#i removed the blockquote bc on mobile they look bad
trillscienceofficer · 6 years
@spyrograph replied to your post “actually, the fact that Ezri chose to be joined to Dax despite the...”
I think that being a councilor was a big factor as well. She was probably a very well-grounded person before joining (since being joined causes a shift in personality in people who have literally spent their whole lives preparing for it, i'd imagine that doing so cold-turkey would really screw with a person's sense of self). Honestly wtf was Starfleet thinking just letting this person who was for all intents and purposes BORN YESTERDAY stumble into a war zone???
but, yeah. The fact that she's willing to go through this massively life-altering experience for the sake of the Dax symbiote would have been the deciding factor.                    
I think Ezri Tigan was a rather headstrong young woman, mostly because of her family background: she survived with a terrible mother who constantly berated her and tried to mold her into someone she didn’t want to be, and two useless brothers; then she left home as soon as she could to join Starfleet (which isn’t exactly the most safe career in the Federation). That’s not something just anyone could do! I honestly admire her determination. Perhaps she also chose to become a counselor because of her background but we never learn the reasoning behind her choice, because yes, the joining with Dax turned her sense of self completely upside down. The novels make her even switch career path post-canon.
I think you’re right though that Ezri Tigan already showed signs of being able to handle Dax.
And as for her being so young in a war zone... it’s probably an unfortunate consequence of all the terrible losses in the ongoing war efforts, Starfleet probably couldn’t afford to be choosy about who to send on starships.
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