#i said I wouldn't pick up the new story game (if it ever comes out) but maybe I would if the models are as good as in CS and the
Dancing on the Edge of a Knife
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summary: ever since his ascension, Malva was convinced that Astarion was the only person who could understand her every twisted desire. well, almost. there are some things she still keeps to herself, he simply wouldn't understand this part of her, the one who dances on the very edge of her knife.
or Ascended Astarion learns how real punishments work
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rating: E
word count: 2.8k
pairing: ascended astarion x consort malva (oc, evil!sorcerer!tav)
cw: 18+. KNIFE PLAY (big warning cause the whole fic will turn around this specific one), smut, post-game setting a few years later, mention of violence/murder, mentions of and actual self-harm, slight voyeurism, shared sensations, blood play, bdsm relationship (Master/Pet, punishment), teasing, overstimulation, orgasm denial. full list on ao3
a/n: i just dont pick where the inspo comes from but malva lives rent free in my head
a/n2: decided to make the stories about malva and astarion into a series, they can be read independently but if you wanna read the first one featuring lotsa spanking, here it is (they also get to cum in that one)
read on ao3
or keep reading down below~
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It was just another day of bloody business for Malva and her Master. 
Another party used as distraction; another life to take; another bloodshed.
Another reason to dive her pretty blade into the chest of yet another unfortunate soul.
She remembers back when Orin had mentioned her potential to join the ranks of the bhaalists, and of course, she would’ve; Malva’s talent to murder people came as naturally to her as her powers had, but the mere idea of being attached to any godly entity made Malva retch.
And Bhaal out of all of them? The same one who sent his minions to do his dirty work? Really, what was the point in becoming a God if you didn’t use that power for yourself?
No, Malva acted sinfully within her own code based on her own goals; no Gods or voices guiding her blade, only her inner bloodthirst and the knowledge that she was mightier than any other mortal crossing her path. Compared to other species, she was already considered immortal, but now, as a vampire? A spawn of the Vampire Ascendant, out of all of them? She might be even greater than the Gods themselves.
Even then, killing was just a job, something that needed to be done nevertheless, and knowing how much she had to do, she just decided to take pleasure in it. After all, the line between pleasure and pain had been blurry ever since Malva could remember, even at a young age.
Ever since her mentor had shown her how to master her powers.
“You will need to use your powers for the greater good,” he had said. “They come with responsibilities. Wield them to perfection so they serve you on every occasion. Those powers are a part of you.”
Obviously, she remembers thinking, they're what makes me better than the others.
“But you need to know that, as much good they can do, they can also harm, and to fully understand this, you'll need to feel them yourself.” 
She recalls how he had grabbed her arm and inflicted a benign version of a lighting spell on her, just to show her how it would feel to receive it — the impact of it, even on a smaller scale.
“Now, every time you inflict this pain on someone, you'll carry the weight of it as if you felt it yourself.”
He couldn't have been as right and wrong at the same time.
Yes — the spark lighting up her skin had burned, and she had flinched and pulled her arm back the second the shock hit her. 
But what a delectable sensation it had been.
How the burn had tingled and resonated through her entire body, lingering long after, introducing her to a new world of possibilities, one she hadn't even considered.
She had spent the rest of her life chasing that feeling.
Using her powers on herself as she was still learning them, gradually increasing the intensity as she became numb to the minor pain to still feel the hurt but relishing the burn of the wound, that sweet tingle rippling on her skin.
Venturing into taverns as she grew older, looking for easy strangers with whom to spend the night to easily discard them once morning came, until one night led to her first kill, and instead of fear she had felt a thrill. The same one as her self-inflicted burns.
Picking up dangerous bounties only to use her powers on others without holding back, see the light leave their eyes as she felt the blood from her own wounds drip from her body, smearing her pale skin.
A knife held at her throat, her life hanging by a thread — the burn of the blade penetrating her skin even better than any cock could ever feel.
The rush of heightened pleasure that clouded her mind for those brief moments was better than any sketchy potion on the market, and yet, the conclusion always turned out the same.
This rush was short-lived. 
Every kill was done with the next one already in mind.
Pain was her pleasure, and no one had understood that about her in the past. She even led herself to believe that Astarion didn't understand how far her limits went. Believing he couldn't satisfy all of her needs — and he would go far; spank her hard, choke her, bite her — all things she adored, but there was still something… missing. 
Something she would just need to take care of by herself.
So that night, a night that felt as meaningless as the others — or that should’ve been — she let her mind wander after disposing of this nuisance of a man. With her spirit  clouded with lust from the blood now warming her veins, she eyed her dagger in her hand with a different intention.
Her dark, yet see-through long dress didn’t allow for under clothing — like most of her other dresses, she had noticed — and the skirt, which split in the middle only to be covered by a thin layer of fabric, made it easy for her to pull the slit of her skirt aside and slide the blade of her knife along her plump thigh.
The tip just ghosted over her skin at first, teasing herself with the weapon that had taken so many lives already. A shiver ran down her back at the promise of what was to come — finally, feeling somewhat alive once again — getting wet from the mere memories of the last time she had touched herself like so.
The blood of her previous victim still coating the blade as she pushed it deeper, breaking into her skin — just enough to draw blood and for her breathing to turn into whimpers.
Just enough to feel that same burn, that pain that turned into pleasure so quickly for her.
She had thought she had been subtle, that her time away wouldn't cause Astarion to come looking for her. Afterall, the kill had taken her mere seconds, she still had plenty of time to take care of herself and go back to her Master. She could always use the excuse that he had been a difficult target — either way, she’d come up with something.
Little did she know, he had felt it. 
Their connection was greater than with his regular spawns; he was able to feel any sensation she felt as well as accessing her mind at any time — not that she knew about the former — and the second that knife slid across her skin, Astarion had known.
The pain in the inside of her thigh, this familiar burn; one he recognized instantly.
Oh, and he ran to find her, expecting the worst, only to find her with her legs spread open, leaning against the wall of the hallway with a body at her feet, and the hilt of her knife sliding across her wet slit, with sinful moans escaping her luscious lips.
He couldn’t say he was surprised at the sight, this was Malva after all, the woman who took a malicious pleasure in the murders she committed — ones she never questioned. The same woman who smiled as she took each and every of his punishments.
And yet, that was the last thing he expected to see when he ran for her.
So here he stood, watching as she pleasured herself with the soiled weapon she had visibly used on the corpse lying nearby, her other hand holding back the fabric of her dress as leaned back against the wall, her chest heaving as her pleasure overtook her.
Worry aside, he was now fixated on her every move. Watching, learning, so he could use it on her later. This was just one more thing to add to his library of possibilities when it came to her.
What was unacceptable was how she took those liberties without involving him, how she so easily broke those chains, and dismissed his authority.
Not only that, but she had been cutting herself — cutting him. 
He only had himself to blame, after all he had never made her aware of this part of their connection, but now the consequences of his actions had caught up to him. The same cuts he remembered suffering, that made him bleed out to near unconsciousness years ago, and all because of their connection, he was reliving these moments all over again. 
No, no, this time was different — this time he was in control, he had a say in how this would go. If his consort wanted to play, he would play along.
He leaned back and away from her eyesight, a flicker of malice flashed in his ruby eyes as he opened his mind to reach out to hers.
“Enjoying yourself, pet?”
He smirked when he heard the clink of her dagger as it fell to the floor.
“Master?” She answered back through their connection. “I was just finishing up with this—”
“Oh no, dearest, you are far from done.” He cut her off. “Pick that dagger up, and cut through your other thigh, the same way you did the other.”
She briefly remained silent as she collected her thoughts, “How did you…”
“The dagger, pet.”
“Y– Yes, sir.”
He felt the ghost of the blade over his own thigh at the same time he heard her breathy moans echo in the hallway. 
He didn’t expect the vivid flashes of his past coming back to him, the burn of the scars in his back searing through his skin. He was all powerful now, this was long in the past, why was he still affected?
“Enough, pet.”
He needed to change his approach, no matter what, Malva was going to inflict this pain onto herself. He just needed to control it — make it feel good — for both of them.
He closed his eyes, banishing the remaining memories of his past to conjure the image of his consort instead.
“Take the hilt of your dagger and smear it with your blood.”
He imagined her in her long-sleeved black dress — the one he had picked for the night, with the embroidered red dragons partly covering her chest, matching his own ensemble — legs apart and cunt exposed with her dark blood slowly dripping from her thighs getting smeared over her skin as she ran the hilt of her weapon across it, coating it in her crimson.
“Now, guide it towards your slit, but don’t push it into you.” he paused, giving her time to follow his instructions, “And up to your clit. There, good girl. You’re gonna be rubbing yourself with it until I tell you to stop.”
He sensed a hint of doubt from her when she remained unmoving, “Do you not trust me, pet?”
“I… I simply didn't expect this from you.”
“Are you not glad I’m making the effort to keep your days exciting?”She bit her lip, remembering her dread of the previous dull days, “Yes, Sir.’
“Good, then close your eyes, and start rubbing that dagger over yourself.”
He heard her loud sigh before she finally let the bloody weapon touch her sensitive spot, allowing himself to feel her pleasure in his groin as she made it twirl and slide over it.
He let his head fall back against the wall as the sensation took place between his legs, only taking in the feeling temporarily before he shot his eyes open, ready to take the matter in his hands.
With her eyes still closed, Malva didn’t see Astarion approach her. She didn't feel the weight of his gaze as he stared her down like prey. But she did hear the pounding of his heartbeat against his chest as he grew closer, and her throat bobbed in anticipation between two raspy breaths, the movement between her legs relentlessly accelerating, her juices mixing with her blood as she neared her collapse.
“Tell me,” he purred down their connection. “How do you feel?”
“Good. Really good.”
“Don’t shy away from details now, I want to know exactly how you feel, dear.”
“The cuts… they burn deliciously, Sir. I’ve— missed this feeling, ah—” She became increasingly sensitive as she rubbed her swollen bud ceaselessly. “How… my wounds feel as the blood rises to the surface. When the burn spreads through my thighs and between my legs, fuck—”
Her breath accelerated and her mind blanked out as she focused on the growing ache between her legs.
“I’m— I’m close,” she panted.
Astarion might have to learn more about his dark consort after tonight, but if there was one thing he knew without a doubt, it was the clear signs of her collapse. With her head thrown back, her body messily leaning against the wall as her legs quivered from the excessive stimulation, and her pace getting sloppier as she was reaching her climax, he knew exactly how long until she reached the edge. Some time, right about…
“Stop,” he finally spoke up as he stood in front of her.
“What?!” She exclaimed, shooting her eyes open as she lifted her head back up, staring right into his eyes.
“Drop the knife, now.”
Reluctantly, Malva plunged her blade into the luxurious carpet, grunting as she did so. 
“Still feeling good, my dear?”
She shot him a frowning glare, chest heaving and lips parted as she panted.
“What do you think?!” She shouted. “I was so damned close– fuck!”
He snickered, stepping forward to meet her stare, “So you truly believe you deserve this? That you deserve more than what I've already allowed you, when you’ve been touching yourself behind my back?”
She lifted her head and without breaking eye contact, retorted with a growl, “You wouldn’t grasp how to please me, even if I showed you precisely how.”
He wouldn’t usually accept this behaviour from her, but this time around, he wanted to see how far he could take it.
“Is that so?” He smiled as he closed the gap between them, his stance hovering over her. “In all the years we've spent together, have I not proved you wrong already?” 
She backed into the wall as he pushed her against it, one hand caging her beneath him, while the other reached for his waist to pull out his signature dagger, bringing it up and pushing Malva's head upwards as he pressed the tip right under her chin.
“Do I need to prove my point again?” 
Her frown softened, “You seem to have underestimated me, my Lord.” 
Their lips were but a whisper apart, the threat of the blade restraining Malva in this position, leaving Astarion in complete control once again. All his consort could do in this position was talk back, something she was annoyingly well versed into.
“I'll have you know that it'll take me more than a few spankings to be truly satiated.”
He chuckled, “My beautiful, dark consort. I should've known you grew from the thorniest vines.”
His vision dropped from her eyes to her lips, trailing the tip of his dagger along her jaw and down her neck, stopping right at the valley between her breasts.
“Is this what you want?” He leaned his head above the crook of her neck, whispering roughly in her ear. “For me to slice you open and bleed you out, right here, in the middle of this hallway with our guests still waiting in the main room?” 
As he slid the blade down, partly slicing open the front of her dress, a faint line of blood appeared in its wake. The knife travelled down her chest, just past her navel, where it paused, leaving the dress only partially cut through.
He brought the blade back up with the same agonising pace, resting it right over her breast, barely pushing against her to pierce the skin, “Answer me, pet.”
Malva was already lost in the feeling of the blade hovering right above her heart, the word barely slipping between her lips as she held in her breath, one she kept forgetting wasn’t necessary anymore.
He pressed deeper into her, just enough for the blade to penetrate her supple skin, pushing a deeper moan out of her, “And do you think you deserve it?”
“Y– Yes, Master.”
“Mmh…” He let his knife slide back down where her pleasure had accumulated, pressing its flat side against her glistening cunt, just enough for her to believe in the promise of what would come… 
Only to remove it completely right after, licking her blood and juices off from his weapon before pushing himself off the wall.
Malva blinked as her breathing came back to her, watching as her Master walked away from her, leaving her in an even messier state than he found her in.
“Maybe next time I’ll believe you.” He made sure to pick up the blade she had thrown down earlier as well, “You'll have to use your powers to carry out your tasks from now on, I’m sure you’ll manage though. After all, I can't trust you to carry around a blade if you risk to hurt yourself, can I? It would be unwise on my part, I’m sure you understand.”
Without knowing it, his consort had opened up a whole world of possibilities for him, and it all started with her first, real, punishment.
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Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are very much appreciated, I love reading your feedback! <3 (tag list will be in the comments moving forward!)
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digisurvive · 21 days
I wish Survive were a better srpg. Most of the time, you don't really have to think hard about what units to include beyond 1) Including Falcomon, the god and 2) Making sure you have the right attribute (which means you're gonna favor the vaccine types, since most enemies are the virus kind).
