#i replayed the prologue scene just to get this screenshot
basketobread · 10 months
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 years
Top 5 moments you pause and ruminate on while rewatching BATB 2017
okay so i have to exclude specific adelle moments here because obviously i pause and ruminate and lose my mind at every one of their scenes. but this is a list of my top 5 THEY scenes so there’s that <3
also idk if i ruminate for ALL of these per se but these are just scenes i love and enjoy :”)
1. The Prologue
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gosh. GOSH. truly the most beautiful prologue of all time. i won’t make this a 1991 vs 2017 thing but…. they went off with this prologue. that’s all i’ll say here. it’s just SO EXCELLENT!!! it’s so awesome to see the man that adam was before the curse. it puts all of it in this new and TRAGIC light. dan stevens explained it best, so i’ll link that post <3 but gosh it’s just!!! it’s gorgeous!! it’s so cool to see the life he had. you get to see how awful and pretentious he was!! a bastard man!!! a whore!!!! he’s a bitch and we like him SO MUCH. it’s just amazing, i usually watch it a couple times before i even move on to the rest of the movie haha.
2. Belle & Maurice Goodbye
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🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!!!!!!!! i just love them so much. i go off about them here too but aaaaaAAAHHHH they’re so important to me. there’s just so much in this scene!! you can see all the history of their bond, how important they are to each other, all in this one conversation. it’s just beautiful <3
3. Course… By… COURSE!
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i know this is like a very tiny moment but the absolute burst of serotonin that it gives me is unparalleled. UNMATCHED. PURE HAPPINESS.
4. The Paris Flashback
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there is NO gifset of this ENTIRE flashback. at least none i’ve seen! and i think i’ve seen just about every batb 2017 gifset! it breaks my heart! if any gifmakers are out there and wanna give me a christmas present… haha….. but anyway. i linked the clip of it on youtube, and that’s where the screenshot is from too 🥺 but yeah what can i say!!! i love maurice sooo much. i know adam and belle are clearly my favorite characters but gosh, maurice sure is a close third. he’s so important to me and this scene just KILLS ME. ugh. the everything about it. i talk about it more here too.
5. Maurice and Chip Meeting
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ajdksjd this scene just makes me laugh every time lmao. like in this gif in particular his acting is so flawless like his mannerisms, his facial expressions, the way he can’t even get his words out at first SHDKSJ he’s just so startled it’s SO good. it just makes me laugh and i often replay it a couple times lmaooo
+ special bonus shoutout to my boys!!!
Lumiere’s Prank
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i got you there ;D sjdksj
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“well, there is one—,” HEHEHE. an iconic comedic duo your honor. i love them 💛🧡
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mermaidvenom · 4 years
has this happened to anyone else?
last night my arcana app updated and in the play store it said it was just bug fixes then I went to replay the prologue (free weekend keys and all that I thought id play as Nerissa's brother and play Portia's route) but I always like to replay the prologue before starting the story i clicked on it and it said my progress had been reset because the prologue had been updated and I was like again?
so far it seems that some extra descriptive bits have been added (i didn't think to screenshot ill do it later) and if I had to describe my version of the prologue I  now have to its basics its like I have a mixture of the old one mixed with last update e.g. instead of Portia being told to meet you in the market place you just bump into her and her basket of pomegranates goes everywhere like it did before the update  but the extra scene where we get a cg of Muriel is still there. and i think they added back in you giving Asra a reading but I cant actually really remember if they took it out on the last update 
I just thought id ask because I honestly felt like I was cracking up (my memory is not the best so i thought what if it just seems new because I haven't played the prologue for awhile)
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annakie · 5 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part One
A lot of these posts are going to be just my impressions, things I love, cool things to point out, I don’t know.  Rambles about how much I love this game and everything about it.
To start off I’ll talk about my OC a little bit, and how I got into Mass Effect. Then we dive into the prologue.
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So we all have our Main OC Shepards. Mine is Annakie.
Annakie is a name from an MST3k episode that I have loved since the first time I saw it in the early 90′s.  I started using the name Annakie in IRC shortly thereafter, specifically in the SciFi channel’s IRC server, which used to be fairly active back in the day.  And by the day I literally mean circa 1995. They used to host some pretty cool, especially for 1995, events there, like authors and writers of their shows would come in and do Q&A’s, including Kevin, Mike and Bill from MST3k.  Kevin Murphy recognizing where my nick came from immediately was a moment of pride for me.
