#i saw alice was at the same festival and was like omg i wonder if —
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i fucking love this photo of joe and alice cooper look at joe's fucking face look at how excited he is to be with another one of his childhood heroes he's such a kid
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luvdsc · 2 years
i actually miss you so much here🧎🏻‍♀️
oh honey bee 🥺🤍 i miss you too 😭 thank you all soo much for all the wonderful messages everyone has sent in — there are so many of them, and i have read every single one and cried a little 🤧 i am so sorry that i don’t have the time to respond in detail to each one, but i am so so grateful and touched for all of them, and truly thank you for thinking of me 🌼 i hope you all have been doing well, and life has been treating you kindly 💛💛 it feels like coming home for the holidays after being away for so long 🥹
i finally logged back in today (after needing to reset the pw for this and for the email this blog is linked to oof) but i’m so out of the loop for kpop aside from shinee, bp, and taeyeon 🤧 i heard from alice that nct dream is touring !! 💘 i hope all of you were able to get tickets and i will live vicariously through you :’) and also hbd to renjun today !!!
a life update from me — i’ve been having the time of my life (minus some burnout from work but we won’t talk about that because it still pays the bills very well and then some), and i have long trips to japan with my friend and to australia to visit ti and steph coming up 💕 i have a fun work trip and a keshi concert with my friends including moon next month !! and i have two music festivals lined up for the summer already !!! dpr is coming to hitc nyc and i’m so sad that i’ll be out of the country when it happens but fingers crossed they come for the LA one ! and my friend just texted me a couple days ago about another music festival she randomly got tickets to so vegas here we gooo 🥳 and possibly a second vegas trip too that my other friend brought up today ??? also the usual weekend trips to LA, of course 🤩 omg and i saw jisoo irl up close at their concert and she is beautiful, and i can’t wait for her solo 🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻 and i’m currently blonde 🤧 my hair is really going through it like i first dyed it all lavender, then silver, then blonde, then i chopped it mid length and dyed it pink, then pastel pink, now it’s blonde, and it’ll be rose gold in two weeks !!! also i made like $5k from my investments and stocks, and i’m so incredibly proud of myself even though i know it’s not much compared to others :’) and i bought a chanel bag to celebrate my career milestone when i was promoted last year and got a big raise and bonus !!!! 🥳 i found the one i wanted after checking shops over the span of five months in like 8 cities and 5 countries djjdjkskd OH and i still hang out with els and she is still very much in l*ve with taeyong and jaehyun 💞 also blind boxes, specifically sanrio ones, have taken a chokehold on me thanks to els, and i’m still playing genshin so gacha addiction go brrr
tldr ; i’m really happy and content with where i’m at, and i sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that every single one of you is experiencing the same amount, if not, even more, of happiness in your lives, honey bees 🤍🐝✨ as always, i’m sending you all my love and well wishes, ily all so so much 🌷🌷
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Even though Darknesstival was a couple of weeks ago we're still talking about it. I'm sure you're all aware that the guys have already started planning the next one, and there's a possibility it'll happen in other parts of the world. Exciting, isn't it? Anyway, I interviewed one lucky Darkling who attended the first ever Darknesstival. We had a lovely chat. Well, I sent @lauraqueenie83 the questions and she gave me very detailed answers. Some of it was for my ears and eyes only, but that's how interviews work. 😉 Check the gallery above and read the interview below. 
Let’s start with the usual. How long have you been a fan and how many times have you seen them live? I'm a TD fan since 2003, but I could see them live only in 2016, but when I do something, I do it well: 3 times!!
How did you discover The Darkness in the first place? I was working in an office and I heard “I Belive In A Thing Called Love” on the radio. I jumped from my chair and bumped up the volume! It was love at first sight!!
What's your favourite song? What do you feel like hearing it live? “Love Is Only A Feeling”, always and forever. There are lots of others I love, obviously, some more, some less, but those change all the time. LIOAF still remains the one that makes me feel better, and even more live. I've heard it live those 3 times, and the first time I was completely mesmerised by Dan. The 2nd time us of the Italian fanclub made a choreography with confetti at the second verse, so I lost a bit of it, but the 3rd one... Wow. No words. I'm talking about the Darknesstival one.
Yes, let’s talk about the event. What was your favourite part of Darknesstival? At first sight, I would like to say the gig, because it was very, very good. Stunning. They played new songs, oh, loved the new songs. Loved everything about the gig. But no, I have to say it was meeting all my Darkling family because I met the guys again and I met lots of people. This is the most beautiful thing about Darknesstival, the Darklings.
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  Emily, Laura, Sariah.
