want to do is collect cats and squirrels
haha - i think my friend ten would like you
you head inside, almost dropping your nintendo switch as you see little marshal sweeping around his packed up house
after a successful invite of marshal to your island, you type out your thanks to sicheng
you drop the nook mile tickets and start to head toward the airport when your phone lights up
it’s a twitter message from sicheng
here’s my friend code, if you want - me and my other friends are going to be throwing a party on my island this weekend. you should come! 
you smile and agree - you’ll be there!
the week passes by without a hitch - marshal is happy on your island and you’ve become mutual with sicheng
you guys talk about villagers and sicheng mentions that he’s still looking for weeber - he doesn't have him on the island yet
you offer to help him search
and everytime you guys land on a villager that's less then,,,um,,,adorable
you send screenshots and laugh about it 
one evening, right before you’re about to fly over to wayv island for the party sicheng mentioned
you curiously scroll through some of his old tweets
there’s not much original stuff, lots of retweets and occasionally playful arguing with someone elses account whose @ is dadofbestcatlouis
from the name and bio you assume this is the ‘ten’ person sicheng was talking about
at some point you stop because you see one of those tweets that asks you to compare your selfie with your favorite villager 
you did one a couple of days ago but that’s not why you stopped
you stopped because
well because
sicheng is,,,,,,,,,handsome. 
and not like ‘ah yeah he’s good looking handsome’ but like ,,,,, unworldly handsome
for a second you think he HAS to be catfishing, but there’s a reply from ten with a photo of the two of them and once again
sicheng’s visual shocks you silent
you cant stop thinking about it as you pick up your switch and head over to his island 
as everyone goes around hitting each other with nets, some guy who sicheng calls hendery is wearing a full on spacesuit while another, named yangyang is using his wand to switch between fifty different looks at a time
(ten is doing circles around kabuki who is on sicheng’s island)
you just kind of blank
because,,,,it was one thing when this was fun and games,,,,but,,,,,now you know what your animal crossing mutual looks like
and you ,,,, well you can’t say you DONT like it ,,,,,
hey are you ok?
the twitter message pops up on your phone and you set down your switch to answer it
yeah! sorry - i got distracted!
by what?
you swallow, not sure of what to say - you think you could make up a lie about a spooky sound in your apartment or your neighbors or 
a second message pops up
was it my selfie thing? i just saw that you liked it
you do jump off your bed this time - looking at your profile and low and behold in your likes there’s sichengs selfie post
did i just like this?!?!?!? out of nowhere?!?!?!? was i not paying attention?!?!?!?!
the three little bubbles pop up as sicheng is typing again
do i look that bad?
what? no! you look really good that’s why i liked it!
you stare at your phone after you hit send and then almost scream
why did i just say that?!?!?
there’s a moment of silence and you look at your switch where both you and sicheng’s avatars are standing idle
yangyang and hendery are hitting the two of you with nets 
and you want to do something when your phone lights up again
i saw yours too...
i didn't like it because I thought that would be weird but …...
you looked nice too …..
“oh my god” you say to yourself “is he ,,,,, flirting with me?!?!”
your fingers shake a bit and you want to type out thank you or something that doesn’t sound corny when you get a twitter notification and it’s from - ten?
“someone tell @ weeberisbestboy to stop trying to get a date during his own party that he invited us all to!!!! im going to steal kabuki and marshal off your islands if you two lovebirds dont get out of the dms and get back to the party!!!”
your face goes pink and you reply that he better not TOUCH your precious squirrel son
you refresh and drop your phone when you see sicheng’s reply
@ weeberisbestboy: so what if im flirting, its my party and i want to talk to the prettiest villager there
somewhere kun rolls his eyes and subtweets: ‘yall sicheng just said the CORNIEST shit on the planet but i think it’s about to score him a relationship’
(it does) 
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a saga:
after posting a few photos i took wearing merch i got for christmas, i got this reply, which made me a bit uncomfy, if only because i have never talked to this person before in my life
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[image id: a tweet from @/ThirstyLoL2 sent in reply to @/octopus_defence and @/GeminiTayMC reading: “cute” with an emoji of a smiling face surrounded by hearts]
i sent it to a few friends, all who i would be okay with giving me this kind of response (many of whom had said similar things when i sent said photos, even) just to kinda verify if i was overreacting or not. everyone (bar pancake, who was readying pitchforks already lmao) agreed that it was weird and not great, but overall innocuous and probably harmless.
out of curiosity and boredom, i ended up scrolling through this guy’s twitter, mainly to see if i could figure out how they found my post. they had 6 tweets/replies, and by scrolling back to their earliest post (circa november this year) i saw this gem:
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[image id: a tweet from @/ThirstyLoL2 in reply to other users reading: “Emery’s I agree the game is trash but you have a trans flag so stfu mkay lmao”]
their only earlier faults had been that they were creepy and a fortnite player (the latter not even too bad), but this was... not good. for reference, I am a nonbinary individual who also identifies more broadly as trans.
all this to say that—despite the best wishes of my rational friends (and on the encouragement of my more excitable ones)—i replied.
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[image id: a tweet from @/octopus_defence quote retweeting the tweet in the first image in this post with a screenshot of the second image in this post and the caption “buddy, idk if you know this, but I just so happen to be trans as hell <3″]
tweet here <3
anyways pls support your blogger on twitter, i just thought it was funny how this idiot really came in and showed themself to be a fool.
(reblogs ok!!)
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