So I’ve basically always been Annakie online, even after knowing that it’s a real actual name some people have, I’ve still managed to snag it most places on the internet.  And most of the time when I play a new game, I start out playing Annakie, or one of two or three other names I regularly use sometimes.  But naming my first Shepard Annakie and having her look more or less like this every time I play is just... what I normally do.
Also I normally play goody two-shoes the first time I play through any game with moral decisions.  The first time I played through Mass Effect, though, she was an engineer.  I think the second time onward she’s always been a vanguard.  
She’s a Spacer, because I love having her mom alive and get to talk to her.  I like that she didn’t start from trauma.  But she’s a sole survivor, because I like how that shows how strong she became.  I also like that it gives her extra incentive to hate Cerberus later on.
Discovering Mass Effect
I’ve been gaming since I was seven in 1982 when my parents brought home our first Atari 2600.  When RPGs became a thing I liked JRPGs a lot on the family Nintendo and some action RPGish games like Super Metroid, but when Western-Style RPGs like Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter Nights came out, I found my true video game love.  
Before Mass Effect, my favorite game was Knights of the Old Republic.  And it’s still way up there in my list of favorite games of all time.  And I really loved Carth Onasi. Although I’d loved other video game love interests before him, Arin Gend, Valen Shadowbreath, Celes/Locke... Carth was my favorite.  That also inspired me to try my hand at fanfic for the first time.  That never saw the light of day and I’m pretty sure I lost it like 3 hard drive crashes ago.
So when I heard that the same company that made KotOR was making a new, non-Star Wars space game, I was excited.  Until I went and looked at some of the trailers, gameplay preview videos, etc, and saw no female protagonist option.  I must have looked somewhat early on because even on message boards I looked at the answer was “they haven’t said anything” or “I don’t think so”.  And I was *crushed*, then stopped paying attention to that video game. After it came out, I heard it was a pretty good game, but if you could only play a guy, I wasn’t that interested.  
It wasn’t until 2009 when I finally got an XBox 360 and realized I had no idea what games to play on it that I didn’t already have on PC.  I joined a game trading thread on a forum I was on, and bought a few titles, and someone was selling Mass Effect cheap, so I thought... what the hell, I’ll probably like it even if I have to play a dude.  
A few nights later I was curled up on my couch with controller in hand and... hmm this music is pretty good.  OK New Game... Create Profile... wait what?  Custom or default Female character?  You can play as a woman?!? WHAT??  Damn, I should have looked at this game more closely.  Okay.
So I made my Annakie Engineer... and honestly I don’t remember what origins I picked then... but the game started.
I recognized one of the first two voices I heard but couldn’t place it.  And then a third guy was talking over these space scenes and someone walking scenes and... hang on, is that Seth Green?!?!  Neat!  Real cool space imagery here, great music... and then the intro was over and another guy started talking.
That. Is. Carth. Onasi’s. Voice.  
Then I stood up walked into my office, sat down at my PC, googled “Carth Onasi Voice Actor Mass Effect”, found the character’s name, then googled “Kaidan Alenko romance”.  Found the wiki page, saw the answer was yes, and screamed again.  Really, really mad at myself.  This game had been out for two years.  A space RPG where you can play as a lady and the same voice actor I already ADORED was in it playing another romanceable character.  I knew then, two minutes into the game, that I was going to fucking LOVE THIS GAME and I should have played it TWO YEARS AGO.
I went back, played all night, and for the next several nights until I beat the game.  And then joined forums and everything I could get my hands on to find fellow fans, then replayed the game, and played again, and again, and again until I had all the achievements.  Then I bought it on PC so I could get all the achievements on PC and be ready to import saves for when Mass Effect 2 came out.
The one good thing about waiting so long to play ME1 was, I only had a year to wait until ME2.  That year was basically all about Mass Effect for me.
The Prologue
Anyway, while we’re here, let’s talk about the prologue.
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First off, who else, the first time you played, when in character creation you heard the “Profile Corrupted!” message thought you fucked something up or maybe your game disc was bad.  Anyone?  Not just me, right? I  may have restarted my Xbox.
The class descriptions I think are a little wonky.  I chose Engineer the first time through because I like utility classes and I like healing.  But the classes don’t really... play that way I guess.  Hitting F to heal (or whatever it’s mapped to on the controller) doesn’t really matter, and a couple of classes have access to First Aid.  Nobody is really a “healer”.  Hence switching to Vanguard later.