If you play in hard and only use the kids mons without grinding (except in that piemon fight lol Guilmon clutch...), the route-specific stretches can be a bit more fun since the kenzoku have elemental weaknesses and actually have killer status effects. Keeping in mind the elemental nature of your units' attacks and the equipment you have did make playing Wrathful more fun for me (and the Moral route does have a handful of non-kenzoku difficult fights due terrain and status effects); yet fighting the master and Plutomon (orz) was way too easy still lol
Anyway, I still wish there was more to think about wrt the partnermon as units; Labramon going from support unit to being mostly offensse-based is a really fun thought (Cerberumon also having strong defense —wherein she will still guard even if you pick an action— due the armor really tickles me). But most of the partnermon are all-rounders, and the way they all got only two moves (the physical one and their signature) plus their passive supports makes the experience very half-baked. Kaito's support is about strengthening physical damage, and he's our resident brawler, so it'd be fun if Dracumon and evos reflected this with having more physical attacks and a bit more mobility (but less than Falcomon). Funnily enough, the one partnermon with broken physical attacks is actually Plutomon LMAO To begin with, she has a three-tile range in any direction with it. But if you deploy her alongside Mugendramon, whose passive extends physical attack range, then you get a 4-tile range LOL I wish these kinda combinations were relevant when playing.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Injured VI
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: Jenni returns to you
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Mapi and Ingrid come over a lot now that you don't see Mami. They visit you and Tia Alba all the time and bring you things like new trains and toys and Ingrid even buys you new ballet pumps when you tearfully tell her that you left your ones at Mami's home.
It's different living with Tia Alba. She works from home a lot and she has plenty of time for you. That's a little weird, you think. The attention is nice but it's a little scary.
All of this is a little scary.
Last week, when Abuela came to see you and you asked the bad question, she cried. Abuela cried and cried and you cried too. She said that she would fix this, she promised you that she would fix this but one look at Tia Alba's face told you that no one was sure that this could be fixed.
You wish things were back to normal. You don't want to live with Mami right now but you miss her. You miss the Mami from before, who would take you to the train store after her games and read you fun bedtime stories with all the special voices.
You miss the Mami who would give you little kisses all over your face and call you her most favourite little girl in the whole entire world. You miss the Mami who would let you crawl into bed with her and sit on her knee before a game.
But now, Mami loves Miss Olga and baby Jaume and the train store near Mami's house is shutting down.
There is no Before anymore and you don't think you can get the Before back ever again.
You don't see Mami and you don't want to, even if you really miss her sometimes. Tia Alba looks like Mami and sometimes you can pretend that she is Mami, if you close your eyes and try really hard.
Tia Alba gives you cuddles and kisses and plays trains with you and takes you to your ballet lessons on time. If you try really hard and squeeze your eyes shut nice and tight, you can pretend that it's Mami doing those things and you're in the Before again, when it was just you and her.
"We have a surprise for you," Mapi says as she gets ready to leave," Me and Ingrid. Would you like to see it?"
A surprise makes you scared. Mami told you about baby Jaume as a surprise too.
You look up at Tia Alba and she nods in encouragement so you nod as well.
Ingrid covers your eyes and that makes you nervous too, straining your ears.
You don't want the surprise to be Mami. You really, really don't want it to be Mami.
"How's my favourite little girl in the entire world?"
Ingrid's hands peal away from your eyes and you're already moving.
The arms around you feel nice and safe. You're tucked securely into the neck of a very familiar body. Familiar hands card through your hair and squeeze you with just the right amount of pressure that makes you go all limp and boneless.
You sniffle.
"Hi, Bambi," She coos at you. Kisses land on the top of your head.
You don't even notice Mapi and Ingrid leaving, so nice and secure in Jenni's arms.
"I missed you," You whisper.
"I missed you too. I always miss my favourite little girl."
You sniffle again, pulling away. You don't believe her. Mami used to say the same thing. You want to believe Jenni but you don't because you believed Mami once and all she did was lie to you.
"I missed you so, so much. See?" Jenni says. One hand lets go of you to pull out her phone. She turns on her lock screen.
It's a picture of you and her from the last time you saw each other.
You're smiling and Jenni's smiling too and more tears run unchecked down your cheeks.
"I missed you, Jenni," You whimper.
"I missed you too, Bambi. Do you want another cuddle?"
You nod.
You're absolutely tiny compared to her, so tiny and weak and completely broken. Jenni could scarcely believe it when Mapi called out of the blue.
She was in the middle of training but something told her to pick up and she did. The words came out of Mapi's mouth like an avalanche and Jenni didn't believe them.
"Alexia wouldn't neglect Bambi," She'd replied," Don't be stupid, Mapi. Bambi is the greatest thing in her life."
It was only later that Jenni realised that maybe she was projecting. You were the greatest thing in her life and had been since you were born.
You were even smaller than you were now, swaddled in a pale pink blanket Jenni had seen at a store one day and bought randomly. You had fit so beautifully in her arms with your tiny little limbs. You were everything and more and Jenni had felt jealousy stir within her that you were Alexia's.
You were the greatest thing in Jenni's life and she couldn't understand that there was a world where you weren't the greatest thing in Alexia's too.
You still fit so perfectly against her, like when you were younger, even though you're so different to then. You're so different yet completely the same.
Your trains are scattered around Alba's living room floor. You swing your legs when Jenni picks you up and you rest your head against her shoulder until all she can feel are the soft, sleepy puffs of your breath against her neck.
"You didn't have to come," Alba says softly," I don't want you to miss your matches."
"I took time off," Jenni says dismissively as she moves you until you're tucked more securely against her, completely asleep after crying yourself out," Bambi comes first."
"I almost adopted her, you know," Jenni cuts her off, blinking her own tears away," When Alexia and I were still together. Everything was nearly finished. I still have the papers. I'd signed everything. I just needed Alexia's signature giving her permission."
It's new information to Alba, clearly, but Jenni had assumed that. It was meant to be a quiet thing, a surprise for you and the rest of the family.
"And then you broke up," Alba replies.
"And then we broke up." Jenni looks down at you. Even in your sleep, you look troubled, your hand tightly making a fist around her shirt like you're afraid that she's going to disappear. "I was still happy to go through with it but I was going to Mexico and Alexia thought it would cause too much stress on Bambi. She was right, of course, but...I can't believe she's done this."
Jenni's still in shock from it all. She'd left for Mexico thinking that you would be loved, that you would be so loved by Alexia and whoever she ended up with, whoever else would adopt you in Jenni's stead. She didn't think anything like this was even possible.
"Have you got a place to stay?"
"There's a hotel-"
"Stay here," Alba says," I've only got one spare room but I don't think Bambi minds sharing. She's been sleeping with me most nights anyway."
If Jenni didn't care as much, she'd try to resist but you feel so soft and small against her that she doesn't care. She doesn't want to get a hotel room across the city. She wants to be right here, with you.
"Thank you, Alba."
"She's got ballet at three. You can take her if you want. Parents can stay in the reception area and watch."
When you wake up from your impromptu nap, it's to the shocking realisation that Jenni is real. She's real and she's holding you, lounging back on the sofa and watching tv. She's holding you and she lays soft kisses on top of your head every so often. She's laying soft kisses on your head and her nails are gently scratching at your back.
"We've got ballet soon," She whispers to you when she notices your staring," Do you feel better?"
You nod, dropping your head back down onto her chest as more kisses rain down on top of you.
"Do you enjoy ballet?" Jenni asks. Her voice is still soft and low and it wraps you up in a nice bubble that feels like the Before.
"Yes." Your voice is as equally quiet and soft.
"More than football?"
The thought of football makes your stomach go wavy. It churns and swirls and your throat closes up. "Mami was upset," You whisper," Because I was not very good when she took me."
A few months before Jaume was born, Mami took you to a team of kids your age. She had watched you with eagle eyes the whole time as the other kids left you in the dust. She hadn't yelled. She hadn't screamed but she had gone quiet.
You'd asked her what was wrong when she was driving home, her hands clenching the steering wheel so tight her knuckles went white.
"Nothing is wrong," She'd said to you," I'm just disappointed."
She'd taken you back a few more times but every time it was the same. Every day ended with 'I'm just disappointed'.
It was Abuela that told Mami to put you into ballet, spending weeks convincing her that you not playing football wasn't the end of the world.
You're scared Jenni is going to be the same so you scrunch your eyes up tight and wait for this familiar words.
"Do you really like ballet?" Jenni asks instead.
You wonder if this is a trick. You don't know what you're supposed to say so you settle on the truth. Tia Alba always tells you that you can't get in trouble for saying the truth.
"I think I like it more than I like my trains," You murmur and Jenni lands a kiss on your head.
"Well, you've got ballet in a bit," Jenni says," Is it okay if I come to watch?"
"Please, Jenni."
The ballet studio wasn't too far from Alba's house, a walkable distance between it and Alexia's.
You seemed to get more and more excited the closer you got until you were practically vibrating as Jenni swapped your trainers for your ballet pumps, twisting your hair back into a bun for you.
There's a space of parents to sit and wait, able to peer in on the session through the glass doors.
"I haven't seen you here before," One of the mothers say," Usually, Alexia drops her off and leaves. It's nice that someone is staying."
"I'm Jenni."
"y/n's other mother then? It's nice to meet you."
Jenni knows that she should correct this woman. You're not hers. You're Alexia's. But...she doesn't. She doesn't correct her because, just this once, she wants to live this fantasy where you're hers and you're happy.
"You too," Jenni says, neither confirming or denying this woman's assumption.
Her eyes don't stray from you, not even for a second. You're more animated than Jenni thinks you've been in a while. You're smiling and you're moving and that lingering air of sadness is almost completely gone.
Jenni could pretend that you were happy if it weren't for the fact that you keep glancing out the door, looking genuinely surprised that she's there every time you make eye contact.
"It's so nice that she has someone to support her," The mum from earlier continues," It's such a shame that Alexia never stays to watch. She's so talented."
Jenni's eyes stray to the door, a bolt of lightning shooting down her spine when she notices a very familiar women trying to peer through the reception doors.
"Excuse me." Jenni dismisses herself. She grabs the woman's arm as soon as she's out the door. "You've got a lot of fucking nerve showing up here. I heard Eli banned you from seeing her."
There's a fire in Alexia's eyes that tells Jenni all she needs to know. This wasn't a coincidence.
"How can I make amends if none of you let me see her? What are you even doing here, huh? Last I checked, you live in Mexico."
"And last I checked you were a good mother!"
Jenni balls her hands up into fists to stop herself from lashing out. She pushes away from Alexia, taking a few deep breaths away.
"Just...go away, Alexia."
"No!" Alexia looks half to tears. "No, I won't! That's my baby in there! I just want to see if she's okay!"
"She's going to be okay! But you need to leave her alone!"
"I'm her mother! I shouldn't have to leave her alone! She's mine!"
Jenni sighs, turning her back to her ex. "Go, Ale."
"Jenni...Jenni, please. That's my baby."
Jenni ignores her, shoving the door open and letting it swing shut right in Alexia's face.
"Coparenting issues?" The mother from earlier asks. She tuts. "I remember those days. It'll get better."
Jenni makes a noise of acknowledgement and focuses back on you.
When you come out nearly an hour later, you're so excited, grabbing Jenni's hand and pulling her all the way over to your dance teacher.
"You're not Alexia," The woman says.
"Jenni. Jenni Hermoso. I'm y/n's-"
She has to stop herself. She's not sure what to say. She's not your mother. She's not your step-mother. She's the woman that could have adopted you, once upon a time.
"I'm Jenni," She settles on.
"Well, Jenni, if you could pass this along to Alexia? I run another class on Thursdays for the more..." She glances around, lowering her voice. "Advanced students. I really think your y/n would fit right in."
She hands Jenni a permission slip and information pack and Jenni just nods dumbly, one hand holding yours and the other this stack of papers.
"Er...yeah," She says," I'll get it to her."
The teacher smiles and bids you goodbye as the older children flood into her studio.
"Advanced, huh?" Jenni says, beaming at you as she hoists you up onto her hip.
You don't make eye contact. "Is that okay? Mami says sometimes that dance is hard to fit in with her schedule."
"I'm not Mami," Jenni says, her eyes flicking to where Alexia is standing in the car park, just watching," It fits perfectly into my schedule."
Alexia looks pathetic, Jenni thinks. She looks small and curled in on herself, nothing like the strong Barcelona captain she knows Alexia is. She looks exhausted too, more exhausted than someone with just a simple newborn.
It's eating her up inside, Jenni knows this but she can find no sympathy in her for the woman she once dreamed of parenting you with.
She dug her grave. Now she must lie in it.
But Jenni's certain that she's not going to let Alexia bury you too.
"That's Mami." Your smile drops from your face and your shoulders slump when you notice Alexia.
"It is," Jenni confirms, standing in the middle of the pavement.
She doesn't want Alexia to see you but she doesn't want you to stop seeing Alexia if you want to see her.
"Is she here to take me away?" Your voice wobbles and you look over at your Mami from under your lashes.
"I think she's just here to see how your lesson went."
"She got me a train and another present," You whisper," I haven't opened them. Will she be angry at me?"
"No, Bambi," Jenni says and her next words taste like ash in her mouth," Your Mami loves you too much to be angry at you."
"And she won't take me from you?"
"No one is going to take you from me."
You bite at your lip and Jenni hates the uncertainty in your eyes. "Can...Can we see Mami?"
"If you want."
"Please, Jenni."
Her steps are careful and measured and Alexia stands up straight when she notices you both coming. She wipes her hands on her shirt and straightens out her clothes.
Jenni places you on the ground and Alexia kneels, her arms open for you.
You shy away, ducking behind Jenni's legs and peaking out.
Alexia feels like crying as she drops her arms. "Hola, Bambi," She says, trying to control the wobble in her voice," How was dance?"
"Good," You say," I...My teacher says I can move up. She gave Jenni papers."
Alexia frowns, her eyes flicking up to Jenni. "That's nice."
Jenni holds the papers out to her. "It's a permission slip and information pack," She says," For the advanced class. Bambi is very good at ballet."
Alexia flashes you a smile. "That's good, isn't it, Bambi? You're very good at ballet, huh?"
