#i rlly like what i did w this cosmology im probably gonna recycle it
gracelandmp3 · 6 years
the other day i was possessed by the ghost of an old abandoned dungeon world campaign i ran & i wrote this creation myth based on some of the stuff my players and i came up with so here it is under the cut if ur uhh interested im probably gonna delete it later
in the beginning, the first god melithae ruled over all creation with an iron fist. “you were born of my womb,” he would tell his children, “and so you must obey my commands.”
yet melithae’s whims were exacting, and changeable, and as is the way of all children, the other gods chafed under their father’s thumb. they pleaded with him, begged to be allowed the freedom to create and to shape the world as he had, but melithae punished all who challenged him, reminded them that it was he who hung the stars in the sky and held dominion over all the universe; and his rage at his children was fearsome to behold.
and so it was that their father’s power grew too great and his reign too terrible for the young gods to bear, and so it came to pass that one day they rose up, and melithae was killed by his children. and as he died, his blood and bones turned to soil and rock, and from his flesh grew trees and rivers, and thus, from his corpse, melithae made the land.
yet even as he died, the first king would not give up his throne, and so his ghost rose up from his body to take his place once more. but the young gods knew intimately their father’s desire for control, and so when he came from the firmament to retake his crown, the children of melithae were ready, and they tore their fathers soul to pieces and scattered it to the corners of the earth.
and as these shards of spirit fell, they changed, and as each one made landfall in forest, or sea, or desert, or swamp, it took root - because although these fragments were no longer melithae’s spirit, and the land was no longer his body, they each remembered what they used to be. and so the seeds that were the first kings spirit took root in the earth, and each was shaped by the land they called home. and so over time they grew and blossomed  into powerful beings called numena - spirits of place who had great power over this grove, or that cave, and the spirits flourished. 
and thus the gods ensured that one king would never again rule in tyranny over all creation.
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