#i salute everyone making animatics and all that....
kittick-art · 2 years
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Wahoo, time for another Animatic Deep Dive!
I did this on twitter after my jeanmarco animatic came out last year, and I wanted to do something similar for the Royai animatic! This post will include HD stills from the animatic, as well as some nerdy insight into some shot choices and such, bc I need an outlet to geek out about it. Everything is under the ‘keep reading’ break! :]
Ok to start off, I wanted to show some behind-the-scenes stuff, including my first thumbnails I drew in my sketchbook, as well as part of the shot sheet that kept me organized (and sane) throughout the animatic.
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Also, fun fact is that I'm primarily a 3D animator, so I used that knowledge to sculpt a rough version of Mustang's office for the final shot :]
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Ok so now for actual stills...starting with one of my FAVORITE sequences to draw, which I have dubbed 'the scrolling bit.'
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And a fun little composition tidbit about this sequence is that I tried to show the passage of time through Roy & Riza's placement in the shots. So in order, they progressively go from the right of the screen to the left. It was actually a really last-minute decision, bc originally I had two different shots (see below) which got scrapped in order to do that silly compositional thing. I think it was a worthy sacrifice because that drawing of Black Hayate on Mustang's head was just so fun to draw.
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OKAY, now I want to move onto my favorite part of any animatic, which is the pretentious stuff about 'character placement' and "the deeper meaning." Blah blah, all that art-school kind of stuff that you'd hear in some film analysis class.
It's not intentional whatsoever, but I realized after the animatic was finished that Hawkeye is almost always on Mustang's righthand side, other than a select few times when he's the one supporting her. Feel free to look into that if you'd like, but just know it was not intentional and isn't consistent 100% of the time.
What was intentional, however, were these 4 shots, and specifically the placement of Mustang & Hawkeye within them:
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These 2 sequences are meant to be direct parallels to each other, in everything including how Mustang turns to Hawkeye, and Hawkeye is already facing him. They were also my favorite shots to animate, especially with Riza coming out of her salute. Seeing them in the final animatic almost made me tear up, ngl. They're just so dang in love!
Finally, the last part that holds some artsy deeper meaning is a sequence I actually shared a long long time ago. I've dubbed it the 'spotlight section' bc idk how else to describe it.
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Back when I teased this sequence, I alluded to some "deeper meaning" behind the use of red in the tags. And while the use of red is a pivotal thing throughout the entire animatic, it's most important here. It starts on Hawkeye's back, then transfers to Mustang's glove, and finally goes back to Hawkeye as her blood. Basically what I was trying to get at was something about consequences, and where flame alchemy has led them. In some way or another, Riza's decision to show Roy her tattoo ended up leading to her own (near) demise. So the red was supposed to show that transfer of consequence, if that makes sense.
ANYWAYS. Enough of me rambling. Thank you for reading if you somehow made it this far. All the love on this animatic - even since I first started teasing it back in November - has been insane to me. I still feel like I can't wrap my head around it. I'll leave you all with one last sketch from when I first started making the animatic. Have a good night, everyone!
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extravalgant · 3 years
Okay... I have thoughts abt a song that I associate w/ the YW...
(I hope you don't mind me rambling @ you)
Okay so the song is The Mind Electric. Idk if you've heard it so I put a link. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_nvPGRwNCm0
Specifically it makes me think of the YW immediately post-Dragonspyre. Lines like "I order you to cower and pray" could be Malistaire stuff and "I beg of thee, have mercy on me / I was just a boy you see / I plead of thee have sympathy for me" gives strong YW vibes. (Also I've always mentally connected "Thy genius sates a thirst for trouble" with the Dean of Admissions of Dragonspyre Academy as well.)
I'm actually working on an animatic for it w/ my wizard, Flint Anvilbreaker. I just need to, y'know, animate it.
I hope any of this made sense, lol.
- V-MH-T❄
INTERESTING THAT U ASSOCIATE IT WITH MALISTAIRE because i would think something like that would fit somewhere in arc 3... partially because of the feud that between spider and raven would be akin to some sort of... divine wrath or retribution in some cases 😳
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
What I thought about every episode of The Owl House Season 1 (Part 1/2)
Salutations random people on the internet who probably won't read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Hey, do you miss Gravity Falls?
Yeah, I know, dumb question. Which is why I have good news! Not only is there a new series that is just as good as Gravity Falls, but in some ways, it's even better. That new series would be none other than Disney Channel's latest hit: The Owl House.