Your head bobs up and down. "My teacher thinks so."
"I'm very proud of you."
The look of shock on your face is heartbreaking, like you can't quite believe she's saying those words to you.
"Really?" Tears glisten in your eyes and Alexia hates herself for what she's done. You never used to be so uncertain around her.
Her throat closes up and she has to push past the lump to speak again. "So, so proud of you, Bambi. I'm glad you're doing so well at ballet. Maybe I can come and watch soon."
It's clear in that moment that Alexia has maybe pushed too far. The wounds of your neglect are still too raw for you, still open and weeping blood.
You recoil again and squeeze Jenni's hand.
"I have Jenni," You say," She watches me dance."
The look on Alexia's face is heartbroken and finally, Jenni feels the smallest bit of pity.
"Maybe not soon," She says, a hand stroking down the flyaways from your bun," Maybe one day."
"Maybe one day," You repeat softly and Alexia gives you a watery kind of smile in response.
"Maybe one day," She confirms. She stands properly again, looking at the papers in her hand. "I'll...I'll get these back to you signed off soon."
Jenni nods. "I'll talk to your mother. Supervised visits might not be out of the question."
"Thank you."
Jenni picks you up again as Alexia gets into her car. You don't leave her arms all the way back to Alba's place.
Jenni wasn't your mother. There was a chance, a long time ago, that she could have been but Alexia never signed on the dotted line, a line drawn in the sand that's now a gaping chasm.
Jenni isn't your mother but that doesn't mean she doesn't wish she was.
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leclerc-s · 4 months
you're honor, i am innocent. HE is the guilty one!
series masterlist
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isabella perez imagine getting called out by jimmy fallon on national television. could never be me.
lando norris fuck you, your third wheel is literally an influencer.
bailey winters listen, nothing will ever beat the grammys
george russell and in his defense he now has a win.
max jones-verstappen he can now enter the reputation era he threatened back in february
ollie bearman rip lando nowins 2019-2024 you will be dearly missed.
gael perez welcome lando onewins 2024-???
lewis hamilton ollie has clearly been spending too much time with the perez siblings. get him away from them.
dulce perez no can do sir hamilton, he's one of us now. white boy is an honorary mexican.
ollie bearman i can't handle spicy food but YEAH!
bailey winters listen, my third wheel is lando's best friend, whom i happen to like more than lando.
lando norris nah, that's some bullshit.
bailey winters max has never sent me away to spend time with carlos.
carlos sainz how many more times do i have to apologize for that? bailey winters so many times sainz. so many.
zoya torres you people are such shit stirrers. i love it.
rhys jones should change the group chat name to that.
fernando alonso i think the one now is more accurate
esteban ocon rip multi-21, you were iconic while you lasted (almost 2 years)
sebastian vettel please don't start this up again.
daniel jones-ricciardo please do, it's been far too long since we've had a multi-21 inchident.
charles leclerc oh my god.
bailey winters pray for lando, we're hanging out with max again.
max jones-verstappen no, we'll pray for you.
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baileywinters posted new stories
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hanging out with weens are you tired maximus? will never understand brits, especially ones who wear hoodies when it's warm
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maximus bailey, please come and get this man.
american (derogatory) i'm in the studio.
maximus that is a fucking lie!
one win wonder carlos wouldn't treat me this way.
american (derogatory) maybe you should date carlos instead.
maximus she is a singer lando, she will destroy you if you piss her off.
american (derogatory) up until a week ago i couldn't of written the alchemy about him because he'd never won a race.
one win wonder and at least i made it to f1
american (derogatory) BOOOO!!! GET THIS GUY OUT OF HERE!!! HE SUCKS!!!
maximus and to think you could've had a win since 2021 but you fucked it up.
one win wonder CARLOS WOULD NEVER!!!
american (derogatory) GO BE WITH CARLOS BITCH!! WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!
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bailey winters i'm giving one boyfriend away to carlos sainz. please come pick him up. let it be known he comes with baggage (his gaming shit)
lando norris I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!
max fewtrell YOU RAT!
penelope trevino what the hell is going on?
lando norris they (bailey and max) were bullying me so i said carlos would never do that to me and now they're mad.
max fewtrell you're so fake lando.
carlos sainz i would never bully him. i love him.
penelope trevino oh my god. not this again.
lando norris you will never be able to separate true love
bailey winters match made in hell.
penelope trevio soulmates those two.
max fewtrell i have never known peace since they met.
carlos sainz we are not that bad. you people are just haters.
bailey winters famous last words sainz.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @ijustgomessitupx @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! missed a day because i genuinely had no idea what i was going to write for this part.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓘 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 (say it back) [𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑]
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He's the introvert tall guy dressed in black who always picks you up from work, makes sure you drink enough water, and that you stay out of trouble. In a way, some might think it must be tiring to have a partner that's just so different than yourself- but he wouldn't have it any other way.
Tags/Warnings: Girly!Reader, Introvert!Jungkook, non-idol AU, opposites attract AU?, established relationship, Angst, Major Fluff, some drama, Slice of Life (like Good Girl AU for example), mc is kook's biggest simp, kook is kind of overwhelmed by her love sometimes, but it's fine they both cute
Length: No chapter limit set. Story will simply update randomly and focus on asks/requests.
You run into the bedroom where Jungkook is currently playing his video game, barely covered by a towel, hair up in a bun that's pretty much held together only by hopes and wishes.
"Jungkook!" You call out excitedly, and he pauses his game in a well used-to manner, making space so you can hop onto his lap, his controller falling onto the floor as he looses grip on it- more so concerned with holding you on his legs as you wiggle around. "Shower with me." You demand, and he sighs, looking over to his TV screen, inner battle hard to decide. "Jungkookie, please!" You whine, and he plays with his lip piercing.
"You know what happened last time." He worries. "You almost hit your head when you slipped-" He reminds you, but you just roll your eyes.
"There's nothing in it anyways-" You start jokingly, but he instead flicks his fingers against your forehead scoldingly, reminding you that he's not too fond of your own demeaning jokes against yourself, even if you don't out any honesty in those words. "-Kookie please, you've been at it for hours and I wanna have some quality time with my hot sexy anime boyfriend!" You huff, and he frowns a bit at that, confused.
"I'm your what now?" He wonders, and you laugh, running your fingers through his by now pretty long hair. He himself doesn't really know what you see in him- but he knows you love both him, and his appearance a lot, no matter if he just woke up, if he's sick, or if he's looking his best.
'You're like, my biggest boy-crush, ever!', he remembers you confessing to him one night in his apartment as you had shared pizza- just after he'd opened the glass bottle of strawberry ramune for you with one hand. 'like, please crush me with those hands, mister!' you had dramatically whined, and back then, he had taken it as nothing but playful joking.
Oh how dense he'd been.
"No really! You kind of look like Miyamura Izumi from Horimiya-" You tell him, pink sparkling acrylics combing over his scalp in a way that would make him purr, if he was a cat. "-a bit more buff and with more tattoos, but still. We gotta watch that show by the way, it's so cute!" You giggle, and he swallows down his own shyness creeping up. Even after half a year of dating you, he's not yet used to your boldness when it comes to complimenting him. He's not really used to it. Maybe never will.
But then again, he also thought of you as nothing but a hollow barbie doll come to life, in the beginning. Come to discover, you're not at all empty inside- but filled to the brim with color, by now having started to paint his life and even himself in more hues than he's ever really thought existed.
"Please.!" You try again, attempting your best puppydog eyes- though he's a little distracted by your cleavage dangerously exposed, towel hardly holding on. "Oh! I bought a new brand of body-scrub, by the way! Strawberry sugar, the one you said you liked when I first came over?" You remember, and he nods, sharing the excitement a lot more subtly than you, who's buzzing just at the thought of your new purchase.
"I remember that. It smelled really nice- but I thought it was discontinued?" He wonders, pulling out the hairtie from your bun to make a proper one for you.
"Oh it is! It's a different brand this time, but it smells pretty much the same.. and the container is like, bio-something, like, it's not plastic-"
"Biodegradable?" He asks with a smile, and you snap your fingers at him.
"So smart, those glasses really aren't just to look good." You praise, and he chuckles. "Anyway I'll scrub your pretty skin down top to bottom if you shower with me and maybe give me a handjob?" You ask, and he sighs a bit bashful. Sex is a big part of your relationship- you're very open with it, show your love in a more physical way than he does. He's never really been a cuddler, or someone to hold hands with- even kissing in public had been nothing but a myth to him prior to dating you.
These days? He can't seem to escape you- and he doesn't want to, either.
Sex has turned from something.. well, somewhat enjoyable to him, to something exciting and even romantic, even during the most messy encounters. It's like he's gotten a unique craving just for the taste of your way of love him- a craving only you can really satisfy.
"I'll even suck you off-" You start again, and at that he averts his eyes, shaking his head with a laugh and red ears, showing clearly that he's caving in, making you laugh as you get up- towel dropping, leaving you completely naked as you run into the bathroom, only turning around for a second to peek around the doorway into the bathroom, bare chest clearly visible as you see him pick up the towel. "oops." You tease, and at that, he suddenly dashes towards you-
easily catching your naked body in his arms as he closes the bathroom door behind him.
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hopeymchope · 6 months
I wish Spike Chunsoft would just go full "Persona" with Danganronpa and milk it with tons of spinoffs.
I'd be there for every goddamn one of them on DAY ONE, you know. Pick your genre! The minute they figured out how to make a decent third-person DR action game with Ultra Despair Girls, that should've opened the floodgates wide IMO. In fact, if you take any given Persona spinoff, I can tell you how easily/naturally they could develop (and I could get super-hyped for) a Danganronpa equivalent.
Danganronpa Arena is SO obvious. It's the MOST obvious spinoff, and it has been sitting there waiting to be creating for seven goddamn years now. Ever since Kodaka said he wants a DR fighting game. Hey, remember that official DR3 Staff Book art that showed Nanami dreaming about it? Many of us have shared fan ideas for the story and/or for character moves. COME ON, y'all. What's the holdup?? DO IT! DO IT NOW!
Danganronpa: Dancing? FUCK YAS. I mean, there's already some wicked dance remixes of the game soundtracks in that Crypt of the Necrodancer DR content, so why the hell not?? And I recall that @dreamrlu did some great fanart (1) for how the (2) V3 crew could dress (3).
Danganronpa Q, a dungeon crawler? Despair Dungeon already exists, so it's COMPLETELY NATURAL. It's just a higher-quality production of that same concept! And if you haven't seen that fanmade version of the first "Persona Q" opening where it's the casts of DR1 and DR2 meeting up? It's AMAZING.
Danganronpa Tactica? Imagine leading squads from the Future Foundation (including DR1 and DR3 cast members) in missions against remaining Remnants of Despair. I've been playing a lot of tactical RPGs lately, and there's a lot of room to tell a ton of story in this format... plus it's not like you even have to make complex graphics to make it work, so SC doesn't have to worry about struggling with 3D renders if they don't want to. Just consider how Digimon Survive pulled this off with 2D sprite art!
Danganronpa Strikers is, uh, maybe the hardest to justify — but if you set it in the virtual world, that could make it easy! Since Danganronpa S already took place entirely in VR and contained a load of combat encounters, why the hell not do a similar setup for an action game? And if you prefer to keep in the real world, there are still a number of characters I could easily justify making playable in such a scenario — Genocide(r), Sakura, Asahina, Mondo, Nekomaru, Peko, Akane, Great Gozu, Seiko, Munakata, Maki, Gonta, etc. I can even picture some more-unlikely candidates such as Kimura slotting into the roster. I don't even like musou games that much, but ofc I'd play the SHIT out of this one.
Look: I know I'm an insatiable fan who just wants more precious content with these characters. But you can't convince me that these things wouldn't also SELL. The brand reached new heights of awareness and sales with V3, and they haven't really capitalized on that at all aside from giving us "Danganronpa S." We haven't even gotten a new anime since DR3, FFS! And I'm confident that any one of the ideas listed above would sell far better than a weird digital board game with RPG combat set inside VR, frankly. :P
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ladyazurith · 2 months
Totally agree with you about Cater in Book 5. I always found Ace and Deuce's inclusion on the team extremely forced and contrived. Realistically speaking, neither of them should’ve ever made the cut. Neither one of them have any singing or dancing training. While they did practice a little, there’s no way in hell someone would ever become a professional level dancer in the matter of a couple of days, even with the best teacher in the world. 
I’m 99% certain that Yana only did that for plot convenience, because that way she wouldn’t have to craft two new characters to fill in the roles on the team. While I can understand that logic from a real world game development standpoint, like you said, I still don’t understand why someone like Cater could’ve taken Ace’s spot at the very least. Cater is in the Light Music Club, so he has a background in that area. His VA is a professional singer. Cater making the team wouldn’t be as big of a stretch as Ace. It’s not like Ace did much in this arc other than cause trouble and insult Deuce, anyways, so anyone could’ve taken his spot. 
The other question about ch 3 is going to take a bit more thinking, cuz I've tried to make it work before in various stories, but this seems like a complete rework kind of answer is needed.
And yeah, I made a post a while ago about how Cater had to feel about the VDC, and it's something I tackle in some of my fics. Because I don't know how he can look at what happened and who got picked and not come to the conclusion Vil just hates him? Like this man is so driven to win that he's willing to do anything...except let Cater on the team.
And given I ship the two of them primarily their dynamic is something I've put a lot of effort into figuring out. The only thing I've found to justify it is that Vil doesn't like the idea of dating someone just for PR/fame. Because the way he talks to/reacts to Cater is just... not in line with how he treats everyone else. He constantly calls him shallow or implies he's only after fame which is just a wild take.
That he would let someone like Rook be his friend who 100% comes off more like a stalker fan type than Cater. And Rook doesn't even hide it. Like I get they bonded over Theater but it's not like Vil and Cater have no common ground at all. Cater's shown to be into fashion and design, given they go out of their way to mention Cater came up with Heartslabyul's Halloween costumes and designed their LMC clubwear (When for the most part that's all just assumed to be Crewel)
And then there is his friendship with Kalim like I've pointed out. And Lilia which Vil admits is someone he's interested in getting to know better himself. Hell Cater and Rook are friends? Like none of it makes sense.