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  Yousuf telling Dan about the birthday card
I know you made gifts for the guys. Were they surprised when you gave them these gifts? Yes, they were gladly surprised! They are always super cute! Maybe the one not surprised at all was Dan, because he already knew something by my "messengers" Laurie and Yousuf, we have also a photo of him (forever grateful mates). First I gave the birthday card to him and he started to open the gift like a baby on Christmas day, as he always does, so tenderly! It was from his Danlings all over the world, not only from me, and he liked it very much. [Interviewer’s note: Here’s the lovely birthday card.]
For Justin I had written a little letter about his song “Mighty Wings” and something like "please fly always high for us, because we love how you can do it". He started to read the note without really opening it, and asked me something about it, was so kind and nice!
At the same time I was giving my Xmas note to Frankie. He got our gift - and by "our" I mean that it was from his Cow Belles - from Chelsea, so I had written just a note to explain him how much I am grateful to him for his kindness and talent. I am so sad because I couldn't talk with him, the meet and greet was very short this time, and I needed to spend most of the time explaining the card to Dan.
Then, I was talking with Ru because the person with the gift was behind me. I told Ru that the gift for him was with another person and he said he knew. We laughed. The gift was ideated by @veroniqueorcel, a Christmas box with lots of Ru fans' letters. [Interviewer’s note: My letter was in that box as well. 😊]
I was leaving and I forgot to give my personal Bday/Xmas gift (the Hawk necklace) to Dan. The necklace made it to him with the help of someone in the staff, thank you whoever you are, for your help, support and kindness. He was asking without words from the people in front of him "from who?", my friends that were waiting their m&g time, told Dan to look out. He looked out the doors and saw me, so I said with hand gestures "the gift is by me" and in the same way he replied "OK, got it, thank you". I don’t know why, but I was sad on Monday, I was sure he doesn't like it. I have to trust him much more than I used to. I'm smiling saying this. I'll be forever grateful. [Interviewer’s note: You can see him wearing it here.]
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  Cow Belles' gift to Frankie
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  Veronique, Laura, Philippe, Harry
There were a few people complaining that there wasn't much to do at the convention. Did you feel bored or thought that there should've been more activities planned? Not one single minute, for me, to be bored!!! The convention was simply awesome. Complete, nice and warm like it was in a family house, you know. I wasn't bored at all, I talked all day with lots of people. Got my band's and Dan's tattoos (designed by Brooke), met my Darkling family and watched the guys come and go. (Laughs) I appreciated everything I saw, and from what I've seen, everything was good, relaxed, funny, friendly and has been greatly appreciated by fans.
If someone would ask me advice for the next festival, I could say only two things, that I'd like a bit more time with the guys and that I really missed something like a set list, a list with all the activities and the hour of the activities. (Well, maybe also a Karaoke with them, OMG what a dream!!)
Oh, and the soundcheck was amazing, we were very few people in front of the stage and enjoyed it not like rockstars and fans, but a big crew! Darklings made it amazing, and our fab four made it perfect. They were fooling around, you were talking with people and Justin would show up and Dan would say hello with his hands passing behind you. Where else you can find wonderful people like them?
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  Chris and Laura
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  Sariah, Laura, Chelsea, Stefania
You probably met many other Darklings during the day, tell us a little about that. Also, is there anyone you wanted to meet but didn't have the chance? Yes, truly, I met lots of people. They all are my Darkling family, it was simply awesome. I was completely moved most of the time because of them... This is what our guys of The Darkness can do, connect us all over the world.
The first who me and Stefania met, was Chelsea (from UK, and one of the fans in “Last Of Our Kind” video), she was completely genius, funny, fresh. I like her so much, we met at the bus station because she was so kind to come guide us, and she stayed with us all Saturday. Then I met Sariah (from USA) at the hotel, I shared my room with her, my sister from Danlings' Den, I love her so much. She's so funny, cute and very special to me.
Saturday night we had a meeting of the Danlings' Den, Dan Hawkins fans. There we met Laurie, the admin, who gave us the magic pen of the fanclub, and a lot of other Dan's fans. I was so proud, because most were men, and you know, some people at first sight think Danlings are mostly females who are crazy in love with him, but in real we all respect and love him for his work and his talent, as a musician and also as a producer. (...and well, yes, sometimes we females are a bit naughty, but it's his pretty face's fault!) (laughs) (damn, where's my mop?!)
On Sunday, the huge reunion: Italian Darkness Army and The Darkness Italia members, of course Stefania, my soul sister with who I made my trip and adventure, Nicola and his wife Chiara, Monica, Jack, Geraldine, Stefano and Sara. Love you all, Italian mates!! And from UK Lucia, Chris and her hubby, Harry, Bekki and her daughter, Richard, Yousuf, Scarlett, Emily and Fee. Philippe and his son from Belgium. From USA Scott and Geoff, and Laurie. Babs from Amsterdam. Penelope, with her mom, from France. I'm sorry, I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, too much adrenaline that day, I remember their faces but not their names, I'm so sorry!!!