The Owl House, slowly but surely, became my new obsession since Eda reacted to decapitation with an unconcerned, "I hate when that happens." I wrote fan-fiction, made fan-art, and even began to separately review new episodes. Unfortunately, I got in a little late in the reviewing game and only managed to analyze the last four episodes of season one. And like an idiot, I promised that I'll review the rest when they came out on Disney+. Seeing that all of the first season has finally come on a legal streaming service (which means WATCH IT RIGHT NOW!), it's time I finally saw through to that promise. However, I'm not going to over-analyze each episode because that would be insane. So instead, we're going to lightning round these suckers. Because it's my Tumblr, and I get to decide what I review and how the hell I review it...hooah.
Which means this is your last chance to avoid spoilers if you haven't seen The Owl House yet. Seriously, it's a great show, and you can catch up right now on Disney+. A week-long trial is more than enough time to watch the series, so DO IT! With that out of the way, let's get started with:
“A Lying Witch and a Warden”: This episode gets a lot of flack for having poor pacing and being too preachy with its message. And to that, I say...you're not wrong. Yeah, I wish I could be that person who can defend this episode against criticism like that, but these are understandable problems that just left this icky feeling in my tum-tum when watching. But that's only when looking at it as a regular old episode when in reality, people need to see it as a first episode. The first episode in any show needs to get viewers interested enough to continue watching by answering these five essential questions: What's the plot of the show? What's the tone? Who are the main characters? What's the world they live in? And what are the rules of the same world? "A Lying Witch and a Warden" does a great job of answering all of these questions. And if you stuck around until the season finale, then that means it did a great job of keeping you interested in sticking around as well. So seeing how it got its job done, albeit, with mixed results, I give this episode a B-.
“Witches Before Wizards”: Don't mind me. Just reveling in the fact that Luz escaped to a fantasy world to avoid Reality Check Camp, only to get a reality check anyway. Because that's what this episode is in a nutshell. Through the "quest" that Luz goes on, she learns two important lessons: One, don't trust strangers who offer you something nice and shiny (bonus points for Eda warning Luz to avoid men with sandals and then have Ategast wear sandals). And two, there is no such thing as having a predetermined destiny. I love the idea that Luz coming to the Isles was just a twist of fate, and everything that happens afterward is pure dumb luck. And that moment when Eda gave a speech about making your own path instead of waiting to become something special? That was the moment when I went from thinking this was going to be a fun show to thinking it's going to be a great show. So consider this episode a solid A in my book.
“I Was a Teenage Abomination”: How is it possible for an episode to get better and worse with time? Because here's the thing: This episode does a great job of showing how perfect Amity's development is. After one single season, it already feels jarring, seeing the way she acts in certain scenes. However, in that same respect, it's the same reason why this episode got worse. I didn't mind that Willow practically got away with cheating and vandalizing the school with her magic because she and Luz were basically trying to show up a two-dimensional bully. But knowing what we know in the future, it does seem unfair that Amity gets punished for their bad behavior and Willow got little consequences for it. Sure, Luz got banned and had to work at gaining Amity's trust, but what about Willow? Although, despite this complaint, I don't really hate this episode. It builds a believable connection between Luz and her friends, and the B-plot King and Eda show off their budding friendship. So while this episode is a C-, it's a somewhat enjoyable C-.
“The Intruder”: Is it weird for anyone else that King gets most of the blame in this episode? Yes, he took the potion, but Luz was the one who kept pushing him. This is why it never sat right with me seeing how everyone, including himself, blames King for this episode's incident. That being said, "The Intruder" is fantastic. Eda, as the Owl Beast, is legitimately threatening, and the way the episode treats Eda's curse like a chronic illness is actually kind of sweet. It teaches kids how this is something that just happens to people, and they're not any weaker because of it, as long as they take the right steps. Which is cool, and it's why this is another solid A episode for me. Sure King getting the blame bothers me, but it pales in comparison to everything else “The Intruder” does right.
“Covention”: If you want my personal opinion (obviously, seeing how you're reading this), "Covention" is the perfect episode to show a friend to get them into watching the The Owl House. Everything there is to love about the show is seen in just these twenty-two minutes. Eda being a chaotic good, Luz being a sweet and understanding character, some incredible/natural world-building, an actually decent B-plot, an epic fight scene, great comedy, and, my personal favorite, the building of Luz and Amity's relationship. In fact, this episode has the most quintessential moment between these two, that Dana Terrace herself took charge of making the animatic for it. A scene that is so perfect that you can do an analysis of these few minutes alone...which is what I did. Click here to read it! "Covention" gets an A+ in my book and might possibly be the best episode of the season. Maybe even the series!