Especially when Vil also has no problems with associating with other people who are clearly out to use him?!?! Like Azul, Jade, Ace...even Leona? But nah we're gonna hate on Cater. When he's always you know ASKED to take Vil's picture, even in situations where he wouldn't have to ie in public spaces and what not. He's never just taken it without permission.
In the end, despite the fact that Vil calls Cater shallow he's the one that comes across as incredibly shallow about the whole thing. Especially when we have Cater talking about what he sees in Vil and what he appreciates about him and why he looks up to him...and none of it is really shallow? He definitely sees more in him than just a quick ticket to fame.
It just seems so weird when Vil otherwise seems to put effort into helping others better themselves. He can be incredibly generous and thoughtful in certain situations. AND HE KNOWS THAT CATER IS LIKELY DEPRESSED. And that's what he's hiding behind his cheerful facade thanks to Cater's Labcoat personal story.
It's just like consistency, please. Anyway you probably weren't expecting this rant sorry XD It's a sore spot for me if you can't tell lol
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umlewis · 7 months
Hamilton: Ferrari F1 move wouldn’t have happened without Vasseur
Lewis Hamilton has confirmed that his move to the Ferrari Formula 1 team in 2025 wouldn’t have happened without the presence of team principal Fred Vasseur.
Hamilton drove for the Frenchman’s ASM F3 team in 2005, winning the European title. The following year he graduated to GP2 with Vasseur’s rebranded ART GP outfit, again winning the championship, before moving into F1 with McLaren. Inevitably, when Vasseur joined Ferrari at the start of 2023 there was speculation that he might attempt to leverage his good relationship with Hamilton in order to lure him away from Mercedes. That’s what eventually transpired, with the pieces falling into place early this year and Hamilton opting out of the second year of his contract. "I've got a great relationship with Fred," said Hamilton when asked by Autosport if Vasseur was the only person who could have convinced him to join Ferrari. "Obviously I raced with him in F2 and we had amazing success in F3, and also in GP2. That's really where the foundation of our relationship started. We always remained in touch. I thought that was going to be an amazing team manager at some stage and progress to F1, but at the time, he wasn't interested in that. It was really cool to see him step into the Alfa team. Then, when he got the job at Ferrari, I was just so happy for him. I think just the stars aligned. I think it really wouldn't have happened without him, so I'm really grateful and really excited about the work that he's doing there."
Hamilton stressed that when he first re-signed for Mercedes in August, he was still fully committed to staying with the team for two further years; however, he changed his mind over the winter. "Obviously in the summer I signed, and obviously at that time I saw my future with Mercedes," he said. "But an opportunity came up at the end of the year and I decided to take it. I feel like it was obviously the hardest decision I think I've ever had to make. I've been with Mercedes, I think it's like 26 years they've supported me, and we've had an absolutely incredible journey together. We've created history within the sport, and it's something I take a lot of pride in, and I'm very proud of what we've achieved. But I think, ultimately, I'm writing my story. And I felt like it was time to start a new chapter." Shortly after the news was announced, Hamilton said on social media that it was a "childhood dream" to one day drive for Ferrari. Expanding on the appeal of the team, he said: "For every driver growing up, watching the history, watching Michael Schumacher in his prime, I think probably all of us sit in our garage and see the screen pop up and you see the driver in the red car and you wonder what it would be like to be surrounded by the red. You go to the Italian GP and you see a sea of red Ferrari fans, and you can only stand in awe of that. It's a team that's not had like huge success, really, since mostly from Michael's days, but since 2007. I saw it as a huge challenge. Without a doubt, even as a kid, I used to play in [computer game] GP2 as Michael in that car, as my foot in that car. It definitely is a dream, and I'm really, really excited about it." Hamilton also confirmed he has never been to Ferrari’s Maranello base. "I have not," he said. "I bought my first Ferrari in 2010 I think, as a present to myself. I don't have it anymore. But I didn't get to go during that time. Being with Mercedes, I didn't think it was a good look to go at the time." Asked if he was planning to learn Italian, he said: "In all these years, I've not managed to learn any other languages, but of course I will definitely try. I do remember when I was karting in Italy, and I was able to pick up a few lines, and so hopefully that will come back to me pretty quickly." Hamilton was also keen to point out that he remains committed to Mercedes for 2024. "Just to go back to the new chapter, this chapter is still not finished," he said. "I'm still 100% focused on delivering for this team this year and trying to finish on a high. That's a big, big goal for me and the team, and I have absolute faith in everyone in the team. What we've done so far I think is great, so I really hope that we are somehow able to close the gap to the Red Bull."
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defira85 · 2 months
For the new set of Durgetash asks - 10 & 11 if you haven't been asked them already (or feel free to pick another of your choice!)
YES I WAS HOPING FOR 11 that was one of my favourites on the list thank yooooooou lovely 💜 from the new ask meme here
10. The most fucked up thing they did together. The absolute plot, mephista or hall of wonders heist doesn't count.
I have already seen some of the other answers to this in the tag and hoo boy. Also together is the hard part, there were a lot of things they kept hidden from one another either out of discretion for their cult business or out of shame, and I know what Kass' answer would be if it was a separate thing and its bad
Together though... there was that story beat I floated a few weeks back about Kass attending one of his business dinners with rivals and the two of them killing them all one by one around the table while she's dressed like a slutty maid and they fuck on the table etc etc, that one is so hilariously unhinged if only just imaging their terrible acting, it makes me laugh
They also did the experiments mentioned in one of Gortash's in-game notes together, experimenting to see whether the racial background of their victims made a difference in their stamina and longevity and ability to withstand torture
11. What portfolio would they have claimed if they ever got to ascend? Would they simply usurp the current dead three or ascend and claim an unrelated portfolio of their own? What's going on there?
HOW FUNNY THIS QUESTION SHOULD COME UP because those who have read my longfic know that there's a specific point where Ao brings her before a tribunal of the gods, because she's weakened Bhaal to the point where she overpowers him, and Ao says "this can't go on, we literally just did the Second Sundering because of shit like this, you need to either usurp your father and become Murder or you need to surrender what remains of your divinity and become fully human" and Kass does have a long, hard think about whether it wouldn't be better for everyone if she killed Bhaal
(and it's possible that I have an absolutely BEAUTIFUL commission in the works from @lokorum featuring Kassara Bhaal, God of Murder, in her bad ending)
Redeemed Kass would have become the Goddess of Grace. The Lady of Second Chances. Guardian of those looking for a fresh start and redemption.
Enver is SO MUCH HARDER because I don't think tyranny is quite right for him, I don't think he'd slot exactly into Bane's place the way Kass would with Bhaal. He's not quite vengeance, he's not quite mockery... I want to say he'd be like the dark mirror to Gond. Gond stifles a lot of progress for the betterment of the realms (like how E.G. said that anyone isekai-ed into the Forgotten Realms would find their mobile phones exploding, or how he's tried to suppress the discovery of gunpowder) whereas I can see God Enver pushing progress at the EXPENSE of the realms... is it capitalism? Is Enver the god of capitalism? God, what an asshole. Why do I love him.
Redeemed Enver is the god of Wife-Guys
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scribesbyd · 3 months
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~Just my love for writing ang Enhypen combined
~ This is a work of fiction
~ May contain grammatical errors✌️
~ Cross published in Wattpad, AO3, AFF and Quotev
Title: Blossom Series | False Impressions| Book 1 : Lee Heeseung
Genre: Contemporary, Realistic
Characters: Lee Heeseung, Female Lead, Enhypen
Category: F/M
Status: Ongoing
Chapter 1: Not A Fan
The lemonade she had made tastes nasty, so as her face. Choi Aerin's face immediately turned sour, not alone the lemonade, but after hearing what her friend and work mate, Hyeon Jiah, had said.
"Enhypen? Are you kidding me?" Aerin's eyebrow quickly raised.
"I'm serious. And if not with this stupid fever I won't ask you to do it in behalf of me. Hybe wouldn't allow people that are unwell to be near of the members, much more interviewing them."
Aerin, stubborn as she is, shook her head in disagreement. "No. I'd better finish this one hell of a lemonade than talking to them. Thanks but no thanks."
"Not all. Only one member is allowed to be interviewed. He's the male rising star for the month of September. He's undeniably famous but still needs to steal the spotlight, so you also need to do the best write up."
Aerin sighed and throwed herself in the couch. Jiah is persuasive and she knows she can't say no. But still she's not feeling it.
She's on probation and needs to step up her game. She's a staff writer along with Jiah, but on her part is a different story. She had bunch of rejected works, and a big scoop is what she needed at the moment. 
But Aerin finds it hard to hit that needed break because she writes the opposite of what the netizens want. She hates K-pop and everything that comes with it.
"This might be the needed break you've been waiting for. I told you long time ago, join my team. You're life will become easy, like, seriously."
"I know I can do it. Sports writing is something I find interesting. It's just that people are so lazy to read about sports and other stuff."
"Because that's old news, Aerin. We live in Korea, home of K-pop and K-dramas. Those things are ruling the world right now. That's a fact. And if you will continue being stubborn about it then you will definitely lose your job."
Aerin stood silent. It's not everyday that Jiah hit her hard emotionally. Losing her job is the one thing that scares her. She'll end up coming back to her abusive mother with her drunkard new man. That wouldn't happen anymore.
"Which member?" she finally gave up.
Jiah's face lights up. She frowned even more.
"Please tell me it's Kim Sunoo. He's the only one that I think I can be comfortable with. Among the seven members I think he's the most geniune. Don't give me Lee Heeseung. Please. Don't even think about it."
Jiah bites her lip upon hearing it. "Well, Aerin-- The thing is, we writers don't have the right to pick whoever we like to interview. Our editior in chief chooses him not us--"
"So, it's Lee Heeseung?!"
Jiah nods slow. "Yes. Unfortunately?"
Aerin slaps her face in disgust. "God! Why?"
"What do you mean why? And why do you hate him so much? He seems nice. And he's handsome. No debate on that."
"Eeww. Are you turning yourself to be one of Lee Heeseung's delulu fans now?"
"I cannot understand where the hate is coming from, Aerin. You don't know him personally so stop slandering him with your twisted tongue."
Even Aerin couldn't point out where the hatred is coming from. Maybe it's because Lee Heeseung is the coolest man she had ever seen. She hates cool guys. It's like they are born to be heartbreakers and are no remorse about it. She knows idols act like they are the nicest person in the whole world but in reality, they are masked puppets corrupting girl's minds leading them to delusion.
"Don't let me answer that. I don't want to go to jail because of cyberbullying."
"Is it because Lee Heeseung is a cool guy like Kang Minho? Geez, Aerin. Not all guys are like your stupid ex boyfriend--"
"Jiah, stop." she cuts her fast.
A moment of silence covered them both. It was so awkward and Aerin was guilty by her sudden bitterness. She don't mean to get frigid so easily.
"When is it?" she finally asked.
Jiah bites her lip not to let go of that scream. She knows Aerin hates being giddy, or any idea of it, not after what happened a couple of months ago. 
"Tomorrow. Hybe Building, Room 204. 11 AM sharp. Please wear something nice."
"Nice? What kind of nice? We are wearing corporate attire like everytime. Are you trying to tell me to dress up like those phantasmagorical fans wearing skimpy skirts and spotting on wigs and the heaviest makeup just to face an idol? No freakin' way!"
"I don't mean to say it like that. You need to be a little more exciting you know. Like you need to let go of that oomph, if you know what I mean. Do you want me to curl your hair, Aerin?"
"Stop! Like seriously. You're disgusting, Jiah!"
Jiah laughs hard and it freaks her out even more. It was a long time ago when she got a chance to interview an idol and it doesn't go well as planned. 
She was an intern, a normal girl with big dreams, and a silent kpop stan. Aerin put her best foot forward and was ready for the scheduled meeting but was cancelled without a warning because the singer wants another presenter, a male to be specific. Aerin overhead her making statements about interns and female writers, that they are brainless and the most biased journalist she had ever encountered.
On that day, she promised herself not to have any encounter with an idol on her entire writing career. She focused in sports writing and current events and struggled for years. Those categories are male and senior dominant fields and she finds it hard to fit in.
"I need to call Hybe you're doing it instead of me! This is it, Aerin! Who knows this is the needed break you always been dreaming of!" Jiah exclaimed.
"Entertainment writing? Worshipping idols just to make them more famous? Not the break I'm trying to get. Thank you very much."
She didn't know where the stubbornness is coming from. She was once an optimistic girl with full of dreams but her life turned into something different and far enough from what she imagined it to be, hence the pertinacity appears. It suppressed her. Controlled her for years. It was her healing emotion, a protection from any more ill-treatment, trauma and harm.
Some say, life is wonderful and live it with gratitude. Aerin finds it hard to agree for she cannot see eye to eye the truth in it. It's just an opinion that is overused and betrays everyone. 
Life sucks. And that's reality.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
Arsenios's Story: Preview
Since today is Arsenios's birthday, I'm sharing this little snippet from his story that I've been working on. The story still doesn't have a title, but I swear I'll come up with one at some point.
I wanted to share something a little fluffy. I think this is a cute little scene. It's before all the really dramatic stuff happens in the story lol.
Note that this is just a preview and is subject to change in the final draft. As always you can find more information about Arsenios in his profile post.
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GN!MC x Arsenios (demon OC)
Warnings: none this is all fluff
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A few days later you were in your bed, staring up at the darkened ceiling. Your mind was whirring, your thoughts steadily tumbling over each other. You wanted to rest, to shut your eyes, and sleep. And yet, for some reason, you couldn't.
You sighed. You rolled over in bed and picked up your D.D.D. hoping something there could distract you.
You were going to scroll through Devilgram, but you accidentally opened your contacts instead. You saw Arsenios's name there, new among your list.
Your finger hovered over the send message option. It was late. He was probably asleep, like you should be. And it wasn't like you guys were close enough that you could just text him in the middle of the night.
And yet…
Your mind was a little cloudy from exhaustion, so you went ahead and sent a message anyway. You'd deal with any consequences later.
MC: Hey, are you still awake? Or do you have a normal sleep schedule?