I met again also a very special person, Veronique, and finally got to stay with her in person more than few minutes, as for last Queen+Adam Lambert gig. She is one of the most genuine, cute, clever person I know, really brilliant. And funny! I love her, how couldn't I?!
I am truly glad to met again the awesome Judit. She's a sweetheart. This is why I am so glad for the convention, because Darklings are the convention. I missed to meet someone of the staff, I really wanted to meet to say thank you in person, but they were working, so I can understand, obviously! The time will come.
Moving on to the show portion of the day, they played longer than usual. What did you think of the extended set? Did you like the new songs? I loved the new songs! “Solid Gold” is simply brilliant!! Loved the ultrariffs style and the extended chorus by Dan, loved the massive bass line by Frank, loved the magical voice and the stunning onstage presence of Jus, loved the energy of drums, man, that Ru is terrifying! Well, okay, loved everything! Seriously, for me it's been the best gig ever. Not only for the new songs, but also for the "unplayed or rarely played songs", loved it! Loved “Bareback” and “Dinner Lady Arms”, “Knockers”, and the odd version of “I Love You 5 Times”, played on bass by Dan and on guitar by Frank, OMG!!! I was like Alice in wonderland. (Laughs) [Interviewer’s note: A video of “I Love You 5 Times” from the soundcheck.]
You threw your bra on stage. Where did that idea came from? Would you do it again? Yes, oops my fault! I wasn't wearing it, by the way! (Laughs) Well, the idea came from talking on the phone with my friend Monica few days before the festival. We wanted to organise something special and funny, and it was hilarious, because in the inside on the left we had written "Merry Christmas from Laura and Monica" and on the right "......bite our cookies!!!" And when Jus was close enough I threw it to him! He took it, read it, and wore it... Monica was ready with the camera and took a little video!! We're still dying thinking of it, so.... Yes, we'd love to do it again!!! [Interviewer’s note: Here’s a little video of Justin wearing the bra.]
Like I mentioned, they played longer than usual. Was that enough or did you want them to play even longer? To me it was more than enough, as time and as quality, damn they all played amazingly. Terrific gig!! I could feel their hearts and their souls, especially my baby monster (Dan) was awesome. I can say more about him because I was exactly in front of him, and because he stole all my attention, as always. I was like mesmerised watching his hands playing. Only one other guitarist makes me feel like this, it's Brian May. By the way, he also played the songs we're used to hear live, like LIOAF, with something special, like he was drawing a fabulous arabesque. Like I said, for me it was enough. You know, obviously never enough of them really, but you have to think of their tiredness. They are our heroes, but they are humans too! (laughs)
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  Laura, Sariah, Laurie, Fee, Toby and his dad.
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  Darknesstival merch and Frankie's book signed by him
The setlist was still Permission To Land heavy. Do you ever tire of hearing those songs? No. I'm not tired, but I would like to hear more new ones, and by new I mean also Hot Cakes and Last Of Our Kind ones
You had the VIP ticket, right? What was the afterparty like? Yes, I am such a lucky person, I had my family and my Darkling family to help me, so I got the Super VIP ticket. I'll be forever grateful to Stefania (the admin of The Darkness Italia) and my parents.
Afterparty was in the pub upstairs, completely informal and friendly, as you can see from the pics. The band came after a bit and they started to talk with the fans. Ru came to sit in the table behind mine, so I could ask him for a photo together, he's adorable, and recognised me by name and country, I was so shocked and honoured!!!
Again with my friend Monica, we planned a joke for the guys, but because they were separated at the party we chose Justin as the victim. She took 4 red papillons, put them in a red and white box, like Santa's clothes, and in the notes, from IDA and TDI, we wrote thanks and wishes and "please, for the next Xmas video, we would watch the four of you wear only these...." Justin was funny, tried to seem shy and in awe, but at least laughed with us, and accepted to take a pic with the Italian fanclub.
About Frank, I asked him if he would like to sign my copy of his book (...book that Chris gave me at the convention as Xmas gift, love you darling) He was something like a bit moved, and dedicated me wonderful words.
Dan seemed really busy, so I tried to catch him in a good moment. Failing. (Laughs) Anyway, I asked him to please sign my copy of the birthday card, he was very kind to do it, but was also in a hurry, so I tried to leave him free. Surprising me, he came back to say "Ciao bella!" (Hello beauty, in my language) I was completely shocked, he saw my face and started to laugh. And then he came to hug me and kiss my cheeks for the 3rd time in a day. #lifegoal (Laughs badly)
*Images courtesy of Laura Beccari and many other Darklings all over the world. We have permission to share them here, but please don’t repost them anywhere else.
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