“Hooty’s Moving Hassle”: There's not really a lot I can say about this episode. I don't hate it, but I'm not exactly in love with it. The interactions between Luz and her friends are adorable, and there are a few good jokes that kept me laughing. But the story is kind of bland, and I just find Eda's sudden obsession with Hexes Hold'em kind of odd. Especially since a card game is what nearly defeated the "undefeatable" Owl Lady. If it wasn't for the nice reveal of Willow's and Amity's friendship (which comes into play in a far better episode), I'd say that you could skip this one on future rewatches. Because this is a C grade episode that just doesn't grab me as well as others.
“Lost in Language”: Ah, yes. The episode that made dozens of fans jump aboard the Lumity ship...unless you're like me, and you've been shipping these two since the show's theme song (And I don't know why, either. It's just the second I saw Amity my first thought was, "Oh, honey. You're gonna fall in love with the main character, aren't you?" AND I WAS F**KING RIGHT!). But jokes about shipping aside, "Lost in Language" is a fantastic episode. It has a great lesson about how people are more complex than their first impressions (Or to not judge a book by its cover, if you wanna stay on theme). Edric and Emira seem like a chaotic duo who cause mischief all for good fun. But Luz, as well as the audience, learns that Ed and Em are kinda the worst (they get better in future episodes, but still). Then there's Amity, who hasn't had the best first impressions in the last few episodes. We got glimpses of a good person here and there, but for the most part, that's all they were. Glimpses. Then there's this episode, which gives us more than a small look, but some actual insight into who Amity really is. Better yet, who she wants to be. It's something that I appreciate about The Owl House in that it wastes no time in developing Amity's character. So much so that I can forgive this episode for shoehorning a "Two idiots and a baby" plotline that does nothing but add maybe two minutes of padding. So yeah, it's an A+ for sure.
“Once Upon a Swap”: "Ugh! It's the body swap episode! How cliche and-" SHUT UP! Shut your mouth, and listen: Something being cliche does not always make it bad. Only when the cliche fails to tell an entertaining story does it have the right to work as a complaint. "Once Upon a Swap" may have a cliche premise, but it's still an enjoyable story (or stories) with great laughs and even some ok lessons. I can understand if you hate the episode because its premise is something you've seen a dozen times to the point where your sick of it. My most hated story idea is the "Character A saves Character B, and Character B becomes a life slave." If you have seen this story once, you've seen it a thousand times, and it's the same case with a "body swap" episode. But guess what: The Owl House is a kids' show. Kids'. Show. You can complain all you want about predictability, but kids are the type of viewers who will be new to this experience, despite if it's one that is done to death. Which is why this is solid B of an episode if you ask me.
“Something Ventured, Someone Framed”: Can people please stop shipping Gus with Mattholomule? Because that slimy, greasy, weaselly little son of A BASTARD BITCH WEASEL DOES NOT DESERVE LOVE IN WAY POSSIBLE!
But enough about how Mattholomule is the worst character ever, because "Something Ventured, Someone Framed" is a B+ in my opinion. Sure it shows the worst side of Gus and lets Satan's little herpe win in the end, but there is still quality to be had. We get insight into who Gus is as a character, on top of Eda swallowing her pride and cleaning the school so Luz can get into Hexide. Also, Eda's permanent record was the first time this show brought me to tears due to laughing so hard. So while I have to take points off for the inclusion of Mattholomule (I don't make the rules. I just live by them), this is still an episode I wouldn't mind revisiting.
“Escape of the Palisman”: I subscribe to this theory that Luz will one day have Eda's staff as her own. And episodes like this that strengthen the bond between Luz and Owlbert help confirm that theory. Luz's dedication to trying to make things right could just be part of her kind nature, but I like to believe that this is Dana and the crew trying to set up this possible outcome. As for what I think about the episode itself...it's ok. Again, Luz's dedication is nice to see, and King's adventure with Owl Beast Eda is somehow insanely adorable, but there's not really much to say other than that. So it's another B episode for me.
And that’s the end of part one! Part two has probably already been posted by the time you finish this, so you can go ahead and find that if you’re interested.
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residentanchor · 6 years
Probable Theorem Ch. 5
<<Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Summary: Patton wants to take Auntie Em up on her offer to visit, but he gets a bit nervous...