What a dorky thing to say. But you didn't care because you were tired, but couldn't sleep and your brain was not fully functioning. You just needed to talk to someone. Sure, you could have sent a message to any one of the brothers. Actually, you could have just left your room and talked to them in person. Levi was certainly still awake and a good gaming session might even be something that could help. Lucifer might still be awake, too, but you were far more likely to encounter a lecture from him. But for some reason, you didn't want to do any of that.
Your phone vibrated and you nearly dropped it in surprise.
Arsenios: What's sleep? Is that a human thing?
You rolled your eyes. Now you felt a little less like a dork because you were clearly talking to someone who was even more of one than you were.
MC: Ha ha, very funny. So you are awake.
Arsenios: I am now. Did you forget to do your curses and hexes homework for tomorrow? Because if that's why you're texting me, I regret to inform you that I didn't do it either.
MC: No, unlike you I actually care about school. I know better than to think you've done any homework ever.
Arsenios: That's a relief. I wouldn't want to be known for doing homework. So what's up? Everything okay?
You paused for a moment. Was he worried about you? You shook your head. You were being silly.
MC: Nothing, really. I just can't sleep, that's all.
Arsenios: I can do something about that. Hang on.
You read this last message in confusion. You stared at the screen for a moment, not sure how to respond, when it scared you to death by ringing in your hand. Arsenios's name flashed across the screen.
He was calling you?
You swiped to answer because what else could you do?
"Um, hello?" you said.
"Hey," Arsenios said. "Sorry to just call you out of nowhere like that, but I can't help you sleep if you can't hear me."
"What are you talking about?" you asked.
There was the soft strum of guitar strings on the other line.
"Have you already forgotten?" His tone was amused. "I can sing you to sleep."
You stared at the phone for a minute. "What?"
He laughed, a soft rolling sound that sounded like music itself. "My power, remember? If you're having trouble sleeping, it would be easy for me to put a little magic into my song to help you fall asleep. Is that okay?"
Your cheeks heated up and you were glad he couldn't see you. At least he asked this time. You thought about it. It would be nice if you could just sleep right now. "Okay. But if I fall asleep…"
"Don't worry," Arsenios said. "I'll hang up. I won't hear you snoring or talking in your sleep."
"I don't do either of those things!" you said and he laughed again.
"Just get comfortable and tell me when you're ready," he said.
You readjusted yourself so that you were comfortable in your bed, keeping your D.D.D. beside you on the pillow.
"Okay," you said. "I'm ready."
"Sweet dreams, MC," Arsenios said. He started to play the guitar before you could respond. Moments later, he was singing something soft and sweet. You hadn't heard it before, so you figured it was a Devildom song of some kind. It was mellow and quiet. The baritone of his voice easily rising and falling with the notes. It was hard to believe this was the same voice that had been practically growling on stage with the band. Right now it was smooth and gentle, the acoustic hum of the guitar strings mingling perfectly.
Soon enough, your eyes began to drift closed. You felt yourself falling into a restful slumber. It was like you were wrapped up in the song's melody, held close and kept warm. Your dreams were mild and pleasant.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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calcarius445 · 2 years
Random Strawhat Pirate Hcs that live in my head rent free
For some reason, I feel like Luffy would pick all the weirdest looking pokemon he could find to be on his team, but for some reason I also see him with an Ambipom????? Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you (Game or AU, I don't care lmao)
Usopp has a secret plushie collection and nobody can change my mind about it
Sanji is very in the know about all sorts of different types of dancing, and has various shoes to fit different styles of dancing
Zoro is the type to listen to rock and heavy metal ironically, especially when other people might be able to hear his music through his headphones. He likes a lot of different music too, but he won't let his pride step aside for other people to know
Nami has to force Luffy to take a shower, otherwise, he just won't
Sanji will genuinely get upset and pout if you ignore or don't take his compliments or flirting seriously
Franky is actually one of the best people on the ship to go to when you're having a bad day, whether you need to talk something out, just need a hug, or someone to exist with, Franky would be the one to go to.
Brook actually learned most of his songs by ear and his own songs are memorized since he never remembers to write things down
Robin is a sucker for romance novels, but none of the crew will ever know that except MAYBE Nami, who would honestly find out by accident
Chopper makes Usopp tell him a new story every night, and while they didn't ask, the other guys usually tune in before bed as well.
Sanji won't ever admit it, but he does have a soft spot for Zoro when it comes to dinner and food, making sure he has a thing of booze to go with his meal, even if they don't have a lot to spare
Nami likes being in charge of the money simply because it makes her feel like kind of an older sister type figure to the rest of the crew
Usopp is somehow the king of boardgames when it's just the guys, but easily gets his ass handed to him if Nami or Robin join UNLESS it's Monopoly
Brook likes to borrow Robin's books, and spends most of his time not playing an instrument in the aquarium lounge with said book and tea
Robin and Brook are usually drinking the same type of tea, so they don't have to brew two different types at a time.
Franky is the least picky eater on the ship aside from Luffy (who honestly doesn't count when it comes to food)
Zoro and Chopper are big and little brothers your honor. YOU CANT TELL ME THEY ARENT ITS SO CUTE WATCHING ZORO CARE FOR THE LITTLE MANS
Chopper does the thing cats do with laser pointers, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Luffy did too
Usopp can crochet, he just rarely has the time for it
Nami not only collects riches and valuables, but pretty rocks as well, valuable or not
These are all the ones I could think of at the moment and if I don't post this and shut off my computer now there is literally no chance I'll wake up in time for work tomorrow ^^;
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creepybunny1999 · 5 months
(Creepypasta X SCP Foundation X Jujutsu Kaisen + Female Proxy Reader)
Hello, my follow readers. I'm here to give you an update on the story. If you're new here, I'll give you a quick summary.
The summary: Y/n is a proxy that goes by the name Princess. The creepypasta family gets captured by the SCP foundation. Y/n got out and ran all the way to Tokyo. There, Y/n hides what she is, only soon to be taken by Gojo to join the school. Creepypasta are Curse Spirits, and so are the SCP. Creepypasta and SCP take place in America. No Jujutsu Sorcerer in America.
Now for the update.
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Okay update
Y/n is a young detective. She graduated high school at a young age, and she took a college test on her first day to graduate. She got the top scores that anyone has ever seen. Her first case was the missing Charlie Matheson JR. It's a cold case.
Y/n took all of her founds about the case and went to get more evidence. She walked in the woods, not knowing she would never come out.
Y/N L/N has gone missing for 15 years. Only to found by the SCP foundation, then taken to the foundation for 2 years only to escape. Running away to Tokyo.
To act normal, she went to high school where Y/n met Yuuij Itadori. To be more normal, she became his friend. At night, Y/n feeds her bloodthirsty by killing curse spirits.
One day, Y/n knew she couldn't hide what she was much longer. Y/n helped Itadori save their club members. Only for it to end with Itadori eaten one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers. Not look after Gojo showed up. One look at Y/n, he can already tell she was not normal. Besides the marks, he couldn't tell if she was a curse spirit, or she made a deal with a curse spirit.
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Y/N got closer with Charlie than the other proxies. She plays video games, she's didn't know how to play but Ben was happy to teach her how to play. Y/n looks to play with the younger Creepypasta.
When Y/n and Toby met for the first time, Y/n knew she didn't like Toby or any of the so-called doctors or science lab workers.
When Y/n met Itadori, she didn't want anything to do with him. Y/N knew that she wouldn't be normal if she didn't have a friend or two. So, Y/n asked Itadori to be her friend, who said yes.
Y/n join a club with Itadori. Y/n uses the club to find curse spirits to kill.
When y/n saw Gojo, y/n knew she was in deep shit. She was questioned, but y/n never gave them an answer. Gojo thought to just kill her, but seeing as y/n is a friend to Itadori. Itadori would not say yes to the offer that Gojo plans to give Itadori.
Ryomen Sukuna would talk to Y/n every time she was in the same room as Itadori. (More like he would pick fun at her). Itadori shut him up really fast. Itadori saw y/n as he's dearest friend.
Ryomen Sukuna doesn't like y/n. The curse energy around y/n, Sukuna could already know who the curse energy belongs to. It's a bit of Surprise that the faceless walker was still alive.
Toby was pissed that y/n got out to who knows where. Toby worked too hard just to have it come down on him by a stupid little curse spirit woman.
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Ryomen Sukuna wants to know how to use you.
Gojo wants to know what you are.
Itadori wants you to be safe.
Toby wants to put you back in your cage.
Zalgo wants to use you to finally kill Slenderman.
Slenderman wants you to survive.
You don't know what you want.
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That's all I have for this update, I will be back to ask you guys some questions. Have a Killer day. Bye.
Oh yeah, here is a cool edit picture that I did of Female Reader. I don't own the original. I just grabbed a lot of pictures and then edited them to be one.
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epelletea · 2 years
Listen To My Voice
A/N: Hi! I’m a little nervous to post this but this is a fanfic that I started to make for simply my friends because I love to Disney-ify TWST as much as possible. So I like to give some info about this story before you continue!
In this story, things will be different from the canon story. There will be a few small changes and big changes such as certain Disney characters actually being canon and having interaction in the Story such as The Great 7 and etc, I won’t spoil the rest. The character “Yuu” is an actual character in the story. They are their own being but you are free to make up any look or gender for them. Heads up my own little Ocs are in here. When they are introduced I will give info on them. This is heavily inspired by the movie BELLE, Jem And The Holograms and Disney Descendants!!  I will give more info the more we go through each chapter.
Abbreviation Meanings - Y/N = Your Name S/N = Stage Name H/C = Hair Color. The Y/N is uses neutral pronouns but if I missed a pronoun please tell me! I apologize I had The Y/n originally as my oc earlier and I had to scramble this, changing their names to Y/N or S/N. I probably miss some, again I apologize. 
this is not proofread all the way... This is all in First POV not all chapters will be like this. chapter two.
A simple popstar that just wanted to share music suddenly finds themself in a strange world once they find a weird pen. A world related to Disney characters and people related or based of them. A Twisted Wonderland... They find out this world is in trouble and they might be the only who might be able to give it a happily ever after. ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡
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Chapter One
"S/N! You're on at 10!"
My head begins to spin hearing those words. No matter how many times I hear them I don't think I'll ever be used to them. I've been in this popstar game for 3 years now, none of this is new to me but why do I still feel so nervous when it's time to go on for a show. Sighing, I picked up the brush from my desk and silently brushed out my hair. I was wearing a very long and fluffy pink wig. Looking into the mirror, all I saw was a neon pink mess. It looks like I just came straight out of the 80s pop era. My face is covered from head to toe with makeup and glitter. A bright pink star shaped mark on my eye while my cheek had glitter spread out everywhere. I made a small grunt when I realized the brush wouldn't go through a simple curl. "Oh come on you stupid brush!" I groaned, pulling on the brush to go through. After a few harsh pulls, I finally got it through causing me to drop the brush onto the floor.
"Great..." I rolled my eyes heavily annoyed. I pushed out my chair and bent down under my desk to grab my brush. "Jeez , how many things did I drop under here?" I ask myself to see many small items like small bows and the occasional makeup brushes. Something twinkles in the corner of my eye ,catching my attention. "Huh? What is that?" The twinkling was coming underneath some dust and other items; it looked like a pink gem. I blew away the dust moving the items from it. "Is this some kind of pen?" I grabbed the sparkly item and rose back out of the desk. "Huh? I don't remember buying this?" I said holding it up to the light.  It looked like a pen but on the end of the pen was a rose quartz gem with a golden crest on it. "Hm. One of my fans must've gifted it to me." I grabbed some random paper on the side and clicked the top of the pen. "Let's see if it still has ink because I could use this for autograph signing." I brought the pain to paper and began to write.
But no ink came out?
I shook the pen and tried to again. Still no ink.
"Oh great it's out of ink. But it's still pretty." I shrugged and placed it down as it rolled towards the mirror. I went back to brushing my hair again humming a tune of one of my latest songs. I spun around in my chair rising up from it doing a big stretch. Unknowingly, knowing the events that were happening behind me. The pen that rolled towards the mirror began to glow bright. The mirror itself began to take an effect due to the glowing. It was making a warped effect as the reflection in the mirror began to change. In the reflection, the walls seemed to have turned into the dark abyss as everything disappeared. Small neon green flames began to light up in the background. A white face similar to a phantom opera mask comes into existence.
I turned around from a small little jam session to myself dropping my brush in shock of what I was seeing in my mirror. I covered my mouth, eyes widening as my body began to tremble as if I was standing in the middle of frozen tundra. My legs began to feel like jelly making it hard to even stand up. What was I looking at right now? This couldn't be real... What I am looking at is not real. The white face stares back at me with its soulless eyes. 
"When the moon rises and the clock chimes at midnight. You will be met with a choice. Choose your choice carefully because it will end up being your fate."
Its voice was ominous and low as its words echoed throughout the room. Once it finished its sentence it vanished along with the fire behind it going off one by one. The mirror begins to warp again, returning the reflection to its original. I was too scared to even speak or move. Its words kept ringing through my head beginning to give me a migraine. I quickly ran towards the mirror placing my hand onto the cold glass. I looked at intently and tried to look around in it to see if anything had looked different in the reflection. "What in the world was that...'' I sputtered out finally regaining the ability to speak again. "S/N! You are on in 5 mins! We need you to get out of there and get ready for your performance!" My manager yells out from behind my door. "O-Okay! I'm coming!" I yell back slowly backing away from the mirror not keeping my eyes off it. "Okay S/N. Let's not let it get to you. You have a performance to get too." I whisper to myself shaking my head to put my focus back on the real priority : The performance. I nod in agreement with myself quickly grabbing my jacket from off my chair hurriedly putting it on while walking out of my dressing room. I was immediately bombarded with staff workers and makeup artists running to my side. They began to bombard me with questions asking if I was okay or if I was missing anything. While the makeup artist tended to my face making sure I didn't mess up any of the makeup. At this moment now, they all began to sound muffled to me. The only words I kept hearing was the Face from the mirror. What did he mean by those words? Was I just hallucinating? "S/N, it's time to go on! Get ready!" My manager says take me out of my daze. I nod my head at her and quickly run onto the stage getting into position.
