#i saw mads say earlier that they just want milly and knives to kiss
eomma-jpeg · 1 year
Hello again! So, I've got one for you Fic-specific Ask Game! (For In the Meadow, of course. XD) For Want of a Nail: So, I'm curious as to how this would turn out. Instead of the insurance gals having to head out to send in their resignations, instead it's Vash and Knives who have to leave for a few days for Reasons™️. (I'm imagining something related to their past? Like maybe a bounty hunter has been sniffing around and is getting too close to the farm. Or one of the Gung-Ho Guns survived or something. Or maybe it's something mundane like they have to go find a specific part to replace for the Plant and it can only be found in December. Either way, they gotta skedaddle!) I wanna know how you'd think it'd play out! I can only imagine the absolute terror Knives would be on a two day road trip when he knows he's missing the first tomatoes (and also Milly, but shhhh! He's being stupid about that still!) And also what would the gals be doing back on the farm? (Pining away, I'm sure. Omg, I bet Milly will be a mess when the first tomato comes in and Knives isn't there. 😭) Thoughts? 👀
oh veil,,,, you have put many thoughts in my head....
Knives and Vash road trip
I think.... it would be something like the eye of michael is still kicking?? and it would give me an excuse to include Livio (I WANT TO PUT HIM SOMEWHERE BUT I JUST CANT FIND A GOOD EXPLANATION)
Vash would leave, and I think at that point in the story, Knives would feel the need to come. specifically, he still wouldnt be comfortable around humans without Vash (even Milly. I think the thought of truly being surrounded by only humans would freak him out).
Unfortunately, Knives wouldn't realize how DESPERATELY HE WOULD MISS IT UNTIL HE'S GONE.
him and vash all alone in the desert, away from humans (which is what he wanted originally) but he just,,, he cant help wishing to go back. he wants to go back so bad, so he and vash work their BUTTS off to get this business done and over with cuz Knives just wants his routine and his girl back
this,,,,, could also be a good spot for vash v knives conflict vis a vis how the both of them feel about murder (knives feels its necessary especially when taking down the eye of michael, while vash it still on a pacifist route, despite his kind of..... completion of Rem's memory?)
because i'm mushy and i like parallels, if Milly doesn't have her scandalous dream in December... then Knives gets to have a mushy domestic one.
he dreams about Milly in the garden and the sunlight glistens in her shiny hair, they have a thriving crop, and milly just has the brightest smile on her face when she spots him, glowing with happiness. he wakes up after milly hugs him, arms wrapping around his body, pulling him tight and brushes a kiss on his cheek
He wakes up just,,, starstruck and makes Vash drive them home in the middle of the night. zero impulse control from this boy.
Milly and Meryl back at home
this change means that milly gets to pick the tomatoes without knives.
i ... i could absolutely see Milly doing good, like holding it together all morning, putting on a show that she's alright. she gathers them with ease and puts them in a cute lil basket she got from her mom
but then later when Meryl asks her how many tomatoes she gathered, Milly holds up each tomato individually and tears just kind of fall as she realizes that its the first time since the beginning of the garden that she had to do the work alone, and it hits her like a brick wall. she misses him so much.
Meryl: oh gosh i thought i was just asking about the tomatoes I didn't see this coming
I think it could be the trigger that Milly needs to realize that she really does like him.
if im being honest, this might speed up the romance process quite a bit, because if Milly falls first, its over. She would completely smother Knives in like welcome back kisses and he wouldn't know what to do LOLOL
okay, to stick with the slowburn, i could see Knives coming back and complimenting Milly on the harvest, and Milly unwittingly admitting that she had missed him. Then, quietly, mostly because Knives doesn't particularly want to admit it to himself, he tells her he missed her too.
Milly, being herself, just takes his hand and kisses his cheek, probably unable to tell him with words.
and then idk.............. thats a whole new fic.....
ty veil !!!!! i really liked thinking about this lolol
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