Word Count: 4184 Note: The lovely @robinsdraw made an animatic of the prologue to Practicality! If you haven’t seen it, HERE IT IS! They are also LOOKING FOR VOICES for the next part!! At least go check it out!
Virgil paced around his room and checked his pockets to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. He reached over and picked up a plain black backpack off of the floor and slung it over his shoulder. With one last check, he turned and opened his bedroom door before freezing.
“Virgil!” Patton stopped and smiled, though it seemed a bit forced. “Oh, are you headed out somewhere?”
Virgil nodded and closed his bedroom door behind him. “I have work. You okay, Pat? Need to talk?”
“Oh, no! Don’t want to hold you up! Can’t be late for work!” Patton still seemed a bit tense as he backed away. “It wasn’t important, don’t worry!”
Virgil took a step forward and reached out, grabbing Patton’s arm lightly as he tried to retreat further. “Pat, what’s bothering you?” Patton never dropped his smile as he shook his head. “You’re my best friend, I have all the time in the world for you, okay?” Patton’s smile finally started to fall as Virgil spoke softly. “I can get to work on time just fine, tell me what’s wrong?”
“It really isn’t a big deal.” Patton shrugged. Virgil let go of his arm and motioned toward the couch. With a nod, they headed over and Patton fell into the cushions as he let out a sigh. “I wanted to go meet up with Logan’s aunt that runs that bakery. She invited me today and I was super excited but I just kind of got nervous. What if she doesn’t like me or what if I upset her? What if it doesn’t go well?”
“Patton.” Virgil held up a hand and cut the other off. “I’m an expert at playing the ‘what if’ game, but I have complete faith that you’ll be fine. Everyone loves you, you’re such a nice person and if she doesn’t then you’ll just have to show her.” Patton bit his lip but nodded, shoulders still tense. “Want me to go with you?”
Patton shot his head up and waved his hands around. “No, no! You have work!”
Virgil raised a brow and smiled over at his best friend. “Look, I don’t have to miss work. I may not be as good as you are at being in multiple places at once but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it at all.” Virgil stood up from the couch and gripped onto one of the straps to his backpack. “Wait a few minutes for me to text you then tell me exactly where you’re standing in the apartment, okay?” Virgil gave a small salute before heading to the front door. “Just trust me on this.”
The door clicked closed and Patton remained confused as he sat on the couch. He dug out his phone from his pocket and began to fidget with it as he stared at the front door. Around maybe ten minutes later, he jumped as his phone went off, pulling him from his thoughts.
Tapping away to unlock it, a text from Virgil with a single black heart emoji staring back at him. Patton stood up and began pacing before he stopped in the middle of the living room.
“I… am… standing… in the… living room…” Patton spoke as he typed. He sent the text before looking up from his phone. “He said to describe, is that enough?” Patton typed away once more to describe what he was seeing, sending a single sentence at a time. A hand shot out and covered his phone as Patton let out a squeak of surprise. He glanced up and saw Virgil standing there, hair a bigger mess than minutes before and looking more worn out. “V-virge!”
“That was more than enough, Pat.” Virgil let go of the phone and headed for his room, his backpack stuffed more than when he had left. “Let me drop this off and we can go.”
Patton smiled and sent Virgil a quick apology along with a heart before putting his phone away. “How was work? That’s where you just came from, right? You just traveled back to this time, am I right?”
Virgil put the backpack down onto his bed and walked out. “Yeah, work was fine. It’s been tough since the move.”
“Aww, well we’re all settled in here so hopefully it’ll get better soon!” Virgil smiled and shook his head. “Are you sure you’re up to going? You look tired.”
“You’re not backing out of this. Besides, you owe me one thing from this bakery.” Virgil headed to the front door like Patton had just watched him do and smiled.
“How did I get such a great best friend?”
Virgil snorted out a short laugh before turning and holding the door open. “Just lucky, I guess.”
Virgil followed and listened as Patton rambled on nervously about a million different topics, jumping from one to another with no warning. They boarded the city bus easily as Patton double and triple checked the right path that he had taken with Logan before.
It wasn’t until after they gotten off the bus that Virgil stopped walking and was standing on the sidewalk that Patton froze.
“Is something wrong, Virge?”
Virgil smirked and jabbed a thumb to the building next to him that Patton had walked by. “Isn’t this the place?”