The performance.
Bright neon lights were on me. The crowd roared in happiness. The stage was engulfed in smoke. The time was now. It was time to be their star!
I sang my last note with a heavy breath as I watched the lights turn off from the stage. The crowd screaming out my name sounded like true music to my ears. "Thank you everyone and goodnight!" I shouted out into the mic waving at the crowd of fans. I quickly ran off the stage taking off the mic, unhooking it making sure it was turned off. The staff bombarded me again to my aid. "Guys please, it's too hot. I just want to take this off and get back home. My break starts now." I gently shoved everyone that was in my face away and quickly walked to my dressing room. I push my back to the door and take a deep breath. Then releasing it with a big sigh of relief. God being surrounded 24/7 by these people can get so exhausting sometimes. I wish I could go back to being a regular person sometimes but I did choose this life myself. Music was my passion and I wanted to pursue it as a career with the help of my parents who made this all happen for me. I lift myself up from my door and take off my jacket, throwing it onto the chair as. Plopping myself onto the couch, as the soft cushion seeks in taking in my weight. Leaning my head against the cushion I close my eyes letting the darkness consume me. “Alright, that's one show done… 5 more to go.” I groaned out in aggravation. Throwing my legs in the air having a mini tantrum. 
Why did I agree to do this mini tour.” I ask myself. Non Stop performing for the next few days and the worst part of it is that they are all repeats. I haven’t been able to write any new songs lately and everyone has been telling me ‘Hey when’s the next album?’ or ‘Uh? Album? Where is it?’ and it's starting to kill me. I have been so unmotivated lately. Every time I sit down to get started on the piece my brain fizzles out. I shook my head shaking out all of the negative thoughts out of my head. Finally there was nothing but peaceful relaxing silence. But that was easily broken with my phone alarm going off. I did one last loud groan, springing up from my seat and taking out my phone out of my coat pocket. “Breaks over. Let’s get this fan signing done already.” I click the alarm off and grab my jacket back, throwing it over my shoulder. I look over at the mirror. Remembering the events that happened before the performance flooded back into my mind. I cautiously walked up to the mirror placing my hand on the cold reflective surface. “Maybe I’m just overworking myself too much…” I mutter to myself shrugging the thought off. I look down to the desk, putting my attention onto the pen I found. “Eh, I’ll take it with me. Maybe a miracle will happen and it’ll suddenly have ink.” I grab the pen and head out the door.
After some excruciating hours of talking to fans and signing albums. It was finally time to head home for the night. “Bye everyone! Thank you for being here! Bye bye!~” I bid adieu to the fans that still lingered around getting into the car ripping off the pink wig I had on. Plopping down onto the car seat laying my head back on the chair. “Long day?” The driver asks looking into the mirror. “I desire to be in my bed.” I slightly move my head back up to meet his eye contact. He chuckles and starts the car. “Next station: Home.” He smiles and steps on the gas. I lay my head back down and close my eyes slowly falling asleep.
I was surrounded by darkness. I couldn’t even see my own hands. The darkness was soon illuminated with the same familiar green flames. It illuminated in a circle around me until it finally stopped at a mirror. It wasn’t the same mirror from the dressing room. It was a full body mirror that seemed to be floating from off the ground. “Uh? Hello? Anyone here?” I called out. I cautiously walked up to the mirror looking at my reflection. I still looked the same or was what I thought. Random green and blue sparkles begin to fly around in the background of the mirror. I quickly look behind me to see none of them there. I look back to the mirror still seeing the sparkles fly around. They go around my reflection and as it slowly goes down my appearance seems to change. My h/c originally had turned to pink like cotton candy. My eyes changed to a shade of pure white. My attire had turned into what seemed to be a school uniform? There was a small gemstone clipped onto the jacket. It was the same gemstone that was on the pen. “I don’t get it? This is just my popstar persona with a school uniform on?” I said to the mirror. The sparkles float around again floating towards my hand in the reflection. I looked down to see I was holding the pen. I put the pen up to the mirror tilting my head in confusion. “It's just a pen?” I say clicking the top of the pen. Instead of the pen clicking down to show the tip of it the gemstone on top only begins to glow. “Okay. That’s new..” I say in shock. The pen suddenly succumbs to light and transforms into a microphone but the top part of the microphone stays as the gem.
“Does it work like one?” I ask, raising the pen to my mouth and singing a small note. My voice sounds loud and echoes out of the pen. My eyes widened in shock. I sing another note into it hearing the same result. I started to get a little excited, beginning to sing a random line from one of my songs. “This is so cool!” I yell into it. I look back at the mirror, almost dropping my pen due to the sudden change of appearance in my reflection. My hair was glowing along with my eyes and some white marks on my body. It quickly goes away once I stop singing. “What was that?!?” I ask getting close to the mirror looking closely at my appearance.
“That’s what happens when you use your magic my dear.” A feminine voice calls out, answering my question. I look around me searching for the source of the voice. To no avail, it was only the flames around me that I could find. I look back in the mirror to be met with a familiar white face. “Eh!? Was that you?” I asked a little confused. The face remains silent for a moment only staring deeply at me. “Stare deeply into the mirror and watch closely.” It finally speaks out, the mirror warping into a different scenario.
 It looked like a cellar but in the middle of the room was a cauldron. It seemed to be filled to the brim with some substance? A woman in a black hood is leaning over it. She seemed to be whispering something into it. The cauldrons began to bubble and some purple smoke rose out of it floating out towards an open window. The woman begins to laugh like an evil witch. “Is there a reason I am looking at this?” I asked confused. “Silence. Keep watching.” The voice from the mirror booms out from somewhere. The mirror pans over to the smoke following it through the sky as it finally flies over what looked like a castle? But it was separated into different areas. The smoke begins to dispatch into these different areas. The mirror warps out and returns the white face. I only look at the face with a even more puzzled look.
My eyes flutter open immediately to see that I’m back in the car which has come to a halt. I looked up to see the driver that was in front of me. “Sorry to wake you up. But we are home.” He says moving back from me and holding the car door open. “No. You’re fine. I was having a weird dream anyway.” I say stepping out of the car stretching my back. “Thank you! Have a nice night!” I wave goodbye towards my driver as he drives away into the night. I sluggishly walk up to the front of my house. Grabbing the door knob and opening the door. “Dad! I’m home!” I yell out walking into the house taking my shoes off. I step onto the carpet floor making my way deeper into the home. I stop at a painting in the hallway. I place a kiss on my finger and place it onto the painting. “Day 3 of the tour went well.. But there were a few weird things that happened today.” I say to the painting. “Dad. It's not normal for mirrors to talk, right?” I joke giving a small sheepish grin. “I know you would probably say yes. You also like to make up weird stories.” I laughed, reminiscing the memories. “I miss you dad. Good night.” I give the painting a light kiss before heading off into my room. “Ugh… I’m too tired to change out of my outfit.” I groaned, throwing myself onto the bed. Was I going to regret this choice earlier, yes. But my body was too tired by the time I hit the bed. The fatigue had washed over me causing me to immediately fall asleep. The last thing I heard was the chiming of the clock before my consciousness had faded.
I was met in the same familiar dark room again surrounded by the same flames. “Here? Again?” I muttered looking around. The mirror was back in the middle of the room again. I walk up to it gently knocking on the glass. “Uh hello? Weird mask face? Are you there?” I called out. No answer. The only thing staring back at me was my reflection but in the different appearance as before. Rumbling and muttering noises were heard behind me causing me to jump in fright. I scurried behind the mirror hiding and peeking to see where the noise came from. There were 7 dark silhouettes behind me. They all seemed to be frozen in a certain pose. I couldn’t tell what they were. “Um? Could you please shine a light on those things??” I asked out. The flames go around the 7 silhouettes revealing their true identity. They were statues of people. “Wait, are these?” I step out from behind the mirror and walk up to the statues. “These are Disney Villains? Since when did they get statues?” I ask walking around them. As I walk around I begin to remember who was who.
The Tyrannical Queen of Hearts, the Nefarious Sorcerer Jafar, the Mischievous fae Maleficent, the Manipulative Sea Witch Ursula, the Prideful Lion Scar, the deadly beautiful Evil Queen and one the most feared gods Hades.
“I thought only the good guys get statues like Simba or Hercules?” I pondered out loud. I was completely taken back to a loud groan. “Oh please don’t mention that drastic name around me.” I look behind me to see the Hades statue moving. “Oh heroes my ass.” The Ursula statue speaks, crossing her arms. “What in the?? What??” I move back from the talking statues only to bump into something hard. I look up to see Maleficent's statue staring down at me with an intimidating look. I practically fall to the ground in fear putting a hand over my mouth.. “This thing? Is it supposed to help save Twisted?” The Evil Queen statue questions with a scowl on her face and a hint of disgust. “I don’t think I want to put the fate of this world in some weird singer hands.” The Jafar statue chimes in with the same amount of disgust. “Especially not after that comment she made about us.” The Scar statue adds in laying down onto his pedestal no longer interested in the conversation. “I say, off with her head!!!” The Red Queen shouts from behind me in anger. The statues all begin to chatter amongst themselves about how I’m unfit or was unexpecting for them. I covered my ears to try and block them out. What was going on and why are the statues of these Disney villains talking to me. Where am I even in the first place? The thought of questioning where I was finally slipped into my head. The chatter had soon come to a halt. Making me look up at the statues to see them have their attention towards the mirror.
“They are the descendant. So they wield the power to do so.” The mask face speaks. The Maleficent looks back down towards that sends a chill down my spine. She bends down, extending her staff towards me. I stare at her and then back at her confused in fear what she will do next. She shakes her staff and scoffs. “I’m trying to help you up?” She says shaking her staff again more aggressive. “O-oh! Uh, thank you!” I stuttered out grabbing onto the staff. She easily lifts me up and puts me back onto my feet. “Ugh, how I wish I wasn’t stone. I could’ve easily taken this ruffian down.” Hades says with disdain biting onto his nails. The statues began to talk amongst themselves again. Except for Scar who yawns. “By that dumb look on your face. I can see you don’t even have a clue of what’s going on.” Scar assumes, placing his lazy gaze onto me. “N-no. I don't, isn't this just a weird dream?” I ask. A deep low chuckle erodes from Scar. Stretching his paws sitting up now. “You think this is a dream? My dear I wish it was.” He rolls his eyes as the other statues still continue to bicker. “Well. It isn’t my place to tell you what’s happening. Why don’t you go up to the mirror to choose your fate already.” He points his claw towards the mirror. “It’s getting boring listening to those fools talk. So please hurry up will ya?” He ushered. With quick pace, I walk up to the mirror filled to the brim with questions.
“Are you ready to choose which path you will go down?”
The chatter behind me stops again. I could feel their eyes were all on me. “What path? What is even going on? Why is there talking statues not only that they’re Disney villains? And what fate??!?” I exploded with many questions holding onto the mirror scared and confused. What is going on? This is a dream right? This has to be a dream. Statues can’t come to life. Disney villains aren’t real! The mirror stays silent for a moment and slowly fades away. “Wait! Where are you going!?” I yell out, shaking the mirror.
“Which path will you take?”
The mirror asks again. Its voice echoed throughout the room. The mirror warps and shows two items in front of it. The one on the left looked like a simple stick but it was white and shiny. The item on the right was a crow mask. The item floats out towards them and floats out of the mirror now officially sitting there waiting for me to choose one of them. I look at both of them, filled with even more confusion. “What even are these??” I ask looking back at the mirror. “Could you hurry up and choose already!” Ursula yells from behind me. I take in a big gulp looking back at the items in front of me. The sound of what sounds like wind chimes fills my ears. I look around and it's the colorful little sparkles again. The green and blue sparkles fly over to the white stick beckoning me for me to take it while the red sparkle was behind me trying to push me. “Oh bug off would ya.” Maleficent waves her staff, green lightning comes out of her staff shooting towards the sparkles. The blue and green one fly out of the way immediately while the red flies away to aid the other sparkles. Out of curiosity, I begin to raise my hand towards the white stick.
I was suddenly shoved harshly, making me fall towards the crow mask. I quickly catch myself from falling and grab onto the mask. I look behind me to see Ursula retract her tentacle back to herself.
“The path has been chosen! I bid you luck on your journey.”
I look at the crow mask in confusion exploring the item. “What a great choice.” Maleficent compliments slowly fade away into the darkness. Each of the statues begin to fade away right after her one by one.
“Please walk through the mirror.”
The mask says as its last words. The mirror warps again and it reveals the castle I had seen that the smoke had traveled into. I take one big gulp and walk into the mirror, not knowing what I had just gotten myself into…
79 notes · View notes
remimibanana · 6 months
3DS Retrospective Part 1: Memories of the Past
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Since the 3DS eShop has now closed and the online is shutdown, I thought I would take the time to look back at some of the games I've played on the 3DS!
This handheld was a huge part of my childhood, and I still play on it to this day. It deserves a very long retrospective from me for being in my life. I would love to come back to this in the future and smile at all of the memories I once experienced.
I have to thank my dad for introducing me to Nintendo or I wouldn't be here right now blabbing about this. He truly was my number one supporter in my gaming journey back then. I’ve played a lot of games so this will be long aha (sorry....thank you for reading this all if you do!).
Part 1 is under the cut!
Animal Crossing New Leaf
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One of my absolute favourites on the 3DS! Love the music and gameplay and practically everything about it.
I remember going with my dad to my local Target to buy ACNL around the time it came out. I had my red 3DS with me, ready to play it as soon as I got back into the car.
I was so excited, I remember rushing to the 3DS section and instantly taking the game off the shelf while my dad was chasing after me. We went back to the car after he paid for it. I couldn’t wait to open the game, and I think I remember my dad going “open it already”.
Which I did!
Unfortunately for me, there was no game cartridge inside there. The staff forgot to put it in after we paid for it, and we didn’t even notice.
I told my dad and he was saying we could come back tomorrow because we were already far from the Target.
I was so sad about it that my dad turned around and drove back anyway lol
Once we finally got the game cartridge, it was time to play!
