#i removed the desks for comedic effect but even with them it’s so empty like damn boy not even a single book out?
vinnigami · 4 months
I can't with Nahobino's room..........
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it’s just so empty.. he lives in like. a home depot display
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thechoirrp · 5 years
Prompt #11 Snuff
hosted by : @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
Verb Phrases snuff out,to extinguish:to snuff out a candle. Leandra walks in the cold corridor of the mansion, it was better than the apartment in the middle of Ul’dah, but nothing compared to her own house in the capital. It’s been around ten hours that Karaan locks itself in his study, she could hear the scribble and curses coming from it.  She had prepared a meal and two cups of tea; a soft chuckle escapes her lips. “A house wise, now…”
She pushes the door open and enters the study. The room is fill with book on the floor and on shelves, at the end of it, a massive desk made of wood, on it,  two candles light on it, Karaan’s head turns in direction of the entrance of his study and arches an eyebrow seeing Leandra entering. “Hmm?” She answers with a soft : “ the voidkins of joy are sleeping,  I brought food and refreshments.”  
 The Archivist leans back on his chair and expels a long sigh, pushing aside the pile of drawing and notes, onto the floor next to him. Hidden under some books, is a bed, Karaan seems to use often in those days, lurking into the dream state he is call to. “Any new development” she inquires after offering the warm meal to him, grabbing her own cup of tea and sipping it. 
She looks at the few notes still on the desk, about Ronka, devices and aether. He curiosity getting better of her, she returns her emerald iris on her ally, smiling to him. “Tell me, maybe it will help you clarify your mind.” She paces behind while studying.Karaan nods and finishes his meal quickly. “Well, not much to be certain, mostly rumors, legends and more weird stuff that I am not even sure if it is all real.”
 He shakes his head. “So, I did a few jumps now, was able to reach their capital, I assume.” He pulls out a piece of paper. “From that library, I was able to learn that those Ronka.” He waves the piece of paper, over his shoulder, showing it to Leandra. “Well, they were an empire spreading around their lands, for millennials, they reach peak of technology and powers…” He chuckles.” And they fall…not sure what made them fall, but they did.” He glances over at her. “A bit like the Allag Empire here.”
 She nods and continues to sip her tea, leaning near one of the massive shelf fills with books and maps.“And?”
“From Rae, our guide; I guess, in this lovely adventure, his husband had this device before they met or found it before.” He shrugs and circles one of the pieces of paper and sticks on board looming over the desk. “That device is able to heal by he is assuming, taking aether from those around itself.” A tired laugh escapes his lips. “And it seems to stop aging to anyone affected by it.” He scribbles on a second pieces of paper and puts it next to the first one on the board. “You are following me.”
She mumbles a soft yes, between two sips of her tea, looking at the young man with a wide grin.
“Well, so thing seems to have got wrong the last time they used it; so, Rae decided to store it back to where he thought it came from. The Ronka Ruin in the middle of a massive forest.” He turns his chair to look at her. “Picture the Black Forest, but…darker, I guess.” He chuckles.” In that forest, the ruins of the Ronka seems to be sacred to a people : the Vii.” He chuckles.” It seems to be their version of Viera, with the same we go murder-bunny on anyone entering our own forest.”
 Leandra frowns and nods, remembering her own encounter with them during her time active.
“So, Sacred Ruin guarded by Viis; can’t deny it is a good hiding spot for device, you don’t want anyone to play with.” He returns his gaze on the desk and pulls out a third paper. “Well, it seems the ruin decided to add a layer of security, now there is a guardian standing near the entrance of the vault. Our…little…problem.”
 He sticks the last piece of  paper near the rest on the board.Leandra laughs. “It would have been too easy with just the murder-bunny.”Karaan empties his own cup of tea and nods. “Well, here what I was able to decipher from my notes, legends and by looking at it.” He leans back on his chair, looking directly at her. “It seems to have two states:  A vigilant state, who seems to be in an immaterial shape; from Rae, this shape is immune to any effect of aetherical power.” He stops. “and since it is …. incorporeal, I assume throwing swords and arrows will be just for comedic relief moment.” He continues about the guardian
He rubs his temple.” Once he has acquired a target or something move to close to the vault, it can take a more direct approach.  In this form, he can interact with his environment and I assume pummel any dumbass to close to the vault. 
““You assume?” She inquires, a soft giggle escaping her voice. “You didn’t try yourself.”
“I didn’t find any poor sob that I would have sacrifice for testing practice….I am not able to strap Ham on a carbuncle and studies how fast a dragon can fly after it..” He waves his hand in dismissal way when he sees her confusion. “A story for another day.”  He continues about the guardian
“The Guardian seems to be made of stone or material imitating the stone, so I assume hard enough to resist blunt damage long enough to pummel anyone close to his target.” He frowns. “the shape seems to be the one of bipedal, humanoid guardian.” He searches through his notes for a moment. “It doesn’t seem to be slow, from lore and legends I have found, they weren’t known for their slow massive thing.” He closes his eyes for a moment. 
“Here the part I find it hard and complicated. Rae told me the Guardian wasn’t there before, so we can assume the device, or the vault summon, create or call him to defend the vault and the device.” He turns his eyes toward the notes on the board. “The device is known to acquire aether from people near it; we could assume it could do the same with ambient aether, feeding it to itself and to the guardian to keep this dormant state for as long as he needs it. The little problem that I have with that guardian is the device is known to mend wound and stop aging; so I have to assume that if that thing is there to protect the device, the device may be able to mend any -wounds- we will inflict, seeping the aether from the lands itself…or ourselves if we are close enough. Or even, the Guardian could do it by itself, anyone close enough, if it can mimic any of the device ability.”
Leandra blinks and finishes her own cup of tea; while looking through the hundred of books around them, she smiles back to Karaan. “I see the problem, so…if I understand, if you think that it is true, you’ll have to find a find to…cut him from the device or even from the ambient aether.” She chuckles and her fingers grazes a book, before pulling it out of the shelf. “Maybe you could snuff him out, like a candle…” She chuckles and looks at the candle near the desk, gently putting her own cup over it. “Or you could drain the aether from this place dry, forcing it to seek his own supply, maybe leaving the vault.” She offers the man a soft smile and a wink. “Your purpose is the vault, not him…Not anyone could out-run him, but a sacrifice could be the best way to divert his attention.”
 She chuckles “Or...” she shows the book she pulls out from the shelf.” See it as an Eikons, and do as we do: Remove the supply, kill the tempered and…disrupt the ritual.” She chuckles. “I don’t think a dormant device could have activated itself by itself, someone did it…” She blows the last candle away. “But for now, you are tired.”
 Karan blinks when he ends up in the dark room, a soft giggle echoing in his ears. “Leandra?” her voice answering with a soft laugh. “We are both adult…”
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