Patton looked back to the large glass windows that showed the inside of the bakery that was bustling with life. “Oh. Yeah, it is! Sorry!”
Virgil smirked over at Patton before heading toward the door and holding it open for the two of them. A wind rushed passed as the door opened and they were hit with a sweet smell of sugar and pastries. Patton walked through as Virgil glanced around and took in everything for the first time. Patton stuck by Virgil as they slowly made their way up to the counter where an older man with balding gray hair stood, talking with a customer. Virgil nudged Patton forward and kept a hand on his back as they made their way to the counter. Patton straightened out his shirt and fussed with his hair before Virgil grabbed a hold of his wrist. “Pat, you’re fine. Just relax, I’m right here.”
The customer in front of them moved and Virgil walked up to the counter, keeping his hand on Patton’s back for comfort.
“Well, hello there!” The man grinned at the two. “A pair of new faces! What can I get you, lads?”
“I, well, was wondering if, um,” Patton looked over at Virgil who simply nodded at him to continue. “Is Auntie Em here?”
The man frowned and sighed before turning toward the back door. “Emilia!” He walked over and opened it up, shouting into the back room. “Emilia, my heart! Why are two young men here to talk to you?” An older woman with short curly hair appeared, wiping her hands on her apron. “You trying to make me jealous again, dear? Is this because I wouldn’t let you buy that new mixer?”
“Oh hush now, Murph. I don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re the sweetest thing in this bakery.” She leaned forward and gave a quick peck to the man before turning and walking over to the counter. “Now, are you two young boys looking for me?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Virgil spoke up. “Patton here wanted to come and meet you.”
“Patton?” The woman gasped and smiled as she leaned over the counter. “Oh, goodness! You’re Patton, hmm?”
Before either could answer, Auntie Em was making her way around the counter and wrapping both of them in her arms. “Oh what an absolute pleasure! My little Logan has told me all about you!” he pulled back and smiled at them. “So, who would you be, dear?”
Virgil shook off the sudden surprise contact and smiled up at the woman. “I’m Virgil. I’m their roommate.”
“He’s my best friend!” Patton chimed in and hooked their arms together. “I told him I’d buy him something if he came with!”
“Oh dear, you aren’t buying a single thing! Pick something out, on me. Let me finish up in the back and we can sit and talk.” She turned back to the counter and smiled at the man. “Murphey, these are Logan’s friends! Let them pick anything out while I straighten up in the back, okay love?”
“Of course, dear.” The older man, Murphey, smiled at the two boys. “I’ve been saying ‘yes, dear’ for thirty years, you know why?”
“Because you love her?” Patton suggested while Virgil rolled his eyes.
“I was told to smile and agree with everything Em said, but that woman has a fire in her that needs taming. Good thing I was a fireman back in my day.” The man chuckled as he made his way back to the counter. “You heard the woman, pick anything out.”
Patton leaned down to look inside the glass cases. “If it’s anything like that tart, it’ll be delicious!”
“Logan’s weakness, we were always able to get that boy to work with Em’s special raspberry tart.” Murphey chuckled to himself. “My nephew’s quite the hard worker once he started taking things seriously.”
“Ohh, that chocolate cake looks so good!” Patton pointed to the case. “It’s calling to me, I can hear it!” Patton looked up at Virgil who kept his distance as he looked. “What about you? See anything you like?”
Virgil glanced away and shifted the weight on his feet. “I mean, I don’t want to impose, I’m willing to pay.”
“Nonsense, boy!” Murphey leaned over the counter and looked over at Virgil. “We offer because we want to and we can! A single slice of cake isn’t going to break the bank and ruin us. Take the offer, I insist.”
Virgil smirked a bit and shrugged. “The cheesecake looks good.”
“Just tell me which one and I’ll get you both set.”
Patton and Virgil were sent to a table to the side away from a lot of the customers with their desserts while they waited for Logan’s aunt to come out and pay a visit. When the back doors opened, they hadn’t expected her to walk out with a big binder in her hands as she made her way over to their table.
“I hope you boys didn’t wait too long for me!” She placed the binder down and took a seat herself. “I just had to go grab this real quick! Loganberry would never let me show you if he were here!”
Virgil and Patton leaned in closer as she opened it up revealing a plethora of old photos. She flipped through and jumped to about halfway and stopped, showing photos of strangers as she picked the page she wanted. “Are you sure it’s okay to be showing us this? I don’t want Logan to be mad.” Patton leaned back, poking at the crumbs on his plate with a fork.