In New Leaf, you get to name the town you’re moving into. I didn't know what I wanted to name my town so I asked my dad. He said Knin, a city in Croatia where he comes from. I put it as my town name while asking him how to spell it.
Unfortunately I lost pretty much all of my games a few years ago, including this one (they were all in this giant yellow case and I can't find it, weep). But I do have screenshots! They're super nostalgic.
I loved the Southern Islands the most, the minigames were a lot of fun and listening to the cap sing was so cool. I never skipped his songs, I never knew you could (unlike some people).
You could even play with people from around the world with Club Toritimer that cost like 50 medals to obtain. I remember working hard to gain so many of them—all so I could go to the International Islands!
And hoo boy, I have a story to tell regarding this.
I went to the island and there were these people who were talking about giving bells. I stared at them, not wanting to interfere with what was happening.
One of them dropped like 50,000 bells, and I remember staring at it in awe.
Guess what I did?
I ran to the bells and picked them up into my pockets like any sane person would. I ran away while the others chased after me, yelling at me to stop. I clicked on the button to get me out of the island and that was that—I was a thief!
I can't believe I would ever do such a thing, stealing bells like that! I don’t even remember why I did it! I was really something as a kid.
I even ran into one of them again after a few weeks on the International Islands and I was so scared they would yell at me. They didn’t seem to realise or they just didn’t care, but I ran off anyway.
Tomodachi Life
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I love this game.
I remember making myself, my whole family and other random characters and friends on my island! I used to spend hours on there, utterly immersed.
My brother and I used to play together since we only had one copy and things always went awry because of it. Case in point, let me tell you some things that I remember occurring.
My cousin married my old childhood best friend, which was flipping funny to my brother and I from memory. I told my cousin and she looked at me as if I was crazy and you know what, deserved
I didn't want a boyfriend in game at all, and somehow I never managed to but my brother decided to go behind my back one time.
I came back to me having a boyfriend and the game already saved. Once you save, that's it. Unless you had an action replay or something, you were screwed and stuck with whatever happened.
For those who have never played Tomodachi Life, the Miis can have dreams while sleeping. Some were interactive, allowing you to do things in the dream—those were the best.
You would also get an item relating to the dream, so it was always worth checking them out. I think it was one of the main reasons why I played.
My favourite dreams were:
The Transform (Superhero) where the Mii character says "by the power of (insert item)" and they just transform and say some random advice. Every time I looked at one of my Miis dreams, I always hoped it would be this one.
The Hide and Seek one where there are two Miis and the seeker says "are you ready?!" and the hider goes "not yet." and it just repeats and repeats until you exit. My brother and I used love copying this dream a lot lol
The Giant, where a Mii is sitting at a cafe in front of a closed window and the window blinds open to show your face using the inner camera and the Mii freaks out intensely lol
Of course, we can't forget that you can make songs! I used to love this feature. I was a kid, so I just made my characters swear lmao or sing about weird things.
I unfortunately lost this game, so all I have left are screenshots and my own memories….
I currently play the Japanese version on my 2DS since the European version I had installed stopped working for some reason. It’s good practice!
Bring it to the Switch Nintendo! please I beg I'll do anything even sell my brother why not
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
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My favourite Pokémon game! I love everything about this game, hands down one of the best remakes ever made.
I remember getting this for Christmas back in 2014. I woke up at like 4:30am alongside my brother (for some reason) and we went downstairs and started opening presents.
At this point, I already knew what I was getting. It wasn’t much of a surprise but I was so excited none of the less!
My dad who was awake at the time said "what the hell go back to sleep", and that we did. We went back to our rooms with our presents.
Fun fact, my brother got this small car while I got a whole 3DS game LMAO
When I woke up again, I instantly turned on my 3DS and started playing. A few weeks before Christmas, I got the guidebook for ORAS (I still have it actually!) instead of clothes like my mum wanted me to lol
I used that guidebook throughout my playthrough, and I managed to beat the entire game in one day which is seriously impressive, I could never do that now
I loved soaring the most, it was such an fun feature! Soaring through the skies with Mega Latias and exploring Hoenn...I can hear the soaring music even now. Take me back...
Secret Bases were the bomb, I remember always looking for those little holes around Hoenn and seeing how much space there inside them was with Hidden Power. My Secret Base was at Route 119 right before you enter Fortree City, at this grass bush.
I remember that you could buy decorations at Mauville City, and you could even get special ones on a Saturday.
I transferred my level 100 Sylveon from X to this game for some reason, I think I wanted my beloved partner with me but it wouldn't listen to me for the entire game lmao
The only reason I beat Steven back then is because Sylveon finally managed to listen to me and land an attack on Mega Metagross, which obviously died immediately upon impact lol
Good times.
Pokémon X
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I remember getting Pokémon X because my friends had Pokémon Y and I wanted to play with them and be cool but I didn't remember they had Y at the time so I chose X lol
My old childhood best friend gave me a shiny Haxorus at my cousin’s birthday party when I showed him how I had the game and was stuck in Reflection Cave.
I loved all the customization, the music and just the entirety of the game! Probably my second favourite overall!
My favourite town is Lumiose City, it was so fun to skate around and explore every nook and cranny. It’s literally amazing how well they were able to make it.
Especially the sketchy alleyways, I used to always go through them all and then get lost because I don't know where I landed lol
I know how people didn't like the postgame (or how little there was) but I really liked it! Working with Looker and meeting Emma and her little Espurr Mimi....good memories!
I remember when I found out about Sylveon, the new Eeveelution in Gen 6, I knew I had to have one. I remember searching up how to evolve Eevee into Sylveon on Google, and it said it needed high affection.
So the new Poke Amie came in handy. I love Poke Amie so much! My favourite minigame is Head It, I can't believe they removed them after Gen 6, they were so fun ;;
But I wasn't sure how much hearts I needed for my Eevee so every time it tried to evolve, I would spam B to cancel it, I was that afraid of not getting Sylveon lol
I did this until I had full affection and then I let my Eevee evolve and I was so happy to see a very cute Sylveon! I checked again after and you only needed three hearts at the end.
This Sylveon was the first Pokémon I ever got to level 100 and it had Dazzling Gleam, one of my absolute favourite Fairy moves. The same one I moved to Alpha Sapphire I just talked about lol
Sylveon has been in my team ever since (had one in Gen 7, 8 and 9) and I plan on keeping it that way! Pokemon Legends ZA was announced and you bet your butt I'm going to have a Sylveon in my team.
The ost is so nostalgic to me. Lumiose City always makes me stop and reminiscence...
Yo-kai Watch
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I love this game so much!
Technically this was my brother's game back when, he was the one who wanted it initially but I used to play it all the time since it was there.
The music and story is really good, I'm sad it kind of flopped overseas because it's really popular in Japan. Another reason to go to Japan....one day
I really like Komasan, just a cute Yokai that says "oh my swirls!".
My brother was the real pro at this game, I remember he used to mock me because I couldn't beat a boss that looked like some crazy doctor. He nearly finished the entire Medallium and got all the legendary Yokai which is rather impressive I might add!
(Unfortunately that copy got lost so he uh…lost all that….aha)
My most favourite part of this game is Terror Time. It happens randomly at night where the clock stops and you get transported into Terror Time. It's like a nightmare where you have to escape at the exit without getting caught by any oni minions otherwise they call Gargaros, the main scary oni. He was real powerful and strong and kicked your butt when you get caught.
I would also put away the clock and just run around at night on my bicycle hoping Terror Time would come. If I stopped randomly and I can't move, that meant it was Terror Time. I live for that thrill.
My brother used to be so afraid of it while I begged for it to happen. Every time it did, he'd give me to play so I can get him out of it.
Please localize the Yokai Watch 1 Switch Port I beg Level 5. It wouldn't be that hard. Pleaseeeee
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
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I know most people don't like this game but I really like it! It was my first introduction to the world of Paper Mario.
I played the entirety of it with my brother and it was a lot of fun. I was the main person who actually played, my brother was moral support as we tried our best to beat the game!
I loved collecting all the stickers and going through all the worlds to get the royal stickers. I remember the beginning where everything is destroyed, and you have to save all the toads from being stuck in various places.
There was this one toad where for the life of me, I could not find. I looked everywhere and it just did not exist. They hid them too well, I'm afraid.
Fun fact, at the end of the game when you have to use Kersti to beat Bowser, I cried. For like three days lol. I didn't want to use Kersti, she was with us for the whole journey and I grew attached to the floating sticker.
Like I was full on crying in bed when I remembered using her. My brother didn't even give a damn.
It was sort of sad, wasn’t it? I finally got over it and used the flying sticker to beat Bowser up with my brother by my side. When we beat him, we were so happy.
I miss those times when my brother and I played games together, we don't do that anymore...
Pokémon Dream Radar
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I remember buying this game when my dad put $50 on my account and I didn’t know what to buy. My friend recommended it and so I got it!
It was a very simplistic game where you would use the 3DS camera to shoot at these little energy balls to collect points and catch Pokémon.
You could even transfer them to Black 2 and White 2 after, which I always did with my Black 2 copy.
You could get the Forces of Nature (Thundurus, Landorus and Torandus) from this game, I believe it was one of it's main reasons for existing (but don't quote me on that one). As you play through the game, you upgrade your equipment and get closer to meeting them and of course, catching them!
I think I managed to get only two of the three back then.
Professor Burnet is in this game actually! She's the professor we're working under. I remember being so shocked when I saw her in the Sun and Moon anime. I knew her back when she was researching dreams, hah!
And then you have to capture the Pokémon, which is a whole another story. You had to move around a lot and shoot a continuous beam of light until you fill the meter before the time limit. it was honestly tougher than expected, the dang Pokémon keep moving!
Colors 3D
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This was a game I got because my friend told me to get it, like above.
It's a drawing application where as the name suggests, you draw. There is a whole palette with every colour, a few brushes and tools you can use at your disposal.
There is only 5 layers, which isn't that great in all honesty. I wish it had more, it would make drawing much easier.
But I still use it from time to time! I like drawing on there when I’m bored and don’t want to drag everything out. Doodling has never been easier.
My favourite part was the Colors 3D Gallery, where you could view art uploaded by other people. It was very simple, but I used to go on there all the time! Loading into the gallery is pretty nostalgic to me.
Everyone is so talented on there! I don’t get how people can draw such intricate things on a 3DS. I suppose it really proves that it’s not the brush that makes the artist.
You could also add someone else’s art to your own gallery to view and draw on. I remember saving Tokyo Mew Mew art and whatever I liked at the time to my gallery.
I’ll miss going on it (´ー`)
Mario and Sonic at the 2012 Olympic Games
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I love this game. It’s my second favourite game in the whole series.
I think my brother got this game for himself, but I used to play it all the time because it was a lot of fun! Anyone could argue that the Wii version is better overall, but I think the 3DS version holds up well!
There were many events to choose from, such as water sports and equestrian! My favourite events were the Rhythmic Ribbon and Beach Volleyball! I was an absolute beast at Beach Volleyball, the one event I could beat at any difficulty without breaking a sweat.
Although you couldn’t choose any character for any event, as you can in the Wii version. Each event has a specific set of characters you can choose from, such as the girls or the heroes. Only four in each group and that's all you got.
I remember being disappointed a bit, since I was used to how the Wii version was.
Back then, I managed to get a gold medal for every event in the easy, normal and hard difficulties! I was as they would say, a pro at the game.
I think the story mode for this game is pretty decent, I remember beating the entirety of it. The end with Bowser and Eggman all powered up with the fog was actually pretty tough, the game let me pass because I kept failing the events over and over out of pity.
The records menu is the most nostalgic to me, the bgm makes me stop and feel things. I feel that a lot with those settings menus, their bgms are always so nostalgic.
I often come back to it from time to time but my skills have dwindled unfortunately…(blames my current 2DS for sucking and not me sucking lol)
Mario Kart 7
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I know most people prefer any of the other Mario Karts, but I think this one has to be my favourite one!
I had a white 3DS XL that came with Mario Kart 7 pre-installed, but I also had the physical copy that my brother played with that I got from my birthday.
Emphasis on had. I have a story to tell here, one I’m not that proud of.
Unfortunately as a kid, I was way too naive. My old friend at the time wanted my physical copy in exchange for an eShop gift card.
Of course, that sounds stupid and I wouldn’t even dare consider it now. It was my copy!
I don’t know why, but I did. I think my reasoning was that I already had it on my 3DS at the time, and he was my good friend.
I think it’s one of the things I regret to this day, because I got legit scammed! The eShop card was used and it was only like $25?! My friend got a whole game and I got legit nothing!
To make matters worse, I didn’t even have internet at the time!
My mum got mad at me, and for good reason. I didn’t think I did anything bad, which probably made things worse. My brother was upset because he couldn’t play Mario Kart anymore.
Needless to say, I shouldn’t have done that. I remember regretting it after a while.
We got another physical copy at the end since my brother wouldn’t stop crying about it, but I learnt the hard way not to be so naive.
But anyway, back to the point.
I am an absolute beast at this game. I always beat my family when playing it. I love all the tracks, and pretty much everything about the game!
Rainbow Road is probably my favourite track, the 3DS version is so good! It is so big and immersive!
Sonic Generations
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I remember getting this because I loved Sonic. I vividly remember playing it and showing my dad how fun it was.
It was one of the ways I could play Sonic, and it was also one of the reasons why I got a Sonic the Hedgehog emulator on my old laptop thanks to my dad.
I know this the console versions are better but I've never played the console version before. I think this version is not that bad as people claim it to be.
It holds up. The online on the other hand doesn’t, I’ll admit lol
I think I prefer the final boss here, I remember it gave me so much trouble as a kid (and even now when I replayed it some time ago aha).
The levels here are so good. Sonic legit has to outrun a killer whale, what more do you want? I used to replay them all the time!
Fast forward to now, and I just learned that one of the stages is from Sonic Rush that has the banger music. I didn’t know as a kid that Generations featured other game’s levels.
Pokémon Moon
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I love Alola so much.
This game I got relatively late actually, during 2019! Why didn't I get Ultra Moon when it was right there?