The prologue itself does a really great job, though, of setting up the game, and the world.  It starts with the great move of telling you a little bit about your own character, helping you to understand those choices that you made “Spacer” “Earthborn” “War Hero” “Sole Survivor”,  That was a good move.  It took me until my second playthrough to connect those two guys talking about me to being Anderson and Udina.  
Also, nice that they explained what Mass Effect actually *is* and placed you in a year, so you have an idea how far ahead this game is from our own time.
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And then this...
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But it’s great how they start with a shot of you, looking at Earth
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 then you see Jupiter, with an establishing shot of the spaceship you’re in.  (OK I didn’t get a great screenshot of this, I’m using gifs that are going in a gifset posting tomorrow)
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And then you fly by Neptune
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Then... wait what the fuck is this thing?
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Along with Seth Green talking to... someone?  And the movement through the ship, giving you glimpses of Jenkins, Pressley, crewmates doing their jobs, the camera constantly sweeping, something big is happening!  Something exciting!  You’re not sure what all of it is but... it sounds cool!
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The camera swings around on the person you’ve been following, and you already kinda know it’s your character, but there you are, in a very cool sweeping reveal.
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The music swells.  Then the big glowy weird scissors thing... eats the spaceship and spits it back out.
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It’s all so effective.  It’s kind of breathtaking to watch even for what must be like my 30th time, not exaggerating.
And I can never wait to do it again.  What a great way to start this game.  
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unweavinglies · 5 years
hey, while replaying the game, i noticed that in chapter 3 kokichi makes a rather interesting statement, which gets brushed off and forgotten almost right after. he references danganronpa 1! he specifically says that he watched an anime in which the mastermind sacrificed a family member to get the killing started. nobody has talked about that line as far as i know, so what's your opinion on it? why did he know about dr1? i don't really know what to make of it.
After doing a brief check on the facts, I’ve come to the conclusion that Kokichi’s reference to “an anime about a death game” is either incorrectly referencing Danganronpa 1, it isn’t referencing Danganronpa 1 at all.
Here’s the full conversation (Celest had screenshot this a while back during her play through when commenting on Kokichi’s remarks on wanting Kaede to be revived because it would make Shuichi happy)
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This is fundamentally incorrect, if it is supposed to be a reference to Danganronpa 1.
Junko, as the mastermind of DR1, didn’t need to kill Mukuro to start the killing game, because Sayaka Maizono had already attempted to kill Leon Kuwata, but was killed by Leon in Makoto’s bathroom. 
Mukuro wasn’t a victim of a blackened. Mukuro was killed by Junko on a whim, because Junko decided last minute to make an example of her and actually kill her rather than “imprison” her and let Mukuro lurk in the shadows like they originally planned.
Because it is not 100% accurate, we can’t assume Kokichi has “seen” DR1 or has knowledge of it, especially since the “It’s all fiction!” twist would have to be a fact (which there is a lot of evidence to prove that Tsumugi was lying about this, in all honesty) but if that is the case, then Kokichi would still be incorrect here, because DR1′s canon timeline doesn’t change for V3, even in V3 making references to Leon’s murdering of Sayaka.
Kokichi also makes references to DR2 in his FTEs, demanding that Shuichi get on his knees and slit open his stomach as an apology--a reference to Fuyuhiko from DR2. He also makes references to Yu-Gi-Oh! among others.
From a literary standpoint, these references are probably just that-references. There aren’t any strong implications that these references have any plot relevance, but there is a possibility that Kokichi is suffering from an “error”/mistake in the flashback lights, and “remembers” things from the real outside world. 
However, I don’t believe that’s the case. Kokichi does make some questionable statements (I.E. telling Kaede he’s “met her before under similar circumstances” (in reference to the killing game) but this could also imply a sort of time loop if Kokichi really wasn’t just pulling Kaede’s leg here, because there are implications in the prologue that Kaede and Kokichi both were “new” to the Killing Game scene where as Rantaro knew immediately knew what was going on. Kaede did recognize the Monokubs, but didn’t immediately recognize the 16 student thing. Kokichi didn’t even remark on this at all.)
An interesting idea that plays into both statements “I saw an anime once where the mastermind sacrificed a family member to get the killing game started” and “We’ve met before under similar circumstances” would be explained with that time loop theory, if Tsumugi and Rantaro were siblings and Kokichi was aware of her being the mastermind. But there’s little evidence for this, and is more so a fun idea above all else.
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