Auntie Em chuckled and finally stopped on a page. “He’d just be embarrassed, I think he’d appreciate me doing this while he wasn’t here.” She flipped the book around for them to see. “Look! His first day working here at the bakery! He looked so upset once he realized it wasn’t a… a piece of cake!”
Virgil laughed and covered his mouth, surprised at the sudden joke while Patton giggled and glanced down at the book. “Which one is…” Furrowing his brow, Patton pointed to a photo. “Wait, that’s Logan?!”
“Holy shi--spit!” Virgil caught himself before letting it slip, looking at Em quickly before looking back at the photo.
“But, Logan’s all… Prim and proper!” Patton glanced at each photo, showing an angry teenage Logan covered in flour in most, glaring down at whatever he was working on. “Not… this!”
“He had an emo punk phase!” Virgil leaned back and started to laugh. “He even wore eyeliner!”
The photos showed Logan alright, but his hair was longer and shaved underneath. The shirt you could see peeking out was a ripped and torn band tee that you couldn’t make out as it contrasted with the happy blue apron tied over it. He did have eyeliner on underneath his eyes smudged out, but not quite to the point Virgil preferred. He screamed ‘scene emo punk’ as he glared down at a bowl he had been working on.
Auntie Em flipped the pages, showing the irritated look on Logan’s face slowly disappear and a smile replace it with each photo. Eventually, the shirt was replaced and he started wearing a tie in some of the photos. Each was either him working or with his aunt and uncle.
“That boy was a complete mess when he came to live with us but I’m so proud of him now, looking at how far he has come.” Em smiled and closed the book as she looked up at the two. “He’s much happier now that he’s found you all. I was rather skeptical when he said he found someone just like him in that cafe but I suppose it worked for the best.”
“Oh, right!” Patton turned and looked at Virgil. “He said he was at a cafe when he found one of us on accident.”
“He never could completely kick his habit of imposing in on people.” She tapped her head with her finger lightly, indicating what she truly meant. “He swore to me once the apartment was set he would never do it again.”
Virgil leaned forward a bit as he whispered. “He found you in that cafe, right Patton?”
Patton looked on clueless before gasping in shock. “Oh gosh, you’re right! I think I know that place, I went there all the time for lunch before I moved!”
Auntie Em chuckled as she watched the two boys prattle on in excitement. “Well, I would love to hear how my Lo-Lo has been doing since he moved out.”
“Lo-Lo,” Patton whispered to himself before giggling. “Oh gosh, that is so cute!”
“He’s your Lo-Lo now, sugar. I just want to hear what you have been up to this past year!” Virgil and Patton shared a quick worried glance before the woman sighed. “Fine, I’ll let you skip out on the good stuff this time, but please tell me this.” She turned to Virgil and smiled. “You get together with that Roman boy yet? Logan stopped talking about you two and how you needed to just get together already after he and Patton here finally came to their senses!”
Virgil groaned as he pulled up the hood of his sweater, pulling it down over his face and sinking into his chair. “Logan you backstabber!” He muttered as he stopped sliding down. “I’ll get you back for this…”
Patton was practically dancing in the streets as they made their way back to the apartment. Virgil could only smile as Patton twirled around and sang. “Oh, Virgil, that went so well! And to think I was worried!”
Virgil huffed out a quick laugh before responding. “I told you it would be fine! You were worrying over nothing.”
“Nuh uh!” Patton stopped and smiled at Virgil. “...okay so maybe I was! It worked out okay! Oh gosh, I should call my mom and tell her!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “Maybe Logan and I can go over there and he can meet my parents!” Patton froze and looked down at his phone, his smile finally falling. “Hey, Virge.” Patton waited a moment before making sure Virgil was listening. “Do you think I’m rushing this a bit? We only just started dating.”
“I can’t answer that for you.” Virgil continued past Patton down the street. “Not my relationship, you’re gonna have to talk to Logan about how he feels.” He looked over at Patton as the other raced to catch up with him. “Honestly, he’s been pining after you for months so I think he’ll be fine for right now as long as you two find a pace to go at.”
“Yeah, but he wasn’t bad as you and Roman were, ignoring each other's feelings completely.” Patton shoved Virgil playfully with his shoulder. “I just didn’t think Logan would be the one to like me! Honestly, if I was going to end up liking anyone in the apartment, he was my last guess!”
Virgil raised an eyebrow at that. “Oh? So what, you already had an idea of who your roommate love interest was going to be?”
