#i rlly wanna finish these sksjjd especially the götzeus one
sehrgefaelltmir · 5 months
WIP Game ✍️
Rules: make a new post and share 1-2 sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
tysm for the tag @esorydoolb!!! <333
the last one is gna get posted (soon i swear im gonna update that fic 😭) but some of these have been sitting in my wip folder for like. months at this point 💀 like if they ever see the light of day (ao3) it will be a miracle skskkddj
“Nice job,” said Manu, slapping Robert’s back approvingly.
“I helped,” said Thomas.
“No you didn’t,” Robert said immediately.
“Yes I did, I made a circle -”
Robert sighed. “That does not count as helping.”
“I made a circle of rocks around it,” Thomas went on, ignoring him, “so it looks like a proper, actual campfire, instead of a… you know, an accident.”
“It does not look like an accident -”
“You look like an accident,” Thomas muttered.
He hates that they don’t even need to name Mario, that he’s just him, an eternal Him, like he’s some sort of imperial entity, and not just Marco’s ex-boyfriend – if that’s even what he is. Because they were never really boyfriends, exactly. They never got that far. And yet they were so much more than that.
And yet here he was, left alone minding the table with nothing and no one but a half-full glass of flat Estrella for company, waiting for Ferran, Ansu and Pedri to come back with their next round of drinks. He just never fucking learned.
Thomas knew more about the personnel and the goings-on of the Polish national team than he did about his own. He’d lost count of the nights he’d spent falling asleep in the passenger seat of Robert’s car on the drive home out of Munich, listening to him talk about it – “and so Kuba’s pissed with me because he thinks he should still be captain, and Łukasz is pissed with me because - you know, he always sides with Kuba… and now Wojtek’s pissed with me too, because he thinks I should just let Kuba - are you even awake?”
“I’m awake,” Thomas had murmured. “M’wide awake.”
‘1-2 sentences’ means nothing to me my sentences go on for like 7 pages and contain 28372727 sub-clauses and 2882828282929 semicolons
idk who to tag im sorry sksjsljdjs @ all my writing moots ig and anyone else wants to do it ‼️‼️
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