I wanted to play the original before jumping into the sequel. I think I'm glad I did that, because I like Moon over Ultra Moon lol
This game is special, because it was the first game I ever completed the Pokédex on! My high school friend was the one who encouraged me to do it, and that I did!
I remember recording a video of when I did, seeing that 100% and getting that shiny charm felt so cool. This is one of the games that I still have to this day, luckily.
I always like to come back from time to time and see all my Pokemon, look at my beautiful party.
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This game is also where I got my first shiny! I did the Masuda Method with the shiny charm and I managed to get Shiny Buneary in 64 eggs! I remember freaking the heck out!
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I then tried to do the same for a Shiny Ralts, as I love how Shiny Mega Gardenvior looks like. That was an absolute failure and I was left with like 6 boxes of Ralts lmao
So I traded them all away using Wonder Trade! I wonder if anyone reading this got one, ehe.
New Super Mario Bros. 2
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This was the version I played the most out of them all. I really like this one for how fun it is and the whole coin idea!
My brother and I used to play this one together, alternating levels and having our own saves. Honestly, one of the reasons I was able to beat Bowser at the end is because of this:
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The Gold Super Leaf, making you practically invincible. Mario would turn into a white raccoon and no enemies could kill you. You still can die to lava or if you fall, but otherwise...
Cheating but not really cheating. Perfect if you suck at the game.
This would appear if you kept failing a level over and over, and I used to use it without a second thought. I would like to try to beat the game again without the use of this one day!
Super Pokemon Rumble
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I loved this game so much as a kid. It was probably one of the first spinoffs for Pokemon I played!
I remember getting to the very end of the game, but never beating the final level???? I think I didn't have strong enough Pokémon for it, or I just didn't get around to it. If I ever do find my old copy, I'd like to finish the game.
The music is really good, I really like Toy Town and Axle Town! They're really nostalgic to me, I remember running around in them and healing up my Pokémon at the Dewdrop Fountain that was in the middle of each town.
The Toy Shop was objectively the best part of it all. It was where people from Streetpass would come to your shop and buy some toys. If enough people bought toys, then something special would happen in game. I believe it was that special Pokémon would appear and could be collected.
We need a remake of this Game Freak, i beg you
Pokémon Rumble World
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This is more of a recent game I played, but I absolutely enjoyed it.
You go on these air balloons to various places to collect all the Pokémon! I remember downloading it because i enjoyed the original and this one had even more Pokémon to befriend!
This one unfortunately uses gems as a currency for in game purchases. It’s not needed to play the game, but certain things are locked behind them that help you catch Pokémon.
For example, there’s a stop mechanic that costs two gems to use. It's real useful.
This allows you to stop at the place you want—otherwise it’s random chance. At first, it was hard getting to the right place. You had to pray that it would miraculously land there.
And there was no way in hell I was going to pay for gems just for this one game I played from time to time. The eshop was going to close anyway, so there was no point.
I have a modded 2DS and I found a cheat that gave me max diamonds…you can guess what I did. For legal reasons, this is a joke and I would never do such a thing no wayyyyyyy....
With that, I was able to catch every single Pokemon available in game! It’s my greatest achievement probably, and one that I will flex on you all right now:
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You can't get any more than 719 Pokémon. Try to beat that LOL
Probably my greatest achievement ever.
Nintendogs + Cats
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I loved the original Nintendogs, so I had to get the sequel as a kid as soon as I found out it existed. I still prefer the original, but this one is still pretty fun.
I had a very cute dog that I took perfect care of. The walks were the highlight of the game, in my opinion. It was sort of an upgrade from the original, although the original always clears.
I have a story with this game as well, also concerning my old childhood best friend. I know, you're wondering how did so many things happen to me lol
Back then, I used to bring my 3DS to my cousin's birthday parties so I could play with said friend. We would sit on the couch right next to each other and get lost in our own world.
One time, it seemed that I dropped my copy of this game during one of these parties and my friend picked it up. He told me that he had it and that he’ll give it back to me at primary school.
That never happened and its been years since then. WHERE IS MY GAME DUDE?! I WANT IT BACK
So I got scammed and my game stolen by the same friend...maybe if we ever meet again, I'll demand for it back. Get some retribution for all the sins they've committed against me.
I hold grudges man and I HOLD THEM HARD
Animal Crossing Happy Home Academy
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I actually got the set that came with the Amiibo reader since I didn’t have one. I still have it somewhere, but I don’t think I ever used it.
This was dubbed my brother’s game, and so he got to play it first.
I remember being upset because my brother chose the boy avatar, because I didn't want to be a boy when I would play.
I was smart and simply dressed up his character as a girl.
I put on a wig and a skirt, and boom! Girl character! It was the easiest way instead of nuking the whole save file. When my brother would play, he would make his character look like a boy again.
This game is pretty simple, but it’s a lot of fun! It’s no wonder they did it again for ACNH with the Happy Home Paradise DLC. I still think I prefer this one over the DLC.
Decorating houses for the villagers, especially the ones you like the most is the best part. I remember spending so long trying to get everything looking perfect and beautiful.
I managed to finish all the buildings you could make in the game, I was so happy to see Digby and Isabelle here!
Super Smash Bros For Nintendo 3DS
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My brother got this game as well, but of course I played it way more than he ever did.
It was my first introduction to the series! I absolutely loved it, fighting as characters I love! I am a huge fan of fighting games in general, so this was right up my alley.
My mains were Rosalina and Luma, Zero Suit Samus, Zelda and Peach from memory, I became really proficient at using them all. My favourite stage was the Tomodachi Life one, since the Mii's you had in your Mii Maker would appear inside the apartments.
The 3DS version had Smash Run, one of the best modes ever if I do say so myself. You had to collect items to improve your stats so you can beat the final boss at the end! It was timed and honestly harder than you would expect.
It was a multiplayer mode but I used to always play by myself since I had no friends to play with aha
I remember always getting the same kind of stats and wondering how all the COMs were able to get such amazing ones—cheating I say!
Skylanders Giants
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I remember vividly buying the game at Target. It came in a large box since it had the portal and three figures, as you can see above!!
I wish I could play this again, you need to have the portal and figures, and the portal I had is gone ;;
I remember being really invested in this game, playing through it and admiring how cool it looked! The story was pretty captivating.
My favourite Skylander is Chill, always loved her design! I actually broke the figure by accident, the ice spear she held fell out of her hand aha
I have a story to tell that is somewhat related to this game.
One time, I lied to a friend of mine that there was going to be a new Skylanders game after Swap Force that allowed you to use the figures on any game, particularly on Spyro’s Adventure.
My friend was stuck on the final boss in Spyro’s Adventure and I was a terrible person to make up such a story. I don’t even know why I did that, I think I got too excited making it up….
The worse thing was that they believed me completely and even told someone else about it because I told them to….
I’m sorry…..
Cars 2
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You’re probably wondering, why did I play this? Well, my brother got it since he was a huge fan of the Cars franchise, but he barely played it.
It was pretty fun! There are many modes in this game, but I mostly played the Mission Mode as you could choose from any level you wanted (of course, warranting you played it in the main story).
Holly was the person who greeted you in this mode, and she was my favourite car back then. I always tried to play as her if I could since she was the only girl car playable in the game.
My favourite levels was the ones at the party in Japan, where you first play as Finn McMissle and sneak through the party without being caught by cameras or by Lemons. It was such a thrill, I became a pro at it!
Then you would play as Mater, rushing to the fountain before he overheated after trying Wasabi for the first time. That one was way harder than it seemed, the meter went down way too quickly so if you weren't fast enough, you fail.
They were the best levels, alongside the ones at the Oil Rig. Anything with Finn McMissle was a banger. He is a super cool spy car after all!
New Style Boutique Fashion Concert Demo
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I never had internet when I was a kid or much money to buy many games, so I used to download demos. You never say no to free things.
One in particular is this one here!
There were two demos you could download for the game, the Fashion Contest and the Shopping Experience but I always preferred the thrill of being in a contest over simply dressing up your character.
I would like to introduce you to this one guy named MC Mode who is the contest official you see every time you play!
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I loved this guy as a kid, not because of how he looked or anything. I liked this one specific dialogue he would say.
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It's not even that funny but it always amused me for some reason. I would even voice the line with a low voice. Every time I loaded up the demo, I always hoped I would get this.
You could tell by the opening lines of his speech, if he doesn't ask for the audience to turn it up a notch, then it would be the other dialogue that was in my opinion, boring as hell.
I have specific outfits I use for every single theme that always gets me to 1st place in most cases. That’s how much I used to play it.
I remember playing this demo with my cousin quite a bit because she liked dressing up games and this was the closest I had that looked appealing to her.
We used to get mad at the demo when it gave us the same theme over and over. The themes are randomised every time the demo starts, and can’t be influenced too much.
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Demo
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Probably my favourite demo of all time. I remember downloading this when I scrolled through all the available demos to download.
It was my first introduction to the Kingdom Hearts series, although I didn’t get into it until way later in 2019.
I loved flying around as Sora! The controls are a lot of fun, and you get to explore most of Transverse Town and beat the boss there! It was a giant monkey that was kind of a pain to beat.
I remember I used to always procrastinate actually beating the demo in favour for exploring. The controls were so interesting and I really liked how Sora could summon his little Dream Eater friends to help him out while battling.
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With that, Part 1 is complete! I've played more games than this, but these are the main ones that I've made fond and not so fond memories with that I wanted to share!
I hope it was an interesting read! This took me forever to write. I feel like you can learn a lot about me.
Part 2 and Part 3 will go through more of the inbuilt software! I hope to see you over there too!
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phoenixradiant · 4 months
OC Interview Tag Game: Anesaru and Sizen
My thanks to @thewritingautisticat for the tag! I'm well into the cast of side characters at this point (and I probably have one of these in the bottomless backlog too), so let's do Anesaru and Sizen. This'll be fun.
Were you named after anyone?
Anesaru: "With a name like this I'd have to be. Four syllables? Unfortunately I can't remember for the life of me who it was."
Sizen: "Pretty sure it was your cousin twenty-one times removed. Said to have found a cure for Ram's Blight that singlehandedly wiped the disease off Amkarea."
Anesaru: "You knew that?"
Sizen: "This is only the fourth time you've forgotten since Chiodan. Besides, I'm named after her Dragon."
Anesaru: "You are?"
Sizen: "Lady Saru, believe me when I say you have a mind for everything except family history, but you do not have a mind for family history."
When was the last time you cried?
Anesaru: "When Sizen opened the Len-cursed door. I'm afraid my eyes aren't what they used to be. I suppose you mean really cried, though, and that was when I... I..."
Sizen: "Saru? Let's not talk about it. I'm afraid that means I can't answer either. Er, would you mind letting me hear future questions before you ask them?" *gets the whispered list* "We're not answering some of these."
Sizen has decided to strike the next question.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Anesaru: "I didn't used to, thought it was deceptive, didn't much like it. Now though, I like the thought it takes. It keeps the mind busy."
Sizen: "Picked up a bit in the army, but generally no."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Anesaru: "How much light they let in. The ones who really care, when they come in, they open the door just a crack and slip through and close it again."
Sizen: "I do my best to tell them to keep the light down on their way in but most of them don't seem to listen. As for me... Curious, I don't know that I've ever really thought about it. I suppose if they have any weapons on them. You can tell a lot about a man by the weapons he chooses."
After deliberation, Sizen has decided to strike the next question.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Anesaru: "I don't suppose I hear much of either, these days. Just news. News is either good or bad, but it's rarely 'scary' or 'happy'. Except when the herbalist girl sent me a vial of that salve. I use it sparingly, but... Arknne... There's not a more wonderful feeling in the world. Now we know it works, Rel tells me she's working on more."
Sizen: "That's what we've heard. We're a bit busy with the other tasks you have for us to fetch it by wyvern, but some of her friends, caravan workers, have been entrusted with keeping the shipments constant."
Anesaru: "And what about you, Sizen? What kind of stories do you like?"
Sizen: "I try to stay away from that stuff. Haven't been to a play in over a year."
Anesaru: "Sizen! Don't deprive yourself of that over me!"
Sizen: "I only ever went because you were going anyway! I like doing things, not watching people pretend to do things!"
Anesaru: "Sizen Ul-Kuren, don't you lie to me! If I find out you're not living a life outside of worrying about me, I will grope my way to a window and throw myself out!"
Sizen: "That wouldn't even kill you, Saru. It would just hurt. A lot."
Anesaru: "That was my intention. That'll show you."
Any special talents?
Anesaru: "I used to be able to juggle. Last time I tried I ended up with a knife through my hand. I wasn't even juggling knives!"
Sizen: "A bit of magic here and there. Nothing that really improves society, just a few combat spells."
Anesaru: "You can literally throw lightning out of your body."
Sizen: "So can a lot of other people! It's hard, true, but it's hardly unique."
Anesaru: "You gave your father lightning burns when you were three."
Sizen: "And he caused a weird scar on my grandfather's hand. It runs in the family!"
Sizen has decided to strike the next question two questions
What sort of sports do you play?
Anesaru: "I used to be good at running. Ria, if it weren't so bright outside I'd probably still be good at running."
Sizen: "Combat sports, mostly."
How tall are you?
Anesaru: "Last I checked I'm a few hairs shy of my bodyguard. Hardly a good look, a monarch being shorter than those standing beside her."
Sizen: "So I got used to walking around barefoot. It works, she doesn't need much more height. Objectively I'd say a little over three ozrins" [call it 5' 10'']
What was your favourite subject in school?
Anesaru: "It wasn't Len-cursed family history. Probably mathematics."
Sizen: "Teare family history. One of us had to do it."
What is your dream job?
Anesaru: "To be honest I wish I'd never left the Guard. Didn't have much choice in the matter, but..."
Sizen: "If I'm honest, I don't much like honest work. Too repetitive. Too mind-numbing. Too purposeless. If I weren't looking after the queen I don't know what I'd do."
Anesaru: "I hardly see how that's not repetitive, these days."
Sizen: "But you're nice to talk to and it's far from purposeless. So here I'll stay. As long as you need me."
Hahahaha they're both emotionally wrecked in different ways. Welp, time for the tagging:
NP tagging @somethingclevermahogony, @aesthetic-writer18, and @pluppsauthor!
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