“I thought it would be Roman honestly.” Virgil stuttered confused as he gaped at Patton. “Yeah, I know! We just clicked when we moved in but the feelings were never there. Then he got a crush on you and that went out the window.”
“You are still a mystery to me, Pat. I don’t think I’ll ever figure you out.” Patton smiled and shrugged as they made their way into their apartment. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll travel back to when I left to even out the timestream more and go to bed. Work is gonna be killer in the morning.” Virgil yawned and walked into his room. “I should have never taken that promotion.”
Patton waved and stopped once his door clicked shut. “Wait, what promotion?” He walked over to the door and knocked. “Virgil?” He waited a moment before opening it, finding it completely empty. With a huff, Patton shut the door and headed for his room.
Once inside, he pulled out his phone once more before quickly dialing it and holding it up to his ear. It rang a few times before someone picked up.
“Hey, mom.” Patton bit his lip as he smiled nervously. “It’s just me!”
“Oh, Patton sweetie!” He heard shuffling from the other side as his mother moved around. She could never sit still while on the phone. “How are you? You better have finished unpacking! Don’t make me come over there!”
Patton laughed and relaxed a bit as she spoke. “No, we’re all done! I made sure of that. I just wanted to call and talk to you a bit! It’s been a while.”
“Oh, just making sure you check in on your mom? You’re such a good boy. How’s that boyfriend of yours?”
“We’re fine, mom. He took me on a date and made it official, just like you told him.”
“Well, at least you’re dating a smart boy who knows what’s good for him. He ever treats you wrong you tell me, okay?”
Patton paced back and forth through his room. “That’s fine, mom. I think I can handle one boy, it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“I know you can, but I’m your mother, I’m meant to worry.” The line went quiet for a bit and Patton felt the anxious ball in his chest start to grow. “You know, I was thinking about you two, actually.”
“No.” Patton bit out, a bit more harsh than he was planning. He took a moment to take a deep breath and calm himself. “No, you’re not doing this to me. I know exactly what you’re going to say. You’re going to mention my powers being a problem for the future.”
“I just worry! He doesn’t know and he will have to find out eventually! How do we know he won’t tell? What if it doesn’t work out and they take you away from me?”
“Mom!” Patton stomped his foot as he stopped his pacing. “He won’t tell, he never will no matter what happens. You can’t keep doing this to me! First, you ask me to pretend I don’t have powers then you turn around and accuse me of lying if I keep them secret!”
“I do it because I love you! What if he-”
“He already knows! He’s not going to tell!” The line went silent and Patton sighed deeply, turning and sitting on his bed. “He knows, he has for a while. He won’t tell, I promise.”
“You’ve been doing it again.” He could hear the fire in his mother’s voice as she accused him, making him flinch in response. “You’ve been making those copies again!”
Patton chose not to answer as he sat on his bed, afraid of what he might say if he opened his mouth again. The line remained quiet and he heard his mother sigh on the other end. “Mom, listen to me for once. It’s who I am, okay? I can multiply myself. Just like that hero running around town that can shoot electricity! He’s fine and he’s out in the open! I can handle one or two people knowing, okay?”
When his mother didn’t immediately answer, he knew it was another battle lost with her. Years of trying to convince her he was normal, his normal was just different than everyone else was a waste of time. She might never understand and accept that part of him and he was still willing to try.
“We will talk about this another day.” He shook his head, knowing his mother would do everything in her power to avoid that conversation for as long as she lived. “Goodbye Patton. Love you.”
“Goodbye.” He ended the call as quickly as he could and tossed the phone onto his bed. He sat there a while before falling back, stretching his arms out to the side as he fell. He stared at his ceiling and thought about how his day went. It was so up and down with good and bad emotions, his heart racing for different reasons, and it left him exhausted. The day wasn’t over yet and he was determined to end it on a high note.
With a sudden rush of determination, Patton pushed himself off of his bed and into the kitchen. He always cooked and cleaned to distract his thoughts from spiraling and that’s exactly what he planned to do until he could talk to Logan. Maybe not that night, but soon, he promised himself. He was determined to make this relationship work.
Margaret loved her son with all her heart. She was open and accepting of him when she realized he liked more than just girls, even if she didn’t quite understand what he was trying to tell her about pansexuality. She didn’t need to know as long as she loved and accepted him.
