#i saw that post that was like ‘lynettes brother’ + ‘lyneys sister’ + ‘freminet.’ bc dhskhsk so real
mo-ondial · 5 months
i love how the house of the hearth’s kits fit and/or dont fit together. like, lynette being an anemo sub dps that can heal herself (+a minor attack buff w/burst) makes her work well with both lyney and arlecchino bc theyre both pyro dpses that dont need healers, plus her skill helping with manueverability fits well with a charged attack dps, and her making a decent amount of energy particles helps charge arlecchinos burst she needs to heal. and then lyney and arlecchino being redundant fits with how lyney is being raised to replace her, esp since if you have both of them on a team and arle’s dying the only way to get her back is wait until her burst charges so lyney being on field can do that. and then poor freminet doesnt fit in bc lynette cant buff physical damage (like she can pyro w/ viridescent) and hes also just, a main dps that doesnt fit in bc the 5*s are better and hes the only one that needs a healer. like he can cause melt for arle/lyney but hes clearly not built for it, he Can be built for cryo damage bc his skill does either but once again, not what hes best for. he does best with electro/hydro bc he has stuff thats triggered by superconduct/shattered, which, no one in the house can help him with. which is why i also love how his canon weapon (the bell) isnt even good on him bc he doesnt scale on hp - but if he Was on a team with arle/lyney/lynette, he would need something to protect him bc hes the only one that cant heal himself and claymore dpses get hit easily. hes trying his best to contribute but he kind of sucks bc he doesnt fit and i love that for him
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