What she didn’t get was his need to use these abilities he had. If he just kept them hidden and forgot they existed, he could live in peace without worry. He didn’t even seem worried he had them at all! If people knew what he could do, she was so worried about what could happen to him. She wasn’t going to let her son become another missing person. He wasn’t going to just be a number added to some random statistic. She was going to protect him, even if that’s not how he saw it. Sure, if Logan had worked out and kept quiet then she had no issue of him knowing their shared secret but how could she know he would? He seemed like a nice enough boy but mama bear was out and she was going to protect her bear cub.
If there was one thing having a child like Patton taught her it was to keep an eye out for certain things. Once this Princey came out as a hero of the streets, everyone took a liking to him. Well, not everyone, but most people did. He went through a million different names before his official fan club dropped the name ‘Prince Charging’-which let's be honest was never going to stick- to simply Princey. They said they got the name from a ‘source close to the hero’ and stuck with it, though revealed nothing further.
It didn’t take much for Maggie to find out where and when these meetings were and even attended a few. It was a surprise to hear a group of people praise this random man with weird powers but she knew, they had to be the minority. People didn’t simply accept these strange powers or she wouldn’t need to protect her son.
That’s how she found them, honestly. A group of people she could relate to. They showed up to the fanclub meeting and told them all what she always knew to be true.
Which is why she had to protect her son. Because not everyone would understand. That’s why she listened to these people at these meetings. That’s why she spends her Wednesday nights hanging on the edge of her seat along with a dozen others. That’s why, as they spoke, her hands shook with fear for her only child.
“He is not a hero, he is a vigilante.” The leader spoke as he paced back and forth in the front of the room. “He is a danger to all of us. He believes to be above the law simply because he has a power over all of us, but we aren’t going to let that happen!”
That’s why she was going to do everything in her power to protect Patton from people finding out the truth.
“This ‘Princey’ must be stopped at all costs.” Chapter 6>>  Taglist:  @cyberpunkjinx @phlying-squirrel  @equipodeleo @ace-anx @tisithelittleelephant @sanderslays @fandomsofrandom @wandering-wondering-aimlessly @thestoryofme13 @herequeerandverytired @too-random-for-me @midknight-mania @tatergator27 @sleepyssnail @dragonsight9 @queer-human-being @ab-artist @arandompasserby General: @tatergator27 @helloisthisusernametaken @entitydark @lightningbug04 @moonstonefox12 @rampantlesbian @echomist13 @another-sandersidesblog @thesynysterunknown @roo-kangas @singjoanna
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nightmare-grass · 7 years
Here’s a list of songs and what they remind me of from The Adventure Zone so if anyone wants to make animatics or AMVs from this list I’d really want to watch them
- Dark Side- Kelly Clarkson (Taako, Lup, or Lucretia)
- It's All Right Here- Miley Cyrus (Merle)
- I Remember Her- Ingrid Michaelson (Magnus thinking of Julia)
- Shorty Don't Wait- A Great Big World (Merle's following at the Church of Fungston)
- September- Earth, Wind & Fire (Afterparty of Carey and Killian's wedding)
- Bright- Echosmith (Barry and Lup)
- Everyone Is Gay- A Great Big World (self-explanatory)
- Be Okay- Oh Honey (after they defeated the Hunger, Angus playing soccer, Lup and Taako cooking, Merle playing with Mookie while Mavis looks on, Magnus playing with his dog Johann and his fish Steven)
- Wolf in Sheep's Clothing- Set It Off (Lydia and Edward, Wonderland)
- I Lived- One Republic (The Seven Birds, the Starblaster)
- Hey Soul Sister- Train (Jeremy "Scales" Fangbattle and Hathaway Redcheek-Fangbattle)
- Edge Of Glory- Lady Gaga (Petals to the Metal, Garyl, Klaarg)
- La Da Dee- Cody Simpson (Tres Horny Boys, The Hogsbottom Three)
- Salute- Little Mix (Lucretia, Lup, Killian, Carey, Noelle, Hurley, Sloane)
- Everybody's Got Somebody But Me- Hunter Hayes ft. Jason Mraz (I imagine Davenport and Merle singing this together)
- This Is Home- Switchfoot (after The Hunger)
- I Bet My Life- Imagine Dragons (Tres Horny Boys)
- Been Here All Along- Miley Cyrus (Seven Birds or Umbrastaff-Trapped-Lup and Taako)
- Oasis- A Great Big World (the Seven Birds)
- I’ll Always Remember You- Miley Cyrus (Everyone in the TAZ fandom when Balance ended)
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